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Thursday, February 2, 2012



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (3 February 2012)
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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the
Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed brothers and committed sisters in Islam…
Most of the Muslims have an impression that is fragmented about the first person who set into motion whatever portions of Islam we have with us today- obviously that was Rasulillah. Most of these Muslims cannot see the Prophet's total activities. They look at his personal efforts. We have been trying for years to reconstruct the distilled larger coordinated, synchronised, proportional picture in which Allah's Prophet was operating. This is the area in which most of us, the Muslims, have failed. We will continue to contribute to that effort. We mentioned that Allah's Prophet- our guide, our teacher- spent a lifetime to have Makkah independent and free; a place that belongs to Allah and doesn't belong to Mushriks human beings. The Prophet of Allah was involved in an extended jihad to return to Makkah from where he was forced to leave. Many Muslims listen when a preacher of a speaker says "the Prophet said…" OK- what did he say? Everyone is ears! We don't have, (as a general observation and rule), speakers and preachers who say to the Muslims "the Prophet did this…" When can we make that transition from understanding what the Prophet said to understanding what the Prophet did, both of which is binging upon us? Allah is speaking to his Prophet    
And say to them: do something for Allah will see what you are doing and the Prophet and the committed Muslims … (Surah At Tawbah verse 105)
We're sure you've heard this ayah many times before but it probably did not dawn on you that wait a minute here, Allah and His Prophet want us to do something simply because there are speakers in the Masajid and over the airwaves and all over the place who want you to be satisfied with a Prophet that says and by omission a Prophet that does not do. You see- Allah is telling His Prophet to
say to them: to act, to work, to do something … (Surah At Tawbah verse 105)
Not just to be satisfied with "the Prophet said…" and then to be satisfied with whatever hadith is quoted. So the Prophet- who's supposed to be our leading example- was there doing things in his twenty-three years, what was he doing? He was just sitting on a chair and saying things?! He was ascending a mimbar and giving khutbahs without having his deed go before his word?! How do you conceive of him? How do you think of him? How are you satisfied with a speaking Prophet and not a doing Prophet?! Have you ever asked yourself that? So we're trying throughout all of these khutbahs to take a look and understand what Allah's Prophet was doing. If we understand what he's doing we understand what he's saying. So, (we sort of reached the last couple of years in his lifetime, of his seerah), we observed that the Prophet in all of these years was trying to liberate Makkah, (hopefully an observation that will have our doing character kick in). We've been so motionless for all of these generations and all of these years and hopefully now we can get a stimulus to understand that we have to begin doing something). That's probably the most comfortable word we can use; it's not the most accurate but the most comfortable word we can use. When you listen to "the Prophet said this and the Prophet said that…" it's in the context that the Prophet spent all of these years to liberate Makkah- a context that goes un-noticed by these speakers and preachers and therefore by the watchers and the listeners. Most of the instructions that he voiced were in this context. We saw how he entered into alliances with Muslims and non-Muslims in Arabia. For what reason? Why was he doing this? What was his objective? His objective in all of this was to return to Makkah and free Makkah from the Mushriks and false authorities and false gods and false powers.
So in the ninth year of the hijra- that's almost twenty-two years after
Read/Proclaim in the name of your Lord who created (Surah Alaq verse 1)
Oh you who are enwrapped or enshrouded (Surah Al Mudaththir verse 1)
the power structure in Makkah crumbled in the perception of all the people around it whether they were in Yemen, whether they were in Hadhramaut, whether they were in Bahrain, whether they were in Hejaz, whether they were in Najd; wherever they were the power structure of Makkah in their minds finally eroded. Makkah now (and) the Mushriks of Makkah don't seem like they have the punching power and the striking power that they used to have in the days of Badr, in the days of Uhud and even in the days of Khandaq just a few years prior. How did this come about? Because the Prophet was academically sitting in a Masjid teaching people the fine points of fiqh? Is that how it happened? Read what he did; you'll understand- No, that wasn't how it happened. You had the committed Muslims mind fixated, (to put it in a more dramatic term), he had the Muslim public mind obsessed with liberating Makkah. This is the Prophet's Sunnah. This is the Prophet's Seerah. This is the Prophet's plan of action. This was the Prophet's strategy and in all the words and quotes and statements that are attributed to Allah's Prophet barely any speaking Muslim places the Prophet's statements in this context.
So in the ninth year of the hijra the Prophet now had ten-thousand committed Muslims and accompanying Muslims approach Makkah. They were armed. Remember, between a year and a year-and-a-half prior to this there was an agreement between the committed Muslims of Al Madinah and the hostile Mushriks of Makkah. There was an agreement called Sulh Al Hudaybiyah and none of them are going to be belligerent to the other. OK- we neutralize our armed forces for these ten years but here, the Prophet and the ten-thousand Muslims who are with him are in a non-belligerent manner approaching Makkah. Remember, after al of these years this final day has arrived. (It is) true that they were armed by they were not coming with the intention of doing war but they had to be prepared. Who knows what the intentions of the Mushriks are when they see that Muslims now are coming to Makkah. So they came prepared. One of the statements that the Prophet said- in this context when he knew that the Makkans realised that they are no longer any match to the Prophet and the committed Muslims that were on the rise in the world of that day- whoever enters the home of Abu Sufyan is safe, whoever enters his own home is safe and whoever enters Al Masjid Al Haram, the Ka'bah area is safe. At this juncture there are some Muslims who may be asking: Abu Sufyan is the last avowed enemy of Allah's Prophet, so why is Allah's Prophet saying to the people of Makkah whoever goes to his place is secure- no one is going to bother them, no one is going to pursue them, no one is going to take them to court, no one is going to execute them? Of course, the other two places (i.e.) if you stay at home (and) you lock your doors you're fine and if you go to Al Masjid Al Haram and you stay there you're also secure of any possibility of the law catching up with you, (so to speak). So out of these areas, some people ask "why did the Prophet, knowing who Abu Sufyan is and what he did in the past, say this to these people?" The best answer we can give to this is the Prophet obviously knew his enemies. He knew the shifty characters that they may have but this is not an issue between Allah's Prophet and one individual. This is an issue between Allah's Prophet and a society, a city state. We're not looking at this one-on-one; if you're looking at this as one-on-one then you begin to harbour some question marks as to why something like this was said and done? When you look at it in the larger picture you know that Allah's Prophet is on one hand expressing his triumph over these enemies of almost twenty-three years and now he has the authority, he has the power and he has the type of amnesty to show to this larger society concerning this one person. Another explanation to this is there's a concept of al mu'allafah qulubuhum in Islam. You want to win over the hearts of those who just verbalised their iman. They just said Ash hadu an la Ilaha illa Allah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. We know there was a problem with Abu Sufyan at the beginning saying this. He said OK, I can say Ash hadu an la Ilaha illa Allah but I have difficulties saying wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. The Prophet's uncle Al Abbas was there and he heard what Abu Sufyan had said and the Prophet of Allah via his uncle, via other personalities and people knew what this character was but this wasn't a one-on-one issue. This was an issue between two power blocs so you have to understand the statement of Allah's Prophet in the plan of action that he was in. This is where Muslims are absent minded. As we said at the beginning of the khutbah, this is where most Muslims cannot think of what Allah's Prophet is saying in the context of his actions and his sacrifices and his strategy. When that happened, Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, objected. (Take a) look at what power does to individuals- there's a corrupt personality here. Even though there was a gesture of goodwill from Allah's Prophet by stating what he said Hind could not reconcile herself with this change of power and she began to instigate some people to kill her own husband. As we said, there is here a non-belligerent pact between the Muslims who were coming to Makkah and the Mushriks who were residents of Makkah but even though this was the case- and this tells you brothers and sisters, when Muslims sign on to an agreement they honour their words. Be careful of treachery that comes from the other side who signs the same agreement but does not honour it's word. What happened? Some of the Mushriks of Makkah with the power faction of Bani Bakr violated Sulh Al Hudaybiyah by attacking Al Khaza'ah which is a power faction that was allied to the Prophet of Allah and to Al Madinah. So who breaks agreements? Who violates the terms of these agreements? Are we going to learn from this? Are we going to be prepared for equal things happening? Brothers and sisters- we have to remind you that when you are listening to this khutbah, it is not meant to just offer you some information. And because of the limitations of time we can't bring you every detail of today's khutbah into today's world. There are Muslims today who consider themselves in the line of Allah's Prophet and who may be entering into some understanding with the hostile forces out there. These are people in the Islamic Movement, these are members of Islamic Parties; they have followers in the hundreds of thousands and followers in the tens of millions. Do they show us- the same way Allah's Prophet was taking his precautions, and we can read this in what he did- that they are taking the same precautions that they are going to be stabbed in the back by those who reached an understanding with them? Look- you will be able to climb the political ladder in your country; you will become Ministers and you will become Officials. You know the countries we are referring to because this has been an issue now (that is) a year or more old. Before this day of triumph took place Abu Sufyan had gone to Al Madinah and he tried to beg the Muslims in Al Madinah to extend the Agreement of Al Hudaybiyah beyond ten years. This is another indication of how Makkah had come down to its knees vis a vis Al Madinah but they would not receive him in Al Madinah. He stayed there for an extended period of time. He stayed in Al Madinah for so long that his buddies in Makkah thought maybe he became a Muslim and he deserted us. Why has he been there for so long? His own daughter Umm Habibah (radi Allahu anha) who was married to Allah's Prophet refused to have her father sit in the company of Allah's Prophet. He went to, what we may call, the Prophet's inner circle and he wanted to speak to them. They didn't want to even see him or talk to him. How did this happen? Ask yourself in the comfort of your own thoughts and your own soul: how does this happen? In today's world we have a character that has so much power representing a hostile force towards Muslims and then all of a sudden they go to an Islamic seat of power and they beg for conciliation of an extended period of time?! This didn't come through academics. It didn't come through the splitting-hair details of fiqhi matters. It came through a strategy and a struggle. It came by individuals who were doing things first and then explaining or commenting on them later. So the Prophet of Allah ordered and instructed the ten-thousand individuals now to light ten thousand fires on the outskirt of Makkah. This is a projection of power. Why would he do something like that? Because he wanted the people of Makkah now who had lost their military nerve and lost their military backbone to now see with their own eyes in the night. Its different when you see ten-thousand individuals in the day time than seeing ten-thousand sources of fire during the night time. Now tell us: was the Prophet of Allah not a person who configured the issues of power in his mind? When you read this, what do you think? Are you thinking to begin with and are you placing these developments in their proper context? He knew, like any leader or any Commander would know, that after all these years there's a good degree of trying to get even. It's only a matter of justice to bring those who were responsible for the deaths and the wars and the conspiracies and the lies of the past twenty-two years to have them put in a court of law or short of that to have them executed. Some of them were war criminals. You don't hear these words very often (i.e.) Muslims speaking about Allah's Prophet, speaking about Allah's Prophet Seerah and then saying the words war criminal- some Mushriks were war criminals. Yes they were. What's wrong? We can't use contemporary language to reflect our historical facts? What's wrong with us? So the Prophet said to the public opinion on his side, to the committed Muslims, (and we quote), it is not permitted for a committed Muslim who affirms Allah's authority and power and who affirms the coming of the final day to shed blood in it, (meaning Makkah), it's also not permitted for such a person to take down any trees. Allah has permitted His Messenger an hour of day, (meaning for Allah's Messenger there has been a short exemption to this rule),; it's sanctity now has returned to it, (meaning Makkah), as it was in the past. Let the witness convey this to the absentee. When you read this hadith and then you think about Makkah in the past years, is there shedding of blood in Makkah? Where were the Muslims? Where are the Muslims who look at action- the shedding of blood and not the shedding of just any blood, (the blood of), committed Muslims, devout Muslims, dedicated Muslims were killed in Makkah in disregard, in disrespect, in dejection of this hadith of this policy, of this rule. It happened in our life. We're not talking history; these things happened way back in history. If we wanted to go back to history books the Ka'bah itself was subjected to the catapult and destroyed but we're not talking history here. We can't do anything about history. We can't go back a thousand-three-hundred-and-fifty years and get involved; we can understand them, we can analyse them. We are responsible for today. What is happening today? We are not ever going to be able to present the Islamic character of Allah's Prophet in our behaviour if we don't look at what's happening today. These people who rule over there, these neo-Mushriks go and they open fire on Muslims in the Ka'bah in Al Masjid Al Haram and the general Muslim public is on mental leave. It's like nothing happened. The Prophet of Allah did not teach us what this city is all about- the sanctity, the sacredness, the holiness of this city!? Why did he liberate it? So that we can have criminals killing Muslims in Al Bayt Al Haram, in Makkah, in the Ka'bah?! Is that what it was all about? And in our lifetime, (and we're speaking about those who are at least forty years or older who can remember what happened around thirty years ago)- in 1979 and 1980. Then on another occasion, in 1987, when these Mushrik rulers opened fire on the hujjaj killing four-hundred odd Muslims and Muslimahs performing there hajj. These Mushriks in Arabia bring in troops from alien countries with their boots, with their military gear "to flood the Ka'bah underground channels with water (to) flood them out. Use tear gas open up on them with your guns and machine guns." Let the blood of the Muslims flow in this place! This statement from Allah's Prophet forbidding any shedding of any blood in this place was a matter of policy. It wasn't an academic statement. How did the Prophet enter Makkah? Remember- there was twenty-two years of hostility and the Prophet of Allah comes back to Makkah from which he was expelled. How does he enter Makkah? He puts his face down. No arrogance, no haughtiness, no pomp and glory. He put his head down with tears in his eyes he enters this hostile land as a liberator. This character of Allah's Prophet is drowned out by those who quote him so frequently, more than they quote the Qur'an, yet fail to place his words in the context of his actions.
Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…
As you may have observed throughout all of these years we try to make a transition from the first khutbah into the second khutbah by placing some events from our time, from our day into the general theme of the khutbah. The Mushriks of old and the Mushriks of now who rule in Arabia have no compunctions, they have no living conscience when it comes to battling an Islam of independence and an Islam of self-determination. They sense the fact of their loss of power. This is what's happening in today's Arabia. The rulers there know- not because of their brilliance but because of the information that comes their way from their sponsors and their superiors- that if things continue the way they have been going in the past years their throne is in danger. Their grab of power will not survive. So what do they try to do? They try to go on an offensive. How do they do this? They do this by relying on certain individuals and certain Islamic groupings to begin to shake the status quo in the area. What do we mean by this? We mean by this that now, in the past months and in the middle of this movement of people that we all have been privy to watching in the past year, they want to instigate a sectarianism that will cause the Islamic momentum to implode. The ruling family of Qurayshi Arabia are placing right now- just today and yesterday- they are recognising officially and by largess and payments a certain opposition group in Syria. It hopes and it prays that this will turn the tide of the past years and have Muslims among themselves consuming their own lives in an internecine warfare. That's what they perceive on orders from their masters here, in this area. Some Muslims have fallen for this. Some Muslims can't see what the larger picture is. Just like they can't see what the strategy of Allah's Prophet is, they can't see what the strategy of today's Mushriks is. The same mistake (and) the same fault is back at play however way you look at it. If you go to a Masjid and listen to a khateeb on the mimbar he can't see the strategy of those years and he can't see the strategy of today. If you come to the average Muslim and probe his internal thoughts- we lucky if he does have internal thoughts- do you see the strategy of Allah's Prophet? He'll say "what are you talking about?!" The word strategy and Allah's Prophet in one sentence?! They never heard of it! You ask him: what's happening today? Can you see, can you look around and detect the larger picture in which this is happening? He's still empty minded! "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Yes- there are grievances; there are victims in all Muslim lands but what justifies for them- especially those who belong to an Islamic Movement background- signing on to an agreement away from the public eye to accommodate the status quo in all of the area and concentrate on the fiqhi issues? Of course, the Imperialists and the Zionists will be happy- "oh yes, sure. You want to have your internal Islamic classes and educational system and even your legal laws? We have no problems with that. You can become carbon copies of these regimes in Arabia- Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, their mother Saudi Arabia. If that's what you want to be in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and all of these places- by all means. We have a lot in common here. Come. Let's sit down and work this thing out." Is this what Islam is all about?! The movement and momentum of Islamic Movements and sacrifices in the past hundred years right now culminate in this agreement with the Mushrik powers of the world, the nuclear powers in the world, the oppressive powers in the world, the racist powers in the world? That we sit down and we will have a cloning of Saudi Arabia in all of these other areas where there are these people's movements?! This is what happens when we have Muslims who are not permitted to think outside of the box. Go to any Masjid around here- do you watch or see people who are thinking outside of that Saudi-Mushrik/American-Imperialist/Israeli-Zionist box that they have been in all of these years? Do you see them? If you don't then you understand the contents of what has been just said.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 27 January 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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