THE STREET MMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (5 July 2013) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers and dear sisters…
Audio on (06-02-2013)
As is customary, we'd like to begin by thanking everyone who participated and who are participating in making this commemoration or this memorial possible and that doesn't exclude anyone- so that saves us the details of qualifying who we mean. Secondly we'd like to express a deep felt sympathy with those who are conscious of this occasion that we are here to recall (i.e.) the epic days of Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah rest his soul in eternal peace).
As life has it, many times many people get distracted and the tendency is with some individuals to diminish the memory of this outstanding individual. There's many ways, (we've given this a thought), to recall the many events that were packed into the years to Islamic self-determination by the late Imam so obviously within a limited time frame there's going to be some areas of information that are going to be left out either because they are so common sensical that an average person should be able to fill in the blanks; just in case those blanks are not filled in we understand that this presentation is going to be followed by questions and answers so please feel encouraged if you do generate a question because of what you perceive may have been a lack of information on my behalf then we are more than willing to fill you in as much as we can. The other, (may be), gap as some people may perceive it in the presentation may be due to the construct of inaccurate information. You know (that) in the time of Imam Khomeini there was a barrage and there still is even after he has passed away now since 1989, (we're talking about twenty four years), an organized presentation of information that deliberately tend to spin or skew the facts so we're not living in everyone's internal mind and we don't know how that process ends up with each individual but just in case that is the case, once again, we remind you that there's going to follow this presentation a question and answer session and please feel free if you think the information that you have stands the test of time and is more accurate than what you heard then you are also encouraged to come forth and express yourself.
I don't mean to criticize anyone but just for clearing the air, I was given something like a guideline because as I said there's so many things that can be said about the teaming results of the lifetime of the Imam so obviously we're going to have to narrow the focus into some areas; so along those lines the issues were to more or less highlight the perception of the Imam concerning the Muslims of the world or the human condition in a larger context and then the issue of sectarianism as it is being in a very bloody way playing itself out in different geographical areas of Muslim territories here and there. So that was meant to be more or less something like focus points in this presentation.
We will begin by approaching this matter not in a very strict historical recount of events that is left upto textbooks and other reliable sources of information that you may want to refer to but in today's world many times, (and we do this almost religiously concerning the lifetime of the last Prophet of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his), trying to proximate the human developments of those times with our own life time because this is what in the final analysis makes a lot of sense. It's not just enough to speak about history disconnected from current affairs and likewise it's not enough to speak about current affairs without understanding the historical precedents. So that being said, you know, in today's world there is as you know, (we hope many of you are following current affairs of what is happening in the world), a lot of talk about what some information outlets call "the Arab spring" or "the Islamic awakening"; there's a lot of developments in that area especially what is happening in Syria. Now, (and we've already experienced it), we know that some of you have very substantial questions about what is the nature of the developments in Syria . Obviously we'll have to clear the air on this as much as we'd like to discourse in this area but this is not the occasion but nevertheless there is in the air- whether you agree or disagree, whether you are thoroughly informed or informed in a shallow manner- a lot of talk of what is happening in certain Arab speaking countries and beyond that, if we want to widen our scope, it's not certain countries like Tunisia and Egypt and Libya and Lebanon and Syria and Bahrain and these other countries that are more or less headline news there also a worldwide movement. You take a look at the economic condition almost anywhere in the world and you see that people are sort of fed up with the results of their governments. There is a dissatisfaction at the popular level with administrations and with policies that have wrecked people's lives- unemployment rates are going up, poverty is increasing, resources are dwindling, those who are making cut through profits are very few and those who are on the bottom rung of the social ladder are exponentially growing. This is something that was referred to in quite a few speeches of Imam Khomeini. He wasn't speaking about the exact details- he wasn't saying things are going to happen in Portugal as they are happening or in the United States as they are happening or in Spain or in Italy or in Ireland or in Iceland or Greece or these countries that are suffering from some type of economic suffocation; but he did say in many of his speeches he spoke about al mustad'afin- the future belongs to those who have been dispossessed. The people who have been dispossessed right now are beginning to show up in quite admirable numbers when you tune in or when you read about these events in different parts of the world, (for example) the occupy movement here in the United States- they began to occupy Wall Street and then before that there was the Tea Party thing. Both of these phenomenon still exist. They are not as pronounced as they were in the past few years but obviously they are still there and they are there not alone but they will generate more momentum because the policies of these hegemonic powers are beginning to appear bankrupt. Look, in the United States, (we are all living in this society, we are not speaking about some other place that we are not familiar with), the people who are collecting food stamps have reached new levels about fifty million, look, this is supposedly (or as) we are told "the most prosperous country in the world" and some, those who believe in American exceptionalism will even go to the extend to say "this is the most prosperous country in history" but what do you say when you have, (what was the last census),three hundred and ten million Americans out of those, fifty million who need food stamps or, (the other name for it now), to survive another fifty million that don't have health insurance, the unemployment rate got so scary that no one is mentioning the unemployment rate anymore. Just before the American official's adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq- during the Clinton administration it wobbled between four percent and six percent unemployment rate, then comes Bush with his bush-wagged policies around the world and the unemployment rate began to climb up to about eight percent and then comes Obama and then the unemployment rate began to climb up to the teens and that's when we don't hear about it anymore. No one speaks about the unemployment in the United States . Why? What's wrong? You know a government has a problem when it is not longer capable of speaking the facts about its own society. Imam Khomeini spoke about "the future belonging to people who are poor." We'll put it in simple language "people who don't have the necessities of everyday life- the future belongs to these people" and he didn't make any distinction of Muslims or non-Muslims or people living in some geographical areas of the world as opposed to other geographical areas. No. A blank statement al mustad'afin. We think in one of his speeches he says "the future belongs to those who are barefooted." So this is what we are beginning to see. This fact has been camouflaged from us. This is one of the depth understandings of reality, of human life, of history and of existence when Al Imam comes out and makes these bold statements regardless of the facade that's out there, (regardless of) the projection of superpowers and what they call technological advances and breakthroughs in science and astronomy being what it is and nano technology being what it is. When you're plugged in into this type of information pool or pool of information then you listen to Al Imam speaking about "the future belonging to the oppressed" and because you are influenced by the day to day bombardment of the greatness of certain superpowers, their military might, how they are exploring outer space and all of this and then you say "the future belongs to oppressed people!?" So this should give you a better understanding of the depth of what the Imam was speaking about when he spoke about this type of future.
There's been some backtracking by some individuals, (we don't know, we don't want to become sort of judgmental), but in some presentations no one speaks about the condition of the oppressed people in the world any more- as if it's no longer in vogue to speak about people who are living at the survival level in the world. So some people say "let's take that out of our presentations" and therefore those who have realized that discrepancy, (and we hope and we think and we have a strong hunch that), there is right now making up for lost time. Some followers of the Imam realized that in certain years in the past there was a gap that described the distance between the Imam and certain decision makers so hopefully they can resume this fearless course that was pioneered by the Imam when he spoke about the oppressed peoples of the world.
Another issue we think that doesn't readily come into the attention of the average person, (we want you to pay a close attention to this is that), in the athar in the Prophetic tradition there is a statement that says, for those of you who could not catch those meanings, the translation of that roughly goes like this), whoever's actions or labor decelerate him or her their affiliations are not going to accelerate him or her. Let us break that down a little further- if a person's performance in life is not up to par, progressive, fruitful, productive (or) if what you do in life is not productive then you can't make up for that by your affiliations; you can't say "oh because I'm a Muslim that will compensate me for not being as productive as I should be." Now nasab, for those who speak Arabic, is generally understood to mean bloodline, it means his or her relatives but that's not necessarily the case. It could be any other affiliation. The reason why this took on a preponderant definition of relative-hood is because this relationship of blood affiliation was part of that society. It was a tribal society, it was a clannish society so that's what affiliation meant. A person identified himself or herself vis a vis their larger family context but if that goes away and there's other affiliations- you're going to affiliate yourself with an ideology, you can affiliate yourself with a religion or with a denomination or whatever- but whatever you think and however you identify yourself with whatever affiliation that's not going to substitute for hard work. Therefore if you- whoever you are and however you define yourself- are not productive or there is no amal salih nothing is going to substitute for that even your affiliation. If you say you're a Muslim but you are fruitless you have nothing to offer. Then to take it a step further as far as affiliation is concerned, (right now we're going to shift to this in the latter part of this presentation), your sectarian affiliation- whatever you think that is- is not going to substitute for the work that is required in your obligations to Allah and His Prophet. This is very important because in the time of the Imam most of us lived, (we're not talking about the very younger generation here, I see some here who are in their teens a little more or a little less than that), those ground breaking years of the Imam's life. He never- we don't know, as I said at the beginning- if my presentation to you is lacking in analysis you're free to correct me), from the best of my knowledge, (and I lived this and I say this in a humble and in a meek sense), I never sensed that the Imam never said "I'm a Shi'i Muslim" in a public manner. Of course everyone understands (and) everyone knows- who in the world, friend or enemy, doesn't know that Imam Khomeini is a Shi'i Muslim? Who doesn't know that? Everyone knows it! He never said it and when he never said it but he was involved in what is called amal as salih (or) in productive or progressive and fruitful bearing labor- the decisions that he made, the ijtihad that he was responsible for made people curious- "who is this person?" It made Muslims curious, it made non-Muslims curious. "Who is he? We want to know more about him." Now compare that to some people, (we don't want to, you know, name individuals), who want to place their affiliation before the results of their efforts or their deeds. Then people lose interest. They really don't want to know who you are. This is a very important point- when you don't disclose who you are, in other words your actions speak louder than your words (and) when that is the case you pierce their curiosity. It just happened- we learn from our own selves- that some people after the Imam passed away they put the cart before the horse! They began to make a big deal about their affiliations meanwhile that edge that was there with action preceding words was lost. So this is an area, (we think), that many Muslims, even the most committed and the most devout could not discern in the life of the Imam and that's why we had and still have many peoples in the world who are curious because they look at the Islamic republic- this is the legacy, one of the legacies of the Imam- when it is working on developing its own potential then it captures the attention of the powers that be of the world. "what are they doing?" That attention would not be there if this amal salih and this required effort was absent. Let's say there wasn't a pursuit of peaceful nuclear technology by the scientists of the Islamic republic in Iran . They weren't concerned with this. Who's going to be concerned with their affiliations? Not many people are going to be concerned, but when they see among all the Muslims in the world there's a particular group of Muslims who are pioneering new areas, breaking new grounds independently with their own sovereignty (and) without a hegemon to dictate to them they say "what is it with these people? They're not like the Saudis! They're not like the Arabians! They're not like these other Muslims! There's something going on here." So then they want to study who you are. Then they are interested (in) what makes this person who is a Shi'i stand out? It's not people who are going to certain occasions and massaging their Shi'i egos that make other people, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, curious about "who are you?" These people are so curious, (you know who we're talking about), that they have some scholars who are "Shi'is" who have come to American universities to actually teach certain classes in certain departments around the country about what this Shi'ism is all about. Now, you notice this wasn't the case during the time of the Imam. There was no scholars coming to the United States to teach certain classes about what Shi'is are because the Imam was teaching the world what Shi'is are without saying "we are Shi'is." We don't know if you're catching what we're trying to say? To some people this may sound too subtle to understand but its too important to go un-noticed- what is transformed in some of these years of the past is the fudging of this issue. It's very important to know that Imam Khomeini defined himself not by the rhetoric of tradition but by the hard work that comes out of his commitment. OK- I hope most of us absorbed that point.
Now we sort of move on to another area and that area is that the Imam understood the Muslims amongst the oppressed peoples of the world because most of the Muslims themselves are oppressed people. When you erase the elitist upper classes in Muslim societies that are what? Two percent? Remember one percent and ninety nine per cent? When you take away that one percent (i.e.) the Muslim elites in the Muslim world you end up with mustad'afin. Who are the Muslims? Look at the Muslims in the Indian sub-continent, look at the Muslims in Africa, look at the Muslims even in Europe , wherever you look at them they're mustad'afin. So how did he look at the Muslim condition? He looked at the Muslim condition as symbiotic; Muslims reinforce each other. This is validation of the Prophet's hadith a Muslim vis a vis another Muslim is like a structure, a construct, a building, one part of it reinforces the other part- you don't build something and there is tension in the building structure itself; you build something such that one piece of it gives more support to the other piece. That basically defined how the Imam looked at the condition of Muslims in the world but then we look around and we see "wait a minute, Muslims are having serious problems." Where did these problems come from? If you want to trace these problems to their sources, they come from these elites. Our problems don't come from our pedestrian selves, they come from the elites. You can almost trace every problem to its power source or to its financial source and this is what we are stuck with today and it becomes played out as an issue of sectarianism. This is what we are suffering from currently. We have a very serious problem of sectarianism. Why do we have this problem? One of the answers to that is that these elites are threatened by the average people. They see that these average people are breaking out of their shells. They were controlled and they were managed to a certain extent but now, with demonstrations and with a whiff of freedom and with a breeze of free air flowing through the atmospherics of different societies the elites feel threatened and to get rid of the threat they want Muslims to get involved in skirmishes, tension and then civil strife with each other so they deflect the danger away from themselves. That is what is happening in today's world. Why is that? Well, Imam Khomeini and the followers of Imam Khomeini i.e. Imam Khamenei managed to scare the daylights out of the arrogant powers (and) the hegemons of the world. They scared the daylights out of them because what they see taking shape is… One of the most definitive definitions of the Imam and what his line has done, (this is another line or statement that is never used), is it has brought into focus a mass of people from Central Asia to the Mediterranean Sea. We're talking about almost two hundred million people. These two hundred million people with all of the variations among them (i.e.) different languages, different madhahib, different ethnicities, different this and different that- with all of this, there's one thing they have in common that none of them disagree upon except right now for a smudging of the sectarians but ninety nine point nine nine percent of the rest agree that the Holy Land, Palestine has to be liberated from Zionist occupation. Everyone agrees on this, so you think the Zionists are sleeping?! Did anyone give the Zionists a sleeping pill and they can't notice what is going on? Of course they know what's going on. They're probably more aware of it than the average Muslim! So they're scared. The Zionists are living in a psychology of intensified fear (or) intense fear. This is new to them. The Islamic republic in Iran, the slowly emerging Islamic state of affairs in Iraq with all the difficulties and the invasion and everything that is meant to cripple this eventual conversion of Iraq- people and authority- to an Islamic line, the Islamic resistance in Lebanon- you know its virtual management of that country and in Syria- here is where the issue begins to take a confrontational course. The Israelis have taken the pulse of Hizbullah in the summer of 2006- you remember the thirty three day war- and they to their surprise found out that they could not break the back of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon. So they turned their guns on HAMAS at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009- Operation Cast Lead- and they found out they could not break HAMAS. These are two extensions of the Imams policy to return Palestine to its rightful owners. The Israelis via the Americans tried their best to work in Iraq via sectarianism in Iraq . Since the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq they tried to have Sunnis and Shi'is kill themselves until Iraq is debilitated. With all the sacrifices and we don't want to underplay and we don't want to underplay the misery and the tragedies that happened in that society but the Israeli government (let's call it) the Israeli regime and the regime in Washington could not have it their way! Iraq did not capitulate; militarily it was not bled the way they thought it would be and, (we said this previously and we got on some people's nerves and we hope we don't get on some of your nerves), they tried also through religious institutions in Iraq to corner the Islamic revolution in Iran and they didn't have it their way. So you look at this- one area was the military in Iraq and it didn't happen and the other one was the religious area in Iraq and it didn't happen. And they're watching Iraq very closely and they see that it's being gradually absorbed into an Islamic orbit. So what is left? Hizbullah's out, HAMAS is out, Iraq is out- all of this is in the Israeli brains the counter measures against Al Imam Al Khomeini, against the Islamic leadership in Iran , against the Islamic popular will in Iran , against the Islamic revolution and republic in Iran . So what's left? What's left is Syria . This is the continuation of what Condoleeza Rice called "The new Middle East ." Remember that? In Bush's time she was the new Secretary of State and she went hoping around Middle Eastern countries and she came back and said "we're working on a new Middle East ." They're still working on this new Middle East even though the catastrophes in their foreign policy have cost the American people very dearly. You know- estimates of this war range between $2trillion and $6trillion. For the first time now the government in the United States is dealing with more debt than revenue. Every year the US government makes somewhere between $16trillion and $17trillion, the US debt as of last year has exceeded $17trillion because of these policies. We're looking at a "new world order." Remember that old world order (i.e.) the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc and the United States and the world of democracy etc.? This is a new world order now. Brothers and sisters wake up! We have to be ahead of the curve. This is a new world order. We're looking right now at forces that are anti-Zionists and pro-Zionists, anti-Islamic and pro-Islamic. This is the new world order. If you can't grasp- this is what the Imam was speaking about because at that time there wasn't enough events and enough evidence for observers to say "well, this is the new world that we are living in." Imam Khomeini was living in that new world the day he stepped on the decision making scene as the statesman and the authority. Now it should be obvious. People wouldn't see it twenty five (and) thirty years ago but you should be able to see it now very clearly. These people who feel this type of fear- we mean there's a real type of fear. People who are in the wrong fear people who are innocent. This is funny. People who are doing all the wrong things with all the power they have fear (and) are scared and the innocent person who doesn't have nothing really- there's nothing much- except determination (have) no fear at all because people who are right and innocent whether they know it or not have Allah on their side and this gives them the edge. You know, we'll take this and give it a simple example away from politics; just an everyday occurrence of some people every once and then. You know this country is a racist country, racism runs very deep- we think no one would argue that and if two people were standing at an elevator in downtown somewhere, metropolitan city or somewhere, (you take your pick, and), one of them is a white person who is super rich, who is maybe in his fifty or sixties and has this background of racism in him and if you take a profile of this person you find that he's a millionaire, he has arms (and) everything you want as far as physical power is concerned and then next to him you have a young African person maybe twenty (or) twenty five years old, (excuse my words but we want to be blunt), who looks like a bum. You know, he may have a t-shirt on, maybe scars on his skin or he may be not properly hygiened and he's standing right there. There's only these two persons and they step into this elevator and they're both going up to the fortieth floor- the poor African person would just feel normal. There's nothing here, just going up this elevator and there's this white guy standing next to him and he probably doesn't feel relaxed about the white guy there but that's about it. He doesn't feel intimidated even though the guy there has all the money and all the resources and all the wherewithal and whatever you want to call or define power but this white guy feels scared in this elevator! Scared of what? He doesn't know this person! But because he's in the wrong and there's something residual in the conscience that tells him that there's a guilt that makes him scared of an innocent individual. He doesn't know who this person is but there's a history here. Now if you can take this little and very simple example from every day life and amplify that into the condition of oppressed people of the world and those who have military powers and have the resources and the riches and the wealth that defies imagination- this is the relationship between the two, there's a dynamic there; they feel threatened even though they have (everything) and this is today's real world. The Muslims are these mustad'afs just like that little African boy or that young teenager that went into that elevator and that other guy who had everything that you may define as power became phobic (and) scared to go up to the fortieth floor and there's one person next to him. This more or less tells us how they feel towards Muslims (because) just like there's a history of racism in the United States , there's a history of Imperialism and colonialism in the world! That's how they treated the peoples of the world and so if they come next to them they probably can't go through all of these details, they don't have enough information but they don't need information; your conscience tells you and this is what their conscience is telling them- an Islamic giant has been born in the Islamic republic of Iran. When they saw this happen they saw an Islamic colossal that is coming into existence and they have to take all measures to protect themselves and the most sensitive to this issue are the Zionists, more so than, (we think),the Imperialists because they're behind a lot of this. To protect themselves this is what the Zionists do- they go materialistic and they build a separation wall. You've heard of the separation wall of four hundred or so miles of this wall they built between them and the Palestinians, (we sure you've heard of that? We're not breaking any news for you). For what? They want to protect themselves. There's a physical, material wall- a barrier between them and the Palestinians. They don't care," this is how we're going to protect ourselves." This is how deep their fear is, but then they found that that wall within and of itself maybe it is protecting them from Palestinians but it is not protecting them from these two hundred million people that are coming together because of the Islamic leadership. It's not protecting them. They are still un-nerved by Hizbullah, by Islamic resistance, by the meetings and conferences of Muslims that are coming together in the Islamic state so what are they up to now? Right now they are building another "wall" which some people may not be aware of; but just like they have this physical separation wall between them and the Palestinians now they want to put a sectarian wall between the Muslims and themselves. So what do they do? In Syria they are beginning this sectarian conflict so that they will be protected with a sectarian line they see that there is a liberation line extending from Central Asia to the Mediterranean- from East to West- now they want for themselves- the American regime, the Zionist regime and the Arabian regime in the Arabian Peninsula with its cousins in the Gulf- want to build a sectarian wall that extends from the Arabian Peninsula to Anatonia to block or neutralize this coming. This is going to take a matter of time but it is eventually going to coalesce and the Israelis are going to obviously try to build more walls but this is yet another one of their attempts. This could be another explanation of the ayah. (we belief is in Surah Al Hashr), that says
… they only fight you from behind walls or from behind barriers… (Surah Al Hashr verse 14)
It is as if the description applies. This is in reference to you, the committed Muslims. So by them building these walls- whether it is a physical wall or it is a psychological wall, a physical barrier or a psychological barrier- they're still trying to fight us hiding behind these barriers. This is to our credit because when they are doing this we understand that we are doing the right thing. If they are fighting us from behind walls like they were fighting the Prophet from behind walls then we are in the positions that the Prophet was in. This validates what we are doing. We are doing the right thing but it takes just a little connection you know- connect the dots or put the pieces of the puzzle together and you can see what is happening.
When we look at this sectarian issue we find that the Sauid Arabian regime is basically the instigator of this sectarianism in the Muslim world. We remember there was a time in the nineteen nineties and for almost a decade after that when it wasn't very acceptable to cut down the Saudi Arabian regime to size. Some people would look askance- is this guy saying the right political or diplomatic things? We don't know but we think if a person is looking at the lifetime of Imam Al Khomeini you would understand this very clearly. Evil is evil and you can't remain silent about evil. These religious fanatics in Saudi Arabia have to be exposed. There are different ways of doing this. We heard of individuals who throw the baby out with the bath water- in their attempt to expose the Saudi regime they take a very wide strike against the rest of the Muslims i.e. Sunni Muslims. That's not the way to go. Saudi Arabia- these people, (i.e.), this salafi thing which has morphed into a takfiri irrationality and raw hatred of the other Muslim have to be approached with facts in a very methodical way. Just study them. Look at them (and) listen to them for what they are and then if you can then act as if you're a mirror. Place this mirror in front of their own faces and then let them see how ugly they are. Of course, we're presenting this is a metaphorical way. Let us say this- when you listen to these people they never say… Anyone who has a very rudimentary understanding of Islam understands that Islam gives itself to different sincere interpretations. The Fuqaha' of the Muslims had this thing in common. They used to say something like my ijtihad or my opinion is the truth of the matter but it may be wrong another Mujtahids opinion on this matter who disagrees with me is wrong but it may be right.. This is the type of integration and the type of symbiotic relation that Muslims have with themselves. You get a sense here that there is room for accommodation, there is room for co-existence of differences of opinion but these people, these takfiri types, take pride in attributing themselves to the ancestors- as salaf means ancestors, the predecessors- you never ever and this in their position they are in violation of their own; yet how they talk (and) the way they present themselves is in contradiction to the same salaf that they speak about because they don't speak like this?! You will never hear any of them say "well my opinion is the truth and it may be wrong and the other Muslim's opinion is wrong but it may be the truth." They never say that. What they say absolutely- astaghfirullah, they almost are like gods when it comes to opinions?! What they say is the whole truth. If you agree with it you are one of them if you disagree with that you are a Kafir! Where did this come from but this is what it takes. It takes people to go inside of their internal thoughts. We mean- we even dislike placing the word thoughts with them because they don't have thoughts, they just have notions and impressions- that's all they have; there is no thought there but let's elevate them a little and say they do have some rudimentary, very elementary thoughts. You go inside these thoughts and you expose them for what they are saying and say look "listen to yourselves. This is what you are saying. You discredit Islam itself, the Prophet, the Qur'an. Everything you are supposed to stand for." From here, when they apply this thing that they are the monopolizes of the truth (or) they have a monopoly on the truth and whoever disagrees with them becomes halaal ad damm (which) means you can kill the other Muslim, the wealth he has no longer belongs to him, he no longer can inherit, he can't receive an inheritance and he can't dispense inheritance, he is not to be buried in an Islamic cemetery. Those of you who come from Lebanon heard in this past week one Muslim from South Lebanon from Sayda' died in Syria fighting against these Zionist Imperialist financed and weapon supplied rebels. He comes back and he wants to be buried in an Islamic cemeteries and one of these individuals there, a Shaykh of this mentality says "no. He's not going to be buried in an Islamic cemetery" so they had to look for another place and buried him in another cemetery?! This is what happens. Then it becomes ugly because this guy (or) this fanatic who has this salafi mentality his mother is a Shi'i. I think some of you Lebanese know who we're speaking about in Sayda'. The big guy is a big trouble maker over there. If you have questions about him I mean his name and things like that we'll answer that but suffice it to say what we just said. There is some much of integration among the Muslims (and) what made it impossible for the Zionist Imperialist trouble makers to have it their way in Iraq is that almost one third of Iraq is intermarried, (i.e.) Sunnis and Shi'is married to each other- one third! You think about that. That's quite a number to speak about. How are you going to bring that society apart? The same thing goes for Lebanon . One of the speakers in Lebanon - one of his daughters is married to a Sunni from Tarablus. Tarablus happens to be the base of salafis in Lebanon . The Saudis are doing this because they know that this is a survival (or) destiny issue. If they can't break this linkage of two hundred Muslims (or) if they can't break it in Syria then it is only a matter of time before they themselves are gone because they can't deliver to the Imperialists and the Zionists the division that they want among the Muslims to keep the Muslims in fighting. You know the old policy of divide and conquer or divide and rule- it's ancient but it's current also.
This Pharaoh figure, (that lived then and now), had an elevated status in the world and then, he rendered the occupants of earth divided segments of people; then, this Pharoah (of old and new) takes a look at human society and finds that there are elements that are weak. If these segments or populations of the world are weak, then he takes advantage of them, he oppresses them, he steals their resources; this is the nature of human corruption, chaos, mischief and trouble making. (Surah Al Qasass verse 4)
Right now, this ayah in Surah Al Qasass exemplifies it and almost abbreviates it, (abbreviates) Al Imam Al Khomeini, the Islamic revolution, walayah al faqih.
We want to favor the oppressed people in this world who were oppressed by the policies and tyranny of Phiraun and make out of them Imams and leaders and We make out of them leaders and We want to make of them inheritors of this world and to challenge Phiraun and the policies of Phiraun. We want to firmly establish them on this Earth, in this world and on this Earth the oppressed and We will show Phiraun and Hamaan, (his Prime Minister and right hand man, his confidant consultant), what they were cautious not to see. (Surah Al Qasass verse 5-6)
Thank you brothers and sisters.
This presentation was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of the Memorial of Imam Khomeini on 2 June 2013. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.
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