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Thursday, October 25, 2012



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (26 October 2012)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed brothers and sisters, committed Muslims …
Next week we will all be here trying to renew and energise the celebration of Eid even though our collective memory is incapable of putting these meanings in proper context. As we approach the day of Eid, the tenth of Dhi Al Hijjah, (and) as we approach this day of our yearly assembly it might be worth our time in this khutbah- with the taqwa of Allah on our minds and in our feelings- to try to contribute to the proper contextualising of what al hajj means in at least one of its aspects, as there are plenty of meanings to this yearly assembly of committed Muslims. Let us try to look at the hajj as it was in the days of Allah's Prophet before he was forty years old and before there was any revealed ayaat or Qur'an from Allah.
The hajj was claimed by the Arabian inhabitants of Makkah and Al Hejaz and Arabia to be in the tradition of Ibrahim and Isma'eel (alayhima as salaam). This has to be made very clear in the minds of the performing hujjaj. Makkah did not lose its traditional value since the time of Ibrahim up until today. The traditional or the customary practice of the hajj has been a yearly event in the traditions of Ibrahim and then in the traditions of Muhammad that were meant to reinvigorate and to capture the active and the realistic meanings that were ingrained in this hajj since its inception. So with this general understanding, what was the hajj when the Prophet was growing up? Who were the people who were coming to the hajj? What did they do? Remember, when revelation came to Allah's Prophet he went to this type of hajj that we are going to speak about right now. Primarily al hajj was a commercial activity. People would bring anything that they had to sell to the hajj and we don't know of any contravention of this in the Qur'an or in the Sunnah; to the contrary there's an ayah in the Qur'an that encourages this aspect of the hajj. The ayah says
There's nothing against you if you were to seek abundance from Allah during this time of the hajj… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 198)
As the minds of the Scholars of Islam have interpreted the word fadh'lan min Rabbikum, it means worldly commercial or market profits. There's nothing wrong. In other words what this is saying in the words of the ayah and in the traditions that were part of society from the time of Ibrahim to the time of Muhammad this was in the major feature of the Hajj. People used to go to Makkah and used to leave Makkah without any constraints (and) without any conditions. People used to go to Makkah from all directions- from Ash Shaam, from Al Yemen, from Najd, from Al Hejaz, from Al Iraq, from Al Bahrain. No one was telling them there's any type of criteria for you to come to Makkah. That did not exist! When these people, in their thousands- and when we speak about "in their thousands" in those days, it's like speaking in our millions in our times; so don't get put off by their number "in their thousands" because that has to be understood in its context. Humanity wasn't seven billion people at that time. So when people used to come together in Makkah at that time, remember, it was primarily for market transactions. They wanted to sell what they have (and) that means they are bringing commodities and merchandise with them to Makkah. This was and continued to be a permanent aspect of the Hajj. We don't want to break away from this historical descriptive narrative but we can't help but assist you to immediately contrast people going to the hajj today with people who have been going to the hajj ever since the time of Ibrahim in as far as being, (number one), able to freely access Makkah and Al Bayt Al Haram and, (number two), to bring with them whatever they wanted to bring with them to the Hajj. Just think about it in your mind to realise that something has happened. So besides that, what were these thousands or tens of thousands of people doing in Makkah? Remember, we are speaking about people coming to Makkah during the time of the hajj (and) at that time what were they doing? There were literary contests among the most outspoken communicators of society at that time; there were meetings of decision makers from the different areas that we just pointed to in the Arabian Peninsula and on the peripheries of the Arabian Peninsula; people used to have their minds meet. They would divulge and disclose their inner thoughts to each other and in the Ibrahimi tradition, because it goes all the way up to the Prophet, there was no one saying "this is a bid'ah, you can't do this in hajj." Even in those thirteen years when the Prophet was in Makkah (and) when he used to every year go to this type of hajj- the type of hajj that we are describing here- he wasn't saying to people "it is some type of non-Islamic character or performance for you to assemble in this type of meeting of the minds." He had a message to communicate to them and he wasn't concerned with their interactions at that time. These people had problems and they used to present these problems to themselves to try to solve these problems. They used to consider that a portion of the hajj. It was a feature of the traditional Ibrahimi hajj. Now, whether these problems were local or whether they were regional or whether they were wider in scope is another issue- the main point here is people in the hajj were concentrating their minds in their own gatherings- whether they were literary gatherings (or) whether they were commercial gatherings (or) whether they were what we call today political gatherings- but no one was saying "this is outside of the Ibrahimi tradition, this doesn't belong in the hajj." When the Prophet of Allah used to meet with these people who used to come to the hajj, what did that result in? It resulted into eventual hijra from Makkah to Al Madinah. In those thirteen years when the Prophet of Allah was in Makkah, the type of hajj that was performed was the one that we just spoke about and described very shortly. The Prophet of Allah used to come to these people who were involved in these types of activities and he wasn't telling them "look- the hajj is not a commercial activity or the hajj is not a literary activity or the hajj is not a political activity." He wasn't say anything concerning that. We think this is an area you also have to be conscious of- during this time of the hajj not only were those who were in the Ibrahimi or in the Muhammadi performance of the hajj attending this yearly assembly; there were also Christians and Jews who were coming to the hajj. Now this doesn't occur because of the way the hajj has been diminished in the past century or two and even more than that if you want to trace it to its origins. But it doesn't occur to the average or even the well informed Muslim that Christians and Jews were coming to the hajj in its Ibrahimi performance and its Muhammadi performance. Why? Something has happened with our perception of the hajj?! There is a very famous articulator who was a Christian. His name is Qis ibn Sa'eedah, (for those who want the name). Go back to any historical reference if you want. Qis ibn Sa'eedah during the hajj gave one of the most eloquent speeches in Makkah in the Haram area. No one said "look, this guy is a Christian (so) he can't come to Makkah or he can't come to the Haram." So where did all this come from? We'll see in a moment. What was revealed to the Muslims and still continues to be a Qur'anan yutla i.e. a sequenced Qur'an or a Qur'anan yuqra i.e. a recited Qur'an among us today is in Surah Bara'ah. This is called Surah At Tawbah- many more Muslims are familiar with Surah At Tawbah. In the first thirty or forty ayahs there are instructions for Muslims to severe their ties with the Mushriks. In straying away from the meanings of the Qur'an we don't have definitions for words. Let's face it- we, Muslims, don't have active, consensual (and) practical definitions of key Qur'anic terminology. The ayah in the Qur'an says
Allah has declared and so has His Prophet a disavowal or a severance of relationship between the committed Muslims and the Mushriks. (Surah At Tawbah verse 1)
The committed Muslims we understand more-or-less. There are areas there that also have to be clarified and crystallized but the Mushriks has become the obstacle word. What do you mean (or) what is meant?! It's easy to translate the ayah.
A disavowal (or) a breaking of ties and bilateral and multilateral agreements (and) military and political alliances between the committed Muslims on one side… (Surah At Tawbah verse 1)
That's clear.
… and the Mushriks on the other side. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 1)
Who are the Mushriks? Here is where we begin to have the policies of today (and) the government that has been ruling in Arabia getting away with imposing its definition of the hajj on all of the rest of the Muslims and for that matter all of the rest of the world. First of all, they don't want the Muslims to declare their Bara'ah from the Mushrikeen. They don't want that to happen. You can't do what the Prophet ordered Aba Bakr and Ali (radi Allahu anhuma) to do, i.e. to declare on Yawm Al Hajj Al Akbar, on the day of Eid, (which is a week away from us today), that we, the Muslims, who are assembled in Makkah from practically every country in the world that now we are in a mode, in a frame of mind (and) in an orientation that wants to cut off these relationships of dependency upon the Mushriks. Now, once again, who are these Mushriks? We know from reading our own Prophetic and Islamic history that the Prophet had enemies in the Arabian Peninsula and these enemies were of a variety. They had different descriptions. There were some who were called Al Kafireen, others who were called Al Fasiqeen, others who were called Adh Dhaalimeen, others who were called Al Munafiqeen and others who were called Al Mushrikeen. Who are these Mushriks. For Allah's sake can we clarify this issue of who these Mushriks are? It's very easy. You go back to the ayaat in the Qur'an and you get a grip on the meaning of this word in context. When you have that you'll have the definition of who these Mushriks are. To bring in today's words into these meanings of the Qur'an and the Prophet's Seerah and Sunnah it would be equivalent of saying these Mushriks are those who equate other powers and authorities with Allah resulting in injustice and oppression. To do this you need institutions. We're trying to bring you the aroma and the flavour of the meanings of these ayaat into today's daily language. In order to be opposed to the Prophet of Allah to the extent of going to war with him
Remember how the kaafirs plotted against you, to keep bonded or slay you or expel you out of your home (Surah Al Anfal verse 30)
In order for these meanings to come alive we're going to have to fill in the blanks of history that have led us to the stagnant hajj we have today (and) formed by millions of Muslims every year. These institutions have to be identified and those who are running these institutions, the Mushrikeen, also have to be identified. It's not simply "Oh some Christian or some Jew is a Mushrik." No! This is a simplistic and a naïve and a reductionist explanation for who these Mushriks are when this ayah is revealed. Allah and His Prophet have reached the point where now it is our (i.e.) the hujjaj's responsibility who go to Makkah to say (or) to state in public
A disavowal (or) a breaking of ties and bilateral and multilateral agreements (and) military and political alliances between the committed Muslims and the Mushrikeen. (Surah At Tawbah verse 1)
The other following ayah says
A declaration from Allah and His Prophet to the people on the great day of Hajj that Allah and His Messenger are free from these types of agreements with the Mushrikeen… (Surah At Tawbah verse 3)
Adhaan is a public announcement. We ask these officials in Arabia who say "there are no politics in the hajj" what do you mean? What are these ayaat? Tell us! Are these ayaat in Surah At Tawbah and Surah Al Bara'ah or are they not politics? Are they or are they not military instructions? This is serious stuff. We have to internalise and then publicly express these meanings during this time of the year knowing what we are all about. We are not people who are going out there and occupying other people's sanctities. We are not people who are looking for a fight. We are not people who are, (right now this is the seasonal word), terrorists. We are not terrorists. The ayaat in the Qur'an that are integral to this ayah and this Surah of bara'ah is looking at a larger picture.
You go to war for the cause of Allah against those who go to war against you and you do not launch aggression, Allah doesn't favour aggressors (or) there's no affinity between Allah and aggressors. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 190)
And if they, (meaning these Mushriks that we are speaking about) tilt towards non-belligerency and towards the absence of war then you do the same. (Surah Al Anfal verse 1)
Don't let some people come to you and try to draw a picture in which Muslims are automatically, instinctually and by second nature trigger-happy. This is stabbing the Qur'an in the back- that's what they want to do (and) that's what they've been doing. In today's world, as was the case in the Prophet's world at that time, there are agreements. Governments have agreements with other governments, governments that are in Muslim countries have agreements with governments that are in Mushrik institutionalised countries. This is a fact of life. Some of these agreements are permanent (and) some of these agreements have a time schedule to them and in these ayaat all of these aspects are dealt with in a manner that makes it obligatory that a Muslim honours these agreements unless they are permanent then they are given a four months span to expire. These Mushriks can think themselves out in four months and decide what they want to do with Muslims as a power that expresses itself. The first expression comes from their meetings in the hajj where their minds meet (and) where they open up their minds to each other and where they consolidate their decision making. None of that is allowed in today's hajj or in today's umrahs. What Allah is telling us to do worldly powers are telling us not to do!
One of the expressions on this day of hajj in the ninth year of the ten years of the Prophet was in Al Madinah whoever has entered into some type of pact with the Messenger of Allah that pact shall be honoured until the stipulated timeframe that defines it; if it's a matter of months (or) if it's a matter of years, and then it's over but those who are in an indefinite arrangement with the Islamic State in Al Madinah, that indefinite arrangement is annulled and there shall only be four months after which these Mushrik forces have to reconfigure their relationships with this Islamic determination expressed in Makkah. There are other ayaat that we wanted to express in Surah Al Bara'ah. The first thirty odd ayah in Surah Al Bara'ah but there's simply no time but if you return to your Qur'an and to your Prophet and to your mind and review these meanings you will see that they are contradictory to the policies, the procedures, the directives, the instructions and the general management of the hajj as it is performed and has been performed ever since those family rulers have taken control of Makkah and Al Madinah and it simply has to come to an end! Brothers and sisters- you will see some of them on different occasions during the year or you will see some of their extensions on different occasions during the year simply with the Islamic character that you have, not the character that is presented in the media (but) the character that is moulded by the Qur'an and the Prophet ask them "how do you square the performance of the hajj nowadays with the way it was performed since its inception by Ibrahim and Isma'eel and the way it was regenerated by the last Prophet of Allah and the committed Muslims with him in addition to the meanings of Surah Al Bara'ah by the laws that you have right now that criminalises Muslims today for wanting to have a public mind that rehearses and concentrates on the meanings in Surah Al Bara'ah?" The Prophet of Allah has demonstrated to us because the year before the Prophet passed away he sent Aba Bakr and Ali to Makkah to declare this independence, (this is what it is in today's language), from the Mushriks. In today's world these Mushriks are the institutions of Zionism and Imperialism and Capitalism and racism- all of these have institutions that declare their hostility to committed Muslims. There is blood and bones in these Mushrik institutions that have to be identified and once they are, we have to declare our independence from them. Thus this hajj is a declaration of Islamic independence from the preponderant forces in the world that has displaced Allah's authority and His power.
Dear committed brothers and sisters…
What is happening in our sacred precincts and territories nowadays will be looked back at by future generations as the Muslims having hit rock-bottom! Muslims go to Makkah and Al Madinah and they feel elated (and) some of them ecstatic that they have performed their hajj not knowing that by the standards of the Qur'an and the Prophet they did not perform their hajj. This is the dilemma that faces us every year and it is due to these rulers who have imposed the Imperialist-Zionist will on the days of the hajj. Not only have they shrank the hajj by numbers- remember Makkah is an open place (and) it's been that way up until the advent of the Saudi rulers. Now it's become off limits or if you want to go you need the Saudi government's permission to go to Makkah and Al Madinah. This never ever was the case or the condition between Makkah and those who look at Makkah as their Ka'bah and their Qiblah. Never! This is something new, but as new as it is with the past less than a hundred years, many Muslims are not aware of it. What is happening there? This is the time of the hajj. We are supposed to be speaking of a time when there is a heightened sense of moral sensitivity. What do you have? What type of news is coming out of there? A lot of Muslims feel incensed and they feel enraged when you speak about the sexual moral corruption that goes on there- it's not that human nature doesn't have its perverts it does. This is not something peculiar to Muslims but what is offensive is that this human perversion is practised during the time of the hajj in the most sacred precincts on Earth. What are we talking about? A young Egyptian lady was taken by force to a rest area right there in Makkah during this Holy place and time by five Saudi gentlemen. We're sorry to say this brothers and sisters but we have to look at the facts as they are- each day one of these Saudis took turns in these five days in this rest area when one of them would go to her and rape her. Now, to them this is something that no one should know about. To them they are not responsible for something like this. (Is) this going to go to court? We'll try to follow this. If public information surfaces we'll keep you posted but if the past has any indicator the issue is going to die and the hajj is going to remain "this well supervised clean activity managed by the Saudi royals" who are themselves managed by Shayateen Al Ins wa Al Jinn.
Another news item that you may want to hear about during these high Holy times of the year… An Egyptian lady, an Egyptian young women, (brothers and sisters from Egypt- we're sorry) gets into a disagreement with the daughter of the king. Then, of course, without hearing what the side of the young Egyptian lady is- that information did not make it to the public airwaves, (so to speak)- but somehow she had to go through that mockery of justice there and they ruled against her, "she has to be lashed five-hundred times." We don't know where they get this in their own fiqhi books. These lashes are given out to her in instalments. Every week or every several days she is lashed fifty times. So far, up until a couple of days ago she has been lashed four-hundred times for disagreeing with a royal daughter of the royal king who themselves are the sub servants of the Mushriks from whom we should declare our independence!
(Do) you want more of these types of events? Just look at their history (and) look what they've done. They honoured their agreements with the Mushriks in Europe and then they went into war twice in their history against Ottoman Muslims- once during the time of, (what we may call), the Wahabbi era and then once again at the beginning of World War One. Are these people, people who honour their pledge (and) their allegiance with Allah and His Prophet or do they honour their pledge and their allegiance to London and to Washington and to Tel Aviv? What is a laughing comment about all of this is you speak the facts about the Saudi royals and the damage they have inflicted upon us in our own schools, in our own Masaajid (and) in our own internal affairs and the American government and the Israeli government are upset and they go mad?! "Why are Muslims speaking against that Saudi regime?!" You'd think the Saudi regime would go crazy and mad because words of truth are going its way but why is Washington and Tel Aviv upset because Muslims are focusing the likes of the facts of this Saudi problem that we have. Is that another demonstration of how the Saudi rulers soul mates are not the Muslims that come to Makkah (and) who are treated with discrimination and prejudice; their soul mates are the financiers and the corporate managers who are in the Capitalist world and in the racist world out there.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on 19 October 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under siege.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : EID AL ADHA'


EID AL ADHA KHUTBAH (26 October 2012)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers and sisters, Muslims of commitment, Muslims of loyalty of allegiance to Allah and His Prophet and to the committed Muslims…
This day of Eid is a day of Jama'ah. (On) this day Muslims from all around the world come together as a mass of people concentrating their thoughts and their hearts on the fact that Allah is greater than all the powers of the Earth. They express their gravity to Allah (with) the words they repeat in unison. This is a day (that) because of its meanings we are to express our unity with each other, our solidarity to each other, our affinity to each other, our common brotherhood and camaraderie. This is a day that unities and does not divide. This is a day in which we express our happiness or cordial feelings to our brothers and sisters in our immediate local and around the world; but on the other hand this is a day when we should realise that the unity that Allah intended for us has become a division (that) the usurpers of His power and authority have imposed upon us. We know, brothers and sisters, that the psychology of the Muslims is a broken psychology. They say with words what they cannot demonstrate with behaviour! Muslims say Allahu Akbar but do their social behaviour exemplify the word Allahu Akbar? Many Muslims say to themselves and say to their fellow Muslims "we live in a world in which we have to deal with these superpowers and we don't have the power to deal with these superpowers as we should." Whoever comes to you with that notion and that idea has not expressed Allahu Akbar from the depths of his heart and from the core of his thoughts; in other words they are not honest and they are not truthful to the resounding echo of Makkah nowadays when the Muslim public expresses to the world Allahu Akbar. Then there is another attitude in the Muslim community and Muslim society that says "Muslims who want to look at the world through their understanding of Allah and His Prophet are reckless or they are unnecessarily ambitious when they try to focus in on the root (and) on the cause of all the problems we have in our lives." We remind these latent and manifest attitudes and personalities that the Prophet of Allah instructed Muslims who went in his last year in this world or in his last two years in this world, (or just about) to express the meanings, first of all, to announce and then to declare and then to publicise and furthermore to socialise and put into concrete action the first twenty-nine ayaat of Surah Bara'ah or Surah At Taubah. What are these twenty-nine ayaat speaking about? They are speaking about the independence and the disavowal of the Muslims from the Mushrik powers of the world. Once again, when the Muslim expresses just these meanings from Allah and His Prophet we have the inferiority psychology step forward and say "wait a minute, hold on! What are you saying?!" We say nothing from our own selves. It is Allah and His Prophet who say to us what we are echoing to the world.
An ending to these types of agreements between Allah, His Prophet and the Committed Muslims (on one side) and the Mushrikeen (on the other side) (Surah At Tawbah verse 1)
Where is this expression today? The inferior psychology has become a policy in Makkah and around the Haram. Muslims are not allowed to express the meanings (or) to explain the meanings of these ayaat, twenty-nine of them, to themselves. Muslims are not expressing this at the United Nations, Muslims are not expressing this in foreign territories; Muslims are to express this in their homeland, in their birth place, in their Qiblah, in their Haram, in their Holy sanctuary (and) in the birth land of Allah's Prophet. We are not allowed to do that! What's wrong? This inferiority psychology has become laws and has become penalties from those who just want to do what Allah and His Prophet are telling them to do. Don't be inferior brothers and sisters, especially on this day. Know that Allah and His Messenger have taught us and instructed us to express our disavowal from hegemonic and exploitative powers that have become the representatives of the colossal dhulm in this world.
… Shirk is of a magnitude of oppression without any equal. (Surah Luqman verse 13)
So Allah wants us to disassociate ourselves (and) to break our dependency relations on these Mushrikeen and their powers structures and their power systems. Why are we incapable of doing that? Because the enemy dwells within us! There are sentries and there are armies for the Mushrikeen who are implementing policies and procedures where they don't belong.
Dear brothers dear sisters, on this day and on other days because you don't say Allahu Akbar the Prophet says beauty your holidays by saying Allahu Akbar. This beauty is the beauty of its meaning. What did these Mushriks give us and the rest of the world? They gave us a culture of war. We don't have this in their countries and their homelands but when we turn around and look, they have armies and weapons to kill our people in our countries and our homelands. Who's guilty? Who's bleeding? Can't you see?! They want to flip this the other way around (and) they want to make us feel as if we are guilty! If that feeling moves into your psychology, defeat it by saying Allahu Akbar. If that notion takes hold in your society, defeat by saying and understanding Allahu Akbar. On this day we remember that we are responsible for the other. These Mushrikeen that we are supposed to disavow and the Mushrikeen that we are supposed to distance ourselves from camouflage their identity (and) they try to fool you and me. They say "we are Ahl Al Kitab, we are People of Scripture, we are People of the Book." What scripture (and) what book are they talking about that permits them to go and shed the blood of populations (and) millions of people?! What are they talking about?! And many Muslims stand apologising for the brave souls among the Muslims who can speak truth to power. There's nothing to apologise for. We haven't done anything wrong. We haven't broken any laws. We haven't sent our militaries to occupy their countries. We haven't drop atomic bombs on other people! As we speak they are gearing up for another military adventure. Where in the world? In our lands (and) in our geography and they want us to look the other way and pretend and say nothing is happening- the world is a rosy place? No, it is not. We know the challenges ahead of us. We know what's involved and because we know that we say Allahu Akbar. It's not because we know that we invite them and say "come give us security" like these rulers in Arabia do. Remind these rulers of Allah's words
Don't rely upon alladheena dhalamu or don't depend on alladheena dhalamu or don't trust alladheena dhalamu or don't bestraddle alladheena dhalamu or don't believe in alladheena dhalamu... (Surah Hud verse 113)
These words are to those who present themselves as Muslims (and) those who make decisions for Muslims. Allah says to them
Don't take refuge or don't rely upon alladheena dhalamu- oppressors, aggressors, exploiters, hegemons- because if you do you will burn and you have no support to the exclusion of Allah... (Surah Hud verse 113)
They've excluded Allah. We can't look the Saudi royals in the face and say to them "you have excluded Allah from the Hajj (and) from the Umrah?!"
We've said this before and we're going to say it again, they use the word bid'ah. "Oh- if you don't have a beard the length of the extension of your hand you are courting a bid'ah?! If you happen to go into the Masjid with the wrong foot first you have committed a bid'ah?!" They measure people by these bid'ahs as they define them. (Take a) look back at these same people who are using this language, brothers and sisters, and tell them "how about the bid'ahs that you have? Can you explain to us the quota system that you have imposed on the Hajj?" Who says (or) where is there in any ayah of the Qur'an (and) where in any ahadith of the Prophet that says "out of every one-hundred-million population in any country there is only going to be one-thousand permitted in the Hajj." Where does this exist? That is official policy therefore the Hajj has been constricted from the tens of millions who want to go to it every year to the measly two to three million now who make it there after the barriers they have to surmount to get there. They speak about bid'ah- let's look at their gargantuan bid'ahs. Visa?! Where did this bid'ah come from? You need a visa to go to the Hajj and the Umrah (and) to go to Makkah and Al Madinah? Where did this bid'ah come from? (Do these) Saudi royals mean to tell us, the committed Muslims of the world, that we need their permission to go to Makkah and Al Madinah?! All of these are facts of life- why aren't the Muslims standing up and saying "no. I don't need your permission to obey Allah." What do they want? The next step (is) they'll want to give us permission to pray? Do we have to get a visa from them now or in the future to go to the Masajid of Allah? Where is the spirit and the soul of Allahu Akbar? Allah is greater than what they are doing. Yeh- they are getting away with this for years now but don't think that they will continue to be getting away with this. Justice is going to catch up with them. The Prophet says whoever does not take notice of Islamic affairs (or) whoever is not concerned with the issues of Muslims is not one of them. That's how they want to phase us off our responsibilities. They want to lock us into the mentality of their defined bid'ah. They refer to the first generation of Muslims as As Salaf As Salih, the virtuous ancestors and we have other Muslims trailing them (and) they use the same words. We suggest, with the spirit and the confidence that comes with Allah Akbar, we say As Salaf Al Mujtahid, the ancestors who had ijtihad; so that we can annul their bid'ah mentality. As Salaf Al Mujtahid, the ancestors who used to think. When ijtihad went out of the Muslim society the bid'ah mentality took over and we are stuck with it now. We say on this day Allah Akbar and we mean what we say.
Dear brothers and sisters…
Regardless of the mountains of burdens that are in front of us, this is a day when we overcome these mountains by our relationships with Allah. It's a day when we care for the other Muslim. There are Muslims in this world on this day who don't have enough to eat and if they, (meaning the royals of Arabia), want to trap Muslims in a mentality that doesn't think- they're not going to do that to us. There's a billion human beings who are living between survival and starvation- one-billion! The world just turned seven-billion, (they tell us), in the past week or two. Out of seven-billion there's one-billion that's living between survival (or) between death and starvation. Of course, those who stuff themselves on this day (i.e.) the royals with all this wealth they have don't want you and me to be aware of this. On this particular day we should be sensitised to this fact. We should do as much good as we can.
… if you do good to another it is for your own self… (Surah Al Jaathiyah verse 15)
We may recall in centuries past way back then in the early years of Islam (that) on this day there was a friend (or) there was a person who had a friend (and) this person was approached by his wife. She said to him we don't have food for ourselves and we can live with that but we have small children what are we going to do? How are we going to feed our children on this day that is supposed to be a day of happiness? How are we going to make them happy? Who do you go to? The closest person to you. The father and the husband turned in confidence to his friend, (in this case the father the husband went to the closest person to him), and he said my wife and I can bear the conditions that we are in but our children are not going to be able to bear this- can you help us out? This friend sends to him a bag that is sealed with one-thousand dirhams in it. This was in the time of the dirham and the dinar. He sent to him a sealed bag that had a thousand dirhams in it. Then, when the person in need receives it he hears from another friend of his that he is in need. This is not a fable, this is the truth. This is the fact of where we were as compared to where we are today. When he received this sealed bag of a thousand dirham a friend of his complains to him the same way he complained to his friend I don't have anything and I have a family that I feel should be happy on the day of Eid- could you help me? Without even opening this sealed bag he gives it to this friend of his. This friend was approached by a the first person (or) the first friend with the first complaint that he doesn't have anything for his family. So the sealed bag went to the first person. He saw it's still sealed but it came from another person (so) he was curious. So he went to his friend, the first person that he gave it to, and he said I gave you this as a sealed bag and it came back to me as a sealed bag- what happened? Can you explain this? So he explained to him and they found out that this bag circulated among three people who knew themselves very well but they tried to do it away from the public eye. All of this is an attempt to make the Eid a Eid of happiness, at least for the children and the young ones and to those who are in need. When these people said Allahu Akbar they knew what it meant.
We pray to Allah that the day quickly approaches when all the poison and the toxins that have been placed in our minds and in Makkah itself becomes history.
Please brothers and sisters- this is a day of joy, a day of visitations, a day of closeness among ourselves. Please be as forthcoming as you can on this day and remember its meanings throughout the rest of the year. From this humble person to you Eid Mubarak and Eid sa'eed to you, to your extended families, to those who are in your circles and to the rest of the Muslims anywhere and everywhere they are.
Wa Salaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi Ta'ala wa Barakaatuh
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Eid on 6 November 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Muslim Unite Sunni and Shia KHUTBAH : FEAR OF ALLAH OR FEAR OF 9/11 PART 8


JUM'AH KHUTBAH (12 October 2012)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed Muslims, dear brothers and sisters…
The real world to which Allah and His Prophet addressed their meanings (is also) this real world of ours today. We happen to be at a conjecture of conjunction of time. There are upheavals, gunfire, explosions, attacks, aggression, and outbreaks of hostilities- this is the real world. We may be in a relatively secure geography or area but if we take a look at our numerical presence we find that it is located within a very volatile, shifting, explosive, unstable and threatening atmosphere. You can choose almost any territorial area in this geography- just as reference points, take Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq Syria Pakistan Al Bahrain Al Yemen, Somalia (and) parts of North Africa as some reference points to the ayaat and the ahadith that are to follow. In this conjunction of events in the time frame that we are in is also the approaching Hajj. In about or exactly in two weeks time the Muslims around the world are going to be celebrating Al Eid Al Adha, the Eid of sacrifice- just two weeks time. Now Muslims are beginning on their way from all directions of the world towards Makkah where they will probably spend their days and their devotion in the meaningless cyclical that we've been through in previous years and in previous generations where Al Hajj doesn't energise the Muslims to do what has to be done. With these mental co-ordinates, (so to speak), we pick up the theme that we have been pursuing and i.e. that we, Muslims, are presented by Shayaateen Al Ins wa Al Jinn in the world to be the bad guys. They repeat this lie so much that shades of it (or) at least shrapnel of it have been launched into the minds and the brains of the public- that's how they see Muslims. This lie has been systematically presented over and over and over until right now when someone says, in the public here just outside, the word terrorist, the first synonym that comes to mind is Muslim; likewise, they've done their job so well that you say the word Muslim and the first synonym that comes into mind is terrorist. We explained in previous khutbahs how they have turned the picture upside down. A Muslim who is by nature, by disposition, by his character and behaviour a peaceful person and on the other side these people, (whether they are in the form of officials or in the form of media individuals or whoever) who camouflage themselves with civility and modernity when in fact just like in today's world when you say Muslim or terrorist (and) one word reminds you of the other when you say the word Christian or Jew in the public mind out there, that reminds you of civilisation and of technology and of progress and all of this positive imagery that they glue to themselves. All of this is nonsense! It is wrong, it is a lie! Let us explain something- this is something you will never hear from the loud mouths who are out there who don't fear accusing the Muslims of criminal conduct. Let us say something that they will never say and something that, by the way, we ourselves have not developed a common mind therein- there are many ayaat in the Qur'an that set the record straight unlike their history and their current contemporary character. Unlike all of that, we don't force people to become Muslims- far from it. You know the ayah- this is one of the ayaat they use to target (us). Of course, they take it out of context (and) they give it their own translation and because we are supposed to be domesticated by their Masaajid- these Masajid don't even belong to us, so we are supposed to tow their mental line. They say "look at the Muslims. Read their Holy Book." A partial ayah that says
… you kill them where you find them… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
They say "look at this! This is what they believe." (Take a) look at their book. These are their words.
… kill them… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
Let's explain what them is. The ayah here is in reference to Al Mushrikeen and Al Kafireen who are at war against an Islamic society and an Islamic State. So the ayah says in case of or in the condition where there are two opposed armed or military forces. This is an ayah that pertains to active combat, it doesn't pertain to you and me, the average Muslim, who is sitting in a society where there's no clashes and conflicts. This is what they want you and the rest of the people to believe, "look at the Muslims. They are blood thirsty terrorists. They want to kill and their ayaat, their God and their Prophet tells them to do so." This is the quote
… you kill them where you find them… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 191)
And being that these Masajid are occupied territories- there's a syndicate of Masajid in the world that don't report to Allah, but they report to their Saudi god. So when there's no Muslim to respond to this in an intelligent and a public way they get away with it and the impression lasts. It endures- Muslims are bloodthirsty and savages and criminals and terrorists. This is what happens when we can't even speak for ourselves or, (before that), think for ourselves. Now let's take a look at the sequences of ayaat. We don't want to bore you because we know many of you can't follow the original Arabic but we'll quote the ayah and then we'll distil its meaning in English with the translator's license. For your reference information these are ayaat one-hundred-and-twenty-five to one-hundred-and-twenty-eight in Surah An Nahl, The Bee. What is this ayah saying? Is it saying go to war, kill, shed blood (and) all of these other nasty stuff that is out there pertaining to us the committed Muslims?! To the contrary, this ayah says when it comes to our behaviour, interaction and communication with the other- whether that other is a Jew, a Christian, a non-Muslim, whatever-
… when we reach this subject of intercommunications with others in society we do so bi al hikma… (Surah Al Nahl verse 125)
Three channels describe the way we interact with others and these three channels debunk all the media propaganda that is out there trying to present us as some type of goof-balls or weirdoes or unbalanced individuals. When we encounter those who don't have the Islam that we have,
… we communicate with them with wisdom and with sound counsel (or) sound advise and if we debate with them we do it in a courteous manner… (Surah Al Nahl verse 125)
How can this be that if these are our features and characteristics they come and say "we are terrorists and we want to use the sword to force people into Islam?!" Where did that come from? It came from evil minds, it came and it comes from people who are planning wars and who have hostilities in their bosom- that's where it comes from. We know we can't force anyone to become Muslim- that's one of the ABC's of our conviction and our commitment. There's no compulsion, there's no force. Can you or can anyone who falls into their line of thinking present us with just one example of where the Prophet of Allah forced anyone in Makkah or in Arabia or in anywhere else to become a Muslim? Does it exist? It doesn't exist. Allah says about the Prophet (in) an ayah that is read every Eid in Surah Al Ghaashiyah,
Conscientise people or speak to their conscience… (Surah Al Ghaashiyah verse 21)
This is the type of person you are.
… you're a person who stimulates their conscience. (Surah Al Ghaashiyah verse 21)
For those of you who think a little more than others, pay close attention to Allah's choice of words when He speaks about dhikr, He's not speaking about fikr. The conscience is different from the cerebrum. These are two different areas in our intelligent existence.
You are not someone who overpowers them (or) you're not someone who has a hegemonic character vis a vis the other. (Surah Al Ghaashiyah verse 22)
If this is the character and this is the definition of Allah's Prophet, how can anyone displace that? How can any Muslim anywhere at any time displace that with a character that is going to enforce Islam on someone else? It can't be!
In another ayah in Surah Aal An'aam, ayah sixty-six. We're paraphrasing this
The Prophet is saying to them, I don't have as far as you or the other Muslims (or) the other people around (or) the non-Muslims are concerned I don't have your power of attorney, you're going to have to represent your own selves in front of Allah. (Surah Al An'aam verse 66)
Do you understand that?! If you understand that, how do you permit the informational of pollution that is out there saying "look at the Muslims, they are terrorists! They want to convert people by using the sword, and the gun and ammunition and arms and militant activities" and all of the rest of this terrorist broken record that we are accustomed to
In Surah Al Qasass in ayah fifty-six Allah is saying to His beloved Prophet, the most beloved of the Ambiya' Al Mursaleen
… you don't guide a person whom you would love to be guided... (Surah Al Qasass verse 56)
This is Allah's Prophet (and) if in his heart he wishes a certain person is guided, it's not up to him whether that person is guided or not.
… it is Allah who guides those who are willing to be guided… (Surah Al Qasass verse 56)
That's the chemistry there, the will of a person to be guided interacting with the will of Allah. The best part that we can play is to be a catalyst in that will but we can't have it happen and then they say "look, Muslims they want to force through threats and through intimidation and fear others to be Muslims." Brothers and sisters- are we reading our own book and understanding who we are? Allah in the famous ayah in Surah Al Baqarah says
There is no compulsion when it comes to an issue pertinent to the deen, in its conviction and in its faith formulation… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 256)
No one in the world is allowed by Allah's word to force a person to change their conviction. Because what happens? Even if we went along and said "yeah, Muslims force others to become Muslims." We know that that will create a hypocrite because the person deep down inside of him is not convinced with this Islam. There's no yaqeen (or) there's no certainty in his or her heart. So if you force that particular person to become a Muslim he can put on a show (that) he's a Muslim or she's a Muslim on the outside but internally they're not. So force doesn't work even for those who think wrongfully, obviously, that force is an element here when it comes to conviction then what they are doing is generating more hypocrites rather than breeding more Muslims. There's something peculiar about hypocrisy, about Al Munafiqeen. If you use force on people and have them Muslims by force they become Munafiqeen and then those who see the threat of Islamic force to avoid that they conceal their true identity by becoming Munafiqeen so even the projection of Islamic force is a threat in human nature to a bona fide Islamic commitment. These areas are obviously not areas where the Muslim mind exercises its God-given ability about.
Another ayah also says
Who can be more worthy of a correct expression of himself or herself than he who calls towards Allah and does what is right? (Surah Al Fussilaat verse 33)
It's important to understand that communicating with the other is not only verbal communication. Calling to Allah and doing what is right, both of these go together. If a Muslim is speaking to the other, the other will hear what is being said but that's only one segment of communication; another segment of communication is the non-verbal communication that goes on and as far as the committed Muslim is concerned, the non-verbal communication is al amal as salih; something that these Masajid under occupation taken out of your definition of whom you are. Brothers and sisters- this is a very simple thing. When we render our salah we recite the Qur'an (and) we concentrate our minds on the meanings of what we are saying; we contemplate that, we say du'a in our salah, we praise and glorify Allah (and) we invoke His peace and blessing upon His Prophet and his. All of these combined are portions of our salah so why don't you say that sitting down or why do you say that in the privacy of your own excluded section of your home? You could do that. These are meanings in as salah; but Allah and His Prophet taught us that as salah itself is something that you do. There is ruk'u and sujud, there is qiyaam and there is julus in your salah. As salah itself has become an amal. Come to the best of deeds as is recorded by some Fuqaha' in the adhaan itself. So as salah is an amal. It's taking it out of strictly academic or mental meanings and trying to project it as an act, non-verbal communication.
If there's an instance where someone harms or offends you, counter that with a better behaviour and then what will happen is the person who held hostility against you turns into a bosom friend. (Surah Al Fussilaat verse 34)
Extra meanings here for trying to abort aggression with kindness. (If) someone comes to you with fire in their belly (and) who want to fight and they want to kill- there's animosity in their psychology; the first step is trying to diffuse that animosity in their psychology, but sometimes that doesn't work but sometimes it works and we should be aware of both of these cases. You know, (let's be honest and frank among ourselves and we're sorry to say this, but this is more or less an honest attempt at characterising our own status quo), our enemies present us as terrorists- which we are not- and the Muslims among us who are reacting to our enemies want to present us as wimps- which we are not! We are not terrorists brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters equally speaking we are not wimps. Allah says when it comes if it comes to it… Look at today's world. As we said at the beginning, these ayaat are to be understood in the context of today's world- the civil wars, the occupations, drone warfare, assassinations, invasions. What do we do? The answer doesn't come from me. It doesn't come from a human being. The answer comes from Allah. What do you do if you are presented with a declaration of war? Sit back and say "come and kill me?" We haven't been taught that. That's not one of the teachings that come to us from Allah and His Prophet. If affairs reach that point then Allah says to us
Fighting or combat duty has been assigned to you… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 216)
We know all and much more of the meanings that were just presented. We are predisposed to a friendly exchange of opinions. This is called in the Islamic Qur'anic terminology tadafu. At tadafu is simply the natural and peaceful ebb and flow of ideas and emotions in human societies- that is tadafu. It's a social law from the beginning of history until the end of time. Tadafu is not qital. What if there is a society or a government or some superpower that says "we want to go to war with you, the committed Muslims." We look to Allah for an answer, "what we do, oh Allah? There's a certain power in this world who wants to go to war with us?" When it comes to that (and) the intentions of warfare are obvious (and) the language of warfare is predominant (and) the relocation of military forces is very apparent what do we in this case? Allah tells us what to do in this case. We don't tell me what to do, we don't tell you what to do. A human being doesn't tell another human being what to do. Allah says in this case (and) with this scenario and this definition
You have been assigned combat duty… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 216)
Look, it doesn't stop here. There's a following sentence that gives away our psychology (and) the true people that we are. He says,
And you dislike it … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 216)
This is our psychology, this is our definition and this is who we are. When it comes to combat time (and) when we know we have to get involved in it we do it but it's against our nature. It's not something that we welcome with open arms as if we are sadistic and we love to do something like that. Then Allah teaches us
… it may be that at times you feel you are pre-disposed to something that is bad (and) it turns out to be good for you and at times you are predisposed to something that appears to you to be good but it will turn out to be bad for you… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 216)
So who's the referee here? Who knows it all? Who can tell us with authority what to do?
… but Allah knows and you do not know. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 216)
We plead our ignorance when it comes to the final judgement in this affair. The Prophet of Allah says, (or gives) instructions from Allah's Prophet at times like the times we just referred to. Don't let the Mushrikeen and the Kuffaar steal our terminology (and) our words and give these words and our Islamic Qur'anic vocabulary their explanations and their definitions. Don't let that happen, it's been happening for too long! Don't wish for or don't yearn for the face-to-face stand off with the enemy. Ask Allah for your well being but once you are in that position of a stand off and a military face-off with the enemy you stay in your positions and intensify your consciousness about Allah's presence in that chemistry there. The enemy can have all the weapons in the world but what we have in our conscience, in our minds, in our psychology (and) in our souls is Allah. If we have Him, He has us and let the hostilities begin. We didn't ask for it. We are not warmongers. We are not going around threatening people with annihilations (and) spreading military bases all around the world. Are we doing any of that? And at the end of the day they tell us "we are the terrorists." They are the same people who are doing this (with) their military aggressive policies are the same people who are responsible for financing fanatics among Muslims via the Saudi Arabian connection and the petrodollars to prove that we are terrorists. This is how serious this war has become when they have their own agents in our Masajid and on our Manabirs who have become the so-called authorities of Islam in Makkah and in Al Madinah.
Dear brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…
Muslims from around the world are beginning to arrive in Makkah and in Al Madinah to try their best to live up to their obligation of the annual pilgrimage, Al Hajj. We say, as we've said before, that the whole performance of the Hajj- with all the good intentions of the many sincere Muslims who flock to Makkah and Al Madinah from far and near- even though there is a mass of sincerity and devotion in the hearts of the millions who track to Makkah and Al Madinah from the four corners of the earth the administration and the supervision of the Hajj is in criminal hands. We don't say this with exaggeration and we don't express this with a vengeance, we simply state the truth. The Saudi Arabian government has mobilised a defence force of twenty-five-thousand officers and individuals to see to it that there is no mental or no collective expression of the meanings of the Hajj. If you want to go to Mina' or to Arafat or do your tawaf or rami al jamaraat or the jogging between As Safa and Al Marwa in the private and personal and individualistic sense of the word, that's what the Saudi administration and the Saudi government wants you to do. It's not what Allah wants you to do (and) it's not what His Prophet want you to do. It's what the Saudi rulers with instructions and policies from their masters in the United States and in Europe want to run the Hajj or else why is there twenty-five-thousand officers and individuals?! Why can't we have twenty-five-thousand doctors (or) twenty-five-thousand Imams (or) twenty-five-thousand scholars and academics instead of officers and men under arms?! Why? There are six-thousand-and-nine-hundred mechanised vehicles that are patrolling the Hajj in Makkah and Al Madinah. You'd think this is a warfront?! Twenty-five-thousand officers and who knows how many else from other sections of their armed forces are on alert when it comes to Hajj. What is this? They consider Hajj an invasion or an occupation of Muslims?! Nineteen helicopters are put into service to fly over Makkah. This is beginning to look like a war zone, it's not beginning to look like Al Hajj. In Surah Al Baqarah the ayah says
Bear in mind that we have designated Al Bayt a retreat and a refuge for people… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 125)
The jahilli Arabs had more respect and more honour for Makkah and the Ka'bah and the Haram than we have today, especially the Arabic speakers. It was enough for Allah to say A Bayt and everyone knew that it was the Haram, it was the Ka'bah, it was Maqaam Al Ibrahim- that was Al Bayt. Today you say Al Bayt, what bayt? What are you talking about?
… a place in which people recoup themselves from the affairs of the materialistic world and an area of safety and security, peace and tranquillity… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 125)
Does the Saudi regime meet the meanings of this ayah (when it is) putting all of these armed forces in Makkah and in Al Madinah? Is that a retreat and a refuge for people? They've added one-hundred-and-fifty cameras to the environs in which the Hujjaj perform their rituals. You think you live in a city of cameras (and) closed circuitry? In Makkah now, with the addition of one-hundred-and-fifty cameras there's a total of two-thousand-nine-hundred-and-fifty-one cameras! (If) you speak about a police state, do we have a police state in Makkah and in Al Madinah? What are you doing about it oh Muslims? Can't this information touch your hearts, your conscience and your souls?
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on 12 October 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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