Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family. Brothers and sisters, Committed Muslims… Audio on http://www.islamicc TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING ISLAM PART 7 We ask Allah the commitment and security of belonging to Him and we plead for His assistance and protection from those who don't belong to Him, in saying, expressing and explaining His words and guidance. Brothers and sisters, there is a confusion of a topsy-turvy nature in the Muslim community, character and generally speaking in the Muslim domain. People are told, many times on many occasions, from different individuals that this Islam of ours is an Islam of ease, comfort, and coexistence; and these statements are generally true. We will bring you to the ayaat and ahadith that will explain where we locate the truth about these statements, not as they are presented to us by employed clergy or financed functionaries. There are many ahadith that are quoted; you and we know that we can't exhaust all the ahadith; we brought to you a sample of them. One hadith that is often quoted says this deen is strongly structured/compact- each part of it reinforces the other part of it, therefore approach/ enter into/penetrate it with ease/composure. A person who over does it does not travel a distance and does not maintain his mount- which means the analogy here (is) of a person who tries to approach, comprehend, absorb and work the meanings of this deen is similar to a person setting out on a journey; he has his mount and so if you overload or place too much on this mount of yours it could be a vehicle, camel, horse or whatever you have, then you're not going to go a distance and you're not going to have the mount that you have that was working in tiptop condition i.e. by overloading himself he doesn't still have the mount that he's supposed to have and by overloading himself, he can't go a distance. This is one hadith that is very much quoted in the realm of trying to convince you and me, the regular, average run-of-the-mill Muslim that "look, this Islam is easy going or comfortable." In another hadith, the Prophet is saying to them and also us- I caution you lest you become ghulu'… The word ghulu' has a shade of meanings- let us come down to the organic or root meaning. Al ghulu' is to over extend the meaning of this deen. The Prophet is saying I caution you, do not over extend the meanings or intents of this deen because what destroyed those who preceded you who were also the recipients of scripture, revelation and deen was their over extending of the meanings of deen. Al ghulu also has the meaning of petty, small or phobic mindedness; it has the meaning of fanaticism to it. We don't like to use the word because it's being loaded in our age and generation with connotations and denotations- there's a slur of meanings to this, but the Prophet of Allah is saying to us don't over extend the meanings that come to you in a comfortable manner. Remember, people who speak about how we should be relaxed in a turbulent world that is against us quote ahadith and we'll come to the ayah and explain how it's out of context; but another hadith that is often mentioned in this regard and direction is related to Umm Ul Mu'minin Aa'isha, she says whenever the Prophet of Allah had a choice between two options, he would choose the less demanding or taxing as long as there was no infraction involved in that choice. OK- these are samples of the ahadith that are coached to the general Muslim public to have them feel that you shouldn't be concerned with any higher responsibilities. There's one ayah or maybe two in the whole Qur'an that they try to place in this mix. The 1st ayah is taken from Surat Al Baqarah and it says … Allah wants for you what is easy and accessible and does not want for you that which is prohibitive, demanding, difficult or inaccessible… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 185) Now any Muslim who has multiple years of mature experience and consciousness should know that this ayah belongs to the context of fasting. When we fast the month of Ramadhan, there's a cluster of ayaat in Surah Al Baqarah that speak about and explain the devotion of fasting. In this context, Allah is saying that He doesn't want to overburden any of us if we don't fall within the definition of tolerating the fast; so this ayah belongs to a context, and that context is if someone is going to fast and that act of fasting is going to be debilitating to him, his health or wellbeing to his survival, then he/she is exempted. You can't come and say that the ayah and the words is meant as a general rule that is to be applied to all of the year and generations and (are) to be applied to such an extent that the higher responsibilities of Islam are omitted, ignored or neglected. The other possible ayah that some of these wizards in reverse quote to us is Ta-Ha. We have not brought down this Qur'an and its meanings upon you so that you may suffer. (Surah Ta-Ha verse 1-2) Ash Shaqaa here is equivalent in today's words to depression. This Qur'an was not meant to cause you to be depressed. (Surah Ta-Ha verse 2) Now, this is where the dislocation occurs. They take these ahadith basically- their thrust is in the area of ahadith and then, along with that they trail these ahadith with this ayah or these two ayaat, (we couldn't find any other), they bring these along to say to you, I and one-and-a-half to two-billion other Muslims in the world that "look, take it easy; be calm or cool it" (to use the lingo in the street), "what's all of this about? You people are hyped up! There's no reason for all of this." OK- we say to them "you are correct in as far as Muslims should be calm and not be hyped up, but these are in such matters that pertains to such issues as As Salah, At Taharah, Al Hajj, As Saum- this is where we shouldn't be suffering from signs of depression; this is where we should be tolerant; this is where all these ahadith apply. Don't take it out of context." Which means what in practical terms? It means you- the Muslim whoever you are- the way you perform your salah should accommodate the way the other Muslim performs his/her salah- this is where this applies. Have you ever come across people in the Masjid who are very tight/narrow minded/spirited because the another Muslim doesn't have his toe touching the other toe of the Muslim beside him? This is the hype that Allah's Prophet cautioned us about. This is where al ghulu is. Have you ever come across Muslims who turns fanatical because a person in his ruku' is not at a 90 degree angle? Brothers and sisters- the generation of Muslims that were with the Prophet of Allah had aches and pains in their bodies; (do) you think all of them were at a 90 degree angle in their ruku'? They were bruised, injured and bleeding and here we have those ghulaat or hyped Muslims who overextend the meanings to judge other Muslims because of their toes and whether the angle of their torso is 90 degrees or not. This is ghulu. Then we have the time of Ramadhan (with) Muslims watching each other on the minute after the sun goes down to judge whether the Muslim is accurate, pious or his siyam is acceptable in the course of the 30 or 40 minutes after the sun goes down- this is al ghulu- this is where you shouldn't be hyper. Have you seen some Muslims wash their feet for wudhu and others wipe their feet for wudhu and you have this disease of al ghulu which runs narrow deep in the minds and hearts of some Muslims who say "that type of wudhu is not acceptable;" this is the ghulu that the Prophet of Allah was cautioning us about. They took these meanings, misplaced and took them out of context and they said we have become extremists when we read Allah's book when it says If there are twenty of you, you can defeat two-hundred; and if there's one-hundred of you then they can defeat one-thousand… (Surah Al Anfaal verse 65) What do you individuals who go around trying to either hypnotize or anesthetize the Muslims say here? You spend your time telling the Muslims in fact and in practice "oh don't think about these higher responsibilities." They want to draw the Muslims into a conflict of mind and thought because here, the Qur'an conflicts with each other; how can Allah say that … He wants you to opt for what is easy and to avoid what is hard… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 185) and then in another ayah He says … if there are twenty of you they can overcome one-hundred, and if there is one-hundred of you they can overcome one-thousand… (Surah Al Anfaal verse 65) Is this yusr?! (Can't) you see- the Qur'an begins to contradict itself?! The Qur'an doesn't contradict itself; it's these individuals who contradict themselves. If we place these ayaat in context, we discover there's no contradiction but they don't place it in context. 1st of all, they don't come to the Qur'an to begin with- the Qur'an is secondary; they rely on some ahadith- some which are valid and some that are less then valid- and then, as an appendage they bring in an ayah or two, to do what? We wish they were doing all of this in the right direction because they're doing it in the wrong direction! They want to neutralize the Muslims so that you, I and the rest of us don't have a consolidated and collective effort in this world; they want to divide and decimate us on these basis and they do this on the manaabir in the Masaajid week-in-and- Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims… What we express is not a matter of academic free time. This is a matter that pertains to what is happening to us and why it is happening to us. The news out of the kingdom of darkness in This khutbah was presented by Imam Mohamed Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 3 April 2009 on the sidewalk of
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