Quran Interactive Recitations - Click below

Tuesday, May 31, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (3 June 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Ma'shar Al Mu'mineen, Muslims through a process of lost time/distracting intentions/deliberate decisions…

Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11910038-enjoining-good-and-forbidding-evil-khutbah-imam-muhammad-al-asi-06-30-2000 (06-30-2000)




Muslim as a whole have lost sense of what distinguishes them from others. Allah says, and His words should nourish our souls/raise our consciousness/take us into a better future, and this is an ayah that most Muslims hear but most Muslims don't thoroughly understand.

There should be from your rank/number an Ummah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)

That does what?

… that calls proclaims/announces/publicises/main-steams Al Khayr/Allah's abundance command… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)

But we are an Ummah. Allah did not say wa al takunu Ummah wa ta'muru bi al khayr wa tanha an al munkah… He said which means

From within an Ummah there should be an Ummah/a mass effort that is undertaken by those who can see the higher purpose of their attachment to Allah and the responsibilities and duties there-of… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)

This is not an easy task to come and with the use of force see to it that Al Ma'ruf is the mode of behaviour in all human activity and Al Munkar is deleted with the use of force/power from all human activities. The word ya'mur has the definition/implication of the use of authority. You need authority to have the Ma'ruf as a standard in life and to see to it that the Munkar is phased out of the vital activities of the man. We know this is a very demanding task because there are Tyrants/Dictators who will not tolerate another force edging them out of the positions which they use to institutionalise the Munkar and to disestablish the Ma'ruf. When we said that Muslims have lost sense of their distinguishing feature it is because they have reduced the meaning of the Ma'ruf and they have shrank the meaning of the Munkar so that it can becomes something on a personal/private level. They say "someone is doing the Ma'ruf if he abstains from alcoholic consumption; he is practising the Ma'ruf if he offers his personal obligations to Allah such as as salah/as siyam, etc." This has become the consuming definition of the Ma'ruf which is false. It was never meant to mean these issues in the book of Allah and in the Sunnah of His Prophet. So what is this amr bi al ma'ruf and nahi an al munkar? (In) what capacity are we supposed to understand these words in? Allah has produced evidence for us and explained to us from the experience of the generations that preceded us so that we are not mistaken about this issue. The Ma'ruf and Munkar that are repeated in the Qur'an and Sunnah are at the level of institutionalised/systemic vice/evil- that is the Munkar; and institutionalised virtue/prosperity- that's the Ma'ruf. But what happened to human beings who are no longer able to penetrate through the layers of tradition/misinformation/engineered disinformation? What happens to individuals who are addressed by this Holy Qur'an who are no longer able to indentify its meanings in the real world around them as has happened to the lot of the Muslim of today? This is not a simple task. Rather it is a demanding task. One of the experiences/examples that Allah presented to us and which we are addressed with it by the Qur'an from different angles is the case of Musa (alayhi as salaatu wa as salaam). A limited human being goes up to what amounts to the ruler of the world. He didn't say inna Phirawn ala fi al Misr/fi Ardihi/fi Qawmihi. A simple limited person like Musa goes up to what in fact/reality is the virtual ruler of the Earth/Ard. What does this ruler say in the words of the Qur'an? This is the epitome of being intoxicated/inundated/concentrated with power.

The Pharaoh comes up and says "I am your lord supreme/ultimate sustainer. (Surah Al Naazi'aat verse 24)

He has a minuscule Musa. In the eyes of the material/physical world Musa was a miniscule human being/ miniature person. Who is Musa compared to Phiraun? And he says to him

… I am the Emissary of the Sustainer of the world… (Surah Al A'raf verse 104)

That's a big claim/big talk coming from a small person! Imagine the equivalent of that in our time? The Pharaonic superpower transferred to the twenty-first century… Who stands out to be the Pharaoh of our time? The occupant of the White House or the power structure behind him- the Sages of Zion who are virtually telling the world "I am your Sustainer supreme." Then someone like Musa- an unknown in society /the world comes and makes this statement

… therefore release the Children/Bani Isra'eel and let them come with me and don't torture/persecute them... (Surah Ta-Ha verse 47)

Who's this person who is speaking in worldly terms? Did Musa have a power/military/hierarchy/high brass that can fortify his position? What did he have? Scrutinize this. Being the Pharaoh, (someone like Bill Clinton today), who has at his disposal every definition/manifestation of power and then you have a ghetto person- something Musa would be equivalent to, even though he was raised in the palace of the Pharaoh but he was a non-person coming from an oppressed segment of society. Israeli society in that day was similar to the African-American community here in the United States. Imagine someone coming from the African-American community. First of all, the African-American community all together/combined does not count and proof of that is what they are doing in the continent of Africa. If the continent of Africa was an individual it's being stabbed multiple stabs everyday in the back/bosom and are there any African-American concerned about this? Have you heard anyone motioning a Bill in the Congress or any of the houses on Capitol Hill to see to it that there's no more wars in Africa? No! That goes to show you how they think about the African-American community in the United States. (It's) virtually non-existent. Now a person from that community steps-up and says to the ruler of the land/world "leave us alone." So what does the Pharaoh do? His instruments of communication/mouth pieces dominate with propaganda/publicity against Musa. The Pharaoh and the system say/respond to Musa … well we think you are bewitched or there's a spell on you… The other- the same apparatus/barrage of propaganda that come in these types of occasions that comes this way … if you don't seize then we'll throw you behind bars… Is this an ancient/historical/ anthropological statement or is it the fact that still expresses itself even today? Isn't this what they say to dedicated/committed Muslim who stand up and say Our Sustainer/Lord is Allah? (It's the) same thing which happened thousands of years ago happening now/here in this world! The Qur'an is not a lullaby book; it's not a book you read to put yourself to sleep with! It's a book that penetrates your conscience/ mind and revitalises the meanings that are almost lost to us. This issue of al amr bi al ma'aruf and an nahi an al munkar goes to the heart of the matter and the heart of the matter is exposing by facts/deeds/ truth exposing the system of dhulm that is all around us. There is nothing that this/these systems have to offer. They don't offer prosperity/tranquillity/a qualitative improvement in the human condition. The only thing that they offer is an aura of power/force that they want to use to have us tow their line. The first thing (is) acknowledging Allah's system of Adl/justice and then exposing the world around with its Governments/ Institutions there-in for what they really are. The question is where are the Muslim who can break out of this shell? It's only the veneer of fear that has us subordinate to the system that we should be dismantling. Don't we listen to Allah? Allah tells us

… don't stand in awe of them, stand in awe of Me… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 150)

… don't fear them, fear Me if you are committed to Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 175)

That is why there are some learned Ulema who consider this type of fear an expression of Shirk. If you fear in this context powers beside Allah then you are guilty of Shirk because it is only Allah who is due this fear. But how come we have untold numbers of Muslims who are incapable of surmounting this barrier of fear and relocating where they should be vis a vis Allah? That is why those who are in positions to rule the globe speak about a globalisation today as if it's something new. The Pharaoh globalised! He had the instrument/ means to divide/antagonise/spilt/polarise people but that came because the people negotiated away their right/principle/value/commitment to the power of Allah. One area that Muslims do not appreciate very much (is) one of the most repeated sentence that Muslims say whenever we begin something. We say In the Name of Allah the Mercy giving the Merciful. This Mercy-giving and this Mercy can only be appreciated when we realise that Allah is the force/power in life. Mercy/the giving of mercy is meaningless if it comes from a wimp. It almost violates its meaning. If Allah in the sub-conscience of Muslims is equivalent to a powerless God/Authority then it is meaningless to say In the Name of Allah the Mercy giving the Merciful. Hence there are many Muslims who are repeating meaningless statements because they have not allocated to Allah His due attribute. Why is it when these responsibilities/tasks are presented to the Muslim they find that this is way beyond their ability. You have to realise that it's not your individual/joint ability that is going to carry the day! It is the ability of Allah to whom you are individually/jointly related- it is because of the absence of this acknowledgement- central as it is to the mission of all Allah's Prophets and all of those of who are walking in the footsteps of these Prophets. Allah says of these power structures throughout time- this power structure that we are in is not going to endure/last because its predecessors did not endure/last.

… now they have become parables/lessons/matters of discussion and We have shredded them to smithereens... (Surah Saba' verse 19)

If Allah has done this with previous power structures that erupted on Earth He is certainly able to do it with the current power structure on Earth and all this talk about globalisation/United Nation/NATO forces/ a strong economy and the other features of this propaganda machine and the details there of- they pale when compared to the task that we have at hand. And those Muslims who cannot find it in themselves to carry on with the task in this context, they portray a deficiency in their relationship with Allah. And those who carry this responsibility- regardless of the propaganda that comes our way- we've heard it before

… these are but a few dispersed collectivity of people… (Surah Ash Shu'ara' verse 54)

They're nothing. If they think that they are saying these disparaging remarks to us to dilute our determination their words are recorded in Allah's registrar and with our deeds- not with our words but with our deeds/determination/blood/tears/time- we shall overcome. Muslims are not expressing this in a vacuum even though there is a body of Muslims that has been brainwashed in the Masjid itself not to speak about the corresponding brainwashing process taking place outside of it; even though that is the case, (don't lose sight of this fact), there are those who have combined their effort so that they can raise their voice for Islam and what is khayr- for indeed when we do this at this level (and) when we understand these words within this context we shall become successful/prosperous. The Prophet says du'a is the core of conformity to Allah. With these meanings from Allah Himself ask/approach/plead with Allah for He is in your heart /mind if you are certain- He is there.


Brothers and sisters - belong to a As Sirat Al Mustaqeem…

With the meaning of the Qur'an being discovered, after experiencing of battlefield agony/challenges/ sacrifices as we are located in the battlefield of the world today, observe what errant Muslims are doing. They are busy trying to bend/twist/swerve/sway the ayaat and the hadith to fit their local and invested interest. This year is an election year in the United States. What do we have chained Muslims doing? They are spending the precious time of the Muslims trying to have communities of Muslims around the United States sign on as Republicans/Democrats. This is an awful mistake to admit! When Allah has given us a program/divine agenda which we should be developing to solve the chronic/serious issues of mankind- instead of developing this program of Allah which we always refer to as the Qur'an and the Sunnah… It's easy to generalise and say "the solution is in the Qur'an and the Sunnah." But what do you mean by the Qur'an and the Sunnah when you have real problems? There are curious souls/minds who will ask sincerely "what do you mean" and we haven't developed an answer/response to their sincere question. Have people sign up as Republicans/Democrats?! These Muslims should feel ashamed of themselves. If they wanted to do anything like this they should be doing it far away from public attention but they are doing it under the limelight because the atrophied Mimbar have rendered the Muslim public thoughtless. You have non Muslims who are showing symptoms of Islam- not knowing it. Who are the people who are arguing against globalisation/corporate America/racism? None of this is developed by Muslim minds and Allah has given us a head-start! The information is in the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet but we don't care to develop this information and we have other people who come along and identify the vices/greed/moral crisis in the United States/West and they begin their patchwork trying to remedy which cannot be remedied in the absence of Allah. Here we claim we are in the presence of Allah and we don't even know how to communicate one solution and then we go about the land being mouthpieces for Democrats/Republicans. At the end of the day what happens even if the Muslims become one lobby with one voice and they support either a Republican/Democratic nominee for the office of the Pharaoh of the land? What are you/they to expect out of all of this? They expect the justice to come from Ash Shaytaan/those who have developed for thousands  years the Pharaonic office that was in Egypt at that time that has relocated now to Washington DC?! Are Muslims expecting justice from this source?! If not, why isn't the Muslim public mentally/ spiritually strong enough to bring them to accountability? To the contrary they go and rub shoulders and pray together and we have Masjid full of Munafiqun/opportunists and those who have invested interests and lobbying power and the rest of all this mis. This has to be

… so that Allah will distinguish that which is foul from that which is healthy… (Surah Aal Imran verse 179)

In the presence of Allah we shall overcome.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 06 June 2000 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led locthe daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi





JUM'AH KHUTBAH (3 June 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Ma'shar Al Mu'mineen, Muslims through a process of lost time/distracting intentions/deliberate decisions…

Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11910038-enjoining-good-and-forbidding-evil-khutbah-imam-muhammad-al-asi-06-30-2000 (06-30-2000)




Muslim as a whole have lost sense of what distinguishes them from others. Allah says, and His words should nourish our souls/raise our consciousness/take us into a better future, and this is an ayah that most Muslims hear but most Muslims don't thoroughly understand.

There should be from your rank/number an Ummah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)

That does what?

… that calls proclaims/announces/publicises/main-steams Al Khayr/Allah's abundance command… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)

But we are an Ummah. Allah did not say wa al takunu Ummah wa ta'muru bi al khayr wa tanha an al munkah… He said which means

From within an Ummah there should be an Ummah/a mass effort that is undertaken by those who can see the higher purpose of their attachment to Allah and the responsibilities and duties there-of… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)

This is not an easy task to come and with the use of force see to it that Al Ma'ruf is the mode of behaviour in all human activity and Al Munkar is deleted with the use of force/power from all human activities. The word ya'mur has the definition/implication of the use of authority. You need authority to have the Ma'ruf as a standard in life and to see to it that the Munkar is phased out of the vital activities of the man. We know this is a very demanding task because there are Tyrants/Dictators who will not tolerate another force edging them out of the positions which they use to institutionalise the Munkar and to disestablish the Ma'ruf. When we said that Muslims have lost sense of their distinguishing feature it is because they have reduced the meaning of the Ma'ruf and they have shrank the meaning of the Munkar so that it can becomes something on a personal/private level. They say "someone is doing the Ma'ruf if he abstains from alcoholic consumption; he is practising the Ma'ruf if he offers his personal obligations to Allah such as as salah/as siyam, etc." This has become the consuming definition of the Ma'ruf which is false. It was never meant to mean these issues in the book of Allah and in the Sunnah of His Prophet. So what is this amr bi al ma'ruf and nahi an al munkar? (In) what capacity are we supposed to understand these words in? Allah has produced evidence for us and explained to us from the experience of the generations that preceded us so that we are not mistaken about this issue. The Ma'ruf and Munkar that are repeated in the Qur'an and Sunnah are at the level of institutionalised/systemic vice/evil- that is the Munkar; and institutionalised virtue/prosperity- that's the Ma'ruf. But what happened to human beings who are no longer able to penetrate through the layers of tradition/misinformation/engineered disinformation? What happens to individuals who are addressed by this Holy Qur'an who are no longer able to indentify its meanings in the real world around them as has happened to the lot of the Muslim of today? This is not a simple task. Rather it is a demanding task. One of the experiences/examples that Allah presented to us and which we are addressed with it by the Qur'an from different angles is the case of Musa (alayhi as salaatu wa as salaam). A limited human being goes up to what amounts to the ruler of the world. He didn't say inna Phirawn ala fi al Misr/fi Ardihi/fi Qawmihi. A simple limited person like Musa goes up to what in fact/reality is the virtual ruler of the Earth/Ard. What does this ruler say in the words of the Qur'an? This is the epitome of being intoxicated/inundated/concentrated with power.

The Pharaoh comes up and says "I am your lord supreme/ultimate sustainer. (Surah Al Naazi'aat verse 24)

He has a minuscule Musa. In the eyes of the material/physical world Musa was a miniscule human being/ miniature person. Who is Musa compared to Phiraun? And he says to him

… I am the Emissary of the Sustainer of the world… (Surah Al A'raf verse 104)

That's a big claim/big talk coming from a small person! Imagine the equivalent of that in our time? The Pharaonic superpower transferred to the twenty-first century… Who stands out to be the Pharaoh of our time? The occupant of the White House or the power structure behind him- the Sages of Zion who are virtually telling the world "I am your Sustainer supreme." Then someone like Musa- an unknown in society /the world comes and makes this statement

… therefore release the Children/Bani Isra'eel and let them come with me and don't torture/persecute them... (Surah Ta-Ha verse 47)

Who's this person who is speaking in worldly terms? Did Musa have a power/military/hierarchy/high brass that can fortify his position? What did he have? Scrutinize this. Being the Pharaoh, (someone like Bill Clinton today), who has at his disposal every definition/manifestation of power and then you have a ghetto person- something Musa would be equivalent to, even though he was raised in the palace of the Pharaoh but he was a non-person coming from an oppressed segment of society. Israeli society in that day was similar to the African-American community here in the United States. Imagine someone coming from the African-American community. First of all, the African-American community all together/combined does not count and proof of that is what they are doing in the continent of Africa. If the continent of Africa was an individual it's being stabbed multiple stabs everyday in the back/bosom and are there any African-American concerned about this? Have you heard anyone motioning a Bill in the Congress or any of the houses on Capitol Hill to see to it that there's no more wars in Africa? No! That goes to show you how they think about the African-American community in the United States. (It's) virtually non-existent. Now a person from that community steps-up and says to the ruler of the land/world "leave us alone." So what does the Pharaoh do? His instruments of communication/mouth pieces dominate with propaganda/publicity against Musa. The Pharaoh and the system say/respond to Musa … well we think you are bewitched or there's a spell on you… The other- the same apparatus/barrage of propaganda that come in these types of occasions that comes this way … if you don't seize then we'll throw you behind bars… Is this an ancient/historical/ anthropological statement or is it the fact that still expresses itself even today? Isn't this what they say to dedicated/committed Muslim who stand up and say Our Sustainer/Lord is Allah? (It's the) same thing which happened thousands of years ago happening now/here in this world! The Qur'an is not a lullaby book; it's not a book you read to put yourself to sleep with! It's a book that penetrates your conscience/ mind and revitalises the meanings that are almost lost to us. This issue of al amr bi al ma'aruf and an nahi an al munkar goes to the heart of the matter and the heart of the matter is exposing by facts/deeds/ truth exposing the system of dhulm that is all around us. There is nothing that this/these systems have to offer. They don't offer prosperity/tranquillity/a qualitative improvement in the human condition. The only thing that they offer is an aura of power/force that they want to use to have us tow their line. The first thing (is) acknowledging Allah's system of Adl/justice and then exposing the world around with its Governments/ Institutions there-in for what they really are. The question is where are the Muslim who can break out of this shell? It's only the veneer of fear that has us subordinate to the system that we should be dismantling. Don't we listen to Allah? Allah tells us

… don't stand in awe of them, stand in awe of Me… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 150)

… don't fear them, fear Me if you are committed to Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 175)

That is why there are some learned Ulema who consider this type of fear an expression of Shirk. If you fear in this context powers beside Allah then you are guilty of Shirk because it is only Allah who is due this fear. But how come we have untold numbers of Muslims who are incapable of surmounting this barrier of fear and relocating where they should be vis a vis Allah? That is why those who are in positions to rule the globe speak about a globalisation today as if it's something new. The Pharaoh globalised! He had the instrument/ means to divide/antagonise/spilt/polarise people but that came because the people negotiated away their right/principle/value/commitment to the power of Allah. One area that Muslims do not appreciate very much (is) one of the most repeated sentence that Muslims say whenever we begin something. We say In the Name of Allah the Mercy giving the Merciful. This Mercy-giving and this Mercy can only be appreciated when we realise that Allah is the force/power in life. Mercy/the giving of mercy is meaningless if it comes from a wimp. It almost violates its meaning. If Allah in the sub-conscience of Muslims is equivalent to a powerless God/Authority then it is meaningless to say In the Name of Allah the Mercy giving the Merciful. Hence there are many Muslims who are repeating meaningless statements because they have not allocated to Allah His due attribute. Why is it when these responsibilities/tasks are presented to the Muslim they find that this is way beyond their ability. You have to realise that it's not your individual/joint ability that is going to carry the day! It is the ability of Allah to whom you are individually/jointly related- it is because of the absence of this acknowledgement- central as it is to the mission of all Allah's Prophets and all of those of who are walking in the footsteps of these Prophets. Allah says of these power structures throughout time- this power structure that we are in is not going to endure/last because its predecessors did not endure/last.

… now they have become parables/lessons/matters of discussion and We have shredded them to smithereens... (Surah Saba' verse 19)

If Allah has done this with previous power structures that erupted on Earth He is certainly able to do it with the current power structure on Earth and all this talk about globalisation/United Nation/NATO forces/ a strong economy and the other features of this propaganda machine and the details there of- they pale when compared to the task that we have at hand. And those Muslims who cannot find it in themselves to carry on with the task in this context, they portray a deficiency in their relationship with Allah. And those who carry this responsibility- regardless of the propaganda that comes our way- we've heard it before

… these are but a few dispersed collectivity of people… (Surah Ash Shu'ara' verse 54)

They're nothing. If they think that they are saying these disparaging remarks to us to dilute our determination their words are recorded in Allah's registrar and with our deeds- not with our words but with our deeds/determination/blood/tears/time- we shall overcome. Muslims are not expressing this in a vacuum even though there is a body of Muslims that has been brainwashed in the Masjid itself not to speak about the corresponding brainwashing process taking place outside of it; even though that is the case, (don't lose sight of this fact), there are those who have combined their effort so that they can raise their voice for Islam and what is khayr- for indeed when we do this at this level (and) when we understand these words within this context we shall become successful/prosperous. The Prophet says du'a is the core of conformity to Allah. With these meanings from Allah Himself ask/approach/plead with Allah for He is in your heart /mind if you are certain- He is there.


Brothers and sisters - belong to a As Sirat Al Mustaqeem…

With the meaning of the Qur'an being discovered, after experiencing of battlefield agony/challenges/ sacrifices as we are located in the battlefield of the world today, observe what errant Muslims are doing. They are busy trying to bend/twist/swerve/sway the ayaat and the hadith to fit their local and invested interest. This year is an election year in the United States. What do we have chained Muslims doing? They are spending the precious time of the Muslims trying to have communities of Muslims around the United States sign on as Republicans/Democrats. This is an awful mistake to admit! When Allah has given us a program/divine agenda which we should be developing to solve the chronic/serious issues of mankind- instead of developing this program of Allah which we always refer to as the Qur'an and the Sunnah… It's easy to generalise and say "the solution is in the Qur'an and the Sunnah." But what do you mean by the Qur'an and the Sunnah when you have real problems? There are curious souls/minds who will ask sincerely "what do you mean" and we haven't developed an answer/response to their sincere question. Have people sign up as Republicans/Democrats?! These Muslims should feel ashamed of themselves. If they wanted to do anything like this they should be doing it far away from public attention but they are doing it under the limelight because the atrophied Mimbar have rendered the Muslim public thoughtless. You have non Muslims who are showing symptoms of Islam- not knowing it. Who are the people who are arguing against globalisation/corporate America/racism? None of this is developed by Muslim minds and Allah has given us a head-start! The information is in the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet but we don't care to develop this information and we have other people who come along and identify the vices/greed/moral crisis in the United States/West and they begin their patchwork trying to remedy which cannot be remedied in the absence of Allah. Here we claim we are in the presence of Allah and we don't even know how to communicate one solution and then we go about the land being mouthpieces for Democrats/Republicans. At the end of the day what happens even if the Muslims become one lobby with one voice and they support either a Republican/Democratic nominee for the office of the Pharaoh of the land? What are you/they to expect out of all of this? They expect the justice to come from Ash Shaytaan/those who have developed for thousands  years the Pharaonic office that was in Egypt at that time that has relocated now to Washington DC?! Are Muslims expecting justice from this source?! If not, why isn't the Muslim public mentally/ spiritually strong enough to bring them to accountability? To the contrary they go and rub shoulders and pray together and we have Masjid full of Munafiqun/opportunists and those who have invested interests and lobbying power and the rest of all this mis. This has to be

… so that Allah will distinguish that which is foul from that which is healthy… (Surah Aal Imran verse 179)

In the presence of Allah we shall overcome.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 06 June 2000 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led locthe daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

Recent Activity:
Vote for Dr.Mahdi a Muslim Doctor who was selected one of 4 Finalist at UN Championship fight against Malaria by June 10.2011. Just click on "like" after opening the following page http://champions.nothingbutnets.net/mahdi-mohamed-ramsan
We urgently need volunteer to ask all friends on Facebook to vote to bring Dr.Mahdi at Top and Champion.


[shia_strength] 4 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight


4 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight

click here to sharpen your own vision so you can see your way to a future of longevity.



Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


Sunday, May 29, 2011

[shia_strength] Highway Halal - The Straight Path





Highway Halal – The Straight Path


The successful completion of any journey requires a plan, a vehicle and the competency to achieve it. A transcontinental flight requires weeks of planning, submission of flight plans, compliance checks on international regulations, etc whereas a trip down to the corner store relies on a plan embedded in the subconscious. The principle, however, does not change.

Muslims believe that it is to Allah we belong and unto Him is our return. They also believe that life is a journey and indeed our sojourn in this world is temporal. The very purpose of our existence is to serve the Almighty through our striving for self development and for families, neighbours, fellowmen, environment and humanity at large.

The means for a safe and memorable journey is the absolute acceptance and adherence to the five roots (Usoole Diin) and ten branches of religion (Furooe Din).

The next highest duty after the above obligations is the earning and consuming of Halaal.

It has been taught from Prophetic Traditions that one's prayer will not be accepted if Haraam is consumed. Awareness of the above and the concomitant link between the daily prayer and consumption of Halaal gives one an insight into the psyche of the Muslim and makes for better understanding and tolerance of the Muslim as your neighbour, friend, servant, employer, supplier or customer.

Furthermore, just as one does course corrections, "recalculating" in GPS jargon, to remain focused on the journey, so too is the function of the daily prayer and Halaal in the life of a Muslim.

These "conscious interruptions" for prayer and consuming of Halaal food is but a stark and ongoing reminder of the main purpose of the journey and the ultimate return.

"O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah if it is (indeed) He whom ye worship" (Quran 2:172).

The Messenger of Allah (saww) said: "Allah the Almighty is good and accepts only that which is good. Allah has commanded the Faithful to do that which He commanded the Messengers, and the Almighty has said: "O ye Messengers! Eat of the good things, and do right.." (Quran 23:51).

And Allah the Almighty has said: "O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you.." (2:172).

Then the Prophet (saww) mentioned [the case of] a man who, having journeyed far, is disheveled and dusty and who spreads out his hands to the sky [saying]: O Lord! O Lord! - while his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he is nourished unlawfully, so how can he be answered!".



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Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


Saturday, May 28, 2011

[shia_strength] Please, Please HELP us in this noble Cause


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the path of God is like a grain of corn that grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred grains grow. Verily God gives manifold increase to whomsoever He pleases, and God is Omniscient, Knowing" (Holy Quran. Chapter no. 2 verse no. 261)

Respected Brother and Sister in Islam

Salamun Alaikum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuh

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Was salaam

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Recent Activity:

Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi


Tuesday, May 24, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (27 May 2011)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Brothers and Sisters, Committed Muslims …


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/92212 (05-20-2011)




Allah says to us/everyone who is willing to listen provided we are willing to think through what He says and live by those meanings. The ayah is 120 in Surah Al Baqarah; an ayah that you probably hear from time to time. (This) one ayah demands our attention. This ayah says, (obviously we are trying to capture its meaning in a lesser language),

And never will Al Yahud and An Nasara be satisfied with you until you follow their millah; say: "al huda is Allah's huda"; and if you were to follow them after the knowledge that has come to you, you will not have Allah as your adjunct and supporter. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Many Muslims recite this ayah and many Muslims listen to it and it seems like it doesn't capture its real meanings in these Muslims lives. Let us try now to engage our God-given mind with this God-given ayah. We know it's a little difficult for some of us who are withdrawn from the direct communication of the Qur'an, but let us help ourselves out in this regard. First of all, this ayah is speaking to Allah's Prophet. Allah is saying to His Prophet directly

Al Yahud and An Nasara will never be pleased/content/comfortable/satisfied with you, (O Muhammad) ... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Now this seems, (to some people), a phrase that is hard on Allah's Prophet. Allah is expressing a fact to His beloved one in a tone that to some people doesn't fit in. The Prophet of Allah is Habib Allah/the Mustapha of Allah/Murtadha of Allah/Ma'sum from Allah- then why is Allah speaking to him with these types of words?

Al Yahud and An Nasara will never be pleased/content/comfortable/satisfied with you, (O Muhammad) ... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

It's like saying "pay attention/be careful."

Al Yahud and An Nasara are not going to respond to you favourably ... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

There are other ayaat in this guiding book that also have, (what some people may call), strained words in Allah speaking to His Prophet. In another ayah in Surah Az Zumar Allah says

If you behave in a manner that can be called Shirk, all of your deeds have failed … (Surah Az Zumar verse 75)

Of course, Allah's Prophet is not going to be involved in any behaviour relevant to Shirk. The wording of it is strong words to Allah's Prophet.


Another ayah, (and these are only examples), in Surah Al Haaqah

If he, (in reference to Allah's final Prophet- Muhammad), were to contrive statements and refer them to Us/manufacture some ayaat and say they are issued by Us, We would take action against him with our hand of power and then we would severe his lifeline and there's not one of you that can stand between him and Us to be a barrier to these acts. (Surah Al Haaqah verse 86)

These are strong words and obviously we know that Allah's Prophet is not going to conduct himself in such a manner. So why is the wording in such a manner? Because there's going to be people who are affiliated with Allah's Prophet and in this extended people's/Muslims relationship with Allah's Prophet- as strongly as they identify with him- the strength of these words are extended to them because of this relationship of them with Allah's Prophet and Allah's Prophet with them. So we go back to the ayah in Surah Al Baqarah.


The wording/translations that you see/read says "Al Yahud and An Nasara are the Jews and the Christians." This is partially correct but it is not the intended meaning of the ayah. We are going to have to understand Allah's Prophet's  position when these words/ayaat were revealed to him vis-à-vis Al Yahud and An Nasara the way he felt/thought of the way they were approaching/thinking about/to act/react towards him. When Allah revealed this Qur'an to this Prophet there was common ground between Muslims/the Qur'an/Allah's Prophet on one hand and those who had received earlier scriptures from Allah, viz. Al Yahud and An Nasara. So when Allah's Prophet began to express this guidance from Allah, there was an expectation that people from prior scriptures would find a common ground/would respond either en masse or with considerable numbers to what in essence is the Torah/Injeel. But they didn't. This weighs heavily on the conscience of a person in the Prophet's position- "How can this be? I mean Allah has presented me with the Qur'an and the Qur'an authenticates/clarifies the Torah/Injeel. The Qur'an, (in a sense), is an extension of the Torah/Injeel" The Qur'an is all of this and much more, and then you present the Qur'an to these people and they look at you as if you are a strange person and then they begin to treat you with a behaviour /mentality that wants you to respond to them in a favourable manner. This is extremely important to understand. These people at that time who call themselves "Jews and Christians" sort of had a reputation that they are "People of the Book/Scripture" so here is Muhammad in their perception of things "here's a new-comer, so what do you have to say?!" The Prophet of Allah is simply communicating Allah's words/meanings to the rest of society around. There are ayaat in the Qur'an that extend a hand to Ahl Kitab

Say (O Prophet): People of Scripture, come to a common understanding between us and you… (Surah Ahl Imran verse 64)

This is like an invitation/solicitation.

… say (O People of the Book): you are committed to Allah and what has been vouchsafed unto us … (Surah Ahl Imran verse 64)

But these so-called scripturalists are not in it for the rational content/guidance. No! They are in it to fortify their stature/status/desires/interests. So, human nature has a tendency to try to win them over but this attempt in winning them over results in damage done to the Deen of Allah and so Allah, knowing human nature/His Prophet/Ahl Al Kitab He said

And never will Al Yahud and An Nasara be satisfied with you until you follow their millah ... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Now in everyday life- whether it is our everyday life/the everyday life of fourteen centuries ago/of whatever time frame- you ask yourself "who is content on gaining face with the average Yahudi/Nasrani?" Unless a person is very psychologically damaged, the average person doesn't go about struggling in life doing what we have to do everyday, (the) many responsibilities- who cares what this average/normal person around the corner/block think about me/you? But on a certain level we may begin to think what are they are thinking about me. Now the key word here is they. Who's they? Al Yahud/An Nasara here are the opinion moulders. This is where your concern kicks in. You begin to think of yourself "wait a minute- I want to be accepted by the opinion makers of Al Yahud/An Nasara." And who are these? These are people who are in power/  influence public opinion/manufacture information/slant the news/responsible for public perception out there - here is where we take notice of Al Yahud and An Nasara. Allah is speaking about Al Yahud and An Nasara in these positions.

And never will Al Yahud and An Nasara be satisfied with you until you follow their millah ... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Now just as was the case was with Al Yahud and An Nasara, (two misunderstood words when taken out of the Qur'an into another language or when used in the Arabic language when the Arabian speakers of the language have been occupied/invaded by other people's thoughts/concepts. Millah has, (in today's usage of words), the civil character of a person/community. So Al Yahud/An Nasara will not be satisfied with you- the Prophet of Allah and the followers of the Prophet of Allah- until you become one member of their civil society. We don't mean by this just gaining citizenship; culturally you have to be one of them. Even in your understanding of your own religion you have to understand it through their religion. This is a deep penetration of the Muslim mind/psychology whereby what remains for a Muslim, (if that), the performance of meaningless rituals. In very other aspect in every other aspect you belong to them- your appearance/ habits/customs/traditions/thoughts/social character- everything is like them. When that is done they may be satisfied with you.

… say "Allah's guidance is the guidance…" (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Allah has given us this book- why should we look for who we are somewhere else? You see brothers and sisters- without getting too much involved in theory/the abstract we suffer with the inability to be our own selves. This needs to be repeated. We, the Muslims, suffer from the deficiency of being who we are. We are not who the Muslims/committed Muslims are supposed to be or else how would you interpret all of these same Muslims we have around us who share our Masajid/rituals/dhabihah/Qibla- why are they so anxious to have Al Yahud/An Nasara endorse them? Why are they so thrilled when Al Yahud/An Nasara give them a stamp of approval? Some of them turn around and say "oh- we don't know! We can't understand what Allah is saying." OK- let's for a moment concede. Tell us then what He is saying? These words in the Qur'an are very obvious. We share the same wording. No one is changing a word/vowel/anything in the ayah. OK- so if we don't understand who Al Yahud/An Nasara are- you tell us who they are?! Are they the religious figures that you have interfaith meetings with? Obviously they are satisfied with you because you're having these meetings and you have praise for them and they have praise for you so there's satisfaction going in both directions. So where does this ayah apply? Tell us! If you know/can give us the meanings of the Qur'an then tell us to whom this ayah applies! Another way of looking at the meanings of this ayah is (to) look at today's world. We have power/influential/elite Yahud/Nasara- who are they satisfied with? (Take a) look at all of the Muslims in the world- who are they comfortable with? Who do they endorse/support/finance/protect with their militaries? The ones that have followed them! This is another way of understanding the ayah. The meanings of this ayah are widespread for the world to see! Our /the response of Muslims who have confidence in Allah/stand with Allah/live for Allah- they can stand up and say as stated in the book of Allah in the same ayah.

… say: "al huda is Allah's huda"... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Why can't Muslims say that?! One sentence! We mean- they say it; this ayah is recited but they just don't mean it/they don't want to discover its practical meaning! This is what it's going to take (i.e.) Muslims who have the combined knowledge to say/mean it. And then Allah says

… and if you were to fall in line with their interests/desires you cannot expect Allah to be your Wali and you cannot expect Allah to be your Naseer. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

Al Wali is a person who is closest to you and An Naseer is a person who always supports you. But if you have this attitude that was just outlined in the previous sentences- if you are inferior to/expect to gain status through Al Yahud/An Nasara then don't claim Allah because He's not there for you. You see- this is an area where not many Muslims think! Allah didn't say "if you were to follow their deen/legal system" because what describes the power elites of Al Yahud/An Nasara at this level of things is their interests/selfishness. So if you Muslims begin to concede to them your principles/convictions/commitment to Allah, then be advised that Allah is no longer with you.


Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…

You have just listened to one ayah that if understood in the course of our lives is an ayah of discipline/ boldness. If Muslims had the integrity of understanding their presence with Allah they would stand up and say

… al huda is Allah's huda ... (Surah Al Baqarah verse 120)

They don't need these stumbling/fumbling philosophies/ideologies/systems that are failing in front of our own eyes. Where are the Muslims in today's world who can stand up if their President/Ruler is lying to them to expose his lies with confidence? Brothers and sisters, all, (what they call), religions demand that their followers not lie- this is common among Jews/Christians/Muslims. Then why do we have Politicians/ Officials/decision makers lying to us? We can expect that from the majority of them but we cannot expect that Muslims in positions to speak out do not say that a certain Politician/President is lying. The lie that is still reverberating in different corners around is what happened in the past few weeks. The President of this country stands up in front of the citizens/the whole world and says "they killed enemy number one." There are many statements that the Government itself/its officials said in the past that rebut the lie which was carried all over the world just a few weeks ago. We have no opportunity here to go into details. The issue that stares at us in the eye is where are the Muslims/these people who recite the Qur'an- the word of truth/ guidance/facts to say that these are lies?! Yesterday the same President gives a speech about US policies in the Middle East and we didn't hear any echoes from the Muslims who should be debunking his lies! Where are the Muslims you ask?! Allah has given you this light/insight and you don't have what it takes to identify someone that is lying/not saying the truth.


This weekend there's a meeting of the movers and shakers in the world of politics here- in this city. AIPAC the number one Zionist Yahudi lobby in this country. Some of you have the opportunity to listen to the Muslim speakers all around in the previous days and the days to come- do they have the moral strength to come out with Allah's words and expose what this lobby is doing? There's talk about US policies in the Muslim world- the US Government has a military that is active in four geographical areas of the Muslim world and they make us look as if we have done something wrong?! They are acting everyday/every year on the wrong side of every issue that pertains to us and because we don't have people who speak with a unison voice we are made to believe that somehow we have something to apologise/make up for/to cancel from our Deen altogether. Let us remind you that what we see- this worldwide campaign against innocent people all around the world- didn't begin a few years ago/in our generation. There were over 100 million people in this continent- what happened to them? Does anyone ask where did the original Native Americans who inhabited this continent go? It's as if it was magic! They were eliminated and no one speaks about it. During the course of those centuries of genocide there were slaves who were brought across the Atlantic; this was all going on at the same time. Of course there are some African Americans who study some of this history and they try to speak out against it but they can't put everything in perspective because they don't have huda Allah. At the same time they were spreading their militaries all over the world- three centuries of Colonialism/Imperialism- all of that still in progress and all of that now concentrated on the Muslims lest they express their self determination. Leave us alone! Let us express ourselves! They don't want a mind that can see through their fog/smoke screens (so) eliminate them! Brothers and sisters- reference yourselves with Allah and His Prophet and don't worry about what they are doing because there's a way of having their qaid/plots/strategies ricochet against them as long as we are conscious of our presence with Allah and how He motivates/teaches us what has to be done.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 20 May 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led locthe daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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