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From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2013 1:16 PM
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2013 1:16 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From SAHEE MUSLIM (13)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
After relating the four hadeeth reports on Fazael of Imam Ali as recorded in SAHEEH BUKHARI, we will now have a quick look at the second book in the SAHAH SITTA groups of books, i.e., the SAHEEH OF MUSLIM.
Incidentally, Muslim Nayshapoori too, has recorded only four reports in Bab Fadha'el Ali. Three reports are common with the SAHEEH of Bukhari, and they are:
1. Hadeeth of Manzilat
2. Hadeeth of Khaybar
3. Hadeeth about Imam Ali being called Abu Turab by the Prophet
4. Here Muslim differs from Bukhari. Instead of Hadeeth of MINNIYAT, Muslim has recorded the report about the revelation of the verse of MUBAHALA.
The report of Khaybar is repeated many times in slightly differing versions. Muslim has included the words ".... He loves Allah and His Prophet and Allah and His Prophet love him...." in the report which were omitted by Bukhari.
Muslim has an additional report from Abu Hurayra which is as follows:
Umar (RAD) said I had never coveted leadership so much except on the Day of Khaybar. I came in front of him (the Prophet) hoping that the FLAG will be given to me. Then he called Imam Ali and gave him the FLAG.
It is quite clear from these examples that although both Bukhari and Muslim lived in the same time, they had separate sources for collecting the hadeeth reports. What is interesting is that although the original narrator of the hadeeth may be the same person in both books, the report, when it appears in the respective book, it acquires a slightly different version, like the hadeeth of Khaybar.
The verse of the Qur'an which prohibits backbiting (GHEEBAT) and equates that act to "eating your dead brother's flesh" is in Sura Hujrat, chapter 49, verse 12.
Mawlana Mawdoodi in his Tafheem al-Qur'an (Vol. 5, pages 90-94, Note number 26) has explained as below:
1. GHEEBAT covers any statement about a person that would displease him if he heard it.
2. Someone asked the Prophet: Even if that statement was true? The Prophet said: Yes, actually only when it is true, because if it was a false statement, that would become BUHTAN (slander).
3. GHEEBAT IS NOT A SIN WHEN IT SERVES A HIGHER PURPOSE. Specific details are as follows:
A. MAZLOOM (the one wronged) complaining against the ZAALIM (the wrongdoer).
B. Telling those things with the hope and expectation of ISLAAH (correction).
C. To give witness in front of a QADHI.
D. To inform people about a person's bad practices to save the society from those evils. It is wajib in case of reporting hadeeth. Because, by hiding those things, SHARI'A law can be corrupted and thus destroy the society.
It is the rule stated in D above that has made our scholars of past, both Shica and Sunni, to write all reports truthfully, whether it affects a big leader of the past or a small man.
With that introduction, let us now discuss hadeeth number four from SAHEEH MUSLIM, from the chapter on the FADHA'EL of Ali bin Abi Talib.
Mu'awiyyah commanded Scad bin Abi Waqqas to say bad things (SABB) to Imam Ali. Scad refused. Mucawiyyah asked him the reason, he replied: As long as I remember three statements of the Prophet (pbh), I cannot do that. Those are:
ONE: Tomorrow, shall I give this flag to the one who loves Allah and his Prophet, Allah and his Prophet love him, he attacks repeatedly and does not retreat, Allah will give him victory.
TWO: The Prophet said to Ali, you are to me exactly like Haroon was to Moosa, except that there is no messenger after me.
THREE: The Prophet collected Hasan, Husayn, Fatima and Ali under his cloak, pointed to heavens and said: Allah, these are my Ahl al-Bayt.
This report points to many facts as preserved for us by one of the most respected Sunni Muhadditheen.
1. Mucawiyyah was actively propagating the practice of SABB on Imam Ali. He was one of the greatest SLANDERERS of all time in view of what we have reproduced above. He was also ZAALIM in that he used his authority as the ruler to force this practice on other Muslims, some though, resisted.
2. It is wajib on all Muslims to tell everyone in writing as well as orally about Mucawiyyah's ZULM (wrongdoing).
3. Muslim (the Muhaddith) knew this rule and followed it diligently in reporting this hadeeth.
1. According to this report, Muslim (the Muhaddith) faithfully believed that the Ahl al-Bayt were: The Prophet, Fatima Zahra, Ali bin Abi Talib, Hasan and Husayn. NO WIVES.
Thank you
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 5:01 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From SAHEEH Al-Bukhari (12)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
After relating the four hadeeth reports on Fzael of Imam Ali as recorded in SAHEEH BUKHARI, we bring in this series, Allama Iqbal's view of the person of Imam Ali, with underpinnings of those four Hadeeth reports.
This is meant for those Muslims who have love of Imam Ali in their hearts and also have a taste for philosophical poetry.
The best explanation that has been given for this title (Abu Turab) of Imam Ali is in the long Farsi poem composed by the poet of the East, Dr. Iqbal. This is included in his collection titled: ASRAR-O-RUMOOZ. This was first translated into English by Nicholson. But that translation is not to be found now. The one given below is by Arberry.
The poem consists of 120 lines. I will quote some lines from the poem and explain Iqbal's view as we go along.
The poem begins:
مسلمِ اول شہِ مرداں علی
عشق را سرمایہ ِ ایماں علی
Muslim-e-Awwal shah-e-mardan Ali,
Ishq ra sarma-ye-eeman Ali.
Trans: Ali is the king of (all) men, he is the FIRST MUSLIM,
He is the treasure of FAITH for devotion (to Allah).
از ولائے دود مانش زندہ ام
در جہاں مثلِ گُہر تابندہ ام
Az vila-ye doodmanash zindeh am,
Dar jahan misl-e-guhar tabindeh am.
Trans: It is the love for his family that is keeping me alive,
I am shining like a pearl in this world.
زمزم ار جوشد زِ خاکِ من از اوست
مے اگر ریزد زِ تاکِ من از اوست
Zamzam ar jooshad ze-khak-e-man az oost,
May agar reezed ze tak-e-man az oost.
Trans: If zamzam springs forth from my dust, it is due to his(love),
If wine is dripping from my vines, it is due to his love.
Explanation: Every man is made of dust. So is the poet. He alludes to his own lofty ideas and metaphorically explains that if a man of such humble means as he, the poet, can come up with such beautiful poetry, it is only due to the emotional love he has for Imam Ali.
از رُخِ او فال پیغمبر گرفت
ملت حق از شکوہش فر گرفت
Az rukh-e-Oo fal payghambar giraft,
Millat-e-Haq az shikoh-ash far giraft
Trans: Allah's messenger took augury from his face,
Allah's party prospered from his glory and majesty.
Explanation: Iqbal is alluding to the day of Khaybar. The Prophet called Ali when everyone else had failed and it was due to his victory that Muslims prospered from that day on.
مرسلِ حق کرد نامش بوتراب
حق یداللہ خواند در اُمُّ الکتاب
Mursal-e-Haq kard namash Booturab,
Haq Yadullah khwanad dar Ummul-Kitab.
Trans: Allah's messenger named him ABU TURAB (father of dust),
The Book of Allah records him as (Yadullah) THE ARM OF ALLAH.
ہر کہ داناے رموز زندگیست
سِرِّ اسماے علی داند کہ چیست
Har ki dana'ye rumooz-e zindigeest,
Sirr-e-asma-ye Ali danad ki cheest.
Trans: Everyone who understands the secret of success in life,
Knows the hidden meanings of the names of Ali.
خاکِ تاریکے کہ نام او ےن است
عقل از بیدادِ او در شیون است
Khak-e-tarik-e ki nam-e Oo tan ast,
Aql az beedad-e-oo dar shaywan ast.
Trans: this dark dust, whose name is human body,
Intellect is oppressed by its lust
فکر گردوں رس زمیں پیماں از او
چشم کورو و گوش نا شنوا از او
Fikr-e-gardoon ras zameen payma az oo,
Chashm kor-o gosh na shunwa az oo.
Trans: Man's lofty thought has been imprisoned by it,
Eyes are blind, ears do not hear because of it.
شیرِ حق این خاک را تسخیر کرد
این گلِ تاریک را اکسیر کرد
Sher-e-Haq een khak ra taskheer kard,
Een gil-e-tareek ra ikseer kard.
Trans: Allah's Lion (Ali) conquered this dust,
He converted this dark dust into an elixir of life.
مرتضیٰ کز تیغِ او حق روشن است
بر تُراب از فتح اقلیمِ تن است
Murtaza kaz tegh-e-oo Haq rawshan ast,
Bar turab az fath-e iqleem-e-tan ast.
Trans: Murtaza is the one whose sword brightened the Truth,
He conquered the kingdom of his bodily soul by overpowering the dust.
Explanation: Iqbal is alluding to the day when Allah created man out of dust. Iblees refused to do sajdah to him, the angels raised their objection by saying that man will shed blood on the earth (Q.2:30-36). Both were pointing to man's low creation in dust but both were totally ignorant of the qualities of the perfect man (Q.91: 1-9). In the person of Ali the perfect man was personified and he showed it by overcoming his human failings and showing those attributes that made man better than angels.
مرد کشور گیر از کرّاری است
گوہرش را آبرو خود داری است
Mard kishwar geer az karraree ast,
Gawharash ra abroo khud-dari ast,
Trans: Man is victorious by his persistence,
His mettle is in his self-esteem.
Explanation: Iqbal is once again alluding to the day of Khaybar when the Prophet had said: "I will give this flag to the one who is a man and he attacks repeatedly without retreating (karraaran ghayra farrarin). And, even after killing the greatest and the strongest of the enemies, he did not take the personal property of any of the killed enemy soldiers, thus walking down the hill of Khaybar empty handed. Implicitly, Iqbal had derided all those who, as opposed to Imam Ali, would run away from the battlefield leaving the Prophet unprotected. That is what is meant by "khud-dari."
ہر کہ در آفاق گردد بو تراب
باز گردادند زِ مغرب آفتاب
Har ki dar afaaq gardad BuTurab,
Baaz gardanad ze maghrib aftab.
Trans: Anyone who has become BuTurab in this world,
Is capable of returning the setting sun from the west.
Explanation: After the victory of Khaybar, the Prophet sent Imam Ali to an errand. When Ali returned the Asr prayer had already been performed. The Prophet was tired. He put his head in Ali's lap and went to sleep. When he woke up the sun had already set. He asked Ali if he had done his Asr prayer. Ali replied that he had not. The prophet pointed to the west and the sun returned until it shone on the hills. Thus Ali did his Asr prayer and the sun then set again. This is actually a very scientific line of poetry. The sun sets and rises because of the movement of the earth. Since, Ali had conquered the earth, he was fully capable of turning the movement of the earth so that the sun would come back from the west for him. Actually the returning fo the sun was performed by the Prophet, but Iqbal alludes to that event because the Prophet had caused the sun to return for Imam Ali. Until the year 1976, there was mosque located near the location of Khyber, and it was known as Masjid-e-raddush-Shams (the mosque of the returning sun). The Saudi authorities had it demolished.
زیر پاش این جا شکوہِ خیبر است
دستِ اور اون جا قسیمِ کوثر است
Zer paash inja shikoh-i-Khaybar ast,
Dast-e-oo unja qaseem-e-Kauthar ast.
Trans: In this world Khaybar lies at the feet of Ali,
In the other world his hand will distribute the drinks from the spring of Kauthar.
از خود آگاہی ید اللہی کُند
از یداللہی شہنشاہی کُند
Az khud-agaahi Yadullahi kunad,
Az Yadullahi shahinshahi kunad.
Trans: He became the ARM OF ALLAH due to the self-knowledge,
Because of being the Arm of Allah, he became the king of kings.
Explanation: Iqbal is alluding to a famous saying of Imam Ali – man 'arafa nafsahu, faqad 'arafa rabbahu – one who has come to know his own self, has indeed come to know his lord.
ذاتِ او دروازۂِ شہرِ علوم
زیر فرمانش حجاز و چین و روم
Zaat-e-u darwaza-e shahr-e-uloom
Zir-e-farmaanash Hijaaz-o-Cheen-o-Room
His person is said (by the Prophet) to be the agte of all knowledge,
Under his control is Hijaz and China and Rome
Once agin, Iqbal alludes to a number of Hadeeth reports about Imam Ali: (1) I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its gate (2) Go in search of knowledge even if you have to go to China.
And the poem goes on. For our purpose this much is sufficient. Iqbal is truly a devotee of Imam Ali. It is hard to find this passion in Ali's love anywhere else. No such literature can be found in any other language from any other poet/thinker/philosopher.
And the poem goes on. For our purpose this much is sufficient. Iqbal is truly a devotee of Imam Ali. It is hard to find this passion in Ali's love anywhere else. No such literature can be found in any other language from any other poet/thinker/philosopher.
Thank you
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:32 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From SAHEEH Al-Bukhari (11)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
According to the larger Muslim Ummah in the world, there are six great books which contain the most authentic reports on the life and times of the Prophet of Islam. They are known as the SAHAH SITTA, or the six most correct (ones). On the top of that list is the collection of Hadeeth book known as SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI. The actual title of the book is: al-Jaami' al-Saheeh al-Musnad al-Mukhtasar min Umoor Rasool Allah wa sunanihi wa Ayyamihi
We continue with the fourth Hadeeth in Saheeh Bukhari, in praise of Imam Ali.
THE TEXT: Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas reports that the Prophet said to Ali:"Are you not happy that your status with me is the same as was that of Haroon with Moosa?"
We will, inshallah, explain this hadeeth from other books as well as from the verses of the Qur'an.
Imam Nasa'i reports from Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas in his al-Khasa'is Fi Fadhael Ali bin Abi Talib:
In the ninth year of Hijra, the event of Tabuk took place. When the Prophet prepared to leave Madinah for that expedition, he left Imam Ali in-charge of the town. Ali said:"Are you going to leave me here?" The Prophet then said:" O Ali, are you not happy that you be on the same status with me as Haroon was with prophet Moosa, except that there will not be another prophet after me?"
Some reports give a slightly different version of the event by saying that the Prophet had already left and people of Madinah taunted Imam Ali that he was being a burden for the Prophet that is why he left him behind in Madinah. Ali immediately left Madinah and met with the Prophet and his party post haste, and then asked him the question. In reply the Prophet is reported to have said those words which we have already reported.
Whichever report may be more authentic, the point is that the Prophet said to Imam Ali as we described above.
Let us now go to the holy Qur'an and see what the status of Haroon was to Moosa at a similar event.
وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى الْكِتَابَ وَجَعَلْنَا مَعَهُ أَخَاهُ هَارُونَ وَزِيرًا
And certainly We gave Moosa the Book and we appointed with him his brother Haroon an aider. (Q.25:35)
If we take this hadeeth of Bukhari literally, it says very clearly that Allah appointed Ali as the aider of the Prophet who was his brother (exactly like Haroon was to Moosa).
What could be a more positive evidence for Imam Ali being the sole deputy of the Prophet, who was actually appointed by no less than Allah Himself? That completely invalidates the election at Saqeefa, the appointment of Umar (RAD) by Hadhrat Abu Bakr(RAD) and the selection of Uthman (RAD) at the Shura committee.
Let us read another series of Qur'anic verses:
اذْهَبْ إِلَىٰ فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّهُ طَغَىٰ
قَالَ رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي
وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي
وَاجْعَل لِّي وَزِيرًا مِّنْ أَهْلِي هَارُونَ أَخِي
اشْدُدْ بِهِ أَزْرِي وَأَشْرِكْهُ فِي أَمْرِي
كَيْ نُسَبِّحَكَ كَثِيرًا وَنَذْكُرَكَ كَثِيرًا
إِنَّكَ كُنتَ بِنَا بَصِيرًا قَالَ قَدْ أُوتِيتَ سُؤْلَكَ يَا مُوسَىٰ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
Go to Firon, surely he has exceeded all limits.
He said: O my Lord! Expand my breast for me,
And loose the knot from my tongue,
(That) they may understand my word;
And give to me an aider from my family:
Haroon, my brother,
Strengthen my back by him,
And associate him (with me) in my affair,
So that we should glorify Thee much,
And remember Thee oft.
Surely Thou art seeing us. He said: You are indeed granted your petition, O Moosa; (Q.20:24-36)
This series of verses shows that Moosa actually prayed for a helper who was his brother his brother, and that his prayer was granted. Drawing the parallel from the hadeeth, the Prophet must have asked Allah to make Ali his helper, in that he too was a brother to the Prophet exactly like Haroon was to Moosa.
There is an additional aspect here. Moosa prayed for Haroon to share in his mission.
Once again, drawing the parallel from the hadeeth, The Prophet must have prayed for Imam Ali to be equally sharing in his mission of spreading Islam.
Actually, we have seen that in the Hadeeth of D'awat-e-Zul Asheera, when the Prophet declares Imam Ali to be His vizier and his gbelper in the mission.
And if we look at the life of Imam Ali, his sacrifices, his hard work and his knowledgeable sermons in later life, the statement speaks for itself.
This is purely an academic exercise based on Qur'an, authentic reports from hadeeth and common sense. There is no emotionalism here.
We invite our Muslim brothers and sisters to reflect on it.
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 12:47 AM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From SAHEEH Al-Bukhari (10)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
According to the larger Muslim Ummah in the world, there are six great books which contain the most authentic reports on the life and times of the Prophet of Islam. They are known as the SAHAH SITTA, or the six most correct (ones). On the top of that list is the collection of Hadeeth book known as SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI. The actual title of the book is: al-Jaami' al-Saheeh al-Musnad al-Mukhtasar min Umoor Rasool Allah wa sunanihi wa Ayyamihi
We continue with the third Hadeeth in Saheeh Bukhari, in praise of Imam Ali.
THE TEXT: Ibn Abi Hazim reports that someone complained to Sahl bin Sa'ad that people were verbally abusing Imam Ali. He asked him what actually was being said. The man said that he is being called Abu Turab. Sahl laughed and said:"This name (Abu Turab) was given to him by the Prophet himself. Ali loved this name more than his original one." The man wanted to hear the full story. Sahl reported: One day the Prophet went to his daughter's house and asked about Ali. She said, he had gone to the mosque. The Prophet came to the mosque, and saw Ali sleeping on the floor. His shirt had rolled up and his back was covered with dust (turab). The Prophet wiped the dirt off him and kept saying: "Rise Ya Aba Turab! Rise Ya Aba Turab!
The best explanation that has been given for this title (Abu Turab) of Imam Ali is in the long Farsi poem composed by the poet of the East, Dr. Iqbal. This is included in his collection titled: ASRAR-O-RUMOOZ. This was first translated into English by Nicholson. But that translation is not to be found now.
We will present that poetry after we are done with these reports from Bukhari in praise of Imam Ali
Thank you
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 12:03 AM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From SAHEEH Al-Bukhari (9)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
According to the larger Muslim Ummah in the world, there are six great books which contain the most authentic reports on the life and times of the Prophet of Islam. They are known as the SAHAH SITTA, or the six most correct (ones). On the top of that list is the collection of Hadeeth book known as SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI. The actual title of the book is: al-Jaami' al-Saheeh al-Musnad al-Mukhtasar min Umoor Rasool Allah wa sunanihi wa Ayyamihi
We continue with the second Hadeeth in Saheeh Bukhari, in praise of Imam Ali.
Sahl bin Sa'ad reports that the Prophet said: "Tomorrow shall I give this RAYAT (flag) to the one on whose hands Allah will give victory." People remained hopeful all night wondering about the fortunate person who would finally get the flag. When the morning came, everyone came with the longing and desire. He said: "Where is Ali?"
People replied: "He is suffering from sore eyes." The Prophet said: "Fetch him." So he came. The Prophet put his saliva in Ali's eyes and prayed for him. He was thus cured, as if he was never unwell. Then he gave him the flag. Imam Ali said: "Shall I fight until they become Muslims?" The Prophet said: "Go there quietly, when you arrive there, first invite them towards Islam, and tell them what is due on them, that is, Allah's right over them. By Allah, if only one person receives guidance because of you, it is better for you than (a herd of) red camels.
The hadeeth is then repeated in a brief version from Salama bin Akwa.
Bukhari's report is repeated under the Battle of Khaybar, in a shorter form in his SAHEEH. However, the full text of the hadeeth report is to be found in other sources.
Abul Fida (died 732 A.H.) writes in his Kitab al-Mukhtasar Fi Akhbar al-Bashar:
The Prophet set off for Khaybar in the middle of the month of Muharram (of 7th Hijra). The Prophet used to get migraine attacks. Incidentally, on the day of Khaybar, the Prophet was suffering from such an attack. Abu Bakr took the FLAG and went to fight but returned unsuccessful. Then Umar went and fought and returned.
When the Prophet was informed of all this, he said: "By Allah, I will give this flag tomorrow to a young man who LOVES ALLAH AND HIS PROPHET AND ALLAH AND HIS PROPHET LOVE HIM. HE ATTACKS REPEATEDLY AND NEVER RETREATS. He will get FATAH with perseverance."
(The words in block capitals do not appear in Bukhari, however, Abul Fida is not alone in writing this; Ibn Is-haaq, Nasa'i and many others have recorded those words as part of the hadeeth of Khayber.)
Why did Bukhari decided not to include those words in his version? We will address that issue when we are done discussing these four reports.
Hearing this, both the Ansaar as well as the Muhajiroon were looking forward to receiving the Flag the next morning. Then Ali came, he had sore eyes. The Prophet put his saliva in his eyes and thus he was cured. The Prophet gave him the Flag.
Ibn Is-haaq/Ibn Hisham give a very similar report. Let us complete the rest of the story.
Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlavi writes in Madaarij An-Naboowah (Vol.II p. 492) as follows:
Then Ali went upto the Castle of Qamoos carrying the Flag. He established the Flag in the rocks. Seeing this, a Jewish guard from the castle asked:"Who are you?"
He said:"I am Ali bin Abi Talib."
The guard turned to his people and screamed:" By (the word of) Torah you are defeated. This man is not going to return without subduing (you)."
Both Abul Fida and Ibn Hisham have recorded these words. Ibn Atheer in his Tareekh Kamil has also recorded these details.
Shaykh Abdul Haq then adds: Perhaps the Jewish guard had read something about Imam Ali in the Torah which made him say those words to his people.
Harith came out of the castle. Ali killed him very quickly. Marhab, Harith's brother, when heard of this, he too came out to avenge his brother. He was accompanied by other warriors of Khaybar. He came reciting a Rajaz. Other Muslim fighters were frightened of him. But, Imam Ali came forward reciting his Rajaz. Ali sliced him in two with one stroke.
In the heat of the battle, a Jewish soldier struck Imam Ali on his hand. His shield fell off. Another Jewish soldier picked it up and ran with it. A strange feeling came over Imam Ali. He jumped across the edge of the mote and landed at the gate of the castle. And in that same sweep he pulled off one part of the gate and used it as his shield; Imam Ali continued fighting.
Similar details are recorded by Ibn Hisham, Ibn Atheer and Abul Fida. Please note that all these writers we have quoted so far, are staunch Sunni writers.
Abu Raf'ay, the personal attendant (slave) of the Prophet, reports that we tried to lift that door of the castle and many of us together could not move it.
Let us now analyze the words of the Prophet about Imam Ali. The Prophet said:"... He attacks repeatedly and never retreats......." These two short statements have actually captured the character and life of Imam Ali. Imam Ali never compromised and worked relentlessly all his life for establishing the truth and justice as he was taught by the Prophet.
The Prophet said:" Allah will give FATAH by his hands." This is, perhaps the most significant part of the Hadeeth. The word FATAH in Arabic is used in three different meanings
1. To open
2. To begin
3. To overpower, to conquer, to win.
All three meanings apply in this context. (1) It was Ali who opened the closed gate of Khaybar on Muslims, in such a way that it could not be closed shut again.
(2) Muslims had been living in really dire straits economically. The conquest of Khaybar opened the doors of prosperity on the Muslim community. Ali, though, was fighting purely for the pleasure of Allah (We will discuss this below) and so much so that he did not take even the personal belongings of the men he had killed, which was rightfully his. (3) It was Imam Ali who had finally, overpowered the enemy and had given victory to Muslims over the militant Jewish tribes.
This is the miracle of the words uttered by our beloved Prophet.
Let us now look at the words which have been omitted by Bukhari, but, preserved by others. The Prophet said:"..... Allah and his Prophet love him and he loves Allah and his Prophet......."
If you ask an average Muslim as to why he/she is doing all this prayer and fasting, etc., he/she will reply: "In search of Allah's pleasure."
But, have you ever read or heard about any Muslim that Allah's pleasure has been confirmed for him or her. "NO." We all live in that hope.
This was the exclusive FADHEELAT of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, that the Ashraf al-Anbia[1], the SADIQ[2] AL-AMIN[3], the one titled BASHEER[4] AND NAZEER[5], had confirmed by his own tongue for him. Is there a greater glory for any man on this earth?
This is the great personality of Ali bin Abi Talib.
[1] the best of all the prophets and apostles
[2] the most truthful
[3] the most trustworthy
[4] the bringer of all the good news
[5] the warner (of the Divine retribution)
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
To: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
Cc: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 3:06 PM
To: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
Cc: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 3:06 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From SAHEEH Al-Bukhari (8)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
According to the larger Muslim Ummah in the world, there are six great books which contain the most authentic reports on the life and times of the Prophet of Islam. They are known as the SAHAH SITTA, or the six most correct (ones). On the top of that list is the collection of Hadeeth book known as SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI. The actual title of the book is: al-Jaami' al-Saheeh al-Musnad al-Mukhtasar min Umoor Rasool Allah wa sunanihi wa Ayyamihi.
The author's name is Muhammad Ismail Bukhari, as the name implies, he was born in Bukhara in the year 194/810 and died in 256/870. Bukhra, at that time, was a city in the province of Khurasaan, but now lies in Uzbekistan.
Notable Pakistani scholar Amin Ahsan Islahi enumerates the following distinctive features of that collection of Hadeeth:
1. Quality and soundness of the chain of narrators of the selected ahādīth. Muhammad al-Bukhari has followed two principle criteria for selecting sound narratives. First, the lifetime of a narrator should overlap with the lifetime of the authority from whom he narrates. Second, it should be verifiable that narrators have met with their source persons. They should also expressly state that they obtained the narrative from these authorities. This is a stricter criterion than that set by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Nayshapuri.
2. Muhammad al-Bukhari accepted the narratives from only those who, according to his knowledge, not only believed in Islam but practiced its teachings. Thus, he has not accepted narratives from the Murjites.
3. The particular arrangement and ordering of chapters. This expresses the profound knowledge of the author and his understanding of the religion. This has made the book a more useful guide in understanding of the religious disciplines.
There are 7000+ numbers of Hadeeth reports in this collection, that includes many repetitions. If we ignore all the repetitions, the actual number of reports are 4,000.
Within that collection, there are those reports which are coming directly from the Sahaba who had lived with the Prophet. Those reports are called the musnads and all such reports are accepted without any doubt about them. Many other reports have been questioned in recent times by Azharite scholars because they seem to conflict with Qur'an. One such work is written by the 20th century Azharite scholars named Mamood Abu Rayyaah under the title: Adhwa Ala Sunnat-e Muhammadiya.
The collection is divided in three volumes, there are "books" (Kitab) in each volume and these books are further divided into chapters(baab) in the book with specific titles, such as Wuzu, Salat, Maghazi, and Fazael of many personalities who lived during the life time of the Prophet of Islam.
So, there is a chapter titled: Bab-e-Fazael Ali ibn Talib in the Kitab-al-Manaqib in volume II. There are 400 reports in the Kitab-al-Manaqib.
Can you guess how many reports would be found in that chapter? One hundred – wrong!, fifty – wrong!, twenty – wrong!, ten – wrong!
There are only four reports in that chapter. In this article we will present the first report from that chapter.
The focus here is this: The very first official collection of Hadeeth began in the 99th year if Hijra on the orders of Umar bin Abdul Azeez, an Umayyad Khaleefa of that time. The Umayyad's hatred of Imam Ali is well-known. Bukhari must have relied on that original source. Bukhari's antipathy towards the members of the Porphet's family is well attested by the fact that he did not take a single report either from Imam Muhamad al-Baqir or from Imam J'afar as-Sadiq. So any report in praise of Imam Ali that is found in Bukhari must have weathered a lot of storms to survive so that it is accepted by scholars of all schools of thought.
Hadhrat Ali bin Abi Talib Al-Qarashi Al-Hashimi's kunniyat is Abul Hasan, the Prophet has said about him: "You are of me and I am of you."
Umar (rad) has said that the Prophet was pleased with him at the time of his death.
THE TEXT: Hadhrat Ali bin Abi Talib Al-Qarashi Al-Hashimi's kunniyat is Abul Hasan, the Prophet has said about him: "You are of me and I am of you." Umar has said that the Prophet was pleased with him at the time of his death.
It is a simple statement from the Prophet of Islam about Imam Ali (may Allah's peace and our salams be unto them both).
What could be simpler than this? - Ali is from me and I am from Ali.
Usually an elder would say that about his children or grandchildren - they are mine. But, the other way round? It is very unusual.
Of course, this formula of MINNI (from me, of me) has been used in the Qur'an, for example:
رَبِّ إِنَّهُنَّ أَضْلَلْنَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ النَّاسِ ۖ فَمَن تَبِعَنِي فَإِنَّهُ مِنِّي ۖ وَمَنْ عَصَانِي فَإِنَّكَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ
My Lord! Surely they have led many men astray; then whoever follows me, he is surely of me, and whoever disobeys me, Thou surely art Forgiving, Merciful. (Q.14:36)
Here, in this prayer of prophet Ibraheem, the term 'of me' simply means 'of my Ummah,' or, 'of my following,' etc. Obviously, this is not something as significant that it would warrant a special statement from the Prophet. On the face of it, Ali was raised by the Prophet himself as a son, he was a brother and a son-in-law.
Let us now look at another Qur'anic term here.
مُّحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللَّهِ ۚ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاءُ عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاءُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۖ تَرَاهُمْ رُكَّعًا سُجَّدًا يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَانًا ۖ سِيمَاهُمْ فِي وُجُوهِهِم مِّنْ أَثَرِ السُّجُودِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ مَثَلُهُمْ فِي التَّوْرَاةِ ۚ وَمَثَلُهُمْ فِي الْإِنجِيلِ كَزَرْعٍ أَخْرَجَ شَطْأَهُ فَآزَرَهُ فَاسْتَغْلَظَ فَاسْتَوَىٰ عَلَىٰ سُوقِهِ يُعْجِبُ الزُّرَّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ الْكُفَّارَ ۗ وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ مِنْهُم مَّغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا
Muhammad is the apostle of Allah, and those with him (ma'ahum) are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure:....................... (Q.48:29)
It is quite clear that the Prophet wanted to say something more than ma'ahum in his statement about Imam Ali. Imam Ali is one of those people who were with the Prophet, but they were not such that the Prophet would say – "they are from me and I am from them." The only people about whom the Prophet seems to have used this phrase are the people known as the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophethood, namely, Ali, Fatima Zahra and their two children.
The Prophet used the term 'Ummo Abiha' (the mother of her father) for Fatima Zahra, which, once again, expresses that two-way MINNIYYAT. The Prophet also seems to have said about Husayn - Husaynun Minni wa ana min al-Husayn.
Then that expression about Imam Ali is explicitly repeated by the Prophet at the time when the first 37 verses of Sura Tawba are revealed. This was just before Hajj. The Prophet made Abu Bakr the Ameer al-Hajj that year and gave him those verses of the Qur'an to be read out to the people in Makkah. He then dispatched Ali post haste to take the verses from Abu Bakr and read them out himself. Abu Bakr was disappointed. With tears in his eyes, he inquired about that change in the command. The Prophet explained to him that it was Allah's command that the verses be read out either by he (the Prophet) himself or by one of
him (MINNI). So that attribute of MINNIYYAT was re-confirmed for Imam Ali.
It is also quite clear that this attribute was not associated with any other companion or relative.
We can see, by putting the Qur'anic verses and the statement of the Prophet together that the Muslim community consists of three kinds of people:
1. People who have achieved the two-way minniyyat (the Ahl al-Bayt),
2. People who have achieved the status of ma'ahum (the faithful, devoted companions), and,
3. All other Muslims.
Why have we separated the people in group 3 from those in group 2? The answer is simple. The Arabic term ma'ahum implies the continuity (istemraar) of companionship. Those who would disobey the Prophet from time to time, those who would run away from the battlefield once in a while, even though they would return afterwards, and those whom the holy Qur'an accuses of raising their voices over that of the Prophet, cannot be included in the group identified as ma'ahum. Therefore, we have to have a group of 'all other Muslims.'
Let us come back to the point at hand - the concept of the two-way minniyyat. We can understand the concept of Ali being 'of the Prophet' or, 'from the Prophet,' because of one or all of the three reasons:
1. The Prophet and Ali are the grandchildren of the same glorious person,
2. Imam Ali was raised as Prophet's own son and then got married to his daughter,
3. Imam Ali was a true and devoted follower of the Prophet.
What does the phrase '... and I am from him' mean?
The only logical answer to this question is that Imam Ali had made so many sacrifices in the path of Islam, he had given the mission everything he had, he had not cared about his own safety and security when it came to protecting the mission and the person of the Prophet that if he wasn't there, there was no one else to provide those essential services. And, therefore, his being and existence had become indispensable for Islam's survival. It is this fact that the Prophet has acknowledged in this hadeeth.
Thank you.
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
To: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
Cc: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 1:58 PM
To: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
Cc: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 1:58 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From Qur'an and Hadeeth(7)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا لَقِيتُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا زَحْفًا فَلَا تُوَلُّوهُمُ الْأَدْبَارَ
وَمَن يُوَلِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ دُبُرَهُ إِلَّا مُتَحَرِّفًا لِّقِتَالٍ أَوْ مُتَحَيِّزًا إِلَىٰ فِئَةٍ فَقَدْ بَاءَ بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَمَأْوَاهُ جَهَنَّمُ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ
Translation: O people of the faith, when you confront the Kuffaar at the battlefield, do not turn away showing your backs (to them), and anyone who did turn away on such a day showing their backs, except as a stratagem of war, or trying to meet up with another Muslim party (in battle), ideed, such a person has incurred Allah's anger on him and his place is in Jahannum, and what a miserable home that would be.
After writing six articles on this topic, we want to pause and take account of what we have been writing so far and why have we embarked on this writing mission.
Basically the question was: Among the senior Companions Imam Ali has a far superior position than any other person. Is that statement true are not? Our contention was and still is that if we look at the event of the Battle of Uhud, that will suffice as an answer to that original question.
The very fact that many senior Companions, including three very senior ones, who became Khaleefas #1, #2 and #3, in later years, were seen running away from the active battlefield, while Imam Ali had stood fast protecting the person of the Prophet and giving everything he had to the mission of Islam. We presented many reports to support that claim. We also presented the verse of the Qur'an mentioned above at the top of this message, which shows very clearly that any Muslim soldier who runs from the Battlefield is considered to have gone back on his promise of La ilaha Illa Allah and his abode is Hell fire.
A counter argument was presented saying that those who had fled from the battle of Uhud, did actually return to the Prophet and they were all forgiven by Allah.
There is no doubt that the runners at the Battle of Uhud did eventually return to the Prophet and they were forgiven for that lapse – Qur'an attests to that.
However, forgiveness also implies that the offender will not repeat the offence in future. We see that people in the Prophet's company showed cowardice again and again, at Khandaq, Khybar (of which we will write more in coming posts) and again more seriously at the Battle of Hunayn.
However, Let us leave all that aside for the moment.
Let us consider the following questions:
(1) Has the Prophet said for any of his Companions that "you are my brother in this world as well as in the hereafter," as he did for Imam Ali?
(2) Has the Prophet said anything close to the following, for any of his Companions anywhere anytime?
<<< This time Mohammed accepted Ali's offer. He drew him close, pressed him to his heart, and said to the assembly: "This is my wazir, my successor and my vicegerent. Listen to him and obey his commands." >>>
(3) Has any of the Companions of the Prophet said anything philosophical or intellectual about any aspect of Islam, anywhere nearing the collection of Nahjul-Balgha? The basis of Islam is the concept of TAWHEED. Has any Companion ever, after the Prophet of Islam, said anything on that concept, anywhere nearing Imam Ali's profound discourses on the concept of Tawheed?
(4) Has any verse been revealed for any of the Companions anywhere such as the verse 207 of Sura BAQARA (there are those who sell their souls for pleasure of Allah).
If the answer to these questions is in the negative, then, what on earth makes any other Companion superior to Imam Ali?
Thank you
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi
P.S. This is not the end of this series, at least, not yet
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 5:30 PM
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 5:30 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From Qur'an and Hadeeth(6)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْرِي نَفْسَهُ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاتِ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَادِ
And among men, there is one who would sell his self (his soul) seeking pleasure of Allah; and Allah is kind(affectionate) towards his (faithful)servants.
The Glorious Quran Chapter 2 Verse 207
It is held unanimously by the Scholars of the two Islamic schools, that this verse was revealed for Imam Ali ( as ), when he readily slept in the bed of the Prophet (pbuh) , when the Prophet, to the Will of God, had to migrate from Mecca to Medina. The one who would agree to offer himself instead of the Holy Prophet ( pbuh) while the enemy had surrounded his house ready to pounce with swords in hands.
(1) The following brief version is taken from:
Ibn Kathir (2001). Stories of the Prophet: From Adam to Muhammad. Mansoura: Dar Al-Manarah. p. 389.ISBN 977-6005-17-9
Ibn Kathir (2001). Stories of the Prophet: From Adam to Muhammad. Mansoura: Dar Al-Manarah. p. 389.ISBN 977-6005-17-9
Upon receiving divine direction to depart from Mecca, Muhammad began taking preparation and informed Abu Bakr of his plan. On the night of his departure, Muhammad's house was besieged by the appointed men of Quraysh in order to do away with him next morning. Muhammad had certain deposits of Quraysh who used to do so because of Muhammad's honesty. Muhammad handed them over in the charge of Ali and directed him to return the deposits to their owners, and asked him to lie down on his bed assuring him of God's protection. It is said that when Muhammad emerged from his house, he recited the ninth verse of sura Ya-Seen of the Quran and threw a handful of dust at the direction of the besiegers, with the result that the besiegers were rendered unable to see him.
(2) A more detailed version collected from classical Islamic sources is give below with appropriate references;
(i) In Ghaayat al-Maraam, it has been recorded from Tafseer al-Tha'labi, Part I, in the exegesis of Surah al-Baqarah (2), verse 207, the saying of Allah – the High – "And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah" that when the Messenger of Allah intended to migrate (to Madinah), he left behind Ali Ibn Abi Taalib in Makkah to repay his debts, return the trusts that were lying with him and ordered him in the night when he left for the cave – while his house was surrounded by the POLYTHEISTS / kuffar – that he should sleep in his bed. He said to him,
"O Ali! Cover yourself with my Hadhrami sheet and sleep in my bed. God willing, no difficulty shall reach unto you from them."
Imam Ali duly obliged. So, Allah – Mighty and Majestic be He revealed to Jibraeel and Mikaaeel,
"Verily, I made brotherhood between you two and made the age of one more than the other. Which one of you is willing to sacrifice his life for the other?" Both of them chose life. So, Allah – Mighty and Majestic be, He revealed unto both of them, "Can't you two be like Ali Ibn Abi Taalib? I created between him and Muhammad (pbh) while he (Imam Ali.) was willing to sleep in the bed of Muhammad (pbh) and sacrifice his life. Go down to the earth and protect him (Imam Ali) from his enemies." So Jibraeel descended near his head while Mikaaeel came near his feet. Jibraeel said, 'Bravo! to a person like you, O son of Abu Taalib. Allah is taking pride in you in front of the angels.' At this juncture, Allah revealed on His Messenger who was on his way to Madinah in praise of Ali Ibn Abi Taalib.
"And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah…"[2]
(ii) Imam Hujjatul Islam Abu Haamid al-Ghazzaali in his book, 'Ehyaa al-Uloom al-Deen' writes, 'The night when Ali Ibn Abi Taalib slept in the bed of the Messenger of Allah, Allah revealed to Jibraeel and Mikaaeel, the great Angels in heavens,
"Verily, I made brotherhood between you two and made the age of one more than the other. Which one of you is willing to sacrifice his life for the other?" Both of them chose life and loved it. So, Allah – Mighty and Majestic be He- revealed unto both of them, "Can't you two be like Ali Ibn Abi Taalib? I created between him and Muhammad while he was willing to sleep in the bed of Muhammad, protecting him (the Prophet) with his (Imam Ali) life and preferring his (the Prophet) life to his own. Descend to the earth and protect him (Ali) from enemies." So Jibraeel descended near his head while Mikaaeel came near his feet, Jibraeel said, 'Bravo! Bravo! to a person like you, O son of Abu Taalib. Allah is taking pride in you in front of the angels.' At this juncture, Allah the Mighty and Majestic be He – revealed:. his
"And among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is Affectionate to the servants."[3]
(iii) In Majma' al-Bayaan, it is narrated from al-Suddi from Ibn Abbas that this verse was revealed concerning Ali Ibn Abi Taalib when the Holy Prophet ( took flight from the polytheists to the cave and Ali slept on his bed. As a result, this verse came down while he was between Makkah and Madinah. It is narrated that when Imam Ali slept in the Prophet's bed, Jibraeel stood near his head while Mikaaeel was near his feet. Jibraeel was calling out to him, 'Bravo! Bravo! to person like you, O son of Abu Taalib! Allah is taking pride in you in front of the angels. (Ref: www.seratonline.com)
The traditions from both the sects are numerous. And indeed, in Ghaayat al-Maraam, eleven traditions have been narrated from Sunni sources and the same number from shia sources. (Ref: www.seratonline.com)
From what al-Tha'labi and Hujjatul Islam al-Ghazzali have mentioned, it is apparent that the descent of the verse in Ima Ali's glory, the coming down of the two proximate angels for his protection, the saying of Jibraeel, 'Bravo! Bravo! to person like you, O son of Abu Taalib! Allah is taking pride in you in front of the angels' for his sleeping upon the bed of the Holy Prophet in that night, are all accepted and acknowledged facts for which there is no need to mention the chain of narrators since mentioning the tradition without the chain of narrators and both (al-Tha'labi and al-Ghazzali) have mentioned it without these chains considering it as accepted. If a person is bent upon rejecting something, he cannot see even something clearer than this.
The usage of the present tense, and not the past tense, for the word 'selling' by Allah – Mighty and Majestic be He – although according to a view it would have been appropriate to use the past tense because it is informing about an incident that transpired in the past, is to notify that the quality of selling himself to gain the satisfaction of Allah – the High – is Imam Ali's noble virtue and honourable trait, which is continuously found in him (a.s.). It was not a thing which he did occasionally. For, the present tense shows that it was a characteristic that was found in him permanently as the frequent use in the instances of usage establishes. Hence, it is brought to show a quality that belongs to his essential being. Therefore, not using the past tense here and instead using the present tense is to bring to attention that it was Imam Ali's very nature. Due to that, Allah – the High – took pride in him (a.s.) in front of the two great angels. Whoever is aware of his (a.s.) characteristics in wars and other occasions, will know for sure that this was indeed his (a.s.) characteristic.
[1] Surah Baqarah (2): Verse 207
[2] Ghaayat al-Maraam, p. 344
[3] Ghaayat al-Maraam, pp. 345-346; al-Fusool al-Muhimmah, p. 48; al-Mahajjah al-Baidhaa , vol. 6, p. 80; Tafseer al-Burhaan, vol. 1, p. 206
[4] Majma' al-Bayaan, vol. 2, p. 301
[5] Ghaayat al-Maraam, pp. 344-347
From: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
To: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
Cc: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; "ksidd37398@aol.com" <ksidd37398@aol.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:15 PM
To: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
Cc: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; "ksidd37398@aol.com" <ksidd37398@aol.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:15 PM
In Praise of Imam Ali – From Qur'an and Hadeeth(5)
(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)
حدیثِ مواخّات
A very significant event in the early period of Islam is that of making brothers among the Muslims. This is reported to have happened twice, once in Makkah and again in Madinah.
Here are those reports with their respective references:
Mu'aakhat in Makka
(1) Qastalani writes in his Kitab Irshad as-Sari Sharhi Saheeh Bukhari(Chapter of "The Prophet Making Brothers Among the Sahaba): The Prophet chose pairs of the Muhajireen (emigrants) and made brothers of them. So, cUmar and Abu Bakr were made brothers of each other; so were Hamza with Zayd bin Haritha, cUthman with cAbd ar-Rahman bin cAwf, Zubayr bin al-cAwwam with Ibn Mascood, cUbayda bin Harith with Bilal, Mascab bin cUmayr with Scad bin Abi Waqas, Abu cUbayda with Salim slave of Huzayfa, and Saceed bin Zayd with Talha bin cUbayd Allah, and finally he made Ali bin Abi Talib his own brother.
Ref: کتاب ارشاد الساری قسطلانی۔ آخر کتاب بدوالخلق باب کیف آخی النبی صلعم بین الصحابہ
Mu'aakhat in Madinah
(2) Abul Fida wites in his Tareekh (Vol.I p.127): The Prophet then made pairs of Ansar and Muhajiroon and made them brothers of each other (once again, in Madina). So, Ali was (once again) made his(the Prophet) own brother; Abu Bakr and Zayd bin Kharija Ansari, Abu cUbayda Jarrah and Scad bin Macaz Ansari, cUmar bin Khattab and cUtban bin Malik Ansari, Abd ar-Rahman bin cAwf and Scad bin Rabci Ansari, cUthman bin cAffaaan and Aws bin Thabit Ansari, Talha bin cUbayd Allah and Kcab bin Malik Ansari, Saceed bin Zayd and Ubaiyy bin Kcab Ansari were made brothers of each other.
(3) Allama Samhudi writes in his Kitab Khulasat-al Wafa(Vol.I p.105): The Prophet created the relationship of brothers between the Ansar and the Muhajiroon, and said – "Make pairs (one form Ansar and the other from the Mujhajiroon) and become brothers (for Allah's sake) of each other." He then held Ali by the hand and said: "This is my brother."
(4) It is recorded in the Isteecab of Ibn Abd al-Birr(Vol.II p.473): Very much like the Prophet had made brothers among the Muhajiroon in Makkah, he held another session of making brothers between Ansar and Muhajiroon in Madinah. At both occasions the Prophet had declared Ali as his brother saying: "You are my brother in this world as well as in the hereafter."
This is yet another exclusive glory for Imam Ali, he was made brother of the Prophet twice, once in Makkah and again in Madinah. Not only that, the brotherhood of Imam Ali with the Prophet extends into hereafter.
From: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
To: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Cc: gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:20 PM
To: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>
Cc: gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:20 PM
My point was, this verse has no meaning other than accepting that it is talking about Rasoolullah s.a.w. and AbuBakar r.a. Did you find anyone denying this? But, as you claimed that Ali r.a. is mentioned in Quran, while there is no even a single place that is proving your claim. Of course exact name is not the problem. If it is the point then Zaid r.a. is mentioned with name.
Second point. The stories, as you said, are compared, but try to focus on the word I have clearly mentioned "with me" and "with us". Do you have any doubt or confusion about it, I mean that why two stories are same but this word is different?
Please don't complex the situation. If you want to present anything I will never mind, but I really dislike that a person send tens of colorful pages and highlighted lines and bring people in trouble of reading it without gain, or let them remain in confusion. You can show my document to any third neutral person, he will believe or not but he will accept that document have proof and is conclusive.
If you can send me any verse from whom any such thing is proven for Ali r.a. I will be thankful. About AbuBakar r.a. there are no two opinions;
1- This verse is talking about AbuBakar as "companion of second of two"
2- Allah s.w.t. is with him r.a.
Let me know if any one who know Islam and basics of Arabic can deny these two things.
Along with this I need proof for you similar claim about Ali r.a.
I am asking for proof not because Ali r.a. is not mine or i am in any doubt about him. He is my Maula, Caliph, Leader, etc. but I just want to have proof of your claim.
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:34 PM, syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Humayun Rasheed,Where is the name of Abu Bakr mentioned in this verse of Qur'an, that is 9:40 ?The article compares the story of Hazrat Moosa nd Firaun with a story in the life-time of our Prophet. That is fine.But wait for my text where I will also compare stories of Hazrat Moosa with some events in the lifetime of our Prophet --I hope you will not have any objection to that.
Thank youSincerely,Syed-Mohsin Naquvi====================From: Humayun Rasheed <rana.humayun.rasheed@gmail.com>
To: Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com>
Cc: syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com>; Zahoor Hyder <zahoorhyder@hotmail.com>; Sadqain Syed <sadqain@gmail.com>; "ksidd37398@aol.com" <ksidd37398@aol.com>; aijaz alamdar <jazoo52000@yahoo.com>; Muzafferuddin ahmed <quranandahadith2020@gmail.com>; "butshikana@hotmail.com" <butshikana@hotmail.com>; Zain Syed <zainsyed@hotmail.com>; DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <nafmor08@gmail.com>; "humayunhere@yahoo.com" <humayunhere@yahoo.com>; "zakariahmd@gmail.com" <zakariahmd@gmail.com>; Asif Raza <asifraza@hotmail.ca>; "dr.noori@yahoo.com" <dr.noori@yahoo.com>; Mike Ghouse <mike_ghouse@yahoo.com>; Sohail Hashmi <sohailhashmi@gmail.com>; Media monior(Yahoogroup) <media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com>; Islamic Group <toronto_shia_community@yahoogroups.com>; Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique <fareed.siddique123@gmail.com>; "imtiazat@yahoo.com" <imtiazat@yahoo.com>; "katarian@aol.com" <katarian@aol.com>; "sheikhn81@yahoo.com" <sheikhn81@yahoo.com>; "ihooper@cair.com" <ihooper@cair.com>; "hitaya@gmail.com" <hitaya@gmail.com>; Farzana Hassan <farzanahassan@gmail.com>; "snasar@usa.com" <snasar@usa.com>; "niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk" <niyasabbas@yahoo.co.uk>; "drmookhi@hotmail.com" <drmookhi@hotmail.com>; Tariq Siddiqi <tsiddiqi@gmail.com>; Mahmood Qazi <drmaqazi@yahoo.com>; Zakariya Shareef <zakariyahyder@gmail.com>; S kumar <kumar_8134@yahoo.com>; Sajid Husain <sajid@shusain.com>; Aale Ali <alleali@yahoo.com>; Khalid Kazi i <k_kazi@hotmail.com>; Zahoor Hyder <courage51@yahoo.com>; Syed Aleemuddin <abukhansa2007@gmail.com>; "hasanshah969@gmail.com" <hasanshah969@gmail.com>; "vkamal@etazenath.com" <vkamal@etazenath.com>; "mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in" <mateenuddin_syed@yahoo.co.in>; "dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk" <dr.teinaz@tiscali.co.uk>; "hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com" <hajiawaab2005@yahoo.com>; "rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com" <rizwanahmed53@hotmail.com>; "nssjobs@att.net" <nssjobs@att.net>; "sazim4@hotmail.com" <sazim4@hotmail.com>; "axk1023@sbcglobal.net" <axk1023@sbcglobal.net>; "drshabbir@comcast.net" <drshabbir@comcast.net>; Azzam Abdo <azzamabdo@sbcglobal.net>; "jax_muslims@yahoogroups.com" <jax_muslims@yahoogroups.com>; "shinde_bhavna@yahoo.com" <shinde_bhavna@yahoo.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@gmail.com>; Ansar Raza <ansar58@gmail.com>; "ahemdhussain@yahoo.com" <ahemdhussain@yahoo.com>; "sadiqkumar@yahoo.com" <sadiqkumar@yahoo.com>; Masjid Ibrahim <info@masjidibrahim.ca>; Dr Shabir Choudhry <drshabirchoudhry@googlemail.com>; "callseries . <callseries@sify.com>, dr.syed ahmeduddin" <drahmeds@hotmail.com>; Syed Ali <sabahatca@hotmail.com>; Marwan Yafi <marwanyafi@yahoo.com>; Arif Khairtuddin <aafarif@yahoo.com>; "info@asmasociety.org" <info@asmasociety.org>; Haziq Siddiqi <haziqsiddiqi@yahoo.com>; Zeeshan Haque <digitalshani@hotmail.com>; "daisy@asmasociety.org" <daisy@asmasociety.org>; "irtaza1@yahoo.com" <irtaza1@yahoo.com>; shuja syed <bani_hashim@rocketmail.com>; "shaziashazya@yahoo.com" <shaziashazya@yahoo.com>; "minayet@yahoo.com" <minayet@yahoo.com>; "mzubair@zfp.com" <mzubair@zfp.com>; Zina Khan <zina.khan@yahoo.com>; Syed Vaseem <drdentition2012@gmail.com>; Mohammad Anwar <manwar786@gmail.com>; Ebrahim Rashid <ebrahim.rashid@googlemail.com>; Majied Ali <alimajied@yahoo.ca>; "fourteenstars-owner@yahoogroups.com" <fourteenstars-owner@yahoogroups.com>; Abida Rahmani <abida.rahmani7@gmail.com>; "sohail972002@yahoo.co.in" <sohail972002@yahoo.co.in>; Tahseen Shah <tah67@hotmail.com>; "tsidd96472@aol.com" <tsidd96472@aol.com>; American Muslims Group <americanmuslimbrotherhood@yahoogroups.com>; Kaukab Siddique <butshikana@gmail.com>; "ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com" <ibrahim.hayani@gmail.com>; "info@centralmosque.ca" <info@centralmosque.ca>; Zehera Kassam <zaraskitchen@gmail.com>; yakub patel <patelyakub@yahoo.com>; AhleQuran YG <ahle-quran@yahoogroups.com>; "canadian_muslims@yahoogroups.ca" <canadian_muslims@yahoogroups.ca>; "mikeghouse@aol.com" <mikeghouse@aol.com>; Oj Deen <odeenj@yahoo.com>; "info@madinacentre.com" <info@madinacentre.com>; "drshabbir@bellsouth.net" <drshabbir@bellsouth.net>; IslamofAllah Group G <islamofallah@googlegroups.com>; "drnakhan2000@yahoo.com" <drnakhan2000@yahoo.com>; "atif98@yahoo.com" <atif98@yahoo.com>; Iftikhar Barrie <ib1997@live.ca>; Muhammad Latif Chaudhery <latif.m.chaudhery@gmail.com>; Gulshan Aalani <pardah52@hotmail.com>; "drmaqazi@hotmail.com" <drmaqazi@hotmail.com>; "tahirakhan@comcast.net" <tahirakhan@comcast.net>; Faiz Irfan <faiz.irfan.tahir@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 6:42 AM
Dear Nadeem, he will never ever be able to prove his claim. All Shia are convinced because Mr Jazoo told that Mr Naqvi have a big library in NJ. It is common practice in Shia community, they praise Zaakir so that listeners in Shaam-e-Ghariban become dumb.Please find attached in Urdu and English where Rasoolullah s.a.w. is telling to AbuBakar r.a. that Allah s.w.t. is with both of us. No where it is said to any other companion specifically.Let me know even one person on this earth who know Islam, Muhammad and AbuBakar and deny that this verse is not saying what I wrote in the attached documents.No Ali r.a. in Quran but AbuBakar r.a. is there - see attached.-Humayun.
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem.akhtar3534@gmail.com> wrote:
You said in Praise of Imam Ali, from Quran and Hadeeth.So far I see no quran and hadiths in your article. Only stories.Also Surah Najam talks about the time of Mairaj not about the first wahi. Also it has nothing to do with Ali (RA)Tumhari chaddi to pehle round main hi utar gayeeDoosri chaddi pahen ke round main ana.On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:00 PM, syed-mohsin naquvi <mnaquvi@yahoo.com> wrote:
In Praise of Imam Ali – From Qur'an and Hadeeth(3)(Collected from a number of books and websites, presented by Syed-Mohsin Naquvi)اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَخَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍاقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُالَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِعَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْRead in the name of the Lord who created, He created man from ALAQ, Read, because your Lord is generous, who taught by the pen, He taught man what he did not know.(Q.96:1-5)This is the story of the very first revelation to the Prophet.The word ALAQ has been translated as a "a clot of blood,' but it means much more, which we can explain elsewhere.Anyway, these five verses were the earliest revelation, that came to Prophet on the "Night of Power" or the "Blessed Night" in the month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar) of the 40th year of the Elephant. They are at the beginning of the 96th chapter of Al-Qur'an. The name of the chapter is Iqraa (Read) or 'Alaq (the Clot of Congealed Blood).The Night of Power or the Blessed Night occurs, according to tradition, during the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, and could be the 21st or 23rd or 25th or 27th of the month.In their respective accounts of the reception by Muhammad of the First Revelation, the Sunni and the Shia Muslims are not in agreement. According to the Sunni tradition, the appearance of Gabriel startled Muhammad, and when the Angel ordered him to read, he said, "I cannot read." This happened three times, and each time when Muhammad declared his inability to read, the angel pressed him hard to his bosom. Eventually, he was able to repeat the five verses whereupon the angel released him and disappeared and so on. It is also reported that the Prophet was so scared by his mission that he contemplated suicide, it was only after Khadeeja gave him courage that he recovered from that thought.As opposed to that, according to the Shia Muslims accounts, Muhammad, far from being surprised or frightened by the appearance of Gabriel, welcomed him as if he had been expecting him. Gabriel brought the tidings that Allah had chosen him to be His Last Messenger to Mankind, and congratulated him on being selected to become the recipient of the greatest of all honors for a mortal in this world.Muhammad had no hesitation in accepting the mission of prophethood nor did he have any difficulty in repeating the verses of the First Revelation. He read them or repeated them effortlessly, spontaneously. Gabriel, in fact, was no stranger to him, and he also knew that his own raison d'être was to carry out the mission imposed upon him by God as His Messenger. He was "mission-oriented" even before Gabriel's visit. Gabriel only gave him the signal to begin.The Shia Muslims also say that one thing that Gabriel didn't have to do, was to apply physical pressure on Muhammad to read. If he did, it would truly be a bizarre mode of imparting to Muhammad the ability to read – by squeezing him or choking him. They further maintain that Muhammad did not contemplate suicide at any time in his life, not even in its most desolate moments; and that it never occurred to him that he could ever be touched by "evil" or that he could be "corrupted" or "polluted.". That actually is confirmed by the first 17 verses of Sura Najm, Chapter 53 of holy Qur'an.Imam Ali records this event in Nahjul-Balagah in one of his sermons known as Khutba Qaase'ah ( خطبۂ قاصعہ). This is a long sermon, in some copies of Nahjul Balagha it is sermon #192 and in some other versions, it is sermon #234. It is just a difference between the way various commentators have organized the book, it is exactly the same Arabic text in both versions. It is a long text and I believe it is a collection of various different sermons, because very diverse topics have been discussed in it. The portion of the long text that is relevant here is the one where Imam Ali talks about his close relationship with the Prophet of Islam and how kindly and carefully, he himself was raised by the Prophet and lady Kahdeeja from very early childhood. In that Imam Ali shares his experience of the revelation of the first WAHY to the Prophet of Islam.We will, insha Allah, present that text in the next posting in this series.It is also recorded that with the first revelation or, soon after that, the Prophet received the command to establish five times prayer and he began performing those prayers at the set times.An interesting story is found in SEERA records about that. The story is quoted here from Ibn Is-haaq's SEERA:From Yahya b. al-Ash'ath b. Qays al-Kindi from his father, from his grandfather Afiif: Al-Abbas b. Abdul Muttalib was a friend of mine who used to go often to the Yaman to buy aromatics and sell them during the fairs. While I was with him in Mina, there came a man in the prime of life and performed the full rites of ablution and then stood up and prayed. Then a woman came out and did her ablution and stood up and prayed. Then out came a youth just approaching manhood, did his ablutions, then stood up and prayed by his side. When I asked Al-Abbas what was going on, and he said that it was his nephew Muhammad b. Abdullah b. Abdul Muttalib, who alleges that Allah has sent him as an Apostle; the other is my brother's son, Ali ibn Abi Talib, who has followed him in his religion; the third is his wife, Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid who also follows him in his religion. Afiif said after he had become a Muslim and Islam firmly established in his heart, 'Would that I had been a fourth.!' (The Life of the Messenger of God)The story is also found in Ibn Jareer Tabari's Tareekh ar-Rusul wal Mulook.This confirms a great glory for Imam Ali, exclusively. He is one of the first two who performed the five-times-a-day prescribed Islamic acts of worship with the Prophet of Islam, the second one being lady Khadeeja.This is one of those exclusive glories of Imam Ali, to which no other Companion of the Prophet can assert a claim and none have done it – even the later apologists among historians and Muhaddetheen have not had the courage to fabricate anything like that – and our readers are fully aware that there is a truckload of fabricated reports floating around in the Islamic literature.From:
سيد صادقين
سيد صادقين
سيد صادقين
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