THE STREET MIMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (27 January 2012) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Brothers and sisters in Islam…
Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatu minhu wa Barakaatuh
Audio on (00-00-1983)
O you who have pledged yourselves to Allah, don't adopt or position yourselves in regards to Al Yahud and An Nasara as your allies or any position of alliance; proportions or segments of them (meaning Al Yahud wa An Nasara) are allies or in alliance to other proportion of them or segments of them are in alliance with other segments of them, and whoever from among you enters into alliance with them (meaning Al Yahud and An Nasara) becomes one of them… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
These ayaat from Surah Al Maa'idah speak to us about a concept that drifted away from our presence as Muslims throughout the centuries and throughout the years. This concept is one of leadership and authority. In one of the many narratives that Allah and His Apostle from the many narratives that we have described for us the nature and the characteristics and the idiosyncrasies of this leadership- on this occasion and in this Khutbah we will dwell on a particular part of this leadership, of authority and governance. This characteristic is taken from these ayaat. An address to alladheena aamanu- the description of iman and the title of alladheena aamanu with the new advent in that society that was formulated by the Prophet- (is) a word nowadays that is used to apply to any person who may claim "he belongs to iman to faith and to activity" but in reality and the truth of the matter is that this description is not as liberal as it is used nowadays. Alladheena aamanu is a special description that is only allocated to those people in whom iman has settled and flourished in their hearts and has been translated into actions and into deeds by the physical existence of those hearts. Listen to Allah as He is addressing to alladheena aamanu and as He is addressing all of those Muslims who merit the description of iman. Ya ayyuha alladheena aamanu- a word that does not need translation.
O you who have pledged yourselves to Allah, don't adopt or position yourselves in regards to Al Yahud and An Nasara as your allies or any position of alliance … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
The translations of the era of collapse, the translations of the generation of weakness wants us to understand that the word Awliya in this ayah means friends and hence people refer to the meaning of this ayah as Allah saying to alladheena aamanu to not befriend Al Yahud and An Nasara. Obviously a friendship is a contradiction to the spirit of the Qur'an and the guidelines of this divine order for it is permissible for the Muslims to marry Al Yahud or An Nasara; how can it not be permissible for them not to be friends with Al Yahud and An Nasara on an individual level? There is nothing wrong with being a friend of a Jew or a Christian. The events and the developments of the Seerah and the Sunnah indicate how the exemplar attitude, deportment and behavior of the Muslims in that early model of Islam caused Al Yahud/Christians and An Nasara/Jews to identify the qualities of Islam through the friendly relationships that Muslims as individuals had with Christians and Jews. So a friendship on a psychological level is not the intent of this ayah. Then the question is: what does the word Awliya' mean and what is prohibited? What is the prohibition envisaged in this ayah?
O you who have pledged yourselves to Allah, don't adopt or position yourselves in regards to Al Yahud and An Nasara as your allies or any position of alliance; proportions or segments of them (meaning Al Yahud wa An Nasara) are allies or in alliance to other proportion of them or segments of them are in alliance with other segments of them … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
This address is to the Muslims on the collective level not to ally themselves with Zionism and Imperialism, meaning do not be allies with Al Yahud and An Nasara politically (and) economically for Allah describes the nature of the alliance that evolves between and among them.
… segments, proportions, parties and Governments of them are allies one to each other… … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
We can see this in our present day and we can see this in the past throughout our history and with history and the contemporary situation that we have as milestones towards our future we can rest assured that they will be the allies of each other- Imperialism and Zionism against Islam- into the future until the blocs and the camps and the companies of Kufr seize to exist. Can we not see today, in the world that we are in, this alliance among and between the forces of Zionsim and Imperialism in this world (and) how they lock their interests together against the common interests of the Muslims throughout this world and in particular the Muslims who are the targets of these vicious policies- occupation, famine, usurpation, economic exploitation, and the rest of the strategies of Al Yahud and An Nasara who have rendered the Muslim Ummah as a free for all for this combined alliance of Al Yahud and An Nasara? So this address from Allah to the Muslims is a political statement.
O Muslims, O People of "faith and belief" be aware not to enter into any political agreements, into any political alliance, into any political subservience with Al Yahud and An Nasara… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
For Allah has said in the third sentence of this ayah
… and whomever of you has allied himself, his authority, his political entity, his statesmanship with them (meaning Al Yahud/Zionism and An Nasara/Imperialism) becomes one of them… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
Al Yahud and An Nasara is a fixed and stable description of these two camps throughout history; contemporarily we refer to them as Zionists and Imperialists. This terminology that we refer to them by may change in another hundred or two-hundred years but the description is there to stay regardless of the camouflage that they use to hide behind. Their nature is one and Allah has exposed them. So he is saying to those who count themselves within the Ummah of the Prophet
… and whomever of you allies himself with them (Al Yahud and An Nasara) then he is considered one of them- he has departed from this Ummah of Muhammad, he has left this caravan of iman throughout the years and the centuries … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
He no longer belongs to this iman and this ideology and this faith of Islam. He has become one of them and this is not an opinion of a Mujtahid, this is not an opinion of a Scholar, this is not an opinion of a Faqih. This is the stated, revealed statement of Allah. Hence, very confident as Muslims who are related to this revelation from Allah we can rest assured that these Politicians and these Diplomats who purportedly represent different areas in the Muslim homeland do not belong to Islam, do not belong to the Ummah of Islam, do not belong to the revealed ideology and "religion" of Allah for Allah, and not any human being, has drawn that line and that definition for those who deserve to be called the followers of Muhammad and those who have lost that description. According to this ayah, as we look around and probe the conditions of the Muslims, their political structures, the policies that are formulated for them in their land, we find that the Presidents and the kings, the Monarchs and the Rulers throughout our lands- with one exception all the rest have stricken many alliances, not one, with Al Yahud and An Nasara. And because they have done so, it is their policies, their decisions, their acts that count and not their verbiage and not their propaganda and not what their media says that counts. Being that this is the case, the contemporary issue of the Muslim in our days should not hesitate as obedient servants of Allah or have any reservations about expelling this class of Rulers from our midst because Allah has weeded them out from among us and has grouped them with our historical enemies Al Yahud and An Nasara.
… for Allah will not guide Al Qawm Adh Dhalimeen. (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 51)
Unfortunately we do have among the Muslims who are lacking in understanding of this fact and they continue to ask themselves "why is it that if we are the Muslim Ummah that we are the victims of international policies of Imperialism and Zionism? Why is it when Allah describes us as the best Ummah?" The answer comes from the ayah itself.
… there has to be an amr bi al ma'ruf and a nahi an al munkar … (Surah Aal Imran verse 110)
But do we see this amr bi al ma'ruf and this nahi an al munkar? What can be a more ignonamous munkar than have the authorities who are controlling our lives formulate our policies and our decisions in conjunction with the Kuffaar and the Mushrikin and Yahud and Nasara- Imperialism and Zionism? This is the grand munkar that is responsible for the sad state of affairs of the Muslims and the Muslims are not standing up as one body to combat this cancerous munkar that is eroding the very existence of Islam throughout the Muslim Ummah. When the Prophet says O People- Allah says to you engage yourself in the act of al amr bi al ma'ruf and an nahi an al munkar before such a time arrives when you will ask Me and I will not answer you; Allah is saying O Muslims- al amr bi al ma'ruf and an nahi an al munkar when you will ask Me and plead with me and I will not answer you; you will want Me to give you some things and I will not be forthcoming; you will want Me to grant you victory and triumph and I will cease to grant you victory and triumph. Isn't this the condition of the past generations, of the past years of the Muslims? A closer look at the purpose and the reason for this condition (and) we find the absence of a leadership that listens to Allah and obeys him very devoutly. The leadership that has been usurped by the enemies of Islam in a long historical process that has rendered the rest of the Muslims today without any Islamic leadership except for the Islamic leadership that has emerged in the past few years only to be the target of the combined forces of Kufr in this world all put together which only credits this leadership and testifies to it's originality and to it's authenticity. Then Allah goes on to describe the present day usurpers of power who are in control of the political decisions and the economic policies of the grand munkar under which the Muslims are labouring today.
… these defeated/inferior Muslims say "we're afraid that things are doing to turn against us"… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 52)
What does this leadership that has usurped the authority and the power from the consensus of the Muslim body say if it is confronted by an independent stature and stand that it has to take vis a vis world Imperialism and Zionism? When it is exposed to the ideology of Islam and to the reasoning and logic of Islam, what does it say?
… "we're afraid that we will be inflicted by mis-haps and reversals"… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 52)
These usurpers of the consensus of the Muslims, these usurpers of the power of the Muslims, these usurpers of the authority of Islam have more confidence in Zionism and Imperialism than they have in Allah for they have exposed themselves.
… "we are afraid that if we take the independent stand away from Zionism and Imperialism we will be inflicted reversals in our strategy"… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 52)
The same words we here today, not only from this leadership, but from the proxies of these leaderships (i.e.) people who where the amamah and the jubbah, people who talk from the Mimbar of Rasulillah week-in-and-week-out say "they are afraid that if Islam takes an independent in this world they will be inflicted with reversals and with mishaps." Allah has described them for us.
… may it not be that Allah may afford to grant them victory and triumph and a conquering policy against the combined forces of their contemporary and historical enemies and foes … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 52)
Is it not possible for Allah to do so? Yes it is, but only for those people whose iman in Allah is unshakeable. But this leadership has a very flimsy iman indeed, if it has any iman at all, because it fears the powers of Imperialism and Zionism and does not fear the power of Allah. It fears that it will be reversed and put into a process of retreat if it wants to be independent and rely upon Allah and Allah alone but it does not fear reversals and retreats when it relies upon the power of the concoction of Zionism and Imperialism and their agents wherever they are.
… when this victory comes from Allah and they are exposed to the public opinion then they say "they were sorry for their clandestine and for their covert operations against the Muslims, against those who struggled in the path of Allah. (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 52)
When they were confronted by obstacles and hardships it only reinforced their iman. In another ayah Allah describes this vanguard of Islamic activity and jihad.
When Muslims are confronted with seemingly overwhelming odds it only reinforces their iman, their confidence and their reliance upon Allah and they say Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best disposer of affairs. (Surah Aal Imran verse 173)
Then what happens after those excruciating moments in life?
The obstacles turn into rewards... (Surah Aal Imran verse 174)
This fear- that translates into policies by the regimes throughout the Muslim ummah and their fifth columnists wherever they are- its importance is with Ash Shaytaan who displaces the source of fear and the source of hope in their hearts and that translates into the policies and the decisions and the alliances that they have with Yahud and Nasara, with Zionism and Imperialism. (Surah Aal Imran verse 175)
And then Alladhina Aamanu, (those who were addressed at the beginning of this ayah), look at all of this affair and sarcastically ask are these politicians- these so-called Muslims- the ones that in the most solemnest of ways said that they belonged to the Muslim ummah, to the activity of Muslims? … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 53)
They exhausted all their vocabulary politically, journalistically, in the media; everywhere they go they used to exhaust themselves to portray themselves as if they were the champions of Islam, they said to you in no uncertain terms that they are with you and of you and from you; for your courses, for your interests, for your future- Islamically, economically, politically.
… their policies, their instructions have failed and they have lost in this confrontation. (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 53)
All of you who belong to the house of iman, whoever renounces his deen by an act of allying himself politically, economically and all of those who are encompassed in that political and economic act … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 54)
This amounts to renouncing Islam even though Islam may be a word that you masticate with your tongue thousands of times a day but your act testifies to the abortion of Islam, to the assassination of Islam, to the annulment of Islam.
… then Allah will bring forth people that He loves and love Him … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 54)
How are they described? What does the love of Allah mean?
… they are very meek and humble towards their brothers and sisters in iman but they are very forceful and belligerent against the Kuffaar and the Mushrikin … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 54)
This is what loving Allah means.
… they wage war for the cause of Allah, in the course of Allah; once they are embarked on this course they are not afraid of anyone who is trying to undermine their drive by waning or by offending them … (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 54)
These ayaat- brothers and sisters in Islam- go on and the ahadith culture these ayaat with explanations and with guidelines. It would behove us here to look at our affairs as Muslims and to acknowledge that quantity is not a factor in this progression towards Allah. Allah says
… many a time a group whose number is limited has been successful and triumphant over a group with abundant numbers with the permission of Allah … (Surah Al Baqarah verse 249)
This spirit and motivation of Islam that is present here as is present in Washington DC as it is present in many other parts of the Muslim ummah and in many other areas in the Muslim world has to go through a process in which Allah cultivates it. Do not be weakened by the fact that there are many other Muslims out there who are not participating in this Jum'ah prayer. It would have been worse for those Muslims who are outside to come and to participate and intermingle within the culturing process and then when the time comes for trials and for tribulations and when Allah wants to test the quality of the iman here those elements who were within these ranks and files begin to cause the whole operation to disintegrate. It is the blessing of Allah that by acts such as this- acts of confronting the Taghut- that the leadership of the Muslims begins to formulate; a leadership that is confident and relies upon Allah, that is meek and humble towards the Mu'mins and that is forceful and belligerent towards the Kafirs. This is the only way a Muslim leadership can come into existence. A Muslim leadership never grew out of libraries or bookstores; it grew out of the battlefields and being combatants for the cause of Allah. Allah in this ayah is telling us
… the mobilising of the Muslims is a way to accomplish and acquire fiqh regarding this deen … (Surah At Tawbah verse 122)
Brothers and sisters in Islam- this is only the beginning of a process by which all the Muslims in this world are day-after-day increasing their confidence and their reliance upon Allah. There is no media report the growing momentum of Islam here in South Africa to the other Muslims around the world. There is no media effort to report for the Muslims the other grass-root efforts that are increasing everywhere else in this world but this momentum has begun and a worldwide leadership for the Muslims has also begun and this leadership is forced to wage war against the combined forces of Yahud and Nasara in front of the eyes and the ears and the senses of the rest of the Muslims of this world so that they may take a stand for or against Islam, for the cause of Allah or against the cause of Allah. This will be the process of this indigenous Islam here in addition to the Islamic State and the rest of the grass-roots movements in this world that will constitute a hujjah against the other Muslims who are going to be watching or acting as bystanders for Allah sees and knows the intimates of their hearts and He will cause them to account for their stand for or against Islam wherever they are. The Prophet of Allah says the best leaders you have are the ones who you like/love (and) they like/love you; you grace them and they grace you; and the worst leaders that you have are the ones that you hate and they hate you and you curse/condemn (them) and they curse/ condemn you.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi in 1983 in South Africa . The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.
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