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Saturday, September 19, 2009

¤ Ali Valiyollah Group ¤ ... An Email for Parachinar, DI Khan ...


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: sajjad turi <basijee5@yahoo. com>
To: shamsturi@yahoo. com; aeliarizvi1@ yahoo.com; manzarrizvi@ hotmail.com; telecomfirst@ yahoo.com; creative110guy@ yahoo.com; ali_youngstar@ yahoo.com; dilse_ahmed@ yahoo.com; hsakhlaq@yahoo. com; hussainnajeem@ yahoo.com; hussain@itngroup. tv
Sent: Thursday, 17 September, 2009 16:31:45


Sallam/ Issue of Parachinar & D I Khan/Quetta and Shia of all Pakistan are Salient Spectator

Dear brother's

As you all know the running situation of Parachinar & D I Khan.
All Roads are  Block from 3 yrs, Even Afghanistan is also now blocked from 3 weeks, and we loss more then 10 Musafireen in two weeks on this road.

Food and Medicine are short, Education is badly suffering. On this all situation GOVT of Pakistan is Salient Spectator and even our Nam Nihad Shia and Shia People and their leadership of Pakistan are watching the killing of these people by the lashkar yazeed.

I am a ex member of I.S.O but now I don't know they all died or why they are also Silent Spectator on this situations. In this burning time all shia or their organization have to take action, this is not time of just pray and morn like Iraqi, when Hazrat Iamam Hussain(A.S) was surrounded by Lashkar Yazeed and the shai of that time excuse that we are going to perform Hajj and Umarah, Some one told, we are busy in preaching of Islam, in this time these thing are meaning less.

Dear brother as you all know Pakistani Media ,which can Highlight a very small Issues of Prices or Filmi actors or other, but we have not seen that Parachinar is also a part of Pakistan or Humane being are living their.

Eid is on Head, as you know in Parachinar more then 1300 Momineen are martyred and one Shaheed left 4 to 5 children & their widow. who will bring Shoes, Clothes or Toys for their orphans.

Even in Ramazan my brother call from Pakistan that one of my friend son' His father martyred in 6 April 2006 war, that he has taken a picture of His Shaheed father and requesting people for(Charity) aftari food.

O Shia Pakistan if you will come out today from your home to know your responsibilities, and start continues strike and procession against  GOVT this policy u only can solve. otherwise you will loss a very strong hold shia area.

And remember Children of Shuhada in your EID.

I hope you will fiorward this to friends and will stand for right.
Engr Hussain UAE

A multi dimension discussion on the object raised by some intellectuals in private and in media that why the leadership only talks about the oppression of Gaza and not about the oppresson on Shias in Pakistan, specifically Parachinar. A must listen thought provoker on the difficulties a leader undergoes right from the time of Ali (a) till today.

Link: http://www.islamimarkaz.com/user_selected_topic_lecture.asp?id=117&topic_name=Mazloomiate%20Shia%20e%20Pakistan%20aur%20Takraar%20e%20Mazloomiyat%20e%20Ali%20(a)

Enemy has spent huge money for sowing discord among Muslims
adding, "We know that an arrogant-related center supports
financially publishing anti Sunni and Shii books.

Isn't it an alert to Muslims???

"Issuance of some books based on logical reasoning as the
Shii Uleam did is good but if somebody
supposes that they could
defend Shii teachings
through backbiting Sunni followers

they should know they are
sowing discord among Muslims.
This task is not defending Velayat
but defending America and the Zionists,"

Waliyy-e-Amril Muslimeen Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei on 12-17-2008


"Many of the Wahabi & Salafi elements & agents which commit terrorist acts in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan are not aware of being hirelings; however, a Shii person who insults the Sunni sanctities, is the enemy's hireling even if he is unaware."
Referring to the unawareness of some of enemy's hireling agents,
Ayatollah Khamenei said..

"From the viewpoints of the Salafi & Wahabi groups, Shiis & Sunnis loyal to Ahl-ul-Bait & Sunnis who follow the Qaderi sect are infidels wherever in the world they are, but the reality is that the followers of this inauspicious thought are appointed to sow discord amongst Muslim brothers; however a Shii person who insults Sunni sanctities ignorantly or on purpose, is appointed to sow discord; & nonetheless the acts of both groups are religiously forbidden (haram) & against the law," the IR Leader added. Ayatullah Khamenei on 12-05-2009.


The Only Solution to protect "Ummah
Diginity" is "Unity":


We muslims are busy bickering over whether to
fold or unfold
our hands during namaz, while
the enemy is devising ways of
cuting them off.
"Roohullah Khomeini"






Yes to Unity
amongst muslims

No to shia-sunni sectarianism & other tools of
enemies & evils, which creates fitna amongst muslims




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