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Friday, April 2, 2010




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (2 April 2010)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Committed Brothers and Sisters…

Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/khutbassermons.htm (03-19-2010)



We have visited certain ayaat/particular meanings in the book of Allah frequently, but these ayaat, (due to our human nature, not due to the infinite meanings embedded in these ayaat), gain a momentum of sorts. One of these passages in Allah's infinitive book refers to the fact of the aggressive/brutal/offensive nature that the Zionist have. In the course of the past few weeks the crescendo of Zionist aggression has divulged its true character in and around Al Masjid Al Aqsa; and these wicked decision makers and their military executors may change tactics/colours and even change identities, but the facts of Allah's words expose their inert character/core nature. Allah at the beginning of Surah Bani Isra'eel/Is'ra, (the 17th Surah of the Qur'an), says to us,

We Allah, (in His divine authority and will), has decreed in His book/registrar that the descendants of Isra'eel will be involved in corruption on a worldly scale/global spectrum twice in the course of human history and that the Children of Isra'eel will reach, (in the social scale of this human history), unprecedented physical and material heights. (Surah Isra' verse 3)

These words of Allah are constant. Policies, tactics and strategies change, shift, alter themselves, are in disguise and whatever; but these words are the facts in which history develops. No amount of the CNN, BBC and mainstream media can detract/distract from this divine fact. Sparing ourselves from the scholarly intellectual efforts that have been written/expressed pertaining to the first time of this Israeli global disruption and instability in human affairs (of) when was it? We come to the second time. Allah says

… twice two times in the course of human history the descendants of Isra'eel shall wreak havoc in the global society… (Surah Isra' verse 3)

Whatever the interpretations of the first time, now we are living- undoubtedly- the second time. The Children of Israel have reached a pinnacle/peak; they are peaking in positions to destabilize the world. This is not some social scientist/puritician/ideologue presenting his human opinion on the matter; this is Allah, Who is expressing His unquestionable rendering of this whole issue. Bani Isra'eel/The Children of Isra'eel have come a long way. We find them in positions today to be in the process of virtually destroying Al Masjid Al Aqsa. There's been books/literature written on this subject (that) if we were to take the total amount of what was said/written and burn that literature, we would have enough fire to incinerate the Stat of Israel. We're not lacking in our words/commentaries on how brutal the Israelis are, how aggressive their government is and how militaristic their policies have been and continue to be. There is enough of that said. The issue is how much is being done? This Friday is a Friday that has been designated by many Muslim scholars to express the ayaat and ahadith about Al Masjid Al Aqsa. Why? Because it's in danger. The Zionist/Yahudis have been in the past years acting like termites digging tunnels around Al Masjid Al Aqsa. Of course, with all the experience they have, they give it the appropriate words to hide their true intentions. They say "they are excavating." An innocent word that means they are digging and looking for their own history underground. They have been doing it to such a degree and extent that the foundations of Al Masjid Al Aqsa now are very fragile- any tremor can bring down Al Masjid Al Aqsa- to such a degree that some Muslims thought and are thinking whether some of these tremors in other parts of the world are not induced by scientific research to see how much they are able to set off some geological movements in the Holy Land that will cause Al Masjid Al Aqsa to collapse.


Al Masjid Al Aqsa, in 1968, was burnt and the Heads of State in the Arabian and Muslim countries called for a summit in Morocco led by the King in Arabia at that time and they put together what they have today: The OIC, The Organisation of Islamic Conference which now has 56 or 57 odd member nation-states who have not been able to move one inch in fortifying, defending or protecting Al Masjid Al Aqsa or its immediate precincts. Nothing! From 1968 until now, all we have heard is rhetoric; voluminous words but no action from these Heads of States and their militaries/governments. To the contrary, if the Israeli nation state is now focused on Judaising Islamic Al Quds/Islamic Jerusalem- and they are. They just built a Synagogue right there in front of Al Masjid Al Aqsa and now they incrementally moving inch-by-inch (and) month-by-month to make out of Al Haram Ash Shariff, (the area in which Al Masjid Al Aqsa and Qubbah As Sakhra are located), what they made out of Masjid Ibrahim Al Khalil in Hebron, in the city of Al Khalil- by which now, Muslims go into that Masjid and Yahud go into that Masjid! They want to eventually transfer that policy from Al Khalil to Al Quds- from Hebron to Jerusalem. All of this is taking place while we are distracted from the Zionist termites in Al Quds. Muslims, this is the first Qibla; this is the third Haram. The Prophet of Allah says when you make an intention to journey to Masajid in this world, there are three Masajid: The one in Makkah- Al Masjid Al Haram, the one in Al Madinah- Al Masjid Al Nabawi and the one in Al Quds- Al Masjid Al Aqsa. But no; there are larger policies that have been joining hands in this world against the Masajid. If Al Masjid Al Aqsa is one Masjid that we are talking about, don't be as naïve to think that the whole issue is to do with Al Masjid Al Aqsa itself. The whole issue has to do with Masaajid in this world.


Just last month or two months ago… We're told in Cairo there are 4,000 Masajid. What do the Government in Egypt want to do in these Masajid? They want to place CCTV- closed caption TV circuitry in 4,000 Masajid of Cairo. Why? Is there something wrong with the Masajid that they want to have security personnel watching Muslims in these Masajid. We don't know whether the Government in Tunis has implemented this or not, but their officials have been discussing issuing magnetic cards to individuals who want to go to the Masajid; in other words you have to go to the police precinct and register your name and pertinent information and be given a pass or official permission to go into Masaajid. Masjid Al Haram in Makkah itself has been rendered virtually off limits to Islamic minds/hearts/conscience from expressing itself there i.e. in the birthplace of Islam. Are these policies haphazard or is there a larger plan to stifle the message of the Masajid in its cradle? When you think about it, the Masajid are the only places left that are virtual and potential springboards for Islamic self-determination. The Masajid of the world have to a certain degree been outside of assimilating into what has become the materialistic/secular, (what they call), civilisation of the world. It's only this small place- the Masjid. Now they are putting all of their minds together to have these Masajid under their full control. Even in Al Hijaz itself, the Government in Arabia is thinking about the same thing i.e. watching Muslims as they go into these places. For what? The same government, (in what is called the Family Kingdom in Saudi Arabia), that is watching Muslims has a Department in King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah that is observing the internet. People who are living in that kingdom, because of government control, don't have access to 250,000 sites. Now, you tell us, a government like that has the interest of Muslims at heart!? Just this past week, some scholar there said "Al Masjid Al Haram should be demolished." Brothers and sisters- this is not an exaggeration and this is not a freakish event. This comes from their internal thoughts. He has a rationalisation. Just like Iblees has a rationalisation what he does, this so-called scholar has a rationalisation for what he said. What is his rationalisation? What explanation does he have for saying that Al Masjid Al Haram should be destroyed? He says the following: "the way Al Masjid Al Haram is today and the way Muslims go there to perform their Umrah and Hajj, there is body contact between Muslim men and Muslim women and this is haraam. So he wants to avoid this haraam." He says "he is inspired by his mentor, the late ibn Baaz to declare to all that the physical construct of Al Masjid Al Haram should be put to ruin and it should be rebuilt with different sections, layers and storeys to make it impossible for Muslim men and women to come in contact, (the way they have been doing for 1,400 years), during the time of the Hajj." You tell us: what is the difference between the Israelis who are in their own way angling for the destruction of Al Masjid Al Aqsa and such "scholars" in Arabia who are expressing their own thoughts about the destruction of Al Bayt Al Haram? Instead of this mumble mind saying the Hajj and Al Umrah should have an expanded time-frame which would solve the same problem, (if it is a problem. Of course, among sexed individuals- and we have plenty of those from that land- there is a problem. It's not that we're denying that he's not trying to address a problem. We take issue with his solution to that problem. You don't solve that problem by destroying Al Masjid Al Haram! You solve that problem by expanding the time period of Hajj. Of course, Al Umrah is for the rest of the year, so the problem is concentrated during the Hajj. Why squeeze the Hajj into a matter of two or three weeks thereby having Muslim men and women come into "sinful contact" as you may want to express it? Why can't you solve that problem by what Allah said in His reverend book?


There-by we see these attempts and contemplation of these policies in Arabia is parallel to the contemplation of policies in Palestine, the Holy Land. Add to that, what is happening in Egypt, Jordan, Tunis, Morocco and in all these countries. What is happening is they want to come into our Masajid put spies, informers, agents, cameras, closed circuit TV systems and all other gadgets of snooping and spying where we are supposed to be free! They deny us this freedom everywhere else in the world. Now we can't even have this freedom of conscience/thoughts/feelings in the House of Allah. So if they have been working on these policies- and this has a history. The Crusaders i.e. pre-Imperialists/pre-Colonialist Europe occupied Al Masjid Al Aqsa and the Holy Lands off-and-on for around 200 years but they eventually had to leave. They left because there was a policy at that time.. These are parts of history that none is speaking about. The liberation of Al Quds from European forces around 800-900 years ago just didn't happen over night! Some military man came and united Syria and Egypt in one military force and then liberated Palestine. There were policies that preceded that. There was in the educational system at that time a concentration/focus on the liberation of Al Quds. None of us, (we would say almost comfortably), have the accurate information about this to compare the status of Al Quds at that time and with the status of Makkah and Al Madinah. This is a blind spot in the contemporary Muslim mind. It would be a service to Muslims and humanity to bring out the information to Al Quds under occupation by European forces at that time and the status of Makkah and Al Madinah. Being that this is an area that is hard to come by, (and needs maybe if there are people who want to work on their PHDs in history/sociology or whatever the case may be in social sciences this is an area to consider). Besides this, there was an official/government effort to focus the attention of the generation of Muslims of that time through the school systems/Madaris/Hawzaat/Jami'aat/Masajid to focus them on the liberation of Al Quds, Al Aqsa, the Holy Land, Palestine. This was drilled in. The commander who finally liberated Al Masjid Al Aqsa was asked "why don't we see a smile on your face?" This was a commander that has not been observed to have a smile on his face. He said "how can I smile when Al Aqsa is in detention or captivity?!" These were his words. You look at today's happy-go-lucky rulers in Arabia who are the subjects of their whims/cardinal desires/lusts. To them Al Aqsa, Palestine and all of this is just a matter of rhetoric. It's not a matter of serious policies. They have their Interior Ministers meeting every year and what are they plotting and planning? How to shut down a new generation of Islamic information in the alternative media, in satellite TVs- that is what is on their minds. They are obsessed that a new generation of Islamic communication is breaking out and they want to put an end to that! They're are not concerned with Israeli/Zionist/American/Imperialists sources of misinformation- it doesn't occur to them. So with the status quo/these rulers/Tawagheet, (in the terminology of the Qur'an), how to you expect Palestine to be liberated? It's going to be liberated by people who don't have weapons?! (Take a) look at all the wealth that Allah has given us and in all of Arabia we don't have one factory that manufactures the weapons that are needed for Al Jihad. The word Al Jihad in this over-arching program brings together Zionists, Imperialists and their underlings/lackeys in Arabia. All the wealth that is there, (trillions of dollars), and we can't manufacture a pistol to defend ourselves?! Forget about fighter jets, submarines, satellites and the rest. They spend all of this money buying from their enemy weapons to defend themselves? What is going to happen when one day they say "well I'm not going to sell you any weapons or spare parts?" All of that money has gone to waste. The ayah in the Qur'an in Surah Al Isra' says

These profligates/people who spend these enormous sums of money that belongs to the committed Muslims in the world are mubadhireen… (Surah Al Isra' verse 27)

And Allah says

… these types are the brethren of Ash Shayateen… (Surah Al Isra' verse 27)

But who is going to make the connection? We are conditioned to place certain ayaat only in the context of individuals! We are not allowed to extend the meanings of these ayaat to the context of societies/establishments/institutions! That is haraam?! That is the contribution of the occupiers of Makkah and Al Madinah to the destruction of Al Masjid Al Aqsa which is in the making. It is not time for us just to express words, it is time for us to do something. Indeed there are Muslims who are doing something about this. There's a new tomorrow in the making.

We ask Allah to have us participants and members of that new tomorrow and not the years of dejection and humiliation that have accompanied us in at least the last century in our history.


Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims…

An ayah that you hear every week from this Mimbar, (so to speak), is saying that

There can be no one as offensive and more in violation of the standards of justice and decency than those who bar the consciousness of Allah in the Masajid of Allah… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 114)

This aptly and accurately applies to those who have occupied the House of Allah here- next to us- as well as it applies to their masters in Arabia. They bar not the verbalisation of Allah's words, but Allah's words becoming an integral component of man's consciousness to the world in which Allah created him and to which he belongs. The Israelis are generous. They say "they bar the House of Allah to those who are less than 50 years of age." This has been going off-and-on. Any time there is tension in Al Quds and the Israeli military monsters perceive that the Muslims may object by rallying/demonstrating against them, they tell Muslims "let me see your ID" and if the Muslim man is less than 50 years old then they say "you can't enter the House of Allah." We wish the Saudis would apply these policies here; but they don't. They have another way of matching Israeli hostility towards the Muslims. (Do) you think that we should discriminate between a Zionist who has Jewish rituals tagged to him and an underlying of Zionism and Imperialism who has Islamic rituals tagged on to him? Can we not see beyond the rituals? Brothers and sisters- the rituals at the time of Allah's Prophet in the administration of the Hajj were Ibrahimi rituals that took a turn into Arabian culture. People used to go around the Ka'bah naked. You go to the books of history, hadith, Seerah and fiqh and discover that when Allah's Prophet was in Makkah and when Allah's Prophet was in the process of returning to liberate Makkah, people were performing the Ibrahimi rituals around the Ka'bah naked and they had an explanation for that. Just like (for) every evil- there is an explanation that seems to make sense. They said they did not want to obey Allah in garments/attire/clothes/robes within which they disobeyed Allah. They took out the clothes which they associated with disobeying Allah to be accepted when they performed their tawaaf around the Ka'bah. Finally, that was annulled. It wasn't annulled at the beginning of Islam; it was annulled in the last year or two of Islam when the Prophet sent that delegation to Makkah and in the declaration it said there shall be no one unclothed that shall make the circumference around the Holy sanctuary after today. The issue of the Prophet was not with the rituals to begin with pertaining to the people who were the inhabitants of Makkah, Al Hejaz and Arabia; the issue was far more serious than that! The issue was one of decision making and authority. That's the issue that we should place between us and those who have usurped Makkah, stolen Al Madinah and occupied the Holy Lands in Arabia and in Palestine. If we can see these meanings then we live with Allah's words in our conscience and minds as we are supposed to.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammed Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 19 March 2010 on the sidewalk of Embassy Road in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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