THE STREET MIMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (13 March 2015) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Ayyuha Al Mu'minun …
Audio on (03-06-2015)
There are some ayaat that are very meaningful on the occasion of us being out here in the street, forced to pray every jum'ah and eid for the past 32 years. Yesterday we finished 32 years of, against our own will, praying on the side walk next to the Islamic center- 32 years and beginning 33 years as of yesterday. It just happens (that) because of the nature of the lunar calendar verses the solar calendar that works out this week to finishing 33 years of the lunar calendar and beginning the 34th year. So on this occasion there are some ayaat, (we think), that are pertinent to this imposed reality. One of these ayaat has been repeated every jum'ah that this speaker has given the jum'ah in the past 33 hijri years; that ayah is ayah number 114 from Surah Al Baqarah in which Allah says- the approximate meaning of this ayah is
وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّن مَّنَعَ مَسَاجِدَ اللَّهِ أَن يُذْكَرَ فِيهَا اسْمُهُ وَسَعَىٰ فِي خَرَابِهَا ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ مَا كَانَ لَهُمْ أَن يَدْخُلُوهَا إِلَّا خَائِفِينَ ۚ لَهُمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا خِزْيٌ وَلَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
And who could be more in violation of justice (or) who can be more offensive than those who bar the Masajid of Allah from having a consciousness of Allah in them (or) from invoking His Exalted name and then pursue the deconstruction and the destruction of these Masajid; they are the ones who are fit to enter it in a state of fear, in this world their share is disgrace and in the world to come their share is an excruciating punishment. (Surah Al Baqarah verse 114)
Another ayah that is pertinent to this reality (of) some Muslims (being) permitted to going into the Masjid (and) other Muslims not allowed entrance into the Masjid is reminiscent of the ayah 107 of Surah At Tawbah that speaks to a specific type of people. The ayah says
وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مَسْجِدًا ضِرَارًا وَكُفْرًا وَتَفْرِيقًا بَيْنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
And those who have designated a Masjid for purposes of damage and purposes of kufr and purposes of division among the committed Muslims … (Surah At Tawbah verse 107)
There's another ayah in Surah Al Jinn, ayah number 18 (and) it says
وَأَنَّ الْمَسَاجِدَ لِلَّهِ فَلَا تَدْعُوا مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَدًا
The ownership of Masajid is Allah's so do not invoke anyone besides Him pertaining to this affair. (Surah Al Jinn verse 18)
Meaning that Muslims or any human beings cannot own a Masjid. A Masjid cannot be owned by people. They belong to Allah (and) they are owned by Allah therefore any human being- whether they are individual or organizations or governments or cartels- cannot claim that a Masjid belongs to them (and) they are their lawful proprietors.
These ayaat, (we think), speak to this issue here that we have had (and) we still have ongoing for 33 hijri years this week and over 32 solar years as of yesterday and, (we think), this has taught us, (and it should have, especially we who are attending here from week to week in the harsh conditions of the weather as you can see today; there is snow and there's ice and there's very inclement weather conditions), a few lessons at least. The first lesson is we all here are interactive human beings. We listen, we tune in (and) we know what is being said. We all hear two words that are used very frequently by the Muslims. These two words are aggression and occupation. Remember, when you hear these two words, (viz.), aggression and occupation almost the first thing that come to your mind (is) these words in the military sense, (i.e.) there's a military aggression against Muslims and there's a military occupation of Muslim lands. You can look at this in any number of at least a dozen theatres around the world- aggression and occupation. Ok- we in our capacity of persons and individuals are not expected to be militaries and armies but we are expected to be is our own potentials and the words aggression and occupation happen to fit very comfortably the development at this Islamic Center in Washington DC. By the use of force in an act of aggression individuals who are supported by power structures occupied the Islamic Center. Aggression plus aggression equals the Islamic Center on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington DC. So the next time when you hear in the Washington DC metropolitan area the words occupations and aggression by those who want to liberate occupied lands and who want to throw off the weight of aggression (remember this occupation and aggression)- especially those who are familiar with what happened here because in those past years there were scores of Muslims who were here with us. So what happened? They left the immediate, the tangible, the fixable aggression and occupation and now they found refuge in their own eccentric Masajid and Islamic Centers?! There's an Islamic Center in the Virginia area that has multiple jum'ahs performed because simply the capacity for the Muslims attending is not enough for one Jum'ah to accommodate everyone who attends so they have another one that follows and maybe on some occasion a third as we hear from time to time. That Masjid itself came into existence as a consequence of what happened at this Masjid. If it wasn't for the aggression and the occupation on March 5th 1983 (of) the Islamic Center in Washington DC, that other Islamic Center called Dar Al Hijrah would not have had the resources and the finances coming to certain individuals who were told "we will build you an Islamic Center- just forget about the one on Massachusetts Avenue." Of course, Muslims who are not Muslims of principle (and) are more Muslims of capital concerned with how they can obtain the money and the budgets that they want gave up on this. "OK- fine. We have nothing to do with it, (i.e. the Islamic Center in Washington DC. Let's get on with it. Let's build this place in Falls Church Virginia." They go there right now and they make believe that nothing in happening here.
See how Allah works things out… We usually try to avoid injuring the feelings of those who are listed in the Islamic Movement but on this occasion the facts and the truth force us to be more specific. These people who were offered Dar Al Hijrah, this Islamic Center in the Southern suburbs of Washington DC in Virginia, belong to an Islamic Movement called Al Ikhwan Al Muslimin by and large. They are the ones working out their differences with the Salafis (and) they are the ones right now who are running the place over there. OK. Now these people are the ones who came to power in Egypt and they were trumpeting the word elections. They were elected to run the affairs of a nation state and then after that when the military aggressed and occupied- remember the two words, aggression and occupation- all of a sudden these Ikhwani types were up in the air, "how can this happen? You are overturning a legitimate election!" Well, this is exactly what happened here in the Islamic Center in Washington DC! Why are they so concerned with elections in Egypt and they are not at all concerned with elections in Washington DC? And because of that, right now, they are suffering the consequences. They have their nerves burnt (and) they have their ideas trumped by the use of force- exactly what happened here! So our concern is when Allah says in Surah Al Hujurat
إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ
… but indeed committed Muslims are brethren of each other so reconcile (if) there is a difference between two of your brothers … (Surah Al Hujurat verse 10)
Reconcile this difference! Have you (or) has anyone witnessed or lived the meaning of this ayah in the context of what we are speaking about here that has been going on for all of these years? That's occupation and aggression- whenever you hear the words occupation and aggression know that here, in our specific environment in the Washington DC area, (there) people who want to liberate Palestine, people who want to liberate Kashmir people who want to liberate this land and the other land and they are incapable of liberating their own Masjid in their own backyard. Think about these types of people.
Now we go from these two words- occupation and aggression- to another set of words. The other set of words is discrimination, segregation and racism. You hear those words too, especially if you happen to come from a particular ethnic or racial minority. You hear these words always if you're having dinner. You hear these words if you're watching some program. These words come to your mind (and) you exchange them with those who are around you- discrimination, segregation and racism. Can anyone deny this? Absolutely not- if we are truthful to ourselves. Now what happened here at this Islamic Center is a good demonstration of these three behaviors and attitudes- discrimination, segregation and racism. This is an obvious segregation of Muslims. You see- just like in the days of Jim Crow and lynching of blacks in this country and all of this- blacks were permitted in certain areas and they were not permitted in other areas; if they wanted to ride on a bus they had to go to the back; if they wanted to go to a rest room they could not go to the rest room of the white man and all of this that everyone knows. We have those who are in the black community, (we're using this word just to facilitate the idea- Sunni and Shi'i, black and white, all of these they have their negative connotations; please spare me that type of argument if someone uses a word that disagrees with some other person (and) you want to put the whole idea in a spin of an argument that will have us loose track of what we're trying to say here). What we're trying to say is there were policies in the past and these policies were more flagrant- now they are more subtle- in which the minorities communities in this country (and) in this city have an issue with. OK- we can see that and we know that and we support the rights of those who are discriminated against, those who have been segregated (and) those who have been the victims of racism but can't those people out there who use these terms see this is happening right here?! If they want to stand up for their rights, they can stand up right here. This is the place where it begins; but, once again, what do you do with people who don't have principle? They see a little coming their way from the Saudis or the others in the Arabian Peninsula and they go just like the Al Ikhwan went with money and look where they are today! Those who cry foul (on) the issues of racism and segregation and discrimination- isn't this a form of segregation and discrimination that is going on here? Where are these people who say "they are against discrimination and segregation and racism?" To make the point even more these people here who are in control of this Islamic Center who do they put? Who's the spokesperson of this Islamic Center? Look at his features, look at his face, his color- how does he look? Isn't the Shaytaani hand of discrimination and segregation and racism behind this? And these people who have lived four centuries of segregation and discrimination and racism can't see what is happening here?! This is what happens when Islam is secondary and racism is primary.
Then we go beyond this to another issue. That issue has to do with the separation of church and state. Now we step outside of the Muslim numbers here in this larger Washington DC area and we look at the government, the policies, the laws, the legal system and all of this. They say "they separate church from state" and they call it secularism and they take pride in that and you know the rest of it. Here in this Islamic Center in Washington DC in the land that says per its constitution "that religious affairs have their own sphere and political and government and legal have their own sphere." Two separate spheres. Well, (for those who think that that is the case), why then do they have Saudi diplomats who are in charge of the Islamic equivalent of a church i.e. a Masjid? If there is separation of church and state in this land, in this country (and) in this city then why are diplomats running this place? So the occupation and the confiscation of this Islamic Center by the Saudi Arabian government is in violation of the constitution of this country that separates religion from state! Why are those people out there- we're talking about non-Muslims, we Muslims don't believe in this- silent about this here in Washington DC, in the capital?! What's happened? The Islamic Center exposes what has happened here for 32 lunar years- it exposes those types out there. The bill of rights, (they tell us), guarantees you freedom of religion, you have freedom of assembly, you have freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc. OK- why don't we have that freedom? For 33 lunar years (or) 32 solar years they've been proving to us and to anyone else out there who is willing to think- you see, we have Muslims and we have non-Muslims who close their minds. They don't want to think! For people who don't want to think these issues never cross their mind but at least we want to include ourselves in the category of people who think and if that is the case they've demonstrated to us for more than a generation now (or) for a third of a century that "no! This doesn't apply to the Muslims." These are some of the lessons that we hope (show) the violation of these ayaat in the Qur'an that were expressed at the beginning of this khutbah.
The violation of the brotherhood of Muslims has been going on. There are Muslims in this area. What happened? There were Muslims who were here with us and where are they now? Of course, for those who went back to their homelands thousands of miles away- that's understandable; but for those who are still in this area but not in this Jum'ah at this time every week what happened to them? We can still recall some of them who used to come here and pray. They used to say "the CIA and Mossad and the Saudis are working together" only to find out years later that some of them now are cozying up with the Saudis. What's the next step after that? The CIA? And then the step after that? Mossad? Where are you going? We are not sleeping. We are not absent minded. We watch and we can evaluate with Allah's help and with guidance and we're not going to forget this. They want to bury this whole issue with the factor of time. We're not going to bury it. We will remember it until we go under and we will meet Allah on a day when all of the facts will surface and we will know those who have been true to Allah and His Prophet from those who were playing politics with Allah and His Prophet.
Dear committed Muslims…
This Saudi regime who is the facilitator of everything that you just heard of in this first khutbah draws on the injustice and the dictatorship of the past 13 centuries of misrule in the Islamic context. In their books- you've heard of An Nisa'i, one of those who have collected the hadiths of the Prophet. He has a book called As Sunan. He was beaten to death. We're mentioning this because the Saudis belong to those who were doing the beating to death at that time. Why was he beaten to death?- you may ask. Because he refused to authenticate a hadith referring to the virtues of king Muawiyah. Is that punishable by death? Well, according to these people who rule now in Arabia and who rule then in Arabia "yeah, you can kill him because he did not agree to a hadith that speaks about the virtues of Muawiyah." There's another compiler of hadiths- his name is Al Hakim and his book in hadith is called Al Mustadrak. He was also beaten because the fanatics at that time- the same fanatics who are ruling today- wanted him to put in his book of hadiths a hadith that elevates Muawiyah to the position of having the virtues that they want. So you kill a person like that?! What shari'ah, what legal system, what Qur'an and hadith give them the power or the authority to do what they are doing? We're going to name a few names here- Abd Ar Rahman Al Hassaan Al Bakri, who was a supporter of Hujr ibn Adi (radi Allahu anhu), was buried alive by an order of Muawiyah and then people were silent about this. The silence continues until our very day. We're not talking about one or two individuals, we're talking about others. There are others who refused to bad mouth the fourth Khalifah, (viz.) Khubaysa ibn Dhabi'ah Al Absi, Shurayq ibn Shaddaad Al Hadhrami, Kudaam ibn Hayyam Al Anzi, Muh'riz ibn Yahya At Tamimi- they were all killed by an order from the first king to rule in the Islamic domain because they refused to use bad words when referring to Imam Ali (radi Allahu anhu). Another very humble and poor person by the name of Hatit Az Zayyaad was killed by Al Hajjaj. Why was he killed? For one simple reason, because he had an affinity and he had affection to Ali. You kill a person for that? These are the same people today who are killing innocent individuals. The Imam in the Haram, (today they gave a khutbah in the Haram in Makkah there), was speaking about "how some Muslims are quick to accuse and condemn other Muslims using the word takfir"; in other words he's referring to this ISIS thing in Iraq and Syria and saying "they're wrong because they are quick to say that other Muslims are Kafirs." Why? Are they supposed to be slower? They should be as slow as he is? Aren't these people who are quick in identifying other Muslims as Kafirs the ones who went to their schools, to their universities, taught by their Ma'sha'ikh and their Ulema'? Isn't that the case? Then this Imam in the Haram in Makkah goes on to say the Prophet of Allah said
افترقت اليهود على إحدى وسبعين فرقة، وافترقت النصارى على اثنتين وسبعين فرقة، وستفترق هذه الأمة على ثلاث وسبعين فرقة كلها في النار إلا واحدة،
جاء في كتاب أبو داود والترمذي وابن ماجه
Yahud were divided into 71 sects, the Christians were divided into 72 sects and- he said, by Allah the Prophet said- his Ummah, (i.e.) the Prophet's Ummah is going to be divided into 73 sects. All of them are doomed except for one. Now isn't this the basis of the takfir that he was just condemning a few sentences earlier? By the way, that hadith is not an authentic hadith but nevertheless they quote it and they use it along with so many other hadiths to justify the slaughtering, the butchering, the killing and the genocidal tendencies right now. The foreign minister of that Saudi regime is expressing his disaffection (and) his frustration to his American counterpart. He's saying "Iran right now has taken over Iraq." Where was this person in all of these years? Was he sleeping somewhere? Or did his ailment impair him to such a degree that right now he is discovering that Iraq is becoming an extension of Iran? Then, what's wrong with that? If Iraq is going to become an extension of Iran and Syria is going to become an extension of both of them and Lebanon is going to become an extension of the previous ones and then Palestine is going to be liberated why is he so upset? Why would anyone be upset, unless of course his a war criminal and a thief who has stolen the holy land and they're occupying Makkah and Al Madinah along with their counterparts who are occupying Al Quds along with all of the scheme that is occupying all of the Islamic Centers in all of the rest of the world? Now look at yourself- for 32 solar years (or) for 33 lunar years you have the Muslims praying in the street on Massachusetts Avenue- yeah that's you! The same ones who are killing innocent human beings today are the same ones who began your aggression and your occupation against innocent Muslims in Washington DC. You're always on the side of the enemies of Allah and the enemies of His Prophet.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 6 March 2015 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family and other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center currently under seige.
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