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Thursday, November 12, 2009




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (16 October 2009)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims…


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/khutbassermons.htm (10-30-1999)


We are approaching the time of Hajj and it is only appropriate and befitting to begin to give serious thoughts to this yearly obligation that speaks to every Muslim and beyond that, it's supposed to have an impact on every other human being. For us to fulfil the obligations of what a khutbah is supposed to be i.e. means of communication and explaining that taqwa of Allah i.e. the authoritative presence of Allah in man's life, we will begin with some remarks or commentaries pertaining to Makkah and Ibraheem (alaihi as salaam). A Surah that may be committed to the memories of many Muslims is Surah Al Balad or Surah Laa Uqsimu- it has these two designations/names to it. It begins by saying… in the literal translation Allah is revealing His words

I shall not mention this town in solemn terms (Surah Al Balad verse 1)

Or a step below that

I will not express an oath pertinent to this town. (Surah Al Balad verse 1)

This is in reference to Makkah and yet a degree below that

I shall not swear by this town. (Surah Al Balad verse 1)

This is more or less the literal translation of these ayaat. The more engaged meaning of this is that Allah will- even though the literal translation of it, (as may be understood), by unengaged minds is in the negative i.e. I will not; but in the practical and the thought out understanding of this ayah, Allah is saying

I will mention in solemn terms this town. (Surah Al Balad verse 1)

We don't want to enter into a philosophical debate about whether this is an affirmation of an oath or a negation of an oath. Allah is saying

I will not mention in the most solemn of terms this town while you… (Surah Al Balad verse 1)

This (you) is in reference to Allah's Prophet. The meaning of the word hillum here is

… you have become an exception to its laws… (Surah Al Balad verse 2)

This needs a little explanation (as to) what is meant by it. We want you brothers and sisters to understand this, because if we don't begin understanding this then the status quo is going remain running us over from year to year. Allah is saying that He will not or He will (depending on your ability to understand) mention in solemn language Makkah itself while His Prophet in contravention to the laws as of this day and time has become open season to his Mushrik enemies. If you begin to understand the meaning of this ayah, you begin to realise that there is more to this than catches the eye. Makkah in its history and when Allah's Prophet was born into it was known as a city/zone of security. The Haram or place that was established by Ibraheem and Isma'eel (alaihima as sallat wa as salaam) was meant to be a war free zone. This character of Makkah was consolidated. You could not kill game/animals in Makkah. You could not even cut the trees. This was observed for generation and generation for hundreds of years by everyone who dwelled/lived in that city. And here comes Allah's Prophet, and what did they do to Allah's Prophet? They said we shall shed his blood. What happened? All of the force of history has been violated. The traditions that they spoke about and the personalities that they identified with i.e.  Ibraheem and Isma'eel are turning upside down and they want to kill Allah's Prophet? It is in this meaning that capsulated in these ayaat.

He will not or He will mention in solemn language Makkah itself; while His Prophet in contravention to the laws as of this day and time has become open season to his Mushrik; and by a progenitor and what he has given birth to or by father and son. (Surah Al Balad verse 1-3)

Father and son is in reference to Ibraheem and his son Isma'eel and the sons/generations/offspring/progeny that came from Ibraheem and Isma'eel meaning the occupants/inhabitants of Makkah itself. Let us go over these ayaat again. Allah is saying, (in another understanding of the word hill)

I shall not mention in the strongest solemn language this city of Makkah while you (O Muhammad) are resident in the imposed and extraordinary circumstances that you are in. (Surah Al Balad verse 1-2)


Indeed we have created man in a condition of hardship and exhaustion. (Surah Al Balad verse 4)

Let us review our historical mind i.e. what thinkers, scholars and Ulema' said about this ayah. Unfortunately we live in a time when Allah speaks, we close our mind; but there was a time when Allah spoke and there were Muslims who were thinking of what He is saying- that's where we're supposed to be. So, we had fourteen centuries in which we were supposed to think of what Allah is telling us. Some of these thinkers took a look at the sanctity of Makkah and they began to say whether the ihram i.e. the attire/garment that Muslims wear to enter Makkah is mandatory to everyone who enters Makkah or is it mandatory only for those who are going to Makkah for the purposes of Hajj and Umrah. And you have the different opinions here and there. People who thought out these opinions had their own circumstances- political/military/social developments and dynamics. We live in a world that has its own developments and dynamics and so when we think about this Surah that was either revealed in Makkah or Al Madinah- this is not a conclusive and a final statement on where this Surah was revealed. Some people say it was in Makkah- and these are not average people. These were people who gave it their minds and thoughts, but this is what we have inherited. And we have other people saying no. It was revealed in Al Madinah. We're not going to enter into these types of back-and-forths. Thinking about the established meanings of these beginning ayaat of Surah Al Balad, we think about the accessibility of Makkah. This in something that never occurred to the minds of the people of that time, because no one was telling them "you can't come to Makkah!" So, they would not address an issue that was never there. But today we have something new that wasn't there; neither in the times of jahiliyyah i.e. the pre-Muhammadi, pre-Islamic pre-Qur'anic times, nor was it there in the 1st hundred/thousand years after the Prophet, but it has become, (now), the fact of our life. Ibraheem fled from, (what is called today), Al Iraq because of persecution and he found refuge and a place where he can trust his future generations to live.

And bear in mind that Ibraheem said "Oh my Sustainer, have this town or designate this area to be one of security… (Surah Al Ibraheem verse 35)

These ayaat are all around the place, but they are just decibels/sounds in the air. There's no minds that is latching on to the meanings of these ayaat. If we had millions of Muslims who understand what Allah is saying, we probably would not have the exceptional and the odd conditions that are imposed on us today.

… and give me and my descendants a distance from conforming to idols or to idolise figures to figurative statues. (Surah Al Ibraheem verse 35)

Brothers and sisters- Ibraheem said Oh my Sustainer make this town a town of security and safety. What do we have today? We have military bases (and) hundreds of thousands of military personnel, advisors and combatants who are in the vicinity of this area that Ibraheem- in his du'a to Allah- wanted to become an area/zone of security and safety. Today, we have real people whose interpretation of security is to bring in forces that are inimical to Allah and His Prophets! Can you see the contradiction? And not only that, these Saudis, (some people don't want to use these words), why? What's wrong? We didn't give them that name, they gave themselves that name. This feudal ruling royalty has interjected into the history of Islam and into the midst of the Muslims alien forces and hostile militaries in contradiction and contravention to the words of Ibraheem and after all of this, they claim, (with the propaganda at their disposal), that they are the followers of Ibraheem and they can add to that claim and they do that they are the descendants of Ibraheem, and Allah- whose words are a cure to their diseased minds and their poisonous politics- says in Surah Aal Imran… Did anyone listen out there, especially those who are going to be flocking as a matter of habit and tradition into Makkah and out of Makkah in the coming month-and-a-half? Listen when Allah speaks

Those who claim/say that they belong to Ibraheem are those who follow him and this Prophet (in reference to Muhammad) and those who are committed to the authority and power of Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 68)

What do we have now? If you read and understand what Allah is saying and it is clear,

Bear in mind Ibraheem when he said: "My Sustainer, render this town a town of security and safety." (Surah Al Ibraheem verse 35)

Ask the Saudis, who are in illegitimate control of Makkah and Al Madinah, the definition and the practical implications of what this is in today's world! We don't say this because we are scoring against this or because we are getting personal. We say this because we are trying to understand what Allah is saying to us and how they are violating what He is saying to us.

Indeed we have created man in a condition of hardship and exhaustion. (Surah Al Balad verse 4)

Some of these scholars who come to the word insaan in the Qur'an, according to their ijtihad, they say that many ayaat in the Qur'an that have the word insaan in it is referring to those who are at odds with the Muslims or to use their own words "it refers most of the time to the kafireen." Obviously, if we can recall these dynamics, we begin to understand that man lives in conditions that are trying to his nature. Let us ask ourselves- this is a legitimate question. If we are interacting with what Allah and His Prophet are saying to us then doesn't it become a valid question to ask: were there any obstacles for Ibraheem in going to that area there? There was no Makkah there. It was a piece of sand/desert. Did anyone tell him "you can't come here?" The only time we find that Makkah is a repelling force that wants to push people away from it was in the time of Allah's Prophet. They could no longer tolerate his presence. All of their laws, legal systems, values and traditions said that there cannot be bloodshed in Makkah and here they were thinking about spilling the blood of Allah's Prophet in Makkah itself. And when the Muslims became a consolidated force in Al Madinah, Makkah did not want them. This is an exception in the history of that city and we should understand how Makkah is presented nowadays. Is it a welcoming city? Is it an embracing area? Is it an accommodating society? Is it a melting pot of people who go there as has been all along? Or has it become difficult to go to Makkah? Makkah is no longer a place that integrates its fans and lovers i.e. the people who are attracted to it no longer can assimilate in this city. What happened? There is something that is in the works. Frankly speaking- only a few people, (if that), are able and willing to express and explain that to the public/everyone who is willing to listen. We don't know… there is no page in history that tells that Ibraheem or Isma'eel or the generations after that "Makkah is off limits to you." So how come today we have these family rulers who come tell all the Muslims- not verbally, you are not going to find this in their laws, regulations, newspapers and books. It is a policy that they are applying to the rest of the Muslims off the record because they can't justify this. But here they are and they need the help of others. Brothers and sisters- it is quite interesting to note that the person that they elevate so much, i.e. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, explained in some of his writings that "the people in the Arabian peninsula are worse than the Mushrikeen during the time of Allah's Prophet." Why don't they highlight that statement by their guru, (as it were)? Why do they selectively want to take some statements and miss other statements? They are afraid that their own mentors own words can be used against them. And in fact, that is what is happening. Some of those who can themselves "Wahabbis and Salafis" have discovered in the words of their primary scholar, statements and sentences that delegitimize the ruling family in Al Hejaz and Arabia. (Take a) look at them. These "Wahhabis and Salafis" are not a monolith. Some of them consider the ruling family to be a God-send. They are God's shadow on earth in the words in Western languages, not in the technical meaning of Islamic vocabulary. Then, there are those same types of people who refer to the same books, sources and references and then they say "the same ruling family are the enemies of Allah and His Prophet." This is what we get/have. We're not stuffing the issue against anyone. We are simply stating the facts that look us in the eye, especially during these weeks as we approach the season of the Hajj.

Those who can rightly belong to Ibraheem are those who follow him… (Surah Aal Imran verse 68)

Not those who were born in Makkah and Al Hejaz, and not those who can trace their grandfathers all the way back to Ibraheem and Isma'eel. It is those who are in the character of Ibraheem and Isma'eel not in the chromosomes of Ibraheem and Isma'eel. This Prophet of Allah who broke with these traditions that are used to legitimise illegitimate rulers.

… and those who are committed to Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 68)

Not committed to the military enemies of Allah and to the racism of the enemies of Allah.


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

One of the major impediments/obstacles that we experience in not expressing the true and in not wanting to listen to the true is the element of fear. People are afraid. Muslims are afraid. Fear is a component of human nature. In certain circumstances it is natural to fear. If someone is experiencing bullets and bombs around them, they fear- that's natural. But it is not natural to fear expressing and explaining the truth- that's not normal. It doesn't come with human nature. We ask ourselves what's wrong with us that we are incapable and unwanting to express the truth because there's a fear in us. Where did this fear come? Impose this question on yourself: why do you fear? We are not doing anything wrong. We are trying to get to the truth. Why should anyone fear trying to obtain the truth? But this is, regrettably said, a common feature amongst many Muslims- they fear this. Those people who ascend the Mimbar on Fridays are afraid to say the truth. Some people who know what the truth is will tell you "I will not say this in public. I will discuss this with you. I'll have a conversation with you about this matter, but I won't go on the record for everyone to hear expressing the truth." Some people want to comfort themselves and so, what they do is coach their ideas in general terms. They don't want to be specific. They have a net conscience that says to them "you should say something." So, when they say something, they leave it very general and sometimes vague. Thereafter, they convince themselves that they said the truth. This is a fact of our life. You should ask these types when you speak to them or when you have an opportunity to have a few minutes with them "where did this personality that fears expressing the truth come from? Has there been any Prophet of Allah or any of Allah's righteously guided people who were afraid of saying the truth?" Obviously, they will not have an answer to that or they will just terminate the session. Who was afraid? Ibraheem was afraid?! Musa (alaihi as salaam) was afraid?! As we said, fear is a part of human nature and maybe some of these Prophets and Messengers of Allah may have felt in their life the emotions of fear, but never was that the case in expressing the truth in public. What happed to us? There's a lot of work to be done so that we can have an average/normal/regular human being, (that's all we want), who can speak the truth. What are they going to say/do? What the worst thing that is going to happen? They'll put someone like me in prison or they'll contrive an incident or bend the laws and terminate someone's life because he's expressing the truth?! So be it. It's better to live with a free conscience and a mind that is settled in Allah and His Prophet and as a consequence of that pass on than to live the low life of sub humans who are incapable of saying and expressing the truth, especially when it comes to those who are running the show in Makkah and Al Madinah without qualms/second thoughts. They have been riding on the indifference and the disengagement of the Muslim public and that should come to an end sooner rather than later.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohamed Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 30 October 2009 on the sidewalk of Embassy Road in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.



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