"Verily soon you will find that Allah is sufficient for you. He is (the Best) Hearer, Knower." Jibraa-eel is on my right hand, Meekaa-eel is on my left, Muhammad (blessings of Allah Be on him and his descendents Is in front, Ameerul Moomineen, peace be On him, is on my back, and Allah, the High, stays continually near over me. O He who put a barrier Between the two seas, Draw a curtain between me And my enemies, So that no harm may reach Me. Between me and my enemies Allah is the shield. Verily Allah's shield is the Safest. Allah is sufficient to protect Me, There is no one who can Protect me except Him. "When you recite the Holy Quran, We ( Allah) draw an invisible Curtain between you and those Who do not believe in the Hereafter, And make their minds senile, And their ears deaf, When you recite (in Quran) That Allah is one they turn Sour in aversion.
Verily We have put on their Necks chains reaching unto the Chins, so that they are made Stiff-necked. And We have set a bar before Them and a bar behind them, And (thus) have covered them So that they see not."
O Allah, draw Thy protective Curtains around me, that cannot be disheveled by Blowing winds, Nor can be pierced by spears. Through Thy Holy Spirit save My soul, for whoso comes Under its cover, is reverently Looked upto, And it creates awe and fear in the hearts of all the created Beings.
Allow me to recite Thy Beautiful names, And remember Thy high Similitues. Give me peace and goodness In that which I aspire for this Worldly life, and for the Hereafter.
Du'a Sabaasab
This Dua'a is accredited to Imaam Saahibaz Zamaan (A.S.). It is recited to drive away the enemy, to dispel the spell of magic or sorcery, and to seek fulfillment of desires, material as well as spiritual. It is a tested and approved supplication. It is better to recite it after midnight, nevertheless it should be recited whenever occasion demands, or may be recited as many times as you like.

Verily We have put on their Necks chains reaching unto the Chins, so that they are made Stiff-necked. And We have set a bar before Them and a bar behind them, And (thus) have covered them So that they see not."
O Allah, draw Thy protective Curtains around me, that cannot be disheveled by Blowing winds, Nor can be pierced by spears. Through Thy Holy Spirit save My soul, for whoso comes Under its cover, is reverently Looked upto, And it creates awe and fear in the hearts of all the created Beings.
Allow me to recite Thy Beautiful names, And remember Thy high Similitues. Give me peace and goodness In that which I aspire for this Worldly life, and for the Hereafter.
Du'a Sabaasab
This Dua'a is accredited to Imaam Saahibaz Zamaan (A.S.). It is recited to drive away the enemy, to dispel the spell of magic or sorcery, and to seek fulfillment of desires, material as well as spiritual. It is a tested and approved supplication. It is better to recite it after midnight, nevertheless it should be recited whenever occasion demands, or may be recited as many times as you like.
The Holy Qur�an - http://www.quran.org.uk
Commentary of Holy Qur'an http://al-islam.org/tahrif_quran/
Du'a - http://www.duas.org
Islam - http://www.al-islam.org
Free Islamic Books -http://www.winislam.com
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Commentary of Holy Qur'an http://al-islam.org/tahrif_quran/
Du'a - http://www.duas.org
Islam - http://www.al-islam.org
Free Islamic Books -http://www.winislam.com
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