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Wednesday, February 20, 2013



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (22 February 2013)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed Muslims, brothers and sisters…
This day is a day of taqwa and we are to refresh our memories and stimulate our conscience to the fact that Allah's power and His authority are first and foremost on our minds and in our lives. Therefore, whoever is out here as far as power structures are concerned, as far as authoritarian establishments are concerned and how they interlock and coordinate and cooperate and they do so many things that when you say to the average person and remind them of Allah's taqwa it seems like it's a fleeting moment and then they recede into the status quo of these interlocking structures that are around. So at least during this time we should be sensitized and keen about the fact of Allah's power presence, come what may come and go what may go. There's a lot or a significant amount of distractions that the average you and me are exposed to- distractions from Allah and what He has to say to us.
We will continue as we have been doing in previous khutbahs and Jum'ahs to break through these lines of ignorance and these walls of innuendo pertaining to we, the Muslims. One of these issues that has become fuel for the propagandistic machines around- there's plenty of them, they're in all languages and they have much at their disposal- is a person would think what is one Jum'ah khutbah going to do compared to virtually every sound that puts together sentences and ideas all around us from every direction with every conceivable means! What may one khutbah do? Or what may a few people in this khutbah do? We don't know- that's the bottom line. Whatever it does or whatever it does not do should not be your concern or my concern. If the Prophets of Allah (alayhim as salaam) in their societies (and) in their power structures within the pressure system were to think like that, (i.e.), "I'm just one person here and look at the odds against me" and in this manner is a failure in the realm of our psychologies and in the pool of our feelings and in the structure of our thoughts. We're not permitted to think like that. We know we are in Allah's presence and we know Allah is in our presence. Just knowing that is enough to dispel these notions that penetrate a person's internal thoughts or internal emotions. So with that being said, (in that context), one of these centers around the word al qital in the Qur'an. Qital means combat or fighting- that's what qital means. This anti-Allah system or systems that we have all around, literally, want to take us to the court house or they want to take us to the dog house or they want to take us to the outhouse because they say "look- these Muslims have these incriminating ayaat." We should know better. Number one- we should not be drawn into their definition of who we are. They don't tell you and me who you are and who I am and they shouldn't be telling the Muslims in the world who they are or who they were. It's not any of their business! Have them bug off! But how do we have them bug off if we don't have the accurate and the God-given information to understand with our God-given mind?! We'll not be able to do that if we don't activate our thoughts (and) our thinking ability within the information that has come to us from Allah. We will continue to be displayed, presented and exhibited by these powers and these governments the same way they have been doing in our lifetime and they will continue to do as long as we don't step up to our thinking responsibilities. As has been stated previously, al qital is a proportion of al jihad. Jihad is the larger circle of exerted efforts and potentials in every field of life. Anything we do, when we give it all we have on a course to Allah (and) defined by Allah becomes a jihad- everything. Within this larger circumference there is a proportion of it that is called al qital. A responsibility to go to combat or to fight off enemies, that's a proportion of jihad. Every qital fi sabeelillah is a jihad but not every jihad fi sabeelillah is a qital. We think the Muslims in the world that we are living in should be very clear on this issue. It was to be expected that Allah would guide us in this effort. When it comes to potentially having to sacrifice your life at a war front or at a combat front or at the battlefield we should have some guidance on this issue. When do we go to war? When do we fight? If we take a closer look at the ayaat in the Qur'an and their meanings we will find that generally speaking there are two issues in life- whether it's in your personal life or whether it's in the life of societies- that prepare us to do this type of duty, (i.e.) al qital. One of them is social conditions that will cause us to abandon our deen. This in of Islamic fiqhi language of Islamic choices of word is called fitnah or sedition. When we encounter imposed circumstances that are going to have us part with our deen, at that time Allah has authorized us to carry arms to defend our way of life. The other one is when we are expelled or forced out of our lands or our homelands; then Allah has given us the go-ahead to fight those who have caused that to happen. Some people, (we're talking about scholars here), some scholars begin to argue among themselves whether when a Muslim or Muslims fight they are in defensive positions or are they in offensive positions. This is not the time to go into these scholarly fine points but we would like to say though to try and comment on these types of internal Islamic disputes of opinions is that, and unfortunately many of these scholars have not dwelt on the fact that there is a beast out there. There are power structures in this world that don't leave the Muslims alone. This is a historical fact and it is a contemporary fact and it will live on into the future and it becomes a futuristic fact. There are power structures in this world with all that comes with them from the media and how they characterize Muslims and convince public opinion in the whole world that Muslims are this way and you know the word today- the t-word, terrorists. From the wording to the warring to the actual usage of weapons- everything in-between doesn't leave us alone. So when this fact of life that is aggressive, that is militarized, that is deadly doesn't leave us alone and wants to take our lands and occupy our homelands, they want to enslave some of us, they want to turn other populations into consumer markets and they want to prohibit the free exchange of scientific knowledge, they want to claim that the natural resources in our part of the world belongs to them, they want to impose false rulers upon us- all of these issues combine the two matters that call upon us to be free. These two issues of fitnah and ikhraaj. We're going to have to be very brief on some of the ayaat that we have in mind. We're skipping two ayaat, one ayah says
Have you not considered those who have left their homelands in the thousands because they were afraid to die, so Allah said to them "die" and then He revived them… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 243)
Of course, as is the case with the fertile meanings of the Qur'an you will find different translations and different explanations of the meanings of this ayah. One of these explanations is … Let's cover the basic translation of this ayah
Have you not considered those who, in the thousands, left or abandoned their homelands because they were fearful- they feared to die, so Allah said to them "then die" and then He revived them… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 243)
This ayah says to us at a certain level and within a certain context that people who abandon their homelands are on par with dead people. People who don't have a country, people who don't have a citizenship are dead people. This occurs when people voluntarily leave their homes and homelands and it also occurs when people are forced out of their homes and their homelands. Another ayah in Surah Al Baqarah
Engage in fighting those who have engaged you in fighting … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190)
See- right now we encounter, once again, the word qatilu. If you listen closely to the meaning of this ayah you will find that there are powers- not people- in this world who are picking a fight with us. All of this is fact that is stated to us from Allah Who knows human nature, Who knows the way power structures behave, Who knows our role in all of this. He says
You fight those who are fighting you … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190)
Implicit in this ayah is the fact that we don't pick fights with others; it is these other power structures that are picking fights and wars with us. So if they're picking a fight with us what do we do? Do we run away? What do we run away to? Become refugees? We've become refugees. Probably the most refugees there are in the world are Muslim refugees. Has this numerical superiority in numbers of refugees among the Muslims solved the problem? Have we solved any problem by increasing our number of refugees in the world? Afghani refugees, Iraqi refugees, Palestinian refugees and now we have Syrian refugees, we have refugees in North Africa, we have refugees in the Horn of Africa, we have refugees in the Indian sub-continent. We have refugees all over the place- has it solved any problem? We've become a basket case for International organizations- United Nations Human Relief Agencies as they are called and still no problem has been solved. Where do we get the solution from? If we only listened to what Allah says to us. Listen Muslims
.. you, Muslims, don't be the aggressors; for Allah does not favor aggressors. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190)
Then right here is the underlining sentence in the ayah
And you expel them from the same area that they expelled you from … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
If we wanted to take this ayah into today's world and take an example of what has happened and what is happening to the Palestinians. If we could put our act together- there are two-billion Muslims in this world- we could have our own armed forces, pool our own economies together and look at what has happened to us in just one area. There are other areas and we just mentioned some of these areas but look at one area- look at Palestine. Allah says
You fight on a course to Allah those who are fighting you or you go to war with those who have gone to war with you … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190)
OK- so who launched the initial hostilities against us? These oppressive power structures. You know exactly who we're referring to. The Zionist entity in Occupied Palestine, the Imperialist entity here in Washington DC and their lackey entity in Arabia called Saudi Arabia. All of these have a share in this crime of forcing Muslims out of their homeland. We didn't aggress against anyone. We're living in our own countries minding our own business and here they come with their militaries, with their military bases, with their military advises and by force they expel some of us from our homes and our homelands. So Allah says
… you force these people who forced you out of your homes and homelands out of the same area that they forced you out of… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
This applies to every military and political individual who is responsible for the occupation and the continued brutality in the Holy Land i.e. Palestine. If we, Muslims, cannot elevate our mind to integrate into these meanings in the Qur'an and locate these meanings in real life today then what we will have and what we have been having is a fitnah. This happens when Muslims don't have or don't own their own properties, when Muslims don't own their own resources, when Muslims cannot make decisions by themselves, when Muslims rely on their enemies for weapons that they use against- not their enemies- but against their ownselves. For some individuals, (we now this from experience (and) we know this from previous encounters), this is going to be a leap into the unknown for people who have not consolidated pertinent information from Allah with information that circulates in the real world around us- for some individuals this is a leap, a gigantic leap. The dislocation or the refugee status that is imposed on Muslim refugees in the world today, wherever they are, beginning with the Palestinians, it seems there is no end in sight; the Rohingya Muslims are the latest expression of mass dislocation of Muslims in the world. All of this began not with the immediate military assault and operations by the Zionists in Palestine in 1947 and 1948, it began with the occupation of Makkah and Al Madinah before that. This is a hard fact to be swallowed by Muslims but that's a fact. Saudi Arabia- this contemporary nation state (and) creation of the Imperialist and Zionist powers that continue to support and to protect it- has two islands that are occupied by the Israelis but no one says "Israel occupies Saudi Arabian territory." No one! Enemy or friend- no one! Why?! Ask yourself why doesn't anyone say "Israel occupies Saudi Arabian territory." Because it would become a game changer. It would give away this undisclosed, clandestine relationship between the Saudi false rulers and their superiors and masters and promoters in Washington and in Tel Aviv. The Palestinian issue is a dear issue. It probably dwells in the heart of every Muslim in the world as it should, but the other lost dimension to this is the fact that we, the Muslims of the world, have been expelled from our birth land where our Islam was born. Can any Muslim go to the land of the Prophet and the land of Qur'an and feel at home. We challenge anyone who goes to the Hajj and the Umrah and then is forced out of that land- do you feel at home when you are there? No you don't! Then you are forced to leave. Where does it say in the Qur'an and the Sunnah that Muslims have to, by force, leave Makkah and Al Madinah? Where did that come from? This is where we have been originally and at the roots been dislocated. We have become refugees from Makkah and Al Madinah so it follows naturally that we should become refugees from Al Quds, from Jerusalem and the occupied Holy Land there. There's not many Muslims who can make this connection because the information system around presents us with the type of news items and the type of news analysis that are meant for us not to make this connection.
… and you expel them from the same area that they expelled you from… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
If some Muslims can comfortably understand this when it applies to the Palestinians, to Al Quds, then why can't they understand it when it applies to Makkah and Al Madinah? The Saudi regime is guilty, (we say this with the firm conviction of what we are expressing to you); the Saudi regime is an occupying regime on par with the Zionist regime. There is no difference except in the rituals. Those who occupy Makkah and Al Madinah perform Islamic rituals (while) those who occupy Al Quds and the Holy Land, some of them, perform Jewish rituals. Not a big difference. Is there a big difference here? You, who are on the Muslim side of this issue, have you ever thought about the theology of the Jews. When it comes strictly to theology there's one God just like any Muslim. They believe in one God. Theologically we're more than cousins but is theology the defining point? Al Mushrikeen, (this is the final point; we've abbreviated this khutbah so much). Ash Shirk is one of the most serious infractions of Allah's Tawheed.
… Allah may forgive everything except shirk … (Surah An Nisa' verse 48)
The first thirty-nine or forty ayaat of Surah At Taubah or Surah Al Bara'ah or Surah Al Faadihah dwells on issues that pertain to warfare and in it we find the word Mushrikeen multiple times. Are all of these Mushrikeen the same? There are Mushrikeen that are on mutual agreement terms with committed Muslims (or) with the Islamic State. Ayah number four of Surah At Tawbah
… the exception of this bara'ah or this disavowal of relationship are those Mushriks who are in a mutual agreement with you … (Surah At Tawbah verse 4)
So there are Mushriks who Muslims honor their agreements with. There are what you may call neutral Mushriks. Ayah number six of the same Surah
… if there's a Mushrik who seeks your protection then offer him protection until he tunes in to what Allah has to say then you escort him to his area of security… (Surah At Tawbah verse 6)
This is a responsibility of committed Muslims upon committed Mushriks, albeit neutral in the military and political sense of the word. Then there are combatant Mushriks. But today's sleepy Muslim mind- sleepy because of Masajid like this under occupation all the way from Makkah (and) all around the globe; Masajid under occupation!- if you ask the average Muslim who goes to a lullaby khutbah on Fridays to one of these Masajid is there a difference between Mushriks and you listen to the answer. Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims- we are in challenging times. There's a real world out there that comes at us with all that they have and we only have Allah- that's all. Suffice it and its enough for us that we only have Allah. We don't ask for anything more, if we only knew what we only have.
Dear committed brothers and sisters on As Siraat Al Mustaqeem…
Another issue corresponding to the issues in the first khutbah is the issue of jizyah. This is another word that the propaganda factories produce a lot out of. Muslims impose this tax out of jizyah on non-Muslims. Yes- there's something in Islamic law called al jizyah and we're not ashamed of it and we're not inferior about it and we shall not be reactive about it when it is brought up. What is this jizyah that they're making this whole fuss about? (It's) simple. Don't get drawn into what they are telling you. Al jizyah is an amount of money that is taken from an able bodied non-Muslim who otherwise would have been subject to military duty. For exemption from this military duty he pays this jizyah. What's wrong with that? Muslims are giving their lives and this non-Muslim, whoever he happens to be, only pays a certain amount of money so that he would be spared the possibility of giving his life at the war front. He would be exempt from military service- what's wrong with that? This jizyah is not imposed on children, it's not imposed on women, it's not imposed on the clergy class of whatever religion there is in an Islamic State besides Muslims, it's not imposed on the infirm (and) it's not imposed on people who are handicapped. The only people it's imposed upon are those who are in the military age of their life- that's it. So why should any Muslim be so apologetic about this? Once again, it tells us that we've been sleeping. We have been in a coma when it comes to understanding who we are and what Allah has to say to us. If we only could understand we would be looking at this life with all its details with the information and the insight that comes to us from our Maker and our Creator and we will have the nerves and the knowledge to take a hard look at those who are destroying Islam from within. Its enough that we have our opponents on the outside, not we have our detractors or distracters on the inside and some of us, (as we mentioned), just sleep through life not aware of what is there on the outside and what is there on the inside. We're not aware of the Zionist-Imperialist-Saudi Arabian political ideological military complex and they are not aware of the fifth-columnists, the Munafiqeen, those who can be bought with a salary (and) who speak the language of that outside complex to us from the Mimbars except they blemish or they design their presentations with Islamic vocabulary.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 15 February 2013 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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