Salaam alaykum my beloved sons and daughters, scholars of the future
InshAllah after a long break ALQAEM HOWZA with the help of and in the coordination with The Awaited one foundation will be continuing the AQAAED (intellectual theology courses), on the topic of the Hereafter and the Resurrection, the intellectual discussion.
The reference: ELAHIYAAT : SH Jafer Sobhani & notes of Islamic university S. Fadhil Almilani
The time 9:30 -10:15 pm (EST) live on http://awaitedone.
There will be Q&A session after some lectures
Total of 10 classes (Sunday -Friday) (8-12November & 15-19 November)
Previously the following short courses in AQAAED were done:
The unity & the existence of God
The The appointed authority after the Prophet (S)
Safdar Razi Ali
The Director and The Instructor of
Advanced Islamic Studies in Islamic Law and Theology
The holy Quran [Shakir 60:8] Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice.
Master of humanity Prophet Mohammad (S): My Lord advices me:
"… To give to those who deprive me, to forgive those who wrong me..."
Chief of the believers Imam Ali (AS) to Malik (R.A.) his representative in Egypt:
"People are not but two kinds; either your brother in religion or same like you in creation"
Commentary of Holy Qur'an
Du'a -
Islam -
Free Islamic Books -

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