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[shia_strength] |troid.org| Publication: Lessons and Benefits from the Marital Life of the Prophet


Publication: Lessons and Benefits from the Marital Life of the Prophet   Print E-mail
Tuesday, 06 April 2010

Lessons and Benefits from the Marital Life of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)
By Khaalid Ibn `Abdur-Rahmaan ash-Shaayi'

Pre-Release Information (currently in proof-reading stage)

- cover art pending -
Size: 6' x 9' Paperback
Page Count: 72
Price: $8 USD
Release Date:  June insha'Allaah

About this publication:

An insightful look in to the perfect manners and morals of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) in his dealings with his wives. The author carefully selects fifteen hadeeth ranging from issues of approaching marriage to wedding celebrations to issues of rights, disagreement and reconcilement - all of which exemplify the beautiful conduct of the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) combining the ultimate balance of wisdom, mercy and justice.

The author states in his introduction:
"No doubt the mannerism and the character of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is an example that Muslims generation after generation have tried to emulate, and this is because of the exemplary traits and qualities that Allaah has bestowed upon him. And from these noble characteristics is the manner in which he treated his wives and his children, for the one who ponders on this aspect of his life stands astounded in awe and admiration for this noble Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)."



Translator's Foreword III
Author's Introduction V
The 1st Benefit:  A Father Offering His Daughter in Marriage to a Righteous Man 7
The 2nd Benefit:  The Type of Entertainment Permitted for the Wedding 11
The 3rd Benefit:  The Prophetic Guidance of the Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) with Regards to Marital Relations 23
The 4th Benefit:  Being Kind to One's Wife and Gaining Her Love 27
The 5th Benefit:  Paying Close Attention to the Special Traits of One's Spouse 29
The 6th Benefit:  Overlooking the Mistakes of One's Spouse 33
The 7th Benefit:  Reconciling Marital Disputes 35
The 8th Benefit:  Making It a Duty to Teach One's Family 39
The 9th Benefit:  Purifying the Home from Things that are Impermissible 42
The 10th Benefit:  Safeguarding Oneself from the Suspicion of Others 45
The 11th Benefit:  Handling Jealousy 47
The 12th Benefit:  A Warning to the Spouses and Other than Them against Backbiting 49
The 13th Benefit:  Reconciling Between the Co-Wives 53
The 14th Benefit:  Being Kind to One's Daughters 57
The 15th Benefit:  Fulfilling the Rights of the Wife Even After She Dies 61
Glossary of Important Arabic Words and Phrases 65

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 06 April 2010 )

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