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Thursday, October 2, 2014



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (3 October 2014)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed Muslims…
Even though this is a time of Muslims going to Makkah and Al Madinah to fulfill their obligation of al hajj to Baytillah Al Haram we will continue to try to slay the sectarian Cyclops. As hajj has been reduced to mere automatic motions that have no meaning and have no purpose, (we're sorry to say that but it's the fact of life). On the other hand there are real ideas, programs, policies and strategies that are working and have been working to try to have us kill each other and we're going to pursue this issue in its depths to try and take away the ammo from those who are placing it in the hands of the ignorant and the fanatical. It's hard to say, but it's the truth, that because of our self generated ignorance we have right now a reputation of Muslims in the world that demeans them. There are many reports and many communications that some Muslims hide their identity- children, students, workers don't want other people to know that they are Muslims because right now what's been said about Muslims because of the fanaticism and the bigotry that has turn into killers and murderers and war criminals. It's a shame that this is the case but it's the truth of the matter. One of the lost aspects of our Islam is that the second pillar of our commitment to Allah- after acknowledging His sole divinity and authority, (i.e.) His tawhid- is the pursuit of justice. This is somehow absent from the definition of who is a committed Muslims! You, know, in today's world a person who uses people is of high status. Kings, presidents, people who have power and people who have wealth who use people and exploit people are the ones who have status. In an Islamic lifestyle (and) in an Islamic pursuit of the objectives of iman it is a person who is utilized by people who gains status. A person who's used by people gains status (and) we're talking about the use for legitimate purposes not that the person becomes a puppet or a punching bag. No! When he serves the people he gains status. Now where do you see that in today's world? Look around (at) many societies. There are those that use people and so they have name recognition but those who are trying to serve people don't have any name recognition. Let us also see how many scholars of today measure up to scholars that we have lost sight of who were in pursuit of fairness and justice.
This history also is supposed to be buried. Some of our history we are not supposed to visit?! Here we are going to try to visit that particular history that has been buried and see how scholars who stood for truth and justice when we had them compared to today's scholars who just want name recognition and whichever means leads to that then you'll find them in pursuit of those means! One of these scholars is called Al Izz ibn Abd As Salaam. It's ironic that the killers and war criminals of today consider this scholar to be one of their foremost scholars. There was a ruler during that time. His name was Isma'il Al Ayyubi. When the Crusades were active in that part of history there was a ruler who relinquished parts of the Holy Land to the European Crusaders. That ruler was called Isma'il Al Ayyubi. To understand it a little more, he's like Sadat. Everyone knows who Sadat is in today's world. (He's) the person who capitulated to the enemies of Allah and His Prophet. We had a Sadat in our history. This wasn't the first "Sadat". This (is a) particular area that not many of us are aware of. We don't know this. You ask- go around (and) ask any Muslim "do we have an equivalent of Sadat in our history?" He'll tell you "I don't know." That ignorance! When you get the answer "I don't know" that is contributing to us today being where we are. So Al Izz ibn Abd As Salaam stood up- he's some scholar just like today we have scholars- (and) he said something to the effect "you are a traitor for what you have done." So immediately this ruler takes away all of the status and the privileges that the scholar had and people (were) watching. There was a public opinion out there and people were watching so they went to this scholar and said to him "the only thing you have to do is make up with the ruler. Apologize for what you said." When Muslim scholars have dignity this is how they approach the issue- they don't go to the White House, they don't go to the State Department, they don't go to these other places- he said when he was approached by people who said "make up. You can regain your status." He said "even if this ruler were to come kiss my hand I would refuse it." Then he tells these people something like "you're in one world (and) I'm in another world." As we said previously, we can't break from these citations in history and begin to bring to you what is happening in today's world. What is happening in today's world you should be aware of to compare the so called scholars you have around. You invite them to the Masajid (and) to the Islamic Centers. They speak on issues, compare those types with the types we are speaking about.
Adh Dhahar Biebers- this is one of the rulers of Egypt who was the one who defeated the Moguls who invaded and occupied the same lands today that are being bombed,(i.e.) western Asia. He was advised by one of these scholars, (viz.), Mohideen An Nawawi, who said to him "I know that you are a Mamluk." A Mamluk in those days and times is like saying "you're like an illegal immigrant or alien." Know what the connotation of that is in today's world. So he said to him "I know that you're like an illegal alien." This person had military accomplishments to him (but he asked) "but how are you able to have a thousand illegals in your service and a hundred young ladies with their gems and their jewelry in your service? How does this come about?" In other words this scholar who no one even heard of- this is probably the first time you heard his name- is questioning that person who is in power. "Where did you get all of this from? How could something like this happen?"
And just over a hundred years ago there was a revolt in Egypt. It's called the Ghurabi revolt against the British who were the occupiers of Egypt. This is not ancient history, it's in our grandfathers generation. When this revolt took place there was a Shaykh in the Azhar who was the head Shaykh of the Maliki fiqh. He supported the revolt and because of that he was thrown into prison. You would ask yourself why doesn't information like this dwell in our living and thinking memories and minds? Of course, this head of the Malikis, (probably in all of the world), at the Azhar, the foremost university was accused (of) supporting a revolt. We're not talking about ancient history. Are we talking about something positive or are we talking about something negative here? Today we have all of these war criminals who have been nurtured by the rulers of Arabia (and) the way they present themselves, their doctrinaire roots, (if we can call it that), are in today's Arabia- the Arabia of the Saudis, the Arabia of the Wahabis, the Arabia of the Salafis), are the number one news item of the world. There's a hadith by Allah's Prophet, he says you put the penalty of hudud in abeyance when there is doubt (or) don't apply these hudud when there is doubt (or) there's no evidence. We're talking about legal evidence, we're talking about court evidence (and) we're talking about evidence that expels the shadow of doubt. Today, the way these fanatics with their Arabian roots- let's be more precise, with their Saudi, Wahabi, Salafi, takfiri roots- come to people; there's no evidence (and) there's no courts! Have you heard of a court of law that they have? None of that exists and they do whatever they do (and) that becomes the number one news item flashed all around the world. You know, we have something here in the United States called the Fifth Amendment. Someone pleads the Fifth Amendment (i.e.) you can't incriminate yourself. We had the same thing and we will quote Umar (radi Allahu anhu) who said a person is not secure in himself if you intimidate him to testify against himself. That's the Fifth Amendment! We're not here to try to say that we are superior to others- no! We're not going to fall into that trap. We are here to present the facts. The facts say that our Islam and iman are not this propaganda that is circulating around that incriminates a person because he is proud of his Islam and his iman. We're not going to be apologetic and we're not going to be inferior because we belong to our divine commitment. In the Islamic judicial world (and) in the legal aspects of Islam when you put someone in prison you don't do that as a revenge (or) taking revenge from a person; you do that to reform a person. You take this rule and apply it to incarceration over 2,2million people in this country and you say is the Islamic understanding of the penal code even understood by today's judges and courts? There was a person in the time of Umar who imitated or made people believe that he is an official who collects az zakah. An imposter who went around telling people I am here to collect your zakah. He was arrested. The law caught up with him. After that, Umar saw in this person that he sincerely regretted what he did and that he was reformed just when going to prison for a few day the person was reformed (and) he was taken out and told to take an oath and express himself in the strongest terms that he will not repeat what he did. He did and he was set free.
You know, in today's fanatical atmospherics of those who call themselves the administrators of a Khilafah- you've heard in the news what they have been doing to minorities. In the time of Umar ibn Abd Al Aziz who is considered by some to be the 5th of the Khulafa' he would punish anyone who would verbally insult the Magians. There was a penalty for that! If you spoke a word that was insulting to them you would come under the penalization of the law of the land which is Islam. You couldn't do that. The Nestorians of Baghdad and the Sabians in Iraq were given for translations that they did its equivalent in gold. We are trying to pick incidents and instances in Islamic history that reflect our true nature. We're not fanatics! We're not bigots! We're not prejudiced! We're not killers! We're not murderers! We're not war criminals! We're not terrorists! They're going to say this with all of the instruments available to them- electronic, the communications (and) the transmissions(and) everything they have. They will say the opposite of what we are saying in this khutbah but the word of truth shall reign supreme.
When there were the Inquisitions in Spain, Al Andalus, Muslims and Jews (were) both subject to death or dislocation or they had to denounce their Islam and become Christians or Catholics. During those harsh times a Yahudi philosopher moves from Iberia to Egypt- (he's) very well known, Musa ibn Maymun (or) Maimonides- and settles in Egypt and because he's a philosopher and a physician he lands a job in the best hospital in Egypt. If we were based and prejudiced against Yahud this would have never happened. This is just one example of one famous person. There are probably hundreds of examples like this that the powers that be want to go down our memory holes.
You know, now there's a lot of talk about al jizya. "Muslims are imposing on those who are not Muslims al jizya." You hear about that because of what is happening in Iraq and Syria by this thing called ISIS. Has anyone ever asked: what is this amount of jizya? What is this amount that we're talking about? No one ever asked that! Just by saying al jizya we're supposed to be scared to death of this thing. One of the scholars who taught us earlier on in the early 1970's in Lebanon said "this jizya amounts to 48dirhams for those who are in today's world millionaires. The millionaires who are living in an Islamic State who are not subject to military service and the other sacrifices of the Muslims themselves who are protecting these non-Muslims have to pay 48dirhams. The middle class types have to pay half that amount, (i.e.) 24 dirhams and those who are gainfully employed but not yet of the middle class have to pay 12dirhams." Now what's a dirham? In the calculations of the early 1970's, (because you have to factor in inflation but we'll take you back to when it was done them), the dirham was about 18 American cents. So a millionaire who's not a Muslim who's exempt from military service and the other sacrifices of the Muslims who are protecting them pay, if they are millionaires, 48 times 18cents a year. This is the big fuss! Those who are middle class- half of that and those who are less than them- one forth of the original 48 and those who are not employed, don't have any jobs or are in poverty don't pay anything. This is this jizya that they are whipping our minds with, as if it's something to be ashamed of.
Allah says
Don't give those who are sub-mental in their development (meaning they're mot fully mentally developed), (and) they are foolish when it comes to financial and economic responsibilities and decisions… (Surah An Nisa' verse 5)
This ayah in Surah An Nisa' speaks about the responsibility of money in a family structure. So when certain families are responsible for orphans Allah is saying
This responsibility should not be given to people who have not proven their fiduciary or financial responsibilities … (Surah An Nisa' verse 5)
If this applies to a family it more than that applies to a society. There's a rule in the Islamic reasoning process that says ayaat can be extended from specifics to generals. So if Allah is cautioning us
Don't give the responsibility of this money in a family context to those who are not financially responsible… (Surah An Nisa' verse 5)
That also means we also cannot give the responsibility of this wealth to those who are running governments and societies who are not responsible. If you just pay close attention to the wording of the ayah, Allah says
Don't give those who are financially irresponsible your money… (Surah An Nisa' verse 5)
It's their money. In real life it's their money (and) we are just administering this money for a time period but Allah is saying this money doesn't even belong to them, it belongs to you.
This takes us to one of the issues of dividing the Muslims into Sunnis and Shi'is has to do with historians. We have acknowledged and recognized historians that we refer to. You're probably not an Islamic author or an Islamic researcher or an Islamic scholar but those who are refer to these historians. We're going to name them for you and we're going to name the year they passed away. Ibn Qutaybah, a major historian died in the year 270 of the hijra; Al Baladhuri, another major Muslim historian died in the year 279 of the hijra; Al Ya'qubi died in the year 284; At Tabari in the year 310, Al Mas'udi in the year 346, ibn Al Athir in the year 630 and Abul Fida' in the year 732 of the hijra. These are the ones who wrote our history that we refer to. (If) someone has an issue with Islamic history- OK, refer to these books. They were writing the history of the Khulafa', of Bani Umayah, of Bani Al Abbas, etc. Hundreds of years after the Prophet and that exemplar generation passed away. Now, can you say that their writing of history has any flaws in it? Of course it does. These are not impeccable historians. They collect information and they write it and they may be very accurate on some issues and they may be very inaccurate on other issues. Why do we have to say that everything that is written in their books becomes a matter of evidence, as if it's the whole truth and nothing but the truth and then we turn fanatic about it?! The problem in writing history (is that) the pest of history is in those who narrated it. Things happened. There are facts. Things really happened but the issue comes (with) what information do we have about what happened? It could remind you of many different things. Let's say a person in a hospital threw up black blood (or) very dark black blood. So someone tells another person in the adjacent room "the patient threw out blood (or) vomited blood that is black as a black cat." It goes to another room or another ward and it says "a patient threw up a cat." Then that is picked up (or) taken by journalists and writers and they make out of one cat 70 cats and the whole issue is deformed. This is a very superficial simplification of what happens with news. It's sad to say that as much as our ancestors or forefathers were very interested in al fiqh they were disinterested in history. You can look at today's world. Who are the historians that we have who are writing the events that are happening now? That is why many of us run to libraries and book stores and read about ourselves through what the others say. That's another problem! It is better for us just to acknowledge up front that these people who wrote these events in history had their flaws so whatever we can take and put in the context of the Qur'an and the Prophet we accept and whatever doesn't fit in that context we leave alone. Why argue about it and turn fanatic.
Then we come to the hadith and we find out that some people make out of some hadiths an argument that they are superior to some Muslims. They quote certain hadiths and out of that make an argument that they are superior to other Muslims. This is what happens. Why do you think this Da'ish or ISIS came from? Out of what? Out of this psychology! Some Muslims rally around certain hadiths- they can't rally around a certain ayah because the ayah doesn't give them the asabiyah to do it.
We're speaking right now to those who have in their mind- because the way they grew up, because the way they listened to certain lecturers and preachers etc.- and they want to say, (this is just an example), "there's some type of distance between Abu Hanifah on one side and Al Imam As Sadiq on the other side." Some people just think this is the case and these people don't know- you see, once again we go back to ignorance. It's ignorance! Our enemy is ignorance!- that Abu Hanifah was an attendant of the lessons that was given by Imam Al Baqir and Imam As Sadiq, both. Now in today's world this guy who's a follower of Al Baqir or As Sadiq and the other guy follows Abu Hanifah they don't even go to pray in each other's Masjid! And here you have Abu Hanifah sitting as a student (and) listening to both Al Baqir and As Sadiq. If they were doing that, why can't we who say "we are following them" do something similar to that, (i.e.), just sit in each other's Masajid. Something is wrong.
(Back) to this fabrication of hadiths. It's prevalent. No one is excused from it. It's all around but we're going to give an example of what we mean here. When the Umawis came to power it was to their benefit to promote manufactured ahadith. One of these hadiths, (and for those who care to look in these books you'll find something that), says something like the Prophet said, (they tell us), "no one will enter the fire if I am interrelated to him in marriage or he is interrelated to me in marriage." Of course, if the person is not politically aware (and) didn't do his political homework he won't know that it is in the interest of the Umawis to promote a fabricated hadith like this. The Umawis picked up on this fabricated hadith. They can find someone (and) they can pay him money just like they today pay their contemporaries. They have scholars on their registrars- say "the Prophet said that." The scholar says "the Prophet said that" and officialdom picks up on it and they circulate it among the people and it lives on and on. So what did the Umawis mean by that? They meant the Prophet was married to Aa'ishah (radi Allahu anha) and the Prophet was married to Abu Sufyan's daughter and Mu'awiyah is Abu Sufyan's son so Mu'awiyah has become the maternal uncle of the Muslims. If Allah is saying
… the Prophet's wives are the mothers of the committed Muslims… (Surah Al Ahzaab verse 6)
Aa'ishah is the Prophet's wife. No one's denies that but here to gain legitimacy you need a connection with the Qur'an so they fabricate a hadith like this to have Mu'awiyah included in one of the tafseers of the ayah in the Qur'an. Nonsense! Anyone who's inter-married with the Prophet, (i.e.), either the Prophet is inter-married with their family of their family in inter-married with the Prophet becomes free of the fire?! This is nonsense but it exists! We're just giving an example of what exists.
Banu Al Abbas (or) the Abbasiyun came with something even "(better)". They bettered Bani Umayah and this is what they quoted the Prophet to have said: "the Prophet saw Abdullah ibn Abbas when he was young (or) when he was small and he said this is the father of all the Khulafa' and the Khilafah shall not exit from his descendants until this Khilafah is turned over to Isa ibn Maryam." Abdullah ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) is the person that the Abbasis claim to be related to, that's why they call them Bani Al Abbas (or) the descendants of Al Abbas. We'll leave it up to you common sense to see whether this is a fabricated hadith or not. Any elementary Muslim will tell you this is nonsense. It's nonsense to us maybe because there is over a thousand years between us and what was going on in those days. Then there were these others who cautioned that the leadership should never be given to the descendants of Al Imam Hassan (radi Allahu anhu). All of these are there and with all of these being there and becoming the octane of today's sectarians we go back to the book that we feel comfortable with, (i.e.), the Book of Allah. Remember the hadiths of the Prophet are an explanation of the ayaat of the Qur'an. The ayaat of the Qur'an are the structure and the hadith of the Prophet are the feeders to that structure. Allah says (in) ayah 95 in Surah An Nisa'
… Allah has given preference to the Mujahidin over al qa'idin… (Surah An Nisa' verse 95)
This ayah was revealed in the context of Al Madinah. If you are a Qur'anic thinker you would want to known when Allah is revealing this ayah who is He revealing it to? Who are the Mujahidin and who are the qa'idin? You Sunnis and Shi'is out there, in the context of this ayah who do you define as the Mujahidin vis a vis al qa'idin. This becomes a question. This is an ayah.
Another ayah speaks about
… those who sacrificed and struggled before the liberation of Makkah… (Surah Al Hadid verse 10)
Who are these? This is the question.
An ayah in the Qur'an says
The most virtuous are in eternal bliss and the most wicked are in the flames of the fire … (Surah Al Infitar verse 13-14)
You have two words here, (viz.), abrar the plural of barr and fujj'jaar the plural of fajir and these are two opposite extremes. (But) then how come someone comes along and says the Prophet's hadith says "you pray behind anyone or everyone whether he is barr or fajir? Where did this come from? If you understood the ayah and you understood the hadith, you know that these two don't go together.
The Qur'an speaks about
The foremost in committing to Allah and His Prophet are the foremost in eternal bliss. (Surah Al Wa'qiah verse 12)
You out there who say "you are Sunnis" or say "you are Shi'is" when the Qur'an speaks about them who are they? Don't tell us some historians said that or some Faqih said the other thing or some Muhad'dith said whatever! This is the ayah and this is Allah speaking. He speaks about As Sabiqin, He speaks about Al Muhajirin, He speaks about Al Ansar and then He speaks about Al Munafiqin. Tell us who are they? Are they a few individuals or are the balances almost half and half, more or less? Explain it to us?
Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said there are two types who are going to perish because of me: one of them is a hating enemy and the other one is an exaggerating belover. OK- because of the time factor obviously we'll leave this also to your common sense.
We mentioned ibn Qutaybah, one of the historians of the Muslims. In his book and all Muslims refer to it. It's not like some Muslims say "oh, we don't want to read what he says." All Muslims refer to it (and) they come across one of his writings in his book (where) he says "Umar tried to burn down the house of Ali." It's there in the history book. It's one of these issues that's creating division and bad feelings among Muslims. OK- a historian says this in his book. You can believe it or don't believe it. We're not in your heart to make up your mind on what you're going to do. If that is the case and a historian says something like that and Allah says (in) the ayah
It is Allah Who has given you support with triumph and with the committed Muslims and He has reconciled their hearts… (Surah Al Anfal verse 63)
Ali and Umar (radi Allahu anhuma) fit into this ayah. Do we take this ayah and mangle it to agree with what ibn Qutaybah says or do we read what ibn Qutaybah says, understand what the ayah says and say "well, ibn Qutaybah went off on this." We're sorry we're out of time but the long and short of it is we should not be reduced to being fanatics among ourselves and then being inferior and fanatics towards the others. Never! We should be proud of our Islam (and) our commitment to Allah. We never have in our history (that) riba' is halal on us and haram on the others like others have. We don't have in our history the equivalent of someone saying "I'm going to kill two hundred Yahudis as a dowry for me to marry your daughter" like they do, i.e. killing 200Palestinians as a dowry for their marriage. We don't have in our history this classism plaguing their materialistic societies in which they used to sell children to pay for their debt! We are proud of who we are!     
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters… 
Transitioning from this khutbah a few minutes ago to today's real world- granted that in the past few days there have been scholars from all around the world, writers, activists, Ulama', etc. who wrote a very detailed response to this attitude that germinated with the takfiri attitude in Arabia hundreds of years ago if not over a thousand years ago initially. These people in Arabia indoctrinated these types. They took them to their schools and their universities. They taught them Islam and now they are let loose and in the process they send their own fighters. They taught them in their own universities and (now) they are killing them with their militaries! And walah! We had women of burqah (who) cover all their faces (so) you have hard time even seeing their to women bombers. Just in the news they told us one of these Emirate women is a pilot bombing these and probably behind this is the money makers! They scare Muslims because Muslims are scared of each other. If we went to each other's classes, if we went to each other's Masajid, if we fraternalized and socialized with each other we wouldn't be scared of each other but here we are. They're scaring us of each other and they're coming- "I can sell you this amount of weapons. I can sell you these war planes." They have a military industry here (and) they want to get rid of their older generation killing tools so they come to the scared Muslim, "how much are you going to pay? Sign on the dotted line." This is what we have. This is the truth of the matter and when we dig deep down into it it's our ignorance.
… Ash Shaytaan on that day says "don't blame me, blame yourselves"… (Surah Ibrahim verse 22)
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 19 September 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.


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