As Salaamu Alaikum:
Hidaya Foundation ( takes financial transparency and security of its donor, employees and volunteers very seriously. We continuously strive to improve our processes, operations and logistics to ensure we can operate safely, and comply with all US laws and regulations in the ever changing and unpredictable environment.
2009 Financial Audit:
With the blessings of Allah (swt), on February 23, 2010 Hidaya Foundation successfully completed its fiscal year 2009 audit conducted by a third party independent auditor. A copy of the audited financial statements is available for your review at:
Programs Overview:
For an overview of all of Hidaya Foundation's Projects, videos and facebook info. please visit the links below:
Hidaya Foundation's Videos on YouTube!
Join Hidaya Foundation's Facebook Group!
Donate Your Zakat & Sadaqah to Help Break the Cycle of Poverty:
Online: To donate online using electronic check or credit card kindly visit: https://donation.
Mail: To donate by check payable to 'Hidaya Foundation', mail to: Hidaya Foundation, P.O. Box 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056
May Allah (swt) reward you all for your generous support. Please continue to help with serving the poorest of the poor.
Waseem Baloch
Hidaya Foundation
(866) 244-3292 Toll Free
Hidaya Foundation ( is a US based non-profit 501 (C)(3) charitable organization, with Tax ID# 77-0502583. Its mission is to implement projects in economically depressed areas of the world.
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