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Have the brothers of this forum taken time to listen to this unusual lecture... by akhi Al X of .....? In this lecture, the brother explains how the Muslim community of today entirely negate the supporting of one particular community of Muslims - African Americans - while at the same time expressing widespread support for the second community... easily following the pattern that the Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI) wants the Muslims to believe and behave like.
Akhi Al X says that we are 'one brotherhood' and no one among us personally loves each other. Many of us will despise the new, particularly African American reverts, because they accepted Islaam in prison and come from a lifestyle that is strange and suspicious to us. They used to steal, they used to do such-and-such and so-and-so... and after they became Muslims, they came to the masjid and asked for help. Since they have those criminal charges associated, they are unable to find jobs. And when they are unable to find money for livelihood, they seek help in the masjid. A brother stands up for them and tries to help them by providing necessities.... then the FBI monitors that brother since they don't like the Muslims arising and the brother gets shot down after being framed with imaginary charges. We ignore this....... saying that the brother was already a criminal for helping a previously-criminal brother. Then what about the al Walaa' wal Baraa'....? Where did that go....? Why do we turn our backs this way... the way the enemies of Allah want us to be like......?
We are dealing with 'snakes' as Al X says.... FBI are not regular people or even considered normal animals..... they are snakes. They have their tactics and if they come to defame and capturing you, they will make stuff up. "If it is true, they will say it. If it's not, they will make it up.... it doesn't matters!" They take bits of stereotypes from each community.....
African Americans, this man was a bearded thug who dealt in illegal drug trade or gun possession!
Arabs, this international terrorist was an Al-Qaida 'sleeper cell'!
Indians/Pakistanis, this person was planning to blow up the nuclear reactor or a tall building or a bridge in the center of the city!
Mexican Muslim, this person belonged to this gang / he entered the country illegally and had a smuggling operation!
Chinese Muslim, this person opened up a shop where child labor was prominent!
.......and after associating the stereotype with the specific Muslim based upon his or her ethnicity, they have the perfect reason to lock you up! They want to make a distinction between the Muslims, not because they think one is better than the other but they want us to think that one is better than the other! They know how to make us play against each other when they want BOTH of us gone... an example that akhi Al X gives:
It is like a woman sitting back seeing two man fighting for her. She sits back and does nothing. It's not that she likes one man, but it is because she dislikes both of them and wants them to see both of them in the hospital for hurting each other.... or being dead. She will laugh and accept whatever charges are posed against them resulting in them to rot in jail or die. They are just like this: Dangling carrots in front of the entire world. The black community Muslim or not, the Muslim community black or not! while hoping that Muslims will divide based on this and divide over these carrots.
Woman: FBI
Men: Two Muslims
Martyr Luqman Ameen Abdullah was murdered in Tuesday, and I post this message on the night of Sunday! If you go ahead and ask the brothers in your community: "Brother, have you heard about Luqman Ameen who was killed in Detroit this Tuesday?" Their response would be in negative, as Martyr Arshad Waheed rahimahullah said, "Many of those have no idea that this ever happened!"
So true is it when brother Al X said:
"Those of us who would care are not even informed by others of us who know but don't care."
May Allah protect us from such plots and tricks of the enemies and give us the strength to overcome them and terminate their ambition at its core! Aameen
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Have the brothers of this forum taken time to listen to this unusual lecture... by akhi Al X of revolutionmuslim.
Akhi Al X says that we are 'one brotherhood' and no one among us personally loves each other. Many of us will despise the new, particularly African American reverts, because they accepted Islaam in prison and come from a lifestyle that is strange and suspicious to us. They used to steal, they used to do such-and-such and so-and-so... and after they became Muslims, they came to the masjid and asked for help. Since they have those criminal charges associated, they are unable to find jobs. And when they are unable to find money for livelihood, they seek help in the masjid. A brother stands up for them and tries to help them by providing necessities.
We are dealing with 'snakes' as Al X says.... FBI are not regular people or even considered normal animals..... they are snakes. They have their tactics and if they come to defame and capturing you, they will make stuff up. "If it is true, they will say it. If it's not, they will make it up.... it doesn't matters!" They take bits of stereotypes from each community...
African Americans, this man was a bearded thug who dealt in illegal drug trade or gun possession!
Arabs, this international terrorist was an Al-Qaida 'sleeper cell'!
Indians/Pakistanis, this person was planning to blow up the nuclear reactor or a tall building or a bridge in the center of the city!
Mexican Muslim, this person belonged to this gang / he entered the country illegally and had a smuggling operation!
Chinese Muslim, this person opened up a shop where child labor was prominent!
.......and after associating the stereotype with the specific Muslim based upon his or her ethnicity, they have the perfect reason to lock you up! They want to make a distinction between the Muslims, not because they think one is better than the other but they want us to think that one is better than the other! They know how to make us play against each other when they want BOTH of us gone... an example that akhi Al X gives:
It is like a woman sitting back seeing two man fighting for her. She sits back and does nothing. It's not that she likes one man, but it is because she dislikes both of them and wants them to see both of them in the hospital for hurting each other.... or being dead. She will laugh and accept whatever charges are posed against them resulting in them to rot in jail or die. They are just like this: Dangling carrots in front of the entire world. The black community Muslim or not, the Muslim community black or not! while hoping that Muslims will divide based on this and divide over these carrots.
Woman: FBI
Men: Two Muslims
Martyr Luqman Ameen Abdullah was murdered in Tuesday, and I post this message on the night of Sunday! If you go ahead and ask the brothers in your community: "Brother, have you heard about Luqman Ameen who was killed in Detroit this Tuesday?" Their response would be in negative, as Martyr Arshad Waheed rahimahullah said, "Many of those have no idea that this ever happened!"
So true is it when brother Al X said:
"Those of us who would care are not even informed by others of us who know but don't care."
May Allah protect us from such plots and tricks of the enemies and give us the strength to overcome them and terminate their ambition at its core! Aameen
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