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Thursday, June 12, 2014



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (13 June 2014)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…
These ayaat are the fifty first and fifty second ayaat from Surah An Nisa'; roughly translated they mean
Won't you consider those who have received a fortune of scripture? They cling to the delusions of power as well as to the excesses of power and they say to those who deny Allah that you are more guided than those who affirm and commit to Allah. These are the ones who are doomed by Allah and anyone who is doomed by Allah you will not find for him a supporter or a helper. (Surah An Nisa' verse 51-52)
The ones who are identified in this ayah as those who had previously received a fortune of scripture (i.e.) the ayah is referring to Al Yahud. When we spoke last week we talked about the relationship between nifaq and taghut and we identified the social expressions of both in the modern world. Of taghut we talked about Imperialism and of nifaq we talked about sectarianism. We briefly mentioned that the relationship between taghut and nifaq and in the modern world between Imperialism and sectarianism (and) that the chain that connects both of them and is oiled and lubricated and greased by the Yahud.Because of the limitations of time we didn't have the chance to delve deeply into the content and the character of those who manage this relationship and keep it pliable. The glue in the relationship between taghut and nifaq(and) between Imperialism and sectarianism is the actions, the behaviour and the ideological rationalisations of Yahud more than any other group in society and in the social and political world. They make sure that this relationship is alive, well and kicking. On the one hand and so far as taghutis concerned the Yahud provide rationalisations and justifications to make them feel comfortable with their arrogance and aggression and on the same hand and so far as the Munafiqs are concerned they provide rationalisations to make them accepting of their inferior positions, sycophants and as spaniels and sponges in society. This is a very difficult subject for Muslims to broach. It is difficult because we are talking about Jews and when you talk about Jews you have to deal with their ubiquitous slander of anti-Semitism. We don't intend to stand in front of you today and make a distinction between principled Jews and un-principled Jews of the Zionist flavour or of the Israeli flavour. That has been done on many occasions in this forum in the past but suffice it to say that if any of you out there can bring us powerful and wealthy Jews who are ready to condemn the state of Israel and who are ready to separate from the racist ideology of Zionism then we are ready to consider more than a cosmetic distinction between ordinary Jews and Zionist Jews. With the Qur'an in our hand, with the history of Allah's last Messenger in dealing with the Zionist and Israeli threat in his time and with the history of Prophets we ought not to be afraid to deal with this issue in a public forum. What makes it easy for the Yahud to keep the relationship between nifaq on the one hand and taghut on the other hand pliable? It is because within the Yahud these characteristics of taghutand nifaq exist simultaneously. If nothing else, this ought to become obvious to us when we read these ayaat.
Won't you consider the problem of those who have been given the fortune of scripture? They cling to the delusions of power and to the excesses of power… (Surah An Nisa' verse 51)
So this community who received scripture exhibit tendencies of taghut and tendencies of nifaqand because they understand taghut and they understand nifaqit makes it easy for them to manage a relationship between worldwide taghut on the one hand and worldwide nifaq on the other hand. As far as Yahud are concerned they are the consummate taghuts and they are the consummate oppressors. How can we say this? Because it is these Yahud who take conventions of illegality and immorality and they elevate them above Allah'smoral code and it is this strategic concentration of power by making them the executors of what is moral and what is immoral- in contravention to what is Divine and what is just and what is right in scripture- and by having the power to construct the narrative and to socialise the people to that narrative they are privy to the excesses of power and they are privy to the abuse of power. This is how they understand taghut. At the same time they are the quintessential Munafiqs. The Yahud are the quintessential dual loyalists. Once again, why can we say this? We can say this because they claim "to be the original people of scripture." They claim "to be attuned to the history of scripture." They claim "to belong to that history." They claim "to be the chosen from that history." The claim "to have been around when every Prophet was sent to the Abrahamic line of Prophets." But at the same time, brothers and sisters, whenever they in that line of Prophets have been given the choice to sacrifice for principle or to commit to the delusional power of tyranny they have always chosen the latter. They chose the latter at the time of Isa (alayhi as salaam), they chose the latter at the time of Musa (alayhi as salaam) and finally they chose the latter at the time of Muhammad. There is nothing more that ordinary members of humanity despise more than deception and oppression. Nobody wants to be deceived, nobody wants to be oppressed, nobody wants to be lied to, nobody wants to be tortured and because the Yahud have both of these characteristics- deception and oppression- that is why they have suffered throughout their years of history- the oppression of others because nobody wants to be deceived (and) nobody wants to be oppressed but because they have participated with oppressors and tyrants and because they have been the chief deceivers in humanity they have suffered the oppression that has come from the ordinary members of humanity. Understanding oppression and having suffered oppression and knowing the characteristic of the oppressors and knowing the nature of those who were oppressed and what they have endured these people ought to be in the best position to accept scripture and to accept a new Prophet when he comes but throughout their years of history they have made the opposite choice. They have persecuted Prophets! They have killed Prophets and they have killed the message that came with these Prophets. So there is a relationship between taghut and nifaq but this relationship couldn't exist (and) it couldn't remain in a way that oppresses the rest of humanity without the work, the behaviour and the ideological positions of Yahud. This relationship that Yahud have with nifaq and taghut may even precede the final message that came with Muhammad but for limitations of time we are only going to deal with the expression of taghut andnifaq in so far as it is managed by Yahud from the time of Muhammaduntil today. As we go through this history, brothers and sisters, we would like you to keep in mind the current situation in the world today as we name names and as we talk about the circumstances and as we begin to build the relationship between taghut and nifaq we would like you to keep in mind current personalities and the current geo-political situation and associate these personalities of times past with the personalities of today because this historical lesson in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah of the Prophet isn't limited to that timeframe. What is required of you, brothers and sisters, is to equate what happened back then with what is happening today and thereby figure out a way to deal with what is happening today according to the principles that are related to you in scripture. So Arabian nifaq and Arabian shirk has had a relationship with Yahud from the time of Allah's Messenger.
We know that when Allah's Prophet went to Madinah he immediately codified a relationship with the factions in Madinah. These power factions included Arabian tribes, Arabian power blocs and they also included Jewish power blocs. At the time there were three Jewish power blocs in the city and all of us know them to be Banu Quraydha, Banu An Nadhir and Banu Qaynuqa'. We know during the torturous history with Allah's Prophet that all of these power blocs ended up being expelled from Al Madinah not because they were Jews but because they violated the agreement they had with Allah's Prophet. So when we approach this relationship between the committed Muslims and Yahud and between Yahudand taghut and nifaq in society we approach it from a position of principle, from a position of scripture. This criticism that is levelled against them is levelled, not by us, but it is levelled by their Lord and our Lord, by the Lord of justice and the Lord of conscience. So as far as Banu Qaynuqa' are concerned and, (once again, without going over a detailed explanation of history), they were expelled because they violated the covenant they had with Allah's Prophet. They violated a Muslim woman in a public place which led to the deaths on both sides of Muslims as well as Jews. This was the reason they were expelled. But before Allah's Prophet gave his judgement in the matter he was approached by the chief Munafiq in Madinah, Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Sallul and he petitioned on behalf of his Jewish allies and he entreated the Prophet to be kind to his Jewish sponsors for he said I fear a day when the winds of power may changesuggesting that at some point in the future these Yahud who were being expelled for their crimes would once in the future return the favour to the Prophet. This highlights an important relationship between Yahud and Arabian nifaq in society- that whenever it comes to a point when Yahudhave to pay a price for their crimes they're always let off the hook by Arabian nifaq. Brothers and sisters- this ought to be emblazoned in our minds. This is not just a historical occurrence. We need to take a look no further than the recent history of Lebanon. Once again, we don't need to go over this history in a detailed fashion but there are plenty of so-called Muslims who claim to be Muslims in Lebanon who have time after time after time let these Yahud off the hook for their war crimes and for their crimes against humanity. So this lesson in history is not a lesson that resides in history. This is around in your day and in your time.
So then there was Banu An Nadhir. We are talking about the relationship between Arabian shirk and Arabian nifaq on the one hand and Yahud on the other hand. So then there was this second power faction of Yahud in Al Madinah, Banu An Nadhir. One of their chieftains was called Ka'b ibn Al Ashraf.After the battle of Badr he verified with Abu Sufyan what happened to the Arabian Mushriks in the battle of Badr. Brothers and sisters, keep this ayah in mind.
Won't you consider those who have been given a fortune of scripture? They cling to the delusions of power and to the excesses of power… (Surah An Nisa' verse 51)
You can now apply that to this situation. He verified with Abu Sufyan what happened in the Battle of Badr and when he found out what happened in the battle of Badrthis is what he said to Abu Sufyan, (and you can look this up in any history book), could this be true? Did Muhammad really kill them, meaning the casualties of Badr? How could this be? The Makkans are the royal Arabians and the honourable people and if it is true that Muhammad did indeed kill them then the interior of the Earth is better than its exterior, meaning that it's better to be dead than to be alive. Muhammadis the prince of justice, he is the prince of peace, he is the prince of mercy but it is better to be dead than to be alive in the presence of Muhammad?! Isn't this what they are saying about the Islamic movement today? Yeah-it's better for us to be dead than to be alive in the presence of these Muslims. Then after the battle of Badr,between the battles of Badr and Uhud, this same Ka'b ibn Al Ashraf started a campaign to vilify Muhammad and to try to delegitimize him as a Prophet and to delegitimize the revelation that was coming to him directly from Allah and he was using scripture for this purpose. He went to the extent of issuing a death warrant for the Prophet and despite doing all of this he was walking around freely in Madinah. He had the freedom of speech, he had the freedom of assembly, he had the freedom of movement. Do Palestinians enjoy the freedom of expression? Do Palestinians enjoy the freedom of movement? Do Palestinians enjoy the freedom of assembly? Between these two battles, Badr and Uhud, he gathered a group of seventy armed Yahudicombatants and he marched with them to Makkah in order to strike an alliance with the Makkan Mushriks so that they could attack Madinah from the outside and he could use the Yahudi forces on the inside so that the Muslims would have to fight on two fronts inside their own city. So he went to Makkah and he was entertained by Abu Sufyan and the seventy combatants with him were given a bed and breakfast style treatment by Quraysh.A conversation took place between Abu Sufyan and Ka'b ibn Al Ashraf. At that time if you knew scripture you were considered to have known the world, you were considered to have been world-wise, you were considered to be the intellectuals (and) the intelligent ones, the ones to go to for advice. So Abu Sufyan said to Ka'b you are well verse in scripture and well educated. We are illiterate and ignorant. Can you not see what this reckless and foolhardy person who is not attached to his own people, referring to Muhammad, has done? So who of us, meaning Muhammad or Quraysh, is on the right course and closer to the truth? OK, now brothers and sisters, let's bring this into the modern day- we have in our history those who claim to be illiterate going to those who know how the world works and they're asking them for advice. So we have an analogous situation in the world today and we talked about it last time, i.e. that we have those in the world with a lot of money but don't know how to spend this money and who do they go to? They don't know how to maintain their security so who do they go to? They go to the Israelisand the Zionists and say "you know how the world works, tell us how to manage our situation. Tell us how to manage our money. Tell us how to manage our security." Don't you expect that these conversations are taking place right now between Arabian Mushriks and the consolidation of Yahudi ideology in history? Isn't this going on right now as we speak? Brothers and sisters-this has been going on for fourteen centuries and that is what these ayaat in the Qur'an are telling us! So in response to Abu Sufyan's question Ka'b asked another question: but illustrate to me what your religion is? ?SoAbu Sufyan responded (and) he said we sacrifice for the pilgrims choice livestock, we offer the pilgrims water, we are hospitable to them, we work on freeing prisoners of war, we have tightly knit families and we believe in close family ties, we are the custodians of the holy sanctuaries and its keepers; in the meantime Muhammad abandoned the religion of his ancestors, he caused families to break up, he left the holy sanctuaries, our religion is ancient, well established and has stood the test of time while Muhammad's deen is recent, an innovation and non-traditional. So after Abu Sufyan said what he said this is what Ka'b concluded, I swear by God, meaning Allah, that you are more advanced and more guided than him, meaning Muhammad. Brothers and sisters, aren't these conversations taking place right now in the world we live in? We have an Islamic movement and this Islamic movement threatens to reverse injustice and oppression in the Muslim world altogether and the Arabian Mushriks that are prosecuting this injustice and oppression are running to Yahud and saying "look at what these Muslims are doing?!" This is a fourteen hundred year old conversation brothers and sisters. After engaging in this treachery Ka'b ibn Al Ashraf came back to Al Madinahand he continued on this path until Allah's Messenger had to finally issue an order to have him executed because he broke the covenant. He was treacherous! He committed treason! It's clear in the mithaq in Madinahthat no party in Madinah is to engage with the enemy of the Muslims which is the Quraysh. This is an act of treason so he was punished for his treason. But did this stop Banu An Nadhir? Did the execution of their chieftain stop them from committing the kind of treacherous activities or engaging in the kind of treacherous activities that they were engaged in? What immediately comes to mind is what happened with Amr ibn Umayah Ad Dhamri (radi Allahu anhu). He was captured and then sold as a slave in Makkah.He was a Muslim but while he was out travelling he was captured by some members of the Banu Amir tribe and then he was sold over there. Ultimately he freed himself and started on the way back to Madinah and on the way back to Madinah he met two members of the Banu Amir tribe, the same tribe whose members had kidnapped him and taken him as a captive to Makkah.However, the two members that he met on his way back to Madinah had nothing to do with his kidnapping but nonetheless he killed them because collective punishment at that time in Arabiawas something that was a matter of fact. If a member of your tribe committed a hostile act then the other members of your tribe were liable. So he killed these two innocent members of Banu Amir and then this reached Allah's Prophet. According to the relationship that he had established in the mithaqof Madinah if the Islamic treasury did not have the funds to compensate the affiliates of the bereaved (i.e.) the people who were murdered then the Prophet would go to the wealthier members in the mithaq, meaning the Jewish tribes, to try to make up the compensation that would have to be given to the affiliates of the bereaved. So because the Islamic treasury didn't have enough money to compensate the victims the Prophet went to Banu An Nadhir and he said by the agreement that we have would you make up the difference in the compensation that the victims of the families deserve? So they told the Prophet wait outside our fort. The Prophet went to their fort and they told him to wait outside.Brothers and sisters, once again, realize the fact that this is Allah's Prophet. They didn't even invite him inside. They told him ok, you wait outside while we deliberate in the matter. So Allah's Prophet was waiting outside the walls of the fort and while he was waiting they concocted a plan to murder Allah's Prophet. They thought that they would scale the wall, climb up to a very high place and drop a very heavy rock on the Prophet's head and thereby kill him. One of the younger members volunteered to do this task but one of the older and more seasoned members of Banu An Nadhir by the name of Sallam ibn Mishkam counselled the younger Yahudidon't do this because if you attempt to do this he will be informed by his God of our strategy. Once again, (this), is giving the indication that they knew that he was Allah's Messenger. They knew it all along but still they tried to persecute him and in today's world they know that the prosecution of justice (and) the ambiance of mercy can be created by the committed Muslims. They know this in the bottom of their hearts and they know that the Muslims can create a world of peace and a world of principle- they've known this from the very beginning- and still they resist and they deny the application of these principles in their lives. So they intended to drop this rock on the Prophet's head to kill him and Allah informed His Messenger that this is their strategy and Allah's Messenger immediately went and he assembled a fighting force and they came around and laid siege to the forts of Banu An Nadhir. This siege lasted for fifteen days but during these fifteen days the Munafiqs of Madinah came to the Prophet and they told him let us mediate between you and our friends inside the fort. Once again, this contingent of Munafiqs was led by Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Sallul and there were some others who were with him. We never hear them identified by name in many history books but some of them go by the name of Wadi'ah, Malik ibn Kawkal, Suhaib and Da'is. So they told the Prophet let us go and mediate between you and them.So when they were admitted inside the forts of Banu An Nadhir, instead of conducting an honest and conscientious negotiation they went and they told the Yahud inside their forts stay packed in you positions. We are with you all the way and if you are going to be attacked we are still going to be with you and if you are going to be forced to leave we will leave with you and on top of that we will make available two thousand armed fighters for your defence. Is this a negotiation brothers and sisters? Isn't this what is happening in the world today? But in the end we know what happened. These Arabian Munafiqs backed off from their pledge. They abandoned their sponsors and the siege was ended when Allah's Messenger gave his ruling that these treacherous Yahud are allowed to leave but on this occasion they can only take those possessions that they can load onto a street of camels. That's it. They have to leave everything else behind. So these Yahud that left Madinah went back to the Holy Landand Ash Shaam but most of them aggregated in Khaybar and they began to use Khaybar as another base of operations to do the same kind of dissembling activity that they had conducted inside of Madinah. They began to consolidate the Arabian Mushriks throughout the whole Peninsula. They began to reinvigorate Quraysh; they gave them a sort of sharpened arm to go back and attack Madinah. Then they began to consolidate all of the other Yahudi factions all across the Arabian Peninsula. So they formed what could today be called the coalition of the willing. In our history we understand that to be the Ahzab. They are the ones who coached and who built the Ahzab.Without their influence there would have been no Ahzab at all. They did this in for stages. First of all they established a committee of Banu Wa'il andBanu An Nadhir. Banu Wa'il were the original Jews of Khaybar.Then this committee first went to Quraysh and enlisted its help in attacking Madinah. After getting Quraysh on board they went to Ghatafanoutside of Ta'if to get them onboard to attack Madinah. Then at the same time in stage four of their strategy to destroy Madinah they thought that they would approach the one faction that was left in Madinah,Bani Quraydha. They thought that they would approach them and convince them to annul their agreement with the Prophet. So, brothers and sisters, this is the relationship between Arabian nifaq and Arabian shirk on one hand and Yahud on the other. This is a relationship that goes back fourteen hundred years so if it occurs today don't be surprised. It's nothing new! They have common cause (and) common interests.
The last thing that has to be said about this is that these Yahudis lied to the Makkans.They simply came out and lied. They said to them you re more guided than he, meaning Muhammad, and the Muslims that are behind him is. They lied! They knew that Muhammad was the Prophet. They knew that he was getting revelation. They knew the ayaat that were coming from Allah is indeed revelation and they still went to the Makkan Mushriks and they lied and they said you re more guided than he is. Brothers and sisters, this is not a theological issue. In a theological sense they know the truth but in an ideological sense they don't have the courage and the conscience to sacrifice for principle. Aren't these the characteristics of nifaq?
Dear committed Muslims…
We started off this discussion with the refrain about anti-Semitism (i.e.) that anybody who tries to approach this subject in a critical and a scriptural manner and shines the light on the behaviour of Jews in the world today and on Jews of times past are automatically labelled as anti-Semites. Let's approach this issue of anti-Semitism from a different angle. The Yahud that came and occupied Palestine came from Europe. These are not Semitic Yahud. These are what you may call Aryan Yahudor European Yahud. In a racial sense they're not Semitic at all but they came and occupied the land of Semites. They came and occupied the territory of Arabian Semites. They came and killed Arab Semites. They came and imprisoned Arab Semitism. This is greatest anti-Semitic crime in the world of the last sixty and seventy years and this anti-Semitic crime continues to this day. So don't tell us who is being anti-Semitic when they slaughter Semites, when they imprison Semites, when they take the land of Semites, when they martyr the mothers of Semites then they are anti-Semitic. We approach this problem from a position of principle and we don't spring from this problem because of principle. We said that these Arabian Mushriks, the taghut in the world today, Arabian nifaq and Yahud all have common interests and all of them have a common purpose. Yahud even today are telling the Mushriks ofArabia "you are more guided than these Muslims of the Islamic Movement. You are better than the Muslims of the Islamic Movement. The way that they gamble the wealth of the poor people away is better than the committed Muslims of the Islamic Movement. The way that you may have thirty wives and an untold number of children is better than the position of the committed Muslims. The way that you store you wealth in the treasuries of those who oppress humanity and the world is better than the program of the committed Muslims." Brothers and sisters, these Yahud have learned from past mistakes; we are the ones who are lagging behind. The committed Muslims are the ones who are lagging behind but they've learned from their past mistakes! At the time of Allah's Messenger they had a simple relationship with the Arabian Mushriks; that relationship is not so simple anymore. They've buttressed that relationship with the United States, with the United Kingdom, with the United Nations, with the European Union, with NATO. The Ahzab of the past are the sectarians of today. The Abu Sufyan's of the past are the king Abdullahsof today. We have to make this connection brothers and sisters. If you read this Qur'an and if you're cognisant of the Sunnah and if you know your history you have to make this connection. This is a transcendental history! It repeats itself over and over and over again. Those in power and authority who got that power and authority by usurpation and by occupation have common interest with the Yahud. Let's briefly go over the modern day history and just try to understand and try to anchor in our minds that Yahud, Arabian nifaq, Arabian shirk and taghut have common interests in the world today. First of all there was the eight year war that took place in the 1980's against the emerging expression of Islamic self-determination from Islamic Iran. This was an American and Israeli war that was financed to the tune of $1billion a month by Arabian nifaq and Arabian shirk. Then there was the war against Hizbullah in 2006 where modern day Arabian shirk came in and advised the Israelis and Americans (to) "just finish off this Hizbullah. We'd be very satisfied if you finished off this Hizbullah." Then there was the Arab Spring that was launched in Tunisiaand then spread into Egyptand the dictators of both of those countries, Zain Al Abidin bin Ali andHosni Mubarak, were offered sanctuary in Israeland in Saudi Arabia.
Won't you consider those who have been given a fortune of scripture? They cling to the delusions of power and to the excesses of power… (Surah An Nisa' verse 51)
In Sudan both the Israelis and the Saudis provided weapons to the nationalists and the separatists of South Sudan. Once again both of them are on the same page. In Libya in 2011 the shock troops which deposed Muammad Qaddhafi were Wahabis from Qatarand Arabia. Whose battlefield intelligence were they using to make such quick work of Libya? This battlefield intelligence and surveillance was coming from the Israelis. Once again they were on the same page. Now we see that they are on the same page in over throwing an elected government in Egyptand they're trying to over throw a government in Syria. Lastly, they're on the same page with regards to the peaceful nuclear program (or) the civilian nuclear program of the Islamic republic of Iran. We have to realize that whatever flavour of Kufr we are talking about- whether it is Arabian nifaq, whether it is Arabian shirk, whether it is Yahud,whether it is Western taghut- all of them are allies of one another.
As for those who reject Allah's power presence in the human affair, they are allies and sponsors of one another and if you Muslims are not allies and sponsors of one another then oppression accompanied by great corruption will reign on earth. (Surah Al Anfal verse 73)
Every thinking Muslim realizes and knows that Zionist Israel is an enemy. This is a matter of fact. Any Muslim coming out of high school knows this but the tragedy of our time is that we don't realize that this Zionist Israel has roots in the administrations of Kufr and in the governments of Shirk and it is deeply rooted in those administrations and governments. If we go back to the history of our Prophet and we go back to the way that Allah unfolds this history in the Qur'anwe know that if we have to win a battle against global and worldwide taghutwe have to separate it from the ideological infrastructure of Yahud.If we are not successful in separating this taghut and this nifaqfrom its philosophical foundations which are provided by the Yahud we will not be successful. Brothers and sisters, this requires us to use our brains more than it requires us to use bombs. We can only confront this challenge with our minds- minds that are imbued with scripture. We can't confront this challenge with bombs and with missiles and with rifles and with guns.
… bring people to the way of Allah with good advice, with wisdom and with intelligent persuasion… (Surah An Nahl verse 125)
This khutbah was presented by Imam Afeef Khan on the occasion of Jum'ah on 9 May 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in WashingtonD.C.


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