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Friday, April 29, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (29 April 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Committed Muslims…


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11910021-understanding-moral-perfection-khutbah-imam-muhammad-al-asi-06-02-2000 (06-02-2000)




In our time, Allah has privileged us to live when one of the most critical decisions in our centuries of being has to be made and it has to be made in this generation and the coming generations; and this decision is a qualitative change in the way we adapt to/serve Allah. If we understand this, we understand why what is happening to us in the world today has taken on phases/stages of the deployment of force against us. Let us say that the Muslims have not exercised their capacity to be averse/hostile to dhulm/offensive policies and those who are responsible for it. This is a fact of life that no one can deny. The Prophet of Allah had to go through what we are required to go through and we have to make that leap ahead. There's no question of Allah's Prophet being of superior moral quality. He says but I have been commissioned to perfect moral quality; but that's not the only functioning capacity that the Prophet was in or when he was in that capacity he exercised it in all of his activities. It is common knowledge to you/any Muslim that the Prophet of Allah was forced- the same forced that is being used against the Muslims today was used against him. The instruments may be different. At the time they had spears/knives/machetes/arrows/swords; today they have machine guns/fighter bombers/weapons of mass destruction/the nuclear threat but in essence the use of force is not new. The Prophet eventually, because of the use of force and because of his dedication to Allah, Allah calculated that when they wanted to use force against him Allah wanted him to have a base in Al Madinah. These are not haphazard calculations. If you work for Allah, Allah will provide you with what is needed in the peculiarities of those circumstances

… and he who is conscious of Allah's power Allah will offer him a way out of the circumstances (in which human forces are deployed against those who are committed to Allah and are confident in His power presence here and now). (Surah At Talaaq verse 2)

The Prophet went, he had to go from Makkah to Al Madinah- what was called before Yathrib. When he first arrived, one of the first things he did was to draw up the declaration/document of Al Madina called in Islamic literature called As Sahifa/Sahifah Al Madinah/Dastur Al Madinah. When the Prophet drew up this document one of the first things he did, when he gained power to counter effect the opposing power that were in Makkah, was to describe the power presence of the Muslims in Al Madinah where the Prophet was now exercising authority- the authority that he receives from Allah. When he did so/referred in the Watheeqah/document of Al Madinah that he just drew up, how did he characterise people? In this document there's reference to only three categories of people- Al Muhajireen/Al Ansaar/ Al Yahud meaning those who were forced to leave Makkah because they had no power- this a power definition of people; and then those who provided support/power for the Prophet and the Muslims once they arrived in Yathrib and then Yahud who did not agree with the Prophet who were opposed to him from a power position. They had financial power/religious clout in Al Madinah and they had their alliances with other factions in that area. Why didn't he refer to people as Musalleen? That didn't occur in this new document that he drew up! Why didn't he refer to people as Muttaqeen/Sa'imeen or any of the other purely ritualistic descriptions that have become the common language of today's Muslims? Why did he refer to these three categories of people specifically and no one else? Because Al Muhajireen/Al Ansaar/Al Yahud represented a proximity to the exercise of power. This in particular is the area that the current Muslim thought process has not worked on and obviously Muslims are responsible for exercising power- and when they do they will do it in a clean way. They will not be tainted by it even though inevitably there will be individuals who will abuse/mis-locate/shun power but these are individuals and these are aberrations. Our central responsibility is to focus on this issue and to be concerned with it the same way Allah's Prophet was concerned with it. We all read the ayaat of the Qur'an. Allah says

… but governance belongs to no one else except Allah… (Surah Al-An'aam verse 57)

In another ayah

… there is no one who doubles with His judgement… (Surah Al Ra'd verse 41)

meaning there is no authority/person/power that can legitimately double as Allah or precede/ follow Allah's ruling/judgement/laws.

Allah says there is no annulment of Allah's command. Yeah! But you live in a world in which there are many forces and powers that are doubling in multiple fashions besides and in exclusion to Allah! These are the forces of Shirk; but how do Muslim Scholars who substitute for the Kafirs/Mushriks want you to understand Shirk? They want to bring your mind down/reduce your intelligence/insult your capacity to think and tell you "Shirk has to do with ascribing deities to Allah in matters of the graveyard." The whole Muslim Ummah has become a graveyard! Look! Wherever you look- East/South/North/West- any direction you want to go and the Muslims are being buried because of the use of brute force in their own lands. These forces of Kufr/Shirk open up warfronts at will. Remember Allah says

… and Allah does not have anyone share/compete/rival Him in His judgement/laws… (Surah Al Kahf verse 26)

Yeah?! OK- if you think that is what the Qur'an is saying look at what is taking place in real life. (Take a) look at these other powers that are rivalling Allah. You think Shirk is not alive? It is! And it has managed not only to reduce Muslim lands to graveyards but it has managed before that to reduce the Muslim mind to nil. The word Shareek here

… and praise Allah who has not a begotten a son/child and has no rival in issues of dominionship/ ruling/Sovereignty... (Surah Kahf verse 26)

Shareek and Mulk are two words that go together; not the Shirk that comes from accusations that "some people are worshipping at graves." This is an insult to Muslims. Who's the Muslim who worships a grave? Where did this come from? The whole Muslim Ummah is worshipping Kafirs/Mushriks because they are the imposed forces/powers on them! That they don't want you to think! You are not supposed to understand the issue at this level. You are supposed to carry this word of Shirk and begin to put on a microscope and identify the intentions of Muslims who go to the graveyard and then accuse them and say "they are Mushriks." When we no longer can identify the Mushriks in the world we begin to use these words against us and generate hostilities/animosities among the Muslims and the Mushriks are sitting pretty. At a distance they watch this commotion in Muslim lands- the Muslims are incapable of understanding what Allah is telling them and they are incapable of identifying who we are and they are laughing all the way to the massacre zones in Muslim lands. The Prophet of Allah had a task/mission that was to see to it that the committed Muslims are empowered. He did not go about that by reconciling himself to the status quo of the Kafirs. He did not go about that by sending out some Muslims to the major forces of the world at that time and lobbying them for the cause of Islam. He went about this as he was instructed by Allah and he became the character now that we cannot see! The Prophet of Allah himself participated in twenty-seven military operations beginning with Wadaan and ending with Tabuk. The Prophet of Allah was not a draft dodger/conscientious objector. He had to identify the forces that are hostile to Allah/the Qur'an/the Prophet/the committed Muslims and communicate with them with the language that they understand. Why did he do this? Because he is teaching us that there is no other way to do this. If there was some other way to reach a peaceful understanding/accommodation with the hostile forces around that cannot bear to hear about Islam/Allah/the Prophet/the Qur'an the Prophet would have shown us and that would have become the Sunnah that is binding on us; but there is no other way! This is the hard way. This is the only way. These forces of Shirk/Kufr have to be met at the battlefront and the Muslims are just beginning to revive the military character of their Prophet and this comes shining through in Chechenya. Why are the Imams in the Masjid afraid to mention Chechenya? We hear there is a law in Saudi Arabia in which it is not permissible for the Imam on Friday to mention specific places and breakdown in detail what is happening to the Muslims in these specific places! Why? We ask why are Muslims banned from expressing their minds/conscience on the Mimbar on Fridays at Salat Al Jum'ah in Al Masjid Al Haram in Makkah/Al Madinah and everyone else may speak about these issues. A Yahudi can speak about them in a Synagogue/syndicate; a Christian can do the same thing but when it comes to Muslims "Oh no you cannot speak about this." Why? "Because you will be militarising the Muslims!" Listen to this "logic." If Muslims speak about what is happening to their brother Muslims the impression that the non-Muslims have is that there is going to be a militarisation process taking effect within the Muslim rank and file. So what? What are we supposed to do? Other people are supposed to kill us and we're supposed to make believe that there is no evil in this world?! Other people are supposed to bomb us and we're supposed to look up to the fighter bombers and smile?! They can impose sanctions on us and we're supposed to say "there's a lot of good in this world but none of it is coming our way." We're supposed to presume the innocence of those who are taking away our lives?! Is this the Sunnah of the Prophet? Is this how he behaved with the Mushriks/Kafirs of his time/generations or did he put on his fighting gear and went to the battlefronts and participated in wars/military campaigns and fights that have become a model for us?! "No! This image of the Prophet is supposed to stay away." No khateeb/Imam is supposed to speak about these issues on Fridays even though all of them know this is the character of the person who they claim is their Uswah/Qudwah. How many times do they repeat the ayah in the Qur'an.

Certainly in the Apostle of Allah you have a prototype/living model… (Surah Al Ahzaab verse 21)

Where do you have it? You don't have it from the Mimbar/in the Masjid?! If these people today who claim "that they are following the Prophet" were there in the time of the Prophet, they'd tell him "to go and reach an agreement with the forces of the day/to sign off on military contracts that will protect the Muslims in Al Madinah." This is the Sunnah of the Saudis. They sign off with the Mushriks so that the Mushriks/Kafirs protect them in Makkah/ Al Madinah. Then they come to you and say "well brother- you're supposed to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet." And you ask him "well brother- what does the Sunnah of the Prophet mean?" And they tell you "the Sunnah of the Prophet is…" and then they begin on these private affairs of the Muslims "… the miswaak/tooth-brushing/brushing the teeth/putting perfume/good scent/musk on Fridays before you come to Jum'ah prayers/ entering the Masjid with your right foot and exiting with your left foot/sleeping on the right side/eating with your right hand." They speak about issues pertaining to your personal affects and then after they're done ask them "what else has the Prophet in his Sunnah?" They say "oh brother- you do this and you'll be in good shape. You do this. This is what is required." As if the Prophet did not exist in his adversarial role pertaining to the Mushriks/Kafirs! This is no longer a Sunnah. And if anyone wants to begin to think that this is a Sunnah they should be thrown into prison- which characterises what is happening in the world today. We ask these types of Muslims "did the Prophet spend ten years in a military mode with his military uniform on, (so to speak), so that I will know how to brush my teeth/put musk on Fridays on the clothes that I am wearing?! Is that what it was all about? Ten years of being exposed to death becomes a matter of me knowing how to eat from my plate!" The Sunnah has been reduced to the common sense/natural/intrinsic thing! It would be silly to say that the Muslims gave up to say that the Muslims gave up their lives for some petty/private/personal issues that we can all learn in a few weeks! Why have they been spending years/generations on something that we can all learn in a few weeks? Then, if there's a brave mind out there that wants to know the definition of who is a Kafir/Mushrik the final definition comes back to a fellow Muslim- the Muslim in the street/the oppressed Muslim who becomes the Kafir/ Mushrik?! We wish they had the integrity to point the definition of Kafirs/Mushriks to those who are ruling in Muslims lands. No! They are also exempt like the true Mushriks/Kafirs who are there masters. They are exempt and then the definitions come out to our neighbourhoods/ friends who we grew up with- these become the Mushriks/Kafirs even though they are people of the Qiblah/the Qur'an/the Prophet?! This is where we are.


(Do) you see how comfortable they look at us? (Take a) look… The green light now is given to the Russians to extend their military war operations to other parts of Central Asia. We are speaking about Chechenya and in the coming near future we're going to be witnessing other Chechenyas. Remember, this is what happens when we have dead people – dead in their heads- who are on the Mimbar. A few years ago we had Muslims who were forced to leave their homes in Bosnia. Remember Bosnia was a big issue- it brought out the largest demonstration of Muslims in the United States in history. This was only four/five years ago. What happened as a result of this war in Bosnia. Almost two-million Muslims became refugees. They no longer had a home/homeland. After these four/five years, we ask you, "is it common knowledge among the Muslims how many Bosnian refugees there is now?" We're not stretching your memory way-back into history. We're not expecting you to graduate with a degree in history. This is something that happened only a few years ago and these are supposed to be your brothers/sisters in Islam?! How many of them are refugees now, (we ask). The sorry answer to that is 99.99% of the Muslims don't know! The reason they don't know is because they are expected to be behind times when they come to the Masjid and they are expected to come out of the Masjid with no information at all. The Prophet did not want Imma'as. In a hadith of his, (or related to one of the Muslims that was "brought up" by him), he says I am not a simpleton and I'm not going to be fooled by one or I am not a fox and I'm not going to be out-foxed by one. And here we have the Muslims of our day and time… (Take a) look at how many tricks they bring to Dayton. Article Number six of the Dayton Accord was "all Muslim refugees must go back to their home." Of course, not many Muslims know that that was Article Number six in Dayton but what have the people who signed on/agreed to it, including these Governments in Muslim lands, done about it? If this issue of Muslims displacement in the world drops from the pages of Washington Post that doesn't mean it has to drop from the minds of the Imams/Khateebs in the Masjid?! But because we have these types of Masjids that are second fiddle to the Kafirs/Mushriks we have the opportunistic Muslims who come to the Masjid just to fulfil a tradition that they inherited. Fossilized that they are with no substance/content in their minds/hearts! They blow with the wind! These days/times are the times that we have to make that transition and we have dedicated and devout Muslims who are steps ahead of us.


The Muslims in the Philippines/Central Asia No one hears that in Central Asia in the past few months thousands of Muslims have been rounded up. These are not Muslims who are carrying arms, they're just carrying the right ideas that will sustain these arms when the time comes. There is a war against this type of Islam- the Islam of the Prophet and we salute these Muslims because we salute the Prophet himself who has shown us the way. The way is not a short-cut/secret negotiations behind closed doors or co-opting the Muslims in the Masjids of all places. The way is to identify who these Mushriks/Kafirs are and carry on with our responsibilities which we are beginning/will continue to do with confidence in Allah and distrust in these Mushriks/Kafirs even though those who are many decisions/policies for the Muslims have reversed this, placed their confidence in Kafirs/Mushriks and distrusted Allah.


Committed Muslims, brothers and sisters…

In bringing back the image/vision of Allah's Prophet no one should expect this whole issue of identifying who Allah's enemies are (to go away). We wish… Some people say "why do you speak about enemies. Rarely is there a khutbah that there is no reference to Allah's enemy." the answer to this is number one- is it/is it not true that there are enemies of Allah/humans who are committed to Allah? Do they not exist? Is this part of our imagination? Or are there hardcore political criminals who are satisfied by shedding the blood of a particular type of Muslim? Not any Muslim! A Muslim who consumes his life without any thought given to kufr/dhulm/shirk is a certified Muslim by these enemies of Allah. They don't want this Muslim to be hurt even by a thorn; but the other Muslims who want Allah as their Superior/Sustainer in their moral selves/societies are the types that draw our attention to these enemies. It's easier for us to pretend that they don't exist but if we do it is at a dear cost to us. (For) how long can we afford to remain oblivious of those who are igniting wars in our hearts/minds/communities/ lands? If we were to reduce this scenario to Makkah, (for those who don't have the geographic/demographic capacity to watch), as the whole Muslim Ummah is going up in flames, Makkah is burning and the Muslims are fiddling because they are incapable of defining who their enemies are. When the day comes and we have the freedom… Muslims don't have freedom, even in the United States. If they begin to put their minds at work they do not have freedom. They will continue to enjoy this superficial freedom as long as they are the citizens of Kufr and they are obedient servants of dhulm but the intensity that we love Allah we should have the same intensity of hate for Ash Shaytaan and the agents of Ash Shaytaan who have wreaked havoc beginning with our minds/schools all the way up to our Parliaments/Executives. Let us reconnect with Allah and His Prophet as our brothers around the world are beginning to reconnect with Allah and His Prophet. Strange things are happening. You have areas in the world where you have "hostages" but the media is looking the other way. If this event/hostage taking would have happened twenty/fifteen years ago the media would have pounced on the event (and) covered it from all angles. Why is the media blind to this now? Because, (and all grace is from Allah and due to Him), Muslims are beginning to gain their confidence in Allah and in themselves. The Hizbullah in Southern Lebanon have driven this lesson deep down inside the Muslim psyche. You have everyone jumping on this bandwagon of  a limited success of the Muslims and everyone wants to take credit for it and most of everyone does not have credit for it! It's those who relocated themselves/placed their heart/soul with Allah and His Prophet and carried the day. These Yahudis tell you "they are implementing a UN resolution." There are many other resolutions- why did they chose to implement a particular resolution that had to do with Hizbullah? Why didn't they implement the other hundreds of resolutions concerning them? They will continue to peddle their lies/propaganda and the Muslims will continue to approach Allah in the true sense of the word with their uniform on, (so to speak), the way Allah's Prophet had his uniform on- armed as they are supposed to be. They want to disarm people around the world; they're not going to be able to disarm the Muslims. It is part of our commitment to Allah.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 2 June 2000 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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[MahdiUniteMuslims] Horrific Death of a Bahraini Sister (20 years- Poet) / Raid on Girls Schools / ZAVIA 21st April / Political Analysis 15th April


Barbarism of Saudi Backed Bahraini Forces
(Stay Silent is a crime)

(1) Horrific Death of a Bahraini Sister

Bahraini forces rape, kill female poet

(2) Bahrain forces raid girls school again


Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:56PM

File photo of protests in Bahrain's capital of Manama

Saudi-backed Bahraini forces launch a second raid on an all-girls' school in the north of the country, in line with violent crackdown on the popular revolution the government is facing.

Eyewitnesses say the Saudi-backed forces took away several teachers during the Sunday attack on the secondary school, located in the Hamad Town.

The parents of students have been notified that their daughters would face interrogation. The school first came under attack less than a week ago.

The attack came amid continued thousands-strong peaceful protests across the Persian Gulf Island. The protesters have been calling for a constitutional monarchy since mid-February.

On March 13, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates deployed police and military forces in the country at Manama's request to help quell the uprising.

Bahrain's biggest political party of al-Wefaq said on Saturday that the forces have destroyed over 30 holy sites, including 16 mosques, since the government's imposition of martial law last month.

Other reports say over 28 mosques and 50 mourning halls have been destroyed.
The Bahraini regime has reportedly deployed a massive number of security forces in villages to terrorize protesters.
Rights groups say government forces have even raided hospitals and tortured doctors and patients as part of their efforts to suppress the protests. They also say that more than 30 medical workers have gone missing.
The Amnesty International says it is concerned about the fate of many missing activists and the widespread torture of detained protesters.

(3) ZAVIA - Famous Political Analysis  by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi

Full video of latest political analysis done by Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi is available on www.amzaidi.com.

Program was focused on following issues:


Current situation of Bahrain and its insightsSaudi Arabia's and Iran's role in ME changesPakistan - US relationsetc etc

Political Analysis Program - Zavia - AMZ April 21, 2011 - Urdu


(4) Seminar on Political Analysis  by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi

15 April 2011 - Political Analysis Program - AMZ - Urdu

A bold speech by daughter of Bahriani Martyr - Arabic Sub English
Zainab Alkhawaja on Hunger Strike, Activists risk lives to protest US...
كلمة ابنة الشهيد Speech by the Daughter of a Shaheed in...

The battle for Bahrain - Discussion - 21 Mar 2011 - English

Recent Activity:
You Can Now Donate Online For Jammu and Kashmir Fund! Please Donate Generously.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

[MahdiUniteMuslims] Horrific Death of a Bahraini Sister (20 years- Poet) / Raid on Girls Schools / ZAVIA 21st April / Political Analysis 15th April


Barbarism of Saudi Backed Bahraini Forces
(Stay Silent is a crime)

(1) Horrific Death of a Bahraini Sister
Bahraini forces rape, kill female poet

(2) Bahrain forces raid girls school again

Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:56PM

File photo of protests in Bahrain's capital of Manama
Saudi-backed Bahraini forces launch a second raid on an all-girls' school in the north of the country, in line with violent crackdown on the popular revolution the government is facing.
Eyewitnesses say the Saudi-backed forces took away several teachers during the Sunday attack on the secondary school, located in the Hamad Town.

The parents of students have been notified that their daughters would face interrogation. The school first came under attack less than a week ago.

The attack came amid continued thousands-strong peaceful protests across the Persian Gulf Island. The protesters have been calling for a constitutional monarchy since mid-February.

On March 13, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates deployed police and military forces in the country at Manama's request to help quell the uprising.

Bahrain's biggest political party of al-Wefaq said on Saturday that the forces have destroyed over 30 holy sites, including 16 mosques, since the government's imposition of martial law last month.

Other reports say over 28 mosques and 50 mourning halls have been destroyed.
The Bahraini regime has reportedly deployed a massive number of security forces in villages to terrorize protesters.
Rights groups say government forces have even raided hospitals and tortured doctors and patients as part of their efforts to suppress the protests. They also say that more than 30 medical workers have gone missing.
The Amnesty International says it is concerned about the fate of many missing activists and the widespread torture of detained protesters.

(3) ZAVIA - Famous Political Analysis  by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Full video of latest political analysis done by Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi is available on www.amzaidi.com.
Program was focused on following issues:
  • Current situation of Bahrain and its insights
  • Saudi Arabia's and Iran's role in ME changes
  • Pakistan - US relations
  • etc etc

(4) Seminar on Political Analysis  by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi

A bold speech by daughter of Bahriani Martyr - Arabic Sub English
Zainab Alkhawaja on Hunger Strike, Activists risk lives to protest US...
كلمة ابنة الشهيد Speech by the Daughter of a Shaheed in...

The battle for Bahrain - Discussion - 21 Mar 2011 - English

Recent Activity:
You Can Now Donate Online For Jammu and Kashmir Fund! Please Donate Generously.


Friday, April 22, 2011

[MahdiUniteMuslims] KHUTBAH : HIZBULLAH



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (22 April 2011)

webpage: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=182501078290&ref=ts


PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com

It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Ayyuha Al Mu'minun …


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/videos/videos/show/11910008-hizbullah-khutbah-imam-muhammad-al-asi-05-26-2000 (05-26-2000)




The words that feed our existence/nourish our lives/nurture our behaviour/guide our way/ deliver us to Allah have more tangible meanings when they dwell in the flesh/become walking individuals/moving societies/active movements who testify to the truth of Allah- come what may. The Prophet's wife was asked about his ethics/morality. And she said his mannerism were the Qur'an. The Prophet was a walking Qur'an. Today's Muslims, with all the loud things they say about Allah's book and Allah's Apostle, they have lost the sense of standing up for Allah. In this extended night of Muslims on Earth we have one of the most eloquent and long range lesson that Allah has presented to us and the rest of humanity. This lesson is confined to those who have placed their confidence in Allah and went ahead with their responsibilities and duties without getting disrupted/detracted by statistics/propaganda and by the forces that are irritated with Allah and His Prophet. These several hundred/few thousand individuals in an Ummah closely approaching one-and-a-half-billion individuals have sunk in a lesson that has to be studied/understood by friend and foe equally. They tuned out of the propaganda that is stuffed into our ears. They stepped out of the information world that deliberately takes us out of this direction but they tuned in to Allah and they signed this contracted with Allah and what is more important in this regard is they stayed their course. They were listening when Allah was saying to them

From among the committed Muslims are men who are truthful to their covenant/insist on honouring this agreement with Allah… (Surah Al Ahzaab 23)

What comes after this? You sign an agreement with Allah, (so to speak), and what happens out of this contract with Allah?

… there were those who gave their lives and those who are anticipating to give their lives who are expecting to give their lives but in the interim/meantime they did not wobble/seek shortcuts/magical formulas… (Surah Al Ahzaab 23)

This is the frontline that the ayah takes those who have contracted themselves with Allah- the moment of departure; some of them have already departed and some of them are in waiting status.

… there is no equivocation when you sign this contract, (with Al Bari/Al Khaliq/Al Muhaymin/Al Aziz/Al Jabbar/Al Mutakabbir.) (Surah Al Ahzaab 23)

They want ahead. For the last twenty years they weren't saying "Oh Allah- when is victory arriving" because they weren't in it for an arriving victory; they were in it for a departure to Allah. Compare them with the opportunists who are around who are in it for the dunya/ positions/power- corrupt political, (the western definition of this), power. They were in it for Allah. They were approaching Him and they were ready for Him and they continue with all odds against them. Were there any CNN/BBC/satellites commentators/broadcasters/opinion makers covering Hizbullah in South Lebanon? They were no where to be found! This was a silent victory in the making as far as the information services around but this was a high decimal victory in the making as far as Allah and His Book and His Prophet are concerned. What did we/they have in the past twenty years? We've always made reference to our presence on the frontlines and that's exactly where Allah expressed Himself- at that frontline; but in the past twenty years what were we told by the mouthpieces of Ash Shaytaan? We are told that the Israelis are the sixth nuclear power on Earth after the five big powers/ superpowers, (as they describe themselves)- the United States/China/Britain/France/Russia- then Israelis/Yahudis came in number six. Go and tell that to Hizbullah! Were they going to accept this line of the Israelis having hundreds of nuclear weapons/warheads? They are selling their military technology to self-styled superpowers in the world. They take American technology, (the accurate word for that is they steal it), and then they sell it to the Chinese. They place their hands on the deepest secrets of the United States and they sell it in other parts of the world. They have their industrial military factories and then they have a strategic military understanding with the United States- so what?! Allah is the Superpower and they, (Hizbullah), proved it. This is where in the ears and the hearts of these dedicated Muslims were unlike those who present themselves as political/savvy/shrewd/complex/sophisticated Muslims who opt for negotiation sessions. What does Allah say if we are listening to Allah the way they are listening to Allah? They were told, (as we/every sincere/decent Muslim is told

They were told "all these people have propped up their forces against you… (Surah Aal Imran verse 173)

(Take a) look at these alliances/military blocks/the public pact that we hear about and the more sinister secret pacts that we don't hear about- there's a whole world out there that is against you, the committed Muslim. How are you supposed to think about this? "Oh my God let us go and seek some protection and understanding with the United States" Everyone or almost everyone knows that accesses to the United States comes by knocking on Yahudi doors- so let's do that. When this propaganda takes its affect/toll upon the people they look around to the committed/dedicated Muslim and say "look- the world is against you!" Allah's taking us by the hand through by the rhetoric/empty words/fancy propaganda and saying to us "don't be mislead. Don't listen to all of that. Listen to what I have to say to you." They've been listening for the past twenty years to what Allah has to say. They tell us "we're supposed to fear these powers who are armed to their teeth by the most destructive weapons of mass destruction that man has ever known." What is the affect of all of this on these committed Muslims?

… it increases their commitment to Allah… (Surah Aal Imran verse 173)

This is the affect. What does all of the propaganda/rumours/misinformation/distorted facts do to committed Muslims? It reinforces their Iman. The more they try to threaten/bully/ intimidate/terrorise us, in proportion to all of that, the more we add on to our Iman/ commitment to Allah.

… and they state for the record "enough for us is Allah." (Surah Aal Imran verse 173)

We don't need superpowers. (Take a) look at Yasser Arafat/the other leaders/strongmen in all of these countries around our occupied Holy Land. What have they been doing for the past fifty-two years? They have walked every direction except the direction of Allah! They have exhausted every diplomacy except the diplomacy of the Qur'an! They have adopted every ideology except the ideology of Islam! They have adhered to every Sunnah except the Sunnah of the Prophet and they've gone from bad to worse to worst. Where they are today? This is a mighty lesson for Muslims to understand and then to adopt this as a model. We are aggressed upon. We are victims of vicious aggressions. What do you do? (Do) you kowtow to aggression? No!

… and those who are aggressed upon opt for Allah's victory. (Surah Ash Shura verse 39)

(Take a) look at our condition as we've been trespassed by aggression almost everywhere. Where is there a Muslim presence in this world that hasn't been visited by aggression? What do you do? What have we been doing? We've been running to the negotiating tables and the negotiating tables are sick-and-tired of us! We have been running to the United Nations like cry babies and those in the United Nations and those who are running the show there say "oh- these are the Muslims! You can do with them whatever you want to do!" Not in the case of these Muslims in South Lebanon who have taught the other Muslims a lesson that should not be forgotten. In dealing with the same Israeli occupation/aggression the Palestinians… You see- in this Masjid here, you may not know but in the past ten years there have been Palestinians who go into this Masjid who are part of the PLO syndicate in Washington DC who are opening up channels with the United States/Saudi diplomacy/the Yahudi lobby. They can't see themselves here with people who they should identify with before anyone else. They have been displaced and they see with their own eyes Muslims who have been displaced but they prefer to rub shoulders with the higher classes of diplomats in a usurped Masjid! Where have they gone? They told them, (this is how hard it is for the facts to penetrate into their heads), nine years ago in Madrid "you negotiate with us." The Yahudis told them that and all of the political structures around the Yahudis including the superpowers/Arab Governments reassured the Palestinians "if you negotiate, put down your arms and reach an amicable conclusion of this affair with your adversaries you will be given back Gazzah and the West Bank." The only reservations were concerning Al Quds. They said "we will leave that for final status negotiations" They put all of this within a time frame. The Yahudis said "they would give up a certain area at a certain time" until finally a few years ago they should have given back all of these occupied territories to the Palestinians. The Palestinians have been negotiating away their rights at every meeting and up until now the best that can be said about the whole process is that the Yahudis have given them back forty-six percent of the West Bank and Gazzah- less than half of what they said they would give back to the Palestinians. At the same time as these negotiations were going on Hizbullah in Southern Lebanon was not negotiating at the tables/conference halls/international forums/world capitals. That wasn't their approach. They were negotiating at the battlefield. They were communicating in the language that has brought results. Virtually all of South Lebanon now has returned to its rightful owners. How did they do this? Can anyone present us with atrocities/terrorism/ violations of international standards of the conducts of war by Hizbullah? Can anyone quote us an incident in which these warriors of Islam violated their higher standards of the Qur'an and the Sunnah or the standards of man in their warfare? And because they is no such incidents it is a clean victory that all Muslims should be proud of. How about the military brass? (Take a) look at these Arab/Arabian Governments who are signing military contracts and they've been doing so now for generations and they haven't brought their people just one military victory! Can anyone point to an Arabian Government that has brought its Muslim population in the past fifty-two years when they spent hundreds or billions of dollars on their military budgets combined and scored one military victory? We just ask them for one and they can't present it to us. What does one of these Persian-Gulf states do in the past couple of months? They enter into one of these all time high figure military contracts in which the United States is going to sell them top of the line military fighter aircrafts for tens of billions of dollars. For what? Because they want three little islands in the Persian-Gulf. If these Arab/ Arabian rulers had any dignity at a time like this they would say in honour of Hizbullah and to honour the success/victory of these combatant Muslims in the South of Lebanon through all of these years: we will give these islands as a token of our appreciation for the supporters of Hizbullah. But no! It seems like deep down in their strategic thoughts Zionist-Yahudi-Israel is not the enemy, it seems like Islamic-Qur'anic-Iran is the enemy. With all of these weapons that they are buying and with all of these statements that are making they have failed to produce for us a fraction of what Hizbullah has presented to us and to the rest of the Muslims in the world. How did Hizbullah do this? Did they do this by perfecting the brushing of their teeth/placing moral police in front of the Masjid to make sure people meet their standards of Islam/by trying to win over Western public opinion/by asking for financial support from the Saudis/Kuwaitis and these others in the Arabian Peninsula? No. Had they opted for that they would have been just like the other Islamic groupings around who are still groping in the dark to find their direction to Allah! They did so because they adopted the message of the Qur'an without the Saudi/American/Yahudi pollution along these lines that interfere with our relation with Allah and His book and with the Prophet and his Sunnah.

… indeed Hizbullah are successful. (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 56)

… indeed Hizbullah are victorious. (Surah Al Mujaadalah verse 22)

This is a moment that should change the balances of power in the area and it should change the equations in the minds of sycophant Muslims who have been busying themselves all of these years to curry favour with the Mushriks/Kafirs. Now you can see the masters of the international power cabal have been booted out of Muslim territories for the first time with their tails behind them. And when these Yahudis come and say "no one is thanking them for this?" Thank you for what?! For doing what you were supposed to do many years ago?! If there is any thanks that is due to these Yahudis its at the moment that they realise that they are guilty of having an Israel (and) for supporting all the Jahiliyyah systems in all of the other surrounding lands. This is the first case of victory that shall be followed by other victories and Allah's words are appreciated more by those who lived these years at the frontline who gave their lives/dear ones and now other Muslims and non Muslims- this victory also had its fringe benefits for those who are not Muslims- who now are able to go back to their homes/towns/ lands and resume to their normal lives. As far as the rulers- the wimps- in the area, the clock should begin to click against them because their coarse of action have not met the standards. We congratulate Hizbullah and we will never forget those who made this possible in the years that have pasted and those who have suffered and are still suffering in prisons and detention centres because they stand up and they say "Our Sustainer is Allah" and by saying that they rival with false statements of Kings/Presidents who say "their Sustainer is the United States/Europe."


(Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…)

We thank/glorify/appreciate/exalt Allah who says

Certainly we will give victory to our apostles in worldly life and on the Day witnesses will be resurrected. On a Day when excuses will avail no one/alibis will not be of any value to those who have wronged themselves; when they incur Allah's condemnation and when they deserve an awful settlement/place to settle. (Surah Al Ghaafir verse 51-52)

Stating what has happened in the past week with the positive reverberations it will have among Muslim people from the Holy Land to other areas in Africa/Asia. It may take months/ years for other Muslims to regain the long lost confidence that they should have and place only in Allah. In the meantime we are not as naïve as to think that these Yahudis are not sharpening their knives for other massacres/forms of warfare in the area. Certainly that is on their mind. They have been responsible for the virtual exhaustion of a population in Iraq as a matter of this overall warfare against committed Muslims in the world. Now one of the instruments of international Yahud is to signal one of their proxies- Russia- and to move this warfare into Central Asia and once again into Afghanistan. The United States is trying to team up with India against what they are observing is a gradual spread of Islamic commitment through the issue of Kashmir in Pakistan. Ash Shaytan dwells in the political temples of Yahud and Ash Shaytan thrives in the political minds of Yahud. We are not as silly as to think that the withdrawal of occupying forces from our land is the end of Yahudi outrage/ill policies towards committed Muslims. They will probably try to re-double their clients in the area and bring in a more solidified manner the Arabian Governments against the segments of committed Muslims in their own populations. What does this say to us who are tuned out of the Yahudi mind and tuned in to the Qur'anic mind? What does all this do to us? It reinforces our commitment/bolsters our Iman/raises our spirits/reinforces our determination. What do they think? They want to scare Muslims. Recently in the past week the Yahudis made noises from Tel Aviv, the occupied territories, saying that "part of their official policies is to kill/assassinate Muslims who they consider to be a threat to their security." Who are they scaring? If we can't get them here for justice we will be waiting for them across the line of departure from this world for ultimate justice in the life to come. If they think our weapons cannot reach them in the occupied territories, our moral weapons will reach them on the Day of Resurrection/Judgement. We will follow them up until that moment in front of our Creator/Sustainer. The more statements they make against us, they know through experience the stronger we become and that is why they choose/prefer to remain relatively silent and that bothers them because it erodes their own morale when they know that they can't even take a public position and make public statements against us. Whichever they do they are losing and whatever choice they opt for Allah's committed covenant bearers are gaining and the foretaste of that is in Southern Lebanon. We, the Muslims, will continue wherever we are to move forward and you, Yahud, wherever you are you will continue to lose ground because truth and justice will prevail. You can't hide forever and Muslims are not going to go away.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 26 May 2000 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

[MahdiUniteMuslims] Very Urgent: We need to act very quickly against this FACEBOOK Page , Please report Page - Request from Bahrain [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Zulfeqar included below]

Brother and sisters
assalamo alaikum

We need to act very quickly to stop this massacre. As earlier told, Govt of Bahrain is using facebook pages to identify those who were participating the demonstration. Pl. use your collective strength to stop this facebook page by reporting as against person or provoking or what ever way you prefer.
Please check the attachement.

Urgent request from Bahrain - Pease Report

As received from friend in Bahrain
Could you and your friends report this page please....
It seems that the gov are adamant on putting up pages no matter hwo much we put them down....

Many of my direct family members are in these pictures... many doctors...my cousin was arrested last week ...his sister appears in these pics.. and her name is already listed,,, might be too late for her... but might help others...
I write to you as the helicopters hover over our neighborhood and we are being showered by tear gas because we dare to recite a doua'a together with the neighborhood.

I am referred to investigation next Wednesday for alleged disruptions and not showing up at work....all in Bahrain have gone through this intimidation process .. my turn now...
Some have been sacked... some suspended....
There are rumors of severe pay cuts that will be permanent...While members of the armed forces have received double the pay this month at least...

It is intimidation.....though the .
possibility that I will follow the courageous and honest crowd of jailed proud Bahrainis is very real at this point...
I appreciate your and your friends help.



Attachment(s) from Zulfeqar

1 of 1 Photo(s)

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