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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : AL QUDS DAY 2012


JUM'AH KHUTBAH (2 August 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Ayyuha Al Mu'minun…
This is the last Friday in this conscientious and empowering month of Ramadhan. We have spent now around four weeks or so observing the growth of our will power and our determination, defeating our lustful inclinations (and) exercising our resolve. We should emerge from this month with the courage to say the truth. This day is the day in which we should be speaking the truth about Zionism and the Israeli occupation of the Holy Land. Unfortunately we live in a world in which saying the truth, even to people who know it, has become a formidable task and therefore knowledge is not enough. There are people who know the influence, the intrigue, the clout (and) the combination of powers that are under the control of these Zionist Israelis, some of them are Muslim and some of them are not Muslims but whatever they may be- Muslims or non-Muslims- the rule still applies; only a few of them, (if that), are able and willing to expose this Zionist power contraption in the world. Zionism is not limited to the occupied Holy Land, it has its tentacles stretched throughout the world. We may say a lot of things. Human beings have a tendency to understate the facts or to exaggerate the facts- that seems to be part of human nature and that may be peculiar to a person or a population but we refer ourselves to Allah the Exalted, the Extolled. He doesn't exaggerate and He doesn't understate the facts. So on this day the International Day of Jerusalem, Al Quds- what are the facts?
Allah says to us and to anyone who's willing to listen in the seventeenth chapter of the Holy Qur'an which is called the chapter of Bani Isra'eel or the chapter of Isra', Surah Bani Isra'eel or Surah Al Isra'- and His words are the truth, nothing more, nothing less.
This is the third ayah or the third verse in this chapter and there are a few other verses that follow it that speak, describe, define and delineate these Israelis that people don't have the courage to speak about. He says, and this is not a human being speaking; this is the Creator and the Maker of us and them
We, (meaning divinity- God himself), have destined Bani Isra'eel… (Surah Isra' verse 3)
Now there's a different choice of words as to the translation of Bani Isra'eel. The literal translation of it is the Children of Israel. So Allah is saying
We have destined the Children of Israel in our registrar (or) in Our book or in Our scripture … (Surah Isra' verse 3)
What have we destined for them? He says to these Children of Isra'eel
… you will cause chaos and corruption in the land or in the world … (Surah Isra' verse 3)
Both of these capture the meaning of the word fi al ard.
… you will cause chaos and corruption in the land or in the world twice … (Surah Isra' verse 3)
This is looking at their whole history. In their whole history they shall cause chaos and corruption, instability and confusion on a world wide scale twice. This is not a historian who is speaking, this is God who is speaking.
… and you, the Children of Isra'eel, shall reach an unprecedented status of ascension in worldly affairs. (Surah Al Isra' verse 3)
Not in their morality, not in their ethical character but in world affairs. Twice in their history they shall be able to disturb the world and then they will reach unprecedented heights in worldly issues and affairs. This is what Allah is telling us and everyone else. This is an open book- the Qur'an is an open book. Anyone can open it and read what it says. This is what Allah says. Now (what is) the interpretation of this? How do we understand it? We have our God-given human minds that are required to understand these meanings. God didn't reveal scripture and then expect us to look the other way as if He's not speaking to us. He is. So if He is speaking to you and me what is He saying in this particular issue? He is saying that these tribalists of Israel are going to have the positions in this world to knock it off its course- in social issues, in political schemes, in military wars, in economic plundering. We know- you and I know- that the word Bani Isra'eel in the Qur'an. There's the word the Jews (i.e.) Yahud, and then there's the word Bani Isra'eel (i.e.) the self-centered Children of Isra'eel. Israel in Biblical information has two names, Jacob and Israel (alayhi as salaam). In other verses in the Qur'an, (for those of you who are interested in pursuing this further, refer to the chapter Yusuf or Joseph (alayhi as salaam), these two words occur. Bani Isra'eel the tribal descendants of Isra'eel and Aal Ya'qub (i.e.) those who are affiliated to Jacob by family ties. There's a difference between these two because if you're affiliated to Jacob you no longer have this element of self-centeredness in you that becomes in the affairs of the world racism and nationalism and any other ism that excludes the other. So God chose His words very carefully. When we speak about Bani Isra'eel we are speaking about those who are self-centered all the way to their own definition to their own nationalism and their own tribal nation state and they know who they are. The power they have in today's world is that they don't want us to know who they are and if any one of us discovers who they are they want us to shut up! Then he who does not shut up they want to deal with him just like they dealt with Prophets before who were speaking truth to power. Wwhat were they doing to Prophets? What did they do to Prophet Yahya, John the Baptist (alayhi as salaam)? What did they do to Prophet Zakariyya, Zachariah (alayhi as salaam)? What did they do to Prophet Musa (alayhi as salaam)? What did they do to Prophet Isa, Jesus (alayhi as salaam)? What did they do to Prophet Muhammad? What did they do to all of them? Some of them they killed. This is not what we are saying because we are counter racists or because we are self centered and think we have a lock (or) a monopoly of the truth- this is what Allah has said the Qur'an and in revelation. These facts are within the Surahs in the Qur'an. The problem is especially with us the Muslims! We have access to these facts, some other peoples don't. They may have bits and pieces of them but we have the full range of it. They killed some Prophets and other Prophets they harassed, intimidated (or) in other words gave them a hard time. They tried to kill Jesus- in their history they say they actually done it- and some of them claim that they got away with it and that is information only they are privileged to. What does God tell us about this?
… they did not kill him, they did not crucify him; they thought they did (or) they were led to believe that they did (or) they were confused and they drew that conclusion… (Surah An Nisa' verse 157)
These are God's words. If something we Muslims can be proud of, (and we say this with humility and with a sense of historical responsibility as well as a social one), it is that our scripture has not been corrupted. Not one word coming to us from God has been changed. Our- we the Muslims- problem is God's words are still there but our minds have been corrupted! We don't understand what He is telling us- that's our problem. This is the area we have to work on. And between us and God's enlightening words there are these trouble makers. They are experts in Islamic history. They are experts about the politics in the Muslim world. You see (its) today- turn on your masses media connection, whether it's a TV or radio or journal or whatever it is (and) you see one of these Israeli centered academicians or politicians or strategists or think tanks or whatever they are telling the whole world who we, the Muslims, are and they're telling us who we are! Some of us listen. We chose to listen to them and not to listen to Allah, especially in this particular case. When it comes to their control- they have control; let's speak the truth. They have so much control that from issues that are psychological to issues that are military they have a monopoly on them and even though some of us know what God, their Creator and Maker and our Creator and Maker, has told us they say "no you can't say that. Don't speak like that. It is not wise. It's not diplomatic. It's not the right thing to do or it's not the right time to say it." They should know better! Did God reveal His word to be hidden? We mean this is information that comes to us courtesy of the love and mercy from our God. What do I do with it? I hide it? I don't say it? I don't explain it? I don't put it into context? I don't expose the war criminals (and) crimes against humanity- war crimes that they are involved in my life? And then I on to my Maker and what do I expect? "Oh God, I understood what you told me but I just couldn't say it." Why? What's wrong with you? Why couldn't you say it? You didn't have a tongue? You didn't have a mind? You didn't have a conscience? What were you lacking? What did I not give you that you couldn't say the truth that I entrusted you with? But this is who we are! Muslims today say "look, if we begin talking like that then we are not going to get the financial assistance that we need." Some of these people who run these Islamic Centers get paid. They have budgets to run their centers just like this one right here. Its budget comes from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has money and it gives that money and that budget to Muslims who tow their line. What is their line? Their line is- they don't say this frankly and directly but they infer it through their finances- Israel is a fact of life. Ten years ago Abdullah, (the same king now who was not a king at the time but at that time he), devised a type of peace plan that would recognize the Israeli Zionists theft of the Holy Land, in other words "look, we- Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians- are willing to live in peace with you- the tribalist Children of Isra'eel (and) the racist Children of Isra'eel- provided you just return to the 1967 borders before June 5th 1967. If you do that we're your neighbor and you are our neighbor, no more military issues. We all live in peace." (If there are any) Islamic Centers around the world who dare say that these tribalist, racist, occupiers who have stolen the Holy Land should move out of that Holy Land and Zionism and Israel shall seize to exist then not only are they knocking heads with the Zionist Israelis but they are also knocking heads with the Zionist Arabians in the Arabian Peninsula. Back to Allah's words
… you will cause chaos and corruption in the land or in the world twice and you, the Children of Isra'eel, shall reach an unprecedented status of ascension in worldly affairs. (Surah Al Isra' verse 3)
You can challenge the most senior Islamic scholar to these verses in the chapter of The Children of Isra'eel in the Qur'an, say "come to me, come here- this is Allah's words; between me and you explain to me what this says." We don't know how any person is going to explain it. We can't speak about the potentially thousands of Islamic clergymen in Islamic garb and Islamic features will explain these ayaat. Some of them did and they have written about it and they said the first time these Israeli racists had this domineering presence in world affairs was during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar and he dealt with them and as a consequence of that they suffered what they call their Babylonian exile. The second time was when they reached the highest positions of influence during the time of Jesus and all of that resulted some years later in their evacuation or their dislocation from the Holy Land with that Masada in their history. Some people will tell you these were the two times when they were all over the world running it, (more or less where it counts). Others will tell you the first time is the time when they tried their best to undermine the last Prophet in Arabia. You know from elementary Islamic history what they did in Al Madinah and what they did in Khaybar. If you read, (what is called), the Jewish version of this history, (they don't come out and say it but), they imply that seven hundred of their men where slaughter by the Arabian Muhammad in Al Madinah and (add to their vocabulary or their incidents of holocaust) that was one of their holocausts in Arabia. The second time is today in our world. They are in positions of power all over the world. They are in control of religious institutions- whether they are Jewish or Christian or Muslim, they're in control all over the place but none dare point their fingers at them and say "go away. We want to be ourselves." This is an evil presence in the Holy Land. Israel (and) their Zionist state is an evil manifestation of politics and military might in the Holy Land!
They hide behind nuclear weapons. You see how they play this nuclear issue out in the world. All the powers that have nuclear weapons (and) nuclear bombs are alright. No one is speaking about them. First and foremost is that evil Zionist erection of a nation state in the Holy Land but no one speaks about them?! Two hundred (or) three hundred (or) up to five hundred nuclear warheads, "oh that's fine. That's peaceful." An independent and sovereign and free Islamic will in Iran wants to gain nuclear technology- they don't have a nuclear bomb- and then all hell breaks loose! Now you have, as if it was a world wide orchestra and everyone is singing the Zionist tunes "bomb, bomb Iran" or whatever words to that affect and they work this in. They work this in so much that even some Muslims who should know better and who should know more come and say "Iran is exposing itself to the wrath of the Israelis and their American enablers." What do you do? It's recognized by the United Nation's own laws that the Israelis and the Americans and the Europeans and all other nation states in the world sat down and agreed to it (that) "it is the right of every people in the world to acquire nuclear technology" and that's what they are doing and when Muslims do that these Zionist Israelis say "that has become an existential threat." Once again, these Muslims who are privy to the truth and who should know this is the way criminals act and speak- but they don't know better! (It's) as if God is not speaking to them and telling them this is the character of this monstrosity in the Holy Land. The Holy Land has to be liberated and they have to crash from their high positions in this world. Inevitably that is going t0o happen and this day of Al Quds is a demonstration of what shall come in the years ahead and as long as we are with Allah, Allah is with us.
Dear brothers and sisters…
The troublemaking, the intrigue, the vile character of these types of people that we just spoke about have managed now to try to dislocate the Palestinian issue instead of the Palestinian issue being an issue of justice. Justice cannot be done in this world as long as the Zionist racist expansionist occupation of the Holy Land persists. There can be no justice in this world! It's going to take the free souls that are liberated from the shackles of their lies and fabrications- souls that can breathe freedom, dignity and justice with every breath that is taken in to bring an end to a problem that seems unable to go away. As we speak and in the previous months a lot of effort has gone into changing the subject. These powers that be are trying to tell you and me "this is not a subject of oppressed people and Muslim people against the Zionist Israeli culprits and criminals in Palestine." That's not the issue?! What do they want to make an issue out of? The new issue that they are bringing us is that we Muslims should begin to kill each other. Of course, they don't put it like that because if they put it like that we'll never do it so how do they approach us? They go into Syria and they stir up the latent sectarian feelings of people there. You're no longer a Syrian- whatever you denomination or whatever your religion; right now you have to think about yourself as a sect or as a religious group of people. Their nationalist map right now has to fold. Now they want to draw a new map in the area based on confessions and sects and religious persuasions- that's the new map that they want to draw beginning with Syria. They tried this in Iraq and after almost ten years they found out that this is not going to catch on in Iraq "now we have to do it in Syria" and the airwaves now are charged with Sunni and Shi'i vocabulary and beneath this vocabulary you can throw in other denominations- Druzes, Christians, Alawites- whatever there is there put them on this side (and) put them on that side. It doesn't matter as long as they keep on killing themselves. Don't believe that they want this war to stop. These powers that be (and) the levers of powers are in the hands of these Zionists. They will play an equalizer. When one side is about to win over the other they will move in and give the side that is going down more power to keep on fighting and if the same thing happens on the opposite side they will move and support that opposite side. How do they do all of this? You'll be surprised. How are these Zionists Israelis able to enter into Islamic psychology and pit one Muslim against the next and draw in a crowd, (not stop there), but to spread this fitnah throughout the Muslim world so that Muslim kill Muslim and they can sit back and watch this scenario and laugh all the way to the military industrial banking complex out of which they are making a killing out of our killing. How do they do that? It's very easy. They move themselves through the robes of Arabia. Saudi Arabia has jumped into this mess and now it is financing and giving arms to certain Muslims so that they can kill certain other Muslims and certain other non-Muslims. They don't care. People know this and they don't say it out loud- Saudi Arabia that has within its financial class very numerous Lebanese Christians and now what does the same evil government- just like the Israelis: tribalist here, tribalist there, exclusivist here and exclusivists there- want to do? They want to arrange a type of war where the brethren of their own financed class of Christians in the kingdom are contributing to killing the Christians in Syria. This is how evil they are. They don't care. They don't have a purpose. They don't have a principle. They are free-wheelers and they are slaves when it comes to their Israeli masters but no one wants to say this! "How dare you speak ill of these…" (You) see brothers and sisters, sometimes it is a mercy not to understand these people in Arabia, sometimes ignorance is a blessing. If you ever heard the king of Arabia or the princelings of Arabia trying to compose an idea verbally you'd fall off your chair laughing because they don't have a cogent idea to present. They can't speak even when you give them a piece of paper and tell them "to read this piece of paper.' They make so many mistakes reading this piece of paper! Are they in-charge of these types of wars or are they just fronts and there are people behind them who are moving them to say this and to pray that? This is what is happening and because there are not enough people, (we've said this before and we will repeat it), we wish that in the Jewish context there are enough Jews who will take issue with Zionism and oppose it like the way they would oppose the devil himself; and we wish that there are enough Christians in the world who will take issue with the government in Washington like they would take issue with the government of Satan himself and we also wish that there are enough Muslims in the world who will expose and denude the Saudi Satans with the same force and determination and on par with Tel Aviv and Washington. If these three evils are gone, humanity will relax and breathe an air of comfort.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 17 August 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Saturday, July 27, 2013



PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Honoured guest, Brothers and Sisters…
Assalaamualaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh
Everyone is familiar with this greeting. My presentation to you this evening is on Makkah and Al Madinah because the three sanctuaries in Makkah and in Al Madinah and in Jerusalem, Al Quds are under their own occupation. Therefore let us give you a sense of the Zionist presence of the Zionist Israeli power and how it works. Let us try to introduce you a little or refresh your memories concerning the real nature and the true intentions to be encountered. When we speak to Muslims and the oppressed people, they always have a soft spot in them when it comes to other people that also within them becomes the soft underlying and the enemy begins to kick us in this area of our mind. Before we begin to defend our enemy let us understand our enemy first.
When we speak about the usurpation of Jerusalem and Palestine it's like speaking about the usurpation of Azania and South Africa. People came into a peaceful part of the world and then claimed that they owned this part of the world taking advantage of your soft spot. They took advantage of the soft spots in the Muslims when the Muslims were not really communicating with the Qur'an and they took advantage of the oppressed people because the oppressed people did not have a Qur'an to communicate with. The result of all of that has been a nefarious occupation not only of our lands but also of our souls and our minds. Where did this evil called racism by which they occupy Palestine and Jerusalem- and indeed they occupy this part of the world- come from? It came from a biblical word or couple of words that were understood and then explained with a racist mind, a racist mentality and a racist attitude. Those two words are "Chosen People." These two words are the reason why we the Muslims and the oppressed have been victimised and tyrannised by the Zionist Israeli Jewish mentality that explain to the world what "Chosen People" means and in their explanation it means that they are God's chosen race and by extension all others are not God's chosen race. In this definition there is a superiority-inferiority relationship naturally and normally- that's what it means. We have on one side the "Chosen People" and because they are chosen they and only they interpret the Bible, understand to the Bible, teach the Bible, preach the Bible and use the Bible for all their intents and purposes and we who are included among the "Chosen People", we the Gentiles or the Goyim are less human than they are. It is a pity and a sad comment to say that when they of this understanding of the human family on our own selves that some of us who are not of the Islamic faith (i.e.) are Christians and when they want to be Jews they are not accepted as Jews. The concept of the "Chosen People" is not monopolised by the Jews because the "Chosen People" is a biblical word and there are Christians who believe in the Bible and believe in the "Chosen People" concept. You probably heard that the third tribe of Israel is the one that came and occupied this land. So the occupation of this land is also related in the Bible and they call themselves the "Chosen People." Add to that, the Church or the Christians present to us an image of a person who comes from Europe while this person was born in the Holy Land, in Palestine is closer to this continent than he is to Europe and they suggest in the strongest terms that if this person is a European, then his father must be European and his mother must be European. If you were to present them with the Christ or Jesus (alayhi as salaam) as a person who had African features they would abandon Christianity altogether. It is this psychological barrier that people have a difficulty understanding and identifying that there's obviously a problem in the people who have power in today's world who come to the Middle East (and) who come to Africa and then they possess other people's homelands and countries and wealth and resources and they say "it belongs to them." They went to a full continent- they called the Americas- look at the extent of our subservience to their mind. They called it America and we call it America. Did anyone have the courage to investigate what the native population of that land called the Western Hemisphere? At least here an investigation was done. Instead of calling it South Africa you know there's something called Azania but that wasn't done in the Western Hemisphere of the world. We all mimic the occupier and the colonials. This is how behind we are. We don't even enjoy aggressive thinking when it comes to these Shayateen- these human Satans of existence. Is this something new? No! This evil has been dwelling in human society from time beyond the recognition of our memory but to come back to the source of this evil we consider the Afrikaner or the Boere also slaves to the Zionists. They may claim some type of racial superiority but for the Zionists Israeli Jews they are also human trash.
Let's take a look at the way these Jews, how did they treat, from antiquity, our Prophets? (We call them Jews because they have not distinguished between a Zionist and a Jew, so we're not going to distinguish between a Zionist and a Jew. Let's not be apologetic for them and say "well brother Muhammad let's make a difference here between those who are truly Jews and those who are truly Zionists." We're not going to do that because if they are not going to be as frank and as forthcoming with us why should we begin to bring arguments and excuses for them?!) They wanted to kill them. We defy these Jews who belong to this history to tell us that they were not instrumental or they were not part of this scheme to kill Prophets- God's chosen individuals. Allah chose Prophets to communicate His message of equality, of sharing, of justice and then these Jews turn around and they want to stab them at the back. Their own history says that they were involved in killing Yahya (or) John (alayhi as salaam), the Prophet preceding Jesus (or) Isa (alayhi as salaam). They were also instrumental in trying to kill Isa himself- Jesus. When it comes to our history, the history of the Muslims, they also tried to kill the final Prophet by dropping a rock on him or trying to do so in one occasion by trying to poison his food on another occasion. These are wicked and evil people indeed. Yes- they occupy our lands! Yes- they have their proxies and their surrogates occupy other parts of our land because remember they are "Chosen People." In the history of Al Madinah when the Prophet established his first political order in Al Hejaz the Jews signed an agreement with him and they said they will defend Al Madinah from all enemies and when the day of Al Khandaq approach when the Muslims were under strain and pressure from the alliance of the Arabian forces around at that critical moment when it could have broken the back of the Muslims the Jews committed high treason. Are we going to feel (or) are we going to have a soft spot in our heart when it comes to these types of people? These are the ones who said
… Allah's hand are and chained… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 64)
Know your enemy. Identify your enemy. They said if they are punished in the world- this is how they make immunity for themselves-
… and if we do go to hell then it's only going to be for a few days… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 80)
And they said
… we are God's sons and His beloved ones… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 18)
This is a dangerous statement. They are "god's sons" so they can do whatever they want to the rest of humanity and get away with it. Who are the most prosperous people in this country during the regime of Apartheid? The Jews. Who are the most prosperous people in this country after the demise of Apartheid? The Jews. But why not the others? Why do they hide? They say "Muslims are militants." Yes Muslims are becoming militants. They haven't seen anything yet. What else do they want us to do? They are killing us. They are dismembering us. They are crucifying us. Yes, our body is like the body that's on a cross- bleeding in Palestine, bleeding in the Balkans, bleeding in Chechnya, bleeding in Kashmir, bleeding in Africa, bleeding in Asia and they want us to be domestic?! We are human beings. We have our rights. We believe in equality. We believe in Allah and we believe that this life is worth nothing compared to the dignity that Allah has given us. The Jews- the source of evil- say "they care for humanity. They have been victimised throughout the ages." Why don't they show their care and their sympathy to people who are victimised in today's world now and here? There are millionaires in this country who are Jews; there are billionaires who are Jews- have they intermarried with the rest of the races in this country? Why don't you do a small investigation and see how much they care for other people in this country! Militancy is a soft word! It doesn't describe the rage that thunders in us.
When it comes to the issue of justice they have a bleeding heart for all issues in the world outside of the Muslim area of the world. You probably heard barely anything about the Chechen Muslims. Why? Not because of the (but) because of the Zionist Israeli Jewish interest that has a grip on this country and has a grip on the countries of the Middle East. See the facts as they are. What a wretched bunch of people! (Take) a look at where they are now- they say there are soup kitchens and where are the Jews? Open up your eyes. They killed Prophets, they kill human beings. They say to other human beings "they are equal to animals" in their official statements. "Palestinians are roaches" in one statement. In another statement "Palestinians are beasts who walk on two legs." In another statement "Palestinians do not exist." These are official statements by the highest officials of the Israeli Zionist nation state.
Then, in the United States there's a new form of slavery there. Practically all American government officials, all significant decision makers when it comes to the affairs of Muslim lands are slaves to the Jewish establishment (and) to the financial empire of the Jews (from) Clinton, the womaniser (and) the governor of Arkansas (to) when the CIA was running drug contraband between Central America and the United States in an airport in Arkansas (to) Jewish officials in the White House, in the Executive, in Congress, in the State Department, (of) the National Security Council eleven members seven of them are Jews. Remember, everything is rationalised, everything is permitted, everything is legalised in the name of national security. Why is there a witch hunt out there for the Muslims in the world if it wasn't for these Jews in these positions?! Slave Bill Clinton in a White House of Jews, in an administration run by Jews.
Now that the elections are less than a month away the Democrats and the Republicans are vying for the support of the five and a half million Jews in the United States of a population of two hundred and sixty five million. Why are Presidents or potential Presidents interested in five and a half million Jews?
Then they occupy- along with their military of Jerusalem, Al Quds, they indirectly occupy Makkah and Al Madinah. Why does the Saudi royal family want and is anxious to sign an agreement with the Jews? The (dealings) that have gone on between the Saudi tribal family and the Jewish racist family has been concerning the return of the Jews to Tayma', to Khaybar and then to Al Madinah. The Jews say "if we will normalise relations with you we want our Jews to return to our original homelands." In other words they want to reverse Islamic history and now with they want to defeat the Prophet and the campaigns of Makkah and Al Madinah against them. What do the Saudi rulers say? You think King Fahd knows how to speak? Has anyone ever heard him speak? Have you ever heard him give any public presentation to any public audience? It seems like he doesn't know how to think! This is not a joke. It may be a matter to laugh but it is a fact. The person is a chunk of meat who doesn't know what to do about anything because he has a few medical problems in his time of stress he has a computer with the Nintendo! (They are subservient to) Jewish Zionist policies by telling the Muslims "they cannot think about the ayaat in the Qur'an that speak about the Jews." Why do you think our Masajid are mentally empty? There may be a stack of bodies in that Masjid going up and down but where are the minds? Where is the human mental contact with the Qur'an? It doesn't exist because the Saudis don't want it to exist. They have the money (so) they go around buying certain preachers and certain clergyman. They make their rounds. They probably come in and out of this country and wherever they go they want to divide and split the Muslims. It's enough! We're split enough! They've occupied Makkah and Al Madinah and they permit not certain individuals to go to Makkah and Al Madinah to perform the Hajj, (myself included in that). Why has Makkah and Al Madinah become their backyard (and) their personal possession? Yet no one speaks about the Saudi cancer in the Muslim body. If they were not in charge of Makkah and Al Madinah we would not be concerned to this extent but the fact of the matter is they are and Yahud is supporting them and they are supporting Yahud.
Those who conceal the evidence that We reveal in the Book and the guidance there-of after we have explained it, they are the ones who are damned by Allah and they are damned by people. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 159)
We have plenty of occupation, we have plenty of usurpation! These official political diplomatic and financial thieves who dictate policies to us! Some of us are incarcerated in a mentality that we can't see beyond the miswak and tooth paste! Some of us are so busy in these petty issues we don't have sight of the mission to identify the bigger issues!
Brothers and sisters this cannot continue like this. It is true that the Muslims are paying with their blood. This is cheap. Allah deserves more than our blood and the way the world is developing there cannot be- it is impossible to preclude a coming of a war between the Muslims and Jews as much as we have been and have proven to be people of peace. We are so peaceful they took all that we had. What else do they want? They have it all but enough is enough! As much as there may be individuals among us who want to hide behind slogans of peace and tranquillity we have a vicious enemy that doesn't recognise peace or tranquillity. The only thing this enemy recognises is power and force. The only power and force that we can tap on is the power and force of Allah provided that our minds and our souls are in His hand.
There are other issues I would have wanted to speak about but I think you can sense the direction that we are moving in and the powers and the forces that are aired against us. If we do not have Allah on our side we are going to be crushed, we are going to be pulverised and annihilated; but if we have Allah on our side He will do justice through the agency of our human presence in this world.
… aggression is due to oppressors… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 193)
Our fight against aggression is a duty of ours against those who aggress us.
Thank you very much. Insha'Allah you'll find us on our way to those areas and positions of responsibility. The future is on your side, it's not on the side of our enemies or the enemies of Allah.
We desire to expand and build on the designation of the day of Al Quds (designated by the late Imam Al Khomeini to be commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadhan in recognition of the suffering meted out to the Palestinians and the oppressed peoples of the world), and will be insha'Allah be running a weekly additional Khutbah on Al Quds. We pray that Allah raises the awareness of people regarding the suffering of the people of Quds and the other oppressed peoples so that the designation of the last Friday to ensconce the realities in the lives of oppressed people in our minds will culminate into a daily occurrence.
This presentation was given by Imam Muhammad Al Asi on 12 October 1996 in South Africa. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. The khutbahs originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (26 July 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers dear sisters, dear committed Muslims
This is the first Jum'ah in the month of Ramadhan and it has been our method to try to bring the meanings of Ramadhan into the conscience area in our lives. This Ramadhan we will part with that method simply because there's an issue of life and death, there's an issue of conflict and wars, there's an issue of tension and misunderstanding that has set in that is disturbing societies and countries in the Islamic hemisphere of the world. So we will continue to cover this area that has become an area of argumentation and then an area of alienation and then of tension among the Muslims. We will try to continue where we left off bearing in mind the ayah of consolidation and togetherness in Surah Aal Imran in which the Creator says
Oh you who are securely committed to Allah guard against Allah as is due to Him in the full measurement of this guard and do not die except in a state of submission to Him. And hold firm to Allah's binding matter all of you- no exceptions- and be not divided; and bare in mind Allah's provision, favour and privilege upon you when you (who are now Committed Muslims), were once enemies of each other and then He reconciled your hearts and familiarized and acquainted you with each other and then, due to this provision, favour and privilege you became brethren of each other; you were on the edge of a pit of fire and Allah saved you from it; it is with this is mind and with understanding these dynamics and factors that Allah is going to guide us. (Surah Aal Imran verse 102-103)
Until the end of these ayaat which we covered before in which you were in previous khutbahs and on your own privy to its meanings. The last time around we said there were three major political trends after the Prophet passed on- three political directions, viz. the Ansar, the Muhajirun and there was the Hashimiyun (radi Allahu anhum). They may be referred to in different ways or in different words but these are basically the three political ideas that were around at that time. We explained how Al Ansar presented themselves at Saqifah when a decision had to be made as to who is now going to become the leader of the Muslims and we'll try to do this a little more in the future to fill in may be some of these gaps that result from the lack of pertinent information. And there was the Hashimi or the Alawi explanation of who shall be the leader when all is said and done. We should repeat here in these political orientations there is an element of asabiyah. We don't know what the exact word would be- we've been giving it a thought back and forth we've explained the word asabiyah as clannishness. It's a form of tribalism, it's an expression of social power around a particular ethnicity or race or nation- anything that can be more or less exclusive of the other. When you have that element you're excluding others because they're not part of you- that's when you detect al asabiyah. Another way of expressing al asabiyah is it is the social ego- that's the problem that these Muslims had to deal with; there's a social ego out there belonging to a certain group of people and a social ego belonging to another group of people or a communal ego or a tribal ego. We know an ego in the self is a problem but when it becomes scattered into a large number of people it hides itself because you can no longer attribute it to a particular individual (i.e.) "look that individual has an ego." Now it's dispersed, it's harder to deal with. We said that we sensed this asabiyah in Al Ansar, we sensed this asabiyah in the Muhajirin but it wasn't the asabiyah that was divisive. It was an asabiyah that was meant to be inclusive, (in somewhat of a contradiction of its own definition). Then in the camp of Al Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu wa alayhi as salaam) we found that because those who identified with him came from different asabiyah backgrounds they were the ones who stood out without an asabiyah. Then what happened months after the bai'ah in the saqifah that we spoke about, (that is very well known in the Islamic history books), Fatima (alayha as salaam), the Prophet's daughter passes away. This had, among other things, a political meaning because people's love for the Prophet of Allah extended to an expression of love to his daughter and that extended to Ali but when she passed away that affection that some people had for the Prophet's daughter was recalled from Ali. This is one of these areas that not many people factor in when they speak about this time period. The Ansar in the saqifah expressed some type of asabiyah when they did not publically acknowledge the virtues of the Muhajirin. We stated their position. We identified their strong points in their position but one of the weak points that comes is because they were unable to place their credibility or their merit on one side and the merit of the Muhajirin on the other side- that would have been the objective thing to do because all of them are in this together "so let's see how we come out" as opposed to how they come out. This wasn't done. There was a give and take and we covered that area there but the omission of this indicates that there's some type of asabiyah at work- not a distractive one because as we said it was submerged. We saw when there was a difference of opinion when they were going to give the bai'ah to Abi Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) (i.e.) they were going to pledge that Abu Bakr has become the leader we saw that the Aws began this process because Sa'd ibn Ubadah (radi Allahu anhu) was from the Khazraj. When they saw that "wait a minute here, there's a race here between one of the Muhajirin and one of the Ansar" and this one from the Ansar belonged to the Khazraj (and) didn't belong to the Aws themselves they were the first from all of the Ansar to go to Abi Bakr and say you are the leader. So this also indicates that we had this element of asabiyah present. The Muhajirin also had this element of asabiyah in them. When they quoted the Prophet and said the leaders hail or come from Quraysh and they were Qurayshis. The overwhelming majority of Muhajirun were Qurayshis so when they are using this hadith in this context it tells you that they are looking out for their own in the general sense of the word. All of them there knew that Islam had elevated them to a new level of akhlaaq, of altruism, of selflessness but still they carry in themselves a history- brothers and sisters, if a person becomes a committed Muslim it's not easy to get rid of, especially that element of asabiyah. You belong to some people- think about it as a tribe, think about it as a language, think about it as a culture, think about it however you want- who are not necessarily committed Muslims. This happens in your life. You personally, whoever you are, look around (and) think of your social self are you truly a member of a group of committed Muslims or along with that comes "well you belong to a certain tradition, you belong to a certain linguistic group, you belong to a certain nationality." All of these things are part of what brings together asabiyah. They lived with it then, we live with it now. So there's a silver lining to this asabiyah- it can become protective. Remember, we said the Prophet of Allah used this asabiyah for protection when he was in Makkah. The Hashimis were his social umbrella and the others, even though they wanted to get rid of him, couldn't do so because they knew that there is an asabiyah relationship between the Hashimis, Bani Abdi Manaf and the Prophet- they knew this. So the Prophet didn't say "wait a minute here…" In these circumstances, remember Muslims were persecuted at this time. He didn't say "I am not going to make good use of this asabiyah." He did. Its one thing to live in an asabiyah in a non-Islamic social order (and) it's another thing when you deal with asabiyah when Islam is the social order- two different things. So there was an underlying common denominator among all of these that the asabiyah of Quraysh maybe a fair trade off among all of them- the Ansar, the Muhajirin and the Hashimiyin. This usbah of Quraysh may be the best middle ground here among everyone.
Now let us look at what was said in those hours when Muslims had to decide who is going to be the leader. Abu Sufyan who up until that year had a history of an active opposition, social opposition, economic opposition, political opposition and military opposition to the Allah's Prophet. On all fronts he was opposed to Allah's Prophet. In the last year when Islam was the wave of the future, (i.e.) Islam right now has become the order of the day so he joined (or) became one of those tulaqa' in Islamic history, (i.e.) those who were released from their status of potential prisoners of war when Makkah was liberated. When he and Muawiyah and the rest of that clan sensed what was going on here- this person was not a dumb person; in his own world he was smart, he was shrewd; so he sensed what was going on with these different inclinations that were expressing themselves. When the popular will was to pledge that Aba Bakr was to become the leader he said oh descendants of Abd Manaf… Abd Manaf is the common grandfather of the Hashimis and the Umawis. So he's speaking here to two bloodlines that come from the same grandfather- Abd Manaf, so he is calling them- he is calling those who are called Alawis, he is calling those who are Muhajirin, he is calling those who were Umawis, Hashimis all of them. He said but who's Abu Bakr to take care of your affairs? This issue of leadership belongs to the Children of Abdi Manaf which means to the Umawis and the Hashimis- that is where it belongs, let's be honest with ourselves. (You) see, what he's doing here is he is coming out. He's speaking. At least he has the courage to say what is on his mind but he generalizes it. He didn't say it belongs to us- it belongs to that extended pedigree of the Prophet. Then he says in that same context on that same occasion, (we're trying to give you a sense of his wording), you mean to tell me that this affair- the leadership of the Muslims- right now goes back to the most insignificant part of Quraysh? What he meant by that was Bani Murra. Bani Murra are the people of Abi Bakr. He says you mean to tell me that all of this right now is winding down to an unnoticeable segment of Quraysh? Abu Sufyan had some rationalization for what he said because before the Prophet the leadership of the Arabians was in Makkah and the center of that leadership was those who were taking care maintenance-wise and otherwise of Al Bayt Al Haram and the Ka'bah and these were Banu Abdi Manaf- these were the Umawiyun and the Hashimiyun. So when he is suggesting something like that he is not suggesting it out of the blue. There's a background. It's like saying well they have experience and they have recognition. So Abu Sufyan's words were obviously wreaking with asabiyah. Then Abu Sufyan also has some poetry, (for those of you who understand the Arabic language and we're going to quote it. It's not my habit to quote this but it tells you (and) we'll translate the meaning). Words of truth but the asabiyah content of it is in the wrong direction, fallacious. He said Children of Hashim, don't let people take advantage of you especially Taym ibn Murra which is Abu Bakr's clan and Adi which is Umar's clan. This whole affair is from you and it goes back to you and the only one who qualifies to assume this responsibility is Abu Hasan, Ali which is in reference to Ali. This is what Abu Sufyan is saying. Now you tell us (and) give us an explanation, (especially those of you who come from the Sunni-Shi'i traditional way of thinking), why Abu Sufyan was saying something like that? Give us an explanation. We want an explanation! You can't just go about saying that this is a personal clash between Ali and the three Khulafa' before him! This wasn't a personal thing. Can we elevate ourselves and understand that there's a larger social reality that they were dealing with- all of them together. Then Abu Sufyan goes to Ali and he says extend your hand so that I can give you my bai'ah. Everyone was there listening to what he was saying. This is not something that, (you know), is in one or two history books- it's all over the place. Why would he say something like that? Then when things went the way they went what happened was- this is a criticism that comes towards Abi Bakr for those who haven't really thought through this process- after Abu Bakr became the leader he gave the commanding position of the Muslim army in the North in Ash Shaam to Yazid the son of Abu Sufyan- Muawiyah's brother. Some people would say "why did he do that?" If we were looking at just this one event, that's true- it is a valid question "why would he be doing something like that" but he wasn't doing something like that in a vacuum. There were a lot of forces at work and he was now trying to take away that asabiyah sting out of the Abu Sufyan clan. OK- here you take this position. Go lead these armed forces and go lead up there hundreds if not a thousand miles away. Just leave. Because later on you're going to understand that there was a civil war. What began amongst the Muslims was a civil war. It's called hurub ar riddah- inaccurately translated as the wars of apostasy. This has nothing to do with apostasy and we covered this previously. These were people who wanted to break away from the central authority- no Abu Bakr, no Umar no Ali (radi Allahu anhum)- no one. Who are you guys to be ruling over us? That was their psychology speaking. Concerning these three different orientations you'll find many ahadith. If you cover the books of hadith they're going to tell you the virtue of these and the virtue of those and the virtue of the others and you'll probably find them anywhere you look. The fact that we remain with here (and we know some people are going to be surprised by this), there is not one statement from the Prophet that you read and you find that says to every Muslim and every listener- Muslim or not Muslim- that the Prophet categorically said that Abu Bakr or Umar or Uthman or Ali (radi Allahu anhum) or anyone else is the leader after him! If he had one statement (or) if there was one ayah in the Qur'an like that we wouldn't be living with the problem that we are living with today. If anyone can quote the ayah or the hadith we'll all obey. Is there an ayah like that? What is done is they will quote an ayah or they will quote a hadith but that ayah or hadith needs a twist of information. It doesn't by its own meaning and weight deliver that particular meaning so they go off on tangents trying to explain it. We think we've covered this ayah- it's in Surah Al Maa'idah if we can recall correctly.
… and if you don't do that you haven't communicated this message and Allah is going to protect you from people… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 67)
All of this. OK, everyone understands this general meaning. What's this specificity of it that says a particular person is the leader? Is Ali's name here? Of course there are strong suggestions that Ali should be the leader- that's a different issue. If there are words and statements that are vouching for Ali as leader that's different from saying "here he is- he's your leader. Do you understand this! I'm making it very clear for all of you to understand when I'm gone Ali is the leader." If it was expressed in this way, as we said, we wouldn't have had these issue that we have today but simply because there's a gap here in understanding what was meant by this we have what we have today. That doesn't mean that Ali was the most qualified. We want to pre-empt those who listen selectively- we want them to know this speaker believes in his heart of hearts that Ali was the most qualified to lead the Muslims after the Prophet but that's a different issue. Who am I? Who are you? Who is anyone else that our ijtihad becomes binding on the rest of the Muslims? The rest of the Muslims are looking at ayaat- what Allah said and what the Prophet said- that's what they're looking at. So in this give and take it seemed like there was a type of undeclared consensus among everyone that the middle ground is going to be Quraysh- that's as close as we can get to satisfying the thrust of Al Ansar and the Muhajirin and the Hashimiyin. If we're going to go outside of this we're going to prepare ourselves for an internal fight that we cannot afford because right now there are other powers in the Arabian Peninsula that are going to declare war on this Islamic self determination in Al Madinah and the did that. Immediately after Abu Bakr became the Khalifah of the Muslims then all hell broke loose in Arabia. So this time period that extends from Abi Bakr to Ali was a time period in which the Mujtahidin of those times- Ansaris, Muhajirin and Hashimis thought that it could serve as a "cool off" period. So, (probably this would be the best thing to say here (and) we're going to try to word it very carefully), the successorship to the Prophet was deputized to Abi Bakr for, (what would be in today's language called), the public interest. No one wants war to break out here so to avoid something like that let's give this responsibility to Abi Bakr and they did that with their senses and their minds and their conscience tuned in to the Qur'an and what they learnt from the Prophet. What they wanted to do was dampen (and) they wanted to throw a chill in an atmosphere of fitnah so that the average person now can catch his breath. Remember, they're coming out of twenty three years of wars between Al Madinah- well virtually; ten years of a hot war and twenty three years of a hot and a cold war. The wars that they just experienced was close to them. They were just last year, last month, the year before in these several years that have past. This is not something that strains the memory because they are living with it. They lived the consequences of these wars. In these wars people were killed. "My brother was killed, my uncle was killed, my cousin was killed." Who was doing the killing as far as the people with asabiyah are concerned? The committed Muslims. The sword of Ali was still dripping with the blood of the Mushrikin who now became Muslimin in the past year or so. These Mushrikin of the past twenty two years were fighting the committed Muslims and the person out there in the frontline who was sacrificing the most (and) potentially placing himself in positions of martyrdom and death was Ali. Are you going to say a person like this has become the leader of the Muslims immediately after the Prophet passes away with this asabiyah at work and this is a society of revenge- not to speak about asabiyah there's the issue of revenge- so people deep down in their hearts and in their internal minds had it out for certain individuals and Ali was one of them. Now the Muslims were not just the Muhajirin who came from Makkah to Al Madinah and the Aws and the Khazraj had welcomed them in Al Madinah, now the Muslims were in the tens of thousands in Al Hejaz and in Arabia and the overwhelming majority of them just became Muslims in the past year or two so how are they going to think? Do you think these are committed Muslims? These are Badriyin? These are as'haab al fath? These are the ones who sacrificed all that they had when they left Makkah? These are the ones who shared all they had in Al Madinah? No! These are not the ones we are speaking about- these are a few thousands. When we are speaking about the larger picture we are speaking about scores of thousands of people- a hundred thousand (at) hajjatul wada'. A hundred and fifteen thousand or so Muslims. Muslims?! Alladhina Aamanu?! Watch what you say and then bring this accuracy to this day when Muslims have to decide who is going to be the leader. So common sense told them the best thing to do here is to find a person who first of all is a senior. They had much respect for a person who is senior like sixties or seventies as opposed to a person who is still in his thirties. Abu Bakr as opposed to Ali- a person who is easy going, who did not participate in the frontlines and who did not have a sword that was still dripping with the blood of the Mushrikin on the order of Ali; someone who can be acceptable for everyone. So there was this consensus. Why is anyone upset with this? When Abu Bakr assumed this responsibility he didn't knock down Ali. He didn't get personal with Ali. He didn't say a statement that would harm the reputation of Ali. Why is anyone upset with this? If you look at the larger picture- don't look at two or three personalities, look at the larger picture- then you'll understand there's no tension here. There's no hostility here. So why is there tensions and hostilities amongst some of the Muslims today who attribute themselves to these pioneering Muslims? Because it's a matter of ignorance- that's all it is. This ignorance has to go away and has to be replaced with information that is impartial, that is not sectarian, that speaks truth to power and it doesn't compromise in the process. There's no compromise here. We're not trying to score for one against the other. If we begin to approach this with this type of thinking then our problems begin to wither away and then we can fulfill the meanings of the ayah
And hold firm to Allah's binding matter all of you- no exceptions- and be not divided; and bare in mind Allah's provision, favour and privilege upon you when you (who are now Committed Muslims), were once enemies of each other and then He reconciled your hearts and familiarized and acquainted you with each other and then, due to this provision, favour and privilege you became brethren of each other; you were on the edge of a pit of fire and Allah saved you from it… (Surah Aal Imran verse 103)
Dear Muslims observing the fast of Ramadhan…
Taqwa is a lofty objective- something that we should be conscious of everyday of our lives especially when we decide something, that's when taqwa counts. You can think about taqwa, you can dream about taqwa, you can theorize about taqwa but taqwa comes to its full value of appreciation when it is part of you (and) when you decide something- whether that's a personal decision, a family decision, a social decision and then from there on into the world. Whatever decision it is, if you have the power and authority of Allah on your mind and in your conscience then you have this element of taqwa. In this month of Ramadhan when Allah's authority and power are supreme (and) everything else is trivial in comparison we look at what is happening in the world right now with its media trying to look the other way. From what is happening in Egypt there's a lot of very dangerous developments are taking place in that country. What we'd like to bring to your attention is the fact that the people there played the democratic game, (so to speak). They were told "OK, if you want a ruler after the deposed Pharaoh Mr. Mubarak you have to all decide together." That's called the voting process. You go and vote and you decide on who's going to become your representatives in Parliament and who is going to become your President and all this and the Muslims and the people of Egypt did that. Then after that was done and you had a person who had an Islamic objective in life who became the President then he had all types of pressure come to bear on that country- economic pressure. Right now they tell you Egypt only has a few months left or several weeks left of supplies of wheat. Wheat is the main staple of Egypt. It accounts for their major item on their table spreads. It always has in supply around a year of wheat supplies, now its dwindled down to just several weeks- they say and the unemployment rate is off the radars (or) off the charts. The economy has gone down. There has been mistakes- yes, plenty of mistakes by these elected officials but we thought the democratic West, the Euro-American conglomerate of democracy honored the democratic process. Here they are in Egypt (and) they are not even able to say that a military coup took place in Egypt. That's obvious- anyone can understand it. Why can't they say it? Why can't they express the obvious? Are they trying to hide something? A junta is ruling now in Cairo and those who were elected are out of office! Does that ring a bell? When there were elections here in the Islamic Center! We're not thousands of miles away from the White House, we are virtually next door and they undid an election here. Those of you who come from the experience of the Islamic revolution in Iran can see now what would have happened if the first year of the Islamic revolution in Iran about thirty four years ago the Imam conceded to what is called Western electoral democracy politics. We wouldn't have known because the Imam had his way and his way was correct, it was right. You can now appreciate that. All of these people at the beginning who had this Islamic background- there were plenty of them around, one of them is still around. He goes between the United States and the Islamic Republic- used to say "but yes we are Muslims and we are committed Muslims and we know what our Islam is and we want a better Islamic society." He gives you all of this but then he says, (at that time there were two superpowers), "but we have to recognize the Soviet Union and the United States. We have to recognize this fact. Who are we to behave outside of their spheres of influence?" Well this person right now should look at Egypt. It behaved inside the sphere of influence of this country- the one that this guy comes to every once and then and what has happened to it? The military was breathing down the necks of these elected politicians. Take notice you who are in Turkey. The military there is breathing down your necks too and anytime they'll come with their tanks (and) they'll come with their forces and take over the Presidential palace and they'll do all of this. Look at what's happening.
This is the time to appreciate and for those who lived with us here for over thirty years in this street watch what is happening in Egypt. If you couldn't learn from what was happening here in Washington DC learn from what's happening in Egypt. Before they came in by force to confiscate the Masjid and the Islamic Center we had among us people- we no longer have them with us here today ,but at that time we had people- who were communicating with Ash Shaytaan Al Akbar behind the scenes and then they would come to us and they'd say "they are committed Muslims." After this Islamic Center and Masjid here was confiscated and claimed by these tawagheet we had some people who were with us (but) who right now are trafficking with Ash Shaytaan Al Akbar. They go to iftar in the State Department or in the White House or all around. If you couldn't see it here watch what is happening in Egypt. Dig them out (and) see who they are. Doesn't this become a time when we open our eyes and know who is with us and who is against us? Who will give us sweet words but they will stab us in the back with a poisoned instrument. They're still around. They didn't disappear. Some of them passed away, (may Allah treat them with His mercy and with His justice) but those who are still around- and they are still around- how do they have a face to look you in the eye without having an artificial smile on their face? They think we are only surface deep. We can see their behavior and character before we see the cosmetics of their complexion. We look, we see, we visualize by the light of Allah and these gimmicks and these cosmetics don't fool us! They don't fool us in Washington DC, they don't fool us in Egypt. Some of the "Egyptian brothers" felt they had to speak to the Americans, they felt like they had to reach an understanding with the Americans- what did you do in the past year? You were working on that very hard, what was the result? And some of you others who don't come from Egypt, you entertain these types of ideas- you want to go down that road (then) expect those types of consequences.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 21 June 2013 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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