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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] 21/04/2010*****Latest Islamic News


21/04/2010*****Latest Islamic News


**** If you want to receive daily Islamic News, please send your e-mail ID to this address:   kozeh2009@gmail.com  (kozeh2009)  , please type Islamic News in your subject Box.

To Unsubscribe please write Unsubscribe Islamic News. 
Salamun Alaykum
Please click below links to observe the News : 


1- Saudi Wahhabis ban Shia teacher from holy Mashhad visit:

2- Imam Khamenei: Iranian nation will bring on their knees those posing threat:

3- France seeks to ban use of burqa :

4- Truth:

5- Hazrat Zainab's (SA) Birthday:

6- Lebanon Higher Shia Council warns of Israel violations:

7- Bradford mosque wins 'most beautiful minaret in Europe' prize:

8- Hezbollah censureds UN report:

9- Indian Imam: Most of arrested Muslims are innocent:

10- Anti-poverty conference in Diyala:

11- Imam Khamenei outlines general policies of administrative system:

12- Iranian Interior minister announces arrest of terrorist group in Sanandaj:

13- Thousands Muslim in Moscow condemn extremism and terrorism:

14- UN expert Falk slams Israel's deportation orders:

15- Saudia Shias Demand Wahhabis to Open Mosques:


Assalamu Alaykum My Dear Friends


I have a friendly request:

If you have any Islamic News  about your area which you live or even in any other places, Please send it to me, I read it, if it is good I will use it in our site and expand it to many others. (English Language Preferred, but you can also send in العربية, Français, اردو, Espanól, فارسی, Русский , 中文 , Deutsch , Türkçe).

Your News can be Political, Cultural, Economical, Social, Sport. Even if you perform small program in your Masjid and it is somehow important, please send it us. Even if you build a Masjid or have other activity which Muslims participated on it, please send it us. Even if ......

BUT please don't send news which is groundless.

I want to do this to gather all News about Shia Muslims  in one place, which other Shias be able to know what is happening to other Shia Muslims in whole WORLD.

Also send me any English Islamic Sites or Blogs (News) that you know. Please Write Islamic Web Sites  in your Subject Box.  

NOTE: Please write ISLAMIC NEWS ( Islamic Web Sites) in your SUBJECT BOX. I receive many e-mails which are not important and deleted all of them, so PLEASE write ISLAMIC NEWS in your SUBJECT BOX and Send it to this ID : kozeh2009@gmail.com


 please urge people to Pray for Zahur of Imam e Zamana (A.t.f.s.)


Eltemase dua  Your Best Friend (Free Bird), 

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