Imam Khamnae???
You people have given attributes of Aima Masoomeen(asws) to Ulema. and whosoever oppose you, then the biggest prove you got is fatwa of Mujtahid.
anyhow we have Hadith e Masoom(asws) and you have mujtahid fatwa.
both things cannot be compared.
I would like to invite you and all people with the same belief to have a Debate with me regarding using attributes of Imam(asws) with sinful persons. like Imam, Ruhullah, Ayatullah, Hujjatullah, Wali ul Amr etc.
From previous 1400 years these Attributes or titles were used with only and only 12 Imams(asws), but now a new ruhullah, a new hujjatullah, a new wali ul amr and a new Imam is there.
salam to all of you.
Hasnain Naqvi
To: shia_strength@
From: masoom110@yahoo.
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 18:26:25 +0000
Subject: [shia_strength] Re: zanjeerzani and qamazani
To: Imam Khameneis Office in Qom
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: Question about Akhbariyat
As Salam Aleykum
dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
I would like to ask a religious question to my Marja-e-Taqleed and our
Wilayat-e-Faqih Hazrat Imam Khamenei (may Allah shower HIS blessings on
Dear Imam Khamenei, as Salam Aleykum
I wanted to ask you a
important religious question about a new group among Ithna Asheriyyah
Shia, which is called Ithna Asheriyyah Imamiyah Akhbari.
The Akhbaris call themselves true shia and they believe in the 14
that they are doing taqleed of Imam al-Mahdi (as) directly.
The Akhbaris sometimes curse (La'aan) and insult the great Mujtahideen
like the Wali-e-Faqih Imam Khamenei, and also Imam Khomeini (r.), they
absolutely disrespect he great Ulema of Shia, sometimes even from the pulpit (Minbar).
The Akhbari believe that the shahaadah of Aliyun Waliullah is obligatory(wajib) in
every namaaz in the tashahud. Furthermore Akhbaris believe, that
the quran has been changed and Azadari of Imam al-Mazloom (as) is more important
than prayer. They have also constructed a internet website www.akhbari.
can read more of their beliefes. They are nowadays very active among shia especially in
Muharram during Majaalis of ShuhDah-e-Kerbala (as). They tell wrong things about Islam
and also write wrong books. The Akhbaris are confusing many of our shia brothers and
Some true shia preachers have said that the religion of Akhbariat is different
from true shiism and that these people are Kuffar. My question is now:
1) Are the Akhbaris considered as muslims in your honourable opinion?
2) Is it permissible to eat and drink from them?
3) How should the shia brothers and sisters warned against the Akhbari
religion, because many people don't know about them?
Wassalam Aleykom wa Rahmatullah, Jazaakum Allah khairan,
—– Original Message —–
From: istiftaa
To: Inqelaab
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 2:27 PM
Subject: 17167e
Salamun `alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
The answer is as follows:
Bismihi Ta`ala
1) As long as their belief does not make them denying the fundamental of
the religion or the prophethood of the Last Prophet Muhammad (s.), they
are rued as Muslims and taahir (pure) although their deviation is confirmed.
2) According to the given question, there is no objection to it.
3) You must try your best to guide them through kind treatment, good
morals, getting good information through reading, to be able to guide them.
You may also make the others aware of their deviated thoughts.
Note: We beg your pardon, for the delay in answering your questions which
is due to great deal of work and the huge number of emails reaching us from
all over the world.
With prayers for your success,
--- In shia_strength@
> salamun alaikum,
> Thnx brother Hasnain for declaring yourself an Akhbari which I always suspected you to be.
> Dear members of the forum and brother Masoom Abidi. Pls beware of anti-ulema people like Hasnian Naqvi. These are people of Akhbari belief. For more knowledge about Akhbari and Ghali beliefs of these ppl. pls visit site www.akhbari.
> wassalam
> ____________
> From: Hasnain Naqvi hrnaqvi12@..
> To: ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@..
> Cc: caabbas@...
> Sent: Wed, April 21, 2010 3:32:22 PM
> Subject: RE: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> And my fellow ahmad ahmad has shown himsef Kharji/deobandi by attacking the Azadari of Imam e Mazloom(as).
> Wilayat e Faqih is totally against Shia aqaids. Because these new born people who are off-springs of Kharjis take religion from Ulema and we the true Shias take are religion from Maula not Molvi.
> Read Nehjul Balagha Sermon 17 and 18 which is 100% against man made scholars who give different rulings based on their Ijtehad.
> Ahmad ahmad is such an ignorant guy, that he uses the word as stated by ulema in order to prove Khooni Matam is not allowed. Any how Masoomeen(asws) has never ever prohibited it, instead according to fathers of ahmad ahmad for example Syed Mohammad Sherazi who was a Mujtahid e Azam he has extracted his rulings of Khooni Matam from the incident of Syed Zainab(sa) where She hit her Head.
> I haven't said some illegitimate, but the Prophet Mohammad(saww) has said whosoever does not belief in Wilayat e Ali(asws), oppose Wilayat e Ali(asws) is an illegitimate, whether he is a muslim like ahmad ahmad or a Kharji like ahmad ahmad.
> Regards,
> Hasnain Naqvi
> ____________
> Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:45:17 -0700
> From: jamiahmad@..
> Subject: Re: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> To: hrnaqvi12@..
> CC: caabbas@...
> Salamun Alaikum,
> As we have seen that this friend of mine called Mr. Hasnain Naqvi has shown his true colour (akhbariyat) by attacking Imam Khomieni and Imam Khamnaei. He has also insulted the concept of Wilayate Faqih.
> Secondly, calling a Muslim illegitimate (Qazful Mohsanat -ascribing the tohmat of zina on a chaste woman) without clear proof is a major sin. In fact Shaheed Dastghaib Shirazi has listed this sin among the top most major sins (just after Shirk and being hopeless of Allah's mercy) in his book Gunahane Kabirah. Â
> Thirdly, this gentleman has compared Waliye Faqih to Khawarij.
> These are major sins and I pray for his forgiveness. At the same time I invite the moderator to do his job and advise him not to use filthy and abusive language in the forum and try to be civilised so that we can have a meaningful dialogue.
> This behaviour is typical of emotional people who are cut away from the Shariah and live in their make-believe world of self made Aqeedah.
> The issue of Khooni matam is very simple and I have proved that this activity is unislamic and has been declared haram by Ulema (as per their fatwa qouted below). Therefore nothing much is left to be written on this issue.
> ws
> ____________
> From: Hasnain Naqvi hrnaqvi12@..
> To: ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@..
> Cc: caabbas@...
> Sent: Sun, April 18, 2010 11:00:06 AM
> Subject: RE: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> At the time of battle of Neharwan, Imam(asws) went to the kharjis and called them for Munazra, Imam(asws) answered all their questions, but those kharjis were not legitimate because of the character of their mothers so they never accepted the truth, even Imam(asws) was delivering Haq to them.
> First of all, Shia religion was established by 12 Imams not by khomeni or khamnai etc. I cannot believe that this ignorant guy can write such an idiot statement "Because in his time Wilayate Faqih was not established. As we are aware that Wilayate Faqih has been established in 1980 by Imam Khomeini and present Waliye Faqih is Imam Khamnei. The command of waliye Faqih supercedes any other religious authority even a Marja."
> Go and take with you your theory of wilayat e faqih, the concept of wilayat e faqih was not even present before 40 years.
> It was khomeni who presented it, and it were the scholars of iran who accepted and made obligatory on all shia muslims.
> 1. Fatwa of Allama Hairi is still in the throat of Muqassareen, Hairi has said "there is no one who can go against Fatwa". No one means no one for muqaliddeen.
> 2. I told this ignorant guy earlier, that Syed Mohammad Sherazi was a mujtahid e azam, he has extracted his rulings on Azadari from the incident of Syeda Zainab(sa). Answer this? or go where your leaders( abu hurera, marwan, abu sufyan) went.
> Regards,
> Hasnain Naqvi
> ____________
> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 03:46:49 -0700
> From: jamiahmad@..
> Subject: Re: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> To: shia_strength@
> CC: caabbas@...
> Salamun alaikum,
> Its always difficult to have a meaning dialogue with emotional people, and specially on issues related with aqeedah. But our leaders, i.e. 12 Imams, have told us not be emotional in any issue specially aqeedah and scrutinise everything under the scanner of shariah. Whatever is found compatible with shairah is to be accepted and anything found against the shairah is to be rejected however appealing that act might be.
> 1. All the fatawa quoted by my dear brother Hasnain Naqvi below are conditional and qualified. And the basic condition is 'if there no harm'....Now since there is a harm in this act of khooni matam (which is proved beyond doubt) the condition is invoked and the act becomes Baatil
> 2. Fatwa of shaikh Hairi that 'no one can issue Fatwa against Tatbeer' is no longer valid. Because in his time Wilayate Faqih was not established. As we are aware that Wilayate Faqih has been established in 1980 by Imam Khomeini and present Waliye Faqih is Imam Khamnei. The command of waliye Faqih supercedes any other religious authority even a Marja.
> 3. Riwayat of Hazrat Zainab hitting her head may be true. But it does not prove that Khooni matam is allowed. As I have already stated this act was an izterari act and therefore neither a hujjat on us nor a sunnah. And this was not an annual affair. If she meant it to be an act of khooni matam, she should have bleeded herself every Ashura and Arbaeen every year.
> I hope with the efforts of our Ulema and hidayat from ALLAH SWT we can eradicate all such unislamic practices from our community.
> wsÂ
> ____________
> From: Hasnain Naqvi hrnaqvi12@..
> To: ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@..
> Cc: caabbas@...
> Sent: Fri, April 16, 2010 8:09:02 AM
> Subject: RE: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> Â
> I can only laugh at this cartoon.
> These people do not like to see what Hadith of Masoomeen(asws) says, they only know one thing is to show Fatwa of Mujtahid who is their Allah and Rasool.
> When we show them not a Fatwa but Fatawa of Mujtahideen then these pick palls of new generation rejects the rulings of Mujtahideen and show us the true legitimacy of their blood.
> When it is proven from thousands of books that Prophet Mohammad(saww) says, O Ali(asws) only a legitimate will Love you and only an illegitimate will hate you.
> Every man who barks against Azadari e Imam Hussain(asws) is included in this above category of being an illegitimate.
> Even ahle sunnah wal jammat are fond of doing azadari, I have hundreds of ahle sunnah friends which go with me on Ashura day and do azadari as we do.
> Being a shia and barking against azadari is totally self contradictory.
> The mentioned below Fatawa of Mujtahideen are a clear cut statements for Azadari, but these layman become self mujtahid when any things gets contradict with their belief which is because of their blood.
> For example.
> This answer was given by Ayatullah al-Uzma Syed Mohammad Sherazi who was a Mujtahid e Azam.
> ------------ -----
> Answer:
> TATBIR is a desirable act, and a MUKALLAF â€" i.e. one who has reached the adolescence age and is duty bound â€" may forsake a desirable act. It is not allowed to humiliate a Mu’min, and also one who does not do TATBIR may not humiliate or insult others, or accuse them (of false things).
> Â
> Question:
> What is your opinion regarding the reports that Lady Zaynab (AS), when she saw the head of her brother Imam Hussain peace be upon him, being paraded in public hit her forehead on the bar of the carriage she was travelling in, causing bleeding to flow from beneath her veil, which was visible to onlookers who witnessed the event?
> Â
> Answer:
> Yes that is proven.
> Â
> {Some of the famous references, which confirm the above report, are as follows:
> ·       Bihaar al-Anwaar; volume 45, page 114,
> ·       Jalaa’ al-‘Oyun;volume 2, page 238,
> ·       Zaynab al-Kubra; page 112,
> ·       Asraar al-Shahadah; page 474,
> ·       Al-Muntakhab; volume 2, page 478,
> ·       Nusrat-ul-Madhlum; page 18. Needless to say that ‘Allamah al-Majlisi â€" compiler of Bihaar al-Anwaar â€" and Sheikh al-Shari’ah al-Isfahani have confirmed the authenticity of the report.}
> ------------ --------- --------- -
> Look here, Mujtahid e Azam is give rulings on Azadari based on the incident of Syeda Zainab(sa) hitting her head, but this ignorant guy(ahmad ahmad) gives his own fatwa ignoring mujtahid sherazi.
> Similarly Abdul Kareem Hairi writes
> "Furthermore their is no one who can prohibits this"....... ..... but this new mujtahid (ahmad ahmad) says that I am more knowledgeable then Hairi and gives a fatwa against his father.
> Curse be on all those people who are against Zanjeer and Qama Zani.
> Regards,
> Hasnain Naqvi
> ____________
> Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:41:15 -0700
> From: jamiahmad@yahoo. com
> Subject: Re: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> To: shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com
> CC: caabbas@ymail. com; hrnaqvi12@hotmail. com
> Asak,
> 1. Shaikh Hairy: provided there is no harm to the person doing this.Â
> Â
>  There is a harm to the person doing this because of the danger of injury and even death. There have been incidents of even death due to the zanjeer hitiing the shahrag. (main vein on the side of the neck). Therefore the condition as per the fatwa of Shaikh Hairi make the khhoni matam batil. Excessive bleeding is common and that also contradics the shart (provided there is no harm). Therefore based on the conditions given by the Shaikh himself in the given Fatwa itself, khooni matam is proved to be batil. Also, those who do khooni matam leave mark of injury on their head, chest and back etc. this disfugers there body and is an insult to the beutiful creation of Allah SWT. Allah has made us Basharan Sawiyya. Man is the best creation of Allah, and disfiguring the beutiful body by marking injury on oneself is an insult to the beutiful creation of Allah SWT. This also a harm and therefore haram as per fatwa of shaikh Hairi given below.
> Â
> 2. Shaikh Mohd. Husain Naini: provided it does not lead to endangering harm, such as unstoppable bleeding or harm to the scull.
> Â
> The condition in the fatwa is enough to make khooni matam batil because as proved above it leads to excessive bleeding in many cases and even death.
> Â
> 3. Syed Al-Khoi : assuming there is going to be no permanent harm. Â
> Â
> This fatwa is also conditional and arguments above prove that khooni matam is haram based on the conditions given by syed Al khoi.
> Â
> 4. Syed Seestani: If (these are) not associated with extreme harm or loss of limb, there is no objection.
> Â
> Ditto above. Not only loss of limb but I have seen a man dying also in front of my eyes!!
> Â
> Â
> 5. Syed Shirazi: 1. unless it leads to death, loss of limb, or loss of faculties. in it not being extremely harmful.
> Ditto above
> Â
> 6. Lady Zaynab (AS), when she saw the head of her brother Imam Hussain peace be upon him, being paraded in public hit her forehead on the bar of the carriage she was travelling in, causing bleeding to flow from beneath her veil.
> Â
> It was done once, not every year. And also she was a muztar, she did it instinctively as a shell shocked person would do in extreme grief. It was not a delibrate act. It was not an act for which preparation would be done, as our modern day khooni matamdar do. She did it in Alame Izterar and therefore this act is not a sunnah for us neither an hujjat on us. One can even eat pig in Alame Izterar (if one is dying of hunger) it does not become Hujjat for others.
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Wassalam
> Â
> ____________
> From: Hasnain Naqvi hrnaqvi12@hotmail. com>
> To: ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@yahoo. com>; "shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com" <shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com>
> Cc: caabbas@ymail. com
> Sent: Tue, April 13, 2010 8:11:20 PM
> Subject: [shia_strength] RE: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> Â
> Al-Imam al-Sheikh Abdul Kareem al-Ha’ery
> The Founder of the current Hawzah in the holy city of Qum.Â
> “The hitting of swords on the heads (causing bleeding) is alright (allowed) provided there is no harm to the person doing this. Furthermore no one has the right to prohibit this(hitting the head with sword). In fact all kinds of TA’ZIAH â€" mourning â€" for SEYYED AL-SHUHADA’ â€" Imam Hussain â€" may our souls be sacrificed for him, are MUSTAHAB â€" desirable deeds.â€�
> Â
> Â
> The above Fatwa by al-Imam al-Sheikh Abdul Kareem al-Ha’ery was endorsed and signed by the following eminent Maraje’:
> Â
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Sheikh Muhammad al-Araki,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Muhammad Ridha al-Gulpaygani,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Shahab-el-Deen al-Mar’ashi al-Najafi,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Hassan al-Tabataba’e al-Qummi,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Muhammad al-Waheedi,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Mirza Jawaad al-Tabrizi,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Muhammad Saadiq al-Rouhani,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma Muhammad Mahdi al-Lankaroudi,
> And many other Maraje’ and eminent scholars . . .
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Al-Imam al-Sheikh Muhammad Hussain al-Naa’ini,
> The teacher of the Maraje’ of the holy city of Najaf.
> Â
> “There is no doubt as to the permissibility of the beating of the chest and the face with the hands to the point of redness or blackness (of the chest or the face). This is also extended to the lashing of the shoulders and the back with chains to the extent mentioned (above), and even if this led to bleeding. As for causing the bleeding of the head by sword beating, this is also allowed provided it does not lead to endangering harm, such as unstoppable bleeding or harm to the scull, etc. as it is known amongst the experts in doing this (hitting on the head).�
> Â
> Â
> The above Fatwa by al-Imam al-Sheikh Muhammad Hussain al-Naa’ini was endorsed and signed by the following eminent Maraje’:
> Â
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Mohsen al-Hakim,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Muhammad Kaadhem al-Shari’atMadari,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Abd-el-A’la al-Sabzewary,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Abul-Qassim al-Kho’i,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Muhammad Ridha al-Gulpaygani,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Ali al-Hussaini al-Seestani,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid Muhammad Saadiq al-Rouhani,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Mirza Jawaad al-Tabrizi,
> * Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Sheikh Hussain al-Waheed al-Khurasani,
> And many other Maraje’ and eminent scholars . . .
> Â
> Â
> Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid al-Kho’i
> The former leader of the Hawzah of the holy city of Najaf.
>  Question: Is there any problem with causing the bleeding of the head â€" TATBIR â€" as it is practiced, to express one’s grief about the martyrdom of our Imam Hussain peace be upon him, assuming there is going to be no permanent harm?
> Â Answer:
> There is no problem with that, given the assumption made in the question, and Allah knows best.
> Question:
> You stated that there is no problem in causing the bleeding of the head â€" known as TATBIR â€" if it does not lead to harm. It is said that it is not more than a permissible act, then can TATBIR be MUSTAHAB â€" desirable â€" if the intention was the upholding and honouring the Sha’a’er â€" signs of Allah â€" and sympathy with the Ahl-ul-Bayt, peace be upon them?
> Â
> Answer:
> Most probably Allah Almighty would give thawab â€" reward (the individual) â€" for sympathising with the Ahl-ul-Bayt if the intention is sincere.
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid al-Seestani
> The current leader of the Hawzah of the holy city of Najaf.
> Â
> Question:
> What is the ruling regarding the lashing with chains, chest beating, and walking on fire on the occasion of mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hussain peace be upon him?
> Answer:
> If (these are) not associated with extreme harm or loss of limb, there is no objection.
> Â
> Question:
> What is the ruling regarding wearing black, and chest beating when commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain peace be upon him, as well as other infallible Imams peace be upon them?
> Â
> Answer:
> This is permissible, and in fact this is regarded as one of the best means of seeking nearness to Allah, since it is upholding and honouring the Sha’a’er of Allah Almighty. [This is a reference to the Qur’anic Ayah 22:32. â€" translator.]
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Imam al-Seyyid al-Shirazi
> Â
> Question:
> Some individuals say that I do not see shedding my tears as enough to express my grief for Imam Hussain (AS), his household and his followers on the day of Ashura. So is hitting myself with sword and injuring myself is allowed?
> Â
> Answer:
> The Hussaini Sha’a’er, including TATBIR, are some of the RAAJIH issues.  TATBIR is a MUSTAHAB deed, unless it leads to death, loss of limb, or loss of faculties. (RAAJIH means MUSTAHAB that could become WAJIB depending on the circumstances - translator.) .
> Â
> Question:
> What is your opinion regarding hitting the head with sword â€" TATBIR â€" on the day of Ashura whether or not it harms the individual?
> Â
> Answer:
> The most common and widely known opinion of the Fuqaha (scholars) is that the desirability (of TATBIR) is in it not being extremely harmful.
> Â
> Question:
> If one engages in the program of TA’ZIAH for Imam Hussain (AS), and goes on to serve the program of TA’ZIAH but does not do TATBIR, is he regarded as a sinner, who deserves to be humiliated?
> Â
> Answer:
> TATBIR is a desirable act, and a MUKALLAF â€" i.e. one who has reached the adolescence age and is duty bound â€" may forsake a desirable act. It is not allowed to humiliate a Mu’min, and also one who does not do TATBIR may not humiliate or insult others, or accuse them (of false things).
> Â
> Question:
> What is your opinion regarding the reports that Lady Zaynab (AS), when she saw the head of her brother Imam Hussain peace be upon him, being paraded in public hit her forehead on the bar of the carriage she was travelling in, causing bleeding to flow from beneath her veil, which was visible to onlookers who witnessed the event?
> Â
> Answer:
> Yes that is proven.
> Â
> {Some of the famous references, which confirm the above report, are as follows:
> ·       Bihaar al-Anwaar; volume 45, page 114,
> ·       Jalaa’ al-‘Oyun;volume 2, page 238,
> ·       Zaynab al-Kubra; page 112,
> ·       Asraar al-Shahadah; page 474,
> ·       Al-Muntakhab; volume 2, page 478,
> ·       Nusrat-ul-Madhlum; page 18. Needless to say that ‘Allamah al-Majlisi â€" compiler of Bihaar al-Anwaar â€" and Sheikh al-Shari’ah al-Isfahani have confirmed the authenticity of the report.}
> Regards,
> Hasnain Naqvi
> ____________
> Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 09:53:54 -0700
> From: jamiahmad@yahoo. com
> Subject: zanjeerzani and qamazani
> To: shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com
> CC: hrnaqvi12@hotmail. com; caabbas@ymail. com
> Â
> Â
> Question by Ahmed: My brother wants to do Qama on 20 Safar, he is following Ayatollah Sistani. Based on the misuse of Qama today, insincerity of many people, diseases spreading around, and political views can I stop him from doing Qama?
> Answer by Board of Istifa, Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani: The main objective of mourning and lamentation during 'Ashura', is to respect the signs and symbols of religion and remember the suffering of Imam Hussain (as), his companions, and his uprising to defend Islam and prevent the destruction of the religion by Bani Umayyad dynasty. These rites must be done in such a way that in addition to serving that purpose, it draws the attention of others to these lofty goals. Also its ritual aspect should be preserved. So those actions which are not understandable for the enemies of Islam and non-Shia Muslims and causes misunderstanding and contempt for the religion must be avoided.
> Question by Zaeem Sherazi: I want to know the status of beating our backs with knives (ZANJEER) on the day of Ashura? What is it status in our Fiqh?
> Answer by Board of Istifa, Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani: The philosophy of mourning during 'Ashura', is to respect the symbols of religion and remember the suffering of Imam Hussain (as), his companions, and his uprising to defend Islam and prevent the destruction of the religion by Bani Umayyad dynasty. These rites must be done in such a way that in addition to serving that purpose, it draws the attention of others to these lofty goals. So those actions which are not understandable and causes misunderstanding and contempt for the religion must be avoided.
> Ayatollah Khamenei: Practical Laws of Islam >> Religious Events
> Q1430: What is the view on beating the drum and cymbal, blowing the trumpet, and lashing oneself with chains with blades during the processions of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.)?
> A: If the use of such chains leads, in the eye of the public, to defaming our school of thought or inflicting a noticeable harmful effect on the body, it is not permissible. There is no harm in using the drum, cymbal, and trumpet in the traditional way.
> Q1439: Is there any basis in religion for piercing one's body with weights dangling therefrom, all in the name of commemorating the martyrdom of the Imam Husayn (a.s.)?
> A: These acts, which are, inevitably, bound to portray our school of thought in a negative shade, are impermissible.
> Q1449: In commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) on the tenth of Muharram, some people hit themselves with a machete, or walk bare-footed on fire. Such actions defame Shi'ism and put it in a bad light, if not undermine it. They cause bodily and spiritual harms on these doing it as well. What is your opinion in this matter?
> A: Any practice that causes bodily harm, or leads to defaming the faith, is Haram. Accordingly, the believers have to steer clear of it. There is no doubt that many of these practices besmirch the image of Ahlul Bayt's (a.s.) School of Thought which is the worst damage and loss.
> Q1450: Is hitting oneself with swords Halal if it is done in secret? Or is your fatwa in this regard universal?
> A: In addition to the fact that it is not held in the common view as manifestations of mourning and grief and it has no precedent at the lifetime of the Imams (a.s.) and even after that and we have not received any tradition quoted from the Infallibles (a.s.) about any support for this act, be it privately or publicly, this practice would, at the present time, give others a bad image of our school of thought. Therefore, there is no way that it can be considered permissible.
> After reading the above mentioned orders from two Great Ayatollah's of our times. People should start following the orders to safeguard Islam and to fail the propaganda of "Taghoot" and arrogant powers of this era against Shiites proving them "Crazy" & "Insane" people who beat themselves sometimes so hard even threatening their own lives. To see the propaganda of "Taghoot" by yourself to believe, please visit the below given link called as Ashura.
> As such the true form of Azadari (mourning) is relevant to Wilayat only. The Azadari seen mostly are a set of rituals which are done with the purpose of earning rewards, expressing love of Imam Hussain (a.s.) in the form of grief, or expressing condolence to his mother Fatima Zahra (s.a.). Whereas Azadari in its true sense is awakening of the Ummah to stand and protest against the Yazid of our age and denounce their cruel and harmful policies towards Islam, and this spirit is very much lacking in our Azadari sessions, and this can only be enlightened through the Wilayat of the righteous, that is the Ulama (Faqih) during the occultation of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).
> As far as mourning is concerned and getting attention of entire world, then it should be done very nicely with "beating chests and heads with hands" and with complete discipline in procession. All the people should participate with fully dressed in black cloths. Then definitely it will impress the entire world and will force them to accept us as a peace loving people. On the other hand people fear from Shiites when they see them doing Zanjeer Zani crazily and from head to toe covered with blood.
> Some people call it Mojeza (Miracle) of Imam Hussain (a.s.), that there is no infection out of the wounds of Zanjeer and Qama.
> As far as no infection with Zanjeer and Qama is concerned, shows the lack of knowledge regarding cultures and religions of world. National Geographic channel has shown many times that in some countries they do the same things which Shiites do and they neither feel pain nor infection after doing so. Hence they can also claim it as Mojeza. So, it has been decided that religion can not be practiced according to our assumptions and self-made thoughts instead we should commemorate true Azadri with its soul.
> Some says; this is an issue of Aqeeda, whereas Taqleed is forbidden in Aqeeda, so what concern we have with the Marjae's?
> This is one more ignorant question. Aqeeda (Usool example Tauheed) is belief, beliefs are always in the heart, when the beliefs get manifested in practical form it becomes Furoo (example Salaat), and all Furoo are controlled by laws of Shariah. Now love for Allah is Tauheed, but when the same love comes into action it become Salaat, which is Furoo, and Shariah will tell us the way of Salaat. In a similar way, the love of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is Aqeeda, but when the same love comes in practical form, it becomes Furoo (example Azadari) and has to be controlled by Shariah.
> As far as matter of Owais-e-Qarani is concerned, he didn't broke his teeth's deliberately but infact it was emotional act and was not pre-planned thing rather than it was unplanned and very quick as he heard the news of the Prophet's broken teeth's. So if we suppose that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) didn't object on it then even we can't relate it to Zanjeer and Qama Zani's permission. Because (1) we do this Zanjeer and Qama Zani pre-planned and we do it every year and Owais-e-Qarani did it only once so we can't make habit of it. (2) we see no continuation of such practice after Owais-e-Qarani, hence proving that its not desirable or Mustahab thing otherwise other companions (Sahabas) would have done it or after that any of companions of Aimma would have done it when hearing martyrdom of any Imam.
> Hence it is proved that we find no legal status of shedding blood deliberately and make a practice of it every year rather then we should try to find out the ways which Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) has done, don't forget after Imam Hussain (AS), we have the history of eight (8) Imams, its not less. Why sticks on the act of Owais-e-Qarani only hence try to prove baseless thing?
> ____________
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> ____________
> From: Hasnain Naqvi hrnaqvi12@hotmail. com>
> To: "shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com" <shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com>; ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@yahoo. com>
> Sent: Wed, March 10, 2010 7:27:54 AM
> Subject: RE: [shia_strength] please vote for the question
> Â
> Zanjeer Zani and Qama Zani, Matam are the best form of doing Azadari.
> Â
> Lanet on all those people who oppose Azadari practices.
> Regards,
> Hasnain Naqvi
> Â
> ____________
> To: shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com; jamiahmad@yahoo. com
> From: caabbas@ymail. com
> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 22:58:55 -0800
> Subject: Re: [shia_strength] please vote for the question
> Â
> Thanks for your kind Vote.Â
> Khuda hafiz
> Abbas
> --- On Fri, 3/5/10, ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@yahoo. com> wrote:
> >From: ahmad ahmad jamiahmad@yahoo. com>
> >Subject: Re: [shia_strength] please vote for the question
> >To: shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com
> >Cc: caabbas@ymail. com
> >Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 4:15 PM
> >
> >
> >walekum salam,
> >
> >as you are aware that khooni matam is an anti-shariah practice.... .therefore even if it makes good impression on other communities, it can be accepted still....even otherwise... .Khooni Matam makes BAD IMPRESSION on other communities.
> >
> >ws
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ____________
> From: Syed Raza Abbas Rizvi caabbas@ymail. com>
> >To: Shia Strength <shia_strength@ yahoogroups. com>
> >Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 9:57:27 AM
> >Subject: [shia_strength] please vote for the question
> >
> >Â
> >Â
> >Aslammunalekum,
> >Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
> >Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Please vate for the the following question in the poll option.
> >
> >
> >Zanjil Zani and Kama Zani during Azadari is making good impression amoung other comunities. (Please keep in your mind countries like india)
> >
> >
> >Khuda Hafiz
> >Syed Raza Abbas Rizvi ACA
> >Chartered Accountant
> >
> >
> >
> ____________
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