بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Arabic Virtual Academy
We here at Arabic Virtual Academy are excited to re-announce, to those of you that haven't already heard, our Five Friend Frenzy Package.
This package allows you to study with five of your personal friends in the same class. Due to the fact that our classes are held online you are pretty much free to pick a suitable time to fit all of your schedules. This means that you get all of this convenience and comfort, for only $250 dollars as a group. This means that each student will only be paying $50 for the month, as apposed to our regular monthly fees.
We offered this package during the month of Shabaan. We also running it during this blessed month of Ramadan and continued it until the end of Shawaal. We are now re-opening this course to for a limited number of classes.
So take a look at our website, listed below. Browse our different packages and become familiar with our program. Request and return your enrollment package and let us get you started in becoming fluent in the Arabic Language.
السلام على من اتبع الهدى
Commentary of Holy Qur'an http://al-islam.org/tahrif_quran/
Du'a - http://www.duas.org
Islam - http://www.al-islam.org
Free Islamic Books -http://www.winislam.com
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