We have updated New Sites , please Visit it & Get benfits from us & inform other as you can do so. Join Duasonline yahoo Group now to take benfits from us! Join it please. 9th Zilhajj -Arafat eve/day & Thursday/Friday 3 Duas -> 1)Ya Shahida Kulle Najwa | 2-Allahumma Man Ta'ba Tahaya (for Thu night) | 3- Four Tasbihat Arafah duas & Aamal click here Dua No. 1 Ya Shahida Kulle Najwa Pdf | Transliteration | Mp3 If Problem to Display Chk this http://duas.org/arfeve.htm O my Allah! O He who sees clearly through what hearts and minds desire secretly, makes good and settles all complaints, knows full well the ins and outs of whatever is kept undisclosed, the ultimate fulfillment of all desires! O He who is the prime source of happiness for the (faithful) servants! O He who deals with gently and grants favours! O He who overlooks with subtle finesse! O He who gives without strings attached! O He who is not unaware of the covering darkness of nights, the roaring clamour of the seas, the supporting columns (substance) of the skies, the locked, shut up hindrance of disorder! O He for whom (whatever is in) darkness is as visible as (in) light! I beseech Thee in the name of the splendour of Thy kind and gentle style that made bright the "view" on the mountain, by leveling it to the ground, the flash of which made Moosa prostrate himself in adoration; and in the name of Thy name that has raised (suspended) the skies without (supporting) pillars, and spread the earth on the stable surface of the water; in the name of Thy pure name written clearly, kept well guarded and treasured, which brings results whenever invoked, grants favours whenever a request is made; in the name of Thy Holy, Sacred and Decisive name which is superior to all lights, a "light" that lights up all lights, the earth got split when came into contact with it, the heavens made an opening when it reached there, and when it came near the Arsh (Divine seat of authority) it went wild with joy (rapt in delight); in the name of Thy name which makes Thy Angels change to and fro with ease their movement. I beseech Thee in the name of Jabra-eel, Meekaa-eel and Israafeel; in the name of Muhammad Al Mustafa, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children, and on all the Prophets and on the Angels; in the name of the name with Khizr recited to walk over the tidal waves as he used to walk on the hard level ground; in the name of Thy name which divided the sea (laid open a track of land) for Moosaa but drowned Firawn and his followers, and delivered safely (to the shore) Moosa son of Imran together with those who were with him; in the name of Thy name which summoned Moosa son of Imran to come to the blessed Toor, and gave answer to his request, filled him with Thy love; in the name of Thy name which Eesaa son of Maryam used for bringing the dead to life, (which) made the just born (Eesaa) talk clearly (sitting) in his cradle, (and when he grew up) cure the born blind and the lepers; in the name of Thy name which makes the bearers of Thy Arsh, Jibraa-eel, Meekaa-eel, Israafeel, Thy intimate friend and confidant, Muhammad (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), Thy confidential Angels, the Prophets appointed by Thee, and Thy chosen upright servants among the inhabitants of the heavens and the earths, pray fro Thy blessings; in the name of Thy name Zunnoon (Yoonus) recited to invoke Thee; (when he went off in anger and deemed that we had no power over him but he cried out in the darkness, saying. "There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified! Verily, I have been a wrongdoer." Then We heard his prayer and saved him from the anguish. Thus We save the believers, in the name of Thy great name Dawood recited and prostrated himself in adoration, so Thou forgave him; in the name of Thy name Aasiya wife of Firawn recited when she said: "My Lord! Build for me a home with Thee in the Paradise, and deliver me from Firawn and his work, and deliver me from evildoing folk;" then Thou heard her prayer; in the name of Thy name Ayyoob recited when he was surrounded by calamities and Thou removed that adversity (from which he suffered), and Thou gave him his household (that he had lost) and like thereof alongwith them, a mercy from Thy (store), and remembrance for the worshippers; in the name of Thy name that gave back sight to Yaqoob and also brought together him and the apple of his eyes, Yoosuf; in the name of Thy name that bestowed on Sulayman a Kingdom, such as did not belong to any after him, verily Thou art the Bestower; in the name of Thy name which requisitioned "Buraaq" (on which the Holy Prophet ascended to heaven) for Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be for him and his children), when the Praiseworthy said: Glorified be He who carried His servant by night from the "inviolable place of worship" to the "Far distant place of worship", and said he (the Holy Prophet): "Glorified be He who has subdued these unto us, and we were not capable (of subduing them), and verily, unto our Lord we return"; in the name of Thy name with which Jibra-eel was commissioned to call upon Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children; in the name of Thy name Adam recited to seek Thy forgiveness, so Thou overlooked his mistake, and allowed him to stay in Thy Paradise. I beseech Thee in the name of the evident proof of the glorious, decisive Holy Quran, in the name of the preserving reason and good Muhammad, the last Prophet, has, in the name of the sincerity of Ibraheem, in the name of the just and lawful decisions Thou will make on the Day of Judgement, in the name of the "what is as it ought to be" comparison and compensation system that will be set up; and the "books of accounts" which shall be laid open, in the name of the real and true writing (Qalam); and the slate (Lawh) contains, in the name of the Glory of the name Thou and written on the borders of the "Arsh", two thousand years before Thou created the sun, the moon, the earth and all that has been created. I testify that there is no god save Allah, He is Single, has no associate; and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name Thou keeps an eye on, safely treasured in Thy unknowable depository, known to Thee alone, no one from among Thy creation can (even) snatch a momentary view, nor the nearby Angels, nor the appointed Prophets, nor any chosen servant. I beseech Thee in the name of They name that separated the oceans, hoisted the mountains, made day and night follow each other, for the sake of "the twice revealed seven verses" (Al-Fatih'ah) and the Great Quran, for the sake of the "noble scribes" "(Kiramul Kaatibeen-the Angels who write down our deeds), for the sake of "Taha". "Yaa Seen", "Kaf-Ha-Yaa-Ayyn- Saad", "Ha-Meem-Ayyn- Seen-Qaaf", for the sake of Tawrayt, given to Moosaa; and Injeel, given to E'esaa and Zuboor, given to Dawood; and the Holy Quran, given to Muhammad (Allah's blessings be on him and on his children and on the Messengers) and for the sake of ) "I am I" (Allah had said to Moosaa). O my Allah! I beseech Thee, in the name of the conference that took place between Thee and Moosaa son of Imran on the mountain of "Toor Seenaa". I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name that gives a sign to the "Angel of Death" at the time of taking away souls from the bodies. I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name, written on the leaf of (an) olive tree, the leaf (which) calmed down the flames of the fire, (when) Thou said: "Be coolness and peace (for Ibraheem)." I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name Thou wrote on the canopy, covering the "surpassing glory and generosity". O He! Those (who) make repeated requests, and those who get what they want, do not make Him suffer loss. O He who is besought; and unto Him turn (all) to take refuge. I beseech Thee in the name of "hard of understand" rare but highly satisfying and loving kindness, out flowing from Thy "seat of authority" (Arsh), and the endless mercy, outpouring form Thy Book' in the name of Thy "Ismi Azam" (The Great Name of Allah), They boundless resources, and Thy complete, perfect "words" of highest excellence. O my Allah! Lord of the winds, (and of that which they carry off, sprinkle and scatter), and the skies, (and of that which they cover, shade and support), and the earth, (and of that which it bears and carry), and of the devils, (and of that which they cause to go astray and lose), and of the oceans and rivers, (and of that which they urge to run, flow and cause to circulate); for the sake of all truths, (everything) concerning Thee is truth; for the sake of Thy confidential Angels, souls resting in peace, celestial spirits, and those, singing Thy praise and glory day and night, (who) never grow tired, slack or relax; for the sake of Ibraheem, they close friend, and all Thy loving devotees (who call upon and pray to Thee between Safa and Marwa, and Thou gives answer to their prayers. O the fulfiller of prayers! I beseech Thee in the name of all these names, and all these prayers, to show mercy to us (forgive us) for that which we have done, (that which) we shall do, (that which) we did not covered up, (that which) we did and made public, (that which) we did seriously, (that which) we did frivolously (light-mindedly). Art Thou not aware of (them) more than us? Verily (no doubt there is) Thou art able to do all things; on account of Thy mercy, O the most Merciful. O He who watches over every wayfarer! O He who gives company to every forsaken lonesome! O He Who defends every sick and weak (Makes grown strong O He who comes to the help of every oppressed! O He Who gives livelihood to every excluded outcast! O He Who cheers up every lonely solitaire! O he Who goes with every traveling stranger! O He who supports every settled inhabitant! O He Who overlooks faults and mistakes! O He who lends a helping hand to whoso seeks help! O He Who brings assistance to whoso cries out for help! O He Who makes less the agony and anguish of the grieved! O He who gives comfort to whoso is an object of sorrow and solicitude! O He who created the heavens and the earths! O He who is the ultimate last resource of whatever is desired and asked for! O He Who gives answer to whoso cries out in desperation! O the Most Merciful! O the Lord of the worlds! O the Requiter of the Day of Judgement! O the Most Generous! O the Most Kind! O the Best Hearer! O the Best Seer! O the Most Powerful! Forgive me my sins that swerve the flow of bounties. Forgive me my sins that give birth to remorse. Forgive me my sins that bring upon depression. Forgive me my sins that put asunder integrity. Forgive me my sins that nullify prayers. Forgive me my sins that hold back that which drops (mercy) from the heaven. Forgive me my sins that urge to bring quickly nothingness and non-existence. Forgive me my sins that draw near misery and distress. Forgive me my sins that bring disorder and chaos in thought and purpose. Forgive me my sins that expose and lay bare shelter and security. Forgive me my sins that no one can forgive other than Thee. O Allah! Take off the load (burden of sins) from my back belonging to any one from among Thy creation; make haste in my affairs, freed of care, brought into focus, and made easy; put into my heart sure and certain belief in Thee, and impress into my mind hope in and quest for Thee, till I turn to no one other than Thee. My Allah protect me, keep me safe in my position, be my constant companion in darkness and light, in (the hour of) comfort, in hardships, in success, in misfortune, in gain, in loss, make easy my course, let conduct of life be good, do not leave me in the lurch, forsaken in distress or difficulty, guide me O the Best Guide, do not let me look repeatedly at my vain desires while carrying out day to day work, let me find happiness every where, make me team up with my family, happy and successful, in this quickly passing life and at the appointed time; (there is no doubt) certainly Thou art able to do all things. Give me the provisions of life as much as Thy generosity approves, open up for me the doors of Thy plenteous, good and clean store of possessions, put me to work in Thy obedience, keep me safe from fire and fury, when I die be merciful and direct my journey to Thy Paradise. O my Allah, in Thee do I seek refuge from the disappearance of Thy bounties, from discontinuation of welfare Thou made available for me, from the torment that may come upon me, from the penalty that comes down upon (us), from the disasters that vex and molest, from the misery (and distress) that takes hold of and lingers on, from violent and painful death, from the pride and joy of the enemies, from the evil that falls down from the skies, from the evil which has been pointed out in the revealed Book. O my Allah! Do not make me be among the evildoers, nor be among the dwellers of Hell, do not keep me out of enjoyment found in the company of the good; make me live a clear and honest life, and die a tranquil death, unite me (after death) with the select pious, let me keep company with the Prophets, in the abode of good repute, near the omnipotent seat of authority. O my Allah! (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for) Thy smooth and fair system of test and trail (so) clever and skilful. (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for) Islam, and (making all) follow the "way of life" (of Muhammad (s.a.), O Lord, just as Thou had guided them to Thy religion, and taught (revealed) them Thy Book, so guide us and teach us as well. (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for Thy smooth and fair system of test and trail (so) clever and skilful, particularly for me; just as Thou created me, (how wonderful is my creation!) and taught me, how thorough is my learning!) and showed me the right path, (how complete is the guidance I received!). (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for) Thy bounties bestowed upon me, earlier and present. How my agonies, O my Master, Thou has dispelled! How many sorrows, O my Master, Thou has hushed! How many hardships, O my Master, Thou has put to flight! How many disasters, O my Master, Thou has dispersed! How many defects, O my Master, Thou has covered! So (all) praise is for Thee (alone), under all circumstances, in every place, at all times, in chaos, and in order, in the present moment and at all occasions. O Allah give me also from the gifts Thy deserving servants win, and duly distributed today, or the loss showed openly to them, or the evil sent away from them, or the disaster warded off from them, or the good urged on to reach them, or the mercy scattered and spread out, or the welfare that mingles and gets around, so (there is no doubt) Thou art able to do all things. In Thy hands are the treasures of the heavens and the earth. Thou art One, the Kindest Giver who does not send away one who makes a request to Him, nor disappoints one who expects to get what one wants from Him, nor there is any defect or shortage in what one obtains from Him, nor dries up and goes waste that which comes from Him, on the contrary grows more and more, (is) clean, freely given, (out of) generosity and favour. Give me from Thy treasures that which never get exhausted, on account of Thy merciful love and kindness; boundless and fathomless is Thy grant that neither withholds nor is inaccessible. Thou art able to do all things, through Thy mercy, O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. | | TRANSLITERATION 1 ALLAHUMMA S'ALLI A'LAA MUHAMMADIN'W WA AALI MUHAMMAD BISMILLAAHIR-RAH'MANIR-RAH'EEM ALLAAHUMMA YAA SHAAHIDA KULLI NAJWAA WA MAWZ"I-A' KULLI SHAKWAA WA A'ALIMA KULLI KHAFIYYATIN WA MUNTAHAA KULLI H'AAJATIN YAA MUBTADI-AN BIN-NI-A'MI A'LAL I'BAAD YAA KAREEMAL A'FWI YAA H'ASANAT TAJAAWUZI YAA JAWAAD YAA MAN LAA YUWAAREE MINHU LAYUN DAAJ WA LAA BAH'RUN A'JJAAJ WA LAA SAMAA-UN D'AATU ABRAAJ WA LAA Z'ULAMUN D'AATUR-TITAAJ YAA MANIZ' Z'ULMATU I'NDAHOO Z'IYAAA-UN AS-ALUKA BI-NOORI WAJHIKAL KAREE-MIL LAD'EE TAJALLAYTA BIHEE LILJABAL FAJA-A'LTAHOO DAKKAN WA KHARRA MOOSAA S'A 'IQAA WA BISMIKAL LAD'EE RAFAA'-TA BIHIS SAMAAWAATI BILAA AMADIN WA SAT'AH'TA BIHIL ARZ"A A'LAA WAJHI MAAA-IN JAMADIN WA BISMIKAL MAKHZOONIL MAKNOONIL MAKTOOBIT' T'AAHIRIL LAD'EE ID'AA DU-E'ETA BIHEE AJABTA WA ID'AA SU-ILTA BIHEE AA'-TAYTA WA BISMIKAS SUBBOOH'IL QUDDOOSIL BURHAANIL LAD'EE HUWA NOORUN A'LAA KULLI NOORIN WA NOORUN MIN NOORIN YUZ'EE-U MINHU KULLU NOOR ID'AA BALAGHAL ARZ"AN-SHAQQAT WA ID'AA BALAGHAS SAMAAWATI FUTIH'AT WA ID'AA BALAGHAL A'RSHAH- TAZZA WA BISMIKAL LAD'EE TARTA-IDU MINHU FARAAA-IS'U MALAAA-IKATIKA WA AS-ALUKA BIH'AQQI JABRA-EELA WA MEEKAA –EELA WA ISRAAFEEL WA BIH'AQQI MUH'AMMADIL MUS'T'AFAA S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYHI WA AALIHEE WA A'LAA JAMEE-I'L AMBIYAAA-I WA JAMEE-IL MALAAA-IKATI WA BIL-ISMILLAD'EE MASHAA BIHIL KHIZ"RU A'LAAA QULALIL MAAA-I KAMAA MASHAA BIHEE A'LAA JADADIL ARZ" WA BISMIKALLAD'EE FALAQTA BIHIL BAH'RA LI-MOOSAA WA AGHRAQTA FIR-A'WNA WA QAWMAHOO WA ANJAYTA BIHEE MOOSABNA I'MRAANA WA MAN MA-A'HOO WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE MOOSABNU I'MRAANA MIN JAANIBIT' T'OORIL AY'MANI FASTAJABTA LAHOO WA ALQAYTA A'LAYHI MAH'ABBATAN MINKA WA BISMIKAL LAD'EE BIHEE AH'YAA E'ESABNU MARYAMAL MAWTAA WA TAKALLAMA FIL MAHDI S'ABIYYAN WA ABRA-AL AKMAHA WAL ABRAS'A BI-ID'NIKA WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE H'AMALATU A'RSHIKA WA JABRA-EELU WA MEEKAA-EELU WA WA ISRAAFEELU WA H'ABEEBUKA MUH'AMMADUN S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYHI WA AALIHEE WA MALAAA-IKATUKAL MUQARRABOONA WA AMBIYAAA-UKAL MURSALOONA WA I'BAADUKAS' S'AALIH'OONA MIN AHLIS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARZ"EEN WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE D'UNNOON ID'-D'AHABA MUGHAAZ"IBAN FAZ'ANNA ALLAN-NAQDIRA A'LAYHI FANAADA FIZ'-Z'ULUMAATI ALLAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA SUBH'AANAKA INNEE KUNTU MINAZ'-ZAALIMEEN FASTAJABNAA LAHOO WA NAJJAYNAAHU MINAL GHAMM WA KAD'AALIKA NUNJIL MOO-MINEEN WA BISMIKAL A'ZEEMILLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE DAAWOODU WA KHARRA LAKA SAAJIDAN FAGH'AFARTA LAHOO D'ANBAHOO WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'TKA BIHEE AASIYATUM RA-ATU FIR-A'WNA ID' QAALAT RABBIBNI LEE I'NDAKA BAYTAN' FIL JANNATI WA NAJJINEE MIN'FIR-A'WNA WA A'MALIHEE WA NAJJINEE MINAL QAWMIZ' Z'AALIMEEN FASTAJABTA LAHAA DUA'A-AHAA WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE AYYOOBU ID'H'ALLA BIHIL BALAAA-U FA-A'FAYTAHOO WA AATAYTAHU AHLAHOO WA MITHLAHUM MA-A'HUM RAH'MATAN MIN I'N'DIKA WA D'IKRAA LIL A'ABIDEEN WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE YAA'-QOOBU FARADADTA A'LAYHI BAS'ARAHOO WA QURRATA A'YNIHEE YOOSUFA WA JAMAA'-TA SHAMLAHOO WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE SULAYMAANU FAWAHABTA LAHOO MULKAN LAA YANBAGHEE LI- AH'ADIN MIN BAA'-DIHEE INNAKA ANTAL WAHHAAB WA BISMIKALLAD'EE SAKHKHARTA BIHIL BURAAQA LI-MUH'AAMAADIN S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYHI WA AALIHEE WA SALLAM ID'QAALA TA-A'ALAA SUBH'AANAL LAD'EE ASRAA BI-A'BDIHEE LAYLAN MINAL MASJIDIL H'ARAAMI ILAL MASJIDIL AQS'AA WAQAWLUHOO SUBH'AANALAAD'EE SAKHAKHARA LANAA HAAD'AA WA MAA KUNNAA LAHOO MUQRINEENA WA INNAA ILAA RABBINAA LAMUN-QALIBOON WA BISMIKAALAD'EE TANAZ-ZALABIHEE JABRA-EELU A'LA'A MUH'AMMADIN SALLALLAAHU A'LAYHI WA AALIHEE WA BISMIKALLAD'EE DA-A'AKA BIHEE AADAMU FAGHAFARTA LAHOO D'AMBAHOO WA ASKANTAHOO JANNATAKA WA AS-ALUKA BIH'AQQIL QURAANIL A'ZEEM WA BIH''AQQI MUH'AMMADIN KHAATAMIN NABIYEEN WA BIH'AQQI IBRAAHEEM WA BIH'AQQI FAS'LIKA YAWMAL QAZ"AAA-I WA BIH'AQQIL MAWAAZEENI ID'AA NUS'IBAT WAS S'UH''UFI ID'AA NUSHIRAT WA BIH'AQQIL QALAMI WA MAA JARAA WAL LAWH'I WA MAA AH'S'AA WA BIH'AQQIL ISMILLAD'EE KATABTAHOO A'LAA SURAADIQIL A'RSHI QABLA KHALQIKAL KHALQA WAD DUNYAA WASH SHAMSA WAL QAMARA BI-ALFAY A'AM WA ASH-HADU AN LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAH'DAHOO LAA SHAREEKA LAHOO WA ANNA MUH'AMMADAN A'BDUHOO WA RASOOLUHOO WA AS-ALUKA BISMIKAL MUKHZOONI FEE KHAZAAA INIKAL LAD'IS-TAA-'THARTA BIHEE FEE I'LMIL GHAYBI I'NDAKA LAM YAZ'HAR A'LAYHI AH'ADUN MIN KHALQIKA LAA MALAKUN MUQARRABUN WA LAA NABIYYUN MURSALUN WA LAA A'BDUN MUS'T'AFAN WA AS-ALUKA BISMIKALLAD'EE SHAQAQTA BIHIL BIH'AARA WA QAAMAT BILIL JIBAALU WAKH-TALAFA BIHIL LAYLU WAN NAHAAR WA BIH'AQQIS SAB-I'L MATHAANEE WAL QUR-AANIL A'ZEEM WA BIH'AQQIL KIRAAMIL KAATIBEENA WA BIH'AQQI "TA"AAHAA WA " YAA SEEEN" WA "KAAF-HAA-YAA-A'YYYN-S'AAD" WA H'AA-MEEEM-A'YYN-SEEN-QAAF" WA BIH'AQQI TAWRAYTI MOOSAA WA INJEELI E'ESAA WA ZABOORI DAWOODA WA FURQAANI MUH'AMADIN S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYHI WA AALIHEE WA A'LAA JAMEE-I'R RUSUL WA BAAHIYYAN SHARAAHIYYAA ALLAAHUMMA INNEE AS-ALUKA BIH'AQQI TILKAL MUNAAJAATIL LATEE KAANAT BAYNAKA WA BAYNA MOOSABNI I'MRAANA FAWQA JABALI T'OORI SAYNAA-A WA AS-ALUKA BISMIKALLAD'EE A'LLAMTAHOO MALAKAL MAWTI LI-QABZ"IL ARWAAH' WA AS-ALUKA BISMIKALLAD'EE KUTIBA A'LAA WARAQIZ ZAYTOON FA-KHAZ"A-A'TIN NEERAANU LI-TILKAL WARAQATI FA-QULTA YAA NAARU KOONEE BARDAN WA SALAAMAA WA AS-ALUKA BISMIKALLAD'EE KATABTAHOO A'LAA SURAADIQIL MAJDI WAL KARAAMATI YAA MAN LAA YUH'FEEHI SAAA-ILUN WA LAA YANQUS'UHOO NAAA-ILUN YAA MAN BIHEE YUSTAGHAATHU WA ILAYHI YULJAA-U AS-ALUKA BIMA-A'AQIDIL I'ZZI MIN A'RSHIKA WA MUNTAHAR RAH'MATI MIN KITAABIKA WA BISMIKAL AA'-Z'AMI WA JADDIKAL AA'-LAA WA KALIMAATIKAT TAAMMAATIL U'LAA ALLAAHUMMA RABBAR RIYAAH'I WA MAA D'ARAT WAS SAMAAA-I WA MAA AZ'ALLAT WAL ARZ"I WA MAA AQALLAT WASH SHAYAAT'EENI WA MAA AZ"ALLAT WAL BIH'AARI WA MAA JARAT WA BIH'AQQI KULLI H'AQQIN HUWA A'LAYKA H'AQQUN WA BIH'AQQIL MALAA-IKATIL MUQARRABEENA WAR RAWH'AANIYYEENA WAL KARRAWBIYYEENA WAL MUSABBIH'EENA LAKA BIL-LAYLI WAN NAHAARI LAA YAFTAROONA WA BIH'AQQI IBRAAHEEMA KHALEELIKA WA BIH'AQQI KULLI WALIYYIN YUNAADEEKA BAYNAS' S'AFAA WAL MARWATI WA TASTAJEEBU LAHOO DU-A'AA-AHOO YAA MUJEEB AS-ALUKA BIH'AQQI HAAD'IHIL ASMAAA-I WA BI-HAAD'IHID DAA'-WAATI AN TAGHFIRA LANAA MAA QADDAMNAA WA MAA AKHKHARNAA WA MAA ASRARNAA WA MAA AA'-LANNAA WA MAA ABDAYNAA WA MAA AKHFAYNAA WA MAA ANTA AA'-LAMU BIHEE MINNAA INNAKA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER BI-RAH'MATIKA YAA ARHAMAR RAAH'IMEEN YAA H'AAFIZ'A KULLI GHAREEBIN YAA MOONISA KULLI WAH'EEDIN YAA QUWWATA KULLI Z"A-E'EFIN YAA NAAS'IRA KULLI MAZ'LOOMIN YAA RAAZIQA KULLI MAH'ROOMIN YAA MOONISA KULLI MASTAWH'ISHIN YAA S'AAH'IBA KULLI MUSAAFIRN YAA I'MAADA KULLI H'AAZ"IRIN YAA GHAAFIRA KULLI D'AMBIN WA KHAT'EE-ATIN YAA GHIYAATHAL MUSTAGHEETHEENA YAA S'AREEKHAL MUSTAS'RIKHEENA YAA KAASHIFA KARBIL MAKROOBEENA YAA FAARIJA HAMMIL MAHMOOMEENA YAA BADEE-U'S SAMAAWAATI WAL ARAZ"EENA YAA MUNTAHAA GHAAYATIT' T'AALIBEENA YAA MUJEEBA DAA'-WATIL MUZ"T'ARREENA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN YAA RABBAL A'ALAMEEN YAA DAYYAANA YAWMID DEEN YAA AJWADAL AJWADEEN YAA AKRAMAL AKRAMEEN YAA ASMA-A'S SAAMI-E'EN YAA ABS'ARAN NAAZ"IREEN YAA AQDARAL QAADIREEN AGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TUGHAYYIRUN NI-A'MA WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TOORITHUN NADAMA WAGHFIR LIYAD' DUNOOBAL LATEE TOORITHUS SAQAMA WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TAHTIKUL I'S'AMA WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TARUDDUD DU-A'AA-A WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TAH'BISU QAT'RAS SAMAAA-A WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TU-A'JJILUL FANAAA-A WAGHFIR LIYAD'D'UNOOBAL LATEE TAJLIBUSH SHAQAAA-A WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TUZ'LIMUL HAWAAA-A WAGHFIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE TAKSHIFUL GHIT'AAA-A WAGHRIR LIYAD' D'UNOOBAL LATEE LAA YAGHFIRUHAA GHAYRUKA YAA ALLAAH WAH'MIL A'NNEE KULLA TIBA-A'TIN LI-AH'ADIN MIN KHALQIKA WAJ-A'L LEE MIN AMREE FARAJAN WA MAKHRAJAN WA YUSRAA WA ANZIL YAQEENAKA FEE S'ADREE WA RAJAAA-AKA FEE QALBEE H'ATTAA LAA ARJOO GHAYRAKA ALLAAHUMMAH'-FAZ'NEE WA A'AFINEE FEE MAQAAMEE WAS'-H'ABNEE FEE LAYLEE WA NAHAAREE WA MIN BAYNI YADAYYAWA MIN KHALFE WA A'N YAMEENEE WA A'N SHIMAALEE WA MIN FAWQEE WA MIN TAH'TEE WA YASSIR LIYAS SABEELA WA AH'SIN LIYAT TAYSEERA WA LAA TUKHD'ULNEE FIL A'SEERI WAH-DINEE YAA KHAYRA DALEELIN WA LAA TAKILNEE ILAA NAFSEE FIL UMOORI WA LAQQINEE KULLA SUROORIN WAQLIBNEE ILAA AHLEE BIL FALAAH'I WAN NAJAAH'I MAH'BOORAN" FIL A'AJILI WAL AJIL INNAKA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER WARZUQNEE MIN FAZ"LIKA WA AWSIA'-A'LAYYA MIN T'AYYIBAATI RIZQIKA WAS-TAA' MILNEE FEE T'AA-ATIKA WA AJIRNEE MIN A'DAABIKA WA NAARIKA WAQLIBNEE ID'AA TAWAFFAYTANEE ILAA JANNATIKA BIRAH'MATIKA ALLAAHUMMA INNEE A-O'OD'U BIKA MIN ZAWAALI NIA'-MATIKA WA MIN TAH'WEELI A'AFIYATIKA WA MIN H'ULOOLI NAQIMATIKA WA MIN NUZOOLI A'D'AABIKA WA MIN JAHDIL BALAAA-I WA DARAKISH SHAQAAA-I WA MIN SOOO-IL QAZ"-AAA-I WA SHAMAATATIL AA'-DAAA-I WA MIN SHARRI MAA YANZILU MINAS SAMAAA-I WA MIN SHARRI MAA FIL KITAABIL MUNZAL ALLAAHUMMA LAA TAJ-A'LNEE MINAL ASHRAARI WA LAA MIN AS'H'AABIN NAARI WA LAA TAH'RIMNEE S'UH'BATAL AKHYAAR WA AH'YINEE H'AYAATAN T'AYYIBATAN WA TAWAFFANEE WAFATAN T'AYYIBATAN TULH'IQUNEE BIL ABRAARI WAR-ZUQNEE MURAAFAQATAL AMBIYAAA-I FEE MAQ-A'DI S'IDQIN I'NDA MALEEKIN MUQTADIR ALLAAHUMMA LAKAL H'AMDU A'LAA H'USIN BALAA-IKA WA S'UN-I'KA WA LAKAL H'AMDU A'LAL ISLAAMI WAT-TIBAA-I'S SUNNATI YAA RABBI KAMAA HADAYTAHUM LIDEENIKA WA A'LLAMTAHUM KITAABIKA FAH-DINAA WA A'LLIMNAA WA LAKAL H'AMDU A'LAA H'USNIBALAAA-IKA WA S'UN-I'KA I'NDEE KHAAAS'S'ATAN KAMAA KHALAQTANEE FA-AH'SANTA KHALQEE WA A'LLAMTANEE FA-AH'SANTA TAA'LEEMEE WA HADAYTANEE FA-AH'SANTA HIDAAYATEE FA-LAKAL H'AMDU A'LAA IN-A'AMIKA A'LAYYA QADEEMAN WA H'ADEETHAA FA-KAM MIN KARBIN YAA SAYYIDEE QAD FARRAJTAHOO WA KAM MIN GHAMMIN YAA SAYYIDEE QAD NAFFASTAHOO WA KAM MIN HAMMIN YAA SAYYIDE QAD KASHAFTAHOO WA KAM MIN BALAAA-IN YAA SAYYIDEE QAD S'ARAFTAHOO WA KAM MIN A'YBIN YAA SAYYIDEE QAD SATARTAHOO FA-LAKAL H'AMDU A'LAA KULLI H''AALIN FEE KULLI MATHWAN ZAMAANIN WA MUNQALABIN WA MAQAAMIN WA A'LAA HAAD'IHIL H'AALI WA KULLI H'AAL ALLAAHUMMAJ-A'LNEE MIN AFZ"ALI I'BAADIKA NAS'EEBAN FEE HAAD'AL YAWMI MIN KHAYRIN TAQSIMUHOO AW Z"URRIN TAKSHIFUHOO AW SOOO-IN TAS'RIFUHOO AW BALAAA-IN' TADFA-U'HOO AW KHAYRIN TASOOQUHOO AW RAH'MATIN TANSHURUHAA AW A'AFIYATIN TULBISUHAA FA-INNAKA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER WA BI-YADIKA KHAZAAA-INUS SAMAAWATI WAL ARZ" WA ANTAL WAAH'IDUL KAREEMUL MUA'-T'IYALLAD'EE LAA YURADDU SAAA-ILUHOO WA LAA YUKHAYYABU AAMILUHOO WA LAA YANQUS'U NAA-ILUHOO WA LAA YANFADU MAA I'NDAHOO BAL YAZDAADU KATHRATAN WA T'AYYIBAN WA A'T'AAA-AN WA JODAA WARZUQNEE MIN KHAZAAA-INIKAL LATEE LAA TAFNAA WA MIN RAH'MATIKAL WAASI-A'H INNA A'TAAA-AKA LAM YAKUN MAH'ZOORAN WA ANTA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER BIRAH'MATIKA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN ALLAAHUMMA S'ALLI A'LAA MUH'AMMADIN'W WA AALI MUH'AMMAD …. Dua No. 2- Allhumma Man taaba ( Also for Thu night) Mp3 | PPT O my Allah! Many a man takes pain, makes compromises, uses artifices, comes to terms, to draw attention of other men in hope of profit and gain, kindness and indulgence, but unto thee, O Lord, I turn to for fitness and maturity, seeking Thy favours, making a request for Thy indulgence and kindness, because Thou does not dismiss praying suppliant. O He who does not send away any destitute disappointed; nor is ever at a disadvantage because of extravagance (giving with out restraint). Surely I have come to Thee with no good deeds to rely upon, but I never go to others to draw their attention. I have come to Thee, bitter and sour on account of vain desires, sad and desolate, ashamed of my guilt. Without any excuse or argument I have come to Thee to make a request for Thy lenient method Thou uses to deal with wrongdoers; because prolonged fascination for an artificial life does not make Thee withdraw Thy mercy. O He Who shows mercy, again and again, and forgive, ever so beyond measure. O The Magnificent! O The Magnificent! O The Magnificent! Nothing turn off thy anger except Thy loving attention; nothing keeps safe from Thy displeasure, except humble submissiveness, unto Thee. So forgive me. O my Lord and Master, free me of care and anxiety, as Thou has the skill and mastery (even) to make barren dead ground grow green, and be fertile; and do not make me rush into deadly danger, in frustration, give answer to my call, tell me that my request has received approval; let me have the full used of the welfare (I am allowed), till the end of my life. Do not give my enemy a chance to laugh at me, do not give him an upper hand over me, do not let him tread on the neck of his victim (me). O Allah! If Thou hampers my progress, who (no one) can promote my cause! If Thou improves my station, who (no one) can lower my position! It Thou condemns me who (no one) can speak to Thee on behalf of Thy servant and draw Thy attention to his plight! I know for sure there is no injustice in what Thou decides upon, nor Thou punishes in a hurry, for only he makes haste, who is liable to lose the chance, or only the weak and stupid resort to highhandedness; and Thou stands high and above, O my Lord and Master, away from this, the sublime the Greatest. O Allah! I seek refuge with Thee, so give me asylum, I look for thy protection, so watch over me. I ask for means of livelihood, so keep up me. I rely upon Thee, so make me content. I turn to thee for help against my enemy, so support me. I run after Thy help, so stand by me. I strive for Thy forgiveness, O My Lord and Master! Forgive me. So be it. So be it. So be it. | |
Dua No. 3 Recite the following '4' Tasbihaat as many times as possible: Pdf Glory be to Allah, before everyone (glorifies Him). Glory be to Allah, after everyone (glorifies Him). Glory be to Allah, when everyone. (glorifies Him). Glory be to Allah, Everlasting Forever is our Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. Glory be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, before everyone (exalts Him). Glory be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, after everyone (exalts Him). Glory be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, when everyone (glorifies Him). Glory be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurably exalted is the glory of our Everlasting Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. Glory be to Allah, glory which is, immeasurable, unperceivable, unforgettable, unperishing, indestructible, and there is no end to it. Glory be to Allah, everlasting duration of His glory makes His glorification eternal, continuous existence of His glory keeps His glorification alive for ever, through out the cosmic ages, months all through the centuries, days passing by in this world, and every moment of the nights and days. Glory be to Allah, never-ending glorification alongwith ever eternal glory, which neither can be counted in addition, nor can be terminated into an end, nor can ever be discontinued, be praised and hallowed is Allah, the Best Creator.
Praise be to Allah, before everyone (praises Him). Praise be to Allah, after everyone (praises Him). Praise be to Allah, when everyone. (praises Him). Praise be to Allah, Everlasting Forever is our Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. Praise be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, before everyone (exalts Him). Praise be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, after everyone (exalts Him). Praise be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, when everyone (praises Him). Praise be to Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurably exalted is the glory of our Everlasting Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. Praise be to Allah, glory which is, immeasurable, unperceivable, unforgettable, unperishing, indestructible, and there is no end to it. Praise be to Allah, everlasting duration of His glory makes His glorification eternal, continuous existence of His glory keeps His glorification alive for ever, through out the cosmic ages, months all through the centuries, days passing by in this world, and every moment of the nights and days. Praise be to Allah, never-ending glorification alongwith ever eternal glory, which neither can be counted in addition, nor can be terminated into an end, nor can ever be discontinued, be praised and hallowed is Allah, the Best Creator.
There is no god save Allah, before everyone (accepts His single Divinity). There is no god save Allah, after everyone (accepts His single Divinity). There is no god save Allah, when everyone. (accepts His single Divinity). There is no god save Allah, Everlasting Forever is our Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. There is no god save Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, before everyone (exalts Him). There is no god save Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, after everyone (exalts Him). There is no god save Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, when everyone (accepts His single Divinity). There is no god save Allah, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurably exalted is the glory of our Everlasting Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. There is no god save Allah, glory which is, immeasurable, unperceivable, unforgettable, unperishing, indestructible, and there is no end to it. There is no god save Allah, everlasting duration of His glory makes His glorification eternal, continuous existence of His glory keeps His glorification alive for ever, through out the cosmic ages, months all through the centuries, days passing by in this world, and every moment of the nights and days. There is no god save Allah, never-ending glorification alongwith ever eternal glory, which neither can be counted in addition, nor can be terminated into an end, nor can ever be discontinued, be praised and hallowed is Allah, the Best Creator.
Allah is the Greatest, before everyone (extols Him). Allah is the Greatest, after everyone (extols Him). Allah is the Greatest, when everyone. (extols Him). Allah is the Greatest, Everlasting Forever is our Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. Allah is the Greatest, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, before everyone (exalts Him). Allah is the Greatest, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, after everyone (exalts Him). Allah is the Greatest, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurable exalted is His glory, when everyone (extols Him). Allah is the Greatest, the glorification of the glorifiers exalts His glory, immeasurably exalted is the glory of our Everlasting Lord-Nourisher, and everyone passes away. Allah is the Greatest, glory which is, immeasurable, unperceivable, unforgettable, unperishing, indestructible, and there is no end to it. Allah is the Greatest, everlasting duration of His glory makes His glorification eternal, continuous existence of His glory keeps His glorification alive for ever, through out the cosmic ages, months all through the centuries, days passing by in this world, and every moment of the nights and days. Allah is the Greatest, never-ending glorification alongwith ever eternal glory, which neither can be counted in addition, nor can be terminated into an end, nor can ever be discontinued, be praised and hallowed is Allah, the Best Creator.
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