Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family. Brothers and Sisters, Committed Muslims … Audio on (06-09-2000) AL MALA' - THE DEVIANT UPPER CRUST OF SOCIETY There are events/developments that are unfolding that concern us, Muslims, and human beings in this world who may not have the recourse the dignity of the lives that Allah had given them. Many times, by thinking of what Allah and His Prophet had to say to us, there are more than one explanation to why Muslims today's are not able to think at the level of calamities/catastrophes that come their way. We shall take a look at one area that Muslims still have not been able to surmount. If you can't think clearly and if you don't have enough understanding of what Allah and His Prophet are telling us, you/I/the rest of us will stand exposed to the types of crimes that continue coming our way- crimes that are so elaborate/ complex that they are presented as globalisation/a New World Order/the freedom of the market to take it's course or the other fancy words in which, (at the end of the day), the Muslims become the victims. This area that we will take a look at has to do with a debilitation in the psychological make-up of those who verbally associate with the Qur'an and Sunnah but who in their behaviour are the furthest you can be from the Qur'an and Sunnah. The ayaat in the Qur'an speak to us, if only we can listen. There are key words in the Qur'an that no one wants to polish- as if the years/generations/centuries have rusted these key words. One of these key words is Al Mala'. This would have the meaning of those who fill your senses with their information. Whatever they want you to think they bring your way- visually and in every sense of the word. This is nothing new. We have a Mala' around us. We have those whose full-time job is to crank out particular forms of information. They choose the quality/ quantity and they brew the right mix of that chosen quality and present it to us. These are not scientific facts. When they speak about the condition of Muslims in the world they are not speaking about a scientific fact. When they speak about the condition of Mustad'afeen in the world they are not speaking about a scientific fact. When they speak about the victims of their economic/political/military policies they are not stating about a scientific fact. They skew the information to serve what they call "the National interest." This is nothing new. It just didn't develop in the past century. It existed since time immemorial and the Qur'an in this ayah states this fact from the time of one of Allah's first Prophets – Salih (alayhi as salaam). What is this exchange of ideas in this ayah? The people/this Mala' who fill our senses with lopsided information- this is what is called Al Mala'. They existed then and they exist now and they made their statement for the Qur'an to record for eternity. And it is obvious that this Mala' is in the oppressive category of society (i.e.) people whose status place them in positions to press down on the rest of the classes of society with whatever they have- and they have plenty. We can see that now and we can infer from what we have now what we had in the time of Salih. These types came out and made a statement. These types, the people/this Mala' who fill our senses with lopsided information, said… (Surah Al A'raf verse 75) To whom? … to those who were powerless … (Surah Al A'raf verse 75) These powerless people are also ancient history and a modern fact. There are powerless people all around – but not to all the powerless people. … to those who were powerless and were committed to Allah… (Surah Al A'raf verse 75) So there's a dialogue/discussion. These people who have all the instruments of the media/ occupied all the sensual receptors that man has communicate directly/indirectly with blunt/ frank/candid statements and also with subtle/subliminal messages. And what are they saying? They ask this sarcastically! … do you know that Salih – this Prophet of Allah- has been commissioned by his Lord/Sustainer? … (Surah Al A'raf verse 75) Meaning "do you know that this guy has a message from God?" That's the more normal way of saying it. Is this a statement that belongs to some time back in history over thousands of years ago or is it a statement that is still alive and the communication is still going on now and here with us in our time? What was the response? As is expected of those who commit their lives/times/efforts/selves to Allah, the response was expected. … indeed we are committed to whatever Salih has been communicating to us from Allah … (Surah Al A'raf verse 75) And what was the response once again from the other side- from the Mala'? This word Al Mala' has rusted. No Muslim speaks about Al Mala' nowadays. When was the last time you heard a Khateeb/Imam/preacher/Islamic Scholar/teacher/Aalim in or outside the Masjid dwell and explain what Al Mala' means? It's a Qur'anic word/concept that has its human representation in life and this human representation in life manifests itself with death towards us and still we are unable to discover what Allah is telling us?! With all of this going on (and) with the provision that Allah has given us in the Qur'an- an incentive to know who our enemies are and with the challenge that comes to us from these people in real life- and in both directions the Muslims are not responding to the incentive and they are not to the stimuli of death! This is where we're located in today's world. Another rusty concept in the Qur'an- Ul ut Tawl- people who have leverage/clout. It's a Qur'anic word/concept. Do you read the Qur'an? Then why don't we have anyone speaking to us about this word/meaning or polishing it for us? Allah says, (which means roughly), and this is addressed to Allah's final Prophet Muhammad And if there's a Surah that is revealed from on high/Allah and this Surah calls you to a commitment to Allah and a jihad with his Emissary/Apostle then those who have this clout/ leverage in society come to you Oh Prophet and they ask your permission to be exempted from what it means to have a commitment with Allah and what it means to jihad with His Prophet… (Surah At Tawbah verse 86) In other words they don't want any of this. You can't bother them with this. Do you see them in front of you? These are characters with flesh/bones/a human life. It wasn't a statement that died when they died. These figures/Ul ut Tawl who expressed this to Allah's Prophet who had the clout in society of Al Madinah died but the meanings of this ayah did not die because it still has people who exemplify its intents/purposes in real life. There is another word in the Qur'an that should be polished that no one is concerned with even though it's a Qur'anic word and that is Mutraf/Mutrafun/Mutrafeen- those who are wealthy/stashed with wealth. These are also the types that show animosity towards what Allah and His Prophet communicated to us. Allah is saying We have not sent any social order/society throughout the course of time any Nadheer- someone who puts them on notice/gives them a warning… (Surah A Nadheer, whether it's a Prophet or someone less/more than the Prophet who tells an errant society "you are wrong/you are going the wrong way- there's a punishment for what you are doing). They didn't want to listen to that so what was their response? … we are kafirs in what you are saying; we deny the validity/legitimacy/truth of what you are saying… (Surah Ulul Na'ma is yet another word- those who are privileged. When we say privileged, here we mean in the materialistic sense of the word. Those who are materialistically privileged. Allah is saying to His Prophet who is not just reading these words /concepts, he is living them Leave Me and these deniers to ourselves… (Surah Al Muzz'ammil verse 11) In other words, in the plain words of our day it's like saying "leave Me alone with them; don't get in our way." Allah is going to deal with them directly and immediately but this immediate sense has taken a lifetime of desires that interfere with its inevitability- that's the weakness of today's Muslim. That's his psychological decay! … give them a short period of time… (Surah Al Muzz'ammil verse 11) That's all it's going to take but many of us don't even want that to happen. We want things to happen before that short time is over. We don't want Allah to judge according to His wisdom- Astaghfirullah- we want Him to judge according to our wisdom, (if we can call it that)! This is yet another pitfall for the contemporary Muslim. So what happened to these concepts? Why aren't they alive? And because they are not alive in our conscience/mind we have wars. Imagine- just in the past three weeks a war breaks out in the land that Allah's Prophet sent first persecuted Muslims to- for a respite/relief. We all read in your history that Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and several other Muslims (radi Allahu anhu) were told to go to Al Habasha, a land in If committed Muslims are sure that Allah is with them then Allah's Will will take its course. There were two committed Muslims in the time of the Pharaoh- Musa and Harun (alayhima as salaam). They were ridiculed/overpowered/moved to the fringes of society and then they were wanted dead/alive. What did Allah say regarding this whole scenario? All of these are joined together by Governmental interests, whether it is Al Mutrafun/Ul un Na'mah/Ul ut Tawl /Al Mustakbirun/Al Mala'- all of them are threaded together through this Governmental class of things. When they all deny those who are standing for Allah like they did with these two individuals they were consumed by the deluge. If it happened then it can happen now. It's just the quality of our Iman. Those who are committed to Allah and have not polluted this commitment with dhulm- they shall have security and safety… (Surah Al An'aam verse 82) But it takes a person who can bring this psychological inferiority to an end and resume the company of Allah wherever that company of Allah may take him- if it's in the streets of Washington or if it's in the battlefields of Southern Lebanon/the occupied territories/Central Asia/throughout the continent of Africa- anywhere it may; be the company of Allah is supreme. … and We will take those who are instruments of injustice with an awful/awesome punishment… (Surah Al A'raf verse 165) And that depends on our change of heart/conduct simultaneously. … certainly Allah does not change the condition of a society until they change their attitude... (Surah Ra'd verse 11) Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims… It would seem like there's a long distance to go to make the requisite leap from where we are now to where we should be; but don't let this false sense of timing interfere with your relationship/proximity/cogent involvement with Allah. If you're interacting/interfacing with Allah the way you are instructed to this issue of timing will not factor in. What will begin to happen is you will realise that your spirit gets younger while your body gets older. Those individuals who are growing in age who find that they are running out of stamina/patience as their bodies grow older, that is a symptom/indication to revitalise/recharge your cogent/ intimate interchange with Allah. If this is not the sum feeling that you have- you get younger in your determination/spirit as your body gets older- then there is a malfunction between the two and you should adjust accordingly. Adjustment doesn't come by freezing your capacity to think or by withdrawing your potential to act; it comes from thinking/acting together. We ask and we submit to Allah that we are humans and from time-to-time we are weak because our humanness is weak; but we also grant Him, the Overlord that He is, to rescue us during these moments of weaknesses. This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 6 June 2000 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in |
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