Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family. Committed Muslims, Ibaad Allah… We desire to expand and build on the designation of the day of Al Quds (designated by the late Al Imam Al Khomeini to be commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadhan in recognition of the suffering meted out to the Palestinians and the oppressed peoples of the world), and will be insha'Allah running a weekly additional Khutbah on Al Quds. We pray that Allah raises the awareness of people regarding the suffering of the people of Quds and the other oppressed peoples so that the designation of the last Friday to ensconce the realities in the lives of oppressed people in our minds will culminate into a daily occurrence. Audio on (10-15-1999) BANI ISRA'EEL AND THE PROPHET (S) PART 4 In our on going khutbahs that shed light/enlighten those who are listening to the nature of Yahud and how they behaved/conducted themselves in the presence of our honoured Prophet. We will look at some pages that people are trying to tear away from history. They are trying to burn these pages out of existence and out off our memory. We ask Allah that the information/memories that has been made available to us by our Prophet's model and deportment with these evil human beings shall never ever be lost to us nor to the human experience. We as Muslims are somewhat familiar with the ongoing change of the Qibla that the Muslims had to endure to purge/rid their hearts/thoughts of any notion of cultural/national/tribal/historical/social/religious pre-Islamic religious attachment to Makkah. This was not to be a simple and fleeting affair. This was to tax every intelligent component of a living Muslim in the time of the Prophet. It is easy to say "I am no longer a cultural/geographical/ethnic/racial Muslim." It is easy to say these things by words but it is very difficult to prove that you are no longer any type of hyphenated type of Muslim. You have become a pure ideological pristine Muslim for/by/to Allah. Makkah was more than an attraction area in the lives of that first generation of Muslims that was carved out of experience/patience/tumult/turmoil/confrontation/persecution/positive patience that this generation that accompanied the Prophet had to go through. Makkah, to them, was the hub of their history/the centre piece of their culture/the schema of their society/the nexus of their society. (It is) true- Makkah had gained, since the day of Ibrahim and Ismail (alaihima as salaam), perverted notions away from Allah but the Ka'bah and Maqamu Ibrahim even though they were anti-Islamic behaviour- they used to go around Bayt Al Haram naked. Obviously this is not an Islamic behaviour. There used to be a class mentality there. Those who belonged to the upper echelons of Quraysh had the Ka'bah exclusively at times of Hajj barring other, (what may be referred to as), the riff-raff of society at that time- but still Makkah was very close to the hearts of its inhabitants and to the people who were familiar with it. When he was forced to leave Makkah the Prophet at that moment when he departed Makkah, he looking back at said it by Allah! You are the best of Allah's land and the most likeable place by Allah to Allah and if I wasn't forced to leave you I wouldn't have left you. But Allah wanted human beings who were free of all of these worldly attachments to Makkah so he told the Muslims when they are communicating/connecting/praying to Allah to no longer face towards Al Bayt Al Haram in Makkah but to face towards Al Bayt Al Muqaddas in We see the way you are looking in the direction of the skies/heavens changing from one direction to the other but We shall indeed orient you towards a Qibla- Al Masjid Al Haram- that will satisfy you… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 244) But it took sixteen or seventeen months of the Muslims oriented to Al Quds to cleanse themselves off culture/nationalism/tribalism and the rest of these worldly weights and baggage that people carry. Then we had some Jewish Scholars/Sages come to the Prophet and they say to him you claim that you are of Ibrahim's millah and Deen; so why are you changing Qibla's? Once here- once to The fools from among the people are going to ask/say why have you turned away from the Qibla that you were praying to… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 142) Fools! The Rabbis are fools per the words of the Qur'an. Now where are the Muslims of today who will stand up and say "the Rabbis of Bani Isra'eel/Yahud are fools." You are saying what Allah is saying. You're afraid?! You're a Muslim who is supposed to be carrying the words/knowledge/experience that came to you by the Qur'an and the Prophet and you don't have the courage to state what Allah is saying with a thinking mind and relating it to experience here on Earth?! Who is the Muslim who can draw the lessons from that day and say "the Rabbis are the fools?" … Say to these foolish Rabbis "to Allah belongs the East and the West, He guides who he wills to As Siraat Al Mustaqeem… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 142) This is the problem with people who have knowledge- they want short-cuts/the easy way out/this way or that way. It is a Sirat Al Mustaqeem. Some of these Muslims by figure/appearance/clothes prefer to play the Yahudi game to a Sirat Al Mustaqeem, Even when all of this is available to them, they are even going beyond this, (as we said in the beginning), they want to tear these pages out of our history forever. They did not stop here. We go to another experience that we had. When we say "the Prophet is our example" what do we mean? It means the Prophet has given us enough experience so that we don't have to reinvent the Sunnah! On another occasion there was a delegation of Christians who came to the Prophet from Najran, (a Southern area in the … those who have been given scripture from Allah know this is the truth from their Sustainer and Allah is not oblivious to what they are doing. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 144) Allah is not oblivious to these wicked Rabbis who are coming to poison the atmosphere between the Prophet and Christians. Then we go on to another one of these Yahudi traps. In Al Madinah they had something called Bayt Al Midrar which is their study centre. When this Islamic authority had become the central focus of public opinion in that atmosphere one day they said why don't we go to this person, Muhammad, and have him arbitrate/judge the issue of two adulterers from us. A Jew and a Jewess both committed adultery. They said why don't we take this affair to Muhammad and have him judge what the penalty for this would be? They said in that secret meeting, (and Alhamdulillah the information that was in a secret meeting has come to our attention). This is what happens when Islam is triumphant. When Islam carried the day in Al Madinah all of this other information and these secret meetings became the possessions and property of the Muslims which we will not forget and permit them to tear out of our history. They said if Muhammad rules by the standards of at tajbiyah… This has to be clarified a little. There was a legal concept amongst Yahud called at tajbia. How did this legal concept come about concerning adulterers is the following… One time a high ranking/noble Jew committed adultery and the Torah says the penalty/punishment of adultery is stoning to death. They couldn't stone a high ranking Jew from the upper society of Judaism so they didn't. Shortly after that a low ranking Jew committed adultery and then all of a sudden they said well- we should stone this person to death! See- even among them money overrides scripture! It doesn't matter- "if he is a Jew and he doesn't have much money… Well, that is the Jewish law/the law of God- apply it to him"; but if it was a rich/wealthy Jew- "no. You don't apply God's law to a wealthy Jew. He's exempt/privileged/chosen." So these brains of Bani Isra'eel/Yahud met and they wanted to find a way out of this so they came up with the concept of tajbia which is… By the way, the Jews of those days were in much better command of the Arabic language than the Muslims are today because they found a word for their trick. They called it at tajbia and that means they would bring the two adulterers and lash them with sticks that had a form of tar on it. Then after smearing their face with a dark colour/blackening their face they would place them on donkeys with their face to the back of the donkey, (in other words riding backwards), and they would parade them in the public street and they would say this is the penalty and punishment for adulterers and they called it at tajbia. They forgot about ayaat Ar Rajm in the Torah. So when two Jews/Yahudis committed adultery they said we're going to bring this to the attention of Muhammad in Al Madinah and if he rules according to this tajbia, (which is something like what we call nowadays, "a secular law"), if he accepts a secular law then we can accept him as King/our ruler but if he insists on scripture then he is insisting on his Prophethood and we will not accept him. So they brought this affair to the Prophet and they told them exactly what happened and the Prophet summoned some of those first generation Muslims; among them Abdullah ibn Sallam, that Jewish scholar who became a Muslim, when the Prophet entered Al Madinah and he asked to the best of the information in the possession of the Jews of Al Madinah do they have the ayah of Rajm still in the Torah. The best knowledge that they had was affirmative- they do have that knowledge. So the Prophet went to them and he said I want to speak to the most knowledgeable of Yahud. And they brought three of their top notch scholars of Yahud in Al Madinah and the Prophet of Allah asked them categorically/point blank about ayat Ar Rajm in At Torah. Two of them said we refuse to answer you. We want to be dismissed and they left. Then there was the third scholar Abdullah ibn Suriy. He was left there by himself and he told the Prophet honestly- yes that ayah is in the Torah and we understand it to be the punishment for adulterers and adulteress. And the Prophet said this is the punishment due in the Torah, in Allah's Holy Scripture, in the Qur'an and the hadd was applied to these Jewish adulterers in Al Madinah. This also is an answer for those who are trying to create accuses saying "this is a hard punishment." The punishment is parallel to the crime. It's a harsh crime, so you get a harsh punishment. You don't run away from this through your secular mind. Then Allah revealed an ayah concerning this event in Surah Al Maa'idah. The ayah is saying Oh Prophet/Messenger do not be grieved by those who are accelerating into a state of kufr, those who say by their mouths that they are committed to Allah but by behaviour they are not committed to Allah. They always listen to lies and fabrications… (Surah Al Maa'idah verse 41) These are the Rabbis of Yahud who are condemned by Allah, His Prophet, those who are experienced, the Sunnah and the Seerah of our Prophet yet our so called "distinguished scholars' fail to stand up and explain in details the behaviour of Yahud then and now. They should equally be condemned because they cannot live up to the words of truth and facts that they are supposed to carry even if they spend days and hours in the Masjid (and) even if they go to Hajj and Umrah ten times a year. If they cannot express the truth on this matter then beneath the Earth is better for them than the surface of the Earth. Brothers and sisters, Muslims of conviction and commitment… There appears in what is said and done that we have a bleeding body and we don't want to make believe that we are not bleeding. As we speak there is an all-out assault by the Russian military on the Muslims in This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammed Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 15 October 1999 on the sidewalk of |
Solidarität für die Frauen und Kinder in Gaza und in ganz Palästina auf!Millionen Frauen und Kinder werden seit Jahren von dem zionistischen Apartheidregime in Geiselhaft genommen, getötet und verletzt. Ihnen wird die Lebensgrundlage entzogen, in dem sie in immer kleiner werdenden Gebieten eingezäunt, eingemauert und zusammengepfercht werden.Wasser, Nahrungsmittel und Medikamente, ja gar Schulmaterial, Bücher und Papier für die Kinder werden ebenso wenig zugelassen wie dringend benötigte Baumaterialien für die vom Militär zerstörten Häuser.Diese Palästinenser leben tagtäglich unter menschenunwürdigen Umständen und dürfen ihr eigenes Schicksal nicht selbst bestimmen. Viele Informationen bei auch bei Facebook Qudstag und Qudstag Gruppe einfach eingeben, und Freund werden.
ReplyDeleteAufruf zur Antikriegsdemonstration zum Qudstag
ReplyDeleteam Samstag, den 4. September 2010
Treffpunkt: 14.30 Uhr am Adenauerplatz
Wegstrecke ab 15.00 Uhr: über Kudamm, Joachimstaler Strasse, Kantstrasse bis Savigny-Platz (Abschlusskundgebung)
Der Weltkrieg ist voll im Gange, was nun?
den neuen Teil des dritten Weltkrieges gegen den Iran verhindern und die laufenden Teilkriege beenden!
Terror und Gewalt stoppen, Vertrauen und Frieden verbreiten!
Hass und Feindschaft bekämpfen, Vernunft sprechen lassen!
Die kriegstreibenden Politiker/innen abwählen. Die Demokratie retten!
Vor allem Millionen Menschenleben retten!
Die Antikriegsdemonstration am Qudstag ist der Marsch für den Frieden. Die „Herren der Welt“ suchen anscheinend, nach alten Rezepten aus denm 20. Jahrhundert, den Ausweg aus der selbstverschuldeten Krise in dem Krieg. Die Vernunft sagt uns, dass die Wirtschaft dem Wohlstand und das Militär der Sicherheit für die Menschen dienen soll. Aber wenige tausend unter uns 6,5 Miliarden Menschen verfügen unberechtigter Weise über den größten Teil der materiellen Macht.
Seien es Politiker, Staatsmänner u. Staatsfrauen oder die Mächtigen der Wirtschaft. Sie scheinen fest entschlossen, schrittweise einen dritten Weltkrieg mit Millionen von Toten und weiteren verheerenden Folgen zu führen.
Ein Krieg, der schon 2001 begann und ettapenweise fortgeführt wird. Afghanistan, Irak, Libanon, Palästina, Pakistan, Jemen, Sudan und nun Iran.
Was für ein Zufall, dass alle Teilkriege vom Westen, also von den „freiheitlich demokratischen“ Staaten und ihrem Vorposten in der islamischen Welt, nämlich von Israel, ausgehen. Wiederum rein zufällig wird Krieg gegen die islamischen Länder geführt! Sind wir schon bei der Inszinierung der „Clash of civilizations“?
Oder befinden wir uns bereits mitten in den neuen, modernen Kreuzzügen? Dabei ist eins sicher: der erste Verlierer des dritten Weltkrieges ist die Demokratie, die dem blutigen Wahnsinn der Mächtigen geopfert wird.
Wir dürfen unser eigenes Schicksal und das der gesamten Menschheit nicht den bösen Kriegstreibern überlassen!
Aus diesem Grunde appelieren wir an alle Buergerinnen, sofern sie noch bei gesundem Menschenverstand sind und nicht von den Medien verzaubert wurden,
an der diesjährigen Qudsdemonstrationen in Berlin teilzunehmen.