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Wednesday, April 21, 2010





Hazrat Ameer al Momineen (a.s.) has said that the smell of sins is warded off by the fragrance of repentence. Seeking Allah's forgiveness (Astaghfar) becomes the cause of enhancement of one's sustenance.
Imam Zain al Abedeen (a.s.) has said that a person who has the habit of saying "Astaghfar Allah Rabbi wa atoobe alaih" will never be proud and conceited.

Whichever group the Prophet of Allah (a.s.) visited, he used to spend more time in saying the Astaghfar.
It is narrated that the Prophet of Allah used to say the Astaghfar a hundred times every night, although he was a Masoom ( innocent) and not susceptible to commit any sins.Therefore, saying Astaghfar in itself is a abig invocation, whether one has committed any sin or not. Astaghfar is liked by the Creator and His Prophet. (a.s.)..

It is narrated from Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s) that when a person commits a sin, he gets a respite of seven hours to repent and seek Allah's forgiveness by saying the Astaghfar three times. If he does this, then the sin will not be entered in his Nama e Aamaal. The Astaghfar is "Astaghfarullah allazi la ilaha illa huwal hai al qayyumo wa atoobu ilaihi."
Then the Imam (a.s.) said, " Whoever repeats Astaghfar Allah a hundred times in a day, Allah will forgive seven hundred sins of his. Remember, there is no virtue in a person who can commit seven hundred sins in a day!"
It is narrated from Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) When a momin commits forty sins ina day and night, and in repentence recites the following invocation: "Astaghfarullah allazi la ilaha illa huwal haiulqayyumo badeeus samawate walarz zul jalale wal ikrame waasaalahu an yusalli ala muhammadin wa aale muhammadin wa atoobo alayya", then Allah will pardon his sins.
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