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Thursday, May 20, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] French cabinet approves burqa ban law: Inner Bias Continues


French cabinet approves burqa ban law: Inner Bias Continues




he French cabinet approved a draft law to ban the Muslim full-face veil from public spaces yesterday, opening the way for the text to go before parliament in July."In this matter the government is taking a path it knows to be difficult, but a path it knows to be just," President Nicolas Sarkozy told the assembled ministers, according to his office.While Sarkozy's right-wing majority is expected to be able to push the law through parliament, constitutional experts have warned that it could be thrown out by judges and might fall foul of European law."We are an old nation united around a certain idea of human dignity, and in particular of a woman's dignity, around a certain idea of how to live together," Sarkozy insisted."The full veil that hides the face completely harms those values, which are so fundamental to us, so essential to the republican compact."According to the text of the law, no-one in France will be allowed to wear a garment "designed to hide the face". Those who flout it will be fined 150 euros (180 dollars) or sent on a course to learn the values of French citizenship.Anyone who forces someone through threats, violence or misuse of a position of authority to cover her face because of her sex will be jailed for a year and fined 15,000 euros, the law says.The law defines public spaces broadly to include all thoroughfares, all premises -- such as shops, cinemas, restaurants and markets -- open to the public and all government buildings.France's highest administrative legal body, the Council of State, had warned the government that it might be legally impossible to impose and enforce such a ban, but Sarkozy and his supporters are determined to press on.


This is just French Vandetta.There is nothing called uniform French values particularly after African Muslim and Non-Muslim influx there. France says it believes in multi-culturalism but this shows it wants to impose the values of majority there.

As we have said before, religious rights of community or a section within that community can not be flouted. Face veil is a provision which is binding according to some schools of thought or scholars of Islam though majority of schools do not think so. Muslim states throughout history have allowed both groups to practice as per their understanding of the Quranic  provision. This is the position of Non-Muslim states in Asia and Africa. Only in Americas and Europe this new trend has started though Muslim communities in sizable number are  staying there for about 50/60 years. The French decision is against so-called secularism, human rights, democracy and religious rights.

We condemn the French decision and ask all human right organizations, UNO, OIC and all states  to protest this move.




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