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Friday, November 20, 2009

[shia_strength] Forty Meanings of ‘Maula’ – I(ALMUNTAZAR.COM)


Forty Meanings of 'Maula' – I

When Moawiya appointed Amr Aas, the old and loyal sycophant of the Umayids, as the governor of Egypt , Amr Aas did not send him the regular taxes. Moawiya wrote him a letter to immediately send the taxes without further delay. Amr Aas was taken aback because he did not expect Moawiya to order him around. In his reply to Moawiya, he penned a few poems, describing in them how much he had borne and how many sacrifices he had made to install his government, although he had no right to rule. If anybody had the right to form a government, it was Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.). The effect of these poems was so strong that never again did Moawiya demand anything from Amr Aas. Does not Amr Aas' explanation and Moawiya's silence prove the concept of 'Mastership' on the day of Ghadeer? Is it not sufficient evidence for the followers of Moawiya? Some of Amr Aas poems are as follows: "How many special things have we heard about Ali from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). When he went on the pulpit and conveyed the message on the day of Ghadeer. And bestowed him with the authority of believers' affairs on God's command His hand was in Ali's hand and was proclaiming on divine order. And said: "Of whomsoever I am the master; Ali is his best master too." Read more




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