THE STREET MIMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (23 March 2012) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Brothers and sisters …
Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
Audio on (04-11-2009)
So here we have Wahhabism that never- they have a history now that dates back from the eighteenth century. By the way, this guy, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, lived a long life. He didn't die until about 1792 or 1793. So he lived around ninety years. That's a long life. He didn't live up until the time when Bonaparte came and invaded Egypt and Colonialism now was a more significant source but the people who came after him obviously lived during the years of British and French Colonialism in the area but never have the Wahhabis fought against foreign occupiers since they came into existence. So you can right now understand the comfortable relationship that the Imperialists have right now with the government of Saudi Arabia that says that "it is the heir to Wahhabism." It sits very well. (Take a) look at this from Washington DC, London and Paris- there's a Saudi Arabian government that has a religious establishment that looks at other Muslims and considers other Muslims to be Kafirs. What better than that or what else can you call for?! What else do you want in, of all geographies of the world, in the country of the Haramayn? They consider all others who are not Wahhabis and Salafis to be Kafirs, not only Shi'as. Some people are under the false impression that these people consider Shi'ites to be Kafirs- no-no-no! Relax. They consider all other Muslims who are not Salafis and Wahhabis to be Kafirs. This is very unfortunate that we have a regime like this. We just had a few months ago an attack that was on Ghazzah. All the world saw this. There were some Muslim scholars who went to Saudi Arabia who said "look- don't you think this is the time to come to support your Muslim brothers?" They said "no, we're not going to support them." You can understand the rationale. If, in their internal minds, these are not Muslims, then they can easily say "we're not going to support them." To pin them down even more, they said "why don't you give some of money to Muslims who are in need right now? To HAMAS?" Because they have a lot of finances lodged everywhere around the world. HAMAS is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. They've been elected by the people in Ghazzah and these elections were supervised by international personnel (and) supervisors who went there to see that this is a free and fair election and so HAMAS comes to power. So what did this king, the same king that is in Arabia right now say to these Islamic scholars who spoke to him about this? He said "we will give our money to the Palestinian Authority" which is Mahmoud Abbas and his capitulationists. We will give it to them but we won't give it to HAMAS." To an average Muslim this may not make sense, but the more you understand the Wahhabi psychology, the more you will understand why they will withhold this support from those who are "more Muslim" and they are more liberal at giving this support to those who are "less Muslim" in the real sense of the word. The Wahhabis can easily say that they find no affinity with other Muslims but they can find affinity with Christians. In their internal thoughts and mind this is perfectly Islamic because these people who say that they are Muslims are not Muslims because they are guilty of Shirk. (You) see, to begin with, they don't validate schools of thought. They say there's no such thing as Hanafi school of thought, there's no such thing as Shafi'i school of thought, there's no such thing as Maliki school of thought." The Hanbalis they have a problem with; they argue this back-and-forth because that's "there man" and he has had, historically a school of thought so the argument around him becomes murky but when it come to al madaris al fiqhiyyah i.e. the Islamic schools of thought, they invalidate them and there's no such thing. So, therefore, another Muslim who says "I consider myself belonging to the Shafi'i school of thought", they come and say "we're sorry. If that's your case we really don't consider you to be a Muslim." OK- but when it comes to a Christian and a Jew, they say "well these are Ahl Al Kitab." With all that they do?! OK- a Muslim is not a Muslim in their opinion because. Let's say, he follows a certain school of thought or he has some Sashays' tendencies or some Tasawwuf tendencies so in their eye he's not a Muslim, but these people who have their cross and icons in their Churches and all of these bid'ahs and Shirkiyaat and everything they talk about, they are Ahl Al Kitab?!?! I mean, can't they see?! The problem is that when you're speaking to these types of people, there's no mind to speak to. They've done away with rationality a long time ago, so how are you going to make sense with them if they don't employ their own minds? So that explains to you why, for example, during the Lebanese civil war - remember in the 1980's there was a very serious war going on in Lebanon and it turned into one that is basically Christian on one side and Muslims on the other side- and guess who the Saudis were supporting? They were sending their money to the Christians because they said "the Christians are Ahl Al Kitab and these Muslims in Lebanon are guilty of Shirk and Kufr. Why should we be supporting them?"
You may not know this, but there's a news item just a few days ago that the king- king Abdullah- invited a Jewish doctor from California . (By the way, I'm curious- did anyone hear this news item?) You see- it doesn't make it around. The mainstream media is even protecting them very well. This is what happened. In the past few weeks there's a doctor who lives in California . I think it's in the Los Angeles area. He gets a note saying "you have been nominated to receive a scholarly or scientific award from Saudi Arabia ." This guy was surprised on this. He was there. He checked. This was for real. This was no fake. This was the real thing. So he takes his passport to the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles and his passport is an American passport but it has Israeli visas on it. He's gone to Israel multiple times and the Saudi Arabian government didn't have any problem issuing him the visa. They give his a visa right next to the Israeli visa on an American passport! This is a country and a government that says "we are against Israel " and all of this stuff. So he flies over with his wife. His wife was born in Tel Aviv. She's Israeli by birth. He has three children. I don't know if he took all three of them but he took part of his family with him and he is received by the king of Saudi Arabia . It wasn't like they had some scientific committee to meet him. No. He was received like a hero of some sort. Red carpet reception; the whole honorary protocol that they receive official guests with and they took him to the king with the translators and all. He said he was treated like royalty. Of course, they gave him the cash prize. It was a cash prize, no cheque- $200,000 "for your contribution to medicine." I don't know what he contributed to medicine! I'm sure we have probably scores of Muslim doctors who have contributed the same thing but in this Wahhabi mind what we call a Muslim doctor is a Mushrik doctor so "we're not going to give any money to him! We'll give it to someone, you know, who's Ahl Al Kitab." Some person who is Israeli and Zionist and they get away with all of this.
You've heard- Muslims in Ghazzah wanted to go to Hajj and they were not given the visas by the Saudi government to go to Hajj. This was before the massacre, before this Israeli war on Ghazzah. They said "no, you can't come" and they didn't go. It also took Isma'eel Haniyah who is the elected Head of Ghazzah who personally contacted the Defense Minister and the king himself; he said: we have around three-thousand or so Muslims who want to go for Hajj. Please issue them the visa." This is what they told him, "you will not be disappointed. Things will be alright. They'll be worked out." So Isma'eel Haniyah was under the impression they're going to issue the visas. When someone tells you "we're not going to disappoint you; we're going to work this thing out; things will be alright" he was under the impression they're going to issue the visas so he turns to his people and tells them "Insha'Allah it's just a matter of a few days and everything will be alright. The visas are going to be issued and you'll be on your way to Hajj." It never happened. You can understand right now, if we are guilty of these "shirkiyat" as they call it i.e. shirk crimes. If we Muslims are in their judgment and in their perspective that type of people, then it's no big deal not going to Hajj (and) massacring Muslims around the Ka'bah.
You remember 1987 and the Makkah massacre. They killed four-hundred people around the Ka'bah and it's no big deal. Even their own types, Salafis, who took issue with this Saudi-Wahhabi political crime and you remember 1979 when the Haram was taken over. What did the Saudis do? These are their own students and they did something like that and they had no problems calling on "Ahl Al Kitab." They called on the Germans and the French military to come into the Ka'bah to cleanse these "Mushriks" out of the Ka'bah. These are their own students but the French and the Germans are "Ahl Al Kitab."
Not many people know that managing much of the finances and money flow in and out of that country is done by Lebanese Christians. Why? They are Ahl Al Kitab." In this warped Wahhabi understanding of things they can trust Ahl Al Kitab- Zionist and Imperialist Ahl Al Kitab; but Muslims who are trying to be Muslims, whichever way they can, "it's alright to treat them the way we're treating them. Bring them to chop-chop square that they have there." After Jum'ah prayers, their execution is in one of the lots outside the main Masjid in Riyadh or in some other place. They bring Pakistanis, they bring Africans, they bring Bangladeshis, people from South Asia and people from all across the African continent if they steal something. They don't know why they stole it; maybe they're in need or something. You stole something that qualifies you to have your hand cut, so we're going to take you there and chop your hand off and they do it The same thing is done for sexual offences. If someone is caught having illicit sex, then they go and they execute the person if he happens to be "a Muslim"; but if he happens to be "Ahl Al Kitab" then, "oh no- send them back." When was the last time you heard someone… They found some people who in a court of law could have been found guilty of these serious crimes but the British government interfered or the American government interfered or any one of these "Ahl Al Kitab" governments interfered and these people (who) may have been behind bars for some time, in jail or in prison but they were set free or released. Nothing was done against them. This once again goes back to this very serious misunderstanding of Islam out of which came this accusation of takfir.
The issue of takfir now is an issue that is disturbing Islamic societies. In Pakistan you have groups of people who look at other Muslims and say "you're a Kafir." This accusation of kufr called takfir becomes very serious to the extent that Muslims now can justify going to war against each other because someone is saying "you're a Kafir." When we trace all of this back, it goes to a person like Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and those who think along the same lines.
With the Israeli occupation of Palestine and with the Muslim world now witnessing the first chapters of its renewal (and) of its resumption of its Islamic responsibilities and future they need this type of takfiri theological brainwashing inside Islamic populations to destabilize these populations; therefore we've heard in Iraq, the issue of takfir that is being used. In India and Pakistan now the same thing is going on over there. We have it moving in parts of North Africa and when you take a close look, where is all of this coming from? You inevitably wind up realizing that it has come from this Wahhabi distortion of Islam. They never take a look at the political and the military forces that are in the world. That never comes under their observation. Ask they, "so what do you think about the Zionists who are occupying Palestine ?" Where do you put them in your Islamic vocabulary? What type of words? Do you have the word takfir that you can use against the Zionists? Or the word takfir that you can use against an Imperialist?" What happened? Why is this word absent when we're speaking about Zionism and we're speaking about Imperialism? What do they say about them? They have nothing to say because they're empty-minded! That's why, (let's take an example), when it comes to the issue of Hajj and the bara'ah from the Mushrikin, they say "this is a bid'ah and it comes from people who are not Muslims so we can't have a bara'ah from the Mushrikin in the Hajj." Why? Didn't the Prophet have the bara'ah from the Mushrikin in the Hajj? The Mushrikun have gone away?! There's no longer any Mushriks in the world?! And if there are Mushriks in the world, it's the Muslims?! If you press them on the issue, then who's the Mushriks in the world, they're going to dig into their literature and in their books and say "we found out that the Mushriks in the world are the Muslims" because that's exactly what exists in their books?! So tell us, is this not a god-send to the Imperialists and to the Zionists to have to have a theological internal Islamic school of thought that turns Muslims into Mushriks and turns the Imperialists and Zionists into Ahl Al Kitab? You can't ask for anything better from a Zionist-Imperialist perspective. That's a god-send! That's why, with all of this that's going on in the world, they preserve and they protect and they don't want to say what's going on in Saudi Arabia . You see the Zionists and Imperialists picking on Iran . For example, when it comes to the issue of who needs liberation they say "there should be women's liberation in Iran " but they don't say there should be women's liberation in Saudi Arabia ! When you take a look at the status of women in Saudi Arabia under this Wahhabi regime and you take a look at the status of women in Iran- if you're talking about women as students, they're the majority of students in the Universities, (they'll tell you). If you're looking at women pursuing their careers, they're out there driving, they're in the bazaar. No one is telling them you can't do whatever you have to do as a responsibility because you're a woman! No one says that! So where are these human rights organizations and the media and all of this when in Saudi Arabia a woman cannot drive a car?! A woman has to be chauffeured. Imagine if a wife or a mother wants to go to the supermarket; she needs a chauffeur to take her in her own car to the supermarket. So what happened here? How conflicting can you be? The chauffeur is a man and she's a woman and they're in the same car! She can't drive her own car?! But when you get into this mind, these are the types of conflicting interpretations that they have. They feel comfortable with someone else driving the car with their own wives or whoever but for her to drive? No. And here you see the Western press not saying anything about this. As if this is normal! It doesn't bother them; just like the press doesn't say anything about, (not to get off the subject), the outcasts or the untouchables who are about two-hundred-million people in India . They can speak about Muslim women in India and Pakistan and how they are "oppressed" but in India you have as a matter of history and as a matter of culture and as a matter of social norm the permissibility of an upper cast person picking some of these girls who have to offer them their bodies for the sexual gratification of the upper cast person- this is normal and it's done probably in the tens of thousands as an everyday activity. No one's around to report on this. It's the same way they're protecting Saudi Arabia . All of this is to tray and assault the true Muslims who can identify the enemies of the Muslims and take them on. The Wahhabis in their brief history of violent wars killed Muslims who were unarmed (and) innocent. They tried to put together a military that fought against the Ottoman state. They have no compunctions about Muslims being massacred anywhere by other forces without them showing any interest in these other Muslims and they seem to be getting away with that simply because they have the money to allocate to different organizations- Islamic organizations, (we're not talking about other seculars and all of this that they pay also), but we're talking about Islamic organizations so that Muslims keep silent about the crimes that this Saudi regime is getting away with. Some people developed a mode of silence towards Saudi Arabia . We don't know why; we can't understand it. There may be some political trade-offs that are going on, (i.e.) remain silent about the Saudis during these times and all of this. A munkar is a munkar and Saudi Arabia and it's distortion of Islam is a munkar that has to be exposed and it has to be exposed on the basis of Allah and His Prophet anytime anywhere. Some people sort of want to speak in an emotional sense against the Wahhabis; we think emotions should be excluded from this area and they should be presented with the record and with the facts and with the truth. No one here is trying to exaggerate anything or malign anything; we're trying to stick with the facts and with the truth. They are condemned by what they said and what they say and they are condemned by what they did and by what they are doing today. All of that is enough to condemn them. We don't see any excuse for anyone remaining silent about this type of regime.
In the past couple of weeks the Saudi regime has been deporting Egyptians back to Egypt and when you ask them why are they deporting these Egyptians back to Egypt they say "they are here illegally." How can you be in Hejaz illegally? Has anyone just taken a moment to think about this? How can a Muslim be in Al Hejaz or in Makkah or in Al Madinah illegally? Who said that? Where did that come from? What basis? They are the ones who say "we are Salafis, we go back to the text, to the Book of Allah, to the Sahaba, to the Tabi'een, to the Tabi'ee At Tabi'een." Where did any of them say it is illegal for a Muslim to be here? Where did they come up with that? But no one is taking a stand. With all of these crimes against the Muslims and all of these crimes against humanity that they have their hand in not many people want to expose them. We still don't understand why. There should be an uproar against these Saudi types.
Recently, also in the past week, they passed a law in Saudi Arabia .
And don't spy upon each other (Surah Al Hujurat verse 12)
They want to put cameras in internet cafes. This is an area in which you may be on your file just like you are in your home. This is a privacy. They want to watch a person in his privacy and they want to get away with that? It's not enough that they put these cameras in the Haram (and) in the Masajid that they think are going to go radical. They have their cameras there and now they're bringing it into the internet café?! Where are they going to put them next time around? In people's homes? Where are they going with this? They get away with all of this! This should be public knowledge (and) public information. All Muslims should be speaking about the violation of the sanctity of this coming history and geography of the Muslims. Unfortunately not many people are doing this and because of that the Saudi-Wahhabi regime is getting away, literally, with genocide against innocent people. Of course, inside the Saudi-Wahhabi structure there are forces that are somehow amenable to some type of understanding and there are others who are actually the fanatical types and they don't want to hear anything from anyone. There answer to anything is just to use force, especially when it comes to Muslims. They will hit, they will kill, they will do whatever is necessary when it comes to Muslims but when it comes to anyone else we haven't seen any action on their behalf.
We hope, somehow, in a sense we've relayed to you what this aberration of Islam is in Arabia is.
We pray and we ask and we plead with Allah to cleanse Al Hejaz from these corrupt rulers and to relieve the Muslims of these evil decision makers and to erase them and their regime from the face of the earth. When that day comes, it shall be a day of celebration for the Muslims and for the rest of humanity.
Wa Salaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on 11 April 2009. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.
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