THE STREET M JUM'AH KHUTBAH (20 January 2012) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed Muslims …
Audio on (01-13-2012)
We follow in the footsteps of Allah's Prophet as he teaches us and all generations how to socially and politically and militarily behave but some Muslims display an attitude and a behavior even though they confess with their tongues and with their words their dedication to Allah's Prophet but when it comes to their actions and their policies they act in a different manner. We followed Allah's Prophet as he was moving in on Makkah. He was expelled from Makkah under a death threat. He went to Yathrib which became his Madinah and during seven and eight years the legitimacy of Islam began to nibble at the illegitimacy of the Mushriks. And finally we spoke about, (what we called), Umrah Al Hudaybiyah and Umrah Al Qada'. One of the stipulations of the Hudaybiyah agreement was Muslims will be permitted the following year to go to Makkah or to come to Makkah to perform their Umrah. Now we take a closer look at what happened when the Muslims now were performing their Umrah in Makkah.
First of all we noticed that the popularity and the official status of Quraysh and its legitimacy now were no longer what they were in all of the years before. There was an erosion of the Mushrik or the Qurayshi control and the legitimacy over Makkah and over other parts of Arabia . So now that the Muslims were given three days according to the Articles in Al Hudaybiyah to perform their Umrah in Makkah they entered Makkah and we said that the heads of the Mushriks could not tolerate this. They were fighting the Prophet verbally, socially, economically, politically, militarily for the past seventeen or eighteen years. Now the Prophet with two-thousand Muslims entered Makkah and not only entered Makkah but are also performing their tawaf around the Ka'bah. The Mushrik heads could not tolerate this so they withdrew from Makkah and went out to the surrounding higher elevations, to the hills around Makkah and watched the Muslims as they were inside of Makkah. The Prophet at this time ordered Bilal (radi Allahu anhu) to ascend the Ka'bah and to begin to express the adhan from the Ka'bah. Brothers and committed Muslims- you're going to have to visualize this in all of its psychological and social variables these two sides which were at war for all of these years one side, which was the Prophet and the Muslims, having a person like Bilal who was a slave in the dispensation of Quraysh, in the territory of Quraysh . Just seventeen or eighteen years ago he was tortured by Quraysh and was going to die because of their torture (and) now they look at this person and they see that he is standing on the Ka'bah and he is saying the adhan. When they saw this there were couple of individuals who couldn't control themselves. They had to express what was inside of them so Ikrama ibn Abi Jahl said, (which means), Allah has honored Aba Al Hakam- that's the nick name of his father Abu Jahl- now his son is saying Allah has honored my father because my father now cannot listen, cannot hear what this person is saying, (this is in reference to Bilal when he was vocalizing when he was publicizing the adhan). Safwan ibn Umayyah said the same thing. Suhayl ibn Amr, this is the person who was writing (or) was participating in drafting the agreement of Al Hudaybiyah, put his hands over his face because he didn't want (or) he couldn't believe his eyes (and) what is transpiring in front of him. The feelings and emotions that were circulating in the psychologies of these officials and these elites were feelings of what we call today racism and nationalism and classism and all of these other feelings that come to the fore when people at that high materialistic rank in society look at those who were slaves, those who were oppressed and now they see that they have gained status in this new coming of Islam. The Mushriks had to watch two-thousand Muslims now who were going around the Ka'bah and the Prophet leading them in prayer, in as salah. These three days to these Mushriks seemed like they were a life time; they would not end! Remember Al Hudaybiyah did not stipulate, it didn't say, there's nothing in the agreement of Al Hudaybiyah that these Mushriks had to leave Makkah but they left because they could not bear being side-to-side with Muslims now who are a new community that has come of age and now because of the power factor it has gained this popularity in the Arabian Peninsula. So the Muhajirun who were expelled from Makkah were going back to their own homes, to their own neighborhoods, visiting their relatives and they were doing this in security. There were no threats. Why? Because Quraysh now felt the power presence of the committed Muslims. After these three days were over Suhayl ibn Amr- the same person who was communicating with the Muslims when they were writing the Hudaybiyah agreement- came up to the Prophet and he said to him your time is over now. The three days that we agreed upon in Al Hudaybiyah have lapsed now you can leave. It just happened that the Prophet of Allah had proposed to the aunt of Khalid ibn Al Waleed and was going to marry her. He wanted to marry her in Makkah so he told, he asked, he wanted to invited the residents of Makkah, the decision makers in Makkah over to what we call today a banquet, a good amount of food that is attended by a good amount of people and then to attend also "the Prophet's wedding." This same guy tells Allah's Prophet we have no need for your food or for your festivity. Now brothers and committed Muslims, (we want to mention here something very important because many people read this); there are books on Seerah, this information is present here and there at least for us who try to polish the information that we have. Now you can read this and just go by it with out understanding the significance of it. The Prophet of Allah wanted to psychologically conquer these people in Makkah. Had they had accepted this gift, (i.e.) the Prophet's wedding and his invitation to have food together they would have psychologically signed off their defeat, but they refused because they didn't want to psychologically cave in to Allah's Prophet. This would have amounted to the liberation of Makkah via a banquet and a wedding and they weren't about to tolerate that so he told him you can leave. In this atmosphere we read Allah's words (at) the beginning of Surah Al Fath.
We have indeed given you a manifest victory. (Surah Al Fath verse 1)
(You) see, when some people read these ayaat they immediately think about a military victory that the Prophet of Allah and the committed Muslims with him achieved against the Mushriks of Makkah. Even though that is partially correct, it is not exhaustively correct because the military victory was pending. It needed another year-and-a-half to two years to take place. When these ayaat were revealed in this context, this fath mubeena was meant to display for us the social breakthrough that Allah's Prophet scored against the population and Mushriks of his first enemies in Makkah. In the other ayah in the same surah- Surah Al Fath, ayah number twenty-seven- Allah says in this context
Allah has authenticated his vision to His Prophet by facts and by the truth of the matter… (Surah Al Fath verse 27)
What was this vision about?
… you will of a certainty enter Al Masjid Al Haram in a state of security, without any fear… (Surah Al Fath verse 27)
Then Allah says to them- because you have to recall here how they were thinking about the agreement of Al Hudaybiyah between the Mushriks and the Muslims. The Muslims were thinking- wait a minute here, we have capitulated. In a sense we have surrendered to the power of Makkah. The Prophet of Allah was trying to teach them and to teach us that if you are socially above your enemy (i.e.) if you have defeated your enemy in a social sense and then you are on your way to defeat them in a psychological sense that means that the military defeat is just a matter of time. This is the lesson that has to be learned from this because you hear this and we've been hearing this on many occasions in the past years. Whenever Muslims want to sign some type of surrender which they may call a peace agreement or a non-belligerency agreement or a bilateral agreement of understanding, whatever, and all of a sudden you have people who are in religious garb quoting to the Muslim public what happened at Al Hudaybiyah. There's no resemblance (and) there are no parallels between what happened at Al Hudaybiyah and what is happening in today's world by those who are apologetic and those who are higherlings of Governments and Officialdom. After Al Hudaybiyah (and) before Makkah was liberated, meaning what happened in the time-span between two and three years between the beginnings of Al Hudaybiyah and the liberation of Makkah. Yemen was won over to the Muslims. Yemen became an Islamic territory. Areas to the South of Makkah became an Islamic domain. Areas to the East and South-East of Makkah became part of the Islamic order in Arabia . There was a correspondence between the Prophet of Allah and the ruler of Bahrain, the Prophet of Allah wrote, (what we call in today's average or pedestrian language), a letter to the person who rules in Bahrain. As a consequence of that the ruler and the people of Bahrain became Muslims. The same can be said about Oman . It was just a matter of contact between Muslims and the people living in this area and they became Muslims. Inside of Makkah some of these well known enemies of the Prophet and the Muslims up until now became Muslims. Khalid ibn Al Waleed who was like the Minister of Defense or the Minister of war became a Muslim after these events of Al Hudaybiyah. Another person, Amr ibn Al Aas, who was dispatched by the Mushriks of Makkah to speak to An Najashi in Africa to hand over the Muslims to Makkah. This person during this time became a Muslim. Uthman ibn Talha, who you may call the Guard of the Ka'bah, also became a Muslim. So what do we have now? Makkah is still under the control of the Mushriks. The Muslims went there for their Umrah called Umrah Al Qada' but Makkah is now not under Islamic control. On the way back, the Muslims were returning from Makkah to Al Madinah, the Prophet of Allah heard some Muslims saying but we still think the Mushriks had the upper hand in all of this. Remember all of these details unfolding in front of their eyes which was an obvious social breakthrough into Makkah; it wasn't a military victory, but some Muslims felt that they, in one sense or the other have been shafted, (so to speak). They said we have been blocked from Al Bayt because they thought to themselves three days! What is this? We can't we have access to Makkah and to Al Bayt all the time. Three days! This means the Mushriks still have the upper hand. And we wanted to take the camels and the sheep and whatever livestock there is to perform the sacrifice there but still se were only given three days. So what does this mean? To them it meant that still they are the underdogs, (so to speak), in all of this. The Prophet of Allah responded to them saying, (and we quote)… You see, we were not in the middle of those events. We didn't live Al Hudaybiyah, we didn't go to Umrah Al Qada', we were not there present in Makkah. All of this didn't affect us. We are reading about this and trying to understand it with a distance of a thousand-and-four-hundred years or so but even people who were in the thick of all of this needed Allah's Prophet to summarize all of this for them. What did he say to them when they still thought they were the underdogs in all of this? They still didn't have the weight and the status that Allah's Prophet was confident of. He said to them what you are saying is awfully incorrect. What we've just gone through, (this past year from Umrah Al Hudaybiyah to Umrah Al Qada') is the most significant breakthrough. Why? The Prophet explains it. The Mushriks now are satisfied with having you stay your distance away from your country or their city-state, Makkah, and their territories because it was done not by war. Before they had this honcho attitude. They had this powerful image that they confront you, now they are satisfied with writing an agreement with their own hands, (so to speak), with the hand of a pen and not with the hand of a pen. This is a transition. This is an improvement. This is a success; the Prophet of Allah's trying to explain to them. Now they come to you asking you. Al Hudaybiyah was what? Al Hudaybiyah was a meeting of two sides in which each side was asking the other side what are the terms we are going to agree to. Before this, Quraysh in Makkah didn't have this attitude towards the Muslims. They didn't want to ask them how can we solve this issue that we have between us. Now, they've come down. Quraysh and the Mushriks and Makkah have climbed down from their power status to speaking to you to find a solution. Now they desire that you reach an agreement of security with them. Before Quraysh were so swollen headed with power that they would not consider the Muslims, especially when it came to their security. Now, they had to sign-off or sign on to an agreement with the Muslims concerning their own security. They've seen of you something they dislike. Their presence in Makkah in those three days irritated them. Therefore Allah has given you a sense of victory over them. You've returned with no casualties. None of you have died in war or in conflicts as these events are unfolding. You've gone back home with the rewards that come along with this from Allah. This amounts to the most significant, the most important, the most monumental breakthrough there is. Then the Prophet reminds them have you forgotten the day of Uhud? Remember, this is one of the most troublesome and most bloodiest day in the twenty-three year history of the Prophet's lifetime of commitment. When the ayah in Surah Aal Imran and other ayaat of the Qur'an speak about how the Muslims were facing off against Quraysh at Uhud. The ayah says
Here you, the committed Muslims, are in the middle of Uhud when these Mushriks from Makkah are behaving the way they have been and when they were pursuing you with their arms and with their army you were abandoning your positions, you were running away, you were fleeing the battleground and you were not waiting for anyone; you were not even looking left or right, you were just escaping… (Surah Aal Imran verse 153)
That's who you were just five or six years ago and that's who you are today. And then He said
… and you forgot the day of Yawm Al Ahzaab in which the Mushriks came and laid siege to Al Madinah; the confederate forces of Arabia came at you from positions that are at higher altitudes and from positions that are at lower altitudes… (Surah Al Ahzab verse 10)
In other words they came to besiege Al Madinah from all positions conceivable. When the Muslims listened to this, then they realized what had happened. They realized the position of power that they are in compared to the position of power that the Mushriks have descended into. In other words, the Muslims at this moment after closely listening to Allah's Prophet realized that they were in an ascending order and the Mushriks of Makkah were in a descending order. So sometimes even when people are involved- Allah's Prophet is speaking to committed Muslims who were living these events- and even though they were living and sacrificing, some of them dying and losing their limbs and their families and their positions, they could not visualize the success that has gone into these years of struggle and of sacrifice until Allah's Prophet brought it to their attention. So now we had what amounts to an official recognition of Islam. Now Quraysh officially recognized the Islamic social and political order in Arabia . It was no longer now a crime to be a Muslim. Before, Quraysh used to consider anyone becoming a Muslim to be equivalent to a criminal who is wanted by law. They turn the legal system against a person who wants to become a committed Muslim. That no longer is the case right now because the Muslims now have come a long way. What happened also, (which we think should be mentioned and is important), is that there were other people in Arabia who were either slaves of criminals. The criminals and the slaves both were in the custody or the ownership of certain tribes. When Islam reached this level of power and was on its way to liberating Makkah physically and militarily (i.e.) liberating Makkah physically and militarily was just a matter of a year or two. Remember, most other areas in Arabia became Islamic. You think about that for a moment, (please don't let your mind race ahead). The Prophet of Allah who was born and raised in Makkah began this Islamic mission in Makkah and Makkah was virtually the last place to become Islamic in all of Arabia; not all of Arabia became an Islamic domain (but) virtually all of Arabia became an Islamic domain, an Islamic country and as it was becoming an Islamic country there were tribes… Because we're speaking about a time period of a couple of years- Umrah Al Hudaybiyah, Umrah Al Qada'; during this time period many tribes and many people were coming to Al Madinah and to the Prophet and saying now we are Muslims. Now we want to become part of you. We owe our allegiance to Allah and to you: O Messenger of Allah. So Makkah now became an isolated pocket. The Prophet of Allah went to Makkah in Umrah Al Qada' two years before the end of his mission with two-thousand Muslims. When he went to liberate Makkah he went with ten-thousand Muslims. In the matter of two years there was an acceptance of this Islamic reality by the people in Arabia . Some of these people, (as we said), were slaves and others were criminals and they also wanted to become Muslims so when a certain group of them came to the Prophet of Allah and wanted to express their willingness and their adherence to Allah and His Prophet he said to them whoever from these two categories of people of either the slaves- there were slaves in pre-Islamic Arabia- or if they were criminals agreed to an allegiance with Allah and His Prophet and they became part of iqamah as salah…- which is a social effort of socializing as salah. As Salah is not only meant to be a personal, private communication with Allah. Aqamu as salah is when you are in social communication with Allah (and) when as salah becomes a social value in life, in society- … and so is the case with az zakah… Aatawu az zakah is a system of purifying the circulation of money in society. (and) there's no longer a slave-master and there's no longer a warden in the prison. The Prophet of Allah is now in-charge, and anyone from these two categories of people (i.e.) slaves and criminals in Arabia who came with an open heart and commitment to Allah and His Prophet shall not be forced back to those who owned them, (in a sense). Whatever was due on them because of a crime- someone killed someone else or someone took money or possessions from someone else- is no longer is the case. It becomes now their right to become absolved of that. This is important- brothers and sisters- if we come to an Islamic society. If there is a transition from a jahili society to an Islamic society there is a legal precedent right here- criminals are free, those who are in bondage are free. Can this civilization match these legal precedents of Islam? Of course not. You can see what they are doing today. Makkah was liberated socially; Makkah was liberated militarily but Makkah was never liberated psychologically. Even up until this day, Makkah needs a psychological liberation. That is not going to be understood by those who misunderstand Allah's Prophet, his policies, his strategies and his struggle.
Brothers, committed Muslims…
Not many Muslims bring the actions and the struggle of Allah's Prophet into their lifetime. When we speak about Makkah, we're not speaking about some historical city that now longer exists on the map. It is a city to which all of us during our prayers we orient and we direct ourselves to it. The Ka'bah is there. That liberation of Makkah by Allah's Prophet took a much more sincere and in-depth understanding of what Allah says to mankind as represented by Allah's Prophet. How alien it has become to speak in these terms to today's Muslims. If you come and tell today's Muslims Makkah is not liberated they come and say "what are you talking about?! All the people who live in Makkah are Muslims." Yes, and all the people who were living in Makkah at that time were followers of Ibrahim (alayhi as salaam). You could not follow any Mushrik and tell him you are not following Ibrahim or Isma'eel (alayhima as salaam). That's what they thought they were doing just like today's Muslims think they are following Muhammad. You can't argue with them because this is engrained in their culture, it is engrained in their families, in their education, in every particle in them- that's what they believe (i.e.) they are followers of Allah's Prophet. But what they believe is one thing and the facts on the ground is something else. Makkah right now doesn't belong to Muslims! Just today you have one of these Prime Ministers visiting that land. The British Prime Minister goes over there and the king and his royal family sack one of their own (i.e.) the person who is the head of Al Amr bi Al Ma'ruf wa An Nahi an Al Munkar has been fired. What is this? A token of loyalty to the Kafirs in the West? Explain this to us? Of course, this will not play in the media, it will not play because they don't want your mind to focus and to concentrate on issues like this. The Arabian Peninsula and that whole territory that we are speaking about during the time of Allah's Prophet. Didn't we mention Al Yemen? Didn't we mention Bahrain ? Didn't we mention Oman ? Didn't we mention other parts of Arabia ? Who's in control of them now? Ask yourself- are they Mushrik compatible rulers or are they rulers who are ruling according to Allah and His Prophet? Of course, especially in Saudi Arabia , when it comes to the criminal code in that country they apply these penalties to those who broke the law who belong to the lower classes. They don't apply their own laws (i.e.) the penal code (or) the criminal code in their own kingdom to those who are stealing the wealth of the Muslims. "Oh No! You can't apply this! Don't think about them?!" They don't want Muslims to think this way. A petty thief who comes from Pakistan or Bangladesh or some African country and he probably stole what he stole because he wants to live or make a living for his family- just in this past week a father from Saudi Arabia goes online and wants to sell one of his children for money to support his family. This is not a joke, this is real! So are these people who are in control to Makkah that we are speaking about closer to the Mushriks that we are speaking about in the Seerah of Allah's Prophet or are they closer to the committed Muslims who we are speaking about in the Seerah of Allah's Prophet? All you have to do is understand what Allah's Prophet was doing. We ask once again- for you to think- when Allah's Prophet finally militarily and physically liberate Makkah, why did the seat of power, the Government of the Muslims reside in Al Madinah? Why didn't the Prophet go to Makkah? He spent all of his lifetime to liberate Makkah and finally when it was militarily and socially liberated he did not move back to Makkah, nor did his successors move back to Makkah. Why? Is this question to remain unanswered? Are we to remain empty-headed without information that can answer this question? It's a matter of history. It's a matter of fact. From the time of Allah's Prophet till today, Muslims never had, (of course we're bringing it into the vocabulary of today's language), their capital in Makkah where-by it belongs in Makkah. This (should) also explain to some Muslims who see that after the Prophet passed away why didn't the successorship to Allah's Prophet go to the Imams after him? The same answer. The reason why the successorship to Allah's Prophet did not go to the Imams after him is the same reason why the capital of the Muslims during Allah's Prophet's time when he liberated Makkah was not placed in Makkah. But who's going to understand this? Only people who think!
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 13 January 2012 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.
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