Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family. Committed Muslims… Audio on (04-03-2011) ARE THE MASAJID REALLY MASAJIDALLAH PART 3 Allah says And know that Masajid belong to Allah so do not invoke/plea with/solicit anyone besides Allah. (Surah Al Jinn verse 18) This ayah, (which is a well known ayah but lacks our human thinking about it), tells us as far as worldly powers/people who have influence and control in whatever sphere of life are concerned Masajid are off limits to them; meaning they cannot control/possess these Masajid. This is one of the meanings of the ayah. As far as the regular Muslim is concerned, his mind/ locus of emotions should be free from the impression/idea that Allah's Masajid are run by a certain Government/interest group. This is what the ayah is telling you/me/every other Muslim. The Masajid are the possession of Allah… (Surah Al Jinn verse 18) But when we look around at the real world do we see this ayah as a practical ayah- are the meanings of this ayah applicable to the Masajid that we have? You/I/every enlightened Muslim knows that these Masajid have become the personal property of those who have one of the combination of two things, i.e. simply wealth and power. What else is there that gives different individuals/administrations of these Masajid the position that they are in to say to certain people "you are welcome/not wanted/even you are barred from this Masjid" in contradiction of the meaning to this ayah? In the history that we share we know that in the time of Allah's Prophet there were those who said they were Muslims. And what did they want to do? They wanted to build a Masjid. Now in principle and at first glance there's nothing wrong in building a Masjid but what if the intention of building a Masjid is to promote counter Islamic ideas/policies/strategies? This was not permitted in the time of Allah's Prophet. The ayah says And those who have designated a Masjid for the purposes of harm, kufr and separating/ dividing committed Muslims from each other… (Surah At Tawbah verse 107) If Masjids are in the wrong hands/don't belong to Allah they can be used as instruments for these three objectives- damaging the Muslims, having the Muslims deny Allah and dividing the committed Muslims. When news of this arrived to Allah's prophet he said destroy that Masjid. Allah's Prophet gives the order to destroy a Masjid! In our world today we don't have individuals who have the stature of Allah's Prophet to give orders to all of the Muslims everywhere to deconstruct/bring down all of these Masajid that are meant to harm/damage/ divide the Muslim and then to deny Allah's power and authoritative presence in our lives?! We simply don't have that! But we know these types of Masajid should not exist- that is the least we should learn from what Allah is telling us. Then Allah says in another ayah Oh you who are firmly committed to Allah if the public announcement goes forth on Friday meaning for Jumu'ah prayers then you make an effort to attend that Jumu'ah prayer which in this instance is referred to dhikrillah… (Surah Al Jumu'ah verse 9) Who tells Muslims who want to come to Jum'ah prayers on Fridays "you cannot come into the Masjid?" (Something) which has been going on now twenty-eight years and tomorrow will be the first day of the twenty-ninth year of these people who have corrupted Allah's book and the meaning of the ayaat in His book. And know that Masajid belong to Allah so do not invoke/plea with/solicit anyone besides Allah. (Surah Al Jinn verse 18) These same people say the same ayaat you just listened to. This is an ayah that they read. It's not an ayah that is absent. Or it's not an ayah that is impossible to understand. It is clear or from the bayyinaat from the ayaat in Allah's book. And those who have designated a Masjid for the purposes of harm, kufr and separating/ dividing committed Muslims from each other… (Surah At Tawbah verse 107) This is another ayah that these Muslims read- whether it's in this type of Masjid or in its counterparts all around. They know these ayaat quite well as far as reading them/having a beautiful voice in reciting them/memorising them and having their children memorise them; but that's one thing. How do they act/conduct themselves when it comes to the real life issues that we have? They say "oh you Muslim- you cannot come into the Masjid!" Where do they get that from? This is not only confined to an issue of a Masjid and a person going into/ coming out of a Masjid, it extends itself to what is supposed to be the solidarity/camaraderie of the Muslims. Don't they read the ayaat that say But indeed committed Muslims are brethren of each other… (Surah Al Hujurat verse 10) Where's this brotherhood when they tell other Muslims "oh you cannot come into the Masjid?" They've been doing this for, (beginning tomorrow), twenty-nine years. What has been the reaction to this? Many Muslims have ran away from this scene. They can't live with reality! This is reality brothers and sisters. This is no joke! There are real people inside there who tell other Muslims "you cannot come into the Masjid!" OK- how do our supposedly brothers who are inside this Masjid/Islamic Centre and those Muslims who are in this general area, the larger metropolitan Washington DC area justify for yourself either your silence "oh they don't want to speak about it" or your indifference "you hear about what is going on but you don't want to get involved" or worst than all of that, the fewer/remaining ones who want this type of damage to the Muslims to continue?! In all of these years many Muslims have come and said "why are you praying in the street?" Don't ask us- go ask these people inside this Masjid "why do they bar/ban Muslims from entering the Masjid? Why to they violate/ butcher the brotherhood of Muslims?" Why do they do that? We've been living this crisis, (if we can call it that), for twenty-eight solid years. You may have noticed/realised, especially those of you who have been with us during this duration of time, that these types who run these types of Masjids never, (remember we're speaking about twenty eight full years), have never once taken a step in our direction here so that we can see them face-to-face/eye-to-eye! What is it? A Muslim is afraid to look at/see/meet his brother Muslim? Or do they have some type of idea in their head that says "we are not Muslims?" We don't know because the issue of kufr and takfeer is rampant in the Kingdom that has possessed this Masjid and taken it away from Allah. We don't know what's in their minds/hearts. They could very easily dismiss us as kafirs and say "oh those people who are praying in the street are kafirs." We never heard them say that, but could it be an answer to the attitude that they have and have sustained for all of these years? The Prophet of Allah says the Earth has been made for me a Masjid and a clean place to offer the salaah so any Muslim/person from my Ummah who approaches the time of salaah can easily perform his salaah on the ground/surface of the Earth. It's not that a salaah is only acceptable if it is performed in a place that has four walls and a ceiling. The issue is not the structure/architecture of a building; the issue is what dwells in the hearts of man and people. How have they lived with this for all of these years? We don't know but we remain faithful and on principle. This is a Masjid and we are Muslims and what type of powers do we have here that have stone walled us from entering the Masjid? What is it? Is it the force of arms? Obviously we don't see no tanks/weapons around this place. Is it the passive attitude of the crowd of Muslims that we have? Brothers and sisters who are hearing us here and beyond here- we have now a movement of peoples. It wasn't this way at the beginning- thirty years ago. People praying in the street?! But now it has become a common feature in many places. In Moscow/Cairo/ Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims… In the past twenty-eight years, (and we say this as subjects of Allah not as human beings who harbour any ego), we have been here in the street not of our own choosing obviously. We didn't choose to be here on Fridays expressing our consciousness of Allah physically/ mentally. In the interim/during these years many things have happened. So many things have happened that we cannot condense them in a few minutes in a short khutbah. It bears of merit to remind of a few of these things. At the beginning of this Saudi sponsored violation of the Qur'an and the Sunnah there was a person who had us meet with these Saudi officials who were here at the Embassy here in We also had, in the aftermath of this Saudi control of the Masjid the Libyans, (meaning the Libyan Government not the people of course), come to town and they also they wanted to make offers (i.e.) "Oh you people of course you don't have the resources/wherewithal to discharge your administrative responsibilities at this Islamic Centre and we are willing to help." We had other developments. As we said we have no time here to go into the details of what had occurred here through all of these years. The bottom line is (that) some people are disturbed how come we have some Muslims who can not only express Islam with their voices but can also demonstrate Islam with their character! This is what upsets them. (They say) "Go away we don't want to see you!" Are they annoyed?! We are here under the elements. We are here during the freezing temperatures of winter and the scalding temperatures of the summer and why are they so bothered by that if somehow there is not a crime that they sense in what they are doing- whether they have the Saudi/Libyan version of things or anything in between?! We have no apologies for all of these years and we don't feel that we have done anything wrong. We had mentioned to you just several months ago (that) the Saudis in their satellite TV speak about "an elected Imam of the Islamic Centre who is out here in the streets." What's this contradiction in their mind? What type of game are they playing? During these years, (something that may not have been mentioned before), at least one Rabbi from this This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohammad Al Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 4 March 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in |
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