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Thursday, August 28, 2014



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (29 August 2014)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed Muslims…
One of the most dangerous developments in the time frame that we are in is the animosity in some places; in other places it is just hatred that Muslims have towards other Muslims to the degree that they begin to kill each other. This is a fact that we are living. It's not something that we're reading about, it's not something that is historical and has no presence in our lives. It's claiming hundreds and thousands of lives every day and every week and all of this rationalization for a Muslim becoming an enemy of another Muslim in contravention and contradiction to the ayah
Oh you who are securely committed to Allah, guard against or be warned against His corrective power presence as is due to Him and do not expire except in a state of submission and surrender to the only Power, Authority and Divinity that is legitimate. And hold firm to Allah's binding matter all of you- no exceptions- and be not divided; and bare in mind Allah's provision, favour and privilege upon you when you, who are now Committed Muslims, were once enemies of each other and then He reconciled your hearts and familiarized and acquainted you with each other and then, due to this provision, favour and privilege you became brethren of each other; you were on the edge of a pit of fire and Allah saved you from it; it is with this is mind and with understanding these dynamics and factors that Allah is going to guide us. (Surah Aal Imran verse 102-103)
As is the case with the conditioned inability to think through what Allah is telling us listen carefully to how the first ayah is worded. It says
Oh you who are secure in your commitment to Allah be on guard against Allah's present corrective power as is due to Him and don't die except in a state when you are submissive to Him. (Surah Aal Imran verse 102)
The ayah began with Ya Ayyuha Alladhina Aamanu and it ended with illa wa antum Muslimun. It didn't end like it began it didn't end saying illa wa antum Mu'minun. This is a release (and) out of expression of Allah's mercy and grace He expects us to pass on from this life in a state of submission to Him. This submission could be just words. A person just saying "I submit to Allah"- that's enough Allah is not requiring you and me and anyone who is approaching his final minute in life, by this ayah, to part with this life and go unto Him as Mu'minin (or) as committed Muslims.  Of course, He expects that from us but out of His mercy if we can't meet that high standard at least we part from this life as being Muslims. There's a difference between Al Mu'minin and Al Muslimin and this difference is expressed in another ayah. The prior ayah was around one hundred in Surah Aal Imran. This following ayah that fine tunes our minds to the difference between iman and Islam says
The primitive Arabians say we are committed to Allah… … (Surah Al Hujurat verse 14)
Allah knows that's not the case so He corrects them. Allah says to His Prophet
… say to them you have not committed yourselves to Allah, rather say we have submitted (i.e.) our civic character is one of submission but you have not proved the higher responsibility of iman (and) you have not show that you are in this higher category of iman… … (Surah Al Hujurat verse 14)
So now with this little background information we take a leap forward into the mentality of those who are saying "so and so Muslim is a Kafir." What they do is they build an argument on that that becomes in their territory of control a rationalization for killing the other Muslim which has no basis in the Qur'an or in the Sunnah. There's an ayah in Surah An Nisa' that speaks about individuals
… who are at one time committed to Allah and in another time in denial of Allah then they go back to committing themselves to Allah then they go back to denying Allah and they die in a state of denial. (Surah An Nisa' verse 137)
The reason why these Takfiris are getting away with slaughter, civil war (and) the killing of innocent people is because we have absented our minds from what Allah is telling us. If there was a public mind (and) if you and me and everyone else were thinking through these ayaat of Allah we would stop these Takfiris and tell them what are you doing? Isn't this an ayah in Surah An Nisa'? But the ayah says
There are people who commit themselves to Allah and then they deny Him… … (Surah An Nisa' verse 137)
They are Mu'mins and then they become Kafirs and then they become Mu'mins again and then they become Kafirs again in an Islamic context. If what these Takfiris are saying is correct, (i.e.) you kill a person who becomes a Kafir then why does this ayah speak about people who change from iman to kufr then back to iman again then back to kufr and they stay Kafirs and they die? There's no hadd (or) there's no legal punishment applied to them. They die a natural death or whatever other death
… they die without your interference in their lives and then they go on to Allah and Allah is not going to forget or forgive them. … (Surah An Nisa' verse 137)
So what are you doing? Just because the way you fancy things (and) in your minds you give a rationale you say "come let's kill these who disagree with us. This is our Islam?! This is the way we understand this Islam and anyone who is going to disagree with us we're going to kill them." These are people of the Qiblah- they said "we're going to kill them." These are people who go for the halal and avoid the haram- they say "they're going to kill them." During the time of Allah's Prophet when the Prophet went on the journey of Al Isra' and Al Miraj, the well known night journey from Makkah to Al Quds to Sidrat Al Muntaha, when he came back it was one night… All of this happened in one night. Obviously this is a miracle. When he came back he spoke to the people around him of what had happened in the previous night. That morning when word got around other people, Muslims, heard this is what the Prophet is saying (and) they relinquished their Islam. They didn't believe him. This is Al Quds- we know where Al Quds is. We know how long it takes to journey to Al Quds back and forth and he's telling us that he went in a short period of time- he's talking about a few hours?! Remember these are Muslims speaking before they renounced their Islam, they're saying not only is he saying that he went to Al Quds, he's also saying he went up to God (and) to heaven and he expects us to believe him? No, forget it. I'm no longer a Muslim. That happened. What happened to them? Did they get killed? Was there some type of hostility, animosity (and) hatred by the other Muslims who believed Allah's Prophet? They said what you said is the truth. Furthermore he tells us he receives words from heaven and we believe him. Aren't we not going to believe him if he says he himself has gone by Allah's leave up to heaven? Of course we believe him. The lesson to take home from this is that people had the freedom to say I'm no longer a Muslim and nothing was done to them. Nowhere in any of the books- you can go and look far and near in all of the books. You'll find no one harmed any of these individuals when they said we're no longer Muslims. So where (did this come from?) How? Where did this attitude (and) where did this mentality come from? These Takfiris now who are going around killing left and right and accusing everyone who doesn't agree with them now are the types who come from a particular Islamic mindset. They say "they are the pure Muslims and they glorify people like ibn Taymiya and Muhammad ibn Abdal Wahhaab and Ahmad ibn Hanbal" and all this and they don't even know their own history. They don't know Ahmad ibn Hanbal was approached and was asked about Muawiyah and he had nothing good to say about him; contrary to the people who exist in our time. So even "the Sunnis" who disagree with them are targets of their killing and their shooting. So this causes us to think how did this happen? Everything we have said up until now you may hear from an enlightened khateeb (i.e.) someone who ascends the Mimbar and has an open mind and communicates with people around him and has a solid and substantial understanding of Allah's Book and Allah's Prophet up; until here you may hear this. It's not frequent but you may hear it from an enlightened one but this is what you're not going to hear. The reason we have what we have now (i.e.) Muslims killing other Muslims because of this sectarianism is because we have an outside enemy who is working hand in hand with those who are susceptible inside within our rank and file. When the outside and the inside work together like that we wind up with things like Da'ish, with things like this ISIS or IS for short- we have things like ISIS in Syria and Lebanon and we have Sisi in Egypt. The reason we have these is because when we're lazy minded (and) when we don't think- and what we don't mean by think is a mind that just wants to take in some information and then place it in its rational or logical construct, that is not thinking; well it is thinking but it's not thinking with the standards of Allah's Book and Allah's Prophet. When we say think we mean our thoughts are disciplined by what Allah and His Prophet are telling us- that's what we mean by thinking. So when we are not thinking we have detractors (and) we have out and out enemies who are thinking. We can't think to build ourselves (while) others who don't like us are thinking to destroy ourselves. This is what has been happening in these few hundred years. So if we read the Qur'an or the Prophet's statements and if we are not allowed to think of their meaning in these Masajid (then) these Islamic Centers and Masajid are sustained for a purpose- one purpose in short and that is when you enter them you are disallowed to think of the ayaat and the ahadith and those who are quoting the ayaat and ahadith are conditioned and taught to be literalists about the ayaat and the ahadith. So you have a literalist speaking and you have a non-thinker listening! This is what happens inside these places. We wish we were talking about a few places (but) we're talking about millions of them in the world. So here comes these others who don't like us and they open the Qur'an and they open the Sunnah and what do they find? They find that we have two (things) basically in one sense. We have a lot of things (but) in this area we have two things. One of them is Muslims are inclusive. Muslims are open hearted and open minded about the other. They read ayaat in the Qur'an and many of these ayaat encourage dialogue, coexistence (and) mutual understanding. Some of them speak about Yaa Bani Adam, some of them speak about Yaa Ayyuha An Naas, others speak about Yaa Ayyuha Al Insan, others speak about Yaa Ahl Al Kitab and still even with those who are in denial (i.e.) the Kafirs we speak to them. We know that we cannot include them but still we communicate. So they looked at this feature in our books of guidance and they said "oh! Is this who you are?" This is where it becomes dangerous. When we don't understand who we are- and the others who don't like us understand very well who we are- here's where they play havoc with us. They say "oh, so you're inclusive. You're not racists, you're not bigots, you're not prejudist- okay." So they take this and they go with it all the way and they blur the lines between who we are and who the other is. So if you're a Muslim you might as well be a Christian or a Jew or a happy-go-lucky other or whoever. We're all one big happy human family. So they destroy Islam by taking it out of its frame of reference but they do that with holding on to some of the elements in that frame of reference. What emerged out of all of this? Certain trends in Muslim societies. One of them which demonstrates this point very well is the Baha'is. The Babis and the Baha'is demonstrate this very well. They say "oh yes, we are friendly. There is no such thing as jihad (and) all of these other specifics. This doesn't exist or it used to be functional at one time (but) it is no longer applicable." They had these types of things in Iran, they had these types of things in the Indian sub-continent, they had these types of things in some limited Arab areas so we lose our character because they came inside of us. Look how daring they are- they come into our own mind (and) our own psychology and then they want us to break loose from who we really are. So they did a job on us. They did it in a theological sense, in reference to the Baha'is or the Qadianis or whoever. Then they looked the other way. They looked at this whole stretch of Qur'an and Sunnah and on the other side they found that we Muslims are particular. We have our own distinction, a distinction that doesn't make us racist, a distinction that doesn't make us prejudice, a distinction that draws the line between us and the understandable other. So they say "oh, so you have your own peculiar specific features (and) character- you have that. OK." Here once again we are ignorant of Allah and His Prophet and they study Allah and His Prophet not because they want to submit to the truth but because they have a score against us so they studied our specifics. "Oh so you have things that make you particularly Muslims, right? Just like how we took your inclusiveness to the extreme, now we're going to take your exceptionalism to the extreme." Out of that came these Wahabis who say "even the other Muslim is not a Muslim. The other Muslim becomes a Kafir. The other Muslim has to be killed." You see what is happening and what has been happening? We did it to us! We offered them the mental gap- the fisher (or) the cleavage is in our minds and they entered into it and they're trying to destroy us by taking us out of our proportionality. So they created one extreme- "oh we're happy-go-lucky. Everybody is fine. This is one big human family and everyone is buddy-buddy and nothing to worry about. Everything is on equal grounds- a Muslim, a Christian, a Kafir, a non-believer, etc. Everyone is the same. Why is anyone uptight about anything?" That's one extreme. Then on the other extreme "oh I'm the only Muslim and those who think like me are the only committed Muslims and to hell with everyone else, literally to hell with them and they must be killed. We have to rid the world of them." This is what's happening. This is what we have today. It comes from the dynamics of our ignorance. We want to be good but we are ignorant. Then those who hate us who are not ignorant, far from it- they are intellectuals. They study, they research (and) they investigate and because of that it's just like- we said this before (and) we're going to say it again- just like the human body has its immune system but once the immune system begins to fail then the germs and the microbes and the viruses are going to attack the body. Think of our social being in this world like that body. How many times in the Qur'an you hear the word ayah or ayaat? Because some of us still we have not worked up to our expected level we think that the ayaat in the Qur'an that have the word think or its synonyms (i.e.) cogate or reflect or reason in them (we think) "oh so this ayah requires me to think." No! All the ayaat require you to think. There are certain telltales in these ayaat that shake your intellect. When Allah speaks about ayaat- go to the concordance of the Qur'an (and) see how many times the singular and the plural of ayah exists in the Qur'an. Every time it exists it is telling you to think! So if we combine the direct and sort of indirect stimulants of thoughts in the Qur'an we find that they are in the hundreds if not in the thousands and then we are satisfied by being people who don't want to think?! That's how we are! In today's world where do you go to Masajid (and) to Islamic conferences where you have a speaker expressing his ideas in a way that stimulate your thought? We don't mean stimulate your thought in a wild and any which way direction; (we mean) stimulate your thought in a direction to Allah and His Prophet. Where are they- you tell us? Some of you don't come here every Friday and you may be in other Jum'ahs- that's fine; but please when you're at these other Jum'ahs and listening to the khutbah and trying to understand- we hope you're trying to understand! What are you going to the khutbah for? To fall asleep? To meet someone? To kill time? What are you going to the khutbah for? There's supposed to be a message in the khutbah not like the dark ages that we experience in the Saudi sponsored Masajid and Islamic Centers and their likes. (It's) not only Saudis. Saudis have counterparts that have their own set of traditions that wind up serving the same purpose and that is you go into the Masjid lazy minded and you come out of the Masjid empty minded- that's how it is! These Takfiris of today have a political agenda and that political agenda begins and ends with we hating each other and then killing each other- that's all, that's the summary of it all. None of that has a basis in the ayaat of the Qur'an or in the statements of the Prophet. The Prophet says in his farewell address after I'm gone don't revert to becoming Kafirs (with) each one of you decapitating one another.
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
The loud mouths of this world, who have access to the mass media, now are doing all they can to convince everyone that we Muslims are not civilized. We are barbaric, we are savage, we are bloodthirsty, we are terrorists. You've heard it. We need not go through that verbiage. In reality if we just take a look very briefly at what happened in Ghazzah in light of who we are. We know who we are and we know when there are intruders in our midst. You don't need a PhD to understand that when this intruder comes to you and says "this other person who you've known for many years, who's a Muslim in his own way, is not a Muslim" you don't need a PhD, you don't need to graduate from a seminary, you just need your common sense to know that something is wrong here. These words are not correct. The people who have weapons of mass destruction come and they bomb Muslims, they kill Muslims every day and they don't show any regret or any guilt for what they are doing. They are supposed to be civilized. "Oh, nothing's wrong with them." They can drop bombs, they can launch raids (and) they can do lots of things, they can kill so many people and we are supposed to think of them as civilized and the poor Muslim who emerges from the rubble, literally, (this is) no exaggeration. A Muslim young man or a Muslim young lady come out from under the rubble of their destroyed home. Everything they had in life they have no more and they are seeking justice; now these are the ones who are the terrorists! Who here is manufacturing terrorism? Take this simple scenario and ask yourself who is the producer of terrorism? How does it come to exist? We know this is common sense.
On a lighter note, they think we don't have any sympathy or emotions or feelings for the other- that's what they think and they want everyone to think like that. We're sure some of you, if not most of you, have been to hospitals in these so called civilized and modernistic societies and you've seen the manners and the methods of treatment that they offer. Let us tell you of something that used to exist in hospitals when Muslims were in charge of their own societies, not like now. When we were responsible for our own medicine and the practice thereof there was something like this that we don't even find in today's hospitals. There would be a patient in a room and the patient would suffer from a certain ailment. There were two individuals who were employed, (not known by the patient of course), by the hospital or whoever pays for the hospital and what they would do is they would enter the patient's room and as the patient is listening and thinking these are medical professionals, (some of them were), they would begin to exchange their opinions about the diagnosis of the patient. The patient is thinking he is listening to his own doctors. These are not his own doctors. These are professionals, more or less like psychologists who were meant to deliberately express the diagnosis of that particular patient in optimistic terms so that they can raise the level of confidence and the hope in the patient whatever his ailment may have been. We don't see this type of profession even existing in these societies of today- that's how fine tuned we were to other people's feelings and this is how coarse and how harsh and how insensitive today's commercialized medicine is towards its own patients. Who is at the end of the day the civilized and the cultured and who is at the end of the day the opposite of the civilized and the cultured?
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 15 August 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.


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Tuesday, August 26, 2014



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (22 August 2014)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
What is happening and has been happening actually has been an observation from earlyIslamic history, (i.e.) facts from early Islamic history. There are some Muslims and we call them Muslims because we are fair to the subject; that doesn't mean that they are the best people on earth, that doesn't mean that they are going to go to Al Jannah, that doesn't mean that they are committed Muslims that doesn't mean a lot of things but at the end of the day there are Muslims who- without any substantiation, no understanding of the Qur'an,no understanding of Allah's Prophet- simply take a hostile position towards other Muslims and then from there on they justify hostilities, animosities, bloodshed, massacres and wars. What we see today (is) there's something called ISIS or ISIL. These are some outfits in Iraq and Syria who are waging war against innocent people and against committed Muslims and generally against the reawakening of the Muslims of the world. They are not alone. They have their counterparts in Nigeria, in Northern Africa, in the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere. This humble speaker, in trying to put together some ayaat andahadith for this Jum'ah (and) scanning some of the news in the past few days came across a peculiar news item, (this is not customary but it serves the purpose of communication and part of the khutbah is communication and), photocopied two pages. Of course, these are from Arabic news sources and there's more than one news source pertaining to this particular news item. After we explain to you in light of the ayaat and the ahadith we'll have this particular news item which has no exaggeration to it and no propagandistic element to it- (its) just reporting the news- circulated (and you can) take a look at the three pictures in this news item and understand where the enemies of Islam have placed their energies to try to kill us from within.
We'll begin this whole khutbah with a couple of ayaat and a couple of ahadithat least to try and get a sense of who we are. We are all Muslims and some things like this, (we'll explain this in a few minutes), are happening then where did this come from? It has to force us to think- where is this coming from? Allah says in an ayah in Surah Al Furqanaround ayah sixty (or) in that vicinity- and His words are the truth-describing the mature, the balanced, the compassionate, the inclusive character of committed Muslims
And the Mercy givers subjects (are those) who walk this earth with comfort and confidence and if they are addressed by individuals who are lacking in knowledge, individuals who are not educated, individuals who are the compulsive types who express emotions more than thoughts- they say salama… (Surah Al Furqan verse 60)
Because sometimes this form of speech is provocative and the ayaat go on. It describes the balanced, the inclusive and the confident character of committed Muslims- the subjects of the Mercy-giver, that's how we are described. Now you're going to realize this doesn't apply to these types who we'll speak about in a few minutes.
Anotherayah in the relationship of the committed Muslim with Christians and Jews and others who are not Christians and Jews says about the character of Muslims who are observant of Allah in their character, in their conduct (and) in their approach to other people
Allah is not forbidding you concerning people who have not taken war issue with you because of your deen and have not expelled you from your homes and your countries and your homelands to be fair to them and to administer social justice to them… (Surah Al Mumtahanah verse 8)
He's not telling you that! We'll see that this is exactly what this type gangsterism is doing contrary to the meanings of these ayaat.
Anotherayah says, and this ayah recognizes the differences in humanity
Had Allah willed it He would have made all peoples one Ummah and they will continue to have differences and variations among them except for those who have Allah's mercy due to them… (Surah Hud verse 118-119)
Theayah says
… it is because of these differences in humanity- differences that you and I know about-it is for the purpose of these differences that Allah created this humanity. (Surah Hud verse 118-119)
What do we want to do? We want to go against Allah's will and fight these differences only because they are differences?! No one is showing us any hostility. Non-Muslims who are living among us (and) even Muslims who are living among us who are different from us who are not showing us any hostility (so) why should we be acting the way these ISIS people are acting? The Prophet's hadithsays people, all of them, are Allah's family and the most beloved of these people are the most beneficial to His familyand this is inclusive of all human beings. Now why do we mention these ayaatand these types of ahadiths? Because there is a cancer growing inside contemporary Islamic reassertion! There is a malignancy that is taking hold calling itself the Islamic State in Ash Shaam. What do they do among the many atrocious malicious and vicious acts that they are responsible for? We don't have time to open up their record of what they have been doing in the past year and a half or so ever since they mutated from that phenomenon that began during the occupation of Afghanistan- that's when all the trouble makers of the world went into the Islamic inside and then began to foster their own poisonous types under Islamic rituals and Islamicreligiosity. So what do they do in this particular incident that is a shame? It's a shame for any Muslims to know that this type of thing is happening. What is it? The Red Crescent in Iraq came out yesterday- because there were some news items (by) different people from different backgrounds reporting some nasty things happening in the areas being controlled by this ISIS, which is, by the way, financed by the people who have occupied the Masjid, the IslamicCentre here)- and authenticated the news that was being said here and there about "ISIS establishing a slave market." Listen to this- Islamcame to put an end to slavery! It's a social disease, it's a malady of humanity and here we are with these gangsters who hide behind some beards and within some thawbs and they are financed and they are armed by the petro-shaykhsand the petro-Emirs in Arabia. Listen-they establish a slave market and they bring to this slave market women. We're used to slavery being a racial thing or an ethnic thing, (i.e.), you bring people who belong to another color or to another race to the slave market and you sell them- that's what we're familiar with. Here we have a gender slave market! These ISIS types, the creatures of the Saudis and everyone in the orbit of the Saudis, bring to this slave market women and they call them "captives." Look- in Islamic terminologysabaya's the word. This ISIS know how to pluck out words. Unfortunately they're trying to get away with it because of the ignorance that has been sponsored and systematically presented to the Muslim public by the Saudi criminals. Yeah we say it!
Allah doesn't like words that are foul or words that are offensive to be spoken except when people are oppressed… (Surah An Nisa' verse 148)
Here is a prime example of how these people (or) individuals called ISIS are oppressing innocent human beings and causing a justification for bombing missions in Iraq. In the city of Ninawah in Iraqthey bring these sabaya; back to the word sabaya. Sabaya means women and children who are captured in warfare. These women who you will see the pictures of here were not captured in warfare so this ISISis lying! These are not sabaya. The spokesperson for the Red Crescent inIraq said in a statement "the element of this ISIS took women by force, women belonging to some type of religion called Yazidi as well as Christian women, and presented them in public for potential buyers." Of course the Red Crescent took issue and repudiated this act against humanity that no Muslim who reads the Qur'an and understands the Prophet can justify. Why'd you do this against innocent people? The spokesperson went on to say "ISIS has taken into custody scores of families from the airport of the city of Tal Afar. These who were taken as prisoners by this outfit belong to the Turkumans…" In the Iraqi context Turkuman is another word for those who are originally Turks. "…and from the Yazidis and from the Christians." What did they do after taking these families- scores of families? You tell us- where you'll find any explanation for this in the Qur'an or the Sunnah! They took the men out of the families and they executed the men. These men were not armed, they were not fighting, they were not part of any opposition to anyone as far as the news items that are available yet this outfit, (i.e.), these gangsters took the men and in cold blood executed them. So now there is an official type of uproar in Iraqbefore this thing gets out of control and everyone takes the law into their own hands and then everyone will be killing anyone that they think is an "other". Then there were witnesses from the governorate of Sanjar or Sangar, (depending on the language group), which is in the northern area of Iraq populated by a majority of Yazidis who said "these ISIS types…" who we have to emphasize and who we have to reiterate are a creature of the conjoining of Zionism and imperialism and Saudi inferiorityism "theses ISI types went to the judges in that governorate in that official jurisdiction and they executed all of them." Where is this? In Islam don't we have a court of law? Before executing them they gave them a choice, "you have to make tawbah. You have to express your regret and ask for amnesty and then pay allegiance to ISIS and if you don't then we are going to kill you"and that's what they did. (In) the news that we have none of the judges accepted any of that so they executed all the judges.
There's a women's organization in Iraqthat also came out and reiterated that "this ISISis holding captive women in one of the homes in this area called Sanjar and many families were caused to disperse in that area and many of them are unknowns now." No one knows what happened to them."
Last month this same ISIS opened up a marriage bureau offering the women that they have taken captive. This is before the slave market. This week they had a slave market, last month they had a marriage bureau telling women who were taken in the inhumane and savage manner that does not meet an iota of the meanings of the Qur'an or the teachings of the Sunnah"now that you are widows (as) your husbands have been killed this is the marriage bureau. If you want to come and get married this is where you come."They did this in parts of Iraqand they did this in parts of Syria. They asked these women "to come and register their names." Imagine how women would feel! Their husbands have just been killed (and) they don't know where some members of their families are and then they are told "here is a marriage bureau come and register to get married so that these individuals who are carrying these arms can officially and in a shar'i way have a marriage and a potential family." This is what we have.
The pictures speak for themselves. We're going to hand this out because as we said part of the khutbah is communication. (In) three of these pictures you look at what is being done. This forces us remember our Islamic history when the Muslims lived in Al Andalus, Spain and the non-Muslims came to the Muslims and told them "you have a choice. You either leave this country or you become a Christian, viz. a Catholic and those are your choices. And in some cases if you don't want to do any of that we'll just execute you." They had a very savage way of execution but this is basically what is repeating itself. You look at what is happening right now and you say Muslims are doing this? We're not going to remain silent. Christians who are lacking in conscience stayed for four to five centuries to look back at the inquisitions in Al Andalus and say "wait a minute, that was a bad thing. It shouldn't have happened." We are saying it now when it is happening (and) when those who claim that they are Muslims are doing this we are saying this is wrong immediately.
These people who claim that they are Wahabis they Salafis and all of this don't even read their own history. When the Moguls, the Tatars they came and invaded the same area, Iraqand Syria, and they took prisoners of war they took Muslims, they took Christians, the minorities and everyone else prisoners. If these people just read and understood their own history they'd know that against an invasion that took place eight hundred or nine hundred years ago there were Muslims and non-Muslims because all of them wounded up in the prisons of the invaders from the far East in Syria and in Iraq. So when people signed a petition for clemency in Syriaand presented it to the Mogul administrator (or) the king (or) the Ultimate decision maker, he said "I will release only the Muslim prisoners." IbnTaymiyah, who is supposed to be their guru, "objected and he said you either release them all or you don't release any of them. Muslims and Christians and non-Muslims, all of them deserve to be released." They don't even read their own history. They don't even know who they are. These are crazies! Let it be said and let it be written that these are outside of the pale of Islameven though they offer Islamic rituals. They are outside of the pale of Islamand they have to be exposed before they bring about a civil war that will kill all of us and they bring about or they may trigger a world war that brings down with us many other populations in that general area and beyond.
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
We can't remain silent about this anti-Islam in the name of Islam,this anti-jihad in the name of jihad, this anti-iman in the name of iman. Number one- they go about destroying Islamichistorical places from Masajid (or) Mosques to mausoleums where men of struggle and honor and fame are laid to rest. Now, (this is how it would appear to the general public), if we, Muslims, are destroying our own Masajid,tearing them down (and) bulldozing them into rubble like these ISIS people are doing then it only makes sense if this continues to go on (and) it will offer an excuse for the Zionists to bulldoze Al Masjid Al Aqsa. "Hey look- you, Muslims, are bulldozing your own Masajid. Don't blame us for bulldozing your Masjid." The Zionists and their supports and loud mouths would say "besides, we have an edge over you guys because you are destroying something that belongs to you. We are destroying something that doesn't belong to us!" So they'll have more logic and they'll have more emotional support if this type of thing continues.
The loud mouth scholars of Arabia who created this Frankenstein way back in the 1980's- it germinated in Afghanistan-now it's beginning to metastasize (and) its spreading around. What have these so called scholars in Arabia given us? It's like almost everything you hear coming out of Arabiais coming out of the devil's domain! Just in this past week, since last Friday, what has come out of that kingdom of evil? The Saudi government has made it official that it is prohibited for Saudis to marry people from four countries. Is there any ayah or hadith that supports what they are doing (by) telling people their own people "you can't marry a person from Chad." These are the four countries: Chadin Africa, (i.e.) one African country and three Asian countries, (viz.) Burma, Bangladeshand Pakistan. We want to address ourselves specifically to the inferiority type Pakistanis who think that Saudi Arabiais the bastion of Islam and the king there is the Custodian of the Haramayn-what do you say about this? Your religious Islamic leaders tell their own people they can't marry any of you! How do you feel about that? That's number one. Number two- demonstrations around the world in support of Ghazzahflared up in the past couple of weeks all over the world; more so in Europe than in Arabic speaking countries. This is due to the political Shaytaaniinfluence of the family of Saud and so the Mufti, the grand religious leader, Abdul Aziz Al Ash Shaykh comes out and says "there is no use demonstrating. It serves no purpose. They are useless." His words,"they are useless and they are demagogic." Listen to that! You want to show solidarity with victims of warfare and we don't have to go into all of these details- seventy families obliterated, 400,000 people in Ghazzahnow have no roof over their head and these people in Arabia are drowning in their own wealth and the least we can do is walk in the streets and say we are in support of the victims of warfare in Ghazzah and he says "this is demagoguery and useless." Another one of their media scholarly figures, his name is Salih Al Fawzaad, comes and he says because in the heat of the moment Muslims say "may Allah condemn Israel for what it is doing in Ghazzah because of the innocent lives and bloodshed in Ghazzah" and then this "scholar" comes out and he says "it is haram to say God damn Israel."Then this created a flurry on the social media, Twitter and Facebook and all around, pro and con. When asked "Oh respectable Shaykh, why do you say such a thing?" Look at when he's saying it. He could have left his comment to next year or when things settle down. In the middle of all of this he comes out with his opinion "we cannot curse the Israeli government because…" Listen to his reasoning. He says "Israelis the name of a Prophet. Ya'qub and Isra'eel are two names of the same person. So when you say may Allah condemn Israel then it is as if you are condemning Ya'qub the Prophet." Anyone in any elementary amount of knowledge knows that is not the case. And Allah can't differentiate between a Prophet and the Israeli nation state, the criminal enterprise in the Holy land?! Allah can't distinguish between the two when we say may Allah condemn Israel?!He doesn't know what we mean?! But these are the types of so called scholars that have laid the ground work for the massacres and the wars externally by the Israelis (and) internally by ISIS and its offshoots and the khutbahsthat are given here, (in their types of Masajid), every week are meant to silence all of you. Around the world you have Masajid under occupation that want you to go back home not noticing any of this that is happening and costing us dearly. Believe us, if it is a thousand or five thousand miles away now it is only a matter of time before it makes its presence known here.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 8 August 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C.The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.


Posted by: stop evil <stop_evil123@yahoo.co.uk>
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Sunday, August 17, 2014



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (15 August 2014)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers and sisters…
Two things are happening simultaneously. One of them is we've just finished the month long observance of Ramadhan and the second one is an imposed war on part of our bleeding body in the Holy Land of Palestine. To try to bring both of these in perspective we begin by saying that Allah has condemned in the strongest terms as did His Prophets (alayhim as salaam) the deniers of Bani Isra'eel.
Condemned are the deniers of Allah's power and authority from among the Children of Isra'eel… (and) that is because or due to their disobedience and their acts of aggression. (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 78)
The ayah says it; as if it fits exactly the reality that we are watching and sensing today.
The Children of Isra'eel who are in denial of Allah's power and authority are condemned by the words of Dawud and Isa ibn Maryam and that is because of their active disobedience and their ongoing aggression  (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 78)
A feature that obvious is in them at times like this! The ayah further goes on to say
They were not of the type who would take issue with their own munkar- a munkar that they were committing with their own hands (or) they were not in the process of a systematic or a systemic objection to a munkar that they are guilty of (and) that they commit themselves, awful and foul is what they have been doing (and) what they are doing. (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 79)
In this context what Allah in His enlightening and guiding words and instruction to us- as we've ended the month of Ramadhan- we take a look at our own selves. We take a look at what is being done to us by these types and then we take a look at our own selves. The month of Ramadhan is meant, among other things, to strengthen us. Its almost automatic when a person says "the month of Ramadhan is meant to empower you or strengthen you" (that) because of the nature of the information system that we live in what immediately comes to mind is the military strength or the physical strength or the material strength. Whoever thinks like that should know that they are impacted not by the root meanings in the Qur'an and Sunnah but by processing meanings through the medium that is responsible for the way they think. So when the Prophet of Allah says a strong mu'min is better and more to the liking of Allah than a weak one, once again, when the average you and me hears this we think that strength here means physical strength if we're talking about an individual or it means military strength if we're taking it to the social or societal level because we're programmed to think like that. What we don't understand is this is not what is meant. This is a gap in our thinking.  What is meant is the strength of our will power, the strength of our will determination (and) the strength of our resolve. This is where strength is, not in the muscles but in the confidence that you have. When we pay close attention to our corresponding Muslims we realize that when it comes to confidence there's no strength there. There's no strength of confidence! It's like we are void of confidence even thought we fasted. We just finished fasting this past week (and) even though that is the case and we're supposed to emerge from this fasting with a robust and a healthy and an active form of confidence we still are the weaklings that we are in this area. We are weak! Muslims don't display a sense and a character of confidence. This is where we are weak but we are expected in this area to be strong. When we begin to enter this area of psychology we find that there are two issues that are working to erode this confidence. One of them is vainglory or self-centeredness. The ego! You will encounter Muslims who think that they are on the top of the world. These Muslims don't have confidence and even though they don't have confidence they brag and their language is loaded! They dismiss scholars. They dismiss people of knowledge. They say a lot of things but if you go beyond what they say and investigate their internal character, their true selves, you will find that they don't have confidence. Its hot air; its bragging but at the end of they day the person of the individuals or the leader who's supposed to be a leader or whatever just don't have confidence and some ayaat in the Qur'an are supposed to recharge this area. When Allah tells us
You are the best of Ummah to interact with people… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)
You realize people who lack confidence don't have what it takes to interact with each other. What's wrong? A person is truly weak who is incapable of interacting with the other whoever the other is. It could be a Zionist, it could be an Imperialist, it could be a person who is wrong theologically, it could be a person who is wrong ideologically, partially right or partially wrong here or there. What's wrong with you? You can't interact?! If they invite some Muslim to speak (he says) "how can I go? How can I speak?" What's wrong with you? If you're invited to go to a church or a synagogue or some public arena or in the media you can't speak?! Once again, this is who we are. We are taking a look at our selves. They say "no. We can't do that." What's wrong? If there's no strings attached, if there's no terms and conditions placed on you you can't speak your Allah-given mind and conscience about the issues?! To take it a step further in the real world today- because when we are expressing the meanings of these ayaat and the discipline of Allah's Prophet we don't mean to be going back to history and breaking loose from today's reality- no! We want to understand the context then so that we can behave in our context now. Allah's Prophet is no fairytale and Allah's words are no pie in the sky! They were meant for the reality (and) realism in our life and in our moment and place here. So when we take a look at today's world with these attacks- there's military attacks and there's a demonstration of fire power and killing power in Ghazzah how does the average Muslim react? With a lack of confidence! Announcers, broadcasters, anchor men and women- you see them! In Egypt, this is a country next to that war zone. A neighbor! They are spilling their guts and they are verbalizing the nastiest expressions against Muslims who are under fire. What happened? You don't have any confidence? You're supposed to be Muslims?! Who are you- people in Egypt? From where are you? Instead of saying "this is a common responsibility" you begin to say "Israelis- do us a favor and finish off HAMAS." This is what they say in their media. The Israelis are attacking tunnels in the north of Ghazzah. The Egyptian military is closing the tunnels in the south of Ghazzah. What- are you complementing each other? Are you responsible for the same policy? All of this is happening and people are speaking about it across the world-journalists, photographers, historians, politicians except Muslims! We are told "you can't speak about this issue." There are governments in Muslim countries who take away certain khateebs and Imams who ascend the mimbars and say "you're not allowed to speak" and they bring their own salaried clergymen to speak the language of surrender. Where's the self-confidence here?
You are the best of Ummah to interact with people… (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)
Another ayah
… it is in this manner that We have rendered you a central Ummah so that you bear witness over other people and the Prophet bears witness over you … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 143)
Where are we? These are ayaat that are supposed to be boosting our confidence level
Another ayah
Don't lose confidence and don't grieve while you are in a position of superiority if you are truly committed to Allah's power and authority. (Surah Aal Imran verse 139)
So this is one of the problems that we have. Allah is giving us ayaat that raise our confidence level but these people who speak in these controlled Islamic Centers want to drain us of this confidence that Allah is giving us. This is planned. This is not haphazard. We are not praying in the street because it is our choice. We are praying in the street because there are people in control who say "you are allowed into the Masjid and you are not allowed into the Masjid." So that's one of the problems that we have- there's no confidence. Muslims simply don't display their God-given confidence that comes from their commitment to Allah.
On earth there are demonstrations of Allah's power for those who have certainty and certitude and there are demonstrations of Allah's power in your own selves; can you not see? (Surah Az Zaariyaat verse 20-21)
The recent numbers say that (of) the Muslims who are under attack "one thousand five hundred have been killed. Eighty five per cent or so of them are civilians- babies, children, women, and pregnant women." In one incident a mother dies because of these bomblets that are dropped (and) the ordinance that is fired at innocent civilians a mother dies and the body is taken immediately to medical care and then the baby is extracted alive from the womb. We ask- it is only takes people who have enough confidence to step outside of the brainwashing that is going on and say- it this the Israel of the bible? We ask you, especially the Evangelists who are around, who think "these are God's chosen people (and) that this is God's chosen race" this is what they do? They, meaning the Israeli killers, send messages to cell phones of innocent people living in their own homes or in their own camps- when we speak about Ghazzah, you think about all people are living in the types of dwellings we are familiar with? No. They're not. Some of them are and some of them aren't. The Israeli killers (and) murderers send messages "leave your home in three minutes." How are you going to leave your home in three minutes? And then where do you go? And then exactly three minutes later the home is bombed. It becomes rubble! Many, many more of these types of atrocities are committed and the Islamic frame of mind or the psychology within the Muslim societies is one that says "shhhh! Don't speak. Remain silent." This is a Jum'ah. They had a Jum'ah prayer here and they have Jum'ah prayers all around the place but because they receive their finances from the regimes who are complicit in this war, the regimes particularly in the Arabian Peninsula tell them "you're not supposed to be speaking about this issue." What do they do in the Haram in Makkah at the end of the khutbah- as if they have done their job?!- they make a du'a out of three or four sentences. Allahumma alayka bi al Yahud. Allahumma ahlikhum. Allahumma this and Allahumma that! Three or four sentences and they think they've done their duty! You've done nothing! These are all fancy words (that) you're covering up your crime with and you're covering up your crime in the Haram of Makkah. Then it's broadcast to some areas and some Muslims, because of our lack (and) our absence of confidence, think "oh they've done all they can." No! They haven't done anything! If they want to show that they care for other Muslims then they withdraw the finances and the moneys that they have scattered all around the killing institutions of the world, (i.e.) the military-industrial-banking complexes of the world. What- is that asking too much? We are asking too much if we say to another Muslim who is supposed to be our brother, (who is) supposed to be the custodians of the Haramayn who are supposed to be the "puritanical Muslims" "wait a minute- you have such and such trillions of dollars in the military-industrial-banking system that is killing us." You can't do that? No one's expecting you (or) wants you to go and fight- of course, that would be the right thing to do obviously but you can't just withdraw (and) close your cheqing accounts, your saving accounts and the rest of these financial accounts- that's all! Let's say you can't do that- you, yourself, are so inferior that you can't even think of doing that- well if you can't do that can't you just shut off the petroleum? That's all. Turn off the petroleum! There is a loud mouth from the Arabian Peninsula who goes around- speaking right now he says- this reminds us of the language eight years ago when the Israelis attacked Lebanon the loud mouths of Arabia said "Hizbullah was reckless. It brought upon itself an unwarranted war. It shouldn't have done what it did when two Israelis crossed into Lebanon and then were taken prisoners of war." Now they're saying the same thing except they're replacing the word Hizbullah with HAMAS. They're saying "HAMAS is reckless. HAMAS is bringing misery upon its own people." Where are you? Who are you? You're living on another planet? You can't see (and) you can't tell when a Muslim needs another Muslim at times like these?! You're busy financing a sectarian war where you want Muslims to kill Muslims. Instead of all of the Muslims putting their hands together and making a final move to liberate the Holy Land- no! They are financing Muslims to kill Muslims. They are arming certain groups, supposedly puritanical Muslims, to kill others who they call heretical Muslims. All of this is unfolding in front of our own eyes and we remain the inferior individuals who we are. Either we don't have confidence because we succumb to a false ego. And speak about a false ego- these people who occupy the Masjid and their likes and their extensions are the ones who have this false ego. They say "they are the ones who are going to be redeemed and every other Muslim is condemned to hell." They are the puritanical ones. Well, show yourselves. If you are the only faction or segment in Islam that is going to be redeemed according to that fabricated statement attributed to Allah's Prophet- we don't think its a hadith- that said the Jews will split into seventy one odd branches and the Christians into seventy two and then the Ummah of the Prophet into seventy three- all of them are going to perish, all of them are going to be tormented (and) all of them are going to hell except… Who? They- these holier than thou killers that are participating in this war that has claimed so far over fifteen hundred lives, over six thousand who are injured and maimed and we don't know who in the end is going to arrive. What are they saying to the Muslims? What are they saying in their Masajid? Ask them, especially you who went inside this Masjid and listened to a khutbah that would put you to sleep! Instead of invigorating you to the reality of what's happening around us they want to put you in a coma in the Masjid. That's who they are! How long is it going to take for us to expose these types? We don't have to go to universities, we don't have to go to seminaries- you could be a person of common sense. Beware of the committed Muslim's insight because his vision is from Allah. You can see who they are. The Prophet of Allah didn't establish a university to teach people who the Kafirs and the Dhalims are. He didn't have an Islamic center like this, controlled as it is, along with its counterparts all across the world. The Prophet and the committed Muslims learned in the shi'ab in Makkah, in Dar Al Arqam and in the fana' of the Ka'bah- that's where they learned who people are (and) what they stand for. This is an open session, an open class (and) an open chapter for everyone to see for themselves the criminals who are killing us in the name of Islam (and) who are justifying wars against us with their loud mouth politicians and the second fiddle scholars that they have. The Prophet of Allah was a person who radiated this confidence. When you think about Allah's Prophet do you think about a muscular man? Do you think about a Hercules? Was Allah's Prophet that type of person in your mind? He was the strongest person on earth but that strength is not attributed to physique and muscles; it is attributed to his determination and to his discipline- something that they don't want us to have! They want us to kowtow on every occasion. Alhamdulillah that has not happened yet in this clash of wills and with Allah's help it will not happen until we liberate our own selves to be able to liberate our own lands.
My dear brothers and sisters on As Sirat Al Mustaqim…
Let us- with the insight and with the foresight, with the confidence and with the confidence building that comes to us from Allah and from His Prophet- take a look at what has been going on just very briefly in the coming few minutes around the Holy Land, the occupied territory of Palestine today that is subjected to this combined warfare. The Arabian regimes along with the Zionist regime are combining their efforts altogether to smother and to sniff out,(as they say), Islamic self-determination from this Holy area." OK- what has been happening in the past several years? There has been a civil war that has taken place in both Syria and Iraq. These are the two major areas that have the potential to terminate the Zionist, racist, expansionist state. The Saudi regime has been wearing with its cohorts, the other Arabian regimes, as well as there maters in Tel Aviv as well as here in Washington on demoralizing and destroying the fabric of the societies in both Iraq and Syria and virtually what we have is a war zone. Cities in these two countries are no longer inhabitable. Certain neighborhoods and districts have been reduced to rubble. OK- they've done all of this. Now is the best time to come together and say "as long as these societies have been destroyed this is the best time for all of us to make the final and the eminent advance to liberate the occupied territories." What do they want to do? They want to rebuild Syria and Iraq?! Let's say we are fortunate enough, (and we're going to give the enemies the benefit of the doubt), that they're going to defeat Islamic self-determination in Iraq and Syria and they're going to rebuild those societies in another ten to twenty years, (i.e.) the cities will come back, the neighborhoods will be reconstructed, the economic life will be thriving- what do you want to do? Go to war against the occupation in Palestine to suffer yet another destruction of your urban and rural areas and centers? That's what you want to do? As long as they're already destroyed now is the time for strategic minds to step up and say "these are your unintended consequences." This is what you wanted? No. It's not what you wanted! You've destroyed what you wanted to destroy. We else have we to lose? What else have the people in Syria or Iraq or Palestine or Jordan or Lebanon- all of these areas have been ravaged by these imposed wars- to lose? There's nothing more to lose. So now is the time to orient all the fire power against the cancer that occupies the Holy Land and finish it off. This doesn't mean, like people want to take our words out of context and say "someone is anti-Semite and he's rebel rousing against Jews and all of this." It has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with a Zionist theft of the Holy Land and a military machine that goes into bouts of warfare- in 2008, in 2009, in 2012 and now 2014. It just has this habit of killing and then they want to present themselves as the civilized ruling class in the area. They are on par with their counterparts in the Arabian Peninsular (and) in North Africa. We hold all of them accountable in the court of Allah's law.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 1 August 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.


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