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Tuesday, July 31, 2012



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (3 August 2012)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims...
We don't know what the definition of each Muslim is about the beginning and the ending of the month of Ramadhan. It is not our style to get into trying to debate issues to death. Suffice it to say that there are clear words from Allah and His Prophet concerning the beginning and ending of the month of Ramadhan and of every lunar month of the year. The Prophet of Allah says, (we think this is a consensual hadith which means something like the following in English), you begin your fast in accordance with the visualisation of it, (and it here means the crescent moon), and you end your month of fasting according to the visualisation of the crescent moon and if there are interfering atmospheric circumstances then you consider the month of Sha'baan to be thirty days. Dear brothers and sisters- at the time of this hadithwe didn't have the scientific calculations and knowledge that we have today. This does not mean that we understand the hadith to be obsolete and this does not mean that the hadith was not meant for people who are living with advanced information pertaining to the calculation of the appearance of a crescent moon and then the disappearance of the same crescent moon. Simply stated, this hadith tells you and me and every committed Muslim that the determination of the beginning of the lunar month is the sight-ability of the hilal-whether it is actually sighted or not sighted is one of these areas in which today we are living this difference of opinion because we have some people who simply cannot advance their thoughts to think of this world as one unit, one society, one geography. This is a fact of life. When will they reach that time, if they will ever reach it is in Allah's knowledge- not in my knowledge or your knowledge. We wish this could occur tomorrow and we could put behind us these types of divisive arguments that are played out as we see today, yesterday and tomorrow. Some people began their fast today (and) some people are going to begin their fast tomorrow. Whatever the case maybe, this is the area of mental disagreement that we share in today's world. We're not here to draw a judgement to say someone is better than the other or someone is more committed to Allah than the other- we're not in that area (and) may Allah accept from everyone according to their own ijtihad. This is something else that you have not experienced from this speaker. In the course of these many years there have been silent or there have been subdued voices that have from behind the scenes tried to criticise this khutbahand this jum'ah for a lack of quotations from Allah's Prophet concerning the month ofRamadhan. So in order for us to try to be responsive to the larger body of Muslims who will listen to this khutbah beyond this time of day today via the internet and other means will take now a healthy look at some of the information that comes to us from our beloved Prophet about this blessed month.
The Prophet of Allah is reported to have said the following concerning the month of Ramadhan,my ummah in the month of Ramadhan has been given what no other Prophet before has been given. The Prophet says when the first night passes by in the month of Ramadhan Allah Exalted and Extolled be He looks at them… Now brothers and sisters, when everyone or anyone speaks about Allah, we speak in relative terms because He is not created. So if we say Allah looks, it is not the way as we look; so let's not get into these hair splitting philosophical arguments that take place when someone is referring to an ayah or ahadith. So Allah after the first night or when the first night of Ramadhan passes looks at those who are fasting. In another phasing of this meaning Allah takes notice of those who are fasting and whoever Allah takes notice of He will never expose to torment.This is one of the virtues of those who observe their fast as it's supposed to be observed. As for the second of these five virtues that were given to Allah's final Prophet and not to any Prophet preceding him, it means the breath of those who are fasting, (in this cases it may refer to the odious smell of the breath in medical terms it's called halitosis), as far as Allah is concerned this is more pleasing to Him than the fragrance of musk. As for the third, the Angels ask forgiveness every day and every night in this month for those who are observing this fast. As for the forth, Allah Extolled and Exalted be He, orders His Jannah and He says to it prepare yourself (or) adorn yourself for My subjects and servants. They are just about to retire from the labour of their world to My domain and to My honour. As for the fifth, when the last night comes to pass Allah will have forgiven all of them. Then there's a person listening and then he expresses himself and says is it laylat ul qadr? He replies no. Have you not seen workers who are involved in a project? Once they finish their project they are compensated for it. The same is applicable to Ramadhan- consider it like a project, once you finish the last day you are given your total compensation.
In another hadith from Allah's Prophet, in reference to the significance and to the virtues and to the merits of Ramadhan, he says if people knew the true value of Ramadhan my ummah would desire that the whole year become Ramadhan. There are some facets concerning the month of Ramadhan as pertains to when we break our fast. When the time to break your fast approaches you should do so as expeditiously as possible. The same applies, but in reverse manner, to the sahar (or) the suhur. When you eat anything at the beginning of the fast of the day- that is to be postponed until the last minutes possible provided it is done also within its timeframe. This doesn't mean (that) when Allah's Prophet is teaching us to eat to break our fast in an immediate sense that we break our fast before the timeframe approaches and when he advises and teaches us to delay our suhur he's not advising us to delay it to the extent when the day has already began or the sun has already risen.
(In) another hadith that refers to the merits and the credits and the value of Ramadhan-whoever makes the effort to stay up additional hours during the night as a matter of conviction (and) as a matter of counting this effort with Allah… Because some people, its human nature, put on a show. Some people want to be recognised by other people. Some people think that the weight of public opinion is more than the weight of Allah's observance of your act or what you're doing. Whatever the case is, that is not ihtisaaban. Whoever observes this fast as a matter of iman and as a matter of ihtisaab Allah will efface all of his preceding errors, mistakes, sins and even crimes.
(In) another hadith that flows into the meaningful time of Ramadhan- whoever provides food or sustenance to a person who is observing the fast then he gains the equivalent of the compensation for that fast without taking away from the merits of the person who is fasting. What is it about the month of Ramadhan that should stand out in our mind? One of the aspects of the month of Ramadhan that we should be conscious of is that Al Qur'an delivers more meanings in the month of Ramadhan. This harkens back to the ayah in which Allah says
The month of Ramadhan is the month in which the Qur'an has become accessible… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 185)
Don't fall into these partial meanings and these physical meanings and these distracting meanings which tell you the month of Ramadhan is the month in which the Qur'an descends or the Qur'an comes down. No. It means the month of Ramadhan is the month in which theQur'an becomes accessible. It is not that the Qur'an is never accessible or it's not that theQur'an is not accessible in other months! It is that the Qur'an is more accessible during this month of Ramadhan. It is more accessible because of the transformation in ourselves that is supposed to take place during this month of Ramadhan when we are liberated from this duniya,when we are free from our desires and our lusts, when we are no longer under the pressure of our own body and it's own demands, when we break loose from this body and it's chains the meanings of the Qur'an open up even more than they have opened up previously. So in this month of Ramadhan our Islamic literature says to us the Angel Jibreel during this month of Ramadhan would teach further meanings of this Qur'an to the Prophet. It has the sense that, (and we're taking translations license here), Jibreel would tutor the Prophet concerning the meanings of this Qur'an in the month of Ramadhan. So if that was with Allah's Prophet, it is with everyone who is in the footsteps and in the character of Allah's Prophet.
During the month of Ramadhan the Prophet of Allah was the most generous person on Earth. We say this without any exaggeration and we say this without any self in it. We belong to Allah's Prophet (and) we try to second his motions. He was very generous in all other months but he was particularly and emphatically generous during this month of Ramadhan. If you want to give, you give during this month of Ramadhan. Giving has many expressions. You can give out of your wealth. If you have extra money you give to those who are in need- no questions asked, no second thoughts. Also, giving is an emotional issue. You can give out of your emotions. There are people who are emotionally starving in this world. Just like there are people who are physically hungry in this world there are other individuals who are in their own selves lacking the emotional attachment, the sympathy, the pity, the compliments (and) the attachment to others. A person can give in the month of Ramadhan in this area and this is needed in family circles, it is needed in circles of friendship and acquaintances, it is needed in the work force. Wherever a person finds himself working there are also other people around him or her, it is in the neighbourhood with neighbours. There are many channels and many avenues for this emotional giving. Many times, because we Muslims have been stuck in a physical and materialistic world when some says the word giving, we immediately think about money, we think about finances but giving is much more than that. A smile on your face to a person who is broken hearted or a person who needs emotional upliftment goes a long way, a helping hand goes a long way. In this month of Ramadhan our Prophet teaches us to be giving.As sadaqa is giving. Az zakah is giving. Al ihsan is giving. Another hadith of the Prophet says and smiling to the face of your brother is sadaqa. (Do) you see how the line is blurred between what you physically give and what you emotionally give? These meanings have to be accentuated in this month of Ramadhan.
The Prophet of Allah used to break his fast, (as is well known), on rutab or tamraat. These are simply two types of dates. If he didn't find any he would break his fast with water. There are health issues (and) there are medical issues involved here and we leave those to who are experts in these fields. At the time of iftar Allah's Prophet taught us to say, (there is longer versions of this and there are shorter versions of this, we are going to go with the shorter version) Oh Allah for You I have fasted... You see- listen closely, I'm not fasting for myself, I'm not fasting for my family I'm not fasting for the other person, I'm not fasting just because of the tradition or the culture or the custom says I fast- that's not the fasting that is required.Oh Allah for you I have fasted and with your provisions I have broken my fast...Abstaining is done for Allah and consumption is done with what Allah has provided us. … The thirst now has dissipated and the veins now in our bodies are saturated. That's the short version of it. When we come to the books of fiqh, (as we said at the beginning of this khutbah, this khutbah is a filler, so to speak, concerning the types of good willing Muslims out there who say "well this khutbah which is given on Massachusetts Avenue by that particular person is lacking in the Prophet's hadith"; OK- this is a make up one for those who consider it like that. We are sorry that they cannot follow us very accurately but we are extending our hands and ourselves to them), we find that there are conditions for the fast and they count them like this: (there are) three conditions for a person to qualify to fast. (The) first one they tell us is Islam. Brothers and sisters, (as your humble brother always requests you), please think when you read. These Fuqaha' are not infallible. These Fuqaha' can make mistakes and this is one of the areas in which yours truly is pointing out one of the mistakes they made. They say Al Islam is a condition for fasting and we tell them al iman is a condition for fasting. These two words Al Islam and Al Iman are mentioned in the Qur'an and in this specific area Allah says
O You, who are committed to Allah, fasting has been declared a mandatory service upon you as it has been on those before you so that you may take heed of Allah, so that your awareness of Allah will become a barrier to the punishment and the penalty of Allah. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 183)
So al iman over here is a condition for fasting. The civil description of citizens is Islam and fasting is not binding on those who are in a civil sense Muslims. So if we could just activate our minds a little, the ayaat are in front of us and the hadiths are in front of us and then the thinking out of all of this by the Fuqaha' and the Ulema' and the Scholars is all in front of us, (and we don't do this to disrespect anyone, we only do this so that we can approach Allah with a sound understanding of things). So let us place what they all have said to us (i.e.) that a condition of fasting is Al Islam and tell them a condition for fasting is al iman. And then al aql. Obviously fasting is not a responsibility of a person who's insane (or) a person who plays insanity (or) a person who's IQ may be ten or twenty. Thinking, the intellect, the mind, the sanity- that's a condition for fasting. Then al bulugh, reaching the age of responsibility. Here also we part company with those who emphasize reaching the age of puberty. Obviously that is the physical condition of what we are talking about, but the lost dimension here is the responsibility that comes with puberty. So wouldn't it be more socially sensitive to say reaching the age of responsibility. Let us work this terminology into our fiqh literature. Then, from Allah's Prophet'shadiths there are foundations for the fasting. The first one obviously is the commencing of the month of Ramadhan. What do we do at this time? We abstain in the physical sense, (we're speaking physically here), from consumption of our two major appetites- the one for food and water and the other one for sex. Then there has to be a niyah, there has to be an intention. Without going into the many pages of discussions about this, it suffices to make a major intention at the beginning of the month of Ramadhan that you're going to fast the whole month without having to repeat that intention every day. Then there is what invalidates the fast (or) what breaks your fasting. If you intentionally eat anything, that breaks the fast. If you intentionally drink anything, that breaks the fast. If you are injected with any nutrient into your bloodstream, that breaks the fast. Coitus breaks the fast. What is makrooh is something that doesn't break the fast but it shouldn't be done during the month of Ramadhan- one of them is bloodletting. You let blood out of your system. The other one is the sexual arousal in both male and female. It is something that doesn't break the fast but it is something that is discouraged from happening during this month of Ramadhan. Breathing smoke or dust doesn't break your fast but it is something very discouraged in the month of Ramadhan. Before and after speaking of these physical traits of Ramadhan we should understand that Ramadhan is a season that brings the best of us out. It brings our best character out into the open. The morality that is involved, the inter-connectedness with other people that is involved, the social responsibilities that are involved, the concern towards those who don't have in life- you can give them whatever word you want. Anyone who doesn't have what is necessary in life, we owe them in the month of Ramadhan, our attention and our care. This can be expressed in many ways but don't lose sight of this fact, which means to be overtly generous; giving whatever that may be for those who are in need. Don't tell us "there are not people in the world that don't need."Don't be local- need is a global issue. If you're not satisfied with someone who says they need in your vicinity- believe it, there are billions of people in the world who need who are outside of your vicinity. This is a shrinking world- you have no excuse now that there is no information, no transportation (and) no communication. All of that is flowing very rapidly now. In the month ofRamadhan just like it is haraam to break your fast with food, it is haraam to break your fast with bad words. Injurious words break the fast. This is an area not many people concentrate on because we've moved into a materialistic world. We fast because we don't eat or drink (or) we don't satisfy our appetite but no one is saying that "I am fasting also because I refuse to say a bad word concerning a certain person." In the Islamic wordiology there is al gheebah and al nameemah. A person has a bad character and you may say something about that person (i.e.) his or her bad character- that invalidates your siyam even if it's the truth. We don't mean the social character of a person, we're talking about his or her private character because we have a private character and we have a social character. The social character has to be in the public eye in Ramadhan and outside of Ramadhan and this means those who are making decisions, who are disturbing lives and who are killing people. We can't say "oh- we are fasting. We can't take notice of a social character of a certain decision maker." That's not what it means. We're speaking about the personal or individual characters of people. Even speaking about this factual issue can break a person's fast. In the month of Ramadhan, don't get into arguments. The first or second sentence you notice that you're getting into an argument, stop. Don't say a further word to maintain your fast. There is no argumentations in the month of Ramadhan. The Prophet of Allah says concerning this area it may happen (or) it may occur that we have people or we have a person who is fasting but the only thing that he or she has of the fast is hunger and thirst. The implication over here is fasting is much more than abstaining from food and water; it is abstaining from foul language, it is abstaining from character assassination, it is abstaining from hurting the feelings of others without others justification.
Dear brothers and sisters, dear committed Muslims- all…
It is true that we in the month of Ramadhan go into ourselves and we score a victory in the area of our own selves. This is the primary victory, this is the essential victory to score the other worldly victories out there. To do this we need thinking minds. This is the absent element that has been dogging us for all of these years (i.e.) the absent mind. We need minds that are present, minds of that are aware of what's happening such as, (we are looking at a social character here, we are not looking at an individual and his personal traits), the SaudiAmbassador who caused this Jum'ah to be out in the street. As of yesterday, he has become the Head of Intelligence. "A CIA asset" by his own admission has become the Head ofIntelligence of the land of the Haramayn Ash Sharifayn- Makkah and Al Madinah, Al Hejaz,Jazeerah Al Arab. They want you to say "Oh, in Ramadhan you have to be dumb! You can't think about these things happening." Another primary CIA asset who was the Head of EgyptianIntelligence for many years has gone on to accountability with Allah- from Egypt to Cleveland Ohio where medicine could not rescue him and he had to go on now to His Creator and Maker who will hold him accountable for all the decisions he has made, especially that which is called"rendition, hand over of innocent Muslims- whose crime in his book is that they are committed to Allah and His Prophet- to the torture chambers of torturers and persecutors in other countries around the world." Some people are contemplating the idea of giving that criminal a state funeral?! It is true that we are supposed to fast Ramadhan, but that doesn't mean we close our eyes and play ostrich and be dumb down and make believe nothing is happening. No! This Ramadhan should sensitise us to this area of the social pollution that is around us.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on 20 July 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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Friday, July 27, 2012



PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Respected and Beloved Brothers and Sisters…
Assalaamualaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh
First of all I would like to greet all of you- from the most mustad'af to the least mustad'af to the rest. I would like to say that some of you have been waiting patiently and you've come up and expressed yourselves and of course I'm just a visitor here and I have to go by the details of the program. I am told, (according to the details) I am scheduled to speak at the end. So may Allah fortify your patience and for those of you who have to travel on a journey back home I hope you drive safely and arrive at your destination with Allah's care.
I listened quite closely to the fine words that were expressed before me and you know this issue i.e. what is called the Arab/Israeli or the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a very multifaceted, extensive, historical, contemporary (and) conflicting issue. There's many ways to approach it and we would like to be upfront and honest with everyone here- of course, we speak from an Islamic perspective and we have no apologies about that.
First of all- the issue of a Jewish homeland. Now, when we say Jewish we say it the way it is used in the media and, (we hope, we think, we expect that), all of you are familiar with "the Jews need a homeland." The Jews actually had and have a homeland in as far as their presence in the geographical parts of the world that are an Islamic domain. We I don't know and we stand to be corrected- if you have information that we don't have- well bring it to us and even correct us- but we don't know of an instance in which Muslims told the Jews who are living with them or who have come from outside to live with them "you are not permitted to feel that you are living in your homeland." We don't know of any incident like that. The Muslim Islamic history has been an inclusive history and the make up of Muslims in the world indicates this. You'll have Muslims of different races, different ethnic backgrounds, different social status, different persuasions- all of that co-exists. We have no problem with co-existing; maybe the extent of our inclusiveness and our co-existence with the others have caused bloodshed in our history. Now, we're not trying to say that Muslims are Angels. We have our mistakes, we have our moments of weakness, we have our areas that need to be improved- that is all part of our history but the general sense of the Muslims is to get along with others and have others get along with us. We never were responsible for an inquisition against others; we never were responsible for crusades against others; we never were responsible for occupying other peoples territories by the use of force as we see in today's world done to us. So when the issue is, (and we want you to pay close attention to this because it is played up and played on by the media) "the Jews deserve a homeland…" Well- what? Are they telling me? They are telling us- the Muslims?! Can anyone produce from us something in writing or something that's been spoken by Muslim scholars or Muslim authorities that say "Jews are not entitled to a homeland?" Where's that? The mistake many of us fall into is that this word homeland is extended to mean a government or a nation state. Don't be fooled by this. That's how they fool us! They fool us as Jews, they fool us as Christians, they fool us as a public. Now here's where we're going to have problems. OK- you, who are clamouring for this, ask yourself "if you want a nation state then tell us you want a nation state." Don't say you want a homeland! But they're saying they want a homeland but in fact (and) in reality they are building a bloody, killer, genocidal nation state. Now, we're not going to go for that. These are two different things. If they want to be our neighbours and they want to be our compatriots and they want to belong to the same country (and) to the same geographical area- they're most welcome but if they want to come and implant a nation state that doesn't know anything except warfare then we're going to have to deal with them. You've seen the pictures here and you've seen the scenery of how the Israeli state operates. The only word we can give it is it's a satanic nation state. It's a Shaytaani nation state.
We want to go in slow motion here- some of you are accustomed to me in high gear but we want to go a little slow on this one. Now, there is a history that is written and produced to us through the mainstream media that the Jews suffered a holocaust and there are images that come to your mind, (i.e.) the meshing of bodies in the concentration camps in Germany and these other places. (It's) something that I guess is hard for a person to forget. OK- we're not going to argue what the number of the victims of that incident were. This is an issue that bounces back and forth. We're not going to get into that area but let's assume and go with the flow that four-million to six-million Jews perished (or) were killed by a deliberate policy of Nazi Germany. Ok- four-million to six-million. They finally settled on six million. OK- let's take six million. Now think for a moment- you, the people who have suffered the loss of six million of your own kind. This was when? In the early nineteen forties. When was the illegitimate state of Israel erected? In 1948. World War Two ended in 1945. The holocaust activities came to an end in 1945. We're speaking as a human being- forget about being a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim- you're just a normal human being; ask yourself "how can you just three years ago emerge from a holocaust (where) you've seen the worst in man, how he kills, how war massacres and then in a matter of three years you yourself are committing a holocaust?!" How can this be? Answer us? What human being can do something like that? Are these human beings? And not only are they satisfied with repeating the policies of the holocaust against a Palestinian population the intents and purposes of a holocaust was in the brains and the minds of the founding Zionists of Israel. We still can't figure this out. We're not speaking about historical things happening way back in history. We are speaking about fresh events. They've just left Nazi Germany. They've suffered what they suffered and then they turn around in this short time period and then they begin acting like Nazis. We don't know. It doesn't make sense to us! This puts the whole issue in another light. Then the years grind on and there's no remorse. The Zionists continue to pursue deadly policies. Against who? Who are these Palestinians? What did they do to these people who have come from Europe? What did they do to them? They kill you? Did they take you to concentration camps? Did they violate your rights as human beings? What did they do? It's as if you are bringing all of the wrath of your own version of history and placing it all on these people who are going about their own daily lives and they continue to do that up to this very day. They still don't have it within themselves- they don't have the manhood, they don't have the morality within themselves to stand on an equal footing looking a Palestinian- their own victim- eye to eye and saying "this is wrong." They go on showing us it's more of the same- more bloodshed, more massacres, more genocidal type of policies, (some people call that ethnic cleansing), more wars. What is this? We don't understand and it goes on.
What you see in today's world, (you can read it in different ways but listen to this version of it), the changes that are taking place in Egypt and in the other Arab countries are the de-Zionisation of the network of nation states that made it possible for Zionist Israel to continue to exist. There's a part of Zionism in Cairo, there's a piece of Zionism in Amman, there's a chunk of Zionism in Libya, there's a mass of Zionism in Saudi Arabia- they all exist. All of these detention centres, the prisons, the jails (and) the dungeons in these areas (and) in these countries, the ruling classes in these countries belong to Zionism. When Hosni Mubarak was forced out of his Pharaunic status- when that was his fate- you can rest assured the Zionist masters in Tel Aviv lost one of their own. They felt inside of themselves "this is a tremendous loss for us." The movement of peoples in these countries is not only to liberate the peoples in these countries but the final result of these is to liberate the Jews who are living in Palestine and the Jews in the other parts of the world from Zionism. We were listening, but we don't know why the word justice is absent from the presentations? Why? Justice should be the element that combines us all together. You can have your own rituals, you can have your own forms of worship, you can have your own religious persuasions and all of these but justice is an element (and) it's a common denominator that speaks to the human condition. There's no religion in the world that has an argument with justice. None that we know of (or) maybe Satanism but none of the acknowledged religions have an issue with justice. Answer yourselves- "what type of justice do we have? How do people who go to Synagogues or go to Churches or even go to Mosques justify what is happening in Palestine in front of their own eyes when they read their holy scriptures?" All of the history of Scripture and the history of Prophethood themselves centres around justice. Justice is the fibre and the fabric of revelation and scripture. Now, you look at what's happening in Palestine- you saw and you'll see this on and on, day after day- where is justice in all of this? What makes a discussion more interesting, (and we say this to Muslims, we say this to you whether you are Muslim or whether you are not Muslim), is to have the other component present themselves or the other side present itself. The Zionists don't want the Muslims around to speak their Islamic mind on the subject. They run away from Muslims but even though we are at this point militarily weak as it appears; weakness and strength should not be a human condition. Weakness and strength are relative positions as close or as far as you are away from the Creator, the Maker, the All Powerful, the all Mighty- that's a true definition but in the public mind Muslims appear to be weak. (Take a) look at what the Israelis are doing to them. "They're kicking Muslim butt in Palestine" (as it were). This is how it appears. OK- so they're afraid because morally and mentally they can't stand an Islamic presentation of this issue. Have you ever heard of Zionists inviting Muslims to speak about the issue of Palestine anywhere in the world? Not even in their own lands do they have the courage to say to the Muslims "come speak to us, present to us (and) to our public (and) to our people your point of view." One person, Ra'ed Salah, goes to Britain just a few weeks ago and the Zionists cannot tolerate this Islamic voice expressing the truth in a place like Britain. It's not in their territory- they come down with the instruments they have, on the British government and they managed to put this person in prison for a while. Now we have a legal process that has kicked into action.
Being that we are in South Africa we have a quote, it's a lengthy quote but we want to say it because I think it comes from experience and it expresses a point of view of people who are under pressure (and) people who are on the survival level (and) people who want to fight back against injustice, against discrimination, against prejudice (and) against racism this quote is taken from Haaj Malik Shabaaz better known as Malcom X. When he was asked by African Americans "can White people join us in our struggle?" This was back then in the 1950's when the African Americans were fighting for they civil rights. This developed later on into the civil rights movement in the United States. So when he was asked "can these Whites join us?" He said "they can't join us. I have these very deep feelings that White people who want to join Black organisations are really just taking the escapist way to salve their consciences. By visibly harbouring near us they are "proving" that they are with us but the hard truth is this isn't helping to solve America's racist problem. The Negros aren't the racists. Where the really sincere White people have got to do their proving of themselves is not among the Black victims but out there on the battle-lines of where America's racism really is and that's in their own home communities." This is taken from the autobiography of Malcom X. You can easily take his words and apply it to the context that we are speaking about.
One of the problems we, (meaning those who can see the justice and the violation of justice issues in the Holy land), run into (is that) you want to criticize the Israelis and the Zionists and then they turn around and they use this label to shaft you. They call you "an anti-Semite." I encountered one of these. I was at the university once in Oregon many years ago (and) a person sitting in the back of the room stood up and said "you are an anti-Semite." I said "oh yeah?! Do you know the demographics of the world? Are you familiar with the geography and the peoples of the world? Semites are people who originated in the Semitic geographical area of the world- the Holy land area of the world. Go to that part of the world (and) look at the people." The person who was asking this question looked like he was from Scandinavia somewhere. With all due respects to our brother from Norway I said "look at yourself! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? When you see yourself in that mirror do you see Semitic features in your face, in your skin, in your characteristics? Do you see them there? Tell me- do you look like a Semite or do I look like a Semite?" Then he sat down very quietly (and) he behaved himself thereafter. I don't know if this sparked some thoughts but he just sat down and went silent.
There have been American individuals who found in themselves the moral courage to stand up and point to the atrocities and to the warmongering and to the brutal nature of the Israeli nation-state and they got tarnished with this accusation of being anti-Semitic. We can name a few names: Chas Freeman. He was going to be appointed by the Obama administration in a very sensitive position pertaining to the America intelligence community but he wasn't appointed. Why? Because they found in his background that he has a bit of sympathy towards the Palestinian side of the issue so they said "you are disqualified from this position." You've heard of Helen Thomas the senior most correspondent in the White House. Some Zionist individual came up to her and asked her a question. She thought she was speaking off the record (and) not knowing this person was recording and filming what she is saying, she said, (I am paraphrasing), "why don't you go back to the countries that you came from? This whole Palestinian issue is because you have dislocated yourself. You've taken other people's lands and territories. Just go back to where you came from and the whole issue is solved. We wouldn't have this whole issue that's irritating the whole world." Not only did she get labelled as anti-Semite but she had to be dismissed from her job. She no longer can be the senior White House correspondent for the agency that she is working for. And on and on they have these figures…
A recent development that fits into the initial statement that I made at the beginning of this presentation about Germany and the Jews. When we say "the Jews"- now please, our friends here in Naturei Karta, we don't mean you, you're the exception of the rule- but there are many Jews in Israel who have recently been applying for another passport. Now in the first observation, this indicates some people are beginning to feel scared. They want another passport. This means this is a way out if things get really tough in occupied Palestine. So you would think that most of them would be applying maybe for an American passport (or) an Australian passport maybe or a Canadian passport or maybe a South African passport; but you know most of them are applying for what type of passport? A German passport! Why would anyone want to go to Germany? How many million were killed there in the Holocaust? And they want to go back to Germany? This reminds me of the mosquitoes and the flies in attack on their own source of death. When they see fire or light they run to it. Are they running to another holocaust or what?! This doesn't make sense. In the past- recently I guess after Hizbullah in Lebanon managed to withstand its ground against the Israeli military action supported by American instigation and policies in 2006, (five years ago this week that war was in progress), and when the Israeli military machine could not win that war many people of common sense- Jews who are living in Occupied Palestine figured out "wait a minute here, things are beginning to look very tough for us here." They obtained one-hundred-thousand German passports. This is not mentioning the other passports. There are lesser numbers that are applying for other passports. One of the fear factors that also is dwelling in Israeli society- this was not the case before but in the recent past ten years- is that those who are living in the Northern parts of Palestine in the Akka area in the Saffad area, (if you're familiar with Palestine), are beginning to teach their children the Arabic language- it's mandatory. This is a new development. Why? As they are applying for all these passports they are teaching their children (and making it) compulsory on their children to learn the Arabic language. Are they sensing something in the future that the average person out there doesn't have a clue as to what is going to begin to happen in the coming years?
Now, when we take a look at what they call the Middle East, it's the Muslim East, and you take a look at that area there are only two powers in the normal definition of the word. There are two powers there- it's the Islamic Republic of Iran and it's the Zionist racist state of Israel. All of the others don't measure up. They're almost nil. These are the two powers. These are serious opposite powers. In the United States the Jewish community represented by AIPAC is pushing for war with the Islamic Republic of Iran. It's very obvious. Anyone with common sense cannot miss the fact that AIPAC and the majority Jewish community in the United States wants the United States to go to war with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The fact of the matter is that the United States has gone war in Iraq and Afghanistan for basically two reasons- first of all, to defend the Israeli nation state… You see, Bush's plan was a large plan. It wasn't just going to two countries- Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh no- those were the appetizers. He wanted much more. Remember- he was speaking about "democratising the Middle East." He wanted to begin with Afghanistan and Iraq and then go on to the rest of these nation states and then have a new, (what is called), Middle Eastern governmental order that reports to Washington. But he could not. American forces and American policies and American military and American power got stuck in Afghanistan and in Iraq. They are stuck there. They can't get out of that quick sand. So they couldn't go on and all of this was done for future national security- what is called national security of the Israeli nation state. You've been hearing in the news, (I hope), the United States can't pay their bills. The government in the United States no longer can pay its bills. It's gone bankrupt because of these policies. The wars that George W Bush began have cost $1.5trillion and the clock is ticking. Come August second and there's no type of agreement the government is not going to be able to pay the paycheques. There's not going to be any money for seven-million Americans who receive benefits from the social security administration if they don't find a solution and quick. Also there's going to be many federal employees that will not get their paycheque. When you look at all of this, the poor Americans political knowledge is very, very shallow. They can't figure out what is going on. They can't see the United States is going broke because of Israel. Israel is a holy cow in the American political community. They can't criticize Israel. The way the West is set up, you can deny God (and) you can deny the existence of God. When you deny the existence of God you are saluted as a person who is a free-thinker- they respect you. "Oh my God- you're very liberal. You're very intellectual. You deny God! You deny the existence of God!" (We're not saying this because we agree with this statement), but dare anyone in that very liberal and that very free-thinking society deny the holocaust. Now we're not saying that everyone should deny the holocaust; what we're trying to say is what's this? Be consistent with yourself! If you want to give people the liberty and the freedom to deny or affirm whatever they want (then) it should be across the board! But what do we have? We have Israel and its history become something like sacred scripture- more sacred than God Himself?! Astaghfirullah- but that's what we have.
The Bure research centre has run a survey recently (in) the past couple of months and it found out that the American public opinion now is more isolationist. (We're using their word. The key word here is isolationist. American public opinion now is more isolationist than it has ever been in the past fifty years. Now the word isolationist means that public mood in the United States no longer wants to be involved in these foreign adventures i.e. going out to distant lands and far away countries and trying to, (they tell us), "democratise them, modernise them, civilise them." The American public now have reached a point where it's sick and tired of its policies. Most of these policies are centred around (or) concentrated in the Muslim East. For example the Israeli nation state costs the American tax payer- every day America is paying for Israel $10million. This is at a time when fifty-million Americans don't have health insurance; that means every week in the United States eight-hundred people are dying because they don't have health insurance, they don't have access to hospitals and doctors that can tend for them and cure them. Eight-hundred every week! In a matter of just four weeks, less than a month, three-thousand-two-hundred die because the government cannot afford them health insurance. That's more that died on than 9/11 in those attacks on Washington and New York City.
In last year the Congress in the United States passed a bill demanding the release of Gilad Shalit. Now think about it for a moment- the Congress of the United States passing a bill for the release of an Israeli soldier who was taken in a bona fide, legal, legitimate act of war by the Palestinians- what is United States concerned for an Israeli trooper in Gazzah who was caught on a warfront when the United States is not even concerned that Israelis killed thirty-four American sailors?! In the 1967 war the USS liberty was bombed by the Israelis killing thirty-four servicemen wounding a hundred-and-seventy-four others and the United States never investigated any of this! Rachael Corrie, a young American citizen who volunteered her time to go and assist the Palestinians was run over (and) crushed to death by an Israeli soldier and the United States is not concerned that one of its citizens has been killed by the Israelis?! An American citizen-the Turkish young boy who last year was on the Mavi Marmara that flotilla on its way to Gazzah to give much needed support for a strangulated and starving population was killed point blank by the Israelis. He was shot three times in the back and he was shot point blank in the face twice- an American citizen. The United States doesn't care about him. There was no investigation by the United States. No one is telling us who is doing all this. It shows you quite clearly the bias that is built into American policies when it comes to Israel. (Take a) look at the standing ovations made to Netanyahu when he went to the American Congress. They kept on standing up. You'd think that they were in some kind of yoga classes. Twenty-nine times and this guy was spewing lies but that's who they worship. As far as Israeli politicians and Israel itself and as far as American politics is concerned, Israel has become a deity (and) a divinity. We don't even know who these killers in uniform are? That's one thing. If you want to do a little homework and research, find out the names of these Israeli Zionists in uniform. Who are they? Many of them have dual citizenship. They leave Israel and they spend some of their idle time in other countries. They may come to South Africa, they go to the United States, Canada, Australia or some other European country. They'll go there. We should know their names. They're killing us. They're crippling us and they say "this is an existential war." (It's) as if for them to exist we must die?! That's the only way it works in their mind. Ask yourself this question and once again, (we're just bringing you to your bare human element), we don't know how this happens- these Israeli soldiers go out there in Nablus, in Hebron in the Arab suburb of Jerusalem, in Ramallah and these other areas and then they begin to shoot and they kill and they maim children- five year olds, eight year olds, ten year olds. We can't understand this! When we think about this (and) think about it before you go to sleep or when you wake up or just for a few minutes- how does a person like that who has his own family most of the times, he has a wife, he has children come back and how does he behave at home? How can he be a normal human being going out there killing (and) shooting at innocent lives and then come back and look at your children? How can this be? Is there enough exclusiveness (and) enough hatred that makes this possible? What is this that makes this possible? We ask you and you ask yourselves and you ask others- how can this be a human being? How can he have a normal relationship with his wife? How can he kiss his young daughter or his young son after going out there and shedding innocent blood, stealing their lands, stealing their water, their aqua? The Israelis have swimming pools, they have tons and tons of water in their plush residencies and right around the valley corner there are the Palestinians who no longer have the water that used to belong to them?! How can these human beings breathe? How can they function in a family unit as family members? We don't know how this can happen but we are stuck with this problem. We are stuck with it and the solution is raw organic common sense justice- that's the solution to it. Let's not jump around. Is what is happening just? If it's not just then we have to face it. Once again, with all due respect to our, (we call them), brothers, Rabbi Weiss and Rabbi Kohen, this type of entity cannot be dismantled peacefully. We would like it to happen like that, we would pray that it could happen like that, but experience, history and revelation tell us that you cannot peacefully dismantle a Satanic construct. You can't peacefully bring down Satan. There's another solution for it and that's the final solution.
May the Almighty, All Merciful forgive us for our transgressions, may He correct our mistakes and may He guide us to a world of justice born of peace born of justice. May His peace and blessings be your share until it reaches those who are in much need of it in the Holy Lands.
Once again, thank you profusely.
Wa Salaamualaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh
We desire to expand and build on the designation of the day of Al Quds (designated by the late Imam Al Khomeini to be commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadhan in recognition of the suffering meted out to the Palestinians and the oppressed peoples of the world), and will be insha'Allah be running a weekly additional Khutbah on Al Quds. We pray that Allah raises the awareness of people regarding the suffering of the people of Quds and the other oppressed peoples so that the designation of the last Friday to ensconce the realities in the lives of oppressed people in our minds will culminate into a daily occurrence.
This presentation was presented by Imam Muhammad Al Asi in South Africa on 31 July 2011 at the International NGO Conference for Palestine. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige. 

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