THE STREET MIMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (4 March 2011) webpage: PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. | Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family. Ayyuha An Naas … Audio on (03-03-2000) JxEh5_Xtinc NAIVE MUSLIMS AND SMART SHAYATEEN PART 2 As much as there are attempts of obfuscating/confusing the condition that Muslims are in our time/life (and) as much as there are words thrown into the mind to misunderstand this condition it can be narrowed down/simply stated as the insistence of the Muslims when everyone else has given up on this responsibility on proving that Allah has a relationship with man and that this relationship will take its course in man's social reality. This is as simple as this whole affair- that they call fundamentalism/terrorism/radicalism and all of these other words that want/seek to throw away this issue away from its centre- is. The issue is quite clear. Muslims in their relationship with Allah want/insist up to the last moment in their life on having Allah's will done in the social affairs of man and because of this insistence- not the idea; the idea can be on paper/in many peoples brains but the issue is not against the idea. The red-dot hostility against the Muslims is because they want to take this beyond it being an idea to it being the characterisation of the way they live. There's no negotiation on this- the enemies do not tolerate a negotiation and the Muslims don't tolerate a negotiation- so there cannot be a middle ground. Why do we see Muslims in their hundreds of thousands and millions in areas of the world the victims of the Shaytaani world order? No one is fighting the Muslims because of some rituals/prayers/fasting. The enemies of Allah/the Prophets/those who on this course in life don't have any problem with people saying their salaah! When Muslims go to employers/different departments of this worldwide system and say "we want time off for salaah" they'll be given time off for salaah. No problem! If you ask for it you might be given a hard time for it initially but eventually they will give you time for salaah! If there's a special program for Ramadhan that can be worked out; they'll work out a special program that accommodates your fasting/schedule of Ramadhan. They have no problem with that but there is an area that they have a problem with i.e. when Muslims want to have their norms/standards/morals to become the leading force of society; we want what Allah has given us become the norm of the world- then there's no room for any of this. Then they take deadly issue with the Muslim and they don't care if in the process they are killing tens of millions of Muslims. What is happening in Chechnya and has been happening in the past half-a-year indicates quite clearly the forces that are sent and are dead serious about terminating any Islamic transition from idea to practise. Why? Because this is going to mean some semblance of justice on Earth and justice is a dangerous word. If you want to say justice to the plunderer/ killer of world society you are threatening them in their livelihood; you are a threat to the way they are generating illegal profit/money; you are a threat to them because justice will remould the human condition on the basis of equality. That is a threat because they've been making money out of this discrimination/racism/inequality/sectarianism/nationalism and justice doesn't tolerate any of this illegal world system that generates its well-being for the few out of the misery/horrific destiny of the many! You find (that) in the past six months of this globalisation against the Muslims in the Caucasus… They talk about a globalisation and a new world order. (Do) you see how it works? Because the Muslims are the only ones left in the world who nurture a real hope for peace/justice on Earth and they have to be dealt with even if it means rivers of blood flowing. If they have to rape Muslim women/teenagers/ children they do it and they have been doing it in front of what is supposed to be world public opinion. Have you noticed in the past six months the worldwide organisation that are concerned with human rights have been absent! Where are they? They make themselves abundantly present when an issue has to do with a Muslim territory in the world. They can immediately spring into action (and) fill the air with their propaganda when the issue has to do with their accusations of Muslim "oppressing minority" or Muslims denying political/ civic/human rights to non-Muslim they are all over the place but when Muslims are the victims they are nowhere to be detected/seen. The problem is not in what is happening/has happened to us, the problem is in the inability in us as Muslims in the world to foresee what is being planned against us! During the crisis in the Balkans- beginning with Bosnia and now in Kosova in that general area- we, (in our humble capacity), were trying to focus the Muslim attention on where the next area of mass massacres of Muslims is going to take place. It was only a few years and now we know where this next area is. Can the Muslim mind now be able to figure out where the next Chechnya is going to be in the Muslim world? This is the problem! This is how they, (meaning the eternal enemies of Allah/scripture/Prophets/justice and everyone on this course in life), know exactly what we are all about and some of us are still in the premature stages of saying "Islam is misunderstood. We really have to explain this Islam." Explain it to who? To the people who are spending most of their time trying to ignite another hate against Muslims that winds up in the killing of hundreds of thousands of us and the agony of many others? You want to explain Islam to them when they understand it better than you who are trying to give the explanation?! Do you remember at the time when the Muslims in Bosnia where in distress… The figures are etched into our memories. Sixty-thousand Muslim women raped; two-hundred-thousand plus were killed and untold hundreds of thousands were displaced. Remember, here in Washington DC, (we had) the largest demonstrations by the Muslims in the history of this country was during that crisis in the Balkans when it was reported that around sixty-thousand Muslims demonstrated in front of the White House and the crisis in the Balkans pales/is nothing compared to the crisis that is just beginning in the Caucasus/Central Asia. There is a war of sorts now- not the military one only that we see in Chechnya but also an extended one that goes into Central Asia that is pursuing Muslims who dare take Islam beyond an idea and try to implement it as a social order. You ask "why isn't there any one moving in a demonstration in Washington DC?" We have had about six-to-seven years now to answer that question and every Muslim should now feel comfortable with the answer- because the United States has not given the Muslims the green light to go ahead and organise and bring out the people/public in protest! Why? Because the United States Government itself is part of this war against the Muslims around the globe/world. Yes! There are American officials who bark against the Russian war in Chechnya but that doesn't count! Words, especially from diplomats/politicians are misleading/deceiving! Most of the times they say what is contrary to what they do. What do you expect from the United States Government that places the picture of a Muslim mujahid in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, on matchboxes? In all of the Middle East now there are match-boxes that are circulating, (because smoking unfortunately is a bad habit there), and people buying these match boxes see a picture of a Muslim and then the United States saying $5million, (and it is reported in other sources a $500million- whatever the true figure is) the United Sates Government is giving that money to whomever will apprehend or make it possible to apprehend this Muslim. Some people toy with the idea that there could be a dialogue with this type of government?! Last week the Senate voted 98-to-0 i.e. 98 out of 100 (with) two absent to sanction Russia/ North Korea/China for their responsibility in sending military technology to the Islamic State in Iran. This week the House of Representatives- the number of members in the House of Representatives is 420- these 420 without any exception also voted likewise to sanction these Governments who may be giving the Islamic State in Iran any type of technology that can be used for military purposes. Are these gestures of goodwill/the types of signals that indicate that some type of accommodation can be reached and there can be a normalisation of relations between Muslims and Shaytaan's representatives? Because some Muslim's Islam is only a mental one, (they are not out in the field/living the consequences of policies that are made here in Washington DC and then sold and exported into the rest of the world), say "all of this talk against the United States is rhetoric. There is a goodwill!" Where is the goodwill? United States Government shows goodwill!? One of the candidates for the President of the United States- the Republican McCain- said when there were these debates when he was in South Carolina a couple of weeks ago "if he were President of the United States he would follow up with a policy that would destroy all rogue States in the Middle East referring to Iran/Iraq/Libya/Syria/Sudan and maybe Lebanon." That is what he wants to do. (Take a) look at where these Yahud, the persons who are formulating/placing these ideas in the heads of candidates for the highest office in the land, are located. Richard Pearl who is a left-over from the Reagan years formulated these ideas in the Republican candidacy because he's also involved with this other person, (Bush- who's also running for President), who has leaked words indicating that "he would place these Yahudi Pearl as Head of National Security if he becomes President of the United States." As if the Yahud now have a monopoly on the national security of the United States?! Clinton has had Samuel Burger all of these years and if he goes and the Republican comes in they will have another Yahudi! Al Gore may have another Yahudi and his own advisor now as Vice-President on national security is yet another Yahudi! Where is the goodwill/gestures/signals of reaching an understanding with the Muslims in the Unites States? We don't have to go far/to other parts of the Muslim world to understand this. Here, in the United States, at airports they profile the Muslims. If you look/act/breathe like a Muslim they will take you aside and then they'll run across/give you their own battery of questions. They don't do this to other people or if they do it's on a very minute scale. This is intended for the Muslims. Then they have secret evidence in the United States. Here they can take someone from his family/friends/neighbourhood put him behind bars and he wouldn't even know why he is behind bars because they say "they have secret evidence" and they get away with all of this. Here we are and in a couple more weeks and all the Muslims who have gone to Makkah and Al Madinah will be performing their Hajj rites and are Muslims permitted in the Hajj to bring up/communicate/discuss/dialogue? If Muslims cannot dialogue among themselves how are we going to be able to dialogue among other civilisations- we ask you?! We are not permitted to dialogue among ourselves! Let us begin to think to have a dialogue among Muslims! Is that asking too much? We don't want to have that dialogue in Washington/London/Paris or in other Kafir land. We want to have that dialogue in Makkah and in Al Madinah. This is where the dialogue should begin or else we are just trying to fool ourselves. We have an OIC- Organisation of Islamic Conference States- and in front of their own eyes they see Muslims being killed wholesale- what are they doing? Nothing! They haven't taken one step that can raise the momentum/commitment of Muslims anywhere. We want to fool ourselves!? This is a relationship we have with Allah and we will live and die with this relationship! We may lose everything but we're not going to lose this relationship/access to Allah. Never! They can take away our lives/bodies. They can put us behind walls/bars/doors. They can do a lot of these things but they will not be able to take away from us this relation with Allah. What are the Saudis doing? They send a few people to Chechenya last year and what do they do? Listen to this brothers and sisters- they find the people/Muslims who are left in Chechenya, (many of them have left the country altogether to the rest of the area), and what do the Saudis do? They buy them ambulances! This is nothing to be proud of! Muslims don't need ambulances/ bandages to be on us! We need the equipment to live/die with honour. This is what this relationship with Allah is all about. Then they take pride… A couple of doctors/people in the medical field and when they come to the media they say "look- we bought our Muslim brothers in Chechenya some ambulances/medication." That's not what we need. Some Muslims are asking "what should we do in a situation like this? What can be done?" The answer is a simple one. What every Muslim should think about doing is making it impossible for any Russian military personnel, (number one), Russian Governmental Official, (number two), to breathe in Muslim lands. That's what should be done. Wherever they are, they should never feel secure anywhere in Muslim lands. Brothers and sisters- as we speak the Russians are torturing the Muslims by cutting off their ears/plucking their eyes! Who is that Muslim who can tolerate to see a human being who breathes in a Russian military uniform? His blood is halaal anywhere he is! That's what should be done anywhere in the world. How can this be done? It can be done easily if there is a will to do it. What are we doing? We're still in the process of defending our brothers, and by extension defending ourselves. What message are they sending us if they say "if we can get away with doing this to the Muslims in Chechenya…" they'll turn around in a few years… Don't be fooled by a time lag. If Muslims decide to take their ideas from the heads and place it in society they will turn around in a few years and do the same thing to the Muslims here, there and everywhere. We shouldn't tolerate anything like this. But who are the Muslims who are going to express this from the Mimbar/in the congregations/meetings with Muslims/in their one on one discussions? They tell you "no. We have to go to the American Government and lobby them." OK- you've been lobbying them now for ten years. We have a lobby there on Capitol Hill in Washington DC that has been lobbying now for ten years and ever since they've being lobbying we've seen more massacres than before they came into existence! We can expect our enemies to go all out against us but what are these people who come to our Jum'ah prayers and these types of Masjids all around the place/country doing? They're satisfying themselves by going and speaking with a certain Congressman! (Can't you) see- when Allah tells us And be patient because your patience is due to Allah… (Surah An Nahl verse 127) This is not a patience of humiliation/a patience of the weak/the patience of those in retreat. It is the patience of taking what comes our way with the knowledge/hope/faith that we will go beyond this stage to a better tomorrow. That's the positive patience that Muslims acquire through these types of events. No one should make any mistake about this- the United States seizes every opportunity to stab the Muslims in the back. You see, the problem with many of us is that we have a short memory. Remember- a few months ago US policy was concentrating on two places- Indonesia and Nigeria because they said "these are on the periphery of the Ummah." One of them on the extreme East and the other on the extreme West of Muslim lands. What do we have now in these two areas? We have rising tensions between Muslims and Christians. This is a process that the United States Government is responsible for; and more to the point the people who are implementing these policies in our own lands have our names/colours/culture but they don't have our understanding of the Qur'an and the Prophet so they become the willing tools of these Shaytaani policies. Verily those who say our Sustainer is Allah and they proceed straight-forwardly their visitations will be with Angels who come to them and say "don't fear and don't grieve/feel sad, we are your supporters/allies/reinforcement in this worldly life…" (Surah Al Fussilat verse 30) Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims… We say alhamdu li Allah with full knowledge that our body bleeds yet we still say alhamdu li Allah. We declare alhamdu li Allah while realising the magnitude of those who are against us and we still say acknowledging the presence of Allah alhamdu li Allah. This week we begin eighteen years of having the salaat al Jum'ah/Al Jama'ah/Eidayn here in the streets- not because this is our choice! Our choice is to pray in the Masjid but when you have these Shaytaani forces who come and say to Muslims "you are not allowed to pray in the Masjid" for the begin of our eighteenth year. What have we seen in these eighteen years? We have seen people come and go but the fact remains that Allah has given us this responsibility. What do you do if someone comes to you and says "you are not allowed to go into the Masjid"? As a Muslim do you accept that? This is a violation of any type of right/definition you have for your right in this life whether you're a Muslim/Christian/Jew/Atheist/Secular- whatever religion; whether you are non-religious/anti-religious- in any definition/book no one can tell a Muslim "you cannot go into the Masjid" which we have been told now passing/ending our seventeenth year and beginning our eighteenth year. Then, beyond that they come and tell some of us "you cannot go for the Hajj." What do you do? Do you accept something like that? If we, Muslims, in this world were to accept these types of orders we would not have Hizbullah/the Islamic Resistance in South Lebanon/Muslims fighting against institutionalised violation of their rights in Palestine and in other places of the Muslim world too numerous to mention. This is our share of it. What do you do? Disappear and say "yes you are right. We cannot enter into our Masjid?!" Then, in the course of these years they come and say to our own ears "yes- we will allow you to go into the Masjid provided…" There's a condition here. "… you go into the Masjid, pray and then you leave. You cannot communicate/socialise/ mention/talk to other Muslims there." What's this? That is what they have said to our own ears. Do we accept something like that? In the meantime in these years we had brothers who used to be here now they are no longer here. Where are they? Allah knows. We are not accountable for where they are. They are responsible for their own decisions but if this is our share of the Islamic reality today then we will shoulder our responsibility. It doesn't matter if we are a few/thousands of individuals who are out here in the streets- that doesn't count. What counts is to maintain/hold on to this relationship we have with Allah. This is the warmth in our hearts that nothing else can satisfy/replace. Whether it is the hot sun/frigid weather doesn't matter. The warmth of this relationship with Allah endures/lives on and the Muslims are not going to take an Israeli beating in Southern Lebanon/Palestine and they are not going to take an Israeli beating here in the United States, in Washington. If they know that we are beginning to coalesce/consolidate- and this is no time to step back and exchange hypocritical smiles with these officials who smile in our face and stab us in our back… Even though we remain here and we can remain here for another eighteen years and another eighteen years- is that asking too much of Allah if this is what it takes?! You think about it- eighteen years have past and it feels like eighteen minutes have passed. We are not doing all of this for anyone out there/around the corner/any personal interest/ego- none of that is involved. The process has been a cleansing in our hearts and on the pavement. Some of our internal psychological pollution has gone and some of us external human pollution has also gone and for that we thank Allah with this warmth of commitment and relation with Him that He has given us the chance/opportunity to be who we are. (Take a) look across the street- there's an American flag there. That wasn't there eighteen years ago. These people have begun to realise/appreciate their patriotism when there's a Jum'ah prayer here every week so they had to make a statement. (This is) only one indication of how Allah works and His sometimes understood and sometimes not understood way but this warmth of being with Allah will deliver us into a better tomorrow and eventually a better one after that. This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 3 March 2000 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige. |
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