Dear Mail Sender, There is acute shortage of males for females for short time Nikkah or permenant marraige. Think about the ratio of killings in our community which is making this situation even worst of all time. I would request our all religios leaders to either educate women and their parents to start giving their daughters training to become 2nd wife or 3rd wife if a man is ready for that and can afford within his financial boundries. Muttah is another factor, where we need to focus. We do have problems in our families just becuase of absence of Muttah, people think (either men or women) that its easy to develop ilicit relationship but not the way our religion has permitted for. We also need our population to wait for our Imam's zahoor and fight till that exact time. Look at Lebnon and other Shia populated countries. Its our duty to stress up on that before the time is gone and we fall in bad practices like no Nikkah but having relation with oppsoite sex. Please do not consider it as lust, I know many Saiyyed families have daughters at home and they are getting older day by day but still waiting for single man, those girls/women are good looking, educated and best for all type of house affairs but there is no so called GOOD Rishta for them. God bless us all. Ejaz Zaidi 0321 823 2684 --- On Mon, 4/5/10, Muhammad <only_abidi@yahoo.
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