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Thursday, May 8, 2014



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (9 May 2014)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear committed Muslims, brothers and sisters …
This khutbah is not meant to add insult to injury. It amounts to a continuation of the last khutbah to try to shed light on the hypocritical and disingenuous character of those who are ruling over Makkah and Al Madinah with the support of their masters and not with reliance or tawakul ala Allah. Some of the points that were mentioned in the previous khutbah to make the connection between the past one and the present one was to try to show and to expose the lies that are fabricated and then disseminated via the rulers in the west who are the masters of the rulers in Arabia- that's one medium of communication. The other medium of communicating the falsehoods of the Saudi regime comes from the network of Masajid and Islamic centers and paid for scholars around the world. Through these two major channels the rulers in Arabia are trying to have you and us and even the non-Muslims believe and think "they are in traditions of the Sahaba (radi Allahu anhum), they are the inheritors of that golden age of Islam, they are the representatives of the pristine Islam"- that's what they try to tell you and everyone else. In today's sectarian atmosphere, they try make the point by emphasizing that "they are in particular the champions of Umar ibn Al Khattab (radi Allahu anhu) and the extensions to his rule." What we said in the previous khutbah, (and we'll take a few points here to reiterate and then to follow up), was this is an established and an establishmentarian lie! You can bring the facts of today and then compare them with the facts of that time and then you can draw your own conclusions. Now we are going to remind you of some of these facts and then we are going to add to them. Remember we don't fall into the sectarianism in which if someone is speaking about the virtues of Umar he becomes a sectarian who's against Ali (radi Allahu anhu) and the Shi'is and vice versa; if someone is speaking about the virtues of Ali that doesn't mean and shouldn't mean that he's a sectarian and all of a sudden he's an enemy of Umar or an enemy of the Sunnis- and we hope that this trend will increase. All of this sectarianism makes certain individuals very hesitant and very fearful to speak about the virtues of those who have them- whether its Ali or Umar ibn Al Khattab or whoever it is. So when we are saying (or) reminding you of the virtues of Umar ibn Al Khattab we want you to remember the vices of Aal Saud.
Umar says to Abu Musa Al Ash'ari, one of his appointed governors, suffice it for a weak Muslim to have justice done to him through governance or through the judiciary and the distribution of wealth. Al hukm here has two meanings, it could be through the executive or it could mean through the judiciary. Qasm here is in reference to the distribution of the resources and the distribution of wealth. This khutbah, (because it has to be in light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah), is in light of the ayah that says
… so that the course of the criminals becomes clear. (Surah Al An'aam verse 55)
The criminals in this context and in this khutbah are those who by force and by support of the enemies of Allah and His Prophet are ruling over Arabia. Can you cite anyone of those officials of today, (i.e.) the royals of Arabia who have any sentence (or) any statement that is equivalent to this Umari statement? Look- right now there are tools. There's Google and there's the internet and there's the interactive media; go (and) hunt for such a statement and see if you can find one.
Umar says to his deputies and governors that were appointed in this growing area of Islam at the time feed people in their homes (and) satisfy the hunger of their families and their dependants. For what reason? Then he goes on to say so that their morals are improved. This is an immediate tie in between economics and morality. (Do) you hear that you rulers in Arabia? Do you dare tie economics with morality as was stated here by the person that you identify with?
One of his virtues- Umar says people will continue with the straight forwardness of morality as long as their leaders and their guides continue straight forward with their morality and citizenry will report to its leader as long as its leader reports to his Sustainer. If the leader begins to indulge the people will begin to indulge. Just take these statements as a measuring stick and see how the family of Saud measures up to these statements.
We reminded you that during the season of the Hajj when all the Muslims go and congregate in Makkah each year- Umar goes and stands in front of all these pilgrims. At that time they were probably, (an educated guess), a couple of hundred thousand. He stands in front of them and he speaks. Today, do you have these who rule in Arabia stand in front of the pilgrims and speak to them? Where are they? Where did they go? Granted, nowadays there are a couple million Muslims with all the barriers that are placed on Muslims going to the Hajj. One of the arguments that are placed in this regards is "well, there's a limited capacity here. The Hajj can only absorb a couple million people. That's it. We can't do more than that."  Why is it that the people go to Karbala' and the numbers are about eight to ten million and there's no problem. No one says there's an absorption problem here. The land is the land, the people are the people, the shrines are the shrines- what's the problem. So Umar stands in front of all of these Muslims but he is in the immediate presence of his deputies and governors and assistants. They are there because not many people can hear because at that time there were no microphones and amplifiers. There's only the bare human voice and if the human voice were to carry on from a distance to a distance, the way it was done was there would be human amplifiers, let's say, a hundred meters in one direction (and) a hundred meters in another direction. They would hear the speaker when he would say something and they themselves would repeat what he said in their directions so that the statement would carry on to other people who could not hear the original speaker. So he says and in today's world Umar is speaking to those who have official responsibilities, (i.e.) the politicians, the diplomats, the decision makers. What is he saying to them? He says, while speaking to the general public, O people: I did not dispatch my governors to rule in your areas to strike your bodies or your flesh nor to take of your possessions or your wealth. I sent them so that they can rule with equity among you and then so that they will see to it that your revenue is equally distributed among you. When we're reading and translating these words, we want you to remember and to recall what the ruling family in Arabia is doing now. Umar continues saying whoever has received another kind of treatment- stand up, meaning he wants to know who's been mistreated. It's not enough that we don't see the rulers that we have in Arabia in the Hajj- are they stealth? Are they ghosts? Are they hiding? Where are they? This Hajj is supposed to be a melting pot that equalizes everyone. Why do we still sense that there is the notion of classism in the Hajj or that issue of discrimination and racism in the Hajj? This is supposed to have gone a long time ago. It takes this ruling family to bring back the jahiliyah in an Islamic disguise. Then there was this one famous incident. One of the appointed rulers in Egypt was Amr ibn Al Aas. There was this fight (or) a quarrel between the son of Amr ibn Al Aas and an Egyptian Coptic person (who's) not even a Muslim. The news of this incident travelled from Egypt to Al Madinah when Umar was ruling and Amr ibn Al Aas came to the Hajj and he heard Umar say these words and he objected. He went to Umar and said wait a minute here. We are ruling there in that land and you can't humiliate us. We may have done something wrong- that may have been the inference of Amr ibn Al Aas- but this is not the way to treat this issue in front of everyone in the Hajj. Umar responded to that to Amr's face. He said don't hit people (or) don't physically strike people (or) don't abuse them physically… Why? … (because) you humiliate them (or) you take away from their confidence (and) don't deny them because denial leads to kufr. Once again, the relationship between finances and economy- that's denial. "I don't have bread (or) I don't have food to provide for my family. This denial of provisions of sustenance will lead them to denying Islam altogether. Tell us there's no denial in the Arabian Peninsula? Who are the people who have the courage to go and count the billionaires in Arabia and the millionaires in Arabia and then count for us those who are living at a subsistence level. Umar says whoever is mistreated or whoever is oppressed or whoever is dealt injustice by his governor then that governor has no authority over him as I am the leader. Compare what Umar says with what the rulers today of Arabia are saying and doing. Umar says if I were in a certain position or a status and that certain position and status in life is not accessible to the average person then I don't belong there because if I am in a place where they cannot be economically, financially, socially (and) in every aspect of life then I don't want to be in that position. It doesn't belong to me. That doesn't qualify me to become a paragon for people.
Now we come to money. Let's be blunt about it because the Muslim problem today is we have people, scholars and people, etc. who should know better who do not want to speak the truth when it comes to money because their superiors are the moneyed people. If the rulers in Arabia think they can get away with identifying with Umar they'll probably get away with it with ignorance. You have calculated ignorance spewed out of the Masajid that you control and as long as you are in-charge of these Masajid and Islamic center you live off the ignorance of the average Muslims. We want to bring information to the attention of these average Muslims so that they can see through your costumes, see through your false imagery (and) see through your religious lies and of all people we are quoting the person that you have or you express on many occasions in this sectarian atmosphere that we are in the most affinity with. So what does Umar say here when it comes to money? He says by Allah, my soul is in His hands, there is no one except that he has a right to this common wealth (or) to this treasury. Whether he is given it or denied it that's another issue but everyone has a right in it. There is no one who has more right to it than anyone else. It doesn't mean that you come from a certain family or you come from a certain class or you come from a certain tribe or you come from a certain nationality that you have more access then someone else. No! Everyone has equal access to it. Yeh?! Can you say that today to the treasuries in Arabia? Forget about all the nationalisms that have divided us from the Pacific to the Atlantic- just speak about those who are living in Arabia- isn't there hunger? Isn't there poverty in certain areas in Arabia? Should we speak about the southern parts of Arabia? Should we speak about the eastern parts of Arabia? There's poverty there. Does everyone have equal access? Then he goes on to say (or) he begins to describe people. There's a person who has a precedent. Some person became a Muslim in the first year of the Prophet's mission and there's a Muslim who became a Muslim after the liberation of Makkah- there's history to these people. There's background to these people- all of this. Now that they are all Islamic subjects of an Islamic state they all have access to this treasury. Then he says this doesn't belong to Umar and it doesn't belong to the family of Umar.
Let's compare the behavior of the royals and the princes in Arabia today and the king himself who's on his deathbed and probably months away from a transition from this world to the eternal one. During the time of Umar due to the growth or the expansion of the Islamic territories he had to figure out how to secure the nutritional basics for the Muslims. This actually happened. For those who want further information in this area we refer you to At Tabari, At Tabaqat ibn  Sa'd, to Al Makrizi (and) to other historians. When he wanted to try to figure out how much do we, (i.e.) people who are the decision makers owe the average Muslim from the Bayt Al Maal he brought some foodstuff- grains, starches- that would make up one of the recipes in Arabia called ath tharid. He brought a certain amount- some sources say its about sixty four kilograms all put together and then he made it into this recipe and the he invited thirty average men to eat from what was available and it turned out that thirty men finished- without over eating or under eating- an average meal. He did this for their lunch and he did this again for their dinner and the results were the same. From that he measured how much is due to every Muslim from the Islamic treasury to eliminate hunger in the Arabian Peninsula. Has anyone heard of the rulers in Arabia today try to figure out (how to eliminate hunger)? Some people maybe want to call this a primitive way of trying to figure out what will fulfill the need for food of every person every month in Arabia fourteen hundred years ago. OK- if there are other methods of trying to do the same calculation- by all means. But do you find the rulers in Arabia trying to eliminate poverty in their own lands? Then they say "they are the followers of Umar." Then he says even a breast feeding baby has a portion of the Muslim treasury; but to begin with he said after the baby is no longer breast fed. In Islamic fiqh in understanding the ayaat and the ahadith the ayah says
… two yearly cycles and breast feeding has come to its end… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 233)
So generally speaking after every two years every new born after ending the breast feeding period is allocated a share from the Islamic treasury. What happened when this became law? Some mothers were terminating their breast feeding period before the two years because they wanted to obtain some assistance from the Islamic treasury. Umar was aware of this so how is he going to end this? This may have been a personal ijtihad. He said every baby when it is born is entitled to it so that the mothers may continue to breast feed their children to the end of the breast feeding period. To comment on this, he said woe to Umar! How miserable is Umar! How many Muslim children has he killed. He thought in this process some of these babies may have died because they were pre-maturely terminated by their mothers from breast feeding. Don't expedite the termination of the breast feeding period for your little ones. So he took care of babies. He was thinking about babies. Do you think these rulers in Arabia today are thinking about babies? Even babies who had no fathers or mothers existed in an Islamic society. There were babies who were not claimed by fathers or mothers in an Islamic society. They were taken care of by the Islamic authority and that's when the Islamic governance at that time began a process called ad dawawin. It's the plural of diwan. That basically means registration. They began to register people because you needed a government that could keep track of who's who and who's where and how much and all of this. This is how it all began. We would ask what type of tracking do we have in the Arabian Peninsula today of people who are in need?
The Prophet of Allah says whoever comes on the day of accountability short on deeds… i.e. the person didn't do anything in this world or if he did it's so negligible (or) so miniscule (that) there's nothing to show. "I didn't do anything." … if your labor (or) your deeds are very slow (and) there's nothing there then your affiliation- whatever your affiliation is- is not going to expedite your movement (or) is not going to move you forward. You can take that in today's world- what's your affiliation? Think who you are. Even if you're affiliated to Islam itself- "Oh, I'm affiliated with Islam. I'm a Muslim first and foremost." OK- if you are, what are you doing? Where are your deeds? If there's no deeds your affiliation to Islam is of no value or your affiliation to Umar is of no value or your affiliation to Ali is of no value. This affiliation has no weight to it. It's not going to carry the day. Along these lines Umar says by Allah. If the non-Arabs come with deeds (i.e.) they're doing something and we the Arabic speakers come without any deeds .i.e. we've done nothing they belong to Muhammad more than we do on the day of resurrection. (Do) you hear that you rulers in Arabia? What are you doing? If you're doing something you are disintegrating! OK- you look around and you see others- al A'ajim in the wording of Umar- working on an industrial infrastructure, they're working on their independence and self-reliance, they're working on a peaceful nuclear program, they're working on the liberation of Palestine, they're working on and they're working on and they're working on… And you, the Arabian speakers in the Arabian Peninsula in particular have nothing to show. What have you worked on? You haven't worked on an industrial infrastructure! You have no industries. 1457 You haven't worked on developing nuclear resources! You haven't worked on the liberation of Palestine! You haven't done anything! So your affiliation with Islam, with the Khulafa', with the Sahaba, with the Prophet is meaningless! The Prophet said whoever comes on the day of accountability short on deeds then your affiliation is not going to expedite your movement. We will make do with this amount and ask Allah to expose the religious liars among us or those who cover up their crimes with the façade of Islam. We ask that they be exposed before they cause further damage to innocent people- Muslims and non-Muslims.
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
In the past three years (i.e.) ever since what is called the Arab Spring- and have you noticed this word no longer plays out as frequently as it used to just three years ago?- we have noticed a couple of very important developments. First of all, in these days and months we are living the identification by the Muslims of the world- by Muslims we mean those who belong to Islamic organizations, Islamic associations, Islamic movements, Islamic parties- this segment of people for the first time now is beginning to take a public and a vocal (position). Even though we are no where near where we are supposed to be but there is a type of regret for what the Saudi government has done to them. For your information, this is the ninth jum'ah that one of the luminaries of the Islamic movement in Arab speaking countries, Shaykh Yusuf Al Qardawi in Qatar, in Doha, has not ascended the Mimbar and given the khutbah. On the other hand, the Egyptian people with all of the mistakes that have been committed by Islamic decision makers in that society have not, as of yet, surrendered to the imposed coup de tart upon them. We don't know how long this will take. In the meantime there's speculation that active Muslims who used to live in the Arabian Peninsula are beginning to look at new horizons maybe in Tunisia with the uncertainty there, maybe in Turkey also not very secure there, maybe in Morocco with the ups and downs in that kingdom. What strikes a person's attention, (even an average thinking person whose not involved n these issues on a day to day basis), is why can't these people (and) leaders with experience and knowledge, supposedly, see that there is a place for them to go? There's a proven thirty four (or) thirty five year old Islamic independence in the world and for some reason that baffles anyone's Islamic thinking mind they cannot see that this is a place of brotherly responsibilities and they continue to suffer from the mistakes of the previous decades and cannot break all out vociferously and conclusively with that attachment to these evils in Arabia. We hope this will occur and out of this pressure will emerge a new spirit and a new tomorrow and we ask and we plead that that be the case. 
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 25 April 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.  

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