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Wednesday, October 19, 2011




JUM'AH KHUTBAH (21 October 2011)

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It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the

Criminals may become clear.

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.

Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.

Committed Muslims …


Audio on http://www.islamiccenterdc.com/apps/podcast/podcast/158673 (10-14-2011)




We all concede that we are the followers of Allah's Prophet but many of us cannot see the difference and the discrepancy between the life of Allah's Prophet and our own lives. Many of us want to get away with asserting that "we are truly committed and devout and sincere and devoted Muslims" when the facts that are around disclaim that. We said, and we will continue to remind you by saying, that the challenge in the lifetime of Allah's Prophet came because he took issue with the validity, the legality, the legitimacy and the morality of the Establishment and the system inside of Makkah and inside of Arabia and inside of the world. Because of that he suffered in the twenty-three years or so of his struggle to explain the words of Allah without deviation, without compromise, without fear, without favour, without cutting corners, without circumventing the issues like so many in today's world who fancy themselves as Muslims but who are doing exactly what the Prophet did not do. There's a reason for our twenty-three years of the Qur'an being revealed to Allah's Prophet. It's because this is not- brothers and sisters- a theory; this is not an academic exercise; this is not strictly for a philosophical argument or counter-argument. These ayaat that come to us are to become a human and a social behaviour at the same time.

… this is a Qur'an that has been, (in a sense), allocated to you/people so that you may in your human span of time assimilate its meaning so that it becomes your behavior, your character, conduct as one person/one humanity… (Surah Al Isra' verse 106)

What is the response of people who are in power and people who have resources, who have militaries, who have influence? How do they respond? In one fashion, how did they respond to this Prophet of ours- which is the same response that we should be getting? But we notice that the Prophet solicited a social opposition (and in the) meantime we are not soliciting any type of social opposition. The Prophet didn't live in a comfortable da'wah atmosphere, unlike current Muslims who live in a luxurious da'wah atmosphere. One of the responses is to try to take away from the credibility of this man. This is the same person who for forty years was vouched for as the most trustworthy person in that society, the most reliable person in that society, the most truthful person in that society and then, all of a sudden because he challenges- not their religious rituals- their legitimacy and because of that everything began to turn against him. What was one of the ways we're looking at here that the Establishment of that time turned against him? And these are ayaat from Allah's Book … OK- this is how they respond to Allah's Prophet and we don't have anyone responding to the followers of Allah's Prophet the way they did at that time.

They said … (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

Who's they? The people who are claiming that "they are legitimate, that they are right, that they are authentic, that they are genuine." Same as we have in today's world.

… what's with this Messenger? He say's he's an Apostle, he says he's a Messenger, He says he's a Prophet) If that's the case, why is he eating? (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

They expected someone of that stature, of that status to be super-natural. 

… so why is he eating? (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

And the extension of that

… why dos he go to the bathroom? (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

If what he is saying is true and he is selected by God, there must be something special about him. We don't see anything special about him?! He eats and he defecates. Look at him.  

… He walks in the markets, in the streets, with the pedestrians…  (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)


Their impression is "if this person is who he claims to be, then why is he here with us- the average/normal people?!" 

… if only there was an Angel who was sent with him who could break this warning/the warnings that he expresses to us… (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

What is it? By himself he thinks he is going to be able to take on the whole world around him?

… or at least if what he says is true, why doesn't he have a treasure or a fortune with him … (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

(Take a) look at him, he's just an average person, "Muhammad is just an average person. He doesn't stand out as being a man of wealth, he doesn't stand out as being super-natural, he doesn't stand out as being a person who can perform miracles."

… or at least he should have/he should be independent as far as his nourishment is concerned- doesn't he have gardens and orchards and agriculture that can sustain him … (Surah Al Furqan verse 7)

"He doesn't have any of that!" The propaganda machine of that time went to work against that person not because he was telling them "you're praying the wrong way" because at that time there was no such word. He was telling them the order, the system, the governance- all of this around- the way you run your life is all wrong and that's how they responded. We have Muslims today who say in vague and general terms the same thing but the opposition (i.e.) the Kafir structure around knows that they are not serious. The Prophet was serious but their opposites of these people who just approach what the Prophet is saying know these people are not serious so they don't issue and tell/say to them what was said to Allah's Prophet.


Then we have society demanding from Prophets to perform miracles. In today's world we have a kicking attitude, (not necessarily amongst Muslims, but amongst other people), that if they wanted to agree with someone who's claiming that "he has a message from God" they want the person to perform miracles. The history of miracles has long ceased to exist. When the followers of Isa (alaihi as salaam) said ask your sustainer to have Him give us a table spread from which we can eat. The response to that (was) Surah Al Maa'idah ayah 115. This you have to understand- it is out of Allah's mercy that we don't have miracles in this relationship between us and Allah because when Allah favored the followers of Isa with a miracle and said

… if from now on you take issue with Me I will cause you to suffer pain like no one else in the world… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 115)

Imagine if we- the followers of the last Prophet- asked for miracles to affirm Allah and then we distanced ourselves from Allah? The punishment would have been so severe that it probably would have been an existential issue, but out of Allah's mercy He withheld these super-natural miracles from us in the fashion they were presented to followers of scripture before us.


Another observation is, (from all that we know), when Musa (alayhi as salaam) was given the laws from Allah, he was given those laws at one time. (In) Surah Al A'raf ayah 144-145, Allah is saying to Musa

… take what I have given you and be appreciative, be thankful. And We have decreed or registered in these tablets that were received by Musa laws that pertain to everything… (Surah Al A'raf verse 144-145)

Musa didn't receive these laws in the course of ten/fifteen/twenty/twenty-three years. This is another distinction between the methodology of the recipients of Allah's word at one time as was the history prior to the last Prophet and those who received it in the course of twenty-three years. (In) Surah Al Furqan ayah 32

… Alladhina Kafaru said "Oh- why wasn't this Qur'an revealed to him, (meaning Muhammad), at one time… (Surah Al Furqan verse 32)

Because they were disturbed by the fact or maybe they knew- just like today's Intelligence Agencies and think-tanks and strategists and elitists know- that if all of these responsibilities were released at one time, no human being could carry them in that manner. They need to blend in with our human nature, with our human capacity, with our human potential. (For those of you who know a little about driving), you can't put a car in fifth gear all at once. This is the way and modus operandi, (so to speak), of how Islam works. The Prophet of Allah was ridiculed like we are not ridiculed. We wish we were! If we were, then we would truly be followers of Allah's Prophet. How did this social atmosphere and social response to him (go)? What did they say? We're taking some quotes/some sentences when the Prophet went public saying look- all of what you take for granted as being unchallengeable/authentic, none of that is right. They tried to ridicule him saying look at this son of Abu Kabsha who says that he is being spoken to by the Heavens. Abu Kabsha is the name of the husband of Haleema As Sa'diyah (radi Allahu anha). Haleemah was the nursing mother of the Prophet. She breast fed the Prophet. Her husband was called Abu Kabsha. In some of the local accents or languages, a Kabsha is something like a sheep. So to make fun of Allah's Prophet they said look at this son of Abu Kabsha who says that he is being spoken to by the Heavens. Obviously, this is a sentence that mocks the Prophet. Another sentence they used to make fun of him- and you ask yourself, do they make fun of you that way? This is the lad of Abdul Mutt'talib- Abdul Mutt'talib being the Prophet's grandfather- he says the Heavens speak to him. This wasn't an isolated sentence. This was an established type of rumor/propaganda that was circulating in society. On some occasions, the Prophet would come up to some people and to make fun of him they'd say have the Heavens spoken to you today?! At one time- and you ask yourself if you say "you're a follower of Allah's Prophet; Allah's Prophet is your example; Allah's Prophet is the one who teaches you how to behave in life;" OK- Allah's Prophet- your teacher- was pelted by Abu Lahab with stones; when was the last time you were pelted with stones? When was the last time you heard that these Islamic Du'aat, these Islamic Preachers and Spokespersons and public figures were pelted with stones? We know some Muslims who are being pelted with stones and with bullets and with bombs not because of their da'wah Islam but because they are challenging the illegitimacy of militaries and Regimes so they have danger coming their way and there's a difference between those who fancy themselves with Islamic terminology and those who are living the live meanings that the Prophet was living in challenging the military, the economic, the political, the ideological order and system of his time. You just take these two examples and compare them…  In today's world we have Islamic Du'aat/Da'ees who pride themselves on being invited to a certain Convention or being assigned the responsibility of giving a speech at a Conference. Some of them don't even return their telephone calls but we don't want to get personal here! These are the ones who are not challenged by the Abu Lahabs and the Abu Jahals and the Quraysh of today- they're not! They're cozy and they're comfortable; they you have those who don't really have an Islamic rhetoric around them. They don't go to Conferences and give speeches; they barely know anything about the elaborate meanings of Islam but in their heart and in their character they're standing up against illegitimate Regimes. Now, in your mind- the mind that has been traditionalized and conventionalized- who's stands out to be a true Muslim? We haven't named anyone's name; we aren't specific about any one individual. These are two categories of those who in a general sense want to belong to Allah and to His Prophet. Umm Jameel- this is the name of Abu Lahab's wife- used to place thorns where she knew the Prophet would be walking. When was the last time you heard of these high-voluting speakers having thorns in their way? The Prophet of Allah, our dear Prophet, was praying once- not the prayer that we are praying today. Maybe we have to be reminded of this. He was not praying like we're praying today. We made mention of this previously- this was As Salaah Al Ibrahimiyah. At the Ka'bah as he was praying one of these Mushriks comes along and he places, (and this depends on who you're reading), a placenta this is of an animal on the back of Allah's Prophet or the intestines of an animal on the Prophet's back. The Prophet- even though he wasn't using harsh words (and) anyone can review the ayaat that were revealed to him at the time (and) anyone can review the hadiths that he was expressing at the time- wasn't inflammatory in his words. He was speaking the truth but he wasn't retreating. You've heard the name Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'eet, (we're sure you heard the name). He's one of the avowed enemies of Allah's Prophet. At one time the Prophet was in a sajdah and he put his foot on the Prophet's neck. You tell us- why is that? The Prophet had to have been expressing in his civilized, well mannered (and) high cultured way these meanings that led to the root of the problem and that is taking away the legitimacy of these systems. Once the Prophet was walking in the street and some individuals threw dirt on his head. Where are the Muslims in our time who are being honored by these acts of being in the place of Allah's Prophet? He goes home and one of his daughters begins to wipe and clean his hair and his head and she cries. Where and when is this happening in our time? On several occasions, (and this information doesn't usually come your way; they try to omit this type of presentation because they don't want you to relive the character of Allah's Prophet), Allah's Prophet was pelted with stones and rocks. They threw it at the place where he was living. Ayah (number) 41(of) Surah Al Furqan

… and if they see you, they ridicule you and they say "is this the one who Allah has sent as a Messenger/as a Prophet?" … (Surah Al Furqan verse 41)

It wasn't only Allah's Prophet; (it was) also the followers of Allah's Prophet, especially those who were indentured- in today's language, those who were slaves. They were also put to the same type of ridicule and mockery as the Prophet. In summertime the sands of Arabia, (we don't know if any of you have ever been there), are very hot. It's no joke. The torturers of those days were like the torturers of today. (If) you think the torturers of today are more skilled than the torturers of those days you have it wrong. They're both skilled. They would take these individuals who didn't have their own freedoms but became followers of Muhammad and what would they do with them? They'd place them on the burning sands of Arabia and tie them and place heavy rocks on their chests or on their backs. To exacerbate the torture, some of them would put them in metal and the metal becomes hot. It's not enough that the sand is hot, now the metal is hot and they would almost virtually roast in the Summer and on the sands of Arabia. We're talking here about the third to the seventh year of the Da'wah after the Prophet received revelation after Iqra'. Three to seven years after that they were put to this type of persecution and torture. There's an interesting observation here and that is no one during this time period stepped back from their commitment to Allah and His Prophet. We haven't read in any book that any one of these committed Muslims in this time period said "this is beyond me. I can't tolerate this any more. I am going to renounce my Islam and I'm going to distance myself from this Prophet." There's only thirty or forty of them but none of them did that. The first Shaheed because of this clash of determinations, (this is something today's Muslims run away from); beyond everything that is presented to you, the bottom line here is there is a clash of two will-powers. That's what it is- the will-power to stand up with Allah and His Prophet/the will-power to stand up for Allah and His Prophet and then the will-power to break you down and break you up. The first one to succumb (and) lose her life in this struggle was a Muslim woman- Sumayyah the mother of Ammaar (radi Allahu anhuma). There was help. It was not like the Muslims were not trying to help. Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) freed seven of these slaves, he bought their freedom. It wasn't only the slaves who were subject to harassment and to ridicule and to hard times. (It) was also people of affluence. Abu Bakr, Uthman (and) Mus'ab ibn Umayr (radi Allahu anhum) were also subjected to the pressures, the indignation (and) the assaults of a counter society, of a counter system. There's a quote here from Abu Jahal, (and because of time we'll not be able to quote it for you). Just in today's time we have a media that is deployed to undermine our will to belong to Allah, at that time there was also a media. Poets at that time were the equivalent of today's radio and TV and satellite and newspapers and journals- they were everything- and there were poets at work against the Prophet. Do you want their names? Sufyan ibn Al Harith, Amr ibn Al Aas, Abdullah ibn Al Zab'ari. That world was up against Allah's Prophet. (There's) something that he is saying that the powers that be don't agree with and they don't want this something to become the order of the day. Khabbab ibn Al Aratt (radi Allahu anhu). You've heard that name too. He was a blacksmith. He used to manufacture swords and spears and armor and these things. While they took his own metal and they placed it on him so that he can toast and roast in Arabia. After he had experienced this torture, (he's a human being just like you and me and other human beings in the world), you reach a point where you begin to ask and even to doubt. He goes to Allah's Prophet and he complains when are we going to reach a conclusion? When are we going to win in all of this? The Prophet said to him, (it is a hadith that you probably heard sometimes before), by Allah people who have preceded you- a man of commitment just like you committed Muslims would be taken by the powers that be and then they would be cut into two-a form of execution. None of that would have him dislocated from his deen- you could dislocate his physical body, cut him into two but you could not dislocate his determination and his heart from this deen or this person could be combed with iron and with steel- this doesn't mean you're combing your hair, it means the iron and steel goes through your blood and your flesh and your bones. (In) the Prophets words, these iron teeth would cut through flesh and nerves. You see- the Prophet is more accurate. Where it hurts is by the nerves and these would cut through the nerves; none of that would dislocate him from his deen. Allah's Prophet is saying- to people who carry some type of annoyance because they think the struggle has gone on too long and Allah is slow in responding- by Allah, Allah is going to culminate this affair and there shall come a time when you shall travel between San'aa and Hadhramaut- treacherous areas, dangerous territories- and you will fear not for the herd that you have in these places except for Allah and a stray wolf, but you are people who want immediate results. There are other ayaat and other ahadith and other demonstrations of where we belong if what we say is the truth and in fact and in practice and in our daily lives we are followers of Allah's Prophet


Our dear brothers and sisters…

We try to make a transition from well known facts of our shared history to our shared predicament today. We have the Kuffaar and the Mushrikeen and the Dhalimeen (who) have not gone away- they're all around and they continue to use the same methods that they were using in our opening chapter of Islam fourteen-hundred years ago. (Take a) look at them in our time- this is the time when people begin to go or make preparations or are on their way to the Hajj. (Take a) look at the difference between today's Hajj and the Hajj in the time of Allah's Prophet. The Rulers of Makkah and Al Hejaz at that time didn't agree with Allah's Prophet. They were opposed to Allah's Prophet, they were harassing Allah's Prophet, they were making fun of Allah's Prophet, they spoke about killing Allah's Prophet (and) they finally agreed among themselves to assassinate Allah's Prophet. In all of this, they never ever to Allah's Prophet "you cannot go to the Ka'bah." In today's world, we have Regimes and Rulers who make Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab look civilized. There's a Regime that rules in Arabia that if it disagrees with a Muslim, it tells a Muslims "you cannot come to Makkah. You are forbidden from the Umrah and the Hajj." The Mushrikun, the Kuffaar, Quraysh, Abu Lahab, Abu Jahal, Uqbah- all of these well known enemies of Allah's Prophet never told him "you cannot come to the Ka'bah! You cannot come to the Haram! You cannot enter Al Masjid Al Haram." Never! At that time, Muslims knew how to assess and evaluate their enemies, in today's world Muslims have their enemies pass as Muslims. There's a difference. That's the difference between Allah's Prophet and the company of Allah's Prophet and today's ritual intoxicated Muslims. In the time of Allah's Prophet they raised their swords to fight against them, in today's world they are sending their planes and their weapons of mass destruction, they are building military bases. To do what? What's their target? Who are their enemies? You ask yourself, or do you need an answer from us?! Just in the past few days they are trying to ferment a war. They are busy now conditioning people's minds. Their President in the White House has to earn his re-election and he knows the only way he can earn his re-election is by satisfying Imperialists and Zionists. That's where they are going with this. Do Muslims feel comfortable with the truth?! What can we do? The price of expressing the truth is that we continue to stand on principle and be outnumbered by those who shall have time catch up with them. We say, (with the innocence of belonging to Allah), that thirty years ago we appeared to be an anomaly. "Weirdos! (Take a) look at them praying in the street?! They're crazy! They don't fit in! They're out of their minds!" The exact same thing they said of Allah's Prophet. Kadh'dhaab- he's a liar. Saahir- aah he has his way with words, he can trick people, he can put them in a trance. Majnoon- he's a lunatic, he's crazy, he's lost his mind, he's gone mad. (Take a) look at what's happening in the course of these years. The propaganda establishment out there has lost its credibility. There are other people who look like us (and) they are being called crazy too. They are out in the streets. It's not only here. There's about seventy-one other countries in the world (where) tomorrow and the day after people are going to be out in the street. Their- the one percent, (it's not Muslim words, these words come from them), that has been riding roughshod over the other ninety-nine percent-  legitimacy is being threatened and its about time that the Muslims of the world and the mustad'afeen of the world put their hands together and bring down this false structure of legitimacy. We are confident that the future belongs to those who do what is right.


This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 14 October 2011 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.

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