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Thursday, May 28, 2015



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (15 May 2015)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed Muslims, brothers and sisters…
Allah in His infinite wisdom has placed us (or) has located us in a place and at a time when we are required to put behind us many years and many generations of ignorance, misunderstanding and the opportunity for the trouble makers to come in. All of this has to be placed behind us. Some Muslims who know this fact (and) who know this requirement are reluctant to get involved because they say "the consequences are beyond their tolerance." We acknowledge (that) there are human beings who are weak in their constitution (and) their convictions; their pledges of fealty to Allah can be shaken by certain events- that's human nature. We can dismiss this category of people but the majority of us, the Muslims, live in a shell of ignorance and no one has an excuse here. Whoever you are, you have to break out of this shell of suffocating ignorance. If it wasn't for Allah we can find no way out of this. People who have the wherewithal, they have sources of information, they have information distribution systems, the mass media, academia; they're wherever information comes from. So how is a person to walk or to liberate himself or herself from this smothering condition? The only way left is to orient ourselves to Allah. He has given us something so precious- if we only knew- that once we abide (or) once we absorb these meanings (and) this direction from Him we are free. Nothing is going to come and set us back or knock us down. Nothing! Remember, in your salah- this is an imagery in your mind; how many times every Muslim in the world says in Surah Al Fatihah
اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ
Guide us to the straight path. (Surah Al Fatihah verse 6)
We are asking Allah. This is a form of du'a here.
اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ
Guide us to as sirat al mustaqim. (Surah Al Fatihah verse 6)
See the wording here? Allah is speaking about a sirat, a path and a direction. So there's movement here. This du'a could have been Oh Allah guide us. Finish; without adding ihdina as sirat al mustaqim; Which means in life we are moving, whether know it- just like the earth right now moves but we can't feel it in our lives as the days and the months go by we are moving. But where are you moving to? So when we ask Allah for guidance we're not asking Him for some kind of mental satisfaction or some kind of theoretical solution to something, we're asking Him for practical momentous guidance; movement. Towards this end something happened along the line in the 1,400 odd years since this precious Book came to us with the human embodiment of this Book which is the Prophet of Allah. Something happened in all of these centuries that was not supposed to happen. You know there are many ayaat in the Qur'an, we're just going to quote a couple, two or three of them, but you can go to the many others where you will see that there is always in the overwhelming majority of times there is always a linkage between al iman and al amal as salih. They go together. In ayah number two in Surah Al Mulk
الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ
Allah created death and life… (Surah Al Mulk verse 2)
… so that He will test you… (Surah Al Mulk verse 2)
For what?
أَيُّكُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا
… to know which one of you is better in their labor, in their efforts, in their work (and) in their duties… (Surah Al Mulk verse 2)
That is it. That's why we are here. We have to produce some type of palpable result.
Another ayah in Surah Al Kahf, ayah number seven- The meaning of this ayah is
إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا مَا عَلَى الْأَرْضِ زِينَةً لَّهَا
We have rendered whatever is on this earth as a matter of attraction… (Surah Al Kahf verse 7)
These are attractive things all around us this world that we see- but for what reason? Why is this like this? Once again,
لِنَبْلُوَهُمْ أَيُّهُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا
… so that We put you to the test, (i.e.), which one of you is going to produce the best results in as far as your work is concerned… (Surah Al Kahf verse 7)
So actually there's a word that is used- not among Muslims; it's used amongst those who are not Muslims but it's taken from understanding these ayaat- (it's) something called work ethic. (It's) as if someone understood the Qur'an- this is when we don't think for ourselves- and then they took the meaning and they gave it their own words. The work ethic! This is what these ayaat are telling us except in the wording of the word ethic there is no presence of Allah- that's all! In our Islamic conscience there is a presence of Allah so that when we are involved (or) when we do have a work ethic we know that we report to Allah.
وَمَا نُرْسِلُ الْمُرْسَلِينَ إِلَّا مُبَشِّرِينَ وَمُنذِرِينَ
And We only send Our messengers, (Allah is saying), the Prophets He sent to humanity and mankind He sent them with good news and news that warns people (or) information that has an ultimatum in it… (Surah Al An'am verse 48)
This is the function of Prophets.
فَمَنْ آمَنَ وَأَصْلَحَ
… so whoever commits to Allah wa aslah… (Surah Al An'am verse 48)
You see- iman by itself has no meaning! These things go together. In today's world, because of the high dosage of ignorance that has fermented in Muslim generations people think "oh you have this type of iman which to them means a belief and that's it! You're done! You're on your way to Allah." No you're not! You haven't done a thing unless you begin to have some effort (or) some input on your sirat (or) on this movement that you are asking Allah for guidance in that direction. Allah didn't says fa man aamana wa sallah or fa man aamana wa saam or fa man aamana wa hajja. Nothing of that- no rituals here
فَمَنْ آمَنَ وَأَصْلَحَ فَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ
… so whoever commits to Allah wa aslah they don't fear and they don't regret. (Surah Al An'am verse 48)
This is Surah Al An'am ayah number 48.
Now, these are what the ayaat in the Qur'an say. There are many other ayaat that supplement these ayaat and you get the gist here. Now we make a transition (and) we move from what Allah is telling us for our own good (and) for our own salvation, (so to speak) and we come to the real world. What do we have in this real world? The likes of what's happening here you know- you see this Masjid (or) this Mosque here? This Islamic centre that is under occupation lulls the individuals that go into it with their rituals into a state of being satisfied with these rituals- that's all! They can leave and they can invest their effort in any project or in any strategy that is counter-productive and that may even be at cross purposes with the meanings that they are supposed to be repeating in their salah. The following examples are from real life. These are not something that are rare. We are not speaking here about exceptions. We're speaking about things that happen very frequently. It's very frequent that you may encounter a person who's a Muslim, who studied Islam. He went to the university, he got his degree in this particular case ilm al hadith; this person spent many years studying the hadith of Rasulillah; many, many years. So it's not odd. You will encounter someone like that says… Look, this is a person who is supposed to know better but you'll hear him say "putting an end to slavery is not part of Islam (or) ending slavery has nothing to do with Islam." This is an insult. This is a type of mentality that comes from the type of people who have occupied not only probably millions of Masajid around the world in addition to Makkah and Al Madinah and to them they way they study al hadith they say "ending slavery has nothing to do with Islam." Now, don't turn emotional; be normal, sit down with this person and say "take it easy. Here is a cup of tea. You mean to tell me that if there were people in this world who looked at the human condition and saw that some human beings have enslaved other human beings that is something that agrees with your common sense? Or with your human nature? Is it something that agrees with that?" Of course he'll probably say "look, we are Muslims and we refer to Allah and His Prophet- don't ask me about my human nature, don't ask me about common sense. Don't throw these questions in my direction. I have nothing to do with that." OK- we go to the Book of Allah. In the Book of Allah there's no such thing. (There's) not one ayah (or) not one word in the Book of Allah that substantiates slavery- none! To the contrary, in the Book of Allah there are ayaat that speak about i'taq.
فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ
It is the freeing of a person in bondage. (Surah Al Balad verse 13)
Where have you been? You've spent all of these years and, (stay cool here, don't get emotional), just tell them your problem is you never put the hadith or tried to fit the hadith in the Book of Allah- that's your problem and that's why you say what you say and that's why we have people like this! This is another form of misinformation and distortion of Islam. We should be proud that we have this Book of Allah and this Prophet from Allah who taught us to get rid of human beings exploiting and enslaving other human beings and don't let some funny person who has posted on his wall a piece of paper that says he graduated with a degree in hadith get away with the statement that "there's no such thing in Islam as doing away with slavery." Nonsense!
Now we switch from these types of people who have their degrees in hadiths and we go to those who have their degrees fiqh. They studied very long years and they got these degrees in fiqh. Now this person will come to you and say- listen to this statement- "it is permissible for a Qurayshi, (i.e.) a person born into Quraysh to marry whomever he wants from the Arabs and from the non-Arabs but if a Qurayshiyah, (i.e.), a female person from Quraysh is going to get married then here is where we are going to have to look at the equivalency of the marriage." Where did that come from?! There is no ayah in the Book of Allah that expresses this discrimination in marriage- none! All of the ayaat and all of the hadith concentrate on the equality of human beings and here we are, because of this statement building into Islam- we have to reiterate (that we are not speaking about one or two individuals, we're speaking about hundreds if not thousands of individuals in this world who are in positions to influence people. Either they are lecturers or they are shuyukh or they are teachers or professors or whatever and they think like this)! If it was only limited to themselves and they remain silent maybe we can live with that but they want to spread all of this around and convince the others "yeah, this is what Islam is all about." So we wind up with individuals who look at a thinking Muslim and all of a sudden automatically that mind is suspect. We only gave a sample of them. To these types of people a mind that thinks is suspect! Something is wrong with you because you think! They don't want us to think.
فتقديم الحديث الضعيف وآثار الصحابة على القياس) جاء في كتاب إعلام الموقعين عن رب العالمين لابن القيم (
What does that mean? You know, there are many hadiths. Let us begin to say it- we, Muslims, have a problem with unauthentic hadiths (and) fraudulent hadiths- we have a problem with that. We don't care who you are (and) we don't care what's your background- none of that matters; we have a whole body of Islamic literature out there and in this Islamic literature there are hadiths that are frauds. But what we do have is hadiths that are sahih hadiths, that are original, authentic (and) meaningful hadiths that are compatible with the Book of Allah. Now, we have Muslims who have their priorities right. They take the Book of Allah and they established a mind that is formulated by the meanings of the Qur'an and then they take the hadiths that are compatible with this understanding of the Qur'an and then there comes an issue in life- whatever the issue maybe and they want to refer back to the Book of Allah and to the Prophet of Allah. So they find an analogy. They find that a particular issue fits a particular analogy taken from the unquestionable ayaat and the unquestionable hadiths. Now we go back to the type of people we were speaking about- they say "no, this analogy doesn't apply." What do they mean "it doesn't apply"? (Do) they want to take some type of hadith that is irrelevant and sometimes embarrassing- there are hadiths that they think that are sahih, authentic (and) unquestionable hadiths that are embarrassing and they prefer a hadiths that is embarrassing to an analogy that has its reference in the Book of Allah and the sahih of His Prophet?! These same type of people say "the publicizing of Islam is done by the sword and it's not done by reasoning." They've never studied their own history. This Islam of ours gained its adherents, (i.e.), people became Muslims because it made sense to them, it appealed to their mind and their hearts. The hundreds of millions of Muslims who were not Muslims who became Muslims didn't do so because there was a sword over their head! So what are they telling us here? What are these types of people- their counterparts here in this Islamic centre and all around the place- telling us? You want to force people to become Muslims? That's what we have. Here are some of their features. If you were to dress like a primitive Arabian then that becomes a symbol of your taqwa. See how we've deteriorated and hit rock bottom. They're telling us "dressing up like a primitive person in the desert is a symbol of taqwa." They want people to believe this! There is something is Islam, (we want you to know this very well because this issue pops up many times in many small meetings and larger meetings), there's an Islamic wording, (you may be familiar with it), called ghad al basar. Some people translate this as lowering your gaze. It means something like tinting your vision- that's almost the literal understanding of ghad al basar, i.e. tinting your vision. This applies to issues that have to do with the male and female; you know men are told
يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ
… which means they don't stare… (Surah An Nur verse 30)
That's basically what the word ghad al basar means, (i.e.) you don't stare. If you're a man and you happen to come across a woman (or) a lady who is very attractive (so) you don't stare at her- that is ghad al basar which is part of ith'thar. It is part of the honest character and the clean character of the conscience of a committed Muslim. These types of people who are living in a concrete shell of ignorance and misinformation want this to mean adam al basar, (i.e.) you don't look. No! Ghad al basar doesn't mean you don't look. What do they want- to turn us blind? We're supposed to see but we're supposed to be mannered. We're supposed to have our morals and ethics when we see. We're not supposed to stare but they don't want any type of non-verbal communication going on between male and female which we speak about. These types of people are not understanding Allah and they are not understanding His Prophet. Then one other thing they want a practising Muslim to do (in order) to become very elevated in his Islamic character is to wear his thawb (or) his robe somewhere between his knee and his ankle. Now where did that come from? Where did all of these things come from? Is there an ayah in the Qur'an that says this? Is there a validated, authentic, original (and) established hadith that says that? They want people to believe this. They encourage people to pray in their leather shoes; something called ni'al. It's a small (or) a thin type of boot which is exclusively leather that comes up to the ankle. You can't find this in a shoe store around here but it's something that used to be worn and they want to bring this back into fashion. There's nothing wrong with this- if they want to wear this, OK; go ahead (and) wear it. There's no problem with that but to try and come and convince every Muslim in the world that in order for you to render a more fulfilling salah you have to pray with that ni'al on?! Where did this come from? Who are they trying to convince? Is this Islam? You see, unfortunately brothers and sisters we have Muslims who are poor in this world, we have Muslims who have been deprived in this world, we have Muslims who have been suffering from discrimination and from all sorts of exploitation in this world and then these types of people come along and they don't tell them the quality of your Islam is in what you do; the quality of your Islam is not in your na'al or in your thawb or in your beard that you want to hit the ground or whatever else?! This is not the quality of Islam that Allah is speaking about in His faultless Book. Then you open another subject with them and then they also want you to eat with three fingers. They wash their hands- OK, fine; all Muslims are required to wash their hands before they eat. You wash your hands and then you go to eat. If they want to eat with three fingers we have no problems with that. No Muslim should have any problems with that but to come and turn this around- let's say I'm not eating with three fingers; let's say I'm eating with a spoon and a folk and they look at me like I'm a suspect! As if there is something wrong with my Islam! What is this? What happened to al amal as salih? This is how we measure characters. Then they tell you, "you have to sit on the floor in a certain way when you eat." Not only do you need to eat with three fingers (but) you have to sit on the floor in a certain way. Then, (just for your curiosity), you ask them OK- what are the requirements of an Islamic governance of justice? What's required for that? (Do) you know what they will do? They will go to their history- they won't go to the Qur'an, they won't go to the Prophet; they might go to some hadiths of the Prophet to substantiate their erring position but they will go to what? They'll flip the history pages of Kufa and Dimashq and Balq and Baghdad and all of this in the history pages. When you speak about an Islamic governance this is what you do? This is what they do! Then they come up to you and say "I want to ask you- is serving in a particular army a form of paganism?" This is where their minds are. Instead of questioning the whole army and the whole system they ask you- and you're very innocent about responding to them; we say, (now please don't make fun of them (because) some of these people are innocent and some of them are sincere), "what do you mean by going into a particular army or armed forces or whatever being a form of paganism?" He said "well every morning these types of people salute the flag and the flag is a type of idol so they are saluting an idol." Look at this! Instead of the precious mind that Allah has given this individual evaluating what that armed forces is all about, (i.e. it) is involved in killing innocent people (or) are there policies and are there strategies to conquer and to defeat and to rob other people of their resources and livelihoods and to exploit them into economic slavery- no, no, no! It's that salute at the beginning of the day that's caused him to think of an army as a form of paganism! This is how they want to reduce us (and) to annihilate any shred of thoughts that Allah has endowed us with. We don't know where this comes from. Somewhere in the Arabian Peninsula where they have all this money; believe us, if they didn't have all this money none of this would be happening- none of it! We wouldn't be giving this type of khutbah. They stimulate these questions from the Arabian Peninsula and then these questions circulate all around the globe. They come to you and they begin to ask you about Al Mu'tazila. "Is the Qur'an makhluq or not makhluq?" Dear speaker, dear person, dear brother- this issue right now is 1,200 years old. It is gone. Don't bring it back to divide the Muslims because right now the overall plan is to divide the Muslims. We've had enough division. We're fed up with division. Then that's one type of question. Another type of question they'll come and they'll ask you "is vinegar halal or haram?" Listen to this- "is vinegar halal or haram?" These are the types of questions they ask and they want you and me to begin to argue about these questions. Any time anyone wants to make an issue out of these step out of the ring. Don't get involved in any of this. Then they want to score argumental victories over those who disagree with them. They bring out these words from hundreds of years ago- the Mu'tazila, the Ash'ariya, al murji'ah, Ash Shi'ah. the Ibadha. They bring all of this up and then they want to score verbal victories when they don't have any enemies. These are not enemies. Muslims are not enemies of Muslims. They want to create out of Muslims enemies. They want to create out of our own selves enemies of our own selves! Anything that will help them do that they'll do it. May Allah forgive us- we haven't mentioned the name of any one person; we just referred to attitudes, characters and behaviors that are in abundance around us and they caused us and they are causing us to be where we are today.
Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…
As you may know, the rulers in Arabia are gearing up for acts of war. If we go back many years, it's uncharacteristic for the person who is in the haram of Makkah giving the khutbah on this day to be speaking about going to war. In today's khutbah in that place in Makkah the khatib, (i.e.), the person who was giving the sermon was speaking about the aggression that has taken place in Iraq, in Syria and in Yemen. He probably doesn't have enough information to understand what is happening because when you live in a land like that and when you live as a subject of rulers as exists in Arabia you're automatically insulated from the necessary information to see what is happening in reality; so the selective information that comes his way and the orders that he is given- remember, you can't speak your conscience. In Makkah Muslims cannot speak their conscience. In Madinah Muslims cannot speak their conscience. We dare say in most of the Arabian Peninsula Muslims are forbidden from speaking their conscience. So (from) the selective information that comes his way with the instructions he is given from his superiors, (i.e.), the royals of Arabia he comes and he says "whoever unsheathes the sword of aggression is going to be killed by it." That's the famous quote in Arabic. Who here is the aggressor? Who is the one who is unsheathing the weapons of aggression? Who is it? Can't you see who's beginning these wars and for what purpose? But they're not allowed to think. Remember, the types of issues that they spent their lives thinking about are the types of issues a sample of which was presented to you in the first khutbah. They spend their whole lives around those issues and now when it comes to militaries and regimes and establishments and warfare and intrigue and politics they are blank! And everyone who's not a committed Muslim wants them to be blank. It should bother us (and) it should disturb us that we have people speaking the khutbah in Makkah in the haram itself- and this is not just the people who are there who are subject to closed circuit TV monitoring but this sermon is broadcast via satellite. Who knows how many millions of people are listening in on to this distortion of reality and the facts. So they're trying to build up. Then another incident happens. Listen to this- and maybe this belonged to the first khutbah; on Egyptian TV in the past, two or three days ago, a person who's supposed to be a graduate of the Azhar says "it is haram for a man to comb his hair twice a day or more." When asked "why is it haram for a man to comb his hair two times a day or more?" he said "because if he does so he is imitating women. That's supposed to be for women. They're supposed to be combing their hair multiple times a day and a man is forbidden from acting like women so a man can't comb his hair two times or more a day." These are the types of people who have stifled us and they're given the opportunity to speak this nonsense everywhere! This is what we have. These are the facts. This is reality. You either see it and do something about it (and) have social conscience, (i.e.) al amr bi al ma'ruf and an nahi an al munkar or you don't. You're nothing in life. You're considered like fleas and flies- nothing! It's your choice- you want to be the committed Muslim Allah wants you to be or you want to be a flea and a fly to be exterminated by warfare and military intrigue? The choice is yours.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 8 May 2015 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center currently under seige. 


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Monday, May 18, 2015

Muslim Unite Shia and Sunni Fw: IHS HORN OF AFRICA PROJECTS NEED YOU [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Labbayk YaMahdi labbayk_yamahdi@yahoo.ca [MahdiUnite] included below]

Muslims "must" unite all over the World

and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 5:47 AM, IHS Horn of Africa <ihs.hornofafrica@gmail.com> wrote:

In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

We need fund immediately and continuously please contribute so that we can reach self converted native Shias.
I.H.S. Horn of Africa under I.H.S. Kitchener, ON, Canada.
The need is high our monthly expenses is running upto $12,000. With only your support we will be able to continue. Pls contribute.
Our Goal:
To strengthen and support Indigenous Shias the follower of Ahlul Bayt a.s. in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia, so that Indigenous Shias in Horn of Africa can practice Islamic faith independently.

·        Establishing Hussainia and Libraries:
Hussainia & Library:  to bring together all Self Converted Shia within their own town, villages and to get full access of the Islamic Books.

A)   All Hussaynia are on rental basis. We continuously need $6,000 per month to sustain all the Hussainias. Your continuous support is needed.
·       Niyaz
Niyaz has more effects in promoting the message of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w. and Ahlul Bayt a.s
Insha Allah IHS of Horn of Africa will have full Niyaz – Tabarruk this will cost approximately $180
Islamic Short Courses:
To train basic Islamic education to the self converted Native Shia, Muballighs and those interested in Shia Faith.
Cost:  The Cost of the whole one time program cost about $1,500 for food and accommodating about 12 participants for 3 days.
Our successful Seminar by Sheikh Shafiq Hudda of I.H.S. Kitchener, On, Canada
                             April 16 – April 18 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Our Head office at Kitchener,    IHS Kitchener, Ontario
(Donation for IHS-Horn of Africa)
81 Hollinger Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2K 2Y8
Tel: +1 519 376 7111 Fax: +1 519 576 8378
Or directly through Dahabshil, Western Union or other major Finance Company.
Hashim Hassan Ali       Mobile:     +251 927 168602         Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
Fi Amaanillah
Hashim Okera
IHS.Horn of Africa


Attachment(s) from Labbayk YaMahdi labbayk_yamahdi@yahoo.ca [MahdiUnite] | View attachments on the web

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Monday, May 11, 2015



JUM'AH KHUTBAH (8 May 2015)
PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to khutbahs@yahoo.com
It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear.
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Dear Committed Muslims…
The khutbahs on Fridays are meant to centre around the concept of taqwa.
وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۖ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللَّهُ
… and protect yourselves against Allah, for in this manner Allah will teach you… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 282)
إِنَّ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ مَفَازًا
For sure, for those who are on guard against Allah there is success. (Surah An Naba' verse 31)
اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ
… guard against or be warned against His corrective power presence as is due to Him and do not expire except in a state of submission and surrender to the only Power, Authority and Divinity that is legitimate. (Surah Aal Imran verse 102-103)
وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُ مَخْرَجًا
… and he who is conscious of Allah's power Allah will offer him a way out of the circumstances (in which human forces are deployed against those who are committed to Allah and are confident in His power presence here and now). (Surah At Talaaq verse 2)
In one of the hadiths of Allah's Prophet in which he tries to clarify the meaning to taqwa he says
التَّقْوَى هَاهُنَا ، التَّقْوَى هَاهُنَا،  ثُمَّ يُشِيرُ بِيَدِهِ إِلَى صَدْرِهِ) جاء في كتاب الإيمان لابن أبي شيبة (
At taqwa is here and he points with his hand to his heart and chest. This is not an easy issue as thinking Muslims may realize- speaking about the taqwa of Allah at a time and in a generation when taqwa seems to be a lost cause. It is not easy to speak about being vigilant and on guard and attentive to the power presence of Allah when there are so many other powers distracting from Him. We're supposed to be like this- al Jum'ah with its khutbah, (and let us remind you, the Prophet of Allah presented to the Muslims (khutbahs) for ten years after his exodus to Al Madinah. He spent 10 years (and in) every year there is 52 khutbahs. 10 times 52 is 520 Jum'ah khutbahs. Virtually all of them are gone! Meaning we don't have these khutbahs in our possession today. What we do have is Allah's instructions that this day is a day of taqwa and the khutbah is a khutbah centered around taqwa, (i.e.), Allah's power presence in our lives. Now, we can take a look at today's world and unfortunately, (we say this with pain in the heart), we Muslims are forced to speak about trivial issues (and) nonsensical affairs because of the way we are programmed. Since we are small until we grow old we are programmed to think about Islam being the rituals of Islam, (i.e.), if a person satisfies his or her rituals then he has completed his or her Islam. This is the way we are programmed and conditioned to think. How many ayaat in Allah's clear and crystal clear book say
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ
… Those who are committed themselves in faith to Allah and do what is right…
The description Amilu as salihat is absent. There's no amal as salih coming from the aggregate Muslims (or) coming from the 2 billion Muslims in the world. Can anyone point to an amal as salih that stands up in world affairs today? Can anyone point to any of this? Why? Because we are drowned! They drown us in issues like what? If you go to Islamic halaqat, to Islamic discussions, to Islamic lectures, to Islamic khutbahs even on Fridays, what do some or most of these speakers speak about? They speak about issues like these: "is a Muslim a true Muslim or not?" Meaning they want to scrutinize a persons aqidah. This is their key word- aqidah. OK- what is it to be a true Muslim to these types of people who are financed? There's money coming to them and they're financed to speak along these lines. If you have a true aqidah you believe Allah has a hand- this is what they say; or Allah has an eye. How do they do this? They go to Allah's book, of course. They say look at the ayah; the ayah says
يَدُ اللَّهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ
… Allah's hand is over their hand… (Surah Al Fath verse 10)
The literal translation of the ayah is
يَدُ اللَّهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ
… Allah's hand is over their hand… (Surah Al Fath verse 10)
So they say to some of the Muslims who may understand the word hand not the configuration that we have "a hand has five fingers." We're not going to say Allah has five fingers. Remember this is how they want us to think. We're only presenting these examples for you to understand how far we are in the depths of ignorance. What is happening today? There are wars against us. Even here, not far from where we are geographically, in our location in Baltimore there are confrontations that are going on. Innocent people are being killed either individually, (as we have), and there's demonstrations and protests or massively like we have in the war torn areas of our Islamic geography. These are real issues happening. OK- you would think on a day of taqwa like this that people, at least some of them, who have pertinent information with them would connect the dots. There has to be taqwa of Allah in these issues and affairs of war, life and death issues, breaking peoples' bones, maiming them (and) injuring them until the end of their lives, sending them to cemeteries and graves. These are issues of taqwa but they don't want us (and) they don't want our minds to explore these areas with our God-given information. "Oh you are not permitted to go into that direction with the ayaat and the ahadith." So what are we permitted to do? We are permitted to argue. That's what they permit us to do. They permit us to argue and then to hate each other because some of us say "Allah has a hand" and they want to understand this literally and if you disagree with them your aqidah is corrupt and if your aqidah is corrupt then you are sahib bid'ah and on and on they go. Now, this is where they don't want us to use our minds; just think for a moment. The literal translation of the ayah in the Qur'an that says (or) that refers to Allah's eye or eyes- there's no ayah in the Qur'an that refers to two eyes. We're sorry to go into this territory but we're compelled to do it. We're forced to do it because it's imposed on us by people who are occupying our Masajid (and) who are occupying our manabir. When Allah speaks about Nuh (alayhi as salaam) and the vessel that he built He says
تَجْرِي بِأَعْيُنِنَا
It sails with our eyes… (Surah Al Qamar verse 14)
That's the literal translation of the ayah. Now if I as a Muslim want to understand this ayah- we're not debating the meanings of this ayah. We all, as Muslims, concur (that) this is an ayah. Now if there are some types in the Arabian Peninsula who have all of this money and all of this wealth who understand Our Eyes to be the eyes that we are familiar with, with the 20/20 vision that we have (and) if they want to transfer this to Allah that's their understanding. We're not going to say they are not Muslims. We're not going to accuse them of having a less aqidah. No. But if we understand
تَجْرِي بِأَعْيُنِنَا
It sails with our care… (Surah Al Qamar verse 14)
You have a problem with that? Why would they have a problem with that? Then they create hatred out of this problem.
In another ayah in the Qur'an when Allah speaks about Musa (alayhi as salaam) (and) that Allah more or less cared so much for him that He saw to his upbringing; the ayah says
وَلِتُصْنَعَ عَلَىٰ عَيْنِي
… so that you are going to be made with My own eye or My own supervision or you are going to be custom made by Me. (Surah Ta-ha verse 39)
Now if they want to understand this 'ayn (as) that you may be produced by my eye by the literal and physical eye that's their understanding. This is the ayah and that is their understanding but if we want to understand or another Muslim wants to understand that this means my care. In other words to refrain or to take the translator's license
وَلِتُصْنَعَ عَلَىٰ عَيْنِي
… I have custom made you. (Surah Ta-ha verse 39)
Allah is saying about Musa I have custom made you, why should anyone from the Arabian Peninsula come and say because I understand the ayah like that something is wrong with my aqidah? Why? What purpose does that serve? They make a divisive issue out of that claiming that your iman is subnormal or insufficient. When Allah speaks about
وَيَبْقَىٰ وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ
What remains is the face of Allah full of Majesty and Honour … (Surah Ar Rahman verse 27)
If they want to understand the word wajh, wajh means face, the way they translate it;
كُلُّ شَيْءٍ هَالِكٌ إِلَّا وَجْهَهُ
Everything is going to perish except the face… (Surah Al Qasas verse 88)
Wajh could also mean social status (and it) could also mean being because the wajh of a person or an entity or an individual is in reference of the rest of the individual. But we have literalists who are trying to impose their understanding of the Qur'an on the rest of the Muslims. That is not compatible with our combining iman. There's words in the Qur'an. One of the words is bayna yadayhi.
وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَن نُّؤْمِنَ بِهَٰذَا الْقُرْآنِ وَلَا بِالَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ
The Kafirs say we shall not commit ourselves to this Quran neither to that which is between His hands… (Surah As Saba' verse 31)
This of course in their explanation is whatever is between the hands of the Prophet, but this is the literal understanding of the ayah. If these people just matured their thinking they would know bayna yadayhi means whatever is in front of you. It's a combination of words that simply means- and everyone's familiar with ayah al kursi
يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ
… He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them… (Surah Al Baqarah verse 255)
Bayna aydihim here does not literally mean that which is within their hands. It means that which is in front of them and that which is behind them. So we, Muslims, have an issue with other Muslims and this issue has to be solved so that we can mature and break out of the rituals that have paralyzed us from moving from iman to amal as salih.
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ
… Those who are committed themselves in faith to Allah and do what is right…
Our iman requires amal as salih but we have sabotaged al amal as salih by accentuating these issues of divisiveness that has placed us in the type of world that we are living in today.
Dear committed brothers and dear committed sisters…
What you are going to hear right now in the second khutbah are exactly the elements that are omitted from the khutbahs, affairs, issues and developments that are supposed to be located in the meanings of the Qur'an and in the meanings of the Sunnah. As we mentioned in the first khutbah, there are life and death issues. Almost wherever you look in the Muslim domain you will find life and death issues; even if you are looking outside of the Muslim domain you will find life and death issues- demonstrations, protests, confrontations, people with force, people without force, populations that are unarmed, militaries that are armed and of all of this goes into action. This is not a passive world. These are real issues and we are supposed to be real Muslims. So how do we perceive (or) how do we think about these issues? The Masajid under occupation don't want us to think about these issues. They want us to be automatons. You come into the Masjid, you listen to a sermon that you probably have listened to for 1000 times and then you leave the Masjid just like an automaton! You haven't gained one scintilla of information that relates to vital issues and human affairs. Nothing! You entered empty headed and you exited empty headed! So these are some of the issues that are supposed to be presented with the confidence of the knowledge of Allah's Book and the teachings of Allah's Prophet.
There's a war going on. We're not ostriches. We don't bury our heads in the sand and make believe nothing is happening. The war affects us. We are the victims of that war. We are the targets in that war and we can't speak about it in our Masjid, on our day of Friday during the week?! We're not supposed to deal with this? The war that is taking place in Yemen, (as an example, we take one of these areas in which there's a war), and today in the Haram, we're speaking about Makkah and we're speaking about Al Madinah where there was a Jum'ah khutbah that was pronounced by the khatib over there- what did he speak about? Remember, there's a war in his backyard, at his borders. What is he speaking about? He is speaking about "it is not permissible to sell pork or to sell al mayta which means carrion (or) dead animal flesh and these types of subjects." When there's a war going on he's speaking about a kitchen issue! This is how we've become the laughing stock of the world. Why? Doesn't he understand? Isn't there ayaat in the Qur'an that speak about the discipline and the morality of warfare? Or he doesn't want to open this chapter because it's going to expose his decision maker to their violations of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet. Then he goes on to speak about dogs! "Are we, meaning Muslims, permitted to have dogs? Are Muslims permitted to own dogs or are they not permitted to own dogs?" And then he speaks about "are Muslims permitted to sell dogs or not sell dogs?" Then he says "yeah- there's permission given in two conditions. If you're going to use that dog for grazing purposes, meaning if you're a shepherd and you need that dog to tend to your sheep or your flock you may have a dog and the other one is for purposes of guarding, meaning you need a dog to guard your premises." This is his horizon of knowledge, speaking about dogs in domesticated conditions. Why doesn't he speak about the dogs that are sent to bite the flesh and to crush the bones of Palestinians? That's not in his radar! Why doesn't he speak about the halal and the haram transaction of his kingdom? They have around $2trillion that are circulating in usurious institutions- riba'! $2trillion dollars circulating in riba'! Why doesn't he speak about that subject? Is he afraid of something? Last week one of the princes he made a racist remark,  he said, (we're paraphrasing him right now), something like this, "we would not accept from an Indian, someone who comes from India or Pakistan to come and comment on the affairs of Saudi Arabia nor will we accept from a farb fresh off the boat." In the colloquial lingo of the Arabian Peninsula at'rash literally means deaf but in their colloquial it's in reference to a person who is an equivalent to a stow-away. He came illegally inside their country, "so he cannot comment on sports affairs." Of course, the king immediately sacked that prince because he made a racist statement over the airs. This was in their media. What do you say about an organization- Da'ish, that in one of the cities in Syria rounded up Sufis and threw them in prison and they tortured one of them until he passed away? This is the divisiveness that is made possible by the type of khutbahs that are given every week on instructions that can be trailed and traced to the masters who have studied what Islam is all about. Unfortunately, the people that are studying the Qur'an and the Sunnah are the enemies of Allah and His Prophet and we who are supposed to understand Allah and His Prophet are supposed to close our minds and not think in these conditions about what they are telling us?! What do the khutaba' and the mu'adh and the Shuyukh and the Imams in the Arabian Peninsula say? Just last week they apprehended (or) they arrested 93 of them. They called them extremists and terrorists and the rest of these (descriptions) who were planning to ignite explosives here and there and some report said even at the American embassy. Over a month ago the Saudi regime declared war on Yemen. From where? From Washington DC. Imagine that! You would expect the announcement for a war to begin in the country that is launching the war- why did it begin here in Washington DC? The ambassador that they have here in Washington DC announces officially "they commenced military operations against Yemen." What's going on here? Why don't we speak to this issue among ourselves? As Muslims we can't speak to these issues? It's haram for us to speak about this? In the past week 35 Royal Decrees were given out, 15 ministers were changed in that make up of that government in Arabia. We speak about that government because Arabia doesn't belong to a family! Arabia is a land belonging to the Muslims and Ibrahim (alayhi as salaam) in his dua' opened the gates of Arabia for all displaced people in the world and then he said
فَاجْعَلْ أَفْئِدَةً مِّنَ النَّاسِ تَهْوِي إِلَيْهِمْ
… Oh Allah, cause the passions of people to gravitate towards Hajar and Isma'il in that arid area before it became the Makkah that we know of today)… (Surah Ibrahim verse 37)
Here they are clamping their control- a police state, close circuit cameras in Al Haram (and) in Al Masjid An Nabawi. What are we? Are we crooks? Are we criminals? Who are we, the Muslims, who are going to Allah and His Prophet in Makkah and in Al Madinah? Guards all around the place! Then they don't permit some Muslims to go to Makkah and Al Madinah. Their foreign minister (is) the longest lasting foreign minister in contemporary times- forty years! Suffering from Parkinson's, seven operations to his back, failing in his health like he failed in his policies! Do they have something to be proud of (by) dividing the Muslims like this- you're a Sunni Muslim and you're a Shi'i Muslim, you're an Ash'ari Muslim and you're a Sufi Muslim, you are an Ibadi Muslim or you are a Zaydi Muslim? We have to outgrow this Saudi sponsored poison that circulates in the Muslim body from the Far East to the Far West. We have to purge ourselves of this poison and once that is done we can reclaim what is ours and Makkah can be an open city, Al Madinah can be an open city for all Muslims. Visa?! Who says to another Muslim "I need a visa to go and obey Allah in Makkah and pay my respect to His Prophet in Al Madinah?" Who says that I need a visa?
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 1 May 2015 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center currently under seige. 


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