Syed Mahmood Razvi
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 00:24:57 -0700
From: mirali14@yahoo.
"Not (the path) of those inflicted with Your wrath, nor (the path) of those gone astray" is an explanatory clause of the 7th verse. The supplicant gives expression to his dislike and aversion for those who have rebelled against the divine authority and gone astray, and earned the wrath of Allah. Aqa Mahdi Puya says: There is no need to take ghayril maghdubi as the qualifying adjectival clause for the personal pronoun alayhim, or the relative pronoun alladhina, as Zamaqshari says, because an-amta alaykim is a restriction. Therefore, these two clauses should be taken as appositional clauses in the negative form. Ghayril maghdubi and waladdallin are those who have deviated from the right path, to follow which has been made obligatory by Allah, and by overstepping the prescribed limits have gone astray. By doing so they have earned the wrath of Allah. Those who neither fall short of and lag behind (taqsir), nor overstep the boundaries (ghulu), in fact, walk on the right path of the Holy Prophet. The Jews are said to be in the category of maghdubi, as an example of taqsir, and the Christians in the category of dallin, as an example of ghulu, but truly, those who fall short of and lag behind in the matter of carrying out Allah's commands are included in the maghdubi and those who overstep the boundaries and transgress the limits, laid down by Allah, are included in the dallin. The Holy Prophet who, according to the Quran, "neither errs, nor is deceived, nor he speaks of (his own) desire", positively asked his followers to adhere to and abide by the guidance his Ahl ul Bayt (Ali and his descendants) would reveal and demonstrate, after him, as his divinely chosen successors. Who so, among his ummah, makes less their divinely set up position, renders himself liable to be grouped with the maghdubi; and who so elevates and exalts the men of ordinary character to higher status of spiritual guides, not confirmed by Allah and His prophet, renders himself liable to be joined with the dallin. Likewise those who glorify the prophets and their successors as gods are also condemnable as dallin.
Those who sincerely want to be guided aright should not only keep themselves attached with the divinely guided righteous guides, but also must keep themselves aloof from the misled, misguided and wicked impostors, avoid their company, and feel repulsion for their wicked ways and evil thoughts. This contempt of the maghdubi and dallin is called tabarra in the religious doctrines of the original Islam, known as Shi'ism. Both these clauses do not name the persons but describe their trend and tendency, therefore, whoever fits in this description earns the wrath of Allah, and for that reason is condemned and disliked.
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