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Most of you know and have benefitted from brother Tarek Mehanna, his efforts in the society and his many Translations of classical texts. Today, he lies in prison due to false and ridiculous charges brought against him because he had refused to succumb spineless, refused to contradict his principles and very ethics by working as an FBI spy. Here is what his brother had to say about him:
Tariq Mehanna is a 27 year old Muslim Egyptian American born and raised in the United States. Highly educated, Tariq holds a doctorate in pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. He is a devout and tolerant Muslim who is not only respected in the local Islamic and interfaith communities, but who also gives back to his Islamic community by fulfilling the roles of brother, educator, mentor, scholar, and friend. Tariq is described by those who know him well as humble, reserved, warm, peaceful, intelligent, knowledgeable, reflective, pragmatic, dedicated, and straightforward. He is a person with strong ethical values who refuses to compromise on them regardless of the circumstances. It is unfortunate then that this customarily admirable trait plays a role in his current situation.
Several years ago, the Boston FBI began to approach Tariq. They recognized that he was a religious Muslim who was active in the local Islamic community, had earned the respect of many, and was beloved to the youth. The FBI recognized in Tariq an individual who is intelligent, charismatic, influential and trusted by many in the local Islamic community. They decided that they wanted Tariq on their side, and began to approach him in an effort to recruit him as an informant. Their objective was to secure Tariq as a tool to corroborate any FBI claims or accusations against members of the community that might arise, at the discretion of the FBI. Of course, Tariq flat out refused to backstab his fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, a decision that did not sit well at all with the FBI.
The FBI then proceeded to repeatedly approach Tariq over the coming months, each time pressuring him more and more to collaborate with them. This pressure most often came in the form of blackmail; Tariq was told that unless he consented to cooperating with the FBI, they would continue finding new ways to disrupt his life and to deprive him of a sense of security. He was told outright by interrogators that they knew he was innocent, but that they would not be satisfied with his refusal to cooperate. Regardless of whether their methods were unethical, coercive, or failed to respect his civil rights, the FBI were quite fortunate in catching an opportunity to arrest Tariq in 2008 based on a weak accusation of issuing "false statements" to a federal officer. After two months of imprisonment, his court-appointed attorney, Jay Carney, jr., was able to negotiate a bail settlement of $1,250,000. Tariq was subsequently released after this absurdly inflated amount was paid by his parents, who were desperate to have him return home safely.
Tariq did return home for nearly a year, living a quiet life, restricted by a court-ordered curfew, and monitored by FBI investigators. In the meantime, the case against him, based on "false testimony" charges, began to stagnate, and court dates were far and in between with no advances made by the FBI. Over time, the Mehanna family began to finally feel a sense of restored normalcy and stability in their lives. This feeling was suddenly and violently shattered during the fajr hours of October 21st, 2009, when FBI agents showed up at the Mehanna home doorstep at 5:00AM in the morning. Despite the lack of ANY new evidence since the prior arrest, the agents came with an arrest warrant. According to Dr. Ahmed Mehanna, Tariq's father, the agents were visibly excited and enthusiastic about their invasion of the Mehanna private household and the seizure and arrest of Tariq. The situation facing Tariq now is one where his second arrest means that there is no chance for bail. Tariq is currently incarcerated at the Plymouth Correctional Facility, where he is expected to remain for the several year duration of a new trial based on outright FALSE AND LUDICROUSE accusations of aiding and abetting terrorism. He currently faces LIFE IN PRISON if convicted guilty in a trial by grand jury. We must offer our greatest support and most dedicated effort if there is to be hope of Tariq's release. Thank you for taking the time to read this history, and we are confident that you will share our knowledge of Tariq's innocence. In addition, it is our sincere hope that the United States justice system remain true to its "innocent until proven guilty" origins, and for Tariq to receive a fair and just trial.
A court date has been set for this coming Thursday 12th Nov, at Moakley Federal Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Boston MA. Timing to be confirmed.
Everyone is urged to attend, particularly those in the area. Please go and show your support. Today it may be someone else, but tomorrow it may well be you, your family or a close one.
Free Tarek Site: http://www.freetare
Free Tarek Official Facebook Group: http://www.facebook
Back in the UK, our communities were often tested with the unjust arrest of those who used to work hard in building the society, good-hearted & sincere individuals, they really were shining stars whom everyone felt proud of having around. Needless to say, their arrests were designed to instill fear into the community (for many were released soon after, some were even asked to work for the government!) and drive a wedge between the people such that it was 'each to his own' and help was something that a person was to offer only to himself and none other. Luckily, we were not that dumb and so we began the effort of assisting every oppressed, wronged and ill-treated person. Organisations (such as Cageprisoners), campaigns and activists were thus born and continue to remain struggling between hard work, sacrifice and results.
Muslims in America need to take off the cloak of fear which they have been made to wear. Fear is an emotion preserved primarily for Allah `azza wa jall (see al-Baqarah: 150, Aal-'Imran: 175 and al-Ma'idah: 44 to name just a few) and He has more right to it than anyone from the creation. So don't be afraid to stand up for those who are wronged, this is a strong Principle in Islam – and principles are something which we will be questioned about on Yawm al-Hisab. Do not abandon your brethren lest you be abandoned at the time of your need.
Those organisations who claim to be there for the Muslims, this is the time when true colours show. There is no point in helping one cause when there is a more pressing one to be aided (priorities) where your assistance is required more-so. There is nothing to lose because you'll be gaining it with the One whom you claim to be working for:
من خسر مع الله ماذا ربح؟ ومن ربح مع الله ماذا خسر؟
'What has he who lost it with Allah, actually gained? And what has he who gained with Allah, actually lost?' – Remember this powerful quote when working in the path of Da'wah, community work etc.
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition whose isnad is gharib.
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): "Allahumma infa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar."
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