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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : THE SECOND DAWN OF ISLAM (continued)


JUM'AH KHUTBAH (4 January 2013)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Brothers and sisters, Respected Ulema', those of you who are organizing, coordinating, carrying what has to be carried, driving the distance that has to be driven, all of you who made an effort to be here this evening- I greet you with the greetings of peace and equality, justice and the Islamic way : Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
Now I'm going to make a transition from the time of Allah's Prophet to our time…
We have an Islamic leader who came to, first of all he came to a people that he was living with and people who were living with him and his concern was to rebuild an Islamic society and an Islamic state. This is what Allah's Prophet did- he built an Islamic society and an Islamic state. We the Muslims had been living for some time without an Islamic state and we can say without an Islamic society. There have been Islamic movements in the world who have been attempting in the past century who have been attempting to put together the combination of society and state (with) partial successes (and) partial failures, a step forward two steps backward- things have been going this way and that way for the global Islamic movement. In this context an Imam or a leader comes and he manages to put together an Islamic state in a geographical area called Iran. In doing that he had to put up a struggle with tribalness- he had to put up with the same type of people we were alluding to a few minutes ago with tribalism- in addition to the avowed enemy that is coming his way from the outside. This avowed enemy is Imperialism and Zionism. Now, when we get to this area here, some Muslims begin to have difficulty with how come we're speaking about Imperialism and Zionism. Well- it's because they're facts of life. What do they want? Us to behave like an ostrich (and) bury our heads in the sand and make believe there's no Imperialism and no Zionism in this world?! These are forces that are at work and these are forces that are not leaving us alone. If Imperialism and Zionism were some political entities at a distance from us, we wish them the best! We wish their subjects and their victims God-speed at getting rid of this type of malignancy in the human condition but it happens to be that Imperialism and Zionism are located slap-dead in the middle of our countries and our territories. (If) you look at the world, this is how we're going to have to grow up. Look at the world- the hard facts of the world is American Imperialist interest have between seven-hundred and one-thousand military bases. Now, people say this. People who are conservative on the right of the political spectrum and they sort-of feel proud that "they are carrying Western civilisation to the dark corners of the world." People of the political left say this and they are critical of American expansionism and hegemony in the world. Well- why is it that when it comes to us, the Muslims, "oh no- you're not supposed to speak about this?" Who said I'm not supposed to speak about this? Where do they get this from? First of all, there's nothing in the laws that we have- whether we're American, (I'm an American), or whether we're Canadians, (most of you are Canadians- there's nothing in the law that says you cannot speak about Imperialism and Zionism. Show me that! If I'm wrong, I'm open- you correct me. Where does it say in the law anywhere (that) we cannot speak about Imperialism and Zionism? It doesn't say, so we're going to speak about Imperialism and Zionism. When we speak about them, it's not just because we happen to come across some facts here and there, we're going to speak about them in a principle way. We have ayaat and we have ahadith that point to these enemies. Of course, we can't be exhaustive here. I can't mention all the ayaat and all the ahadith here, but just to give you an example. Allah says in surah Al Maa'idah
O you who have pledged yourselves to Allah, don't adopt or position yourselves in regards to Al Yahud and An Nasara as your allies or any position of alliance; proportions or segments of them (meaning Al Yahud wa An Nasara) are allies or in alliance to other proportion of them or segments of them are in alliance with other segments of them, and whoever from among you enters into alliance with them (meaning Al Yahud and An Nasara) becomes one of them… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
What does this ayah say. Most of you, I know, are subject to mis-translation. I've been spending many many years in the context and in the content of the Qur'an and the translations we have, (believe me), are very inaccurate, as a matter of fact, some of these translations serve Imperialism and Zionism very well because some of these translations say- these are the best translations
O you who believe- do not take the Jews and the Christians your friends… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
Now, we ask you brothers and sisters very sincerely and very cordially- is this what the ayah is saying? We can't have Christian and Jewish friends?! Does anyone in his right mind understand this ayah to say that? Of course not! Allah has given us the permission to marry people from Ahl Al Kitab and marriage is the most intimate relationship there is (so) there's a conflict here. I'm going to have a very intimate relationship with my spouse who is not a Muslimah and I can't have them as friends?! This is not what the ayah is saying! The ayah is saying
O you who are securely committed to Allah … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
Not this O you who believe and O you who have faith and all this. This is a secular translation that has to be swept away from our minds. It says
O you who are securely committed to Allah, don't designate Al Yahud and An Nasara as your allies… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
Al Yahud here is the political character of the Jews which in today's world is Zionism and An Nasara is the political character of the Christians of today's world which is Imperialism. The word Laa tattakhidhu and Awliya' has given a political definition to the words al Yahud and an Nasara, not a theological or a doctrinaire definition. If we cannot grow into understanding this practical meaning of the Qur'an, then of course we're going to have problems. If I'm going to speak to you about Imperialism and Zionism then I'm probably speaking ten years ahead of you and I don't want to do that. I want you to be with me and understand what's being said. It is with this understanding of Allah and His Prophet that the Muslims in today's world created a state that is constructed on the basis of Islam and then all of a sudden we have these forces in the world that are threatening this Islamic state. That is, (I guess), a credit and a certification of the authenticity and the genuine character of the Islamic state. The Islamic movement in the world has been experimenting with relationships with nation states that are an extension or as sidekick to Imperialism and Zionism- this has been going on for at least thirty or forty years. Primary from these nation states is Saudi Arabia. It has been financing certain Islamic activities here and there (and) giving the Muslims the crumbs and some Muslims are satisfied with nibbling on the crumbs and then placing the overwhelming majority of its budget and treasury in the financial institutions of Imperialism. I ask you Muslims very brotherly and very calmly- is it Islamic justifiable to put around $3-trillion, (that's three-thousand-billion dollars)… This is what the nation states of the Arabian Peninsula- Saudi Arabia and its tertiary nation states on the gulf- have deposited in the banks, in the financial institutions, in the trans-national corporations that are recycling this wealth in the form of military wars against us. How are we to justify that? We welcome if someone has a counter opinion, they can bring us ayaat and ahadith that substantiate and can defend this Saudi position- please, by all means come. Let's see if we have a common ground here. I don't think so! I've never heard of Allah's Prophet placing whatever meagre darahim and dananir at the time in the budget of the superpower, whether it's the Persian superpower or the Byzantine superpower of that time. It doesn't appear in any of our history books. So where do they get this justification from and why are they upset and wild and why are they agitated and uneasy when someone begins to tell them that. Al Imam Al Khomeini, (this is another thing no one is supposed to speak about. What's wrong with you? Are you defeated psychologically? Let's say Al Imam Al Khomeini didn't come from Iran, he came from Egypt or he came from Turkey or he came from Pakistan or he came from Nigeria or he came from somewhere else in the Muslim world- what are you going to say? No- we're not going to support him because he has another school of thought? This is tribalism. We don't belong to this tribalism! We have to see the issues as they are. Brothers and sisters- I know there are very sensitive issues. The last card that is being played by the Imperialist and Zionists and their sub-systems in the Islamic East is the sectarian card. They want Muslim Sunnis and Muslim Shi'is to begin to kill each other. This is what they have been trying to have going in Iraq and with the casualties and with the very sad events that occurs from time to time and from place to place there the Imperialist and Zionism have still not achieved their objectives. There's still not a civil war in Iraq, as close at times as it came to that. Now they're trying to move their theatre operation from Iraq to Lebanon. They thought in Iraq they going to clean house in a matter of a year or so- this was the calculation of the Zionists and Imperialists- they're going to set up a Shi'i regime, (they're not going to call it a Shi'i regime, they going to call it a democratic, secular, free, modern state in Iraq.) They'll find fancy words to describe it. What they wanted to do, the next step is, to undermine the Islamic state in Iran next door through the Hawzah and through the Islamic seminaries in Iraq. So far, they haven't. They're stuck! The American Imperialist think-tanks, departments of governments, executive, military are all stuck. They don't know what to do now. So they think "wait a minute- we can go to Lebanon and do the same thing." In Lebanon they have another issue to deal with, and that is Hizbullah. That's another word that Muslims just can't have the composure that it takes to understand what they're talking about. Hizbullah is a fighting force in Lebanon fighting against what? Fighting against occupation. It is sanctified by international law. For those who are weak in their minds and weak in their hearts and they don't want to take a look at what Allah and his Prophet are saying, run to international law. International law gives you all the justification and all the legality that it takes to fight against occupation and Hizbullah fought against occupation and defeated Israeli occupation for the first time since the establishment of that illegitimate state on the dispossessed Palestinians and their lands. Enough said by them so what they going to try and do is have a fight between Sunnis and Shi'is commence in Lebanon. Then they'll look back and say "look how unstable Muslims are." This is how they think that they are going to make up for and recuperate from their losses in Iraq. It's not going to work. Now there's tension in Lebanon. For us who are living the events of the day there's tension but that tension will subside. I have faith and I have confidence in the Muslims. There's probably going to be some incidents and some events but overall that's going to subside and the Israelis and the Americans are not going to have it their way. Of course, when we say Israelis and Americans we're talking about the governments not the people. I'm an American and I'm against all that stuff that the United States government is doing in Muslim countries and the Muslim hemisphere of the world. So what are they going to do now? You're beginning to hear it. They're beginning to think about targeting the Islamic state in Iran itself. Iraq hasn't got them anywhere, In the last skirmishes that happened in Beirut about a month-and-a-half ago there was a very serious argument between Tel Aviv and Washington. Washington wanted Tel Aviv to interfere in this fight in Beirut to spread the internecine warfare throughout the rest of Lebanon and they disagreed very seriously about this so now they're turning their guns over to Washington. They sat down with Bush and began to give orders. You know- the Israeli Prime Minister always gives orders to the American President and the American President always follows through on the orders. So, the orders were "let's target Iran right now." Now they're beginning to say that there were some Israeli manoeuvres and Israeli military exercises and all of this is intended to target some military installations or military bases in Iran. Then, they're talking about Iran trying to produce a nuclear weapon and you know what is in the media. I don't have to repeat it for you but what you have to understand is this is not happening in a vacuum. Muslims have been able to anchor an Islamic state with all of the struggle and all of the wars that it has been through- from hot military wars to the psychological warfare and the new military threats that we are beginning to listen to. Let me tell you, the Muslims of today are not the Muslims of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century when colonialism went (or) left the European shores and went throughout Africa and Asia and colonised the Muslims all over the place. Muslims are not in that type of world any longer. Muslims now are beginning to resume their responsibilities and if Muslims have managed with Allah's supervision and with a leadership of Al Imam Al Khomeini to establish an Islamic state then this is our trust. For us to be supportive of the Islamic leadership and the Islamic state in Iran doesn't mean that I am going to have to be a Shi'i- let's get that out of our minds. You can be a Sunni to the full extent of the meaning and still be supportive of an Islamic state that is taking a stand against Zionism and Imperialism and no one is going to tell you "you're a terrorist" because of that unless you are susceptible to that accusation. We hope that those days are behind us (when we say) "OK- I'm going to bow. Don't accuse me of being a terrorist." We're not terrorists. There's nothing in the book of Allah or in the quotes of His Prophet that make of us terrorists so we don't have to be apologetic about anything, we don't have to be defensive about it, we don't have to be inferior when the subject comes up and we don't have to be sycophants when they throw all of this defamatory language at us- not at all. Be as confident as you can in saying "yeah- we Muslims have an Islamic state in the world." Of course we don't have it in many other territories but it is coming- whether they like it or not, it is coming and it's going to come because we're going to have sacrifices and we're going to have a struggle. It's not going to some on a golden plate, "here, here is your Islamic state." That's not the way things are done. There's an Arabic poetry verse that says red freedom has a door and the hand that knocks on that door is a hand that is stained with the blood of struggle and liberation and revolution and sacrifice. That's the hand that's going to open the door of freedom and liberty. It's not going to be "oh- we're going to go to the White House and we're going to plead our course with the master in the executive in the government of the United States of America." That's not the way we're going to gain our freedom, our independence, our liberty, our Islamic base, our Islamic state and our Islamic direction. That's not the way it is done; it's not the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet, it's not the way he did it. Let me remind you, they came up to him- there were attempts by those who were the enemies of Allah's Prophet in Makkah (and) they said wait a minute- what do you want? Are you looking for a position to rule? If that's what you're looking for we will appoint you the superior ruler over us. And on the other hand if what you are looking for is wealth (or) if you want money, fine. We'll put together a tremendous amount of resources and we'll give it to you. And then, on the other hand if you're obsessed with some type of evil spirit we'll try to call in for you the best capable doctors or physicians of our time and they'll take care of you. To some people (and) individuals who come to these Masajid today and some individuals who ascend the Manabir of these Masajid, they'd say "wait a minute- I think the Prophet made a mistake here. They told him look, if you want to become the ruler of Makkah we'll make you the ruler of Makkah. What do you want?!" He turned them down. What was he? An extremist?! Was he a fanatic?! They did this via his uncle. They told his uncle go speak to your nephew, tell him this is the offer. What's more generous than this? We're giving him practically anything he wants. In another narrative they said even if you want beautiful young women we'll give you that too. So they practically offering this person anything a human being would desire. He said no. Oh uncle- if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand in exchange for me giving up on this struggle and this affair that I am commissioned with from Allah, I'll not do it until that day comes when Allah will have this affair supreme or until I perish towards that end. The ayah in the Qur'an says concerning people who want to give and take with Zionists and Imperialists, with Adh Dhalimeen and Al Mushrikeen, with Al Mustakbireen
They, (meaning your enemies), would love it … (Surah Al Qalam verse 9)
We had enemies in Makkah and we have enemies in today's world and the ayah says about them
Their ultimate desire would be for you to equivocate so that they could equivocate or that you begin to negotiate and barter with them on these principles and these values so that they may do the same… (Surah Al Qalam verse 9)
They came to him when they saw the tide of Islam, just like today when they see the tide of Islam, it's the same thing and they begin to come up with offers. Today they have offers. They go to the Islamic leadership in Iran and they say "look- what are you doing here? You're building nuclear technology, wait a minute, we'll give you this, we'll give you that, we'll give you the other." They practically making all of this generous offer so that Muslims cannot consolidate the achievements and the successes that they have scores in these past decades. So they came to Allah's Prophet and they said wait a minute here- why don't we consider this. We can honour your Islam for one year and then you honour our deen or our ship for one year. That's something that opportunists would salivate at. Imagine someone coming in today's world and saying "wait a minute- we're going to have the system of Islam work for one year in Canada and then we're going to have the Canadian system work for the second year." Many of today's leaders would jump at that opportunity. "Wow- that's a success story coming from heaven." That's what some of our spokespersons and our so-called leaders think today, but is that the way Allah's Prophet thought? No. One short surah came as a response to this offer. It's a surah I guess many of you have memorised, you know that surah. Ibadah here is not worship. That's another word that is an obstacle to creating an Islamic social or public mind. Ibadah means to conform or to comply. So the instructions here are
Say (O Prophet): O you who are in denial of Allah, meaning in denial of Allah's authority or in denial of the fact that Allah has a political program for humanity. I will not comply and confirm to what you are complying and conforming to. (Surah Al Kafirun verse 1-2)
Then the ayaat go on which you all know. Suffice it to say, (I know I've taken more than the time that is allocated to me- they told me I have around an hour and I've run over an hour. I'm sorry for that. I'm not supposed to do that but the subject matter, I think, is one that needs our attention and it needs someone to speak the truth). One of the Islamic scholars in the years of Islamic scholarship and intelligent ideas said if a scholar, (meaning an Islamic scholar), is going to be silent and the public or individuals are ignorant then when is al haqq going to emerge? It's not possible. So the first step in having the truth and the facts emerge is for there to be a freedom of expression where Muslims can express their minds and their conscience on the issues the same way we have Muslims who are on the frontline who are expressing their mind and their conscience on the vital issues of the day and then for the Muslim public, you and me, and for the Muslim societies to listen to the truth. It's enough that we had this truth in gags for a vicious cycle of generations and it is high time that we break out of this vicious cycle, we identify what is right and we support it and then we expose what is wrong and we deconstruct it the best we can. This is the new dawn and the new generation that is forthcoming. We can see it on the horizon and the writing is on the wall.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 22 June 2008 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige. 

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