Pakistani physicists win acclaim for their work

A view of the Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad. — File photo
ISLAMABAD: The research work carried out by a young Pakistani physicist Jamil Aslam and two members of his team, Ahmed Ali and Christian Hambrock, earned them acclamation from the physics community as its results may lead to the discovery of a "new form of matter".
Jamil Aslam is a faculty member of Physics Department at Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) while the other two physicists are working in Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), the biggest German research centre for particle physics.
The spokesman for the QAU said that Jamil Aslam and his team members analysed the data collected by the KEK particle collider in Japan during an experiment known as 'Belle' and claimed the discovery of tetraquark particles that consist of four quarks instead of the usual two (quark-antiquark) and three quark ones.
A quark is an elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter.
"Though it is not conclusive, however, the analysis made in paper supports the evidence of tetraquarks and if it is proved in Belle experiments, scheduled for later this year, it will introduce a new form of matter," said a member of the team.Both Dr Jamil Aslam and Dr Ahmed Ali were PhDs from the Physics Department of QAU and students of a prominent Pakistani theoretical physicist and eminent scientist Professor Dr. Riazuddin.
Holy SMS
by Nadeem F. Paracha
Pakistanis love emailing and text messaging quotes from hadiths and assorted religious paraphernalia. I usually ignore such messages because in my mind I imagine a holy punter who is convinced that each email or SMS of his is getting him that much closer to booking a cosy place in heaven. The truth is that this (albeit irritating) activity is actually better than a holy bum blowing himself up in public to find that same place in Paradise.
However, last Monday, as I again received my share of emails and SMSes quoting hadith and citing all that sophomoric stuff about 'scientific proofs in the Qu'ran,' I decided to answer one particular SMS; one I was receiving for the umpteenth time.
This is how it went: Munafiq ki Nishaanian (signs of the hypocrite) – Jhoot bolna (telling lies); Wa'da khilafi karna (breaking promises); Khiyanat karma (stealing); Gaali dayna (swearing).
So I replied: Sir/Madman, thank you for your SMS. But I think you forgot one more sign of being a munafiq, i.e. khaali khuli kay SMS karna (sending aimless SMSes).
Right away the sender SMSed his/her reply: SMS technology wasn't invented when the hadith were compiled. So you can't say SMSing is a sign of being a munafiq.
He/she quite obviously missed out on my sarcasm. No matter, I thought. At once, I SMSed him/her my reply: Brother/Sister, in that case, I am sure SMSing is haraam. In future I think you should use a pigeon to send your wonderful messages, or better, bring good tidings on a camel.
Coffee's Mysterious Benefits Mount
From lowered cancer risks to a sharper memory, more studies are showing that coffee is good for you - but why?
Regular coffee drinkers have a 39 percent decreased risk of head and neck cancer, according to a new study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Those who drank an estimated four or more cups a day had significantly fewer cancers of the mouth and throat than non coffee drinkers, the study found.
"Coffee contains more than a thousand chemicals, some of which have antioxidant and antimutagenic activities," Mia Hashibe, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Utah and the study's lead researcher, told Life's Little Mysteries. "Further research is necessary to identify which ingredients in coffee are responsible for the results we observed in our study."
Scientists are still trying to determine exactly what it is about coffee that gives it its disease-fighting properties, but recent research is getting closer to unlocking the mysterious power behind the energizing brew.

A view of the Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad. — File photo
ISLAMABAD: The research work carried out by a young Pakistani physicist Jamil Aslam and two members of his team, Ahmed Ali and Christian Hambrock, earned them acclamation from the physics community as its results may lead to the discovery of a "new form of matter".
Jamil Aslam is a faculty member of Physics Department at Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) while the other two physicists are working in Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), the biggest German research centre for particle physics.
The spokesman for the QAU said that Jamil Aslam and his team members analysed the data collected by the KEK particle collider in Japan during an experiment known as 'Belle' and claimed the discovery of tetraquark particles that consist of four quarks instead of the usual two (quark-antiquark) and three quark ones.
A quark is an elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter.
"Though it is not conclusive, however, the analysis made in paper supports the evidence of tetraquarks and if it is proved in Belle experiments, scheduled for later this year, it will introduce a new form of matter," said a member of the team.Both Dr Jamil Aslam and Dr Ahmed Ali were PhDs from the Physics Department of QAU and students of a prominent Pakistani theoretical physicist and eminent scientist Professor Dr. Riazuddin.
Holy SMS
by Nadeem F. Paracha
Pakistanis love emailing and text messaging quotes from hadiths and assorted religious paraphernalia. I usually ignore such messages because in my mind I imagine a holy punter who is convinced that each email or SMS of his is getting him that much closer to booking a cosy place in heaven. The truth is that this (albeit irritating) activity is actually better than a holy bum blowing himself up in public to find that same place in Paradise.
However, last Monday, as I again received my share of emails and SMSes quoting hadith and citing all that sophomoric stuff about 'scientific proofs in the Qu'ran,' I decided to answer one particular SMS; one I was receiving for the umpteenth time.
This is how it went: Munafiq ki Nishaanian (signs of the hypocrite) – Jhoot bolna (telling lies); Wa'da khilafi karna (breaking promises); Khiyanat karma (stealing); Gaali dayna (swearing).
So I replied: Sir/Madman, thank you for your SMS. But I think you forgot one more sign of being a munafiq, i.e. khaali khuli kay SMS karna (sending aimless SMSes).
Right away the sender SMSed his/her reply: SMS technology wasn't invented when the hadith were compiled. So you can't say SMSing is a sign of being a munafiq.
He/she quite obviously missed out on my sarcasm. No matter, I thought. At once, I SMSed him/her my reply: Brother/Sister, in that case, I am sure SMSing is haraam. In future I think you should use a pigeon to send your wonderful messages, or better, bring good tidings on a camel.
Coffee's Mysterious Benefits Mount
From lowered cancer risks to a sharper memory, more studies are showing that coffee is good for you - but why?
Regular coffee drinkers have a 39 percent decreased risk of head and neck cancer, according to a new study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Those who drank an estimated four or more cups a day had significantly fewer cancers of the mouth and throat than non coffee drinkers, the study found.
"Coffee contains more than a thousand chemicals, some of which have antioxidant and antimutagenic activities," Mia Hashibe, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Utah and the study's lead researcher, told Life's Little Mysteries. "Further research is necessary to identify which ingredients in coffee are responsible for the results we observed in our study."
Scientists are still trying to determine exactly what it is about coffee that gives it its disease-fighting properties, but recent research is getting closer to unlocking the mysterious power behind the energizing brew.
Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi
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