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Thursday, January 31, 2013



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (1 February 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims …
The word jihad has become a convenient word to throw at Muslims (and) accusing Muslims of terrible things. Much of these accusations come from one block of people in the world and that block of people has to do with the concentration of power and wealth- these are where the accusations against us originate. Much of this bloc is concentrated in what can be abbreviated as Imperialist and Zionist interests. They say "jihad is a religious holy war." That's a lie. There's no such combination of words in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah. Anyone can read in all of the Qur'an and all of the hadiths and he will not come across these three conjoined words- holy, religious war. It doesn't exist. When these English words are given their Arabic counterparts (it) would be harb deeniyah muqaddasah. The challenge goes to any thinking person to find any ayah or any hadith that has the combination of these three words in them or the combination of any two of these three words in them. Impossible! They don't exist! Nevertheless people who have money and they have the media can say what they are saying and (what) they have been saying for quite a long time and they will continue to say this for quite a long time- that is to be expected but we can't be drawn into their definition or characterisation of jihad. One thing about them is they have their peculiar history. They had a holy religious war. They had it a thousand years ago and they have something along those lines today. So they think that if they have it then others who are "religious" also have it. That is not true. They have their own type of history and we have our own type of history. Then they extend this further and say that this jihad is a form of using force and power to have non-Muslims become Muslims. We've explained this previously and we said that this is also a fabrication. There's no such thing. The ayaat in the Qur'an are clear. Ayah 256 in Surah Al Baqarah.
There is no coercion in matters pertaining to deen… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 256)
There's no jihad anywhere in the ayaat of the Qur'an that will mean that Muslims are going to have al ikrah in ad deen, meaning enforcing the deen of Islam on others. There's no such thing.
In (a) short ayah in a short surah that many of you have memorised by heart we give equal recognition to those who have other deens. This short ayah says
You have your deen and I have my deen. (Surah Al Kaafirun verse 6)
Does this mean that there's some element of force being used here? But notice that no one cites these ayaat when they speak about jihad. Another ayah in the Qur'an says
Whoever decides to commit themselves may do so and whoever decides to deny this commitment may do so... (Surah Al Kahf verse 29)
Another ayah in Surah Al Maa'idah
The only responsibility upon the Messenger is to communicate this message, this scripture (and) this holy book to the public... (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 99)
How does jihad fit in this? Still, another ayah in Surah Al Ghaashiyah
You raise their consciousness or you conscientise them; you, O Prophet of Allah, is a person who places this information of Allah in the conscience of people. (Surah Al Ghaashiyah verse 21)
There's a lot of mis-understanding of dhakkir. Dhakkir doesn't mean, strictly, to remember or to recall as much as it means placing information in the conscience of man. So Allah's saying to His Prophet no sword, no arms, no weapons, no fighting
You are not a person who control them. (Surah Al Ghaashiyah verse 22)
Ayah forty-five in Surah Qa Allah is saying
We know best what they are saying, you don't stand in a position of reinforcement by force over their heads or over their lives. (Surah Qa verse 45)
Introducing this alien definition of jihad in the context of these ayaat makes the Qur'an contradictory, (but) there's no contradictions in the Qur'an. The contradiction arises from the misunderstanding of these types of propagandists who want to give a picture of Muslims being terror prone.
Another ayah in Surah Al An'aam
You are not a person who control them. (Surah Al An'aam verse 107)
This further reinforces the meaning that we don't have supervisory power roles in the lives of others. So the question now becomes what is jihad (i.e.) this word that is bounced around and kicked around so many times to poison public opinion? What does this word mean?
One definition or explanation for it is istifrar al juhd wa at ta'ah fi kulli qawlin wa amal which means you deplete your potential and your capacity in what you say and in what you do- that's jihad. If we wanted to put it in the language of today, it would be like saying to give it all you got. How does the word you give it all you got become a religious holy war?! Nonsense! Whatever you're doing, if you are doing it conscious of Allah, in obedience of Allah and if you are giving it all you have- whether you are writing something or whether you are helping someone or whether you are toiling in the field or whether you are sweating in a factory- wherever you are, if you are giving it all you have on a course to Allah that is jihad. That's why you have many times in the Qur'an
Exerting your utmost effort and potential on a course to Allah... (Surah An Nisa' verse 95)
It's that simple! Giving it all you got and all you have
You give it all you got on a course to Allah of your wealth and of yourself or of your possessions and of yourselves... (Surah An Nisa' verse 95)
There is only one ayah in the Qur'an that describes a jihad with the word kabeer. In Surah Al Furqan
You do your utmost with it... (Surah Al Furqan verse 52)
It here is in reference to the Qur'an. So here, the Qur'an is the instrument of a grand jihad- a grand exertion of effort and potential. The Qur'an needs explanation, the Qur'an needs contextualisation, the Qur'an needs realisation- all of that is an arena of exerted combined calculated efforts which becomes jihadan kabeerah. There are many ahadith that tell us what and the avenues and the directions of exerting our utmost. A hadith says a person who takes of a widow and a struggling individual is like a person who is on a course of exerting his lifetime for Allah. On another occasion a person comes to the Prophet and talks about al jihad. The Prophet asks him are your parents alive. Her says yes. Then he says for their course and for their well-being you exert all you have or you do all you can do. Where is that notion that haunts the mind of peoples who are consuming inaccurate information that says "jihad is a religious holy war?" Where did that come from? It comes from the interests that are out there that wants to justify a war against us, the committed Muslims. So we have another word which in due time we will clarify. One of the responsibilities at certain times in life becomes that responsibility or the duty to fight. It has its definition, it has its context (and) it has its dynamics. If that is done properly it is a form of jihad. Every qital fi sabilillah is jihad but not every jihad fi sabilillah is qital. This has to become clear. Once it is clear in our minds, we plant the seed to correct the record on what jihad is and what jihad is not.
Dear committed Muslims...
With our open minds and with our concern for the affairs of Muslims we observe how in certain areas there are people who are instigating conflict. In the past week we've been inundated with news items and with those who claim they can explain these news items to us about what has happened in Algeria, what is happening in Mali, what is happening in North Africa and they present along the lines of "look at Muslims and their understanding of jihad and look how and what they are doing with it." We, with Allah's privileged information, should know better than walking into a trap that they lay out for us. You tell us- militaries, establishments and power structures in Europe and in American are concerned with the well-being of the tawariq, the shifting population in North Africa in the Sahara? They're concerned with that? They've been fighting a war that's off the radar in the Congo, in Africa where there are diamonds, natural resources; a war that has grinded on for decades with casualties around five or six million. Anyone hear about that? Anyone concerned? No! Why? Because the war, according to these mouthpieces around, is going their way. Their economies is not doing very good. You see what is happening to the economies in the United States and in Europe. They speak about $170trllion- that's the national debt here in Washington. For the first time in US history the debt has increased the income- these are alarm bells in governmental departments and quarters, (there's) demonstrations in Europe because economies are failing. So they look for areas in the world that are solutions to their economic problems. They want geographies that have natural resources. So to justify this who comes in handy? The Saudi minions come in handy because they are brainwashed, they are indoctrinated. There's no education in Saudi Arabia, there's indoctrination. They are indoctrinated to view the other as a kafir- this other can be outside of Islamic terminology or inside of Islamic vocabulary, Muslims and non Muslims alike due to the information that in implanted in, (what you call), Salafis or Salafi jihadis. Some of them may be very sincere. This is not an area in which we are going to impinge or indict people's sincerity- this is not the issue. The issue is the role that they are playing in serving the people they themselves classify as enemies not knowing that they are duped to that role. This is what has been appearing on the surface of that areas- Syria is another area, Iraq is another area, Pakistan is another area. All of these areas have been poisoned by the tubes all of which lead back to the universities and the institutions that are called Islamic in Arabia- that's where all of this is coming from. These people who have these worldwide interests find that these types of Saudi indoctrinated people are a God sent to their policies and to their economies.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 25 January 2013 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (25 January 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed Muslims …
As much as is said from the mimbar, it appears that what is said from the anti-mimbar is louder and more pronounced; but with Allah's guidance and assistance we will continue to do and to say what has to be said and what has to be done and Allah in His own way will amplify the truth and He will put an end to the lies and towards this end we will press on with our duty to expose the grand lies about we the Muslims that are being systematically presented to the world and to public opinion. We continue to say that we are not terrorists and we are not jelly beans. What meant by the loud propaganda in our time is to convince Muslims and non-Muslims alike that Islam is a religion of terror. One of the ayaat that some of them cite to prove this point is an ayah in surah Al Baqarah. How does this ayah work itself into English? The ayah goes something like this
And fight against them to eliminate the possibility of fitnah and so that Deen is finally Allah's and if the cease then aggression is only due against adh dhaalimeen. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 193)
Pundits, loud mouths, public speakers, so called experts and scholars- all of them on one occasion or the other are prone to cite this ayah and then extract from that and say to you and to me and to their listeners and viewers "listen- look at the Muslims. This is what is said in their holy book. See what their God is telling them. Fight against them... The order here is to the Muslims and therefore Muslims are by their own religious definition terrorists." That's how they come across and many Muslims, (and we don't think that we're exaggerating here), when they are subjected to this type of presentation in a systematic way for a long period of time grow defensive in themselves. They don't have the independent capability of thinking through who they are and this is mental ammunition for you to be able to respond to this type of accusation. OK- how do we respond?
First of all we take a look at the ayah in its context. You can't just pluck out one ayah like that, just like they do, and then use it as cannon fodder to malign Islam and the Qur'an and the Prophet and therefore we in that context. This ayah falls in a sequence of ayaat in Surah Al Baqarah 190 to 193 and this is how these ayaat begin.
You fight in a course to Allah against those who fight you... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190),
Muslims are not going around picking fights, Muslims are not traversing territories igniting wars. Allah says here- and this is kept out of the Imperialist-Zionist propaganda and we don't think it is coincidental that it is also kept out of Masajid and Islamic lectures and presentations- so listen to Allah, dear brothers and sisters, when He speaks.
And fight to a course to Allah those who are fighting against you and don't launch into aggression (or) don't initiate aggression for Allah does not favor aggressors. When war is engaged... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190-191)
War here is launched by those who aggress against committed Muslims, (i.e.) when this war now is in process one element of it is hot pursuit. Muslims don't go into war half heartedly although fighting may be a reluctant responsibility as per the other ayah.
Fighting has been assigned to you although it may be against the grain of your nature... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 216)
... and you expel them from the areas they expel you from... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
In other wards you have a God-given right to remain in your God-given countries, lands, territories and homes and if they as a result of their warfare displace you, you are given this Godly permission to displace them from the areas that were your original homes and your original homelands. In this context Allah is saying
... sedition is more serious than killing... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
Which means if the upper hand is left for these aggressors and they call the shots and they have it their way then sedition is going to afflict us, the Muslims, if we are incapable for standing up for our rights.
... and don't engage in fighting them at Al Masjid Al Haram until they engage you in fighting there and if they begin a war with you then you war back (or) you fight back and in such a manner comes the recompense of those who are in denial of Allah's power and authority. If they cease their hostilities (and) their warmongering then indeed Allah is ever forgiving, very merciful. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191-192)
Now we come to this ayah that we came to in the very beginning.
You engage them in war to exclude the possibility of fitnah and deen becomes exclusively Allah's; if they put down their arms (or) if they cease fighting then aggression is due only upon those who are Dhaalims. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 193)
Furthermore, to understand this ayah we have to understand the circumstances in which it was first revealed. This ayah was revealed in the seventh year of the Hijra- that was one year after Al Hudaybiyah. If you can recall some of the details of Al Hudaybiyah, the agreement between the Mu'mineen of Al Madinah and the Mushrikeen of Makkah stipulated that in the following year the Muslims have a right to come into Makkah to perform their Umrah. So that year came- the seventh year, one year after Hudaybiyah was now upon the Muslims and they were preparing themselves to go to Makkah to perform what they called umrah al qada' (i.e.) the make-up umrah they had to perform to make up for the previous year that they couldn't perform their umrah which was the year of Al Hudaybiyah. One of the items of the agreement of Al Hudaybiyah is that the Muslims perform this umrah the following year, (i.e.) the umrah that we are speaking about now, without being armed i.e. they come to Makkah only carrying with them what an average traveler would carry which would be in today's language light arms- something like a dagger or a similar side weapon but they can't be armed. This was the agreement that both sides agreed upon in working out the Sulh Al Hudaybiyah but the Muslims were not sure that the Mushriks were going to honor this agreement. The Prophet wasn't sure that the Mushrikeen of Makkah are going to honor this agreement. They had suspicion that if they go to perform the umrah in Makkah the Mushrikeen are going to break (or) are going to violate this agreement and they're going to attack peaceful Muslims who are coming to perform the umrah so as a matter of precaution the ayaat 190 to 193 that we just mentioned in Surah Al Baqarah were revealed to, first of all, give (or) to sustain the alert that the Muslims had (i.e.) their caution that they are going to be fooled by the Mushrikeen and probably massacred in Makkah. So in order for that not to happen these ayaat were revealed to substantiate the right of self-defense for Muslims who maybe attacked. So what the Prophet of Allah did was he prepared one hundred fighters who were thoroughly equipped with all means of warfare to be at a short distance from Makkah just in case the Mushrikeen violated their own agreement of Al Hudaybiyah. (It is) within these dynamics that these ayaat were revealed. If you understood these circumstances and you understood that there was an ongoing state of war between Al Madinah and Makkah then you can understand that these ayaat are not instigating Muslims to pick a war with the Kafir other. What these ayaat were doing were preparing the Muslims to go to war just in case these Kafir others declared war and waged a war against committed Muslims.
Then we go from an ayah to a hadith. There is a hadith that is mentioned in almost all the books of hadith. First of all it is narrated by Abu Hurayrah and during the time of the Umawi regime there were many ahadith that were attributed to Abu Hurayrah. We haven't done any investigation or research on this particular hadith but this should be mentioned as an introductory to try to undo the unnecessary damage that comes from misunderstanding the details of this hadith. So what does the hadith say? It is reported, (as we said in many of the hadith books), that the Prophet says and this is another type, just like an ayah that trouble-makers take from the Qur'an, that they want to use to prove to the world that Muslims are terrorists and in the same fashion they take a hadith and say "look- this hadith is in all the hadith books and look at what their Prophet is telling them." So what does the hadith say? I was ordered... Obviously, the Prophet is saying I was ordered by Allah to fight people until they say Laa ilah illa Allah. If they say it then their lives and their properties become sacrosanct the exception being when they are due to sacrifice or to spend otherwise no one is going to tell them or order them to spend of their lives and of their possessions and their account is with Allah. So people take this hadith- not average people, they claim to be scholars and experts and opinion makers and politicians and military personnel and the rest of the influential types in society and they say "take a look at the Muslims. Look at what they say." First of all, we should mention that an naas here, just like many words in the Qur'an and in the sunnah are context defined, (i.e.) they are defined by the context that they are mentioned in. Upon a closer comparison of this hadith to other hadiths we will find that there are other hadiths that mention instead of using the word naas, I was ordered to fight against people... that I was ordered to fight against Al Mushrikeen... and there's another hadith that says I was ordered to fight against Arabians. Of course, no one is interested in being accurate about these ahadith in context! Trouble makers are not interested in that. So back to this hadith- I was ordered to fight against people... If we were to find the word naas in the Qur'an, there's an ayah- the ayah is speaking about committed Muslims.
They are told by the public that right now there is a public or a popular or a massive people's campaign against you, therefore you should be in awe of them... (Surah Aal Imran verse 173)
The result is
... it only multiplied their commitment (or) it only reinforced their commitment... (Surah Aal Imran verse 173)
So an naas, as some superficial speakers would want you and I to believe, is not just the generic people out there. We're not supposed to fight anyone who doesn't fight us. You can't take ayaat and ahadith and say "look at this- they just want to fight, they just want to go to war." No! That's not the case. We are ordered to fight and go to war with those who fight and go to war against us. It seems like the world doesn't want to leave us alone. They just don't want to leave us alone! There's been some scholarly opinion (or) give and take about this. This is not the time to go into some of the fine points of all of this- suffice it to say that there's an element of aggression that dwell in structures of superpowers that want to pick a fight with what appears to them to be powerless or power-lacking Muslims. This is a fact of life. (Take a) look at today's world- from what we have, who goes picking wars? (Do) Muslims go and pick a war with others? Where do you find that? You will find it where there is this same Zionist-Imperialist involvement. No longer is it propaganda and a mental presentation- no! Now it is financing and it is indoctrinating Muslims to pick war with non-aggressors. It is a fact of our lives and it is also a fact of previous generations and previous societies. This always exists. It is part of the power play that no one wants to speak about in Masajid or in Islamic conferences and as long as we don't approach this issue with the information and the guidance that comes to us from Allah and his Prophet we will continue to be exposed to the mis-information and to the calculated presentations that will fill the public mind when we are incapable of expressing whom we are (and) explaining what our Qur'an and what our Prophet say. When we are absent from that explanation role than there will be others who will come and fill in the vacuum and poison the public mind with wars of aggression where we are supposed to assume our responsibilities neither as terrorists (nor as wimps). See- this has been going on. When this Zionist-Imperialist mouth-piece inundates the world with the accusation that "Muslims are terrorists", Muslims react by appearing that they are wimps! "Oh no- don't say that. Don't accuse us. We are not this. We do not fight, we don't do anything." Some of them just don't want to speak about this subject at all and then on the other hand when the same Imperialist-Zionist mouths say "look at Muslims- Muslims are wimps! They can't even protect themselves." Then what we have? Once again is a false reaction saying no! We have become this and then they present themselves as the terrorist that they were cornered into reacting to what was said about them. This has been the interplay from wimp to terrorist and then from terrorist to wimp! There hasn't been the confident, the balanced, the independent Muslim in all of this to state the facts as they are in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah.
Dear brothers, dear sisters, committed Muslims…
In light of what is happening in today's world there are two issues that we want to try to explain in light of the Islamic, Qur'anic, Prophetic knowledge that is in our possession very briefly. The first subject is an attitude of intolerance that becomes a behavior of fanaticism that wants to blaspheme the other Muslim, in other words what is becoming more noticeable as the years go by is the propensity by some Muslims to point the finger of kufr against other Muslims. This we have witnessed in the past couple of weeks. Some of you may have known that I was in Indonesia and this is a totally home grown issue. It has no outside interference. There's that argument that "we don't want Sunnis coming to Shi'i territories and proselytizing" and "we don't want Shi'is to go to Sunni areas to proselytize." Well in this particular incident it has nothing to do with outsiders coming to some country and convincing some Muslims to follow another school of thought. It has nothing to do with that. This was totally a local affair and some Muslims felt they wanted to become Shi'is. So what's the big deal?! I still can't understand? We went and met some Ulema'. They did not mention one ayah and they did not mention one hadith but they danced around the word kufr. They never used that word per se but they used every other word at their disposal to deliver the same meaning. I heard this with my own ears- one of them went as far as saying "this local Shi'i community even though it's just a few hundred people is similar to gangrene in the body of a diabetic. If a limb in that body is going to poison the rest of the body and bring the body to death it is better to amputate and cut off that malignant part of the body" as if Shi'is is a malignant part of Muslims and it becomes permissible to finish them off so that the rest of society can live on. How diseased can a person become?! I still can't understand?! You know that we've been dealing with this issue in-and-out for so many years not only in khutbahs but also in our practical lives and we still are incapable of narrowing the distance between who's a Sunni and who's a Shi'i. There are Shi'i fanatics and there are Sunni fanatics on both sides and they want to intensify these differences and both of them are supported and financed by the same sources to such an extent that it becomes easy now and it becomes fashionable whenever you meet a non-Muslim- whether it is an official or an academic or even some person who is a news freak- and they'll come and ask you "are you a Sunni or are you a Shi'i?" Can't a thinking Muslim begin to understand that this concern with being a Sunni or a Shi'i is working to the detriment of both Sunnis and Shi'is? Brothers and sisters- we'll tell you, we have budgets- not we the committed Muslims, but the treasuries in our countries have budgets in which they will build Mosques and they will give generously to people who the sense are sectarians- they are more Shi'is than they are Muslims (or) they are more Sunnis than they are Muslims. If you present yourself like that you have access to affluence and you have access to finances. We have been working in the past twenty-five years or so on trying to close this distance between those who consider themselves Muslims but of a Shi'i persuasion and those who consider themselves Muslims but of a Sunni persuasion but we don't have any budgets. We've seen crop around us Masajid but look where we are. We've been here in the street for thirty years. In these thirty years we've seen people who are hyphenated Muslims who have access to money so they build their won Masajid or they purchase their own Masajid. We've seen and we've experienced with our own eyes and through these years people who are sectarian first were given visas to come to communities in the United States or in the West. Why? Because they are pushing a particular sectarian line. We ask you, (and some of you are advanced in life just like yours truly here): have you seen (or) have you experienced in all of these years a Masjid that was financed and built in which a person from let's say a Shi'i background can deliver a khutbah this week from his own convictions and next week from the same mimbar a Sunni can ascend the mimbar and express his internal thoughts from a Sunni background both of which will serve to harmonize or bring harmony to the Islamic congregation in attendance. You haven't seen it and we haven't seen it because it doesn't exist! That means the money goes to the sectarians and those who stand for the integrity and the consolidation of Muslims from whichever school of thought they come from don't have budgets. This is an indictment of those who claim they are for Islamic unity and Islamic solidarity from whichever school of thought they come from. That's issue number one.
Issue number two- we have in the past few days a scholar- a senior (or) a foremost scholar- in Saudi Arabia who comes out and says "elections are a bid'ah." He says in a very insulting way "how can any Muslim accept average people electing their officials." He didn't use the word average, he used the word that is similar to the mob or similar to- "How can someone accept these types of people agreeing to elect someone?" Brothers and sisters- these are cave men, these are dark minds! We, the Muslims are proud or we should be if we only studied our own history. We are the ones who are responsible for the meaning or the notion of a social contract. The bai'ah and shura are feeders of a social contract between who make decisions and those who elect them to make decisions. It was Renaissance Europe that discovered the meaning of social contract and now, because they have the power and the wherewithal, they are the ones who propagandize it in the form of what they call democracy. We can't even see (and) we don't even know that they took these social concepts from us. They tailored it to their own history and to their own societies and we have reactionary scholars in Arabia who in their attack against elections (and) against the concept of a social contract are reacting to European power and they are not discovering their Islamic history.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 18 January 2013 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : PROPHETS AND JUSTICE


JUM'AH KHUTBAH (11 January 2013)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed and sincere brothers and sisters …
In the name of God the mercy giver the very merciful.
Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
I greet all of you with the greetings of peace- a peace that is impossible without justice.
First I would like to comment on the very refreshing and uplifting presentation that we just heard from Pastor Dankoff. I sort off, (it's like a split personality), was sitting down (and) living with his words and the truth and validity there-in and on the other hand living with some of the listeners knowing the type of background. I can understand the type of, (sometimes people call it), conspiracy theory mentality that is out there but I want you to rest assured that none of that element existed in this podium here from the previous speaker- you can take my word for that.
I think I have a title to my presentation and I'll try to meet the contents of that title- Prophets and justice- somewhat briefly and then I'll try to pick up with some more relevant and contemporary issues. We have inherited a history of Prophets. The Prophets stood for justice- that was their mission. It may have been polluted in some history books and it definitely is thrown out of the mainstream media; no one mentions any of that history. (Its) as if we have nothing in our human experience as far as these men of God when they existed on earth. Let me try to, maybe, dazzle some of you. Prophets were, (to borrow some contemporary vocabulary), ideologues. I don't mean that to demean Prophets, I mean that to uplift the meaning of ideologue and therefore they came into conflict with their power structures. Every Prophet in his time-frame and in his social milieu came into conflict with the power structure that they were living in. This is applicable to all God's Prophets however way you read them (and) whoever names you may give them- that's a common feature that they all had; the same way that today we find ourselves facing this contemporary power structure. This is nothing new if we were versed on the history of the Prophets and men of God in this world in the past we would realise that what we are going through right now is very similar to the footsteps that were new grounds that were broken by the Prophets of "ancient times." A thousand years are like one day so history is like the present- there's no disconnect but obviously there are people out there who are out to secure their own personal interests, their own class interests, their own peculiar interests- whatever they may be, national or racist or sectarian or whatever. So they want this disconnect between us and the rich experience that we inherited from this history. When I use the word Prophets it's synonymous with some people's literature when they say messengers, some may say emissaries, some others may say men of God, sages, etc. There are different terminologies for this but these Prophets who received scripture or revelation or communication from God- the same God that we affirm- actually bequeath to us a very precious experience to understand that if we proceed on the path to God then we are inevitably going to run into these power structures. Now what do we do? Now, first of all we use the word evil doers; before there are evil doers there are evil thinkers! To overcome the challenges in this pursuit of God (and) this destiny towards God these power structures present a very disturbing impediment and a very dangerous one too. This is real. This is the real world. We're not speaking about anything theoretical here, we're not speaking about something that has a distance of time between us and it. It is here and it is now. So what do we do? What did the Prophets do when they were forced to face (or) look at these evil thinkers and then evil doers? Did they cave in? Did they say "I'm going to out fox or out smart or out manoeuvre the power structure and play a game here with the power structure and play a little politics" and all of this or did they stand on principle, having a commitment and a conviction and a faith in God that "He is going to deliver me from this power challenge" that I have. If we become a little more specific- if we take the life time of Moses (alayhi as salaam)- Moses definitely dealt with the power structure. The power structure in Egypt at that time was a kin to a superpower, (in the language that we use today), and Moses was wanted by a superpower. What did he do? Did he say "you know, Oh God, please relieve me of this responsibility. I can't take it." Has anyone read any verse anywhere in which Moses had this communication with God saying "you know this is too much for me or something like that?" No! It doesn't exist. He was under tremendous pressure, he was wanted dead or alive the Egyptian authority was in hot pursuit of him because he had killed an enemy of one of his ethnic types and so he was "a fugitive from the law" and he had to travel from Egypt to another land of safety, (maybe along the lines of Mr. Geroldi's idea "we've got to get out of here for the time being" but the issue is that none of them presented us with a type of an escapist mentality. So we have to first of all acknowledge that there is this governmental power structure that simply doesn't want justice in life or in society or in existence or in its departments that are responsible for administering, at different levels, our lives. So what do we do? What do you do? The simplest answer to that is we stand on principle. God has given us insight, enlightenment and foresight. The least that we can do is to speak truth to power, no one can do anything less than that if you want to maintain your relationship with God. If you want to break that relationship, that's another subject altogether (and) I have nothing to do with that at this moment but if you want to maintain your relationship with God the least that is expected of you, (in the humble understanding of yours truly here), is to speak truth to power. It's not going to be easy. Here is where I want to make this transition from things historical to things contemporary and I take this from my personal experiences. I don't usually talk like this or present such personal experience but I think you should know. I think this information should be made public (and) I think we should counter think those right now in the CIA and the FBI and the intelligence agencies. Right now we have Homeland Security, (with all the budget that they have and the gathering of information and all of this stuff), leak out information, they tell us "there's twenty-six-thousand individuals in the United States who are on a no fly list." I don't know if that's true. It could be more but this is what they are telling us. Now wouldn't it be something to think about to counter the evil that they have on their mind and its consequences (and) wouldn't it be timely to, (with the computer systems that we have), try to pull these twenty-six-thousand people together? I'm not on the no fly list, (at least), yet. I don't know what is going to happen in the future but every time I go to the airport I get, (what they call), this "S-quad." On your boarding pass they stamp it with four S's after the airline makes telephone calls to Homeland Security (and) the Transportation Security Administration, the TSA and then after that they stamp your boarding pass with four S's so you have to go now through a screening process in which they pat you down. You have to take off your belt, you have to take off your shoes, you have to take off your jacket (and) whatever you have on and then they get a little sometimes feely/touchy with you and they go through your belongings thoroughly. Of course, there's nothing there. I just watch them. It's a scenery for me there. I just pay attention to them and may be speaking to them from time to time. Sometimes I take the opportunity to say "you know if it wasn't for Zionism you wouldn't be going through this and I wouldn't be going through this." I throw in that word if I find someone who is amenable to understanding or has a little common sense and these things. I haven't come across any number yet but I'm wondering in my internal self how many of us Americans or legal residents in this country are S-quads who get these four S's on their boarding passes. It would be nice to have them because everyone is on the computer nowadays. There has to be a way. These are fine people. I guess ninety plus percent of them are just like me and you- average people. We're giving our contrarians the benefit of the doubt, we are more than average but we are average people and we have no criminal records. We are morally committed and we vote, we pay our taxes, we honour our neighbour, we go to our Mosques or Churches- we do everything that an average person does so why are some of us on a now fly list and others with four S's on their boarding passes? Can we not begin to think? This is where they have taken from us our ability to counter think them. No- we want to counter think them. If they have these lists and they are suspecting us of doing something wrong- which we haven't done- then we have to by necessity suspect them because if you've done nothing wrong and they're trying to more or less have you feel that you are guilty or you are a potential criminal or an outlaw of some sort then we have to counter think them. I don't know, (I'm just throwing this idea out there), is it possible to through the computer system get on line and then have some sort of website and get the word out there that anyone who is being harassed by Homeland Security, and TSA, etc. This is in the United States. If you happen to be overseas you can be denied entry into the United States. The last time, a couple of months ago, I was coming back from the Islamic Republic in Iran (and) my flight was from Tehran to Amsterdam to Washington DC- this was KLM, the Dutch airlines. When I was in Amsterdam I wanted to board my flight back. They have two security systems there at the gate- one of them is the airline security system and the other one is the American Homeland Security personnel who have their officers stationed at different airports around the world- one of them is Amsterdam. It's not only the United States. Other countries have it too. Britain has its representatives there and I'm sure other countries also have their representatives but these are the two that I happen to have an encounter with on different occasions. So this person from American Homelands Security immigration customs, ICE or whatever, comes up to me and he sits down. They sort of appear to be common sense and regular individuals and then they begin a little discussion with you, "what do you do? Where have you been? Who invited you? What did you speak about? Where did you stay?" These are common routine questions that they ask and I give them the common, factual, truthful, routine answers that I give them. Then after that, one of them at one occasion, (not on this last encounter in Amsterdam, on an encounter before that), say "do you have a criminal record?" I said "no I don't have a criminal record." Then he said "how about unlawful entry?" Now I knew exactly what he was talking about. Back in 1983, (some of you know this some of you don't), we were in our Mosque in Washington DC- this is the cathedral Mosque on Massachusetts Avenue and Embassy Row and I was the elected Imam. I still consider myself to be the elected Imam of that Islamic Centre even though the Saudis, which is another word for the American and Israeli government, hired some vigilante force and forced us out of the Mosque on our Islamic Eid. It's like you're in Christmas during your Church service on Christmas day. It was our Islamic Eid, it was Eid Al Fitr (at) the end of Ramadhan (and) we were there in the middle of our services and they came and they took us to jail on that day. Then they took us to court. I know some of you are aware of this but it's a long story- I don't have time for it right now- but there were two charges against us: disturbing a religious service and unlawful entry into the Mosque. The jury, the judge who was a Presbyterian judge in the district court of Washington DC- by the way, these are misdemeanours, these are not felons- and he said "he was supposed to rule on disturbing a religious service charge and he ruled that we are innocent..." This judge died last year, his name was Judge Surrel. He requested the Justice Department "to drop this whole case." He found out it was a fabricated thing but the jury and by the way, you know who responded to the judge at that time? It was the end of 1983, beginning of 1984. The third ranking official in the United States Justice Department at that time. I don't know anyone can remember who that was. Later on he was to become the Mayor of New York city, later on he was to run for President of the United States. Guilliani. He was the third ranking official at that time of the Reagan administration and the Justice Department. He told Judge Surrel "we want to get these guys." So through the jury- there were twelve jurors- and they said "we are guilty of unlawful entry into the Mosque" that we were elected to be its administrators. There were fifty of us who were arrested on that day, on our high holy day and were taken to jail in Washington DC. We were released the following day but that's what happened. This is what happens and this is just a scintilla of what was happening in the lives of God's Prophets and God's men on earth- these things happen. Do we regret any of that? None of us regret any moment of it up until this very day. Not one detail of that has been regretted. So, (I go back to Amsterdam), this person working for Homeland Security said "unlawful entry." Of course he was reading probably in my profile and then I said "look…" Everyone had boarded by this time (and) you get a little tight on time here. I said "look, I was in the Mosque and I was elected to be its Imam and a vigilante force in addition to the Washington DC police came into the mosque and they arrested us when we were in the middle of our service. Do you call that unlawful entry?! If you were in your Church on Christmas day and the police came in and arrested you is that unlawful entry?! And let's say that, some how in your mind, this what we were doing was against the law- it was a misdemeanour. It's just like having a traffic violation. What's that?! You want to crucify me because of a traffic violation?!" He says "OK- but the sermons that you give, how would you characterise them." I mean, this person read very carefully whatever information was provided to him. He was asking me "how would you classify the sermons that you give?" I said "I don't know. That's a very tough one." He said "would you think that you are somehow propelling people…" (I'm using borrowed words here but this is the meaning), "would you think you were propelling people to action that would result in breaking the law?" I said "no. I don't think it will result in that. Yes, I would be propelling them to action but I don't think it would be action to break the law as you are saying." He said "but you speak about some of these issues that are, maybe, controversial or something like that." I said "I speak a lot about the Palestinian issue." This guy happened to be an Irish man. He was honest enough to tell me he's Irish man. I said "maybe you can characterise most of my sermons as being with the oppressed peoples. Palestinians, the Irish. I'm sure if an Irish man was listening to my sermon as well as a Palestinian, as well as an Afghani, as well as others who are suffering from occupation and military schemes would love to listen to what I am saying but I think those who are leading the charge in the military and in the high offices in government probably would hate what I'm saying- that's the best I can characterise this thing for you sir." They were telling me "you have to board right now." They were pushing me and I wanted to speak more to him. I told the latest one in Amsterdam, the one who stopped me a couple of months ago, "I said look- I would love to speak about this subject but I can't do it in a couple of minutes. Go tell your superiors to set up a timeframe that we can thrash out this thing out in a few hours (or) in a couple of days if it is going to take that to clear the air on that subject. None of us here are suspect (but) we are here suspect because we are trying to speak to real issues from a scriptural point of view." They want scriptures to speak about history or to speak about something ethereal (or) something that has to do with the imagination but nothing that has to do with real life, with caring for the poor, with coming to the aid of those who need help, with repelling aggression, with exposing real lies that cost populations their existence their existence. They don't want people speaking about that. So if you begin speaking about that you become a subversive. Moses was a subversive, Jesus (alayhi as salaam) was a subversive, Muhammad was a subversive because they spoke scripture to issues of real life. They weren't there drawing a picture of heaven that had nothing to do with earth or scaring people of a hell that had nothing to do with earth- both heaven and hell are earth related so you begin to put God's words in the context of these real-life issues (and) they begin to look at you insurrectionist. What are you trying to do?! Well- I'm not trying to do anything. That's God's will. This is what God wants us to understand and what God wants us to do. Does anyone have any problem with that?
I'm sure some of you are familiar with a site called the Investigative Project by this rabid Zionist called Steven Emerson. In one of the recent postings, it may have been last month, he has one in which MSAPSG, Muslim Students Association Persian Speaking Group is mentioned. There's an FBI agent who appears on that who said "his first assignment was to follow MSAPSG." This was back I think in the late seventies early eighties, way back then. OK- here he comes. He's sponsored by a Zionist outfit and he's speaking to more or less to the neo-Conservative types of Christians who are beholden to the Zionism and who genuflect. You saw the way the Congress was yo-yoing itself up and down for Netanyahu. So do you think they gave up? The FBI is no longer around?! The guy right now I think he's retired if I can recall correctly but he began to speak. You can go to that website. I don't encourage anyone to obtain any useful information from it but it is a website that will give you an idea of how closely they are listening and they are watching. So what?! Let them listen. I deliver my sermon every Friday on Embassy Row in Washington DC in public with a microphone for everyone to listen to me. They can hear, they can listen and so what do I do?! I get this imprimatur at the airport with four S's that's what I get for that. I think it's like what one of our speakers mentioned- it's a badge of honour. What are they going to do next? OK- worse comes to worse they have this National Defence Authorisation Act- they can pick up any American they want for no reason and have him disappear. Well- let's say this was going to happen to a Prophet, what would the Prophet do? Is he going to say "you know this power structure is more powerful than God Himself?!" If we are doing the will of God then we say this power structure (or) any other power structure in the world is not more powerful than God and if God to do His will has me or another humble human being go through a course in life in which we're supposed to be patient and we're supposed to refer the consequences of this encounter to Him then that's what has to be done. It's not an easy thing and if that's what has to be done then that's what has to be done. No one is going to welcome anything like this. I'm sure the Prophets were very patient with God's will but they worked God's will and this is what's required of us and if it's going to scare the daylights out of these people in high office that the truth is beginning to come out (and) people are beginning to catch up on what is happening then that's the consequence of what they are doing. If they were working their conscience they would have nothing to fear; they would not need these intelligence services and all of these agents to try to incriminate innocent human beings. What they're trying to do is to criminalise dissent. OK- if you want to criminalise dissent you have the power to do that. You have the courts you have the law enforcement you have all of this thing; we have no one except our God-given conscience, our God-given heart, our God-given soul, our God-given mind- that's what we have and if they're afraid of that… We don't have any machine guns. I don't have a BB gun at home. As much as a BB gun I don't have but I have the truth, (or at least I think I have the truth or a good portion of it), and if they're afraid of a person who has the truth and they are there at the airport… Let me tell you something at the airport that many people don't know- if you're checking in like I do. When I can here, to Houston, I checked in the airport in Baltimore and I had a connecting flight in Atlanta. Now when you check in at Baltimore you can understand- OK, you have to go through the security. They take you aside and they do the screening process that they go through but then when you get to Atlanta, (and I've done this many times in my connecting airports), I look at these gates to see if there's any of these TSA people at these other gates (and) I don't see these TSA people around. I just see people boarding in normally but every time I get on a connecting flight and the TSA is there at the gate. So what happened? I mean I just flew on a plane from Baltimore to Atlanta and I didn't leave any airport?! I'm still in the airport. What could I acquire? What could I obtain in that airport? A snack?! Is a snack dangerous? A bottle of water that I may want to drink maybe to rehydrate up in the air- is that dangerous?! So if they're becoming paranoid- which obviously they are- I guess it's a time for them to look at themselves. What's wrong with us? What went wrong? What are we doing- we're picking on innocent individuals like this. (At) one time I had a discussion at Dallas airport, that's the international airport in the Washington DC area. I was coming back from a trip from overseas. I had a discussion with a couple of these individuals. They know me and I know them because we've been through this routine many times; I'm a frequent flyer and we're familiar with ourselves now. So I ask them "now why do you pick on an innocent person like me? I just happened to have come through customs with about almost fifteen Saudi Arabians." As God would have calculated and assessed things about fifteen Saudi Arabians were right in front of me handing in their customs card to the final customs employee there and the speaking system was saying "welcome to the United States of America." This all happening at the same time and so this custom guy was taking the custom's cards from the Saudi Arabians and they were going through very merrily to their arrival area and here I- an American citizen who served in the United States military who has no criminal record here- am motioned to go for secondary screening. So when I got there I told these custom's employees "look- 9/11 was done by whom? I don't know your reading of it and I don't want to go through the details of it right now. Obviously this is a subject that can exhaust a lot of time but according to the official information out there fifteen out of nineteen individuals were Saudis who committed 9/11- that's what all this information out there. Here I am coming to the United States and I see fifteen Saudis right in front of me going right through as though they were Americans and here I am subjected to secondary screening as if I am a Saudi. Now how does that square with you? How do you process this?" One of them, she, said to me "well we had a colleague, he was a Pakistani- actually he works with us (and) he went to Pakistan and he is one of us. On his way back he was subjected to the same thing you are subjected to." I said "well doesn't that tell you something is wrong with the system? Come on! I mean the signals are coming your way from all every direction. Something is wrong. You suspect one of your own? He works with you- he's your colleague. You know him, he knows you. He went to visit his family in Pakistan (and) he's coming back and he's subjected to this? Doesn't that tell you something? Where are you? There's no longer the ability to think?" But this is exactly the point. They have drained us of our ability to think of what God and His Emissaries wanted to teach us and we have a rich history of it extending for thousand of years but due to the ungodly and secular establishment that we are living in we are disconnected from all of that and as if right now many of us are trying to recreate a needle.
Thank you very much. I think I'm told here I've run out of time. Hopefully if there's a question and answer session or if there's not a question and answer session we are brothers and we are beyond and above formalities.
May the blessing and the grace and the peace all of which comes from justice on earth your share here and in the hereafter.
Wa Salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Wa Sallalahu ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of the Annual Conference of the MSA PSG on 21 December 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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