THE STREET MMBAR JUM'AH KHUTBAH (21 March 2014) PLEASE e-mail Suggestions & Criticisms to It is in such a manner that We make plain Our signs so that the course of the Criminals may become clear. |
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.
Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), his Noble Companions and Family.
Committed Muslims, brothers and sisters …
This week, within the solar calendar, we begin the thirty second year of a forced, involuntary salat ul jum'ah in the street. These years are an indictment of those who are hypocrites and those who are enemies and those who are not true to their word and their covenant with Allah. For all of these types of people there have been over thirty one years of our presence here in the street at this time every week. One of the areas that people are cautious or afraid to go into is "why is this?" We are asked this question many times, "why is this?" If Muslims are brothers of one another and if committed Muslims are a fraternity as the ayah says
… but indeed committed Muslims are brethren of each other… (Surah Al Hujurat verse 10)
It's an ayah- it's clear. Its meaning is not foggy and not murky. Then is this an expression of brotherhood? You see some Muslims who go inside the Masjid and you see some Muslim who are banned and forbidden from going inside the Masjid by force- it's not something that is agreed upon and the people just don't want to get to the bottom of the issue. Because we are living in this movement from one year to the next, (we're moving from the thirty first year to the thirty second year), we want to state the facts as they are because many times we don't have the opportunity to say these things (and) to clarify them as they are in the course of the year. So we will now spell it out as much as we can in the short time that we have why this is the case.
We are forced to pray here in the street because frankly speaking and honestly speaking because the people who are inside the Masjid have the money and the power and we don't have money and power but we have iman and principle and we are outside in the street. We've been like this for all of these years. Now we want to look at these who have this money and power and we want to look at them through the ayaat of the Qur'an and see how this issue of having money and power disturbs what is supposed to be normal relationships. What's all of this thing about money? The Saudis are not Bangladeshis. The Saudis are not Somalis. They are not people who are poor. When we say Saudis we mean the Saudi ruling tribe. These people have enormous resources and wealth. They have it in contradiction to Allah words. OK- what are Allah's words? Listen closely to how our relationship is with money and wealth and possessions and measure the Saudis to what Allah is saying. We'll take the first ayah from Surah An Nur.
Give or spend of Allah's money which He has given unto you… (Surah An Nur verse 33)
This is an order from Allah. The verb is give or spend. So this ayah is telling us this money and the power that comes along with it doesn't belong to anyone who has it. It belongs to Allah.
Give or spend of Allah's money… (Surah An Nur verse 33)
When we take an ayah like this we indict this Saudi tribal ruling family for being in violation of this ayah. Someone is going to ask "but the Saudis generously give out humanitarian aid, they give out gifts, they give contributions." The fact of the matter is they do give money but they give pennies relative to what they have. If this kingdom has trillions of dollars in assets and in investments and in accounts etc., and then they come to an Islamic person or an Islamic entity and then they say "here- this is $10,000" or "this is $100,000" or in the most generous "this is $1,000,000" what is that compared to what they are giving the Zionists and the Imperialists and the hegemonic powers in the world? Where's "their" money? Let's think! These ayaat are meant for us to think. Where do they have this money? Do they have this money in their own banks? No! Do they have it in "Islamic" banks? No! There's something in the world called "Islamic" banks. These are a bunch of shenanigans. If you don't have an Islamic economy you can't have an Islamic bank! Truth be said- there is no Islamic economy so how can you have an Islamic bank?! You can fool the naïve but you can't fool those who are grounded in the Qur'an and the Prophet. Don't fool us with these names! So they don't even have it in these so called shells. They set up these shells- they did it themselves- but they don't even have "their" money in these shells that they set up for naïve Muslims. "Oh- you have some money, there's an Islamic bank or an Islamic loaning organisation of sorts" or this type of "Islamic" thing or the other. "Put your money there or get a loan from there" is what they tell us; how about them who are on the top who have all of these resources in the billion everyday? Where do they put "their" money? Do they put it there? They're supposed to be Islamic, right? Well, why don't they put "their" money in these so-called "Islamic" institutions, the non usury banks? Why don't they put "their" money in there? They are indicted by this ayah! They are condemned by this ayah and many other ayahs.
Another ayah in Surah Al Hadeed
Commit yourselves in faith and in deed in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that which He has caused you to become mustakhlafin… (Surah Al Hadeed verse 7)
OK- what is this ayah saying? The mustakhlafin carries these shades of meanings. Mustakhlaf means that which He has caused you to inherit. That's one portion of the meaning- meaning that what you have is not actually yours, it came from some other source. Of course, the ultimate source is Allah and that's how Muslims should think. The other meaning of mustakhlaf is you're like a deputy. Allah's in-charge and you are doing His will in this amount of wealth or possession that you have. Another shade of the meaning of mustakhlaf is in which you represent Allah's will. So Allah has put you as a Khalifah in matters of money because in fact we are supposed to be representing Allah's will on earth in many areas but with the word spend the particular meaning of istikhlaaf has to do with money and resources.
… those of you who commit to Allah and then spend … (Surah Al Hadeed verse 7)
Today's mind, as wobbly as it is, thinks that iman is going to be followed by salah or is going to be followed by some ritual. No! Iman is followed by spending.
… they are the ones who can anticipate a handsome reward (or) a monumental compensation. (Surah Al Hadeed verse 7)
We take this ayah and we put it over the context of these Saudi rulers who because of the wealth that they claim they have are forcing us out into the street. Are they doing this iman and infaq? If there's any infaq that they are doing it's on these military complexes in the world that are killing us! Does anyone make the effort to trail their bank accounts? Where's all this money? Can anyone tell us? The fact that this matter is withdrawn from our public attention then that fact alone tells you that they are crooks and they are criminals because if they weren't they would be transparent as Muslims are supposed to be but they're not transparent. They're hiding things. When people hide things it means they are doing something wrong but they are doing in a magnitude unsurpassed.
In Surah Al Mu'mimun
Do they think (or) do they calculate that with all of what we have provided them and supplied them with resources and wealth and with manpower that We are causing them to expedite their movement towards prosperity? No, that's not the case- what they have is not a quick movement towards prosperity and towards plentyfulness. (Surah Al Mu'minun verse 65-66)
In time, nations live for centuries individuals live for decades. We hope Allah will reward us and honour us with seeing the demise and the destruction of this Saudi evil in our midst but per this ayah they can't feel what is happening to them. They have so much money they can't feel it; in other words they are digging their own graves with their own intentions and with their own deeds.
Then there is two or three ayaat in Surah Al Mudd'dath'thir- and we wish these Saudis had a mind and a heart that can listen to these ayaat
Leave Me alone... (Surah Al Mudd'dath'thir verse 11)
(Take a) look at this imagery (and) put this in your mind. Allah is saying on that day of accountability- (remember), Allah is All Powerful, Allah is Allah is All Knowing, Allah is Ever-present, etc. Allah is in the infinite superlatives. There's no way we can describe the infinity of Allah bur here He is trying to make us understand because we ourselves are not infinite. He's trying to make us understand a very important thing and that is when He personally is going to take on these types of billionaires and trillionaires how does He say it?
Leave me alone... (Surah Al Mudd'dath'thir verse 11)
Who is there to interfere with Allah? But He, as a form of speech, to communicate to us the seriousness and the wrath that is involved in this issue Allah says
Leave me alone with the one that I created as a singular. (Surah Al Mudd'dath'thir verse 11)
When this king (or) when this billionaire (or) when this Emir (or) when this tycoon (who) had all of this money and resources in this world now it's time for reckoning. "What did you do? What were you doing?" In this particular instance Allah is personally taking charge of accountability towards these types.
I provided him with unending money and resources, extended amounts of wealth and possessions. Also, there were posterity to him who can bear witness against him. And then he has the gall (and) he has the chutzpah to want more (or) for Me to increase what he has. (Surah Al Mudd'dath'thir verse 12-14)
This tells us this is the state of mind these people leave this world in. They're making billions and they want to make more- that's how they live and that's why Allah wants to make this a personal affair with them.
Absolutely not! He was stubborn when it came to our ayaat. (Surah Al Mudd'dath'thir verse 15)
That's how they are they were stubborn when Allah's speaking to them with manifestations of His power and authority. You who are out there in the world who are asking "why are asking why we praying out here in the streets?" Well, this is why we are praying; because of this psychology that exist with these types of people. They don't permit Muslims to enter the House of Allah or go to the Haram of Allah.
Some people have a hard time understanding and there's been political theories and there's been social and economic ideologies about this whole matter. What is our- you and me and every other human being even though they have all this wealth- relationship with money? How do we interact and behave when we have resources and money? There are capitalists who speak about this. There are socialists who speak about this and there's everything beyond that and in-between that. Let us tell you something that will simplify this whole matter (i.e.) how is a Muslim to consider and evaluate and behave when he or she has money. What does Allah say about this whole affair? We just said (and) we quoted some ayaat; there is many other ayaat in the Qur'an. The number of ayaat that have maal (i.e.) money, wealth and possessions in it is about fifty four ayaat. (In) forty seven of them when maal is mentioned it is mentioned as belonging to society, to people (and) to multiple individuals. It's only mentioned seven times in reference to one individual. Even if you don't understand the total meanings of what is in the details of these ayaat and other ayaat just comparing this little insignificant piece of information should tell us that Allah is trying to send us a message here. What is this message in a few words? We think on this manner we're going to quote three sources besides Allah and His Prophet. The Prophet of Allah says (about) this person who is this greedy and wants that much and who will never relinquish of what he has in any significant way- they'll give to feel good. Everyone has a conscience. They want to feel good so if they have all this money they want to give a little of it to feel good. (It's) that feel good effect. That doesn't count! This is not about a feel good effect, this is about a right.
… and in their possessions and wealth there is a specified right… (Surah Adh Dhariyaat verse 19)
For whom?
… for a person who is asking out of need and for a person who is deprived. (Surah Adh Dhariyaat verse 19)
How many people in this world are deprived? How many people in this world are in need? So when you give you give because you want to satisfy something inside of you that is telling you "hey look you better give a few dollars to satisfy your conscience"?! No, that's not giving the way Allah teaches us to give. So the Prophet says about these people the abdomen of the son of Adam when he dies is only going to be filled with dirt and Allah is forgiving for those who ask for forgiveness. Do people think like that? These people are expired (but) how long is this king and the princes around him going to live? They're on their way out but they don't behave like they're on their way out. They are so anxious to hold on to what belongs to Allah and doesn't belong to them to begin with. Al Imam Ali (alayhi as salam) says you are Allah's subjects and ibad and the money belongs to Allah. You see, you belong to Allah and the money belongs to Allah- both of us (i.e.) these two things in life belong to Allah. He will apportion this money among you in equal proportions. No one is more privileged to have it than anyone else. Then why do we have in this world people who have a lot and people who don't have anything? Umar ibn Abdal Aziz (radi Allahu anhu) who's considered by some to be the fifth Khalifah put it this way (while) speaking about the resources and the income and the treasury of the Ummah (or) the Muslims at that time. He said (what) is an echo of what Ali said, its equivalent to a flowing river and everyone has access to drink from it equally. Is this the way, they treat money, especially these ones who are occupying our Masajid? (Its) the same thing they do here- they offer a meal after Jum'ah prayers to satisfy their conscience! Why don't they reverse this? Why don't they go and offer these meals that they are offering here to their Zionist masters and why don't they give the money that they have in the Zionist banks to us?! We don't want the meal! They can't do that. Ask yourself why can't they do it? Imam Al Ghazzali is describing how the Sufis attitude is towards money and wealth (and we think this is probably the best way to put it), those who are Sufis consider money just like water and you don't drink more than what you need of water. (If) you're thirsty you go to a source of water and you drink whatever your body demands and then you leave. It goes on a little more but to summarise it- that should be our relationship to money. (Its) just like water- you take from it what your life needs and the rest goes (and) it keeps on flowing in society. That's the way it's supposed to be. This money has to flow in society just like rivers flow in the planet but this money doesn't flow. If we treated this issue just like that would you ever have banks that ever have water in them? Would you ever have at home a place where you are accumulating water like you are accumulating wealth? It would never be. This money would flow in society. Another ayah in the Qur'an says
… so that money does not become a cycle among the rich people from among you… (Surah Al Hashr verse 7)
Dullan means going around or in today's world recycled. But that's what's happening. That's exactly what's happening in today's world. Money is flowing only in the rich class and we, the rest of humanity, are in need. Out of seven billion plus, how many are in need (and) are deprived (and) are poor? How many? A good six billion! Those who are starving to death don't know if they're going to live to tomorrow or to next week are about one and a half billion to two billion people on earth! If our money was flowing in societies like rivers flow in geography we wouldn't have this problem; but we, the Muslims, who are supposed to exemplify this healthy attitude don't have it ourselves! So this is an indictment of these people who don't belong to an Ummah. They belong to their masters and their class of riches and wealth and because of that they come down on people who are people of commitment and people of principle and say "ok- stay out of the Masjid." Look- you have many individuals who come by and go by and have been doing so- whether they are Muslims or whether they are non-Muslims- in the streets or on the sidewalk and they think nothing is happening! We place all of this affair in the watchful eye of Allah and in His own reckoning and we leave it there.
Dear Muslims who are brave enough to be with Allah in your minds and in your hearts…
This is what some Muslims cannot tolerate (i.e.) when you begin to dot the I's and cross the T's- here's where some Muslims get a little nervous. Why? What's wrong? In the Qur'an Allah mentions Qarun by name.
Qarun went out into the dunyah- not with the ambition of Musa, but with the greed of Phiraun- and Allah gave him the fortunes and treasures of which just the keys to have access to them will bear down heavily on any mode of transportation. His people told him- understanding the events within context- "don't be happy, Allah does not like those who are happy within these types of times or within your types of terms and condition or within what you are doing." Seek with that which Allah has given you- all this wealth and resources- the final abode or the end-life and don't forget your share or portion of the world, and be generous the way Allah was generous to you or give to the degree of perfection or be as generous to others as Allah was generous to you and don't seek policies of destruction on Earth because Allah does not like those who cause destruction on Earth. (Surah Al Qasass verse 76-77)
In the Qur'an Allah mentions Abu Lahab.
Perish the hands of the father of flame, perish he; He will not profit from all his wealth and all his gains; Soon will he be burnt in a fire of blazing flame; his wife shall carry the crackling wood as fuel; a twisted rope of palm leaf fibre will be around her own neck (Surah Lahab)
In the Qur'an Allah mentions the Pharoah.
This Pharaoh figure had an elevated status in the world and then, he rendered the occupants of earth divided segments of people; then, this Pharoah takes a look at human society and finds that there are elements that are weak then he takes advantage of them, he oppresses them, he steals their resources; this is the nature of human corruption, chaos, mischief and trouble making. (Surah Al Qasass verse 4)
If we, in our time, want to take a look at our Phirauns, at our Qaruns, at our Abu Lahabs then Muslims become nervous! Why are you nervous? Allah has supplied you with enough information that should make you confident, not nervous! If we take a look at these crooks and the criminals who are in the Arabian Peninsula… (Take a) look- just yesterday or today this regime in Arabia, the Saudi regime, it issued a decree, (in their monarchical language). What's the decree? "They consider Al Ikhwan Al Muslimin to be terrorists." What a change from twenty and thirty years ago when these same people and this same regime brought Al Ikhwan Al Muslimin into this Masjid. We were still praying in the street but they were giving khutbahs inside the Masjid. Now these same people are terrorists! This syndicate of criminals in the Arabian Peninsula- we say this with full knowledge and grounding in the Qur'an and the Sunnah- is beginning to fall apart. In the past couple of days the Saudi regime- the same one who is the political playboy of Zionists and Imperialists- along with the one in the Emarat and the one in Bahrain is ganging up on another one that belongs to their so called Gulf Cooperation Council so they withdraw their Ambassadors. "Any member belonging to Al Ikhwan Al Muslimin or any other Islamic Organisation," by this official Saudi royal degree, "is considered a terrorist and is subject now to imprisonment." They say in this decree "even if you speak or write in support of them you will be considered one of them and therefore a terrorist." Some of these people are around here, they're in this city and they're all over the place from Islamic Parties (and) because they get the crumbs from the Saudis at the end of the month and at the end of the year they don't have a conscience to speak their mind! Where do they speak their mind? Behind closed doors among themselves! They can't speak truth to power! To take it even further, this Saudi kingdom of evil is thinking about placing Egypt in the Gulf Cooperation Council after what the Egyptian government is doing. It's showing that it is in tune with its counterpart across the Red Sea. What did the Egyptian Government do in the past week or two? It right now is officiating the topic that is to be discussed in the khutbahs on Friday in Egypt. They say "there is a hundred and thirty thousand Masjids in Egypt and the Government is in direct control of a hundred and twenty thousand of them. And in the last week they gave their scholars (for dollars) on the mimbars instruction to speak about the environment, about pollution and about this subject. And then ten thousand Masajid that are in Egypt that are not under direct control now the government is after them to put them under their direct control." Then, in the middle of this you would think wait a minute here- do the Muslims have enough spiritual and mental and moral backbone in them to speak to these issues?! These should be the topic of the Jum'ahs in light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah in all of the Masajid everywhere; but you go- you're free to enter this Masjid and other Masajid- and see what they are saying there. Listen with your God-given mind that is cultured by the Qur'an and the Prophet and you will know what side these people are on.
This khutbah was presented by Imam Muhammad Asi on the occasion of Jum'ah on 7 March 2014 on the sidewalk of Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The Imam previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irritated and threatened the Middle-East Ambassadors who control the Masjid. Finally, the Imam, his family, and /other Muslims faithful to the course of Islam were forced out, into the streets. This khutbah originates from the sidewalk across the street from the Islamic Center, currently under seige.