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Thursday, January 10, 2013



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (11 January 2013)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed and sincere brothers and sisters …
We don't like to appear, (and we seek Allah's assistance and refuge from reference to self), but the appearance of beating a dead horse or explaining an issue to death is not a welcome one. The problem is the propaganda and the misinformation and the distortions and the lies are so abundant and so systematic and so in-your-face that it is necessary to pursue this issue so that it becomes crystal clear in everyone's mind that the ingenious fabrications an the out-and-out lies about Muslims being terrorists and violent by scripture and outlaws by definition has to cease. It has to stop! If we don't have enough information they will keep drilling it in until the average Muslim is convinced about the Qur'an or the Prophet or anything else that has to do with Islam. For that matter, we will press on and try to explain some ayaat that give us, the Muslims as well as some other human beings, the right to stand up for the truth and to protect their lives and their selves. There's an ayah from surah Al Mumtahanah and there are other scholars that refer to this same surah as surah Al Mumtahinah that says… These are the first two ayaat in surah Al Mumtahanah. What's the meaning of these two ayaat? The meanings follow along these lines.
O you who are secure committed (meaning to the power and authority of Allah), don't designate my enemy and your enemy as allies; you present them with all manner and all behaviour of cordiality where-as these enemies of Allah and enemies of the Muslims are in denial and in rejection and in opposition to the haqq that has come to you; they expel the Messenger, meaning Allah's Prophet, on count of or because you have committed yourselves to Me or to your sustainer if indeed your motions and movements in society was a struggle for me and seeking My satisfaction or My pleasure. You express these cordial feelings and behaviour secretly to them whereas they have taken issue with the haqq that has come to you and I know, (Allah is saying), better than anyone else what you are keeping secret and what you are exposing, i.e. I know your public behaviour and I know your private behaviour. And anyone of you who behaves in this manner has gone off the course that leads to me or has gone off the straight course. If they catch up with you they become your enemies and they will extend their hands and their tongues toward you with harm and their innermost ambition is that you reject and oppose the offering that Allah has given you. (Surah Al Mumtahanah verse 1-2)
The ayah is clear. What is not clear in our minds is the practical meanings of these ayaat. These ayaat speak about Alladhina Kafaru. In the average Muslim's mind- because of these types of Masajid- Alladhina Kafaru is not a definition that you can give to real human beings around. They say "disbelievers", they say "unfaithful", they say "atheists". They say everything that is incorrect and almost becomes impossible to detect who is Alladhina Kafaru around us. To give this a little more meaning, let's go to its original context. Why were these two ayaat revealed? They were revealed because there was a person by the name of Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a (radi Allahu anhu) who had left Makkah and come to Al Madinah. In the eighth year of the hijrah when the Prophet was preparing the Muslims to regain their rights that they were denied because they were forced out of Makkah the people around the Prophet obviously knew that he was preparing a force to go back and right the wrong that was enforced in Makkah that had the Muslims lose their homes, their properties, their possessions, dislocated from their dear ones so this one person by the name of Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a did was the following… He told a lady to go to Makkah with a note that he wrote to the Mushrikeen in Makkah. She did. This one lady took this note and she was on her way to Makkah. Then, the Prophet of Allah instructed three or four of his followers- Ali, Az Zubayr and Al Miqdaad (radi Allahu anhum)- and he told them to go to a certain place or a certain area that falls between Makkah and Al Madinah and to apprehend a lady and to ask her to turn over the information that she was given. So they go to that particular place and they catch up with this lady and they tell her give us the information that you have. Then she begins to deny that she has any information and she begins to say that they should keep their distance and go away and these types of things. Some of these individuals were sort of reluctant to pursue this further but then they convinced themselves that the Prophet was not misleading them; obviously he has information that they don't have (and) he knows more about this issue than they know. So they, in words of threat they said to her something like the following… You either give us the information that we know you have or we will undress you. The choice is yours. Of course, they didn't mean any harm. These words were not meant as a sexual threat but they wanted her to give them what she had and what she was denying that she had. So she undid something like a ponytail and out of her hair she gave them the note that Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a had given her and they return with that note to the Prophet of Allah. When this information or this note come to Allah's Prophet he finds that it is from Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a to the Mushrikeen or the chief Mushrikeen in Makkah telling them the Prophet of Allah is preparing a force to go to Makkah and take over Makkah. When the Prophet read this note he summoned Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a. So he comes to Allah's Prophet and who asks him in a very fair and very objective without any type of reactionary behaviour or pulling power over this person- remember, this is the Prophet of Allah and this is an average other Muslim. He didn't say it with emotions, he didn't say it intimidatingly, he said it plainly- so he says explain to me what this letter of yours or this note of yours means. He says O Prophet of Allah, let me explain. We, meaning the Muhajireen, were expelled from Makkah and many of these Muhajireen in Al Madinah have relatives left behind in Makkah who can take care of their family. I don't have any relatives who can take care of my family so I was just taking care of the security and well being of my family in Makkah trying to have a little clout with these chieftains (or) these Mushriks in Makkah not to do my family any harm. The Prophet, of course, listened very closely and very clearly to this person's statement and the way he expressed himself. Others of the Prophet's company who were there listened to this and wanted to spring at this person and finish him off because in their mind he was a traitor or he was a spy or he was someone that is helping the enemy but the Prophet of Allah was calm and he said something to the effect that what you said is understandable and, (we're paraphrasing here), the only thing that vouches for you is that you committed your life (or) you put your life in danger (or) you courted death at Badr. He was one of those called Al Badryeen, i.e. he was one of those who more-or-less placed his life in the service of Allah and His Prophet so he was not punished as those who commit high treason. This could have been considered a case of high treason against the Muslims. This, to us, should define who Alladhina Kafaru are. These two ayaat that we quoted at the beginning of surah Al Mumtahanah or Al Mumtahinah tell us who the Kafirs are. They turn out to be these military-political-social responsible officials in Makkah. What happens in today's world? Do we have some type of Muslims who behave like this? Do we not have Muslims who want to curry favor with the powers that be with an explanation? Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a had an explanation. He wasn't doing something just out of a whim. He wasn't even paid for that! But in today's world do we not have people who because of dislocation- remember, the bottom line in all of this was that Haatib ibn Abi Balta'a along with the rest of the Muhajirin were dislocated, they were something like refugees or they were something like legal residents of Al Madinah. Of course, Islam equalized everyone but in their cultural make up they were Makkans. They were not Madinians, i.e. they did not come from Al Madinah. Madinah is not where their tribe is; it's not where their power faction resides. So in today's world we have Muslims who are no longer located in their country of origin or in their birth place. Then, in their new place of residence-it could be the United States, it could be any other country, it could be any other place- they feel like they have to protect their families, they have to protect their own blood and their own children who are not with them. Do you think this type of notion doesn't occur on some people's minds? Of course it occurs. Do you think that we don't have some individuals who behave like this? Of course we do. The question now becomes but why is it that when we have a lesson on how to deal with this type of individual that this lesson sort of is not on out thinking minds? The fact of the larger matter here is that there is something peculiar between how we think and where we are located. There's a relationship between these two things. If we begin to think in an advanced way that is perceived to be, by the people in power, a threat to their power or to their authority then they want to move us physically away. Our ideas become a threat to their power- that's all the Muslims had at the time. They were in Makkah and when they were forced to leave Makkah it was because they had ideas that were processed by the authoritarians in Makkah and the power mongers in Makkah to be a threat so they told them leave. This was applicable to Allah's Prophet first and foremost.
Remember how the kaafirs plotted against you, to keep bonded or slay you or expel you out of your home (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
These chieftains (or) these higher up officials in Makkah had their confidential plans which the ayah tells us had three proposals in them.
… either they're going to kill you… (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
Your ideas are dangerous. How do we get rid of dangerous ideas? Kill the person who has those ideas.
… or get him out of here… (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
Let him go to another land, (i.e.) put him as far as you can from us. The third proposal is
… or limit your movements… (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
This would be called, today, imprison him (or) put him in jail (or) put him behind bars. In that way he no longer dwells in society (and) no longer has contacts with other people (and) his ideas cannot be a threat. This is how they think. Do you think these thoughts were limited to the power class in Makkah? Or are we to encounter these same ideas in other power classes in other places of the world and in other generations and in other centuries like the century that we are in now. It is a badge of honor when the Muslims begin to realize that they carry ideas that the power structures considers to be a threat to its institutions (and) to its establishment. So there is a relationship here. Don't think that people are in a rosy rhetorical world that is around, i.e. "oh- you're free to express yourself." Well, if I'm free to express myself, why do they bother a person at airports? Why do they bother a person in certain governmental transactions? Don't they say "you're free in this world to this the way you want and to express your thoughts?" If they are true to their own constitution, to the Bill of rights and to the Fourth and Fifth Amendments then what's all of this about? Not only are they're thinking about killing people who have what they call "subversive ideas" they actually killing them! That killing policy has become the drones- the new form of warfare. In the old times it used to be assassins. They still are around but now there's a progression from assassination to killing by drones. Is this freedom? Is this justice? Is this liberty? Then, complementary to the drones that they have, they have right now basically a paralysis of the legal system because they want to explain and they want to rationalize putting Muslims behind bars without due process (and) without a court of law. Even today, they're passing laws (where) the Senate is debating this issue. What's wrong? Its only ideas that we have- no one has any munitions or explosives or the rest of these things that they, themselves, try to implant in the Muslim midst to justify acts of hostility and aggression against decent and innocent human beings.
Remember how the Kafirs plotted against you, to keep bonded or slay you or expel you out of your home (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
Then, just like the Muhajireen who were expelled from Makkah, you have the issue where they want people whose ideas do not agree with theirs and whose ideas they think is a national security threat to their corporate and to their predatory interests what do they want to do now? If these other two strategies don't work they go for the third one, i.e. get them out of here. Don't have them live in this same territory, in this same land, in this same country- get rid of them just like the Mushrikeen in Makkah got rid of the Muhajireen and the committed Muslims who had no arms, who had no explosives (and) who were not trained for warfare like the overwhelming majority of Muslims of today. We're just beginning to grasp some ideas- this is where we are in time. No Muslims have even, up until now, worked out a full-fledged and pledged ideology, but it's just grasping at some ideas and just this initial movement and this initial accomplishment is considered to be a threat to the status quo and the maintainers of the status quo so they jump into action.
Remember how the Kafirs plotted against you, to keep bonded or slay you or expel you out of your home (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
Any thinking Muslim guided by Allah and His Prophet in that respect who begins or should begin to ask himself or herself: why isn't these meanings that we have in this Qur'an of ours that we read regularly and frequently don't spring into our own minds? Why don't they deliver the messages and the solutions or the answers to issues that are knocking on our doors and knocking some of us out of existence? Why is that the case? We know the simple answer to that because we have a corporation of Masajid in this world, (we're not saying all the Masajid in this world, we're just saying most of the Masajid in this world), that are controlled Masajid. You can't speak the God-given truth to the God-permitted reality via the God revealed word. We can't do that in those types of Masajid because what will happen is people will begin to be Islamically conscious, Islamically oriented (and) Islamically motivated. What they want to do in these controlled Masajid is they want to smother you in Islamic rituals! The beginning of Islam and the end of Islam is within the scope of rituals only!? That's the message of these types of controlled Masajid. Who's doing the controlling here? God forbid that Muslims take a close and a hard look at the controllers! Who's pulling the strings in these Manabir, in these Masajid? Who's doing that? Who's doing that are the people who are paying the money. Where's this money coming from? Is it coming from Bangladesh? Is it coming from Somalia? Where's it coming from? It's coming from those who have the money? Who has the money? They don't want anyone to say this from the Mimbar in the Masjid. Well, we are not in the Masjid and we are not on the Mimbar because we are saying this. It is Saudi Arabia and its Arabian political siblings in the Peninsula are the ones who are paying the Khateebs and the speakers in the Masajid and in every activity that they remotely control. This Saudi Arabia should be a disgrace to every conscientious and thinking Muslim and Muslimah. It's a shame that we Muslims have a regime like that that has forbidden women from driving!? That's a shame when you think about it! In the privacy of your ownself, give it a thought. Everywhere in the world a woman can drive a car (but) in the birth land of the Prophet, Islam, the Qur'an, revelation (and) scripture women cannot drive cars! In that same place, those people who have control of militaries- the politicians, the hierarchy, the Generals (and) the Colonels- are Ahl Al Kitab! That's what they tell their listeners and their viewers. They tell them "but Muslims- these Yahud and Nasara are Ahl Al Kitab." As if these ayaat that we quoted in the first khutbah from surah Al Mumtahanah do not exist!
O you who are secure committed (meaning to the power and authority of Allah), don't designate my enemy and your enemy as allies; you present them with all manner and all behaviour of cordiality where-as these enemies of Allah and enemies of the Muslims are in denial and in rejection and in opposition to the haqq that has come to you; they expel the Messenger, meaning Allah's Prophet, on count of or because you have committed yourselves to Me or to your sustainer if indeed your motions and movements in society was a struggle for me and seeking My satisfaction or My pleasure. You express these cordial feelings and behaviour secretly to them whereas they have taken issue with the haqq that has come to you and I know, (Allah is saying), better than anyone else what you are keeping secret and what you are exposing, i.e. I know your public behaviour and I know your private behaviour. And anyone of you who behaves in this manner has gone off the course that leads to me or has gone off the straight course. If they catch up with you they become your enemies and they will extend their hands and their tongues toward you with harm and their innermost ambition is that you reject and oppose the offering that Allah has given you. (Surah Al Mumtahanah verse 1-2)
So they meet with Netanyahu; they meet with the person in the White House in all of these years. They continue to do all of this and no Muslim, in a majority sense, has opened their eyes and seen the fallacy and the fraudulence of these types of people. On the other hand, you had some Christians just this past week in Saudi Arabia who come from Asian countries, maybe the Philippines, maybe India- who knows. The news item says from Asian countries. Forty-one of them. There's one Saudi and one Egyptian. They wanted to celebrate Christmas and they were told "no! You can't do that. This is kufr, this is shirk, this is bad influence." What happened? The Colonels and the Generals, the Presidents and the Prime Ministers of all of these structures in the world are Ahl Al Kitab and you don't want these poor laborers and these poor people who want to honor their own belief and their own convictions to do that?! This is what we have. This is the type of Islam that we have?! Then there's a Mufti in this area- in the media he's called the Mufti of the larger Washington area- who was asked by some Muslims or by some correspondents "what if our children go and sit or speak to Santa Claus- is that haram?" He said "that's the equivalent of a person imbibing liquor, alcohol and these types of things." All of this keeps on going on. Why? Because people are in a coma when they go to these types of Masajid! We want to make up and we want to be responsible Muslims who can look at reality and who can look at the truth and diagnose that reality, whatever it is, in light of the truth that has come to us from Allah and His Prophet.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 28 December 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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