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Friday, April 30, 2010

[MahdiUniteMuslims] Lady Fatima daughter of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w


When it came to many of the so-called "companions" of the Prophet, no effort was made to conceal their blatant hatred towards the Prophet's Family despite a divine  decree establishing love for the Prophet and His family as  compulsory. "Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it (the  deliverance of the Message) but love... for my near rel...atives." (42:23) Lady Fatima is a source of guidance for all Muslims, and  her attributes mirror those of her father and her husband and her sons and grandsons Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, has narrated many of the virtues of Lady Fatima, and these traditions are prominently featured in the books of the other Islamic sects. For example, Aisha narrated, "I have not seen a person more similar to the Prophet's appearance, conduct, guidance, and speech, whether sitting or standing, than  Fatima." (Mustadrak al-Hakim)
Fatima is Fatima - http://www.al-islam.org/fatimaisfatima/

Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

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