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Thursday, April 8, 2010

[shia_strength] Excessive Sins Destroy the Faith (Belief)(Greater Sins)


Excessive Sins Destroy the Faith (Belief)

Whatever has been mentioned in the discussion of intercession states that intercession comes to the rescue when the person concerned has died with correct belief. It happens, sometimes that, due to excessive involvement in sins and delay in repentance, faith in religion is erased from the heart. Subsequently he enters the limit of doubt and reaches the point of denial (Kufr). At this time if he is taken away by death, such a person is similar to the one who had consumed poison in the false hope that the doctor would save his life. But when the doctor arrives, death had already preceded him. What can the doctor do to cure him. In the same way the request of the intercessors is ineffective for the one who has died as an unbeliever.

"So the intercession of intercessors shall not avail them."

(Surah Muddassir 74:48)

In order to prove my statement I propose to quote one verse from the Holy Qur'an and two traditions:

"Then evil was the end of those who did evil, because they rejected the communications of Allah and used to mock them."

(Surah Rome 30:10)

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