THE STREET MIMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (2 November 2012) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear brothers, dear sisters; Muslims of God given responsibilities …
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
I greet you with the greetings of peace and tranquillity and invoke the blessings and grace of God upon each and every one of you. As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Audio on (01-05-2008)
I'd like to begin by thanking those who made an effort to be here. I know you probably had other things to do at this time and I hope in the coming hour or two you will have realised that you did not go out of your way to come here- actually it was something that you gained by being here this afternoon. Secondly, I'd also like to express my appreciation and thanks to those who put this program together. Obviously programs like this don't automatically spring into being. There are people, brothers and sisters, who cooperated and assisted each other and made it possible for us to convene here this afternoon so my thanks goes out to them also.
The subject matter that I'd like to focus on, with your presence and your attention, has to do with the bad press and the negative propaganda that Muslims and Islam nowadays and for the past several years at least if not for many, many years before that has been the subject of. Anyone who tunes into radio programs or is watching TV or reads the daily newspaper realises that Muslims are almost a terrible thing. This is not natural. People are not terrible by who they are, especially if they are Muslims; so there's something about this offensive presentation of Islam and hopefully we'll try to put our fingers on the culprits who are behind the malignment of Islam. There's a word that has come into usage in the past, (I would say), several years and that word is Islamofascist. We have not heard that word before. It would be very interesting to try to track down where that word originated. I haven't found anyone who has done any research or put a little effort to find out where this combination of word or wording came from. Islamofascist has the word Islam on one side and the word Fascist on the other side and this is almost a contradiction in terms! You can't be Islamic and be Fascist at the same time and conversely you can't be Fascist and Muslim or Islamic at the same time. So this is a very odd combination of words but, (and I'm a person who follows the media and who does quite a bit of reading about subjects Islamic), if I was to take an educated guess I would say that its not far-fetched to trace origins of the word Islamofascist to individuals or groups of people or classes of interests that are centred around Zionist Israel. To them Israel is almost the centre of the world and any group of people who dare criticize or expose the policies and the practices of the Israeli government become targets as far as word usage is concerned and therefore words have to be clobbered together to defame the particular individuals and the particular organisations that are opposed to the Zionist occupation of Palestine and opposed to the Imperialist American collaboration with that Zionist occupation of Palestine. I know, (from taking a very quick look at the audience here), that most of you are familiar with Islamic history and therefore you should know that there is an Islamic wave of the future and those who are keen on Israeli security are very sensitive and, (I dare say), very alarmed at the fact that there is ground swell of Islamic self determination that is taking place in the Muslim world. (So) in their own minds these types of people think "Oh- we have to do something about this" and as far as words are concerned we have to hammer together a word that can project a negative or an offending image of Muslims and hence we have the word Islamofascist. For those of you who come from an American background let me remind you that what is taking place currently as far as the bad press that the Muslims have is not a current phenomenon (or) it's not something that just happened because of 9/11 or because of an Islamic revolution or because of an Islamic struggle here and there. If we wanted to trace this we can go back some time. If you take a look at the media in the United States you'll find that way back when the TV was still black and white there were very offensive images of Arabs and of Muslims. I don't know- if you're as old as I am or older you can recall there was a song about "Ahab the Arab, The shikh of the burning sand, Harem Scare 'um." Remember those movies back then? For those who may be a little lost here Harem is in reference to the haram which is the womenfolk of Muslims, so there was this combination of words in which some men would go into a tent where there's Muslim women and say "Harem scare 'em", you know, scare the harems- this type of things. The word "camel jockey" serves as a background to the pejorative language that is used today. Some of you may have seen The Exorcists- the thriller that came out at the beginning of the 1970's. Can anyone recall at the beginning of that movie where the first shots were from? They were from Northern Iraq- it's supposed to be the land of sorcery or evil or the magic with the evil spirits and the dead and the haunting and this type of thing. So to be factual about the matter, today's Islamofascist label has not come from nowhere. It has a good background and depth to it which gives it the momentum that it has today in the media. But if we were to try to zero-in on a particular time where this pejorative language and imagery about Muslims all of a sudden took on a life of its own (and) became almost a full fledged motion picture for everyone to watch we could easily say that was 9/11- that's when things really came together for the pro-Israeli Zionist crowd. Here is where we began to have things happening that are no longer limited to Hollywood but now have become public policy or official behaviour by governments and nation states. In this post 9/11 presentation of the malignment of facts concerning Muslims there are some people who stand out. You can see them- they're unmistakeable. You can't avoid them- they are here and there speaking about Islam and against Muslims. One of the names that come to mind- I'm just going to drop a few names- one of these names is Daniel Pipes (who is) one of these Professors who's here on the West Coast, (I guess), in California somewhere who keeps on, (it seems like he doesn't run out of energy), when it comes to bad mouthing Muslims. (There's) no basis to what he is saying. The person cannot, (I think), sustain an intellectual round of presentations in front of a crowd like this. Have we ever seen Daniel Pipes or Steve Emerson or Martin Kramer or their likes in front or a within a solid academic presentations of points of view? No! Challenge Daniel Pipes or his crowd (who were) the ones who were going around the United States during the third week of October sponsoring this so called Islamofascist awareness week- which I understand the university here also witnessed a part of that activity. Why are they scared to have a panel that includes their point of view but also includes a point of view that disagrees with them? You would think someone with intellectual integrity could withstand and defend their points of view when their points of view are exposed to those who disagree with them but in this case obviously (they didn't). I even understood from an individual or two as I was coming in that some of those who disagreed with this Islamofascist point viewer was barred from coming to the activity here on this campus. Why? Why are people scared to have an opposite point of view presented? There's nothing to be scared about! To the contrary, if you're an academic you've spent most of your life researching and reading and knowing that there are other points of view (and) you should welcome another point of view to be juxtaposed with your own but in this case they're just afraid- afraid, (I guess), of the truth to surface (and) let you, the audience, decide which point of view will carry the day. Not them. Not Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Martin Kramer. At another level of things we can add on to these Bernard Louis who's supposed to be another one of these well read historians who advises, by the way, Vice President Cheney on policies pertaining to the Muslim world- to the Islamic hemisphere of this world. And Henry Kissinger himself who goes to the President in the White House and tells him "you cannot give up on these policies." What is he talking about? He's talking about the globe war on terrorism abbreviated during the Donald Rumsfeld time known as GWOT. He says "you have to keep on. You have to press on with these policies" and they meaning Bernard Louis and Henry Kissinger give Dick Cheney and President George Bush the type of moral boosting that they may need to go into the international warfare against areas in Asia and Africa where they perceive that there may be an outbreak of Islamic self-determination in these areas.
Another sensitive issue that is not brought up in public settings, (some individuals may be whispering this behind the scenes but not much is discussed in public forums), is pertaining to the individuals in the American government and in the decision making process here in the United States who are thrilled and very satisfied to see that there is an attempt at creating a public opinion that is averse to Muslims and Islam. This crowd of people is called "the neo-conservatives." I'm sure you've heard the word before. You're much ahead of the President of the United States who it is reported was in Kennebunk Port in Maine on a break with his father Bush President number forty-one. So Bush forty-three asks Bush forty-one- this was like two summers ago "Dad, I hear a lot of people speaking about these neo-conservatives, I've heard the word a lot. Could you just please explain to me who these neo-conservatives are?" The father says to his son "do you want names or do you want the concept?" He says "no- just give me the concept. When they say neo-conservatives, everyone is saying this- what do they mean by this? What is the idea?" So the father says to the son the forty-first President of the United States answers the forty-third President of the United States and he says "son, in one word it means Israel ." So these neo-conservatives who now get a kick out of giving Islam a black eye in public, who are they? When we say neo-conservatives, who are we talking about? Well- I don't have an exhaustive list of who they are but some of their names that have been flashed in the media for so long are such individuals as Douglas Faith who used to be in the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz who also used to be in the Pentagon. Faith was also close to Cheney's office. There is in the circle of President Bush individuals who speak to him on occasions such as Potahertz, Eliott Abrahams who is supposed to be the point man on American policies towards the Middle East who is also a relative of Potahertz just to name a few. Then of course there's Michael Chertoff who is the Head of Homeland Security. Of course, we read these names but there hasn't really been enough information, (I'm just throwing this out there and obviously I'm not going to receive an answer today or tomorrow I don't think that you will but it's something that may be you'd want to think about and pursue because these are the types who glee at the fact that Muslims are being maligned in public opinion), and the question is these Americans who are in charge of sensitive policies towards Muslim territories of the world and Muslim areas of the world and Muslim countries of the world- of course they're American citizens but my question to you, (and this is the one that needs a little effort), are they also Israeli citizens? Are they dual citizens- American Israelis at the same time and therefore they are running this show of basically dehumanising Muslims around the world (and) saying "Muslims now are terrorists and they hate Christians and Jews." I'll get to that a little later(i.e.) Islamic texts (and) going back to the sources and the roots as far as Muslims relationships with the Jews and Christians but these are the types that are getting a kick out of this whole policy of reducing Muslims in this country to almost civil slavery. Muslims experiences among other places at ports of entry into the country- if you happen to be a Muslim and you're flying into this country at any of these airports, (as an example), you're more than likely to be fingered out. "Come here. We want to speak to you. There's some questions we want to ask you and by the way we want to go through your luggage and your baggage- everything you have piece by piece." And in some instances if you missed your flight or if have a connecting flight it doesn't matter if you missed your flight and it seems like there's no recourse for something like this in the name of what has become National security- more accurately stated Israeli security- Muslims have to be tagged as terrorists or potential terrorists or terrorist sympathisers or guilty by association!? (If) a Muslim knows another Muslim and another Muslim knows another one and the sequence goes down to ten people and that tenth person happens to have been in a country in the world in which there is a low intensity warfare of some type then he's already a suspect?! That tenth person through the association of ten other people becomes a suspect and I think it's about time that right now there should be some serious pursuit of these individuals- these potentially dual loyalists- who are bringing upon this country this type of policy that makes virtually every Muslim a suspect in the eyes of authority. I don't have the documents in front of me but according to some sources Chertoff who's Head of Homeland Security himself is an Israeli citizen and his mother is one of the individuals who established the Israeli Mossad. So if we begin to realise these facts we begin to understand why Islam has a black eye in public opinion which brings us down to the certain organisations and outfits in the United States that are acting as foreign agents for the Israeli government.
The ADL, The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith; AIPAC, the largest most influential Jewish lobby group in the United States; The Zionist Organisation of America and the list can go on and on. There's an assortment of high powered organisations in the United States that will do virtually anything to annul any positive influence Muslims may have in this country upon the decision making process. Now if we understand that we have this structure of organisations and individuals that range from the academic to the financial to the authoritative then we have the small fries that appear to our eyes almost every evening- individuals like Bill 'O Reilly and Shawn Hannady and Michael Savage and Glenn Beck and the rest of these that we encounter. These are the ones who get their marching orders from this super-structure and then they begin to present it as a talking points to you and me the consuming public and we're supposed to believe, (and) if we don't believe everything they say, much of it goes down or seeps down to the conscience of the country and if you listen to them very closely you'd understand that they are defending the national interest of the Israeli nation state; which brings us to that little effort which is called "Islamofascist awareness week" that was put together by a person David Horowitz.
David Horowitz belongs to the same crowd of people. Back in the '60's and '70's the person was a lefty- he was on the left of the American political spectrum and as happened to his neo-conservative colleagues, he had a change of heart during the Reagan administration so he converted from being on the political left to being on the political right where he is today. The person seems to know something next to nil when it comes to Islam. He has a big mouth though. He rants on and on and give him the opportunity and he'll speak not much of it making any sense. So he strings together a group of individuals who are assigned different campuses and then they blurt out their uneducated mind on things Islamic. As I said earlier, I wish they had enough intellectual integrity to have the opposite point of view presented when they were speaking, but being that they are void of that I think we need not comment on their rants; which brings us to I think the contextual core of the matter which is the fear that is being generated in the public concerning Muslims.
This presentation was delivered by Imam Muhammad Asi on 5 January 2008 at the University of Washington . The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under siege.
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